xt76dj58gv5t https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt76dj58gv5t/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 2002-03-19 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers English Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, March 19, 2002 text The Kentucky Kernel, March 19, 2002 2002 2002-03-19 2020 true xt76dj58gv5t section xt76dj58gv5t Softball team takes on Tennessee today | Page a TUESDAYKENTUCKY Our so-called youth The Scene section takes a look at the shows that shaped our lives I 4 March 19,2002 HEALIH ww.l1ykernel.com Parkinson's treatment created at UK Testing: Researchers say new treatment could slow progress of disease for many ”-999". Vlarnpler Ni W5 EDIIOR Researchers at UK have be gun a clinical trial of a new tieatment that could end up helping the thousands of people nationwide afflitted with Parkinson's disease. The cause of Parkinson's is unknown. and current treat , DEVELOPMENT ments only focus on diminish ing the effects of its symptoms. said Dr. John Slevin. a profes— sor in the depaitment of neurol» ogy. He said the new treatment would focus on Parkinson's itself. “It has the potential to slow the progression of the disease and thereby extend years of quality life." Slevin said. Slevin is pan of a four man research team administering the trial Other members in (lude Dr Greg Gerhardt and Dr Don (lash. both professors in the department of anatomy and neurobiology. and Byron Young. chief of staff for the UK Hospital. The new treatment centers on the fact that Parkinson's de- stroys dopamine neurons in the brain. Slevin said even when a patient first starts to exhibit symptoms of Parkinson's (which include stiff limbs. tremors and slow movement). roughly 7:”. percent of their dopamine neurons are not working Not all these neurons are dead. some are merely in lured Sleym said Research done pieviouslv by (‘1er1'hudt and (lash found that a chemical known as glial cell line 1l111ve1l ne"-uiotiophi1 fattoi 1(‘11s'DF 1 both piotetts the neu1ons and piomotes the le- generation of injured ones This means that treatment using (1NDF could reverse some of the signs and symp- toms of Parkinson‘s and help patients function liettei Slevm said The new treatment will use a surgically implanted pump to administer (iilNF directly into a patient‘s brain "This (treatmenti promises to change the course of l’arkin son's disease." (111in said The clinical trial 1swli1it is known as a Phase l 111 which 1e searchers are prunai 111' study ing the safety of the treatment on humans. “In the annual models it‘s 1:111". \ lili 'Ill] 1f111l‘11' l,.\l‘ s111| 'l'1111111111111l11'1ls tii'ttt' 111 Mt 1s11l 1111‘ lain- about 711's: 1‘11 11111111,.Slev1n s111l stltlts fill 1.'otluougl1 111-1. ‘Ils l"‘11r H 1111! l'liasv lll Strain not! 1l11'1'111'.1'.‘.:1‘;.2 ' smooth}: the d111,: 1111.131! 1'11 trailzlllle '111 the 111.11‘k111 I'E1111 the lif‘\'I ~1\ to seven 1.11:11 s In) 2111" 1m: .1111! 11 ions tor it Will 111.11111-11'1 ' WHI‘kf he \1'111’l 111's i11-11111 if‘ii lxl‘l \ itlt‘ llt‘1lillzl'lii 1:;l1s’ itltlnmllzli 111 AIDS Center proposal awaits approval Hope for the cure: Medical school applies for research facility to help HIV patients §!_-_’.'1'.'J"Y.!95Pf*3 SIAFF WRIIER Members of the medical school and other colleges are putting together a proposal for a grant that would fund an AIDS research center at UK. The group. known as the UK (‘1nter for AIDS Investiga- 1111s is applying foi roughly $700. 000 per \e: 11 for a five year peiiod. They must submit their ap- plication to the National Insti- tute of Health by June] “I think we have a reason able shot." said Rick Zimmer- man. an associate professor in communications who is the proposed co-director for the center. Zimmerman explained that for the past several years. nu- merous UK faculty from the medical center and other de- partments have discussed dif- ferent kinds of AIDS research going on at UK. The proposal for the AIDS research center popped up a lit- tle more than a year ago. he said. “At that point we decided that it made sense to try to put together an application.