xt76hd7nph53 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt76hd7nph53/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1915059 minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1915-05-jun9. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1915-05-jun9. 1915 2011 true xt76hd7nph53 section xt76hd7nph53 MINUTES OF Em BOARD OF T3BUSTESJ The Board of Trustees of the State University of' Kentucky met in regular session on Thursday, June 9, 1915, at eleven o'clock, in the Trustees' room in the Gymnasium Building. on roll call, the following were present:- Governor McCreary, Henry S. Barker, C. B. Nichols, James K. Patterson, G. G. Brock, Samuel Marks, T. L. Edelen, Claude B. Terrell, P. P. Johnston, Jr., J. E. Brown, R. W. Brown, James W. Turner, William H. Cox, Tibbis Carpenter, John Wesley .Joods. Mr. R. C. Stoll was present vien the Board reconvened after lunch. Absent:- James Breathitt, Johnson N. Camden, Richard N. Wathen, Barksdale Hamlett, Denny P. Smith, Louis L. Walker, Dr. A. Gatliff. Governor MeCreary acted as chairman of the meeting. Minutes of the December meeting were read by Judge Laff'erty, and on motion, were approved and adopted. The minutes of the Executive Committee were read by the Secretary. Motion was made, seconded and carried that the minutes, as read, be adopted. June 9, 1915 M2IUTES OF The BCARD CF TRUSTEe9 President Barker then read his annual report, which is as follows:- Lexington, Ky., June 8, 1915. TO '=R BOARD OF TRUST EES, State University of Kentucky, Lexington, Ky. Gentlemen:- We are now drawing to the close of the most successful and one of the most satis- factory sessions of the University since its foundation. That you may have clearly before you the growth of the institution, in the last five years, I aDpend below a table taken from the records of the Registrar's office, which shows the annual growth during the period to which it relates: UNDERGRADUATE COURSES LEADIING TO A DEGREE 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 1915 Arts & Science 119 179 239 268 251 271 Agriculture 18 42 87 156 201 245 Civil Engineering 87 74 63 68 64 62 Mechanical Engineering 138 150 167 165 171 199 Mining Engineering 27 35 39 26 29 23 Law 46 50 74 67 100 95 Total 435 530 669 750 816 895 Graduate Students 38 52 85 76 39 56 Tot al 473 582 754 826 855 951 Special, Short Courses & 248 221 508 404 389 467 Tune 9, 1915 Total Enrollment 721 803 1262 1229 1244 1418 MINUf IS OF TiE BOARD OF T.HUSTISu 9 An inspection of this table shows that in 1910, there were four hundred and thirty- five (435) undergraduates pursuing a four years course leading to a degree; in 1915 there were eight hundred and ninety-five (895) such students. In 1910, there were, including special and short course students, an aggregate of seven hundred and ten (710) students. In 1915, there were of such students, an aggregate of fourteen hundred and eighteen (1418), an increase, in each case, of one hundred per cent during the period or twenty per cent each year. The increase of the Agricultural College has been most phenomenal; in 1910, there were only eighteen (18) four year students; in 1915, there were two hundred and forty-five (245). I believe that the records of but few, if any, universities, in the country, will show steadier or healthier growth than ours. In order that you may compare the cost of the work of the University with that of similar institutions throughout the United States, I reproduce a table from my last report to the Governor and General Assembly, showing the incomes of twenty-two (22) state universities: University Annual Income No. of Students Wisconsin $2,000,000.00 4,500 Nebraska 850,000.00 3,500 South Carolina 115,000.00 426 Illinois 2,225,000.00 4,850 Texas 540,000.00 2,100 West Virginia 210,000.00 715 Missouri 1,000,000.00 2,700 Indiana 336,500.00 2,000 Iowa 830,000.00 2,100 Alabama 135,000.00 750. Arkansas 275,000.00 1,200 North Carolina 263,500.00 900 Mississippi 104,000.00 450 Ohio 1,100,000.00 3,750 Michigan 1,750,000.00 5,800 California 1,675,000.00 4,750 Virginia 295,000.00 800 Minnesota 2,150,000.00 7,000 Oklahoma 175,000.00 800 Purdue 375,000.00 2,000 Kansas 610,000.00 2,500 Miofi 175 000.00 850 $17'188 000.00 54,441 av. $310. Kentucky 210,000.00 1,418 av. 150. Here we have a list of twenty-two representative universities with a student en- Tune 9, 1915 MDNUTES OF THE ECARD OF T7m.lTr=S rollment of approximately fifty-five thousand (55,0o0e) and a total income of over seventeen million dollars ($17,000,000.00), or an average per student of about three hundred and ten dollars ($310). In other words, our University having the same Stan- dards for admission and graduation, educates its students at a cost of fifty per cent of the cost per student of the other twenty-two (22) state universities. The one hundred and two (102) universities in the country have an average per capita cost of two hundred