xt76dj58gz2q https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt76dj58gz2q/data/mets.xml Historical Records Survey (N.H.) United States. Work Projects Administration. Division of Professional and Service Projects New Hampshire Historical Records Survey (N.H.) United States. Work Projects Administration. Division of Professional and Service Projects 1938 1 p. l., 127 1. illus. (map) 28 cm. UK holds archival copy for ASERL Collaborative Federal Depository Program libraries. Call Number: Y 3.W 89/2:43/N 42h/2 books English Manchester, New Hampshire, the diocese of Manchester This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed in accordance with U. S. copyright laws. New Hampshire Works Progress Administration Publications Archives -- New Hampshire Registers of births, etc -- New Hampshire Catholic Church -- New Hampshire Inventory of the Roman Catholic Church Records in New Hampshire, 1938 text Inventory of the Roman Catholic Church Records in New Hampshire, 1938 1938 1938 2021 true xt76dj58gz2q section xt76dj58gz2q ‘* tmummfiflifljlifimflgmilnflflmmmw ’ INVENTORY OF THE ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH RECORDS IN NEW HAMPSHIRE Prepared by The Historical Records Survey Division of Women's and Professional Projects Works Progress Administration *i‘fi-‘fi-fl Manchester, New Hampshire The Diocase of manchester April 1938 The Historical Records Survey Luther H. Evans, National Director Richard G. Wood, State Director Division of Women's and Professional Projects Ellen S. Wbodward, Assistant Administrator Mary H. Head, State Director WORKS PROGRESS ADMINISTRATION Harry L. Hopkins, Administrator William P. they, State Administrator istrator tor ”1. P R E F A C E The Historical Records Survey was initiated in January 1936 as a nation—wide undertaking of the Works Progress Administration, but did not begin operations in New Hampshire until April 7. The Survey was a part of the Federal Writers' Project until November 20 when it was set up as a separate unit. The purpose of the Survey is to make accessible to lawyers, historians, and students of government the records of state, county, municipal and town offices. In conjunction with this listing of public records, the church records (including those of defunct organizations) will be inventoried so that the ground work may be laid for research in this neglected field of social history. An integral part of this endeavor will necessitate recommendations to the custodians to encourage a more orderly arrangement and the better care and preservation of public records. This volume is one in a series of publications by the Historical Records Survey concerning local archives in New Hampshire. This publi- cation is concerned with Roman Catholic activities in New Hampshire: parishes, missions, schools, convents, hospitals and orphanages. The Survey has been most happy in receiving complete cooperation from His Excellency, the Most Reverend John B. Peterson, D.D., LL.D., Ph.D., Bishop of Manchester; Reverend M. J. Hurley, Vice Chancellor and Secretary of the Diocese; Reverend William Clancy, Superintendent of the Diocesan Schools; and Right Reverend Monsignor T. J. E. Devoy, pastor of St. George's Parish, Manchester. At the same time, the Survey wishes to thank all officials within the Diocese who have con- tributed to this inventory. Thanks are due to the Nashua History Project for information given. Lastly, acknowledgements are made for assistance rendered by the New Hampshire works Progress Administration and National Youth Administration. Attention should be called to the fact that the records of the Diocese are not open to laymen. Members of the clergy desiring to con- sult the records should address the Chancery Office, 145 Lowell Street, Manchester, New Hampshire. Richard G. Wood State Director April 15, 1938 The Historical Records Survey l. 2. I. II. III. IV. V. - g s T A B L E O F C O N T E N T S A. The Roman Catholic Church in New Hampshire Page Historical Sketch‘I.¢...9.....IOGCCI§IOIIIIIICOIGIIOOOOICWC 17 List of Abbreviations, Symbols, and Explanatory Notes...... 