“ Zimmerman said an AIDS ...QN IHEBQAIL center would provide sources for HIV research that would contribute to reducing HIV cas- es in Kentucky and the rest of the nation. The center will also aim to connect researchers across different disciplines. This would lead to a broader understanding about the causes of HIV. he said. Rodney Bales. coordinator for an HIV dementia study at UK. said he believes there‘s a need for the center. "I'm pretty surprised at the number of people I‘ve met in Kentucky with HIV." he said. The reported number of people with HIV is often lower than the actual number of peo- ple living with it because many people aren't diagnosed. Bales said. “There‘s a big problem with access for rural Kentuck- ians They have a lot of prob- lems getting here to get care much less dealing with the com plexity of the university when they're from a smaller town." Bales said an AIDS re search center would impact Kentucky communities in a way that would support people who have HIV. See AIDS on 3 Dr. Calum Avison, associate professor in the department of neurology. with HIV. Dr. Avison sees the possible AIDS center as a vehicle to one AIDS- HIV and outreach. JESSE LEBUS “4V reviews MRI images for research on the neurological complications associated te a multi- disciplinary community focused on sharing facilities research of Students seize opportunity to follow their Wildcats lttcx tomcat | KERNEL 51m Fewer than l2 students bought vouchers for tickets at Monday' 3 ticket lottery for the Sweet Sixteen in Syracuse this weekend. Lottery: Faithful few turn out to buy tickets to watch Kentucky, Maryland in tournament B_y_ Janet Eaton CONIRIBUTING WRITER They‘re the few. the true blue. and they're on their way to Syracuse this weekend to root for the Cats. Fewer than a dozen stu- dents showed up at last night's ticket lottery to pay $80 for the 160 available tickets to the two sessions of the NCAA Sweet Sixteen in New York. Brothers Michael and Derek Nesselrode. both computr er science juniors. were more than excited about the upcom- ing games and Kentucky's chances to do well against Maryland. The brothers pre- dicted Kentucky will win the Maryland game by three with a score of 75 to 72. They‘ll be missing a calcu- lus class to make the drive to New York. But that is not what they are worried about. They haven't told their girlfriends they are going yet. “It‘s UK basketball. I love you. Tiffany. but I've got to go." Michael said. Students had to be present With a valid UK ID to buy tick ets. No one could buy more than one ticket voucher Several students were up- set to discover they couldn't buy extra ticket vouchers for their parents or friends. Adam Goldstein. a blismess junior. left Memorial (.‘olis‘euni without a ticket because he did n‘t want to make the drive to Syracuse and cheer for the (‘ats all by himself. According to Assistant Ath letics Director Alvis Johnson. tickets are limited to one per student to make sure every stu- dent has a chance for tickets “We don‘t want to set a precedent by selling more than one ticket to any game." said Johnson. Tickets not sold last night were returned to the genera. ticket office at {K Wes Thompson. tore business econ/11111131 ma ior. is going with his dat: 1rd brother His dad has softer. some tickets through 911:1?311 he has at Duke who tr'irlerl ‘1. k ets with h1m. Thompson said he 1s glad 111 see i.'K make it to the saw-1n SIX'W‘XI "I had ll‘1\ doubts bi.‘ knew the\ were good envigl‘ ‘ - Let there ' Thompson s111r'1 Some fans are 111111: :1 11>sl1-1’11111‘1ti1‘111..1 \1 s11 :} .- (‘ats’ play Bill.‘.\ \1di 111ge trlsl1 111:1111'111‘1‘11111111r s1 11- r. 1111;111 1s making the trip 1113i: nis 111:1 friend. Lesley R111:§.r1n 11 fresh man electrical 1‘l‘1yllt‘1m‘l'li‘11: ma jor They don't hau- 111‘. to stay yet. but 'hc-x said crash ing in a car would be “111-111 ;1 lust to get the opportuntt‘» to see the (iiiS 1n the Sweet Szx teen. "I‘ve been a big basketball fan I've watched the games on TV forever and now. yes. I get to go to the Sweet Slx‘een‘ Wow'" Runyon said ‘11 1 1 “up.