xt76hd7npz58 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt76hd7npz58/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 19430716 newspapers sn89058402 English Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, July 16, 1943 text The Kentucky Kernel, July 16, 1943 1943 2013 true xt76hd7npz58 section xt76hd7npz58 ww 'w m The KENTUCKY Competent Planning Needed rn&NiEiL In Education Says Dr. Donovan That the most important thing in the world at the present time is to carry on the war successfully but at the same time uphold education by competent planning, was stressed by Dr. H. L. Donovan, president of the University, speaking yesterday in Memorial hall for the second convocation of the summer quarter. Teaching staffs in the state have been greatly reduced in the past year due to the Selective Service act and the defense industries which attract young women because of the high salaries paid. Dr. Donovan continued. The Federal government is unwittingly destroying public schools of this commonwealth," he said. Dr. Donovan said that the federal government has not taken enough interest in public education, but has dismissed it as a state function. He stressed the fact that salaries should be equalized. "No one has said that it is a patriotic act to teach, but I declare that it is," he continued. The citizens of Kentucky have not awakened to the pending crisis University of Kentucky, Lexington, Ky. VOLUME Dr. Herman L. Donovan Women To Hold Formal Saturday education. Dr. Donovan said. "A The Women's Residence halls will and disciplined mind is entertain with a formal dance on more important today than ever the roof of Jewell hall from before in times like these," he pm, Saturday, July 17, Miss stressed. Margaret Lester, director of the The invocation and benediction halls, has announced. The dance will be a program afwere given by Rev. John K. Johnfair and admission will be by invison of the Maxwell Street Presby terian church. Seated on the plat- tation only. form were Dr. Leo Chamberlain. Members of the committee in Mrs. tela Cullis, who played the charge of arrangements are Doris organ prelude, and Miss Anne Cow Singleton, Dorothy Kirtland, Kitty gill, a former student at the Uni Craps ter, Brewster Phelps, Libby versity, who presented several vocal Crapster, Delores Shifflet, Charleen Burris, June Horton, Helen McMur-tr- y, selections. Mary Elizabeth StigaU, and Carolyn Hill. Chaperones will be Dr. and Mrs. H. L. Donovan, Dean of Women Sarah B. Holmes, Capt. and Mrs. Gene Myers, Dr. and Mrs. Niel Plummer, Dr. and Mrs. Jim Daily, Mrs. Eugenia Williamson, and Miss Alberta Limbach. 8:00-11:- 30 'SO TRW Pfc Russell Kempoum, Ft. Phoenix: Go back to college. Doris Smither, Commerce, senior: Raise hell and buy a chocolate nut sundae, with pecans, and drive a new car with a lot of gas. Pvt. Bill Lambertsos, Breckinridge hall: I'm going home. Pvt. Al Kinkoff, Kinkead hall: Probably celebrate. Tech. S, Richard Tillotson, Bradley hall: Think 111 go A.W.O.L. for a week after the war is over. Cpl. Jerry Dickema, Port Phoenix: Sleep all day. Mart cry Smith, A&S, sophomore: Buy a dozen pairs of nylon hose. Pvt. Bill Johnson, Kinkead hall: I'm going on a trip through the north woods to get as far away from civilization as possible. Andrey Davis, A&S, senior: Go down to the train station and wait. Pvt. Edward Barnes, Breckinridge hall: Gonna get as pickled as a herring. Patterson sit around and see what hall: all the others are going to do and plans mature. watch our post-wPfc. Sol Kamenetsky, 111 ar sopho- Brewster Phelps, A&S, more: Go to Rose Street. Pvt. Arthur Cherpack, Breckinridge hall: Take off after 7:30. Pvt. Joe Douglas, Breckinridge hall: I'm going to sit right down and write a letter home and tell my folks how deliriously happy I am. Dot Locke, A&S, sophomore: Buy a case of Old Taylor. CpL Rudy Sunkil, Fort Phoenix: Take life easy for another six months. FRIDAY, JULY Z246 Boyd hall, women's dormitory at the University, will be taken over by the Army for the housing of additional ASTP trainees at the end of the first term of the summer quarter. Dr. H. L. Donovan, president of the University, has an- trained Get drunk. XXXIII NUMBER 54 16, 1943 More Army Men Expected Here; Boyd Hall Will House Soldiers in Question: What are yo going to do the day the war is ever? Pvt. Stewart C Rogers, Kinkead hall: Get a lot of good clothes and put them on. Pvt. Ken Cash, Breckinridge hall: v No Special Day Set For Finals Final examinations for the first term of the summer quarter will be held, for the most part, on the last day of classes, Wednesday, July 21, Dean