19 Distribution of Roman Catholic Activities in New Hampshire B. Diocese of Manchester and its Records Chancery Office-accents...ounce-ontoIdooonooooooocoooca-ooo 22 1. Annual Reports of Parishes 2. Lists of Clergy 3. Insurance of Diocesan Property 4. Insurance Policies and Property Deeds St. Anselm Abbey....................................;...... 22 5. Minutes of Chapter Meetings 6. Archives (St . Anselm Abbey) 7. Scholastic Records 8. Registration Cards 9. Scholastic Cards 10. Students' File ll. (Monthly Rep arts of) Ornithological Society 12. Ste Anselm College Catalogue 13. The Tower 14. Annual Financial Audits 15. Financial Records 16. Double Entry Ledger Book The COIngOSooooooo-uooqosac-oo-o’naccuse-ooo-oo-noooc-o... 24 Sta Anselm COlngOIooooo-o-oo-c.ucooaeooooaOIDuonoouncount- 24 Mount St. Mgry COlngeooo-Iolooocoo-cocooooooooo-no.once-no 24 1?. Sisters' Scholastic Records 18. Lay Students’ Records , 19. Institution Reports 20. Subject File 21. Data for Summer Sessions 22. Departmental Data Ri'vier College.‘.IQQ'OIOIOICOCIIOCBOCQODIOOOOIIOIIOOOIOIII. 25 23. Students' Scholastic History 24. (Sister) Students' Scholastic History 25. Students' Scholastic History (Extension Coursos) Diocesan Superintendent of Schools......................... 26 26. Scholastic Records 27. Transfer of Student Local Roman Catholic Institutions in New Hampshire......... 27 Allenstown (Suncook) St. John the BaptistOBIclouooooooeooooooaouooscience-coo... 27 28. Records...........a............................... 27 Sisters of the Holy Cross and Seven Dolors................. 27 Alton (Alton Bay) Sta Joan Of ArfllloloabologIt.Coo-onooooooOIooaooooooouoooow 27 Table of Contents Page Ashland St. Agnes-cocoon...oooolooooolouse-anonotoooootoooolfinbt-l 28 290 RecordSOoo-ooooooeonot»eatangent-némuoonuolonemp 28 Bartlett sacred HeartOIooococooooitlt’iuoolcoolavoo¢o60I30I9IonIQEQ 28 Belmont St. JosephWSOOalIt...iolhdvaéIJoanagn’eanu-ooalvooaooaoonq 28 Bennington St. Patrick-'SUOI'CIOICC.COIIOO‘OIIQIIOEQC.COOODOUIIOOIIIOIQ 29 303 RecordSnuoooooogooooooaoooobob-oooonoanthSOQOile 29 Berlin St. Anne’s......nu.a..5..aa.¢........o.......o-...n.o..... 29 319 RecordSooone...noonpootegoooo-woooa-ooooonoocoao 29 St- Kiernan'8¢ooooooooooooooeooaooooeoonnooooooccoon-olooo 29 32. ReccrdSDooaooooooooooooousuooooaooachoose-ace... 30 Guardian Angelousoonocooooaooonooooneooooococoons-cocoa... 30 33c RecordSvoooooneooonoussoaloooosaooooeaosaooooooo 30 Sta Regis AcademYeooooneonateloouoooooooonoooaooooooooeooo 30 34. History of Parish of St. Ann and St. Regis Academy 35° Community Annals 36: School Journals (Records of Pupils) 37¢ Diocesan High School Summary Cards Convents of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary... 31 Sisters Of Charity of St. Hyucihtheooooooeoooooo-onoonoooo 32 ConVent of the Sisters of Mercy.........¢............aa... 32 Ste Louis Hospitalooooooooonoooonu-oooaoo-oooaoooav-ooaooo 32 38. (Records of) St. Louis Hospital 399 Register of Patients 40. Patients Record Book 41. Case Histories (of Patients) 42. Index (to Case Histories) of Patients 43; fidmission and Summary Cords (Tonsillectomy) 44. Classifications of Diseases 45. Operating Room Register 46. Laboratory Register 47. X-Ray Register 48-.» X—Ray Cards (Index to Register) 49° Register for Unpaid Bills 50. (Index to Register of) Bills Unpaid 51. Register for Paid Bills 52. (Bills of) City Relief Cases 53. (Bills of) County Relief Cases 54. Journal 55. Brown Company Bills 56. Report of the Board of Directors of Sta Louis Hospital Table of Contente~bBethlehem Page St. Lbuis Hospital School of Nureing....u...s............. 36 57. Entry Book 580 StudentsE Records 595 Students“ Reference Record 600 Pupils Record 61° Monthly Record Book for Clinical Experience 62» Applications and Correspondence--Current 63e Rejected Applicationeo~0urrent 64, Miscellaneous Bethlehem Christ the KingodI‘DIIOCIOOGDQJODAOOQIlOCOIODOOIOOOIIOIICQOO 3'7 65. Recordsn.fio000000500000...OOOIOQIOICODOIGOOCDIOC 37 Bristol St‘ Tj-mothy'sa".BOCCGIOl.....a°°9909.0.0...".":".