“ 211:11'1- Need a ticket? lf you didn’t get a 11011?1 and want to go to the tilt-Maryland game, you will need to contact the Carrier Dome box office. The 1011 free number :51-888- DOMETIX. The reqwar busmess hours are 8:30 ~4‘30 pm. Monday - Friday All ticket sales are i car no 'eturn. no exchange: I515 ‘rsday. Caches: :11 w.” 2 av Southern lilli'lO'S at 7 38 .1 :1 twp Maryland W111 play 11111111111123 mnutes after the. first game has ended in the 2002 NCAA Men‘s Basketball East Reqsonal Game Ticket application forms are available on the Web Site ntto'l/carrierdomesyr.edu. or purchase tickets at the box office window (Cash. MC. Visa or money order only) Any tax or mad orders will be held at the Gate 8 Will Call - they will not be mailed. LLWWAtflfcti i3. 2002 I «may new ALL THE NEWS THAT F ITS The Low-down so 38 This is the mystery of the quotient - Upon us all a little rain must tall.. :3“ VOL. 3109 ISSUE #106 ESTABLISHED ill l892 INDEPENDENT SINCE 19Tl CAMPUS NEWS Summer, Fall registration March 25 Priority registration Ior summer and tall loo: i'I.I\\t‘.\ runs March 3» through .\pril I’.‘ Stu dcnts should priority register using the Hi \‘II‘ telephone registration \\'>il‘lll Ilctot‘c I't‘ghll‘l‘IlIg lot «Iasxex iindci'graduaies must hayc their ad \'I\i‘l‘ hold released Students who do not register during their window may not register until the ill'\i d.i\ oi classes and will Ii.i\c to pay .i non rc tuiidaliie late fee Students who need more trilot‘ lilallori iliitiii Iti'liil‘lh i'i‘LZIsti‘aIliiII III.I\ i‘.tII ‘ l . i College of Social Work celebrates field The l'ni\cisit\ oi Kentiii k\ (‘ollcgc ol Social \\oi‘k will celebratc I'l‘llil"~\IlllI'Il Social Work Month from It so IIl‘ iol p in I“I'IiI.l\ in .JlI l'Ix' Student t‘eniei 'I'Iie rcIeliiation uiII iiitlitdc .iwird Ilii‘si‘IIlIllIiiiI\ tor Student of the Year. lc‘ac iiIty ol the Year and Still ol the Year The \\ Illlit‘I oi the posit-r contest also \\III he announced. .\II stizdctiis. t.icii‘.t\ and still are inyitcd lx‘cfrcsli IIIt'III\ \\ ill Itc \l‘IU‘ii LIKE SKYNYRD? Why are Weezer asking radio sta- tions not to play their fourth album, "Maladr0it"7 It's Simple: The band sent tracks to the press and radio and posted MP35 on their web site. but they still haven‘t submitted the CD to their label, lnterscope's Geffen Says lrortt- man Rivers Cuomo: “They were very upset and said we have to stop I don‘t know what the hell I'm domq, so I didn‘t really have a ctrorce." Cuonio says the selivnianaqed Weezer "started to veer oil into outer STATE NEWS House approves new seat-belt proposal FRANKFURT A bill to make it a “primary offense" to drive Without a seat belt was narrow Iy passed by the Kentucky House on Monday, 51» I? The bill now goes to the Senate Ifenacted. a police officer could stop a motorist fora seat belt Violation alone. Kentucky‘s current seat-belt law permits a citation oiily if a motorist was stopped for an additional offense. The vote followed more than 90 minutes of arguments and testimonials on both sides of the seatbell issue The yote cut across party lines Ir‘orty two Democrats picked up nine votes front among Republicans to pass the bill. Twentyrthree Democrats joined 24 Re- publicans in the opposition. The legislation. pri marily sponsored by Rep. .lody Haydon of Hard stown, was diluted a bit to get it through the House. If it becomes law. police cannot give a ticket for a primary seat belt violation until July I. 2003. NATIONAL NEWS U.S. forces kill 16, capture 31 in battle WASHINGTON Moving against remnant al-Qaida and Taliban forces in Afghanistan. US. forces killed 16 fighters in a gun battle and cap tiired 31 others at a military compound. US. oili- cials said Monday, There was no indication that any of those killed or captured wore senior lead- ers of aI-Qaida or the Taliban No .Xtiierican KYKBRNIL.GOM jao Celebrate Passover with the Jewish Student Organization / Hillel Foundation First Seder on Wednesday, March 27, at 6:30 p.m. Reservations required by Friday, March 22 Call 268-0672 or 278-2530 for reservations and information CalI‘ZS‘l i915 spare" last year em" °’ Distinguished Professor speech tonight an“ “to?” 5093'“ . o to betten after kerneltiiuliyedu lance if. Banning, the colli‘tii‘ “l v\ll\' Il'lll alight. ("They said ._.