xt76hd7nrx6b https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt76hd7nrx6b/data/mets.xml Kentucky Kentucky Press Association Kentucky Press Service University of Kentucky. School of Journalism 1948 Call Number: PN4700.K37 Issues not published 1935 Aug - 1937 Oct, 1937 Jul - 1937 Aug, 1939 Oct - Dec, 1940 Jan - Mar, 1951 Aug - 1956 Sep. Includes Supplementary Material:  2005/2006, Kentucky High School Journalism Association contest 2004-2005, Advertising excellence in Kentucky newspapers 2003-2005, Excellence in Kentucky newspapers newsletters  English Lexington, KY.: School of Journalism, University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Press Press -- Kentucky -- Periodicals The Kentucky Press, July 1948 Vol.19 No.9 text The Kentucky Press, July 1948 Vol.19 No.9 1948 2019 true xt76hd7nrx6b section xt76hd7nrx6b ~ ' , E EIEE EEEEEE
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2 “DEV CUTLduC-ted B Page One j l ll22
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easy l 2222226“ 321211 213C Interested in the {”0110.- G’s-tern N '- l 22,22 2 2 ;
ntral 2 P2222235 T2 ew York 522226 2222262222 mug Copperplate (2022 .2 2 - ews a . l 2 l I ll 222.
“”9 l Rochest e116 Slime-y was C(2222222C2C(2lb116u's— “Sh-r chldjn Tm, UleltCnhmm Old E err-S l 2 l ll 2 llll
2 225525222 e1 ilstttutc of Techn020g2 22 )’ the mflnd, Cent“? ext, Gothic, BOdOhi G ng. crate, 233% 2,,” l l l l.‘ ll llll
2 22 me 02 Tom 2222222222222 022 ) mth the Stvlnie Y: Goudl’: Brush P222222 : ara_ In 22220 _‘ 1 (10 general floor w -: l -2 .2 2 222ll
_ 51W 0f Mlllnesota, [he Uaner. (\r I ’ 1 Avenue, em 1 l m [0% of [he pl'mt- ork' l l l l I ll ll
l Average Cl.“iUl'ition e ' pie 161116 is [he most Depul jusl)’ Oyees do the PYCSs rep 8 one or more A l l l l l l
, , ‘ 2 ntlre 1% -. 1., _ ~55, tl ,. 31‘ ' I ~ - ‘111 . I ~ alrm' ' ‘1 I ‘3
of the populatton 01' the tm, ‘25t, 15 (53.9 % “22222202221611 Ixelly, Bilbcock LJ'O) (.ylltlder 2223222322 11 152% of the blants g and ad. 22 l 2 2 22.
l “CWSPaPer is published ‘n In Which the Hub (L. Campbell, Cottl'ell ”[16 Glang 122123221: {he hIlecasung 111'1ch' employees 7 l l l l ll
Newspapers hr - 61" ee, ’ Cranston Is 16” Auxil' ‘ Ines, - l l 2 ' ll
(we bcc ‘ . , ’ Mo , lary and . - 2 l ‘ . ' ll
2 the l 22m gellerations 022 222021216121 one tum“), 2222, P26~1% of 2226 222222822 22225 2223:3121)’ are the most generalfmphic Arts 2 l | .212 22 22
. .1- . ,2 ~. ~ A“(- ’221 ~ ' . 2'
mser 2 (APIIEI Clrculation [Inn ldVe greater p€r rue. with 12X18 the 5 file Chandler & 500/ {165. /% gm 110m: 73’ read trade 2 2 2, 2! ll
2 Changed 2222 22 ( those which 22 _ 10x15 Second 8 mos: Popular 22 0 Cltltel‘ [W0 0r ’ A) gel; One l 2 2 t2 2 22
.2 C :n( a. hue ll)’ .21, 2, x12 third. Next 2 5126, up to “Even three, the 1‘63: et , 2 : ‘ 2l 2 ll