and fifty-five dollars ($255.00), while Kentucky spends only one hundred and fifty(dollars) collars ($150.00). hEven at those colleges in. the United States and Canada that spend only ten thousand dollars ($10,000) to fifty thousand dollars ($50,000) per annum in salaries, their student per capita cost is one hundred and eighty-seven dollars ($187), and their teaching is largely academic, while our fully two-thirds of our students attend the Engineering and Agricultural Schools. The student cost at a school of technology is fully double that of student cost in an academic college. Ratio of teachers to students - (Given by Carnegie Foundantion) California One teacher to 8.5 students Wisconsin One teacher to 12.0 students Columbia One teacher to 7.3 students Harvard one teacher to 7.0 students Yale One teacher to 9.0 students Pennsylvania One teacher to 9.8 students Leland Stanford One teacher to 8.5 students Michigan One teacher to 15.0 students Illinois One teacher to 8.7 students Now, in the Kentucky State University, we have, today, fourteen hundred (1400) students and only seventy (70) professors, instructors, etc., or an average of one teacher to twenty (20) students. An inquiry directed to the various universities of the country elicited the reply that fifteen (15) hours per week of actual class room teaching is the mexiimum of work that a university professor should do. Indeed, several of the great institu- tions, notably the University of Illinois, wrote that they would not accept the work of an institution where more than fifteen (15) hours per week were required in the class room. Our instructors are in the class room on an average of eighteen hours JTune 9, 1915 MMTl1UES OF TN BCARPD OF TIRU.3TEuES per week, so that from whatever angle it is viewed, our institution is doing more work at less cost than any other similar institution of which I have any knowledge. But we are not only doing more work, proportionately, than any similar institution at a lower cost, we are also doing as fine work as any other institution. Our grades and standards are as high as any university and our students take rank with any students in the land. A great railroad man told me that the State University boys, in the employ of his road, stood in a class by themselves and were always spoken of as "those fine Kentucky boys". our young men win a large majority of the intercollegiate debates, oratorical and literary contests in which they engage, and our agricultural students have always taken high rank in stock judging and other similar contests. Those who graduate from this institution go into the world as well equipped mentally, morally and physically as the graduates of any other state university. In Tanuary last, the Pennsylvania Railroad requested Dr. Tuttle to send them a list of young chemists whom he could recommend as desirable for its laboratory. Dr. Tuttle indicated seven and all were offered places, and although only four would accept the em- ployment; I mention this to show that our Arts and Science men take just as high rank in the business world as the vocational graduates. When this report comes to you, you will have before you our financial statement pre- pared by the Comptroller, Mr. Hywel Davies, which shows up to May first, 1915, how we (next) have lived within our income; you will also have the budget for net year prepared and sub- mitted by the Executive Committee. It is a matter of great satisfaction that we, now, know positively our financial standing, and that our budget system enables us, by means of requisitions, invoices, and vouchers properly audited, to know where every dollar of our income went, who got it, and for what. On a parity with the developement (development) of the accounting department, has been the developement (development) of the Registrar's office with its complete record of students, grades, etc. The evolution of these two departments during the last four years, shows their special June 9, 1915 MINEIETS OF 2E BCARD OF THUDTESe value to the institution and to the State; both are statistical and reliable statistics are invaluable. I shall not take up a great deal of your time with a detailed statement of the various colleges of which the University is composed; they are all doing good work and all seem to be growing at a sound end healthy rate. The College of Mines, in addition to its regular work conducts, during the school year, short courses in practical mining for the benefit of those who have neither the time nor the money to take a more protracted course. Dean Norwood is also giving what he calls "Extension" courses to the miners of the State. These consist of lectures and demon- stration work done at the various mining camps, and he reports very satisfactory and en- couraging results from these endeavors. owing to the slump in mining interests caused by the European War, the number of the short course students