-._ .. . Sciences 'Jttiii goo“: Distinguished Professor. will {the CD's demos] .L'iye his Distinguished I‘titii‘s‘sttl‘ Lecture tonight sounded too much , .it T 30 pm iii the .uiiiitoi'iuni of the William 'I‘ like tynyrd c," 257-2572 or Young I.ilir.ir\ He has served on seyeral depart Skyriytd."l With e-maii mental. college and Illll\i'l‘\ll\ r'tlllllliliii‘i's dur "Dope Nose" get» adVertising@ ing III\ :Iii year tenure at I'K Hanning lists also too radio play. kyliernelrom licld mam prestigious awards. including fcl CUOWIO says Geffen Iil\\\llili\ from the John Simon Guggenheim ”0W wants ‘0 Foundation and the National Humanities l‘entcr ””9359 V . I‘Ii' 'y ‘lll I it . . .inl min t ilII‘ uilili‘ "Maladrort." Wh‘c“ Call 257 2871 or . t t * 't ‘ ‘ l‘ ‘ ’ l ' the hand ultimately lax 323-l906 recorded on their own time. But Cuomo‘s not sure he'll qrve the label the masters. though he knows that could spell UK relay to benefit cancer struggle l‘lx’ students are iii‘:1:llli;'lilf.1 the Wildcat West Re':a\ tor Life to be held from .3 pin .\pi‘il 13 to 3 p in \pril H a! the William 'I' Young I_.lill‘.'II‘\' Ashley York. edr Till“ 'I‘otlil !\ the cycnt's hiltnorary chairwoman trouble. tor in chief, at Icants ol eight to I l people are III\ ited to sign up "Unfortunately ashleyy® tor the relay. llie registration fee is 510 per per they have the right kykemel.com or sort .\ team captain meeting will beheld tonight to claim ownership call 257.1915. at ti‘ :itt in the l'Ix' Student l‘enter‘s l‘enter Theater of the tapes. It's to III‘U\ ide information to teams To register or totally unfair'” A for more information contact Winona I‘almer. label rep declined I'K Student Government at (83.0) 237315” to respond, except to say, "When Rivers is ready to put out his record. Geffen is ready to out It out." If you have comments, 9- mail them to Games included: Tuesday March ’I S @ S:OD/5:OClpm [Doubleheader] . Wednesday l\/Iarch 20 @ (3:0me Free UK Softball bumper stickers to the first 50 fans each game. Always tons of cool prizes and give-aways at every game so come out and catch some great softball action. All games are played at the UK Softball Complex troops were wounded in either confrontation. Pentagon officials said. The biggest liSIed ground offensive of the war. dubbed Operation .t\naconda. was declared finished Monday W— .r*— H. r?— um: i [38 uma i 08 OTTlB it '08 Punk pioneers enter rock hall of fame Ink. .. I»: NEW YORK The Rock and Roll Hall of . . Fame opened its doors Monday to punk rock's Great Jab OpportunltleS! first generation as well as Tom Petty. former teen idol Brenda Lee and “Shaft" maestro Isaac Hiring Students Part-Write NOWand Full—Time During Summer& Breaks Hayes. The Ramones and Talking Hearts. whose careers germinated during the mid-1970s in the Manhattan (live bar (‘BtiBs were considerably more uptown at the WaldorfAstoria for the iit duction ceremony (‘ountry guitar picker (‘het Atkins. who died last June. and Stax records co founder .lim Stewart also joined the hall. INTERNATIONAL NEWS Mideast talks indicate possible truce We offer 10 - 40+ hours / week Route Delivery & Packaging Positions $6.50 - $10.00 / HOUR CALL 1.800.933.3575 Located Here in Lexington. Just Minutes from Campus! ’ . _ We also have Facilities in Other Cities Call Us! JERUSALEM Israeli troops ptilled out of '7 ' . , biblical Bethlehem and a neighboring yillage ear- .j,‘,‘,fj,'“t§’.‘,’,‘w“.l I m: iii: it}; “V "‘“i‘f‘ti‘f’, I " “’11: ‘, 1y Tuesday. witnesses said. edging Israel and the Cleveland Akrrvrt moon i not mi own mm out. i . t. m . w . t w. «wit Palestinians closer to a cease-fire in the 18‘ ("it}$17.2“FXI‘I‘I‘H‘JII:1:1:;:i§f§§1,‘t‘ii M'VV."