“'..‘.. 37 , Canaan Sit Mary'SnosouocncoInaonooo'noasoon-oooeocoo-IQIOIAOODeco 38 Carroll Our lady of the Mountains (Bretton Woode)......n.o.o.....c 33 Sti PatriCk? S (TWin Mountain)oaIohuoaonooocoo-Qotcocoon-ea 38 Charlestown Ste CatherinerSoosaanaaneoncocooououooec-oooohobo-06"...» 38 660 RSCOFdSEewccoo-col.non-eouiooooooooouhwiiol‘oooo 39 Claremont V St; Mhry‘ Shownoon.oooooooooutooocb‘cooOooonon-Dovsoc-CIOOO 39 67. RGCOPdSo.ooootonoco'ooitOcuteoaoaoaoonluoouo-lno 39 St§ Joseph‘s (P0115h)ooI:nonoocobbi.@cuota.oonoooloooouoooo 4O 68. Record3§éoooaooucoilouo-ooae.cocoav-o-oouooc-coo 40 St‘ Mary' 8 High SChOOlaoobo-u‘c‘tooccoo-oocecnnocooo-o-coo 40 69. Diocesan High Schooi Summary Cords 40 5th Mary. S Conventuaoa...-...¢.....e.o..o..-.3..pou..¢...e 4O Colebrook _ St. Brendan. Soooooeaaoouoaaoaaooonsooqaocoobctulcalooltouo 40 Little Sisters Of the Holy FbmiIYoavouosooob-auooiochb-sou 41 Columbia (Colebrooky-P909)v St‘ Joseph's Juniorfl$eooobooouuoooooloouotoonoaotooo-ocDec 41 70. Codex Hietoricus 71. (Record of students) Concord st. JOhn the Evangelistwocoqoroowensborne-nooiltdfiotivoooo 4; 720 Records-cocooonouaoocooc-ocean-uncooctodluocoaoo Dflnaculate Conception (PenaQOOk);oovomeloi-ofiobtoolCn-ooso 42 730 Recordso.s.......oo..o.oo..o....o.-....u........ Table of Contents-~Conway . Page Sacred Heart.............................................. 42 74. Records......................................... 42 Convent of the Sisters of Mercy........................... 43 Convent of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary.... 43 Convent of the Sisters of Mercy (Penaoook)................ 43 ' Conway Our Lady of the Mountains (North Conway).................. 43 753 Records....l..'l.COIO“.‘I...CI..I......I.......43 St. CharleSCOIIO..COCO-OOOQOI‘IIOC0.000ICCIOCIOOICOIIICOOII 4’4 Derry st! Thonlas Aquinas-coo00.0.0.0...I0040-aanatoolounlnao¢¢0i 4'4 76- Records.......-................................. 44 Dover St. Mary's (St. Aloysius)................................. 44 77. Records..................................a...... 45 St. CharleSoeo-uno-uococoa-oownnoouoo-nb-uunon-un-unooouoo 45 78. Records.-.....-..........................-...... 45 St. mary's School (Sacred Hbart School)................... 45 79. Scholastic Records 80. Diocesan High School Summary Cards 81. New Hampshire School Register St. Mary's Convent........................................ 46 Convent of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary.... 46 St. Mary's Orphanage...o.u...e-....n..-........o.......... 47 Dublin Our Lady of the SnoWSIJUQQ‘OO000010I‘dOl!III‘OOOIIICOOOOIO 47 Enfield St. Helena................................................ 47 820 Records-o.-...............-.....-.a.....-....... 47 La Salette Seminary....................................... 48 Sisters of St. Martha Convent.............................48 Ewing St. Joseph's.................nu.n..........o..‘........... 48 48 83. Records-oncoo‘oolD'ocIo-OD‘haul-o'clooonOllIoolah Exeter St. I‘lfichaellso.l.......I....‘....'........'.IC.I-BG‘UCICOU 84. Records.................-a..va.................o Convent 0f the Sisters of Mbrcy.....................-..... Farmington St. Peter's....................o....-..................... 850 RecordscoillooopiootIIOOCIIOOOIOOIooo0-00.00IIOI Franklin St. Paul's..."l‘...'.......‘I.."....I..'.'....l..l...'... 860 Records...,..................-.................. Convent of the Sisters of MerCyoouuulaoolaooooCotonou-00:0 Table of Contents Goffstown Villa.Angu5hinaoousonata...oooooanon-aoonocoaooooonoaooo-o 87. Register . 88. Diocesan High School Summary Cards Gorham Holy ley’.°.'....O..0060"I“.3I...a....°“.d.03..'0.¢.. 890 RecordSoooouoooooooonocuaohm-cocoao-eoao-o-onvao st. Benedict-ontounnoooooooooooooouo-ooooaoocolouoooaooo-o Convent of the Presentation of Blessed Virgin Mary........ Greenville Sacred‘Heart.....oo.-o..........u...-.