in the department, this session, has only been twenty-fIve, but there is no doubt that this number will increase very rapidly when the coal business becomes normal, and the nmn are enabled to make regu- lar wages. In this connection, I quote one sentence from Dean Norwood's report: "One of the features of our work among the miners, both in short course and in our extension courses, which I think cannot be emphasized too strongly, is that it is knitting a bond which is to tie the University and the mining interests of the State more and more closely together." The College of Civil Engineering is conducting, each year, short and extension courses in road makings the object being to give practical instruction in one of Kentucky's great needs, - good roads. I adopt the following excerpt from a publication issued from the Highway Department of this College: "The recent development (development) of road building and the demand for a higher class system of highways, have made it necessary for engineers to make a special study of this particular phase of the profession. The University has undertaken, through its Highway Department, to educate and train men in this line of work, realizing that Kentucky will never have good roads until she has good road builders." J-une 9, 1915 MINJES OF TH'E BOARD OF Tht:TEES1 One hundred and seventy-two (172) men, from every part of Kentucky, attended the short courses in road building this session. The College of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering has, this year, the largest class it has had in its existence. No college in the country turns out better equipped engineers than Dean Anderson's graduates. They are in demand all over the country, and almost without exception, they push their way to the front and hold their own against (sentence incomplete in original). Our College of Law is one of the very best in the south and its graduates are forging to the front wherever they settle for their life's work. The College is everywhere recog- nized as being up to standard in every way and whenever it has been inspected by pro- fessional examiners, it has been highly commended. It has a three years course and re- quires each student to take a year's work in the College of Arts and Science before graduation. Several new courses have been added in the last year, and Dean Lafferty is constantly strengthening it and increasing its efficiency. The College of Arts and Science is growing greater annually. The School of Journalism, which was created last year, has been a great success, there being about fifty very capable and very enthusiastic students taking the course. Professor Grehan, who is at the head of the Department, believes, and in this I concur, that his school has a great future before it. The Graduate School, under Dr. Mackenzie, is growing rapidly. There are now fifty- six (56) students taking post graduate work, and under the able dean in charge, I expect it soon to equal in numbers, as it now does in the quality of the work done, any post graduate school in the south. This brings us to the Agricultural College. I have already pointed out to you the phenomenal growth of this department in the last five years, the roster roll running up from eighteen four-year students in 1910 to two hundred and forty-five (245) students in 1915. There will be forty-two graduates from the College at the end of this term, nearly all of whom will go out into active June 9, 1915 M JINUTES OF 'DBOARD OF T'dZT2S - June 9, 1915 developement of agriculture in Kentucky. A great -number of them will be employed as County Agents in the Extension Department of which I shall speak presently. It goes without saying that the education of so many young farmers each year, and sending them back to their respective counties, cannot but exert, in a very short while, a tremendous influence upon the agricultural developement of the State. I do not deem it necessary, indeed, the space to which I have allotted myself in this report, will not permit me to go into the details of the great work which the Agricultural College and the Experiment Station are doing for the Commonwealth. Every agricultural interest in the State is administered to and stimulated by these two great departments. The Extension work, which the Agricultural College is doing in connection with the United States' Bureau of Agriculture, is done under the provisions of the Smith-Lever act, with which you are familiar. We have now, thirty-eight County Agents actively engaged in as many counties in solving all the problems of the farmer and in stimulating an interest among the tillers of the soil in scientific agriculture. We also have men engaged in organizing Corn Clubs and Pig Clubs among the boys and Canning Clubs among the girls of the State. There was never a time in the history of Kentucky when there was such a ferment of agricultural endeavor as is now