“~"‘v""yll; ~ Q, I i 1; ‘: month-old Mideast conflict, The pullback came . l ’ " ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' during a visit by Vice President liick (‘heney. _ winding up a tour of the region that concentrated NO Experience Necessary. Train in one facility during on the I bled campaign against world terror- school and work in another during summer break We Offer 1“” Schedule Flexibility. Start training NOW. Compiled from staff and wire reports Schedule an Interview A.S.A.F? Bring a Friend! 0 Priority Registration Summer and Fall 2002 March 25‘ - April 17 You must priority register during your three-day window. Contact your college or program office now for adyising. ~ http://www.uky.cdii/chistrar/Iielp.html - Fees are duc by August 8., 2002 e The UK Softball team would like t.r'i thank it}. .runmt ITI It It") i (it on” on, Erma's. Mr. Goodcent‘s. Jeff‘s: inr‘ Wnuit, m i,” .M iii i-viti I it i’ril lJK/Kennedy’a Bookstore, Belle Nimrw, \Nmti A tiny I .i. t itiiritIJ , ~ Magee's Bakery. l‘utltt‘v; t‘wrn, tutti i . . m l-' UKAA would like to thank itali‘tt wttitrittir.tti-i..v~- it it Verizon. Nike, Papa John‘s Pizza await-t in: ion: ., ,. arid St“ ." i"'i Tlr' r‘ I l .. _ r . Postmark deadline is on or before August I. 2002 0n tl admi ASSOCIATE LE mer git in the UK for Monda the kiE At the sta tion. I Raglar in retz blackb pha E; Di bullet as he ( day wi his hot Th for ha came I and tr told he that l walk-c neuroli A] Contini TI the c cores under the vi .A preve rate 1 ment ty fro LQURIROQM Ex-girlfriend's testimony: Ragland confessed murder 0n the stand: Star witness says Ragland admitted he murdered ASSOCIATID PRILSS LEXINGTON The for mer girlfriend of a man accused in the sniper-style slaying of a UK football player told a jury Monday that he told her he was the killer. Aimee Lloyd is considered the star witness for the prosecu tion, which says that Shane Ragland killed Trent DiGiuro in retaliation for getting him blackballed from the Sigma Al- pha Epsilon fraternity DiGiut'o was killed when t bullet slammed into his temple as he celebrated his let birth- day with friends on the porch of his home on July 17. 1994. The crime went unsolved for half a decade until Lloyd came forward in January 2000 and told police that Ragland told her while they were dating that he shot and killed the walk-on offensive lineman and UK football player honors student Lloyd testified that she and Ragland. now 28, began dating in the winter of 1994 and that the relationship lasted more than a year. She told the jury that Ragland told her during a night of drinking in the spring of 199:3 that he pedaled to DiGiuro‘s house on a bike. took out a rifle and shot DiGiuro. “As hard as I've tried not to remember this. he asked itie ifl remembered the football player who had been killed." she said. “He told me his name. Trent. and told the that he shot him. that he was the one that killed him." Lloyd said Ragland hated DiGiuro for helping keep him from becoming a member of the fraternity. “He said [DiGiuro] was a jerk. just an awful person.” JESSE LEBUS | KERNEI sun Microbiology and immunology graduate students Jadwiga Turchan and Barry Robinson work under the hood In the tissue culture room of the neurology department on Wednesday AIDS Continued from page 1 The proposed structure of the center would consist of cores of researchers trying to understand different parts of the virus. Zimmerman said. Among the divisions are a prevention core that will edu~ cate young adults. a develop ment core designed to get facul- ty from other disciplines inter- ested in AIDS research and a clinical research core that will organize a database of people with HIV and AIDS who are be- ing treated at UK. There are 18 other centers for AIDS research in the United States. all located at universi» ties. Zimmerman said the group will find out whether they‘ll re» ceive the grant by early 2003. If approved. they‘ll begin receiv~ ing funds in the spring or sum- mer of 2003. We’re not like every Lloyd said Lloyd also testified that she waited five years before telling anybody about the rouversa tion because she was afraid Ragland would hurt her She said she came forward after reading a story about the five~year anniversary ot the crime in which iii(iiuro‘s 1a lhei‘. Mike. was quoted as say ing that "police would time! find the killer unless someboth came forward " "i just lil'l‘llil‘ti i couldn’t live with myself am longei.