2 2 otmty seats seem to 11'va 2262‘2 6 GOldlng2 GOrC10n Un" 1n popular. ' g more f l l 1 l
over- 2 (111(212t10n advantage, no SPECIEII Cir- 17' C21" €255: Miller. Colt Arfno 1Versatl2 Kluge, __~__- 2 2 22 22 2 l
l (drClIlatiOns from 30 (Home, Prouty2 Star ry, PCarl, J0nes 2 —O____~__ t . l 22
OVer- l 01‘ three em )10, 0 to I:500 ham t\~ 30-inch Clltte . ', ’ _ l'Jt'rl‘nie S, Rednu , .1 l2 2 2‘ l2
2 , (2221222 . 1 >695; usuallv one , . ‘0 CSt is 991/ . m are m the ma'o ‘ 101‘ the (y, - )n, (ll-strict sales n. -: l l ll
the , atlons 12500 20 22500 222 2 2 Pdl‘t—[llne2 C -2- 2 1nc11213rgest50_i 2 .l rlty, small. T222222 2‘ liner-Journal and tl ‘ meager 2 l l 22 2222
)0 i Cllllfloyees, some part-time 2 (“6 tour 01- “\‘e 2 astmg facilities ran nch, B' b dled 6“fly this mo h 16 LOUISville l l l ll 1 ll ll
0 2 Ctrculations above 2 5022 2’ 301ne apprentices inch to 8-C01umn 211mg; from 2'C01umn 8- 222thtst HospitaL Redmonm ;lt KCHtucky 2 2 .2 22 2 I22
,. 2 v -. ' ‘ ‘ ~ 1 . , , l l ‘ 2 r
most ' l employeeS, 1 1‘8 Clght 01‘ more ‘7 (Olumn 18-inCh b0xes ’ Wltll 23% having me )0 (Llys’ and was Gonna/£6, had been A l l l ‘ lll
’- . -- . h . - 2 2 l
S are [0% lmbIlSh eight )u . Ludlo“'5 Were {Oundi o '1 “.81“!le 19 Years. He f0 Cted With the l l l l l ll
2 less than Eight Pages 12 2865. All that print ”my 0116 had an Elrod n 6 /0 0f the plants 1 Sincery in Pel‘ryvjue K Tmerly Operated l l ' lll lll
ve ve 2 circulation, Regular 222mm less than 12000 Half of the whom-2 2 a graduate of the Jeffe’rsoentuck)’. He was « 3 l l lll ll2
2 for 2- emlly have more th'211 21):"th newspapers gen. Interwewed Can Op- 1211 19.2%) and 21 member of ’21 SChool of Law l l 222 l
About 13% use - J50 ClrCuhtion. W 7 l'l ‘ 2 2 l ll
(2 2 leadyprim ,1 Stan Lod ‘e , 2 2 2 2 t 22 2
er 1,500 UK. 2 . ,a 1 of them . 8 0t MaSOns 2 2 , 2 22 , 2
222322622 11 atlon. About 40% 1111- Fmancial RCPOFI—W . 2 2 2 222 2 22
. Th ’ generally Under 1700 C- “SCPIMC Pennsl’lmnia, New y Eddy NWSPapers l l l llll l ll!
2 e newspaper 228622, 25 2 2lrettlatton2 ork, Ohio and Ne 2 2 2 2 .2: 2 2 2 2252 2
of mCOme in 46% 022 22 He prlncxpal SOllrce Vt Jersey 2 l 2 22 22 2 222222 2
)r‘ ' . 2_ 16 )1; , 2 2 22 2 2 22 2 2222
lt'eleltlng 1n 3/ %; 17% didI 1121?, Llf’mlnercml InCome 27 “766klies 10 “17947 I l l l l l l l l
' 2 ' )’ News 21 . - . 1m 1Cate. () U eeklies ‘ l l 3“ l V '
Be l 101) shop P P61 In ()0 was found Withomn: :rom Advertising Alder 3,000 ()VEr 3 000 37 W l l l ‘
‘ ,— 1“ ~- _ _ ‘ ' ra e % ’ e k ' ' l 2‘ l2! 2
2 ’0% SubSCribe L 2 2 _ F Om Cf‘rCUIaUOH 5: AVErage % Ran 2 e hes 2 l 22 2222222 l
’0le 311d get ’11 , O ddverlfilSlng In.” , 2 . YOIT] J11) Shop 38'5 68 7 g6 In % l l 2 l l i ‘
hl 1han ( 1 Menage Of 85% m ( Smut-e5 From Mime”, 12.6 '_ 40086.8 22 2 2 22 2 2 l 2.