Leo Chamberlain has announced. The length and exact day of the exams will be left to the discretion of the instructor, he stated further. nounced. The women now living in Boyd hall will begin moving out July 22. They will be housed in Jewell hall, the remaining women's dormitory on the campus, in the Patterson hall annex, and in the Sigma Nu house, if necessary, Dean of Women Sarah B. Holmes stated today. The Boyd hall lounge, dining room, and kitchen will be retained by the University for the use of women residents. Plans are being made for double rooms in Jewell hall to be converted into rooms for three occupants. It may not be necessary for the women to live three in a room for the completion of the summer quarter, but in September this plan will be instituted. Dean Holmes said. me university nas taken over he Sigma Nu and the Sigma Alpha Epsilon fraternity houses, in add! tion to a large building at 343 Har rison avenue, which will be used as a residence hall for women students in September. More fraternity houses will be taken over as they are needed, according to Dean Holmes. These houses will be completely redecorated and new furni ture will be bought. Dr. Donovan stated that Jewell hall, the remaining women's dormi tory, would not be occupied by the Army. University Buys Bowling Lanes The University's purchase of the Colonial Bowling Lanes from Wil liam I. Bippus was announced this week by Frank Peterson, comptrol ler. James O'Brien, present opera' tor of the lanes, will continue to manage the business under a lease. The University now has control of the north side of Euclid avenue Dr. Donovan Speaks from South Limestone street to President Herman L. Donovan the DeBoor laundry, with the exwill be in Pikeville Friday, July 23, ception of one lot owned by the Amster estate. Negotiations for where he will speak before the Pike this lot will be completed in the county teachers in the morning near future. The property will be and address the Rotary club at used as a site for the proposed Uni versity fiield house. Democracy Is ZBT At Top Of Standings Zeta Beta Tau made the highest standing among the 13 fraternities on the campus during the Spring quarter, with an average of 1506, according to an announcement from the office of the Dean of Men. Alpha Gamma Rho was second with an average average scholastic of 1.829. Fraternity men who made per fect standings were Arthur H. Sawyer, Delta Tau Delta; Robert H. Hillenmeyer, Phi Delta Theta; and Seymour S. Pudding, Zeta Beta Tau. Phi Sigma Kappa led for pledges with a standing of 1.733. Phi Delta Theta and Kappa Sigma were second and third respectively with av erages of 1.600 and 1.054. Only thirteen men were pledged to fraternities during the Spring quarter. For the 145 men affiliated with fraternities the average stand- Other than the doctrines set forth in the Bill of Rights and the amendments, many said that democracy was the right to eat pop corn at a circus or to go swimming when one pleased. One soldier called it the right to have a date on Saturday night and go where he desired. The right to marry when and whom one pleased was pointed out as democracy, and the right to live anywhere in the country. The privilege of choosing an occupation was emphasized. Public education and equal rights for all was named as one of the greatest characteristics of democracy. The right to travel and follow the pursuit of happiness was return for the quarter beginning in August, Dean Chamberlain stat- ed. Housing for the new men will be provided in Boyd hall, women's dormitory to be taken over by the soldiers, and in space available in Patterson, Kinkead, Bradley, and Breckinridge halls, already occupied by servicemen. Under the ASTP at the University ing was 1.623. it is possible for a student enrolling A complete list of average stand- in Basic 1 to complete six quarters of 12 week? each before finishing ings and rankings follows: the entire course, Dean Chamber1. Zeta Beta Tau 1506 lain explained. 