‘ site said The iiii‘y also listened 111.1 recording of a conversation 1111 tween Lloyd and it'itziatid made at Blue (irass Airport 111 311011 The meeting. set up by the 11:1. was an attempt to get him to 11d mit to the murder Defense attorneys have poi trayed Lloyd as a bitter e\‘ girl friend with an as to grind The trial has been delayed several times as attorneys tried to get evidence declared inad missibie. It is expected to last about two more weeks Kentucky AIDS facts 0 As of June 30 there were 1,774 reported cases of people ilV‘ ing with AIDS in the state. 0 AIDS deaths declined 49 per cent from 153 in 1996 to 78 in 1998. o The annual AIDS rate per 100,000 people was seven in 1999 compared to the national rate of 16.5. 0 From January 1, 1994 to June 30, 2001. 84 percent of the 1,993 reported AIDS cases in the state were males. while 16 percent were females. 0 Among Kentucky adult/ ado- lescent AIDS cases, the highest risk factor for infection is men having sex with men at 52 per- cent. The next highest risk factor is injecting drug use at 15 per' cent, followed by heterosexual contact at 14 percent. 0 0f the 1,993 reported AIDS cases in Kentucky between Janu- ary 1, 1994 to June 30. 2001, 63 percent were white, 34 percent black and 3 percent other. His- panics comprise the majority of the "other" category. 0 The AIDS rate for blacks is approximately six times higher than for whites/others. - Kentucky HIV/AIDS Semi- Annuai Report uij‘rig 1.e ,aoag soup. to into; siruir moi L o; molt Siiliiiu 119M pue iaag ‘auiM ”Wat 13mm 3105 ccv® other high-tech company. We’re hiring. \2’ U... AIR FORCI No one told you the hardest part of being an engineer would be finding your first job. Of course. it‘s still possible to get the high-tech work you want by joining the US. Air Force. You can leverage your degree immediately and get hands—on experience with some of the most sophisticated technology on earth. To find out how to get your career off the ground, call 1-800—423-USAF or visit our Web site at airforce.com. KENTUCKY KEIHEL I TUESDAY, MARCH 19. 2002 I 3 ' Individual In Family Health Plans . Self Employed 0 Cobra Conversion ' Small Business - Senior Health Plans - Retired. Not Eligible Anthem 1" Your source for Individual and Senior Health Plans Call me today ~ Ruth McGilI. RN - 226-5387 or 800-553-4691 for more information CAT WBLRL A safety escort service provided by FarmHouse Fraternity Late night? Play it safe with a call to 323-FREE EVERY Sunday’l‘hursday 8:30pm-l:30amm_ Louisville (502)581. rites Lexington (859)225 3434 use code 110% irififl . '1 nnnnnh diciJJJJJJJ (Illllii tilillill Week of March 18 Mart/i 24, 2002 11' s;'.11>". . . s1 ' ‘ FREE 4 '- 4' v 11.1.1 ' 1' http 11www iiky edu1 Campus 'ctiienaar' 257-88671:- Tues 1 MEETINGS lslamir Study Group 'Muslim Students Aesoriatirm Mnetmq 'Aloha Phi Omeqalserwre fraternity ‘inltisi Student Ur‘io" Meet-nu Triesday Nights Together 'Green Thumb Environmental Cluh ACADEMIC ’Math Tutoring for TOO loyal Math ( (nurses Math tutoring ‘Math Tutoring 'Math forming 'Math Tutoring 'Math Tutoring 'H-stnry Tutormq ‘Hietory Totmmq ‘Chsmistry Tutoring 'English tutoring SPECIAL EVENTS Cnnim‘lv Caravan lNTRAMURALSRECREATION "IV. '39 erm Do Cluh MEETINGS ‘UKAECE Meeting 1 ‘Book of Mormon Class. ' 'UK Femrmst Alliance Meeting , Wed S ‘lnstitute - - ‘Alternative Spring Break Proyect ‘Table Francoise French Conversation Group a ‘ I i . i ‘Encoontar fi‘L' ' “m“ ‘UK Equestrian Team a 1 ‘SAB .