g Y! non‘SUbSQ-ibEr Ore advertising ' dneous (y- 14-3 4 0 r 1 ll l 2 l 2 l ll
flOXl- reglllllrly 18° 5' 72% Submit 1, Grand Tom] I . ._ "L3 14 9 ' ‘24") 3 ll If 1 all lll
N 2 ' /0 O-CCaSiOnall “YOUIS Emed- "£01116 1,5 ' 0.6120 1 ‘2 l , ll; l ’2‘
local ‘105‘C0mm0n . y, 10% ne‘er w "mes l~9 ‘ 2 l gl; ll
l Che] 2 advertlsin (12-. , ,2 ' “ages, Sala . 2 2 100,0 2 . '2 22 22‘ l 2'-
)ther tWham g bPldy ftc - , . ~ nes And C . 00.0 22 .2 . 2
C . ’ C'dSIOn B . ‘ es ‘ue hdito '. 2 Olllmissim , l l l l‘ ll 2 I
ve—— 2 ethic, C0 2 ’ Odom, Franky rial, Advertisin B . ‘5 , 2 2 l l2 2. l 2
GOHd Ppelplate2 stymie . m MCChaniml D g’ uSllless, Cleric} 9821 2 2 222 2 22 2
ving2 ' H Ill, Centlfly, ’ GaramOquL Administ‘ 2 elmrnnent _ d 12 8 61'6 43 0-86 0 ' , l lll l .l l l ' l
2 _ a ’ Tatn'e.E -2) 2 ' 18,0 ' I ' 2 . l 2; ’ l
’ If. l BabCOCkOfPrile “’CCkly newsztperg P1". Payroll Taxes XCCuUK (Salary to PUblisherl-m"um” 52.7 34 7 0-4-224 22"l 22l l l2 2 2 2
lock ,2 SS) 21bout 10g ‘ ml 011 Businfis T, 13.4 ' l0.0-67.7 2 21 l 42%} . ll ll
lOCOl . ’ Campbell, and 0 each 0n ‘Vhlt— N 2 AXES (DOCS not incl . l 2 10‘] 0_4 l l l l ; l l
,2 be l m use are Cran [ Dllplex; Other Press 1 eWSprmt Ude Income tax) . 27 320 2 2 2 222222 2 2
c SOn, s- . "65 nk,~, 2,. , 1.6 0- 3, , 1‘ 2; 2 ‘25
leWS‘ 0;:611’ GOSS Cox (2;:th MIEhle’ Premier 1013881321“; Engraving, P110220S et 4 8 '6 0 5 g ’ A l ‘l ll ll l lI
. , ’ , ’ ~ ' ' '- C. ' 81 ' . 2 22 2‘ 2 212 2
Dlpl’i, l3 1 teen dlflerent - Omet’ ‘lnd Hoe p P ders, Rollerg . , 9 ' r l 1 2l ll 1 l t
0“ _ Slzes of 22 _ ' Ower an l - 2 ' 311d Offl- . --4 ‘3‘1221 ‘ ‘ 2; ll , ‘2 2 l
2212 Oman-2 19% use 32x44 23;?“5131‘111: are Freight I:mltalght, Heat, Gas and V:2:[:;1Pplies 924 if: 0-10-0 l 22l 22 22l 2l 2
$12 ’ o 1 - k , ’ 'a 'e, . (- - 2 . 2 ’ ‘22 "2 l l.
