xt76dj58gt6v https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt76dj58gt6v/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1992-12-11 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, December 11, 1992 text The Kentucky Kernel, December 11, 1992 1992 1992-12-11 2020 true xt76dj58gt6v section xt76dj58gt6v r .
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'ixov ' No. 73

- Established 1894


niverstty of Kentucky. Lexington. Kentucky

' independent since 1971

Friday. December 11. 1992


Provost position to be pro


By Brian Bennett
Senior Staff Writer
and Gregory A. Hall
Editor in Chief

A change in IVK's administrative
structure that would make a provost
the chief academic officer will be
proposed to President Charles
Wcthiiigton. two members of a UK
realignment and restructuring com-
mittee said yesterday.

"We are going to basically pro-
pose and recommend a provost who
would have control over the whole
Lexington Campus and (Albert [3.
Chandler) Medical Center." said
chemical engineering professor Asit
Ray. a member of Chancellor for
the Lexington Campus Robert Ile-
menway's restmcturing task force.


“Many people are concerned that

fund drive

By Dale Greer
Executive Editor



I'K's Ilabitat for Humanity chap-
ter announced a tnnd~raisittg carti—
paign yesterday designed to raise
5.11.000 iii little more th:ut a year.

(‘hapter president Dennis Dever
said the money will be Used to con-
struct a Iow»cost home that will be
sold to a poor faintly at no profit.

The house will be built iii the
spritig of 1994 by volunteers and
members of the student organiza-

To begin fund-raising efforts. the
organization yesterday mailed more
than 9,500 solicitations to full-time
employees on the Lexington Cam-
pus. at Lexington Community Col—
lege and at UK Ilospital. I)ever

“We are going to every corner of
the Lexington ('ainpus to gather
support for us to build this house."
he said.

“It's hard for a campus organiza-
tion to raise 533.000, and it's a
great deal harder now because of
tliK) budget cuts“ and the stagnant

Still. l)ever said. the money czm
be raised. The chapter is working
on getting grants from area busi-
nesses. and an annual pledge drive
usually raises about $5.000.

Ile also said the chapter is plan-
tiiiig some changes to improve its
visibility on czunpus zuid provide
for better organization. These in-
clude establishing a monthly news-
letter for members of the UK coin-
riiuiiity and setting specific agendas
each year.

“We're basically putting together
a plan where. perhaps. every other
year we can begin construction on a
new home." Dever said.

The 3-year-old IIK chapter com-
pleted its first home. on Ilawkins
Avenue. in November of I001 as
part of a IS-house project spon-
sored by Ilabitat for Humanity of
Lexington Inc.

The plan to build a second home
this soon is somewhat ambitious,
I)ever said. Most of the 308 Ilabitat
chapters on campuses nationwide
have built at least one home. birt
only a handful have even an-
nounced plans for a second.

The rewards of providing afford-
able housing for the working poor.
however. are wonh the struggle.
Devcr said.

“It‘s a lot of fun. and you can see
the benefits of your work." he said.
“The project (last year) really
brought some life into the neighbor-

Ralph Currie. director of Lexing-
ton‘s Ilabitat chapter. agreed. The
neighborhood around Hawkins Av-
enue used to be plagued with trash-
strcwn lots and run-down homes.

Now. “the entire area has really
sprung up" because of the Habitat
homes and road improvements by
the city. Currie said.

“It's really an interesting byprod-
uct of cleaning up a lot or two, or.
in our case. building new houses.
An individual actually built a house
on Hawkins this year. and. I mean.
nobody would build on Hawkins

See HABITAT, Page 2

there are too many vice presidents
and not enough are concented with
academics." said physics professor
Kunible Subbaswzuny. also a task
force member. "Right now we have
a chiuicellor system. into there‘s
a lot of duplication.

“What we hope is that with a sin-
gle academic structure that these
kinds of duplication and bzuriers to
communication across sectors will
go away." Subbaswiuny' said.

