xt76dj58f25m https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt76dj58f25m/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky. Libraries 19880108 The title, The Green Bean, was not used until December 14, 1973. During 1992-1993 some issues were sent via email with the title: Green Screen. Unnumbered supplement with title, Wax Bean, accompanies some issues. journals English University of Kentucky. Libraries Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Green Bean The Green Bean, January 8, 1988, no. 518 text The Green Bean, January 8, 1988, no. 518 1988 2014 true xt76dj58f25m section xt76dj58f25m Number 518 January 8, 1988 C A L E N D A R January 8 Wilkie Collins, 1824-1889, English novelist. January 9 Carrie Chapman Catt, 1859-1947, American women's rights leader. January 10 Robinson Jeffers, 1887-1962, American poet and playwright. January 12 Jack London, 1876-1916, American author. January 14 Albert Schweitzer, 1875-1965, Alsatian philosopher, musician, physician, and winner of the 1952 Nobel Peace Prize. January 15 Martin Luther King, Jr., 1929-1968, Black ~ American civil rights leader, minister, and winner of the 1968 Nobel Peace Prize. Gallery Series: Citizen Diplomacy with the Soviet Union: Transforming Enemies into ~ Friends": Lecture: Dr. Lance Brunner, Depart- · v' ment of Music. January 18 Peter Mark Roget, 1779-1869, English ` physician, author of Roget's Thesaurus. 5 - January 19 Edgar Allan Poe, 1809-1849, American poet and __ short story writer. January 21 John Cabell Breckinridge, 1821-1875, 14th A Vice—President of the United States. January 22 George Gordon Byron, 1788-1824, English poet. Next Green Bean: Friday, January 22, 1988. Deadline: Friday, January 15, 1988. Production Staff: Editor/typist: Bonnie Jean Cox; Typist/proofreader: Carol Ranta; Printer: Cecil Madison. 1 _ , 1 In; Newsletter ef the Umversnty of Kentucky Lnbrarnes FROM THE E ITOR’S DESK tain information critical to my l research. I am generally Welcome _ ‘back from the pleased with the assistance I holidays. The QB will resume receive from the library staff, a normal schedule with this but I want you to know that I issue. particularly appreciate the ex- tra effort put forth by Ms. LIBRARY ORIENTATION TOURS Karam. The library is again offer- Sincerely, ing orientation tours for new students at the beginning of L. Randolph McGee, the spring semester. We are Professor, seeking volunteers to conduct Dept. of Economics the tours, which will be held . on January 19, 20, and 21 at 10:00 a.m., noon, and 2:00 p.m. ****** The tours generally last be- tween 45 minutes and one hour. If you are willing to conduct Joyce McKinley, immediate past one or more of these tours, president of the Library Staff please contact Rob Aken in Organization, received the fol- Reference at 7-8397 for more lowing note: details and an updated tour outline. (Submitted by Rob Aken.) I enjoyed the lovely Christmas luncheon at the ‘ Alumni House. NEW STAFF .... WELCOME ABOARD It was good to see you at the Karen Cline ........ Acquisitions other staff members and retirees. BON VOYAGE AND GOOD LUCK! Thank you for inviting me. Jean Robinson...Technical Serv- ices, retired. --Frances Kelley Kim Stinnett .... Acquisitions V 9:***** ABOVE AND BEYOND Bonnie Cox of Collection Development received the fol- Mr. Willis recently received lowing letter: the following letter: Dear Bonnie: Dear Dr. Willis: The purpose of this letter Thank you so much for the is to commend Ms. Elizabeth wonderful talk about the 1988 ` Karam of the Business Library. Women Writers Conference. _ Over the past six months Ms. I really enjoyed hearing Karam has gone beyond the, nor- about the beginnings and r- mal call of duty to help me ob- pose of the Conference and I I . 2 ' was able to use your informa- employees who need basic skills tion in an article for the and literacy training. Called Academic Support Services "Operation Read at UK", the newsletter. Thanks for making program matches low-level and my jobs so much easier! .... nonreaders with faculty, staff, and students who wish to serve Annaliese Bratcher as volunteer reading tutors. , The volunteer tutors must receive 15 hours of training PHOTO EXHIBIT before beginning work` with OPENING IN their assigned student SPECIAL COLLECTIONS employee. Although there are presently no further on-campus training All library staff are in- sessions scheduled (sessions vited to the opening of a were held January 5, 6, and 7), photograph exhibit and program it is sometimes possible to that documents life in two work out other training for eastern Kentucky coal company potential volunteers. towns on Sunday, January 24, at Those interested in learning 2:00 in the Peal Gallery, King more about becoming a trained Library North. volunteer tutor should call 7- Selected photographs from 6331. the "Harlan County Coal Camps, Lynch and Benham, Kentucky: ARTS AND