xt76hd7nrx7x https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt76hd7nrx7x/data/mets.xml Texas Texas State-wide Records Project University of Texas. Bureau of Research in the Social Sciences United States. Work Projects Administration. Division of Professional and Service Projects 1942 49 leaves: ill., map; 28 cm UK holds archival copy for ASERL Collaborative Federal Depository Library Program libraries and the Federal Information Preservation Network. Call number FW 4.14:T 312/2/no.105 books English San Antonio, Tex.: State-wide Records Indexing and Inventory Program This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed in accordance with U. S. copyright laws. Texas Works Progress Administration Publications Probate records -- Texas Hays County (Tex.) -- History Index to Probate Cases of Texas, no. 105, Hays County, Nov. 22, 1848 - Dec. 15, 1939 text Index to Probate Cases of Texas, no. 105, Hays County, Nov. 22, 1848 - Dec. 15, 1939 1942 1942 2019 true xt76hd7nrx7x section xt76hd7nrx7x ' w 1 I , - HlllllNHIINJWIHIIHIWIIIHllllHllHlilHllllHlllelllHllilll r; '1 $193253} RULE- _ INDEX . . TO A . PROBATE CASES FILED IN / Gui 57% I 3" " N8) ”A‘s ._ o ‘ _ A? .‘ o u;- o . No. I05 . HAYS COUNTY TEXAS \STATEWIDE RECORDS PROJECT INDEX TO PROBATE CASES OF TEXAS L No. 105. HAYS COUNTY November 22, 1848-December 15, 1939 Prepared by _ The State-wide Records Indexing and Inventory Program Division of Community Service Programs Work Projects Administration ' The University of Texas, Official Sponsor Bureau of Research in the Social Sciences The University of Texas, State—Wide Co-Sponsor San Antonio, Texas The State-wide Records Indexing and Inventory Program February 1942 , ' PREFACE ' ' _' -' ; * ' ‘IThe'publication herewith presented,'an index to the probate cases \ filed in Hays County, Texas, is No; 105 of the Texas series of counties. .1 The publication is intended to meet the requirements of day-to-day usage by the officials of the county, attorneys, businessmen, and other citi— . zens who have occasion to consult probate case records for the proper ‘ 'fi' conduct of their affairs. The publication may be used by‘fiistorians and . ' genealogists to obtain references to unpublished source material. The names of_the deceased persons, minors, and other principals are -7 'arranged alphabetically, with reference to the filing date~bf the case “and.the case number.- The following numbers in sories-l-l777 were not ~ «5 used as ease-numbers: 130, 288, 290, 295-302, 310, 312, 322, 340, 348, 349, 351, 369, 374, 392, 399,.405, 408,.410, 435, 442, 452, 460, 467, ’ 476,, 481, 482, 558, 578,_ 636, 637, 703-707, 709, 710, 797, 868, 875, 949, "5‘10315 1058,;1122,‘1153, 1183, 1251, 1311,.1447, 1496, l5lO,'1554, 1569, » 1593.165511706, 1707, 1761. = . I p In Hays County all probate records are in the custody of the county 1 iclerk.*”Probate'case papers are kept in file boxes in the clerk's vault. - ‘ Thegcases are arranged numerically by case number. 