Both said the delzuls‘ of proposing
the position will be worked out at
the committee's meeting Monday.
Ilowever. the provost essentially
would be “single academic head."
Subbaswzuny said.

Committee chainnzui Merl Ilack-
hart said that creating a provost po-
sition is “one of the options" being

considered. but that it would be
“premature at this time" to coin
ment on it.

The proposals must be given to
Wethingtoii 'I‘uesday.

Wethington said yesterday that
he did not know whether a provost
system would be feasible. but he
said the question is more of “which
structure is the best."

He said he believes the current
dccciitraIi/ed administration sy stern
of vrce presidents and chancellors is

“The present structure is work—
ing." he said.

He declined to say what he would
prefer. saying he would wait to see
what the rationale of the various ic-
aIigniiient committees are

See PROVOST. Page 2

osed, say 2 on committee


University “likely’ to hire consultant
to review proposals, Wethingtori says


By Brian Bennett
Senior Staff Writer

\Villlt‘ \lllsit‘lll\ .llv' lt'\lllt}_’ .lllti
rclaxiiig oycr ('hiisiinas break.
top l'K adiniiiistiatois will be
busy making decisions .rbont I'ni-
\ci’sitywidc icaligniiit-rit and re-


Althoiigh sonic reorganr/atroti
could be approved. students
shouldn't expect any iiiaior
changes waiting tor them when


they return

"I don‘t think that there will be
”5 lhcscs [1.”ch lo the door oi the
.r\tilllllllsll.llltili Itnrldrng." said
Robert Ilcirtciiway. chancellor
for the I exiiigton ('ainpiis. “But I
do think it will be clear what di-
r'cctioii we're going to go "

I'Is' I'iesrdciit (‘Iiarlcs \\'ethiiig
tori has called lot a year of tea
Irgniiicnt and restructuring in re-
sponse to recent budget cuts I’K
Iias stiltcicd budget reductions to

titling \‘o ll'li!‘-'lr rtw prs' two

.. sl. r.l.rs that

.lII r \lcili.i|


\Vcthiii-itoii s.rr.i
it is Iikcly lit will hit
colistillitic firm to ands/t

\.iiir»rr- !. II‘r-. :..r; ‘ \rIIIlIIIII

[Ct's itrrii >211" iniiit'liyvryk
Ic\riif'iwi:t.rziryrv- l. I loite

“L'lt‘ ~.I lil‘ . i- - 'I .llv‘.i\ lIi
which if. I 'll .i iiiiti optr

i ii 8. R Pitt)“ .9











Campus-area parlor



offers thousands
of tattoo possibilities


By Melissa Rosenthal
Contributing Writer


Tired of the same ho«liiiiii holr
day gifts each year .' Why not ask
for something different like a

'I‘attoo ('Iiarlie‘s. a tattoo parlor
on the corner of Maxwell and
South I iiiiestoiie streets. boasts of
being the only professional tattoo
shop in I,e\'iiigtoii.

Tattoo artist (‘Iiarlotla Briiiisoii
said the parlor Itas more than

See TATTOO. Page 2




LEFT: Tattoo Charlie's general manager Charlotta Bronson. i
a 1986 UK graduate, tattoos an Eskimo design on a client‘s ‘
arm yesterday afternoon. TOP RIGHT: Jimmy Cummtngs. a
drummer in local band Nancy Druids. watches as Brunson
tattoos his arm. BOTTOM RIGHT: Brunson check her tattoo
gun for correct needle alignment.



Clinton selects Lloyd Bentsen for treasury secretary


By Nancy Benca
Associated Press


l.I'I'I‘l.I-L R( )(TK. Ark. — Presi-
dent-elect Clinton began building
his new administration yesterday by
selecting Texas Sen. Lloyd Bentsen
for treasury secretary and a cadre of
other experienced hands from Wall
Street and Congress for remaining
top economic jobs.