3 2 11p 2 CS range from 21V lbe 553x44. SCI‘Yic g M'uhng, DClH'er 2 a d 2 -- 2,4 . 43.195 2 i2 22' ll ll »
,r by 0 48x64 inch “‘35 and 22‘30 T e l “ MCssengcr 1~9 ' l 2: 1: 22‘l ‘2
:WS' l Half 0f {1 CS. ‘ Elephone and Th 1 ‘ '7‘ 4.5 _ 2 ll lll 22 2'2
2 Hewsl'nk ,2 le, Plants put dryer in 2 Rent and Repqirsrve 1'7 224 l l llllll l l
l Not 0226‘0211rd use Varnish, 15% 222 thee” DCPI‘CCiatiOn (Equi 2~1 224 0' 4.5 2 l 2: ll 'lllll 22
engra 2. the Plants 51er 56 ""3X- by b .2 Pme'” and building, .. 4.7 . .5-5 ,0 2 ; 2ijl‘2‘ll l
‘Ing equipment eyed has PhOtO Int / PU llsher) b, It Owned 3‘0 4 19 2 l llill ‘ l
lannl2 lldl'JErS l‘un lOCal , 2 ' 65% 0f the n€\\'s- U (St dnd Insurance l 4 0 W5 ' l l ‘ 2lll2' 2 ll
Ken. Leading t . PlCtures frequentlv Grand 'Total E , .. I 30 , I ll l2 ll l l
2 Volume en Items in COmmerci 2 " 2 Net Profit Bef "Pense 2-7 l - 0‘15.0 l lil l 2l‘2 l
l P052222 (22:: 2l)e2tterheads, ticketsi a Printlng Capital Expendoiie I"mine ’l‘ztxes 100.0 200'; .l- 6.0 ‘ ll lll L l2 lllll l
' busine 4 5" llllleads en 2 Programs, bu'l 1' . llres (Equipmen l3~7 _. l l lllll} l
Ss , V610) . _ Inn 5 _2 t,ty e". , _ 12 . , l t l
M052 Ciards, f01(lers2 233222222232: handbllls, g p chm“ ’8 Mmus .01.43,0 , 5 l l l22ll
22:: ' Iann conlmercia] . Circulatio 5-1 t t I ‘ l l l 2'llll
. ,t. 2 type f1C . n 3.5 2 l2 ,2 I la! l
2 ‘ 6.5 are av. dv 025,0 1 t, 2 2 {:2ll
: , , L809 4.997 9 range l 'l lil‘ll a
, , ' - 8—5-11,687 l, 21: i. ytslv
'12: ' l '1‘ ll vl‘fl l .
- . _ . l ” 12 l,“
V 2 l ' ’ ' l ‘ llll l l
‘ 2 , ‘ ' l”ll"l l
l l l, ll :

 11 "245' ‘ ‘ - ; . i ... I ) :‘ : 3-1:“? 7;"?— 7 "-“ji 5’97;fif?i:f,:f7:?§7f’3?52':7:§?¥??;f.'::.=f::r'fizL;:ES::;:;§v3;:t:g:g-g 1:..5‘5-ieiagx.‘;i..-...;...z.i.,;.,1.
111111111 11111 11 Page Two The Kentucky Press July, 1948 -
r 1| 1 . .
i ' Central Newspapers Plan C—J Gives Preview NEA Fall Conference 1
' l 1‘ ‘ Square Dance Contest 01‘ New Building Meets In November 1
‘ ‘1 . ititicillaating :1 wortliwltille (imithilnhtion 1Tb: first prevue pl the1 iicyr l)L:l(llllg11(l)i The 10111 Annual Fall meeting of the l11
. to 'e accec to tie Trowm \ClltllC” ress 11c ,ourier» ouriia ant tie otiisvi e u - ~ - .. - -
i ‘9“ 1 ‘ Crippled Children‘s 5Fundgunder leadership Times and Ritdio Station VVI-IAS was [ulv é‘ltlflmlfifi(lm:ndl. itbocidtlon W111 be. held r
. l . if President Thomas L. Adams and Edwards 9. when 21 group of public officials, IiCWSj- ll\‘[ 719 gCthel ”C'HCI HOW]: Chlcago‘ i ‘
1 1 1 1 1 _ . 1 . 1 1 1 1 1 , 1 1 1 ‘O\. 19-21. The progiam now being arrang.