2. Alpha Gamma Rho 1.829 3. Alpha Tau Omega 1.687 4. Kappa Alpha 5. Phi Delta Theta 6. Delta Tau Delta 7. Sigma Alpha Epsilon 8. Sigma Chi 9. Phi Kappa Tau 10. Phi Sigma Kappa 11. Kappa Sigma 12. Sigma Nu 13. Triangle Registration Set a.m., July 22 1.632 1.628 For 8 1.542 Registration 1.526 1.459 of the Summer 1.346 from 8:00-11:1.342 1:30-4:0- 0 p.m, for the second term quarter will be held a.m. and from Thursday, July 22, 1559 in the Union building. There will be no alphabetical registration. Although many students enrolled in June for the full quarter, they will be required to Soldiers Will See fll out new registration cards. No additional fee will be charged those "Young April" who paid for the full quarter. "Young April," Guignol's summer production of youthful comedy, will be held over the week-en- d for Dr. Funkhouser the benefit of servicemen in this To Address Y 1.179 1.080 area. Dr. W. D. Funkhouser, dean of A special performance for soldiers stationed at Transylvania college the graduate school, will speak to will be held at 7:30 p. m. tonight. members of the YMCA and YWCA University soldiers will attend a at 6:15 p.m.. Tuesday in the Union performance at 2:30 Sunday after- building. The tentative subject of noon, and men from Avon will see Dr. Funkhouser's speech is "The the play at 7:30 Monday night. Ad Development of Man." All civilian and cadet students and others who mission will be free. are interested are Invited to attend, according to Bart Peak, YMCA secretary. Democracy Interpreted By Students By Doris Singleton "Democracy is everything that Nazism isnt." was the reply of the majority of the students and soldiers queried on the campus when asked their interpretation of democracy in a poll taken by the Kernel this week. Many expressed the opinion that democracy is the freedom of speech, press, religion, and from want. It may also be thought of as the freedom of the seas, our economic independence, and the natural resources of our country. The right to think as you please and when you please was stressed by all. One student thus defined democracy as a theory that gives one freedom when one wishes it. An additional 550 to 700 men will be enrolled in the University's Army Specialized Training Program according to a letter of intent from the Army received here this week, according to Dean Leo Chamberlain. The first contingent of the new group will arrive within the next few days, the entire complement to be complete by August 9, starting date for the next ASTP quarter, Dean Chamberlain said. The new men, who will be en rolled either as basic or advanced engineers in the ASTP, will be in addition to the 514 soldiers already here and scheduled to enroll for the new quarter. Of the total of 576 now on the campus, 62 will not stressed. "Everything that is valuable in life" was another interpretation given. "To go to class when I desire, or to sleep all morning, is what democracy means to me," one d said. She further added that if she wished to eat hot dogs or penny candy that it was her privilege. d said, "Democracy Another means that I can go fishing when I please, or I can have a picnic in the country. I can sun bathe on Jewell hall roof, or I can swim in Herrington Lake in other words, I can do what I please, just so long as I stay within the law." One soldier summed up democracy In one phrase: "American life as we live it!" co-e- co-e- ... Social Calendar... BSU "A Recipe for a Winning Witness," 7:45 p.m. Friday, Music room of the Union. Jewell hall Summer Formal p.m., Saturday, roof of Jewell hall. BSU Picnic 12:30 p.m., Sunday, Union building. 5:45-7:Movie pjn., Monday, Union building. 0 p.m., Tuesday, Y lounge. Dancing Class 5 pjn., Wednesday, Bluegrass room of the Union. 0 p.m., Community Sing 15 A 6:00-7:0- 6:00-7:1- 6:30-7:0- Thursday, Amphitheater. * Best Copy Available Kernel Feature Page The Kentucky Kernel OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER PUBLISHED OF THE UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY WEEKLY DURINO THE SCHOOL TEAR HOLIDAYS OR EXAMINATION PERIODS n, Entered at tlw Post office at Ky.. as second class matter ander the Act of March t. 1879. MEMBER Kentucky Intercollegiate Press Association Lexington Board of Commerce Kentucky Press Assoclstlon National Editorial Association SUBSCRIPTION RATES 9.50 One Quarter $1.50 One EXCEPT 3E3 Celia Bederman Editor Scotty McCulloch.' .News Editor Betty Bohannon . . Business Mgr. EDITORIAL ASSISTANTS: Carolyn Hill, Doris Singleton, Shirley Meister, Mary Jane Gallaher, Ray Whitham, Charlie Patrick, Bill Spragens Tear By Fleishman 420 AH CtUm Pmkluktn SetmnUim New Yokk. N. Y. Maoisom Ave. aoaroa ruaence amilo Los eipned articles end columns are to be considered the opinion of the writer themtelvet, nnd do not neeeunrilg meet the opinion of The Kernel. 