Announcing his first Cabinet se-
lections 37 days after his election.
Clinton said to “stay tuned" for
more major appointments. with his
health. housing and environmental

picks among those that could come
yet this week,

Propelled into office on a pledge
to restore the nation‘s economic vi-
tality. (‘Iiiitoii promised to “work
my heart out" with his new eco-
nomic learn. He announced live ap-
pointments in all. selecting faces fa—
miliar to the Washington scene and
reassuring to the business commu-

Besides Bentsen. who chairs the
Senate Finance Committee. they are

'Rep. Leon Parietta. chairmzui of
the House Budget Committee. who
will be director of Office of Man-

agement and Bridget.

~Robert Rubin. L‘(t~cilltil'lll:lll ol
(ioldinan. Sachs (v (‘o.. to be assist
ant to the president for economic
policy and coordinate a new Na-
tional I-conomic Council.

oRoger Altman. a Wall Street in»
vestmeiit banker. who will serve as
Bentsen‘s top deputy.

~Iiconoiiiist Alice Rivlin. former
director of the Congressional Bud-
get ()ffice. who will be I’anetta‘s

Taken together. the live nomi-
nees offer what (‘Iinton hopes will
be the right mix of economic phi-

Iosopliy and practical skill to fill III
the details ol his economic propo-
sals and get them enacted. Rivliii
and I’anetta. in particular. are
known as strong advocates for
cutting the federal deficit.

"'I hese people are seasoned.
skilled. incredibly able :uid ready to
work for the Aiiiericmi people."
(‘Iinton said of his first appointees.
who appeared with Iiiiit at a news
conference ”I Aikaiisas‘ Old State-

lie was qlicslioncd on other top
ics. as well. and said at one point

See CLINTON, Page 2

Deadline for Great Teacher nominations extended to Dec. 18


By Tyrone Beason
News Editor


The deadline for submitting nom-
inations for the UK Alumni Associ-
ation‘s Great Teacher Awards has
been extended to Dec. l8.

David King. president of ()mi-
cron Delta Kappa. a leadership so-
ciety that is compiling the nomina-

tions. said yesterday that sttideiit re-
sponse to the awards has been
strong this year.

“Extending the deadline to the
end of finals week. I think. will
give people more time." King said.

Since l96l. the Alumni Associa-
tion has recognizer! UK professors
for their teaching skills. concem for
students and academic community


Nominations Cull be made ac-
cording to three criteria: skilled and
effective classroom lectures; stipcrr—
or knowledge ol subject matter; and
excellence in addressing student iii-
terests outside of the classroom.

Nominees must be at least an as-
sistant professors and must have
been UK faculty members for the


past three years

Noiiiitiation toiiiis are available
near the trout entrance at Margaret
I. King I ibrary'. iii 2”" Student
(‘enter and in the Student (inverti-
ineiit Association office. 120 Sin-
dent Center.

lionns should be submitted to Da—
vrd King in 2m Student Center by
4:10 pm. Dec l8


UK basketball coach Rick Pitrno
says his squad might not be as
emotional as past UK teams
when the “Dwain Game" against

Loom c iriV-t s {rt/2‘} tomorrow
night ”in “ink

liK's i xtro'r'r'r-u'a ‘y/Ivfit‘ vLab

unveils t‘ e latent ' ‘vltiéiwtt

x," fetiis v. .r 3‘:' ‘9} '\ i‘ I :rv G
(icrrr‘rt’my t,.iir tit mutate

perpetrators of 'r gtnt vying
Violence. but repression shorrld
not be democracy‘s only tool
Guest Opinion, Page 10


Cloudy an 1 I'm-1., with homes
tm'ftiy ’iirt’i .r' :r.' '1 “

‘ this 7 night, low
"a tr 1 ‘v‘ -‘ v six my tomorrow

link.”- 1' ' ‘




with .r .. t' .t' 45


DiverSrrrvis .. 4

Sports .................. 8

Viewpomt . ............ to

Classifieds , ............................. 1 1
i ‘i


e‘v k

is l |
e w it ‘
. . ‘y \

:Plate sales
help to fund

IStafl reports



Novelty license plates are one
'way to show school spirit. but UK
license plates can accomplish the
same thing while also helping fund
academic scholarships.