going on in the Commonwealth of Kentucky. During the last twelve months, there was expended, in the State of Kentucky, under the provisions of the Smith-Lever Bill, ninety-seven thousand dollars ($97,000.00) in Extension work, and for the coming fiscal year, beginning July first, next, we will have under our control, for Extension Work in the Commonwealth, one hundred and eighteen thousand dollars ($118,000.00). You will recollect that, under the terms of the Smith- Lever act, the Commonwealth gets ten thousand dollars ($10,000.oo) without any conditions attached to it. This sum is increased each year thereafter, but the condition for en- Joying the increment is that the State or somebody for the State shall put up dollar for dollar with the money of the United States. Thus far, we have had funds in the Extension Department of the Agricultural College and Experiment Station which enables us MINUTES OF ME, BOARD OF ThUSTEES to meet the Government s added money, and we will have sufficient funds during the coming fiscal year, but after that, unless we can obtain an additional appropriation from the State Government, we cannot obtain any further increase in the sum to be expended under the Smith-Lever Act. I feel confident, however, that upon a proper presentation of the needs of the farmers, that the Legislature will provide sufficient funds to enable us to enjoy the whole amount which should come to us under the Smith- Lever act. In order that we may understand thoroughly all that is being done in the Agri- cultural Department of this University, I respectfully refer you to the report of the Dean of the Agricultural College, a copy of which has been furnished you, and I recommend that you carefully read it in its entirety, also the report of the Extension Department by Professor Mutchler, which is well worth a perusal. A copy of this report is also in your hands. There is one part of the report of the Director of the Experi- ment Station to which I desire to especially call your attention. It is with regard to the controversy which has arisen between the teaching of the Experiment Station and the interests of manufacturers of commercial fertilizers. That you may have the Director's side of the controversy, I quote you from his report, as follows:- "The attention of the Board of Trustees is directed to a growing dissatisfaction on the part of the fertilizer trade with the present teachings of the Experiment Station regarding the requirements of Kentucky soils. As nearly as I have been able to ascer- tain, this dissatisfaction began in 1909, with the publication of a bulletin on the subject of commercial fertilizers by Professor Roberts, in which it was pointed out that the farmer was paying for phosphoric acid, nitrogen and potash in the shape of commercial fertilizers, a great deal more than those materials were worth and a great deal more for each of these constituents of complete fertilizers than the price at which they could be bought separately and that the lower the grade of commercial fertilizer, the higher the price charged per pound for the several elements of plant food. This bulletin went further to state that there can be no doubt that large sums of money are wasted in this Tune 9, 1915 MINUlTES OF T'HE, BOARD OF T::UST1EES State in the purchase of fertilizers containing low percentages of nitrogen and potash. These small percentages of nitrogen end potash add a great deal to the cost of the fertilizer and do not give returns at all commensurate with their cost. This bulletin further points out that ten times our annual expenditure could profitably be made for fertilizers, but it should be made generally for phosphate and potash salts to supply deficiencies and in the growing of leguminous crops to furnigh (furnish) humus and nitrogen. our fertilizer manufacturers need to recognize the truth of this statement and begin at once to supply these materials in unmixed condition to the farmers at the lowest possible prices. The immediate cause of this present dissatis- faction on the part of the fertilizer trade with regard to the teaching of the Experiment Station regarding the use of fertilizers and soil amendments has grown out of the recent teachings of the county agents respecting the use of acid phosphate instead of complete fertilizers. As a matter of fact it is well known to all who have ever investigated this subject, that outside of the blue grass region, the soils of Kentucky are poor in phosphorus. In a sense, phosphorus is the limiting factor of plant growth in soils outside of the blue grass region. The problem, therefore, resolves itself into a lib- eral application of acid phosphate or ground rock phosphate with a crop rotation con- taining one of more leguminous crops for the purpose of maintaining organic matter (humus) and available nitrogen, or in the return of the manurial equivalent of the crop removed. Obviously, these