-o.................. 900 RecordScultnooooooaooeouooouI-oooooooasloin-coon Sisters Of the Assumption conventocoucoyote-coon...o-oouoo Hampton St. PatriCk'Soo-ncooaooeooouooooono-quusnore-0909:.cocoon 919 Records.......u...o........o.................... Hanover St. DeniSaoenounseaooooueoouUCOOIolne-con-Ionounlooooonooo 92a RCCUrdSOOloot-a0000.99.20.anon-pnonooooQOootooqo Harrisville St. Denis....0IO.IO...I.COO...OOOOGCOODD.€I..OQ0.0000Q.Ii. 93. aficordSooolooonatp-oo-ootonne-oo-oooouooo-nnoto. Haverhill (Woodsville) Stv Joseph'SOOBOOOCfiIII.0.0IOOCIIICOIOVOODGIOOBIQOQVIOIOOO 940 Recordsoo.o..-...b........-.......-.....o..,..o. Henniker St. Theresa.Sooeoon...-too-oQOOOQOIoocooouanoooaooo-ucaoco Hillsborough St. Mary's...DOIOIIEOOQBUOOQCCIOOIOUOIOOIICIOOIIOIOItIOII. 950 RflcordSo-oooncoonot...coo-cocooo-oeoloooooenoto- Hinsdale St. Jbseph'SIoononoooooooooooooo-oooooooa-unoccuooo-ue-0.. 96¢ RecordSOQOOOOOoIoooou-oooaoooo:oase-ooauocuoooon Hookeett HOIY ROSarYeooooaloOIOOIocoon-0°..-neaoccoo-oouooonaoooooo 97¢ Records.-noon.oo-oooooooocooooooooooo-ocnIago-no Mount St. Mary Seminary.....e...-........o....»-....sue... 98. Records 99. High School Reports 100. Diocesan High School Summary Cards Page 50 51 51 51 51 52 52 52 52 52 53 53 53 53 54 54 54 54 55 55 55 55 e‘ 56 ”740' qeble of Contents-Hopkinton (CbntoooOOk) , Page ' 101. High School Register 102. Transcript of High School Records ‘ 103$ Incoming School Reports (Transfer Records) ”.104. estate Board (of Education) Reports 105. -Correspondence with State Board (of Education) 106. 'State Examinations 107. (Current) State Administration Records 108. Catholic University (Reports) 109. ”Directory of School Hopkinton (Contoocook) IMEJ'Y Of the assumptions-nun.noooooooao-oosoooaeawoocan 58 Hudson Presentation Of W AcademYJOouuoaouooouoooooooooopsou-no 58 110. Annals 111. Record of Students 112. Register (of students) 113. Students' Cards Oblates Of Nfary Imaculflteooooocolour:canton-oceoocoooonoco 59 Convent of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary.... 59 Jaffrey (East Jeffrey) Stu PatriCkEQe-ooonooeoooeeoooooonoo-uoo-oooooo-I’obootooou 59 59 114:0 RecordSoogonnoeovooooeoenonoooooooasooooooooaco Jefferson St. “meatblocoocosloeoGDOIocooooiloccocoons-noon:nucooooo 59 Keene St. Bernard'H.o“um-nu...nu...“"noun“...unn... 60 60 60 1150 Recordacooo-ouooocooncoco-ooocouoooouo-Idgnoooo Convent Of $110 $1 ".tvCFu‘ Of ViercyooaonuCOIooooooc-loans-once Laconia St. JOSSPh'Sonaa...nah-oooo-Icooooooooocounooooooonoouoono 60 61 61 61 61 62 62 62 1160 RecordSOeboosoncoco...-coho-concooOIs-ooooonwoo our Lard-y Of the lakechooolooaococo-eon.eon-oolucvloouoooo 1170 RecordSono-ooooulpouooooeooeoocoo-ooocoo-ooocne Sacred Hem.annotate-ooqoaoobooewocoowo‘ooococo-nooannooo 118. RecordSocuooonoaooooooeoooooooncoooooeoeooooooo Convent Of the-$1tare.03.M93Gyeodaoooooo-ocoooonce-enouou Sisters Of the Asswnption COIN/Onto...noon-jacqua-ooooaono. Lancaster All Sm-ntSCOOU00".OOOOCIOIOCOOOIDOQODI‘OIOQO‘00500ICUOOOO 62 1190 Records.odouooouoooopboaaoonoacsoot-ooocoooeno. 62 Lebanon Sacred Heartoo-ocooooooonosebaceous...u-eaooooo-oeooooooo- 63 1200 RecordSCQIoooqelooloco-loooooeaooouaeooo-eo-ooo 63 H°1y Redeemer...no..ecannon...»..a...........-...un.. 63 Convent Of tha bifltel’fi OO£ FETCYrueuoo-ccoqoconoaoooaoooooo 63 Table of Contents Lincoln St. Joseph'Sooocueooonn-coccoco.Ivonneouc-oacaoonoconooooo 1210 Records-onoonoooooconcooocoon-oc-auoooo-ooolono Lisbon St. Gatherine.59000ntoooooocan.can-cunnoooccooncoonocooowa Littleton St. Rose Of Lima.-.......n..o......o....-.......o......... 1220 Records-c.......o.....o......-o...............o Convent Of tha Sisters 0f MerCYOoooooooaoolm.too-.nocooc-e MBnchester St» Anne’s...-..o.o...........-.......................-..u 123. RecordSOOOIouoooInuunaccouooqu-ooo-oeuoonooono St. Joseph's cathedral.coIoolqooooooovooooooooq-oncoon-coo 124. RecordSOooooooDIooatlouIcon-colon...taco-cooone Stu Augustine'Soo-oooocoootgoonooucooononoaococoa-clcocoon 1256 Records.o........a....o..¢...-......-.......-.. St. Marie'SOCotoo.ono.noun.uqouooaoonoooooonooooanaccount- 1260 RacordSIQOuooJ-onloooouonoeu00.0-90.0...nous..- Stu Raphael's....9.......o....-........................... 