. 1 11 1 1Templm, promotion. promotion inanager paper and trade paper executnes and con-1 ed by Orrin R. Taylor, President, will be of 1
111 1‘ '1 of the 1Lex1ngton Herald-Leader. plans struction officials were taken on a tom ol interest and value to publishers of all non- ‘
1 1:. .'1 j . were laid for a celebration at Joyland the plant. This was preceded by a lunch- metropolitan newspapers, both small daily 1
1 . ‘ 1 Park, August 22. eon at the Brown Hotel and followed by and weekly as well as suburban. 1
1 ‘ ‘1 The Herald-Leader was host at a luncheon. it dinner at the River Valley Club. 1 Over 350 persons from 38 states enjoyed
1 1 11 July 271 to newspaper men in Central Keii- Executives of the newspapers and radio the meeting last year. 1
1' 1 1 7 1 tucky area, when plans were discussed [or station and the department heads seived as General sessions will include discussion of 1
. 1 1 “ ‘ participation of newspapers in the area in hosts escorting the guests through the the NEA program as well as that of the 1
1 11 1 the program. Representatives from VVin- building which has been pronounced the Weekly Newspaper Bureau and Newspaper 1
. ‘1 1 Chester, Paris, Berea, Dzmvilleg Harrods- last word in newspaper plants. It is ex» Advertising Service. 11
1 1 burg, and Mt, Sterling aided in outlining pected that the home Will be ready [or use Registration will be the morning of Nov, 1
' 1 1 ‘ ‘1 1 the program. Other editors in the area have by early tall. 1 19 followed by a luncheon and afternoon
_ 1 1 11 , ' pledged their active support. Among those ‘1"1'10 were guests "f the L" business meetings. These sessions will be
1 111 With the cooperation of Garvit'e liin- .l and Times OHK‘E‘IS were E'1D' Cfmlmm' continued Saturday morning and afternoon. i
1 ‘ ‘ ‘ caid, manager of Joyland Park. part of the 1)1‘€Sidcnt Ol‘ [116 American SOCICLY "1 News The closing session will follow breakfast
1 . 1 11 . profits of the park-owned Confessions. in- paper Editors and managing editor of the Sunday morning. (
11 1 cluding the swimming pool and rides. Wlll Christian Spencel Monitor; Flflikllllll Sdfmln‘ Prior to the general sessions on Friday,
. 11 11 1 go to the Fund. as a percentage from the South Bcnc r1111I)L111’1€1 anc picsictnt lo 11 the NEA board of directors will meet on
. 1 ‘ ‘ three Renfro Valley programs. land Piess .—\ssoc1ation, V\altei Jo iiison. Wednesday, Nov. 171 The board of News
l 1‘1“ It was unanimously decided that a square secretary. Southern Newspaper Publishers paper Advertising Service meets Nov. 18. _1
‘ - i ‘ 1‘1 dance contest would be held in the Casino Association; LOUIS Lyons, curator. Nieman Also meeting in all»day sessions on the 18th 1
‘ . 1.. i for “championship 01‘ Central Kentucky." Foundation: John Hoagland. manage“ will be the suburban and Daily Divisions of i
l l- ‘1‘ ~ in the evening. Participants in the contests The Christian Science Monitor: Jack ‘BISCO. NEA. a
31 . 1 . will be selected from each community at Vice-l’resulent. United Press: john behon. Reservations and inquiries should be
" preliminary contests under the Sponsorship Unimd ”“51 W- J- Hel$€1‘_0l L‘"Ck“"’°d‘ directed to Don Eek, NEA National head-
. 1 ‘1 : ‘ o[ the local newspaper. It was suggested Greencch Ell‘t’hltCC‘lS and engineers: Murray quarters, 222 N. Michigan Ave, Chicago 11 ‘
i 1‘ 3 that the local editor should procure the as- Nicol. Struck 1 Construction Co.: Joseph 1111 1
‘ . ‘ sistance of a service club in staging their Kolbi‘ook. archietect; F. F. Shoettler. Struck
1 “2 . own c0iitest,_ All the admission charged to Construction (‘10.; PM RCHI‘dOlL SCCI‘CLIU‘Y‘ ——~~———-.——————~— ‘
‘ ‘1‘ ‘ the dance contest will go to the Fund. Building Trades Council; Edward VVeylel‘. P bl h Th W . 1 ‘
1. 131111 .1 As interest in square dancing has been secretary-treasurer.111(entucky ltecleratioirol U IS IS Ol‘hll’ig.