- ‘ ' “ ‘Fniiowship of Christian Athlotas ! 1 .t ' ACADEMIC Math Tutoring for 100- level 'M'uth Courses ’Math Tutoring a 'Mnth Tutoring ‘ . '1' 'Math Tutoring .MA ‘23) ’ 'Math Tutoring 1 'History (1071108/109i. ' Chormstrv Tutoring SPORTS ‘UK Kendo-bu club 1 1 ARTS/MOVIES "Film Series INTRAMURALS/RECREATION 'UK Judo Club 1 . MEETiNGS ‘mshmon Foriis‘. ‘1.amhda Meeting Amnesty lntnrnatumal Meeting Th U rs ACADEMlc Math Tutoring 'nr 'Vlath ‘OO-leyei Trans»: Math 'atmmq Math Tutorinq History Yutonnqi‘ffl 10R 109‘ Binluqy Til'OFlhq SPORTS ‘Kamon Self Defence MEETINGS “International Christian Fellowship Friday Feiinwshm ACADEM'C Dr Susan Borrlo Keynote. Address for the 6'“ Annual Communication Symposium 22 'Math Tinminq for Math 100- levwl Corinna ‘Math Tutoring, SPECiAL EVENTS 'anch Position“ . SPORTS 'UK Rondo bu club lNTFlAMURALS/RECREATION ‘UK TM Kwon On Club I ‘ MEETINGS 'Cathniu: Ma“ ACADEMIC '6" Annual Commiiriration Sympovum a Changing World‘ SPORTS "(tempo Sell Del-nus ARTS MOVIES Paul Grow-q And Charmin: Hail-um 'Cnmrmimr atimi n sat E 3 “Iv-Nth Arswt seem Su n 2 4 INTRAMURALS RECREA “ON '1}! T».- ann On ”Jun MEETlNGS 'UIK Comm-s Ont Saw" ’I 1 ‘Cnttmlac Mun ~ ' ». _ 1 'Uniymy Wonk“) Sorvloo ACADEMIC 'mTutoringlIN/Totl,’ 1 - 'Matls‘l’utoringitnl 1 1 W rmmioei 10511071 NEH-tn Tm HOT/tanosi 1 1 ‘11 ’ in now ‘UIJudoCh-b 9 r1~ A Sarah Zopfi Scene Editor Phone 257196 I [mail keerart‘Vahootom d I TUESDAY, MARCH 19, 2002 I KENTUCKY KERNEL Blockbuster Video as the “Best Place to Rent a Movie!" lo \II\‘\\ tiiii .ippict‘ialton. Rent ()ne VHS or I)\ I) and get the Second FREE! \\ ilh \ltltli'lll III and (opt oi IIII\ .id ShltIYKINNBX \It‘ll)l‘t'l\lll|‘ |IIlt‘\ .ipph \'iil \.III\I \\IIII .iit\ nIlici tilli‘l EXPIRES .Il'NE I. 2002 246’ Vicholastillc Rd. SSI IaucIid \ye. j’ta inst. ;;\ .‘N'I 1925 Richmond Rd. If“) ‘I I5” 4221 Saron I)r. . \ ‘I i \\ “2| Beaumont ( enter ll" ‘lvih I650 Bryan Station ’: \llll DH ll“ STUDENT COMMENCEMENT SPEAKER APPLICATION FORMS ARE AVAILABLE AT: SGA Office (Room 13” Student (cuter) Dean of Students Office (Room Q l 3 POI) Agr. Sciences Center North (Room N6) http://dolison.ca.ukvedu/BegASP/ commence/signupasp Graduating seniors with good public speaking skills and who have significantly contributed to the University, the community. and/or their major field of study are encouraged to apply. APPLICATION DEADLINE MARCH 22, 2002 Take lots of Spring Break pictures? “1 Want them developed now? Visit nu RITE AID $1 HOUKPHOTO 818 E. HIGH Clip this out, show your UK ID - 335_2591 or mention this ad to get your >your first time traveling abroad, that is. f ‘1“ l. .4 . n >Where grook island hopping rnoditorranoap highlights to go: ‘ ' ' "rowan gotavny amply itaiy . . me your travel agent m will toil-free 1-888-CONTIKI wait www.contikl.com Moan-8....“ Show brought relief from teenage angst Growing up: 'My So-Called Life' spoke into the hearts of teens, helping them cope with the challenges and tests of becoming adults When "My So— (‘alled Life" premiered in 1994. my life was for- ever changed. Now. I don‘t mean that in a cheesy. “I found the answer to life" way. but the series of hour-long shows did Andrea “hue help wean me out of W childhood. which war» rants much credit to my life. Really. the tniracle of “My So-(‘alled Life" \V'Jls that it captured the turbulence of adoles- l‘t‘ll(‘t‘ The show. which lasted for oiily I9 episodes on ABC. polished the idea of what it's like to be 13. w itli a whole world of profound responsibility and sexual evolution ahead. Never before. in this writer's memory. has a show so charmed the idea of feeling useless and lost in life. This was no “Beverly Hills. 