1270 RecordSeooooonn-noooocnooocuouoooooooooo-acoooo St. George'Snooonoooo-IoooooooaOIvooo-no-ooo-cococoooooooo 128‘ RecordSoooooo-ooloco-onooolooaootoouccocoon-out Hely Rosary...nonunion-oooan-cuucon-oaoOIatuna-onon-ooooco Stu PatriCk'SoooooocoooOOtoo-ac... 1290 RecordSocnoooaou00000000000000-non-coouvooo-ooa St. Anthony's.......o.o..-....a..u...--..............c.... 1309 Records...ooocounty-000.conulooon-o‘one...u-non St. Hedwigefié....-..u....cc..-............................ 131. Records.......u..u............................. Ste FTaHCiS Of ASSiSiqoocoococo-raccooocoocoooouncouo-oooo 1329 Records...o..-...o.......-....-................ Blessed Sacrament......-...............................-.. 133' Recordaouooooonl30¢.on...o-o‘too-ctlooooooacooa Our lady Of Perpetual Help.tonoQQOJOOOIDUOIoootooaooo00.00 1340 RBCOrdSoooconicaloooooouoonooooou-cooooooooooto Sacred Heartoo-onouoscooqooaIauoooo-oOOQnOIb-c0000-00-0... 135. Records........-...........u.................oa Std Eflmund'5..-................o...o-o-o-ooo-o--oou--oo--- 136- RecordSooI...aconeonan.Ioooooooooouooloonnoooon St. Jean Buptiste.....o...-.ooao.......o.........u........ 1370 ReecrdSOOIIOItel.0DOOOIIIOOOOI.IIIOOOIOU§OIQIIO St. Teresa'Soo0.606.606.0100.0090-100.sane-cocucno-ooon-oo 1380 ROCCrdSQoooo-ooooooa-oionoooccooa-o-oa-oooo‘ooo Holy Angels High SChOOlnooQOOQoooconto-oonooot-o-nouo-oooo 139° Register , 140. Diocesan High School Summary Cords St. Joseph's (BOYS') High SChOOlooconaobooooIcon-Io-uooooa 141. Register 1429 D10cesan High School Summary Cards Page 64 64 64 64 64 65 65 65 66 66 66 66 66 67 67 67 67 66 68 68 68 68 69 69 69 69 69 69 7O 70 7O 7O 70 71 71 71 71 71 72 72 72 Table Of ContentswwManchester Our Lady Of Grace Academy...u.......n.u..............u 143. Register 144. (Records of) Alumnae 145. New Hampshire School Register 146. Diocesan High School Summary Cards St. Anthony's (Girlsw) High SChOOloooooeeooooooeoooooooooe 147. Register 148. Diocesan High School Summary Cards Ste George'g (Girls’) High SChOOloo-oouooeoouoeooorenounce 149. Record Book 150. Diocesan High School Summary Cards St. Joseph's (Ghrls’) High School......................... 151. (History of) St. Joseph's High School 152. Scholastic Cards 153. Diocesan High School Summary Cards 154. Alumnae Association 155. Scrap Book Mount St. hiary's Convent.......nun...-..............u 156. Registers 157. Day Book Journal 158. Leaves from the Annals of the Sisters of Mercy Sisters or Charity Of Sherbrooke...........nun"u"... The Brothers Of the Christian SChOOlSuloeoooocean's-cones. Maris-t» Brothers-coo..-cocoa-gee.oooooooooooaoooeoacocoons. Sisters of Charity of Providence of Montreal Convent...... 1590 Chronicles 160. Register 161. Obituary Sisters of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary.... Monastery of the Adorers of the Precious Blood............ 1620 Annals 163. Record of the Foundation of the Precious Blood in Manchester, N. H. 164. Register I (Decrees, Mandates, Ordinances etc.) 165. Register II (Admissions, Departures, etc.) 166. Register III (Reception, Professions, etc.) 167. Register IV (Acts of the Assemblies) 168. Register V (Meetings for Admission of Novices to Profession, etc.) 169. Register VI (History of New Foundations, etc.) 170. Register VII (Miscellaneous Records) 171. Necrological Notices (Register VIII) 172. Register IX (Correspondence, Financial) Convent of the Holy Cross and Seven Dolors................ 173. Annual Reports of all Houses 174. Chronicles 175. Provincial Accounts Little Sisters Of the HOly Family.........nun-9..."... FeliCian SiStSI'S' convent-00090000000“ounce-onIo-o-ooo-ooa Sacred Heart Hospitalaou.nn.n......................-.. Page 73 73 74 74 75 75 75 76 76 76 77 78 79 79 79 u 10 - Table of Contents——Manchester Page 176. Register of Patients 177. Case Histories 178. Admission Cards (Index to Case Histories) 179. Patients Summary Cards ’ 180. Nomenclature (Record of Disease) 181. Daily Average of Patients 182. Monthly Analysis of Service Sheet 183. (Financial) Register 184. System of Keeping Records Sacred Heart School of Nursing............................ 