“‘ ‘l ‘. h“ . revived in most of the Central Kentucky Labor; Henry “Wham Marks, wadyertising This warning should be published in
‘-‘l‘ ‘. COUHUCS, it is hoped that the PUNK Will director, P11113613, Ink; G'1D' Cram, pub your paper for the benefit of your business
1“ ‘ ‘ be stimulated by the contest and that the lisher, Advertising Age: ‘5"R' Bernstein. men: Word has reached this office that
' ‘l1 ‘ local preliminaries will in turn create add- editor, Advertising Age: l 1" VVCIHU‘ “ICC' phoney service men for electrical appli- ‘
i ‘1‘? .' ed interest. The general committee antici- president, T‘de' ances have appeared several places. They i
‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ . _ pates that the “championship“ contest will __fi7ww_oh‘___’_ enter a business house and “inspect” the
. f . attract a large number of entries. It was appliances, creating the impression tllill
l ' further suggested that each community Gorin Leases Record—Herald they represent the appliance companies and
1 11 l 1 send a “set” of [our couples to the final lameson I). Gorin leased the Greensburg come to1inspect the machinery as a part of
‘ " contest. 1 _ Record-Herald the first part of the month the serVice. As youcxpect ll’ the imposten
.1 1 1 ’1 . It was suggested that a smiilar contest from Egbert V. Taylor. Gorin has been find that the equipment needs servlicllifs; 1
*1 11 should be held in\Mestein11xeii1tiicky ailicl manager of the paper for the P1151 fifteen :111c1t1'ards r111 eiltoibitant bill is rentereb .
1 )1 1 1. the state-Wide champion cancers to )c years, and, in taking over the Papeh stated a1tc 1‘ out or t1(.SCfllIDI)OSLClS. 11 1 1n
1 1 ‘ 111‘ selected at the mid-Winter meeting. The that the Record-l—Ierald. with the co-opcra- boys undei 16 cannot get permits 1
1 ‘1 l "H 1 1 Louisville Courier-Journal, and Times will tion of the citizens and business firms 01. learn to operate slug-casting InflClllilCSI- A“
1 1 11 ‘ . 'sponsor a dance contest in the LouisVille the community, will cotitiiiue 10 serve the 51stant Attorney General Guy 1.. DICkIHSO“
‘ ‘1 area. 1 best interest of Green county. Mr. Taylor. adVised BObbl’ _l(311n5(1)11,1R1chmo111d. 110m; 1
“ . Prizes donated by merchants lrom the who published this paper [or the past 211 . 5011 wrote heis lo, a ~11unior in high Scllh‘h 1
1 towns o[ the sponsoring newspapers Will years. will devote his time to other interests. and in addition to being a newspaper 10“" 1
l ‘ 1 be awarded to visitors at the park on this rier. wanted to learn to operate the LIHO' _1.
1 1 1 ‘ KPA (121).. ‘ 1 T——__1'1——.__T_——__ type this summer. E:-
.} .1 _ 1 . . ABC is advertismg insurance. .
‘1- ; -1 . 1 Purpose of the fund, most of which Will _______._______
1'; ' 1 ' be added to a mud to provide isolation wards ——_— "
‘ ‘. —‘ for smaller towns which cannot be afforded pledged cooperation, have an opportunity \N’e'd all have more bookcases for our 1‘
1 ‘ ' , by the state crippled children’s commission. to augment the growing fund for this books if bookcases were as easy to bol‘I'O‘V‘ 1; ~
1. 11111111 1111111" The publishers present, and others who worthwhile purpose. as books. if
. i'. 1 11‘ ff
- ' 11 ,. 1‘1 1 .‘ > 1 l ‘ 31.3.," . .