4'. ' ” :,pE 1 Since the transfer of territory from one county to another has af— fected probate jurisdiction and has determined the county in which the probate_case should have been'filed,'a map and table of territorial . ’ -L fchanges'are included.herein. Notations concerning-present‘location and Iquavailability oflVreCQrds pertinent to Hays County follow; ,’ u'if; Bistrofi County, Beetrop, all records extant; V . . . ..;.~- 80xar,County, San Antonio, all records extant.‘ 3” ZeflgghfimflpsC¢nw;6mmabs,afl.mcmdseflmmfiwl .,:' ”J-I Guadalupe County, Seguin, all records extantélifl ’ f,,. .. , .. Travis County, Austin, all records extant. ;.‘g” - * ' EXPLANATION OF THE MAP AREAS V Note: Areas A, B, D, G, and I are assumed to have been under the ,y jurisdiction of the municipality of Austin from March 18, l! 1834 (l) to the earliest date mentioned in each case. Prior ;: _ ., . to;1834 all the areas except 0 were in the Department Of Bexar , 5} . .'~ _- . and presumably came under the jurisdiction of the municipal- L g? -4 ~ .ity of Bexar. «Area C was in BeXar until November 12, 1832 (6). <( (A) (E)=_in municipality and county of Bastrop* " ' - W 5‘ *7 " ,v : ..- .. :.«' =i .' ..£rom‘ 4/24/1834.(2).to 1/25/1840 '{ A'3‘Travis County‘ 1; -,.- - -,," 1/25/1840-(3) '":3/ 1/1848 , g; " Hays County " 3/ 1/1848 (4) " date 2 11 (E) ~ in Bastrop County ~, ,... from 12/18/1837 (5) to 1/25/1840 I ya ,"~Travis County 1. . ,. 4.2-;‘ " 1/25/1840 (3) "'3/ 1/1848 it .14" Hays County ' ‘ =5. .' H 3/ 1/1848 (4) C" date 5: ' <§)" =in municipality and county of Gontales " ‘ ," ." =‘ T ;y 4 - . 4 . .5 =. .n_- _» "from 11/12/1832 (6) to 3/30/1846 fig ' " Guadalupe County fi- '3/30/3846 (7) 5" 2/12/1858 5( " Hays County " 2/12/1858 (8) " date 41 (§)= 4. in Bastrop,counnyw' r - ; from 12/18/1837 (5)'to 1/25/1840 1 i) , " Travis Counny , -, . a‘" =1/25/18401(3)1 n 3/30/1846 :1 " Guadalupe County " 3/30/1846 (7) " 2/12/1858 :1 V f; ,3 " Hays County ,‘ -~ - ' '.- '4: "" 2/12/1858_(8)' "' E .date ’ it .(G), in municipality and county of Bastrop* " ' :2 f.’ i l j: .. ‘1 ~e,4 ; ‘- - - :.- a; .1 hf.»~from '4/24/1834 (2) to.1/25/1840 35 , " Trav18w00unty, .2- ~ .» - v,"‘ 1/25/1840 (3)'fU 3/ 1/1848 :1 " Hays County " 3/ 1/1848 (4) " 1/10/1862 if " Blanco County' ,-.2 ,.:-“ . '“2 $4 m1/10/1862 (9)' ”"' date jj (H) (l) in municipality-and county-of Bastrop*’ §,f;q »;, ,.- ~ 3 5 y ‘ ' . from 4/24/1834 (2) to 1/25/1840 7 { " Travis County,3g =v~ & g ‘ .."“ 1/25/1840 (3) ;" 3/ 1/1848 g, " Hays County " 3/ 1/1848 (4) " 2/12/1858 § " Blanca County .~ '2 ' ’ , ."’, 2/12/1858 (8)2'" 9 date 1 g ‘ _ _ . ,0 ' 1 % *Created as municipality of Mina, Apr. 24, 1834 (Gam. Laws, 1, 384); E 89 name changed to Bastrop, Dec. 18, 1837 (Gem. Laws, 1, 1432). g (1) This date is that-of the'establishment of the Department of Brazos, Q with its capital at San Felipe de Austin (gee Gam. laws, I, 355). a (2) Gem. laws, I, 384. gt (3) Gam. Laws, II, 428. 3 (4) Gem. Laws, 111, 48. g (5) Gem. Laws, I, 1433. ‘ 4 $1 (6) §§§ Texas State-wide Records Project, Index 39 Probate gases g3 Texas, i :3 No. 94, Guadalupe County, p. iv, footnote 1. » U 3: (7) Gam. Laws, II, 1339. u i; (8) Gam. Laws, Iv, 1070. ' 1 8 (9) Gem. Laws, V, 477. 1 g . 