81 185. (Record of) Sacred Heart Training School 186. Students Records 187. (Record of) tudents 188. Graduates 189. Current Report 190. Miscellaneous 191. (Index to) Miscellaneous (Records) Hospital of Notre-Dame De Lourdes......................... 82 192. Registers 193. Journal (of Patients) 194. Minutes of the Meetings of the Hospital Council 195. Case Histories (of Patients) 196. Index (to Case Histories) 197. Index to Old Records (Case Histories) 198. Admission and Summary Cards (Tonsillectomy) 199. Index (to Admission and Summary Cards) 200. Day Books 201. Classification of Diseases 202. X~Ray Reports (Out Patients) 203. (Record of) Out Patients 204. X-Ray (Pictures and Reports) 205. Patient Cards 206. Operating Room (Register) 207. Sisters' Register 208. Journals (Receipts and Expenditures) 209. (Itemized Yearly Reports of Receipts and Expenditures) 210. Cash Books 211. Patients Register (Record of Finances) 212. (Patients' Accounts) 213. Non-Paying Patients 214. (Financial Records of) Out Patients 215. City Accounts 216. (Record of) Loans 217. Rent Money Received 218. wages 219 a salary B 00k 220. Bills Paid 221. Bills unpaid 222. Paid Accounts 223. Non~Paid Accounts 224. Gift Book - 11 2 Table of Contents~~Manchester Page 225. Old ladies? Department 226. Orphanage (Receipt for Board) 227. (Record of) Altar Bread 228 . Annual Rep ort s 229. Annals 230. L‘Hospital de Notre-Dame de Lourdes de Manchester9 N. H. NotrenDame Training School for Nurses..................... 87 231. Students Records 232. Pupils Records (Index to Students' Records) 233. Nurses' Reference Book 234. Address Book for all Graduates 235. School Application (Cards) 236. Graduates Case Records 237. Nurse Case Records 238. (Reference Cards) 239. Nurses' Record 240. Applications (and Correspondence) 241. Miscellaneous 0111‘ Lady of Perpetual Help Hospital.................-..... 88 242. 243. 244. 245. 246. Patients' Record Case Histories Baby Charts Baby cards Day Books Our Lady of Perpetual Help Infant Asylum.................. 89 247. 248. 249. 250. 251. Admittance and History Cards Case Histories (Public Charges) (Record of) Discharge Accounts Christ Child Society St. Patrick's Orphanage (St. Mary's Orphanage); St. Joseph's or'phavnOngeIQOOQOOOIOCIIICC...IOIOIIOOOIIIIQIOIOIIOIIIOOIODO 252. 253. 254. 255. 256. 257. 258. 259. 260. 261. 262. 263. 90 Register Registration Cards Confirmations and Baptismal Records Confirmations Expenditures (and Receipts) Donations (Receipts and Expenditures) Accounts Total Receipts (and Expenditures) Receipts County Cases for Boys and Girls Report of County and City Chirges (Records of) st. Joseph‘s Guild St. Peter's Orphanage (Notre-Dame Orphanage).............. 92 264. 265. 266. Index (to Registers) (Boys') Register (Girls') Register Table of Contents-Merlborough u 12 a 267. Boys' and Girls” Register 268. (Sisters') Register 269. (Private Charges, Boys) Board 270. EGirls') Board 271. County and Town) Charges 272. (Boys' and Girls’) Bozrd 273. Day Book 274» Annual Reports (Receipts and Expenditures) 275. Wages 276. Loans 277. Gifts 278. Council Record L'Hospice Saint Vincent De Paul....a.o.................... 279. Register 280. Admittance Cards 281; Journal (Accounts) 282. Receipts and Empenditurps St. Paul's Hmnc,...................................u...o.. House Of St. MartthQ-oocoo-euoooocoue-cnoo-oucuuu«0.09.00 283. Register House of St. JohnoooocchIOIncoco...outcoooe-a-auoaeooao-u 284a Register Sisters of Joan of Arc...............................¢.... fi.Pm1mwmflsHmmn.u.u.u.u.u.u.u.n.u.u.n.n Marlborough Sacred Heart.........ouu-os..o.......o-..u.oo-............ 2850 Records...-OICQIOOOOOOIQICOOOOUonlolobocoooonol Meredith our Lady of Lourdes-o...occacoonooooouo-co-oo-cooocnoQ-ooo Milford St. Patricks‘...‘C.......I..IICI..IIII‘IOOOOIUIOOOIOOUUCCU 286. RocordSDIIODO‘OD.0...IOCCIIIOODIOODIfiOIOCOC000° Milton Sacred HeartOOOII....90.....5..D.'..IIll-ODIOOCOUIDOOOOOIO Nashua St. Patrick's (Immaculate Concoption)..................... 