. ’i n 1 ‘l” '

 r.” ‘ ' 2 ' "—"TWWT‘ l H ‘2‘ l V 2
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July, l948 The Kentucky Press Page Three , ‘i‘ ‘ 22l2
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26122100112 2 The effectiveness of any business organization is dependent on the 2 2 ll 2
ireakfast . enthusiasm with which employees approach their jobs. 21 l l2l l l
. r 2 ~‘ ll 2'
211::2d2'2, 2 Men and women work harder and more cheerfully when they know l l 2 532 2 l
E News 2 their employer is giving them good wages, hours and working conditions. - 2 l ' 222 2 l
iov.is.-; 2 l ll
:he 18th 2, For more than 80 years it has been the policy of A 81 P to try to give l ,2 l 2"} 2 l2; '
SiOHS Ol . the best wages and the shortest working hours possible. l . l ll 2‘ l I,
uld be l 2 l l l I l
22 head A & P pioneered the 5-day week in the grocery business. l l l l l 22
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. Our average weekly wage for all employees is the highest in our 2 2 2' 22‘ 2 2i
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I" Our constant effort is to train our employees to enable them to take l 2: lll2l ll
g110,1 in better jobs; and the company's policy is to pay its employees as much as l 3 2l llll l
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1 1 _1 » Page Four Fhe Kentucky Press July, l948 , ‘. 1 " J
I l‘ | > L 33,171..
1 1 1 1 l 1 —-
1 :3,gygg 1 1 he Kentucky Press Assocmtzon recognizes the fundamental importance 1 Y1
l 1 g % y of the implied trust imposed on newspapers and dissemination of public *
' ‘1 1 v“ -- A -’-‘ ‘* r" information. It stands for truth, fairness, accuracy, and decency in the pre- l’i
'1 1 Off 1 1 P1111111 t' 1 th K t k sentation of news, as set forth in the Canons of Journalism. It advocates 1 1
1 11 reia ica ion 0 e on uc y . .1 . . . _ 1 It
1 Press Association strict ethical standards in its advertising column. It opposes the publica- 1
1 l 1 1 ._ tion of propaganda under the guise of news. It afi‘irms the obligation of a
1 1 1 1 ~ Victor R. Portmann, Editor-Publisher newspaper to frank, honest and fearless editorial expressions. It respects '
1 1111 11 . . . . . . . . .
1111-11 ——-—-—— e ualit of 0 znzon and the rz ht of ever individual to articz ation in ‘ —Ho
2 :1 " 1 Printed On The Kernel Press, Lexington 2 C y . 1!.) l g F y I? , I? , 1 1 Q
1, 1 1 . t e onstztu zona guarantee of reedom of the Press. It believes in the 1;. 1011 and
1 2 —-—— newspaper as a vital medium for civic, economic, social, and cultural com- l makes t]
1 1‘ Volume Nineteen, Number Nine munity development and progress. times?
1 1 A.—Tl
1 :1 MW . -
1 1‘ ‘ _ 1 1 K. fiber pin
.1 11 11 1 Kentucky Press1Association Officers many types 01 manulacturing. the South Press Association; Stanford Smith, Georgia 1" the drivt
1 ‘ 1 “ Fred B. Waehs, Prestdent 1 must have more research, the monograph Press Association. and Din Alcorn, Montana l l. R611
. 1 1 1 Herald-Leader, Lexmgton declares. The South, it warns, has been far Press Association. ' ’ 2 Ren
1 ‘ James M. Willis, Vice Presrdent 1 1. 1 . 1 1 1 1 _ f l 1 11,1 ,1 1 1 1 1. 1 1 -
1 Messenger, Brandenburg 1X12 11m in tic appreciation 0 tie possi )l . Plans lor the special observance of Nation» 1 motor.