1 i l a! g L l I D—— ,/ \ GEORGETOWN 1 rCOLoRADO ,/ \\ LLANO BURNET/ \ WILLIAMSON ' J / 1. WT—_*““ \x. 9 Km, Z ' \ 2 1 , , 1 1 *~\ ' ’* \ g“ I ‘ \ l\\\¥ ,/ \E\ /.‘>\/1 ! /féi ‘ \ 3/ \ I 1 Z; :1 \ ,/ 1 231119 , végnlj :52: 111 h ’ R A V 1 S 1 _._____:;_':: ' ‘vl % 1 l a, R N ,LL—EE_?—T'_—:j13d1 a??? 1 1 B ,6 L __*A {3:1L—:§Cfffl%0 _ Y// "11 2: 1 ‘ 1 1:243:97 ¢© __ ,, , , “”5“" 1 1 oiOHNSON anal 1 / ,_:::T 1 l . “if; _ 1 _:,,fi, 1 -‘:::‘_—_, 1 1 1, ._ :11 ‘ 1 , —_vf —*: 1 1 1 r’ v 7: 1 1 1 —:;:;§_:Vé 1 1 1 ‘ —_——' commune smuesiv 1 1 . 1:72:— 1 1 1 1 ~ ““—::,;;,4;,,;f___:-:._'.f" 1 1 1 EH 1 1 1 1 ’ " ""1——'i——-—é'-’<—i-ié::: 197711 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 g. m::_ " , __;;i_:_p:1_._.___ ‘¢ 1 1 ! | 1 1 _ \\11__,-""W""7 ",”Wfi’*7"i4:;ie . l __\\ I ‘ 1 1 I 1 \\I\‘g.:::;tq:::f‘—E lfi—fi, ! ‘ \ ° 1 1 1 , “(3 __:’1"”*"ii::C&::;::;:lemf, // \ 0, W c 1:114:;:,_A;:Y:;§::S;—““ii:m 1 1 \\ “we“ -&‘ N ":_—_*w Virv—fii‘ Maigre/ 1 \\\ \ “E em” / / _—“:i:“::::i—if“T:::::;::Effj;11 /- 1 1 \V / ——-—A'** ‘ ““"meBERLEV " __V_ ___,,11__1::4:”7. :11, is", 4 l / , f* 7—17:’:,, 1,1,, 1 , ~ : ~ 7# . 1 1 1 \ \X ,/ Ejesfiil 11-11;;i:“:'7i"1“ f . 1 , K E‘xN D A L L y [3? ):’*7: 1 ' / m 0 ‘ 7f7211:221323256: I 1 / 4% Di‘fifriffsi‘i‘ifi“ ‘ 1 M ’° [/0/3/155‘1/1ir/4A56350/ X- [2212' oLOCKHART ! 1 / //////////fl/:7~ 1 1 1 // // ”1,6 A L D w E L L 1 1 / C 0 M A L o: \ 1: l // 6,624” Q$@\ Km 1 § 4 4?") § \ ‘ 1 l / L a? \3. . a 0/ (6 00 » 1 2‘ 1 l {gig/‘4‘ ’9’ u 5 a 1:40,] (/1 20/ 1 l l , $11131 ,/ \ aRAuNFELs \ 0mm ‘ E \ ,,:‘ I /. 2 7/ u» 1 e u A o A L U P E /' , MAE OF / I 11 HAYS COUNTY / 1 1 SHOWING THE SEVERAL PROBATE AREAS (.1, ’ 1 . 11 ——2=-2—~ {:31 / i ' —_ PRESENT BOUNDARIES 0F HAYS COUNTY _ I / 1 I _ - — COUNTY LINES OTHER THAN HAYS COUNTY // G o N ZA L E S 1 (FOR EXPLANATION AND REFERENCES SEE THE // 1 J PRECEDING PAGE) / ,/ PREPARED BY w.F.A. ones-IiS-ijfimfl / ‘ . INDEX TO PROBATE CASES ‘ HAYS COUNTY COURTHOUSE, SAN MARCOS, TEXAS Name of Deceased,Minor or Lunatic Filed Case No. - A _ Abels,Mancy,NCM,(no papers) May '15,1886 226 Aceteido, Minnie, tubercular, (no papers) Sept. 1,1921 1092 Acklin, Mary 8., deceased Apr.= 8,1901 550 Acres, Jewell E., minor Jan.~ 2,1919 1011 Adams, Adam, deceased July 50,1904 611 Adams, Roxana A., deceased Apr. 15,1915 905 Adare, B. C., H. G., and J. 5., minors Nov.- 2,1900 510 Adare, Elmer N., deceased Mar..24,1927 1297 ' Adare, G. W., deceased Apr.v 4,1952 1477 Ahlhardt, Mary, NCM Aug. 8,1955 1524 Ahrenbeck, E.,N3h,(no papers) Dec. 9,1889 04 Ahrenbeck, E.,NCM,(no papers) Sept. 4,1901 0165 Alba, Victor, deceased Nov. 50,1954 1581 Albright, W. N. 8r., deceased Sept. 8,1921 1095 Alexander, Trimble, deceased, (no papers) Feb. 5,1890 282 Allen, Annie E., Clyde M., ' Fannie P., Frank C. and , Nettie M., minors Jan. 10,1895 559 Allen, Billy Louis, NCM May 25,1955 1601 Allen, Ezra Sylvester, NCM Jan. 10,1958 1755 , Allen, Hillard, minor Mar. 24,1920 1049 Allen, P. J., deceased, . (no papers) May 28,1860 05 Allen, Sylvester, NCM Oct. 25,1957 1712 Allen,er . Tinnie, deceased Mar. 29,1927 1295,1299 Alvarez, Benavides, NCM Apr. »5,1927 1502 Anderson, F. P.,NCM Sept.26,1954 1570 Andrews, J. L., deceased Oct. *_Jl929 1405 