90210." with fan» cy soirees and spandex dresses accented with thick cliokers. This was the story of a group of friends who were outside of the popular tribe. with liquor in the school parking lot and rippetl T-shirts worn over moss-green sweaters, Angela (‘hase (Claire Danes). the show's main character. was the epitome of adolescent confusion. The 15-year-old with deep—red hair. a slim hotly and flat chest characterized the daze of dealing wrth parents. sex and drugs. Angela was like a turtle that had just come out of its shell. She was molded by her best friends. Rayanne (‘yraif (Allison .ioy Langer). a hip girl with braid- ed and headed hair labeled the “school slut." and Rickie Vasquez (Wilson Cruz). a teenager with slick black hair who often struggled with criti— cisiii for being gay. And then there was Jordan (‘atalano (Jared Leto). the guitar-toting cool guy with a sheet of brown hair down to his chili. He was just cool enough to be sexy. and just mysterious enough to stir Angela's emotions (which led to a major infatuation). “My So-(‘alled Life.“ highly acclaimed at first. met its demise because of low ratings. But I loved it. Nothing was better than lying on my bed and PHOTO FURNISHED Sterne and dotted. Angela (Claire Danes) and Jordan (Jared Leto) played hormonal lovers in the ABC hit, "My So-Called Life." turning on the TV when it was time for the show to come on. then listening to the whispered “Go now. go" that was part ofthe opening music. My best friends and I thought Jordan was the best thing since whipped cream. and I considered Angela anti Rayanne some of the coolest people around. ' But what was even more enthralling was that the show characters. plots and all mir- rored my life. I was Angela. so I thought. and my social life was just like hers. I had the sexy grungeboy who played games with my head. the best friend who lived a life without rules. and the parents who made it awk» ward for me to be around because of their insis- tence to know about my social life. It's shows like “My So-Called Life" that are missing on TV nowadays. I'm just thankful we are of the generation that had an ally. like “My So-Called Life" during adolescence that let us know that We were not alone in our confusion. Shows that shaped us (or at least made us laugh a lot) Remember the times you pulled your pants up to your chest to do an imitation of Urltet? Ever had to tell your little sister that you did- n't know what sex was while you were watching the pilot of "My So- Called Life?" Fought with your friends over the ownership of look from “Saved by the Bell?" Rapped the whole theme song to “Fresh Prince of Bel-Air?" For the next two days, we've compiled a couple of stories about popular TV shows you may have watched when you were younger. Whorearetheynow? Jaleel Ahmad White (Urltel. “Family Matters") was most recent- ly seen on the big screen in the film Big Fat Liar, where he played him- self. Kellie Shanygne Williams (Lau- ra, "Family Matters," was last seen in the TV series "What About Joan" in 2001. Jason Priestley (Brandon, "9OZIO") was hired in March 200i by ABC TV as a commentator for the Indy racing series. Tori Spelling (Donna, "902l0") had plastic surgery on her nose in 1994 after a "parrot bit her". She will be seen in this year's Naked Movie. where she will play herself. Claire Danes (Angela, "My 50- Called Life") was banned from the Phillipines in Sept. I998 for making derogatory remarks about the coun- try. For the l999 movie The Mod Squad, she earned $2 million. In 2002. she is scheduled to appear in four movies. Jared Leto (Jordan, "My So- Called Life) gave up sex for two months when he was preparing for his role as a heroin addict in the movie Requiem for a Dream (2000). He also lost 28 pounds for the role. He will next be seen in the upcoming Panic Room. Compiled from Internet sources after this, the corporate ladder will be a piece of {cake} In Army ROTC. you'll get to do stuff that'll challenge you, both phySically and menta'ly tn the process. you'll develop skills you can use in your career, like thinking on your feet. making smart deCISIOHS. taking charge Talk to your Army ROTC representative. You‘ll find there's nothing like a little climbing to help prepare you for getting to the top. AR MY ROTC Unlike any other college course you can take. APPLY NOW FOR PAID S