teachings are objectionable to the fertilizer trade for the reason that they strike a blow at the use of complete fertilizers and at the use of potash salts of which we have an abundance in all of the soils of the State and against the use of organic nitrogen which is entirely too expensive to be used by the farmer for general fertilizing purposes. From present indications, I am inclined to think that an effort will be made on the part of the fertilizer industry in Kentucky to repeal the tax of fifty cents per ton on all fertilizers manufactures (manufactured), sold or offered for sale in the State, on the ground, first, that this tax is in excess of that which is charged by other states for the carrying on of this work, and, second, on the ground that their industry has been attacked by the teachings of the Experiment Station JTune 9, 19115 MINUTES 0F THE BOARD OF TRHUSTES - June 9, 1915 in these matters. I greatly regret that this controversy has been precipitated. That it has been precipitated has really resulted from no attack of mine. At the same time, the Experiment Station cannot afford to stulify itself in matters of this kind for the purpose of maintaining friendly relations with the fertilizer industry, and if this thing is to come, the probabilities are that the sooner it is settled and definitely understood, the better for all parties concerned., I have made this long excerpt from Dr. Kastle's report for the purpose of setting forth plainly the real controversy between him and the manufacturers of fertilizers, and to commend, in the strongest possible way, his position in the matter. It is undoubt- edly his duty to give to the people of the Commonwealth the last word in science on any given proposition in which they cre interested, and it is not for him to consider whether or not the thruth (truth) of science will make or mar the fortunes of special interests. I join with him in the regret that the teachings of the Station are supposed to be contrary to the momentary interests of the manufacturers of fertilizers, but as long as his teachings are the truth, it is not for any manufacturer to set up a vested interest in the ignorance of the people and call for the suppression of the teachings. In conclusion, I desire to impress upon you the great need of this University for more money in order that it may develope into its full stature of usefulness as an educational institution, and also in the largest possible way to administer to the de- velopement of every material interest of the Commonwealth of Kentucky. We are in need of new buildings to accomnodate the greatly increased number of students, of which I have spoken. We need more and better equipped laboratories, more gymnasium room and equipment (the girls are practically without a gymnasium), and unless we get more in- come, we have all the students for whom we can care. I do not believe that a University that can care only for fourteen or fifteen hundred students, can minister to the growing needs of the Commonwealth of Kentucky in higher education. One of the greatest handicaps that this institution has suffered, in the past, is the popular belief that the Legislature has lavished great sums of money upon it. In good truth the State of Kentucky has been exceedingly niggardly towards YINUTES OF =ts C ARD OF TPRUSTEES the University. For instance, the State of Wisconsin gives its University two million dollars ($2,000,000.00) a year; Nebraska gives hers eight hundred and fifty thousand dollars ($850,000.00); Missouri one million dollars (1,000,000.00); Ohio one million one hundred thousand dollars (1,100,000.00); Michigan one million seven hundred end fifty thousand dollars l$1,750,000.00); California one million six hundred and seventy- five thousand dollars ($1,675,000.00); Minnesota, two million one hundred and fifty thousand dollars ($2,150,000.00). In other words, Wisconsin, Illinois and Minnesota each give their state university annually, as much as Kentucky has given hers in the last thirty-three years, to-wit: two million one hundred and ninety-nine thousand two hundred and fifty-three dollars and ninety-eight cents ($2,199,253.98); and yet the State University, if the work it has done and is doing, is understood, is the best asset that the State has, as a paying investment from a monetary stand point. I do not speak, now, of that abstract value supposed to result from cultivating the minds of young men and young women, and returning them to the bosom of society, learned, cultured and patriotic citizens, sound in mind, sound in body and upright in character. That there is a value to this part of the work of the institution, everyone will admit, but this value of State University I will expressly waive, and rest its claim for recog- nition at the hands of the Representatives of the people upon the issue whether or not the institution pays, looking at it alone from