More than 2.100 collegiate li-
cense plates have been purchased
since tlte state introduced them in
1988. Although they are available
with logos for each of Kentucky's
eight state universities. almost half
of the plates sold bear the likeness
of l'K's Memorial Ilall belltower.

2 - Kentucky Kernel. Friday. December 11. 1992



' Kentucky ‘






Sales of UK license plates, introduced four years ago. help

fund academic scholarships.

The plates are good for five
years. which means that new plates
will be lssllc‘tl Ill .liutuary. said John
l‘ragcr. assistant director of Kett-
tucky's division of motor vehicle li-



Staff reports

Air l‘orcc ROTC cadets will
have the opportunity to compete
for three pilot training scholar-
ships at UK next fall.

The scholarships will cover
the cost of a Federal Aviation
Administration private ground
school and IO hours of actual
flying instruction.

landing for the program will
be proiided by UK Alumtti.
many of whom received their
Air l-‘orce olficers‘ commissions
froin the 1K Rtt'lt‘ progrtun.
said (Tapt. Dave Ilysong. com-
mander of the UK detatchrnent.

“The generosity of our alumni
in providing this opportunity for



ROTC cadets to compete
for pilot-training awards

our cadets indicates the impor-
tzmce of that these successful
graduates place on their Air
Force ROTC experience." Hy-
song said.

"Since the mission of the Air
Force takes place in the air. we
wattt to provide the opportunity
to fly to as tllitlly members of the
corps as possible."

Students interested in applying
for the scholarships should con‘
tact llysong at 25751115.

To be eligible. an applicant
must have completed the Air
Force Officers Qualifying 'l'est.
be a junior in good standing by
fall 1993 and be enrolled in the
Air Force ROTC program.


















Dear Faithful Readers: With
the advent of winter. here are
some facts for you about hypother»
mia. Fact Cat

Ily'pothennia occurs when your
core body temperature drops after
overexposure to extreme cold.
Victims usually feel cold all over
the body. rather than in a localized
area as with frostbite. Intoxication
and exhaustion increase the risk of

Symptoms include shivering.
mental confusion. drowsiness.
numbness and muscle weakness.

If you suspect hypothemiia.
don't delay. (‘all ()I 1. Immediate
intervention is necessary to we
vent complications or death.

Dear Fact Cat: Why is there so

much talk about alcohol in con-
nection with sexually transmitted
diseases., Does alcohol make my
body more susceptible to getting
a S'l'l)?

Dear Wondering: Alcohol and
other drugs impair judgement.
One is more likely to take risks
when using alcohol or drugs —-
risks like unplanned or uninten-
tional sex and unsafe sexual prac-
tices. like lack of condom use. Al-
cohol and other drugs may impair
the immune system making sus-
ceptibility to some infections a
greater risk.

Quote of the Week: Always
do right. This will gratify some
people and astonish the rest. -
Mark Twain

Well. it's time for Fact Cat to
start studying for finals. Hope
ya'll survive the exams and the
shopping? Have a safe and restful
holiday See you in January.

Keep those cards arid letters co-

Send to Fact (‘at. PO. Box
1000. (‘AMPI IS 405 36-0284





me"!!! emu—plumes

._.__.-. ‘

Yllll’llE HEAllll ABllllT HIS llEATH




3 Convenient Locations:
933 South Limestone (On campus at the comer of Rose 8: S. Lime)
Patchen Village. Richmond Road (next to Max & Erma‘s)
Shopper‘s Village (Eastern By-Pass). Richmond. Kentucky


Plus The Entire "DOOMSDAY" Saga In One Collected Comic!