1 1 1 1 1 Victor R. Portm1ann,1Secretary-Manager 1 tries and the application ol research lindings. al vaspaperboy Day. Oct. 2, are being " 3. Rer
, 1 1 1 11 University of Kentucky, Lextngton and it cannot ailord to wait on either gov- made by the ICMA~AN PA Newspaperboy switch if
» 1 1 ‘11 1 District Executive Committeemen ernmental or outside company programs to Committee, headed by Howard W. Stodghill, 4- DiSC
l ~ A . ‘
‘1 Chairznan, SIoesLa (slim-e1 inn-genéOotat, Psdul; do all that is needed. Philadelphia (Pa) Bulletin. 1 " Loosen ‘ll
1 can F'rSt ? econ ’ o n ‘ aines, at The in( no in h sa. h .o ‘ z * " ‘ . ' . ' . l 1- . 1 -
l 1 - City News, Bowling Green; Third, Douglas _ 1 ’ g l) is t C S “L11 m 1} filld 1Thc theme 01 National l\euspaper Week 1 motor an
I l Comett, Courier—Journal, Louisville; Fourth, in its cotton another great raw—material this year will center about the simple yet 51 L00
‘1 1 _ Albert S. Wathen, 81:, Standard, Bardstown; source. It cites laboratory experiments in ilmugh-provoking subject of “How to Read hold mot
l l1 ' Filth’ Virgil P' Sanders, News-Democrat, Car- usin the whole cotton )l'int [or the )ro- - \" ,1 , " " » i ' H ; ‘
1 3 1 l 1 rollton; Sixth, Enos Swain, Advocate-Mes- ‘ g 1 l ‘ l ‘l 1 C“blMPCr 1 Alene said. The 1948 mm" Side lowe
“ 11 l j 3 sennger, Danville; Seventh, Thomas Holland, ductrorr 0t pulp- mittee believes that this year’s campaign F 6. Rai:
1 1 :1 News, Pikewlle; Eighth: J. W- Hedde“: Ad' “ll" this proves to be a feasible operation should concern itself again with the promo- 1 drive wh
. 1 vacate, Mt. Sterling; Ninth, H. R. Chandler, 11 . 1.11 . 1 _1 9 11 1.11 1 _ , _ _ ,
1 1 1‘1 ‘ Mountain Advocate, Barbourville; State-at- “6 ““P itatrons 10 [16 ‘01111 “I )6 611101» [lull ol the basic fundamentals of news— 1 7-1310
1 1 l- 1 - Large, Earle J. Bell, Advocate, Morganfield; mous," the report declares." “The region papers." motor an
1 1 State-at—Large, William Caywood, S'm’ Win- can retain its cotton 'rowinr in a modified . . . , - < , « u .1
1 1 1 . chester; I ediate Past President, Tyler 1 1 - 1 g 1 1 s 1 Rather than ansuci the chargcs oi nem- 8. R611
1 l , Munford, Advocate, Morganfield. lorm. wrth “0 hand-picking 01' chopping. paper critics directly, the committee suggests ' workbenc
= I f __ ______,,,,.,.;_.._ id#_, ‘ 215 a part Of Its CYOP'I‘Ollll-IOH system. that much more can be accomplished by an , 9. ASCC
l 1 i. - ~ . ' 3 ~
‘ ‘ It can use its cleared land for the pro- ob .. '1 .. .',. . ‘ f . . l ‘ . -. o l l'
11 1 lcctrxe campaign to in mm the pu)lic as 1 r sra L t
’ ‘ 1: NATIONAL EDITORIAL— (luction ol CCllUlOSC—l0r which there 5661115 to the functions and responsibilities of news- 1, Slipping 5
ll ‘« i ' - ~ - ' . ..
‘ ,1W,/mASSOC|/-\T|ON to be no end of demand—instead ol lor papers and as the many difficulties. both 1 drive oll
‘1 11 ‘ Wits! ] ' f / fiber which is declining in use. It will still routine 311(11111115112111 which newspapers must L careful in
1 1 11 1 1 , have as a byproduct of the new process the regularly overcome in performing their tune 11 cold ch
'l 1 11 1.1 1 ‘—‘"“‘_""”’¥_—"‘T—T'TVWTAT‘ valuable Oil \\'lllCll SUPPllCS SO lllll)0l‘l.illll ii [lung and lncellng their l‘CSl)Ollsll)lll[l€5. 10. ll: 1
1 Second Monograph Published part of the national need [or fats and oils." “It is the hope of the committee", Zielke lirarkalig
1 .1 added. “that all newspapers will cooperate p051tionet
1 1 ‘1 1‘ The second 0f 12 monographs