287- RecordSonooconoose-9.9.0....-cocoons-onset:noon St. Aloysius of Gonzaga................................... 2880 RecordSooclaoooDOOOCOI-oatodficcoonolocuclo-uuno St. FrC;nCis XaViCro-couoI.-cocoaoo-cwoouannounces-00000.0. 289° Records-o.ooooaaooanoo-ounce-IboeuoouooOIo-noon Sta Cflsimir'fl (Lithuanian)......a...........-ooo........a. 290. Records..o.°.’°,..‘...................°...'...' St. SthniSlQUSo-uoanon-ooncacao.coon-noooooooc-uo-ooo-o-I' 2910 Recordscooa....o.....a............o.,...~...... Page 94 95 95 95 96 96 96 96 97 97 97 97 98 98 98 98 98 99 99 99 99 99 - 13 - Table of Contents--Newfields I Page Holy Infant Jesus-noose.ooapeace-uh»neoonoou-uolocnv-eoooeI 100 2920 Records-.ua..aeuo..........o.................... 100 St. Aloysius High School................................... 100 293. Diocesan High School Summary Cards 294. Transfer Cards Sisters of the Holy Cross and Seven Dolors................. lOO Convent of the Sisters of Mercy............................ 101 Brothers of the Sacred Heart............................... 101 Sisters Of Charity 0f Montreal.o.......e....u...........-.. 101 St. Joseph's Hospitflloacu.100cocoooosooouoohocooc-cocoon-ac 101 295. Register of Patients 296. Case Histories 297. Admission and Summary Cards 298. Accounts 299. (Financial) Journal St. Joseph‘s Hospital Training School for Nurses........... 300. Students Records 3019 Students Reference Record ‘ St. Joseph's Orphanage..................................... 103 302. Register 303. Index (to Register) 304. Case Records ' 305. Certificate of Baptism 306. Receipts 307. Total Receipts 308. Expenditures 309. Monthly Drafts (Receipts and Expenditures) 310. Hillsborough County Cases 311. (Record of) Public Charges of (from) All Counties and Cities 312. Reports for County Charges (to State Board of Public Welfare and Relief) 313. Yearly Reports 314. (Current) Correspondence Sisters of Joan of are..................................... 102 104 Newfields sacred Heartotooutouadcoono...IIu;oooocolooooil-sovo-QOIOOI 104 Net London (No Nwme)g004000.000cCIllouUOIIOéIOOOOUIOIOuOJQfionoco-oncul 105 Newmarket st. Mary's,-COI.IOICDOIOOIIBIO!II;II-IIQOIOIOIUOICOOOIO0". 315. Records-OIQOOut-onnbincooIon-nontoloooscloctoono 105 105 Newport St. Patrick‘s.I.OIcalI....OCOIIIIIoOnflorOOOOto-onoOIIOIOOCI 105 106 33-6. RE’QCrdSO.nogvnc1.900.400.reconvene-nooncoooo-ooo - 14 H Table of Contents Page Northumberland (Groveton) St. Francis Xavier. . . U I . . U C . . . . . n . I I i I . a 3 . U . C . I . U . ‘ W ‘I . D . U 106 317. Records. . C . . . fl . . . . ‘ . I . o . . . E . D Q 5 . . ‘ ‘ . . C U C I . D . C 9 106 Northwood St' Paul (Ea-st)l..9.°...0..°Q°OBOOOOIDOOOOOUO»§ODIIIOOISOI 1'06 Sto DominiCk (Northwood IIa-ke)|.IOOODOIIOCHOOOCOIIIIO"... 1'07 Pelham St. Patrick'Sonntoo.ocoonunocuouan-anon-3I003c1too-nunooa 107 Peterborough St. Peter’s-coco:oun-ooaunouooe-Iocouaccouuooonoooanco:In 107 318. Records......fiCOUCOOOI.OOOOOOOOOUOCOOQDOIIOOOC 107 Pittsfield Notre Dame De LourdeS¢otnnuoounotoooeosuaooa-oneonInc-Ion 108 3190 Records.aboadOIenoaaoecnouanuooonaoceoooooou'o 108 Plaistow (Westville) Holy AngelSnoaluIOIdooo.auto-ouohnoouoeiuocaonlooheooooca 108 320. RecordSoIcannot-alto...cocoa-choosuouoaoooo-Io 108 Plymouth Stfl MatthewgSDOOOGOCUIOODDCCOUUIGQO‘OGQQOODIBIOIOGOIOIIOO 108 321. ReCOrdsICIIOIIDICCIOIDOCOOOUCODDCIDOOO‘COICGOO 109 Portsmouth Inmaculate Conception (St. Mary's)oonoooacDoro-Icocwouaoo i8: 110 3220 RecordSOIOOOIOICOOQOIQIout...OOOOOCOIOIOOOOIOO Convent of the Sisters of Mercy.....o...-....-..........o Rochester St. Mary'sfl.DIUIOIOIOOQIIOIOICllI.OCUCOOOGHCflUCOOOIOIIIOI 110 110 110 110 111 111 111 3230 Records.....o..a......u......o......o.......o. Holy ROSflrYoo-nnoooocono'oonoon-analonn‘oanouooooooo-ncao 324d Records-conoloco-oooc-Ou-o-oouoanio-c'oao-caoa Sta LGO'Socnoasouonu-ucoco-no-oooo-uuaspen-accouuaoo-oooo 325. Records.................................o..... Holy Rosary Commercial High School.....a................a 326. Class Record 327. Diocesan High School Summary Cards Convent of the Sisters of Mercy...............,.......... 