The Funeral Begins...Don‘t Miss Out!
Our Gift Certificates Are Perfect For The Holidays Too!


(Now tum; awlicatiom)

The cost of each plate is $30.
with $5 of that going into a scholar-
ship ttiiid So far. IIK supporters
have donated $5.370 through the li-

cense plate progrtun.


Continued from Page 1

25.000 designs to choose from.
ranging from scary. grotesque faces
to roses and hearts. Fraternity and
sorority letters also are available.
Selecting just the right design
may be easier than getting it put on.
A sharp buzzing noise comes
front behind a black curtain in the
front of the garish, brightly-colored
shop. The sound is similar to that
made by a dentist '5 drill ~ a device
frequently associated with pain. It
would not be unlikely for u prospec-
tive customer to decide hit jute by
quickly walking out the door,
Moments later, (1 college student
wncrgex from behind the curtittn.
She smiles and chats with her
friends while wit/king to it mirror to

view the new accessory. a brightly
colored swan on her right shoulder.

She turns to look and screams. "I
love it!”

Brunson then tells her how to
care for the tattoo: “No swunming.
bathing with your back in the water
or scrubbing roughly for two
weeks. "

She also tells the girl to apply a
special lotion three mm a day for
three weeks. Her tattoo will scab
over. but Brunson worm that pick-
ing at it will dull the tattoo '5 color.

The girl nods her head as her
friend turns to Brunson and says.
“I'll be back in two weeks". "

Meanwhile. [)iitnc Green. ll Lr'K
physical therapy .y‘opltotttort‘. und
'l‘ruston ll'ilkcri‘on. (1 Kentucky
State L’nttcri‘ity student. look
through the nutnyfoldcri and tattoo

“I‘ve always worried one. " says

. 4.4 {hi-vie '

Green. adding. “I'm not going to
get it where it Will be in plain view.

“I want one just to have one
They're mysterious. different and

Wilkerson says she wants to get
one before Christmas. but she
wants to buy her own tattoo needle
if possible.

Green my: she doesn't plan on
doing that: “They .ftt’rtltlt’ them
each time they use them. “

Brunson overhettrs from across
the room and tells the women the
tattoo parlor .iterilizes all its equip—
ment for llt‘lt‘t' the recommended

He also tell.». them of the type of
.ytr’rtllltllltm used and sun there is
virtually no chance ofsontconi' con-
tracting u (IlSt’tlli‘ from the tattoo-
ing prot'i’ss‘.

“that's all I needed to hour,”
Green says. " I 'll be back. "



Continued from Page 1

ate better. Those committees‘ re-
ports. along with recommendations
tnade from each academic unit.
must be submitted to Wethington
by 'I‘tiesday.

Wethington will look at each pro—
posal turd review them individually
with the respective vice presidents
or cliancellor:.. He then will meet
with his cabinet. composed of vice
presidents. chancellors tuid special
assistants to the president. “for art
extended period of time" later this
month to decide what changes will
be made.

Wethington is considering the
possibility of hiring ati outside cott-
stiltant to look at how the li'niversi-
ty structure can be streamlined.

“It‘s certainly likely I will go
with an outside consultant. but I
want to see what the recommenda-
tions are first." Wethington said.

'l'he money to pay for the consul—
tant would coiiie frotn University-
budgeted funds. Wethington said.
He doesn't know if the funds would

be intemally generated or appropri-
ated by the state.

"I don‘t anticipate (the costt be-
ing a large amount." he said.

Wethington said he expects rea-
lignment plans to be impletncnted
sometime next semester. though
some changes. such as those that
would effect only one administra-
tive zuezt could be enacted at the
beginning of the semester.

llemenway said “it‘s too early to
tell“ what the recommendations
will be. but that the committees
have put a lot of time and effort ittto
their mission.