Anglin, Mary L., deceased June 15,1925 1240 Ansell, J. W., deceased, (no papers) July 2,1928 1542 Appling, A. 0., deceased, (no papers) Oct. 15,1950 1451 Appling, Mrs. C. A., deceased Jan. 89,1891 517 Aredendo,lConception,tubercu1ar 0ct._18,1957 1715 Armstrong,Albert and John,minors Aug. 15,1958 1765 Armstrong, Annie 9-, Ava and Horace, minors Mar. 21,1900 509 Armstrong, Annie Roy, Ave and Horace, minors Dec. 6,1901 542 Armstrong. J. 4., deceased 8ept.10,1908 725 Armstrong, L. H., deceased Oct. 14,1879 119 Armstrong,Mrs.M.E.,deceased Sept.14,1959 1490 , r 2 Name of Deceased,Minor or Lunatic Filed Case No. Arnold, Selectia, NCM Sept. 4,1911 800 Arond, Mrs. Annie, deceased Mar. 9,1929 1580 Atkinson, Alice Brownley, deceased May 20,1925 1257 Atkinson, Roger, deceased Apr. 10,1909 745 Atkison, Elizabeth, deceased July 11.1910 774 Atkison, Geo. 0., deceased Nov. 11,1922 1127 - Autry, Ethel Irene, tubercular May 25,1925 1155 Avey, M. E., deceased Feb. 5,1915 857 Avey,M.S.,NCM,(nO papers) Feb. 17,1905 0164 Avey, Mary Jane, NCM July 29,1895 420 Avey, Mary Jane, deceased Jan. 4,1896 452 Axton, A. K., H. M., L. A. ' ‘ and M.A.,minors,(no papers) Aug. 50,1858 02 e _ B _ . Babe, Luisa E., tubercular, (no papers) __, 1522 Bagley, A. E., A. L., L. E., N. A. and W. H. V., minors, (no papers) Feb. 28,1870 9 Bagley, B. De Witt, tubercular, (no papers) Aug. 5,1921 1052 Bagley,M.L.,NCM,(no papers). Nov. 14,1899 0165 . Bagley, Mrs. Mary, NCM June 20,1958 1758 Bailey, R. A., ROM Nov. 12,1950 L 1458 Bailey, Robert, minor July 24,1878 92 ' Baker, E. W., NCM June 28,1908 717 Bales, John E., deceased Jan. 5,1955 1504 ' Balling,Henrietta 3., deceased Feb. 28,1920 1047 Barbee, J. J., deceased June 12,1912 818 Barbee, Onie and Willie, minor Jan. 12,1898 479 Barbee, W. E., deceased Feb. 8,1888 260 Barbee, Wm., deceased, . (no papers) Dec. 8,1880 150 Barber, H. E., deceased Apr. 28,1897 459 Barber, James Barton, minor Jan. 16,1956 1628 Barber, Mrs. Minnie, deceased Jan. 14,1929 1572 Barber, Mrs.R. T., deceased Mar. 50,1916 927 , Barber, Will 0., deceased . Nov. 20,1955 1619 Barber, Willie E., deceased Oct. 11,1897 475 ' Bardensourper, Lulu Belle and W. G., minors Dec. 22,1895 582 A . Barnes, Henry, deceased Oct. 51,1894 597 Barrios, Natividad, tubercular June 10,1927 1508 Bartlett, Maud, NCM May 10,1916 929 Bartlett, Roy Lee, minor Jan. 11,1924 1175 Barton, A. 0., deceased ' Aug. 27,1896 448 Barton, Ann B. and Wm. E., minors, (no papers) , Oct. 8,1852 06 Barton, Anthony, deceased June 26,1924 1196 , 5 Name of Deceased,Minor or Lunatic Filed Case No. Barton,.Mary, deceased June 26,1954 1197 Barton, 8.0.,.NCM,(n0 papers) June 12,1896 0166 Bass, Mary, MGM Apr. 11,1902 609 Bass, Mary Emma, NCM, (no papers) ' Apr. 25,1902 557 Boswell, Emma, NCH May 15,1922 ' 1115 Baunetti, Eugenia, NCM, (no papers) Apr. 20,1887 246 Baunton, Desha, deceased Jan., 6,1926 1256 Bautista, Marvin, NCM Jan- 27,1910 765 Baxter, Mary, deceased, (no papers) Oct,.29,1878 020 Beall,.A. J., deceased Oct, 8,1912 826 Beall, Annie, Lucile and Marie,minors, (no papers) Sept.25,19ll 805 Beall, Jasias 8,, deceased, (no papers) Aug. 51,1868 18 Beall, Nettie