111 Convent of the Holy Cross and Seven Dolors..............a 112 Sisters of Charity of Sherbrooke......................... 112 St. Charles Orphanage....e..................»............ 112 328. Register of Orphans 329. Accounts 330‘ (History of) St. Charles Orphanage i; “15'- t E Table of Contents Page L I Rollinsford (Salmon Falls) Ste Maryuoooeoeoogpaonooo-cooa-n-nooooonuooooooonoooooo-n 113 3310 Records....no.......,o.....a.................. 113 Sisters of Ste Joseph Convent.......s.................... 113 Salem Ste Joseph's-coco.oo,ooouocooooonaooooooo-oooo.--cacao-no. 113 3321) RBCOTdSOI-o-ooonooooouooooocoone-noon»-auto-o.114 Immaculate Conception.nuns-unnnnu”Hanna“... 114 Somersworth HOly Trinity”u.........u....,...u..."nun-no..." 114: 333. Records.;...................n....q............ 114 St. Martin's...........9.....9.....--.a.o..........a..... 114 ‘ 334:» RecordSO.ooooiooooooauooooo-noDivot-ooaoooooouo115 St. Martin's High School...........o...........¢......... 115 335. Class Record 336. Diocesan High School Summary Cards Convent of the Holy Cross and Seven Dolors........9...... 115 Convent of the Sisters of Mercy..............a........... 115 Stewertstown (Riverside) St. Albert's,odesnoun...c-onoonI.cacao-oooooucooooncoouo. 1-16 337G ReCOPdScateo-Innovation-cocooooooonan-00......116 Convent of the Sisters of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mar-LrY‘OiOl-IIODIOOIIIQOIOIQOOOCOCI'd-OOIDQIIO 1-16 swmmm(mmhmmfiww sacred Hear-t..I.O...‘..'...._I......‘..........°.II...I...‘116 338. R060rds."...........C............'..-'.......116 Sunapee (Lake Sunapee) Mindy of the lake..C..‘.'...‘....I........U.........O.117 Swanzey (West) St. Anthony...........°..o..‘C.............O......°Q.C-.b117 Tamworth (Chocorua) our mdy of Help...........'..........I...O....‘°.°.fl.". 1'17 Tilton Assumptionooooonoou-o-ooocooooooo-o-oouoaooooou-ooooooooo 117 339. Records..................I'.I’U.l....fl‘...°.-..118 Troy maculate conceptionovoouoonoooalsoonnoneo-oouoeoooooooa118 34o. RecordSOOOOOOODIIOODDQOOOOIOIOOOOQGtOOOOIOOI00118 wakefield (Sanbornvillo) Sth Anthony of Paduapoooiooonco-Glue-oppononhvnaoononqcoo118 3419 Rocordsoooo-oo0.0.0.0000...-ononconoooonno-aoa119 Table of Contents . Page walpole Stu Joseph'SQOOIOOOOQOOOOQnous-otuoooccooaullnoslucavootoc 119 st. Peter's (North walpole)............................... 119 3420 RGCOTdSoco-ucoco-nooonowo-ocoo-canonuo-on-oq-co 119 Whitefield St. Matthew'SOOOoODOE-ODOCBCOODIIIOIOODOOBIIOOonlccolfltoloo 120 343G RecordS‘Otoo-IOIOOOOCIantibiotic-tonallloooooooo120 Wilton Sacred Heartollocoo-loaooo-neneu-nun-oooouocoo-oouo-out... 120 344. Records...‘..fi...'...................I.....I.'.120 Winchester St. Michael's(AShuelot)otoo-loclnonoooaoolaoallocates-club 121 345. Records”...u.................................131 St. Stanislaus.-..........u......-..o....a................ 121 Wolfeboro St? Ceceliu‘sooCanototncoaooqoooiooo-ollooou.oooou-Ioeno'n 122 VI. Bibliography................ ....... .. ..... . ........ .....a..... 123 Manuscripts............................ ..... .9............ 123 Secondary Worka...........................................° 124 Periodicals......... ..... .....................¢........... 127 317.}. A. THE ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH IN NEW HAMPSHIRE ls HISTORICAL SKETCH Possibly, Mass was first said in New Hampshire on the Isles of Shoals July 15, 1605 when Champlain was exploring the New England coach!- French invaders again celebrated Mass on July 18, 1694 when Sieur de Villifiu and his Indians attacked Oyster River (Durham); Father Vincent Bigot, S.,J., and Abbe Thury were probably the offici-v- sting clergymem3 These early manifestations of Catholicism did not, however, determine the religious pattern for the Province of New Hampshire which was Protestantm Upon separation from Masso. husetts (1680), liberty of conscience was given to all Protestantse Officials of the Province were required to subscribe to the oath aimed against Catholic recusantse In spite of the Tolera