"'lhere‘s a lot of work being
done. and I‘m heartened by the seri-
ousness tutti the earnestness with
which people have engaged iii this
actiy ity." llemenway said.

“(‘lcarly. people feel that this is a
tiseful zutd a purposeful activity for
the University to go through. What
we Iiave to make sure is that all of
this hard work pays off with chang-
es that really do make a better lini—
versity "

Information for this story also
was gathered by Editor in (”hint
GrccotyA. Hull.



Continued from Page 1

that he would ask his attorney gett-
eral to review whether a special
prosecutor should be appointed to
investigate potential criminal
wrongdoing in the Bush administra-
tion‘s prosecution of a $5.5 billion
loan scheme to Iraq.

(‘Iinton's appointments cattle on
a day that brought yet more encour-
aging news about the health of the
economy. The government reported
that new claims for jobless benefits
dropped iii November and so did
wholesale prices.

But (‘linton continued to caution
that the economy may not yet be
out of recession and that the nation
needs a long»tenn strategy to cor—
rect underlying weaknesses

“We did not get into the situation
which has led tnost Americans to
work harder for lower wages than
they were tnaking I(l years ago
ovemigltt. and we‘re not going to
get out of that oveniight.” he said.

Bentsen said the new administra-
tiort was inheriting "twin deficits. In
effect. what we're talking about is
lagging investment atid unbalanced
budgets. and we‘re deiennined to
cut both down to size in order to
spur this economic growth."

Additional appointments are ex-

pected soon.

(‘Iinton has settled on University
of Wisconsin (‘hancellor Donna
Shalala to lead the Department of
Health and llutnan Services and
(‘arol Browner to lead the Iinviron-
mental Protection Agency. sources
close to the situation said.

In addition. former San Antonio
Mayor Henry (‘isneros was said to
be the leading candidate to lead the
Department of Ilousing and Urban

At his news conference. (‘littton
did nothing to squelch speculation
he was considering (icn. (.‘olin
Powell. chairman of the Joint
(‘hicfs of Staff. to be his secretary

“I certainly think he‘s qualified."
Clinton said. adding that he would
reserve further comment until he
was ready to announce a nominee.

Powell. attending a White Ilouse
reception. was asked his reaction
and said. “Have a job. I hope to
have the same job again."

Clinton got started on forming his
(‘abinct a little later than some re-
cent presidents. Dwight Iiisenhower
and Richard Nixon. for example.
had named their entire ('abinets by
this point and John I: Kennedy had
nearly finished. President Bush
nzuncd his first appointee oti Nov.



Tm m


HE 9UP” ARENA Bid 3an .

K .



Continued from Page 1

“I‘ve committed myself to look-
ing at every recommendation that
comes to me."

Wethington was vice president
for the community college system
iii I982 when. under then-President
()tis Singletary. the current system
was enacted.

Interviewed Wednesday. the
president emeritus said the philoso-
phy behind having both vice presi-
dents and chancellors was “to move
the authority down itito three com-

He acknowledged that the decen-
trali/ed system could lead to some
duplication. “Some of it’s justifias
ble." Singletary said.

Wethington said the changes did
not create tnore bureaucracy. since
no new positions were added. only
job descriptions and titles were

Some member of the faculty have
said they think the administration
has grown. attd that the system of
vice presidents and chancellors
breeds duplication.

"I think it would be very hard to
see how you would make that
case." Wethington said. “No. I
don‘t agree."

But Wethington said that any
chtutges made now will be based on
what the University can be practi—
cally. more so than what it theoreti-
cally should be.

“this is a different kind of titne
thmi It) years ago." he said. "'I‘he
budget itself is reason for us to look
at the things we‘re doing."

Wethington will review the pro-
posals with the vice presidents and
chancellors. arid then begin making
decisions at the beginning of the
spring semester.