1 By . Gweetins . . . who's up for what this gloomy morn? . . . same ole' thing, looks like scandal always worms its way into some happy little life . . . gruesome, ain't it? . . . Say, Watkins get-tiwhat's the blame for this column anyway, hear tell she's been asked if she dunnit, she monopolizes this paper enough during the regular quarter, who does she think she is, an intellectual? . . . This column got robbed last week, had a little insignificant item about a certain KKG who didn't want it revealed that she's holdin' tight to a nd-shaped frat pin (tough to figure out, no?), hope she's satisfied now, thought we had a scoop but that really fizzled out, dare it to happen again. . . Weekend 'fore last, Phi Delt Jay C. Doyle really took a ducking, was playing tennis out at the Country Club, wandered down to the pool whereupon some friends and enemies shoved him into the water, however, not before they had withdrawn his shoes, anyway, what was the towel for, Joyce? . . . hear tell they d were such pretty shorts . . . also hear tell plans were under way for sending Tri-De- n' lt diamo- blue-stripe- Whodunnit? you opening night perfume for in the your gala coming-ou- t dramatic world. . . Now for a look at Kappa Julie Landrum who enjoys to the fullest entertaining fair up for Kentucky maidens hearin' Clyde Lucas out at Joyland the other night were Shanky Shrout and Patsy to have dates with SAE's Clayton Cruise and Allen Cloyd, whatta' they think they're doin' anyway, movin' in on available men (wanta' call them that?) . . . now slated to thrill Lexington crowds is the sensational starlet of fame "Mimi" who just can't resist seeing all of her wonderful Kentucky friends . . . guess you got one of those engraved world premiere invites, Julie, for the performance at the Lyric in Versailles Monday night. . . Seen Around Town: Well now, didn't the Chios move in for a big reunion, Jean Sullivan up from Frankfort, Jane Bandy up from Ashland (and who was that Phi Delt god who came down from Louisvirie just to see her Saturday night, last name wasn't Hancock?) Reckon that's 'nough said anybody bored, anybody .. peeved? . . . see you next Friday it says here. ... Mc-Conn- ... Sailor George Smith Sees Alma Mater On Furlough Why hello, George! When did you get back? How long are you going to stay? Where are you stationed how? How do you like the Navy? Are you going across soon? Gee, you're looking well? (Yes? What else?) Such has been my welcome back on the campus of good old U. of K. that is, when could find an inmate who draft, for the place looked as incredible to me as Times Square to a stranger in town. Soldiers, soldiers, soldiers, and there, walking by himself as if he had not a friend left in the world, a poor, sulking civilian. Would that I could put my arm around his shoulder and console him, for his job is going to be even bigger than that of the lads in the Union suits. We are looking to him to make our peace plans work, you know. That'll take me from the good old I man-kne- w days. It is like returning to the town of your birth and trying to find someone whom you recognize, or someone who recognizes you. Golly, how things have changed. walked around the campus with my eyes big as saucers and my mouth letting in a I power. And could yield to the temptation to make a crack or two about the Army, but my intentions would surely be mistaken, for envy each and every one these extra months of college. More power to you, boys especially with all filling these luscious the air with Eau de Jet. Flit couldn't be more fatal to a fly. Well, must be going, for have just 18 days and much to do. Thanks for the memories and for the welcome, U. of K. You are what we're fighting for. Mizpah. I I co-e- I and Tevis Any person interested in hearing a typical political speech from a soap box is invited to be at the west sidewalk of the Courthouse tomorrow at 8 p. m. It seems that Mr. W. R. Sutherland, professor of public speaking, feels that anyone willing to make such a spectacle of himself must be born to be a public speaker and thus deserve an "A" grade. Taking up this challenge and the star performers Saturday night will be Jane Oldham and Elizabeth Shaikun. As one of the requirements for the "A" is that the performers be able to attract an audience, they have decided to obtain one by fair y "I'm the came warden here you'll have to throw that means or foul. Murrel Salut-skwill supply a little music back." until a sufficient crowd is present. If neither the girls' presence or Murrel's music succeed in attracting enough persons, they have devised a By BABY fiendish plan for starting a quick riot. All in all it promThe dance is over, and from the Stopover, and the SUB get ises to be an interesting proall reports Company C seems together and plan their affairs gram. Come one, come all! to have made a hit with the together. There is absolutely ft ft ft ft no use in running three affairs We are wondering if the girls. Both the original C idea at the same time. In addition other way were and the set-u- p it's