SCIENCES_FORUM Cultural Transition from Rural to Urban Communities, 1912- The second in the 1987-88 1948" will open in the Depart- series of Arts and Sciences ment of Special Collections Forum lectures will be held on 4 with a special video presenta- Wednesday, February 3, at noon tion and discussion led by Ann in the Peal Gallery, King Shertz, Executive Assistant of Library North. the Harlan County Coal Camps Percival Everett, Associate Project. Professor of English, will The large collection of over present a talk entitled "Novel 4,000 photographs is housed at and Novelist: the Problem of Southeast Community College, Distance". and additional photographs from the collection will be on dis- ENGLISH LIBRARIES_A§Q play at the Appalachian Center LIBRARIANSHIP: TOQR§_A§Q and the Northside Branch of the SEMINARS Lexington Public Library. The collection will be on The University of Oklahena display at all three sites and the Bodleian Library at Ox- through February 28. ford University will be again co-sponsoring a two-week series OPERATION READ AT UK of tours and seminars at Oxford University May 22 - June 4, Through the Human Resource 1988. Development department of the Participants will examine Lexington Campus, the Univer- such concerns as the eve ` sity provides tutoring the increasing role of libraries in 3 public service efforts, the MARYLAND place of ligrarigs as a ; resource for cono ic poten- Information and Referral Serv- tial, and the central founda- ices Specialist. Enoch Pratt ~ tion of libraries as a com- Free Library, Baltimore. ponent of social life and cul- Salary: $24,126-28,811. tural enrichment. Deadline: January 22, 1988. The fee, which includes all field trips and tuition, is MICHIGAN ; $750. Travel arrangements must be made separately. Associate Dean of Libraries. Three hours graduate credit Wayne State University. is available for the seminar Salary: None specified. through the University of Ok- Deadline: Open February 1, lahoma. 1988 until position filled. A brochure detailing further information on the program is Biology Librarian. University available in the Green Bean of- of Michigan. Salary: $23,000 fice. minimum. Deadline: January 30, 1988. ` · PROFESSIONAL OPPORTUNITIES NEW JERSEY ALABAMA Assistant Order Librarian. Princeton University. Salary: Interlibrary Loan Librarian. $20,500 minimum. Deadline: University of Alabama. Salary: February 12, 1988. ' $20,000 minimum. Deadline: }‘ May 2, 1988. OKLAHOMA Q CALIFORNIA Head, Serials Department. ’ · University of Oklahoma. Authorities Editing Salary: $28,111. Deadline: Assistant/Original Cataloger. March 15, 1988. University of California at Berkeley. Salary: $24,012- OREGON 30,720. Deadline: February 1, 1988. Head, Catalog Department. University of Oregon. Salary: INDIANA $30,000-35,000. Deadline: February 15, 1988. . Science Information and Re- search Coordinator (Chemistry, Systems Librarian. University Physics & Mathematics). of Oregon. Salary: $22,000- University of Notre Dame. 25,000. Deadline: February Salary: $23,000 minimum. 15, 1988. Deadline: February 1, 1988. SOUTH CAROLINA Assistant Professor, Organiza- . tional Communication. C ;mson ` University. Salary: none 4 specified. Deadline: March 1, Q Q = 1988. j · { TEXAS _ — ` Head, Circulation Division. Q Texas A & M University. = · Salary: $32,000 minimum. A i Deadline: January 15, 1988. ; I VIRGINIA A ’ Monographic Cataloger. Univer- ~M -fJ il sity of Virginia. Salary: , ; r § ‘ $19,000 minimum. Deadline: · `1 _ 2 February 6, 1988. ‘ ..‘ WASHINGTON - -~ H _; Head, Library User Education ‘ n Program. Washington State .. , University. Salary: $20,000- g 30,000. Deadline: March 15, ‘ 1988. . { [ UPCOMING SOLINET WORKSHOPS ’ I Listed below are the topics, dates and locations for the Solinet winter workshop schedule. Complete information, including the cost of _ ' each workshop for members and non-members is available in the Green Bean office. ‘ WORKSHOPS DATES LOCATIONS Admin. Use of Micros Feb. 8th Miami, FL Feb. 16th SOLINET March 22nd Jacksonville, FL _ March 24th Savannah, GA' Advanced DBASE III March 1st SOLINET Advanced PC/MS DOS Jan. 20th ‘ SOLINET I Feb. 23rd SOLINET Books Format Jan. 21st Memphis, TN Jan. 26th SOLINET ° Book Repair Jan 28 & 29th Atlanta, GA Communications with Feb.17th SMJNET Microcomputers March 25th Savannah, GA ILL March 2nd Charleston, SC ` , March 15th Lake Charles, LA March 22nd St.Petersburg, FL . Intro. to Electronic Feb. 29th SOLINET I Filing Systems Intro. to LANS March 7th SOLINET p Intro. to LOTUS Jan. 21st A SOLINET A March 31st Mobile, AL Intro. to PC/MS DOS Jan. 19th SOLINET Feb. 22nd SOLINET March 30th Mobile, AL ·· M 3 X X /ME/ Te rmi n al Feb. 19th Research Triangle Park, Software NC March Ist Charleston, SC r OCLC Basics Jan. 25th SOLINET OCLC Communications & Feb. 4th SOLINET Access Planning March 10th SOLINET OCLC LINK/Reference Feb. Sth SOLINET March 28th SOLINET A 6 \