a monetary standpoint. I will not go into all the details of the benefits which the teachings of the University are conferring upon the material interest of the State. I will take just one item relating to the Agricultural interest. I will consider corn for example. Corn is the best money crop that Kentucky produces. Indeed, it is worth, in money, all the other annual crops which are produced from the soil of kentucky. Add wheat, oats, rye, barley, hemp, tobacco and potatoes together, and the value of the corn crop will amount to from two to five millions dollars each year more than their sum total. The average corn crop in the State of Kentucky is about twenty-seven (27) bushels per acre. Little boys, under the supervision of scientists from the State University, produce seventy-five (75), one hundred (100) and one hundred and twenty-five (125) bushels per acre. The June 9, 1915 DfItMTES OF =TE BCARD OF ThUSTE~Su 1 farmer, by following the directions of the scientists, can certainly equal the crop of fifteen thousand (15,000) boys, or, sixty (60) bushels to the acre. The sum total of the value of the corn crop year before last, as I rember (remember) it, was fifty- two million dollars ($52,000.00) ($52,000,000.00). This sum was reached by an average of twenty-seven (27) bushels to the acre. Plant the same acreage and produce sixty (60) bushels to the acre, the sum total will be double or one hundred and four million dollars ($104,000,000). One per cent of this increase amounts to five hundred and twenty thousand dol ars ($520,000.00), or two and one-half times the total income of the University from all sources. It is very discouraging to contemplate the fact that the people of Kentucky, through their representatives, will pour out the public's money, without stint, for the benefit of all sorts of charitable interests, the building up of eleemosynar7 institu- tions, for asylums and reformatories, and yet relatively give such small sums for the benefit of higher education. I will bring this report to a close by quoting from a memorial I drew up in the interest of State University to the last General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Kentucky, in which I undertook to set forth the great service of the institution to the State and its great needs for a larger endowment, in which I especially called their attention to the readiness with which money could be voted on sentimental reasons, and how hard it was to get proper equipment for its great State University. On this subject I said: "Before I conclude may I not call your attention to some of the beneficiaries of the State's money? The first item is that of pensions to indigent Confederate soldiers; this costs the State from five hundred thousand to six hundred thousand dollars per annum. I do not criticize these pensions. The superb courage of these men for the lost cause demands and receives the admiration and sympathy of all who admire the splen- did qualities of the soldier. But we must admit that it is a misfortune to the State that these old soldiers are poor and needy; their misfortune is the misfortune of the State. Every dollar given for pensions is a burden, cheerfully borne, it is true, but still a burden. Every pauper father who has an idiot born to him, may, after it reaches June 9, 1915 MITNUTES OF al{- BOARD OF T7USTSr 1 the age of eight years, show that the idiot is a pauper, and seventy-five dollars ($75.00) a year is given for the support of the idiot. Men frequently qualify as the committee of several pauper idiots and then sublet the job of caring for them at a sum less than seventy-five dollars ($75.00), each, and pocket the difference. Ken- tucky is one of the few states where idiots are reared for profit. Every poor person who becomes insane from whatever cause, is entitled to be adjudged insane and sent to an asylum and tenderly cared for by the State until they either recover or die. If a child of poor parents is born deaf and dumb, it can be sent to the deaf and dumb in- situte (institute), and be cared for and educated at the State's expense. If born blind, a similar course is followed. If they are juvenile criminals, they are sent to a reformatory, educated, cared for and taught a trade or calling. I make no criticism on the wisdom of spending some of the State's money on these eleemosynary institutions and their inmates, but I do feel constrained to ask: Why is it necessary first to practice economy on the poor man's son and daughter, who are straight of limb, clear of eye and sound of mind? No body feels that it is extravagant to pour money out on the blind and the deaf or the insane and the criminal, but the safe and sane children in whose faces poverty has closed the door of opportunity, are to be left in ignorance and want. Is this good policy? Is it a good business principle? What is the most valuable possession of the State? Is it houses