a duplication and you don't Army has any approval of of a according to all in- receive your maximum attend- expressing its and girl besides saying, "She's on dications many more company ance. the ball, or by a whistle. Aside to "Ad Libbing" If dances are due to follow. ft ft ft ft a Major Carpenter, Capt. you haveour personality, as you Long believing Lexington to 1st Sgt. in regard Gene Myers, and President say, see hat. He may be a fairly civilized communHerman L. Donovan were to a fatigue with ity, we were surprised to see (Miramake a deal some of the elite who at- cles do happen.) you. about nine boys crawling tended. The affair will long down Euclid avenue in a WHODUNNIT Let the "stomach to the sidewalk" be remembered by all memlonesome girls come around fashion. It turned out to be bers of the company. to us. We know of a number nothing more than the sophoHere is one fellow who won't suffer from indigestion. of fellows who have founded more military class, hunting Ted Sloane gets a smile with the "Wolf Make Happy" club. for enemy snipers in Stoll Who is inviting trouble field and in the botanical garhis chow. You're doing all right. And we do mean that!! with whom? Johnny Hutchins dens. However, many persons were convinced that the other Bob Tompkins is expecting or Marie Bean? In Doris Singleton's column state institution which is also week-en- d pass to Richmond a some time in the near future. there is a statement, "I'd be located in Lexington had been Do you think you'lf like East- willing to bet that the war will transferred to this side of ern State Teacher's College? be over in five months then Main street. ft ft ft ft We agree with Carl Utack we can all go home." Don't This column wishes to exindividual instruction in ever get the idea that we all feel that way. We all know tend deepest sympathy to all dancing is a great help. But that this is a hard and long the friends and admirers of it takes two to make a dancing and won't be won by "88" Keyes on the campus. team and we thought the other struggle thinking. wishful The "88" Keys fan club will half, Margaret J., was ours Yipee only ten more days be disbanded at an impressive exclusively. actual ceremony next Monday, acMembers of Sec. 3 (Basic 1) of Did youtough schooldays. know we have a cording to Rod Smith, presireported a riotous picnic last dent. Flares will be carried week-enSome of them were famous diver in our midst Splash Channin? around Stoll field by a procestrying to prove that an object Though everyone has his sion of mourners. Another at rest tends to stay at rest. Well, the truck started mov- troubles in analytic geometry, group consisting of Nancy ing so suddenly that the whole Kaspark has a sound solution. Adams, Bruce Kennel ly, and bunch was left sitting on Main "When in doubt use the dis- Doris Hall, will pull a grand street with, of course, three tance formula" is his advice. piano around the turf as three girls play it. The procession empty kegs of beer and a milwill assemble before the lion other, personal articles From The Type . . . grandstand in silence. Next, bouncing about. If one has no sense of a chorus of voices will shout We are positive that you all humor, he might as well have three loud farewells tossing have seen Donald Killough no sense at all. It is a cushion piano keys into the air as a g with his truly final toast. Then the followgal, Avera Collins. You make for a fall, a salve for a bruise, ing speeches will be addressed and a flavoring for the coma fine pair! to the assembly: Hornkohl why are you al- monplace. Keyes the Kid ways confined? Or does it only Keyes the Kriminal "A new source of tax revseem as if, since you are so Keyes the Konvict industrious. enue" means tapping the Keyes the Korpse We would like to suggest anemic "little fellow" in a new May he rest in peace! that the newly formed USO, place. rip-roari- National Advertising Service, Inc. cine lid Libbing I G. I. Sweepings... well-receiv- ed d. good-lookin- * Courses Offered For Homemakers Courses on ways to meet wartime problems will be offered this fall to Kentucky homemakers' clubs by the extension service of the College of Agriculture and Home Economics. Programs are being plancounties having ned by sixty-thrhome demonstration agents. Wide interest in such subjects as new fabrics, substitutes and their care, as well as how to make garments on hand last as long as possible, has been shown by requests for information which have been received. Another subject in which great interest is being shown is conservation of house furnishings through repair, cleaning, upholstering, and In several