When Singletary came to UK in

1969. there was a provost position.
but Singletary made the position
into a vice president for academic
affairs. said Lewis Cochran. who
was provost from 1962 to I970. and
subsequently vice president until he
retired in I98l.

llowever. Cochran said his duties
as provost were not those of a typi-
cal chief academic officer.

(‘ochran said the ideal adminis-
trative model would be something
like the University of Tennessee‘s.
where the president d‘als primarily
with extental affairs — develop-
inetit and state goveminent. while
the provost is the “inside (the uni
\ersity) president,"

llemenway acknowledged talk of
a provost position but declined to
offer :ut opinion about it. “'I‘he real
issue is how do you organi/e the
adtninistrative structure and work
processes of the institution in such a
way that they are done efficiently.“
he said.

Peter Bosomworth. chzmcellor for
the Medical Center. said the domi-
nant system in the United States for
triedical centers is a chancellor and
vice president for health affairs

“’l‘here are a few instances of pro
vost and vice provost for health al-
fairs." he said.

He wouldn‘t say whether one per—
son in charge of all the academic at!
fairs and the UK Hospital would be
too much to ask of one person. “It
would depend on where the hospital
and the entire program fit in such
tut arrangement.“ he said.

“Whatever organization we have.
whether the same or a modified sys-
tem. I think one of the improve-
ments we cart make is to improve
the horimntal communications
along the academic uttits of the iii-
stitutioii. that is deans being able to
conununicate across the structure.”
Bosomworth said.

“That. in my opinion. is the tin—
derlying objective."



Continued from Page 1


“’I‘hat kind of raises the expecta-
tions tutd the value of the property
for everyone. We have a heck of a
time buying any hind over there
now because the price has gone up
out of our price rzmgc."

The benefits of Habitat for Ho-
manity also can be less tangible.
said David Stockhzun. dean of stu-
dents and University adviser to the
student chapter.

Because families who receive
homes through Habitat are required
to work with volunteers during con-
struction — a process called “sweat
equity" _ Stockham said divergent
socio—economic groups come to-
gether in surprising ways.

"I've had occasion to be present
at job sites with families. and it‘s
part of what I see as the magic of
HabitaL" Stockham said.

“We have some gigantic barriers
in society. and when you're swing-
ing a hammer and standing next to
somebody who is going to get the
house. you find that you have a lot
more in common with each other
than you have at odds.

"'l‘hc purpose of Ilabitat is to
build houses. but it also is to btiild
friendships across racial. economic.
social tutd cultural lines, Anybody
who has spent much time iii Ilabitat
begins to have different attitudes. at
least about the working poor."

to donate money or volunteer
time to the UK chapter of Habitat
for Humanity. call Dennis~ Dover at



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By Dave Lavender
Arts Editor

Most bands get along about as
well as the Bundys on Fox's “Mar-
ried with (‘hildren " lhey pout.
They sulk. 'l'hey whine. l'hey quit
They go solo. And more often than
not they come back iii a never-
ending cycle ~—- e.g.. lhe Doobie

(let two btuids together. zutd you
have a ego. itnage tug 0‘ war —~ the
likes of which hasn‘t been seen
since l’n'nce arid Madonna showed
up iii the same room

But cyen when Lexington-area
bands started hitting the national
scene. bands like Velvet Elvis.
Stealing Horses and. more recently.
Black ('at Bone and Stranglmartjn.
there has been a brothers-in-anns
comradery that is rarely seen in the
often cutthroat entertainment

And it is becoming less of a rari-
ty that the Lexington music scene
gets together to create a synthesis
of their current music

Styen years ago. Splat Records
put out on vinyl tlte first documen—
tation of l exington music.

(‘oda Records followed up with
the popular Bigger Than You. a
“liye” lo-band compilation. at the
end ot last year Now Recordsmith
tti Richmond. Ky . is releasing You
an ‘r u littering Kentucky this
weekend as a celebration of the
continued success of both the es-
tablished and the new bands on the
thnviiig Lexington scene.