counties, homemakers' clubs have requested aid in planning better use of time and energy by means of shortcuts, labor-savimethods, and greater efficiency in arrangement of kitchen equipment and storage facilities. ee ng A By Mary Jane GaUaher The manpower shortage has seriously affected the nation's vital industries, but the University staff has successfully solved its faculty manpower depletion due to the decrease in student enrollment and the fact that the remaining professors are doubling up on the number of courses they are teaching. Each college has lost a number of its faculty to the armed forces, either for actual military duty or for work. These instructors are considered to be on "military leave," and though they will be away for the duration, their jobs are being behind-the-scen- research es held for them until they return. An almost complete list of faculty members granted leaves of absence since 1942 and the positions they held at the University, fol- lows: College of Arts and Sciences: Lysle SIGNAL Of Good Food And Hospitality "Meet me at the COT- TAGE" has become the for delicious meals served in ed comfort. Canary Cottage 126 E. MAIN ( J vr Nw5r Special Offer! WE CORDIALLY INVITE YOU or any member of your family to be photo- graphed in our Portrait N Studio WITHOUT COST OR OBLIGATION. We will show you 12 lovely proofs from which you may order as many or as few portraits as you wish or none at all. We make this unusual offer to acquaint you with our exclusive "cinema action" camera way of being photographed and the fine work we do. No appointment is necessary, but this offer is good only during July. PURCELL'S Polyfoto Studio of 3, All seniors expect who fit The Baptist Student Union will graduate in August and who did hold a picnic Sunday afternoon at not have the tuberculin test given last June must report at Grimes Mill. The group will leave the Health building Monday, the Union building at 12:30 p.m. a.m. July 19, from Merl Baker and Roland Kozlik p.m. for the test, 0 are In charge of arrangements for or Dr. Wilbur Heinz announced the program and transportation, today. This is the last time the while Libby Landrum and June tests will be given. Baker are making preparations for the food. It is urged that any Baptist student interested in attending give The BSU Prayer Meeting group his name to one of the four men- will have charge of the Calvary tioned before midnight tonight. Prayer Service Wednesday night. 8:30-11:- 1:00-3:0- RENTACAR! NEW Fords and Plymouth. Phone 648 FORD Mc-Rig- U-DRI- 139 E. VE-IT Short Street wwwuwm Try Our Dr. L. A. Pardue, on leave of absence for indefinite period, to do special work in physics, associate professor of physics; M. E. Potter, on military leave, professor and head of physical education department; Dr. B. P. Ramsey, on leave of absence, associate professor of physics; Edward Rannels, working on degree at University of Chicago, will return for fall quarter, head of the art department; John E. Reeves, ason leave of absence for 1943-4- 4, sistant professor of political science; Dr. Hobart Ryland, on military leave for the duration, teaching at West Point, head of romance languages department. Tasty Chinese quarter. Washington, D. C, Agriculture, 1942-4- 3, associate professor of po litical science; Dr. D. E. South, teaching at a college in Tallahasand see, Fla, on leave for 1942-4- 3 will return for the fall quarter, associate professor of mathematics and astronomy; Dr. E. G. Trimble, associate profeson leave 1942-4sor of political science; Dr. Amry Vandenbosch, special research, Department of State, Washington, D. C, on leave until 1944, professor and head of political science de partment; Paul K. Whitaker, on military leave, assistant professor of German; Azile Wofford, on leave for work in Washington, D. C, as sistant professor of library science. Law College: Dr. A. H. Eblen, on military leave, professor; W. H. Pittman, practicing law in Frankfort, professor; Dr. W. L. Roberts, practicing law in Baltimore, pro fessor. Commerce College: Dr. Konrad Bekker, on military leave, instruc tor in economics; Hollis Guy, Navy, assistant professor; Dr. C. C. Carpenter, working with Lexington O.P.A., professor of economics; Dr. teaching in Ketchum, Marshall Chicago and returning for fall quar ter, associate professor of econom Seniors Must Take Tuberculin Tests American Luncheon Only 40c Food WING'S Campus Classics 3, ' 1 W. Croft, Army, assistant professor the arts and sciences personnel di-psychology and assistant dean in vision; Dr. Leon W. Cohen, teaching at the University of Wisconsin, proon leave of absence, 1942-4fessor of mathematics and astronomy; Dr. R. L. Driver, Army, assistant professor of anatomy and physiology; Dr. Alexander Edel- mann. Army, assistant professor of political science; Dr. Robert J. Griffin, Army, physician in the dispensary. William G. Haag, assistant professor of anthropology and archaeology; Dr. Thomas M. Hahn, Army, associate professor of physics; J. J. Huddleston, Army, assistant professor of physical education; Dr. Fritz John, associate professor of mathematics, on leave for the duration; Milo G. Karsner, Army, professor of physical education; Dr. David R. Lincicome, military leave, instructor in zoology; Ralph on leave for the duration, athletic department; Dr. J. W. Manning, on military leave, professor of political science; Frank Moseley, assistant football coach; Vincent E. Nelson, assistant pro fessor of geology, on leave since January 1943, to return for fall Dr. J. B. Shannon, division of farm economics in Department of OPEN 11 A.M. TO 11 P.M. X1 BSU To Sponsor Picnic Sunday Faculty Depleted By War But UK Goes Marching On 7 by-wo- rd Page Three THE KENTUCKY KERNEL Friday, July 16, 1943 cotton dress. These hot weather specials are sure to carry off top honors on any i1 We have scads of juniors, both one and two piece frocks, that are just the thing to freshen up your summer wardrobe. And the little prices ! Only $4.98, so you'd better snap up ics. College of Education: Dr. Ellis Hartford, Navy, stationed at Drew university, Madison, New Jersey; D. C. Kemper, on military leave, working in chemical warfare; Alfred Reese, coaching Air Corps dets at Transylvania college. ca- CLASSIFIED ADS Main Floor For classroom or for sports, you can't go wrong with a tubable R.O.T.C. eap. size White Hall, about July 13 or 14. Phone 2129 or write Box 829, University of Kentucky. LOST: mnncEL's Feminine Apparel 210 W. MAIN * dcoi uupy MVdliaDie THE KENTUCKY KERNEL Page Four Film Almost Ready For Showing Here "The University In War and color film of Peace," a two-rethe University has been sent to a laboratory in Rochester, New York, for final work on printing the sound track and photograph film, accord ing to Dr. Niel Plummer, head of el, "A Recipe for a Tinning Witness" is the theme f the Baptist Student Union spiritual program to be held at 7:45 tonight in the Music room of the Union building. The principal message of the evening will be given by Rev. Guy Ransom. He has been studying for his D. D. degree at the Baptist Seminary in Louisville, but is doing work at the University during the Summer quarter. Lucille Grubbs will speak on the subject, "A Winning Witness Must Necessarily Speak Out of a Vital the Journalism department. The film is scheduled for a showing within the next week or ten days at the University. Afterwards, it will be presented at theaters throughout the state. Every phase of University life is included in the film. Training of soldiers, research problems, and social activities on campus are New theater courses In puppetry are offered at Western college, Ox- Save Your Shoe Coapon! Witness Must Have Must Know His Bible." Selected music will conclude the program. college, Tusculum Greenville, Term, has recently adopted a schedule. LEXINGTON YELLOW CAB CO. Maybe it's horse that sailor Jack Keeton of the Phoenix, Ariz, Navy recruiting station and Phoenix rodeo queen Jeanne Robertson are talking about SAVE ON Your LAUNDRY - DRY CLEANING Discount 15 "A Winning a Deep Compassion for the Ones to Whom He Witnesses," will be given by Jean Bach; and Libby McNeal, the sweetheart of the BSU, will talk on "A Winning Witness - Expert Repairing SHOE SHOP Personal Experience." Taxicabs! Phone 8200 ford, Ohio. Near Phoenix Hotel 16, 1943 Baptist Spiritual Program To Be Held Here Tonight Direct Hit Being Scored McGURK'S Friday, July Incorporated US's UKs Elbert S. Garrard, Corbin, has recently arrived at the Big Springs, Texas, Army Air Force Bombardier School for training as a bombardier cadet. At the time of his enlistment, Gabbard was a student at the University in the College of Engineering, COLONEL Of The Week Among the officers on duty at Tinker Field, Okla., is Second Lieut Sam R. Ewing, Jr., St. Mathews. He is an assistant personnel and training officer of the Air Service ' Command for maintenance and re-- ! pair of aircraft. Ewing was grad- uated from the University in the Drive In Service A. s " class of '40. De Boor Opposite Stadium Cleaning Laundry There's A Dixie Dealer James Crowley, Butler, has re ported to the USNR Midshipman's University, School at Columbia New York City. Crowley graduated from the College of Agriculture in Ju