"The owner of the Recordsmith
iii Richmond was iii a Lexington
batid 'l'w'o Small Bodies five or six
years ago. and this guy put out a
Lexington compilation." said Mar—
tin Shearer who produced the al-
bum with Jeff Duncan.

"We get compilation (‘Ds all the
time We decided to do one before
the (‘oda Records compilation
ctune out. We heard they were do-
ing that. so we waited."


on music scene



L‘l /‘



Dave Butler. Bill Bruening and Martin Shearer make up Stranglmartin, which will be featured to-
night at the Wrocklage along with four other bands as part of a compilation record release party.

The wait is over. as this compila-
lion features some Lexington
btuids‘ debiit performtuices on (‘l).
as well as many rare cuts from
tnore well-known btmds Shearer
said they hope to make the Lexmg-
ton compilation an annual happen-

You Are Now [Lillt'rlllg Kentucky
differs drastically t‘roin Bigger Than
You. While mmiy of the established
bands like Ill-loot Pole. the Blue-
berries and Strtmglmartin appear.
there also are a lot of recordings
from bands making their first studio
appearances like Rabby i-‘ever‘s
infectious and sly-titled cut “(‘hick-
ens of the See." Af‘terlife's "l‘icho"
:utd a biting Llll of “RUsh Needs a
Bullet" bv 'led Bundy‘s Volkswa-

“We got hands together to give

them some exposure tmd to docu-
ment sortie of the bands on the
scene right now We‘re not saying
its the [6 best bands Ill Lexington."
said Shearer who contacted a slew
of batids. gtyiiig them two months
to get back w itli him about being on
the compilation.

“There‘s going to be some bands
on there that people can't sttmd. but
its diverse. Most compilations you
hear you don't like everything. but
if you like half or two—thirds of it.
then it exposes you to new bands
and that is worthwhile “

Strains of that live-wired energy
that the (‘oda compilation captured
are displayed on the two "liye" cuts
on the compilation.

Stratigltiiarttti. back
European vacation/tour
mer. added. ‘(‘all liach

from their
this sum»
( )ther

Names." one of the “live"
songs on the album.

l-‘trst done on the btmd's national
ly acclaimed solo album oti Dallas.
Texas. label Dragon Street Records.
this cut was recorded “live" at the

"Our old label was going to
record a ‘live' record. We had all
these ‘Iive‘ tunes. and nothing to do
with them." Shearer said.

Much like they did on Bigger
I‘hun You with the hit "Whiskey-
(‘olored (ilttsses. The City Slickers.
fronted by [K employee Matt Pat-
terson. bring a rollicking good
touch to the compilation with a
“live“ version of “Cheap Haircut“
that is sltlidWlCth between two
heavy studio-cut tunes by No Other
Way and Aur‘a-Sen. The cut also
was recorded at the Wrocklage.





Bands frotn the unplugged world
like The Yarbles‘. and the raw inten-
siiv o: bands like The lilectric
(kind are introduced to the listener
who may not be aware of these tal-

Also. worthy of
lhe (ireyhoutids cut "lie." lhe
Bluebetries' "Dreaming." which ap-
pears on the band‘s new (‘D Dirt-
rter. and features the tightly woven
vocals of lead singer ()tlo llelniuth
turd drummer Andy Mason.

Perhaps. the best cut on the al-
burn is “Love. Love. Love" by
(‘one of Silence. which highlights
the strong. sultry lead vocals of
Melanie Johnson.

“It's not done iti response to the
(‘oda compilation." Shearer said.
“if there were three more compila-
ttons this month. it would be great
for the music scene,"

You Arr» Now Entering Kentucky
is not meant to replace Bigger Thur:
You. bttt to be a continuation and an
exptuiding of the circumference of

mentioning is

the Lexington music scene
With the well-thoughtoiit place-
ment of the l7 songs; the recording
qualify: the mix of metal. coun-
try.and altemative: arid the cleyer
title - the alb