P.,NGM Sept,29,1928 1557 Beall, Nettie P,, NCM Nov. 15,1928 1565 Beard, Peter, deceased Feb. 10,1911 856 Beasley, , minors, (no papers) Mar. 15,1911 789 Beasley, Eugene and John D,, minors June 18,1924 1204 Beatty,.0. P., deceased Oct. 16,1909 756 . Bell, Samuel Bascom, deceased Jan, 6,1957 1668 Belvia, Eva,NCM,(no papers) 7 Aug. 1,1885 205 Belvin, Mrs,C.:W., deceased Apr. 8,1889 278 ' Belvin, R. H., deceased July 2,1888 270 Bemus, Julia Ann, minor, (no papers) June 29,1859 012 Benito, Alva, tubercular, (no papers) Sept,19,1954 1669 Banner, Dr W, and Mattie F., ' deceased Jan. 1,1920 1044 Bennett, , minor June 21,1950 1424 Bennett, Thos. 0., deceased Nov. 5,1927 1501 Bentley, J. 3,, deceased Nov. 15,1899 505 Barrera, Abrham, Ezegura and Fidella, minors Feb. 15,1921 1076 Berry, Henderson, deceased Jan. 9,1922 1144 Berry, Lizy, deceased, (no papers) Nov. 16,1870 019 Bertranl, Mrs, John, NCM July 7,1950 1422 Biggs, Ellen G,, Jae, Y., John H., Lela May and Wm. H., minors Jan. 15,1901 527 Biggs, Georgie, deceased Sept. 6,1895 575 Biggs, R. M., NCM Aug. 9,1909 745 Biles, Wm., deceased Dec. 28,1881 158 Billing, Mrs.W.B.,tubercular May 22,1956 1644 4 Name of Deceased,flinor er Lunatic Filed Case No. Bills, Nannie E., NCM, (no papers) ' Oct. 14,1885 211 Bird, Isaac, NCM Jan. 18,1908 701 Birdwell, Cynthia, deceased June 21,1917 974 Birmingham, A. H., deceased Oct. 6,1905 594 Black, Amanda V., deceased Apr, 11,1924 1189 Black, E. E., deceased , Sept,21,l887 255 - Black, Geo.M., J. T. and Wm. H.,minors, (no papers) June 29,1865 014 , Black, Lemuel, deceased, _ (no papers) May 25,1865 59 Black, Richard, deceased Oct. 50,1889 295 Blackwell, Felix, NCM Apr, 6,1914 874 Blair, Jane, deceased July 12,1904 612,022 Blanton, J. J., deceased July 11,1917 976 Blanton,Joseph A.,Nea1 E. and William E., minors Dec. 51,1917 976%,1085 Blum, Robert, NCM,(no papers) Jan. 9,1905 585,0168 Bock, Charles, deceased Jan. 15,1897 455 , Borches, Marie, minor Mar. 4,1912 515 . Berches, Marie D., deceased Oct, 22,1894 404 Boring, , NCM Apr. 15,1929 1590 Berring, M. E., NCM Dec. 20,1952 1501 Boss, Mdry Emma, NCM,(no papers) Apr. 25,1902 0167 Best, P. T., deceased Dec. 24,1919 1059 , Best, 8. E., deceased Mar. 27,1897 458 Bowen, Lillie, NCM Oct. 18,1928 1551 , Bowen, Monroe, deceased Nov. 14,1925 1561 Boyett, 8am H., deceased Jan. 27,1920 1045 BracK, A. A., deceased Nov. 17,1957 1721 Brack, Arthur J., deceased Jan. 12,1955 1507 ' Bradley, Harood, Leta and Vivian, minors ‘ Nov. 24,1917 985 Braunhelz, Dorothea, deceased Sept.12,1914 885 Braunholz, John, deceased Nov. 26,1905 886 Breed, Mrs. Emma, deceased May 7,1954 1555 Breedlove, Ann, deceased July 28,1888 264 BreeleVe, I, E., deceased Dec. 51,1879 124 BreedloVe, Thomas, deceased, ‘ (no papers) May 27,1874 48 Brevard, E., deceased May 19,1921 1086 Brewster, C. C., C. WHJ. J. and Maude Zoctte,minors May 12,1896 4411 Brewster, M. E,, deceased . Aug. 24,1895 01,426 Brewer, Mrs,E. A., deceased May 1,1902 554 Bridges, M. M. and Sarah F,, minors' May 50,1864 16 Briggs, Miss B.J,,deceased Apr. 1,1899 494 { Brooks, Sylvester, minor Jan. 10,1901 526 -~ Brown, Aliece and Jesie,miners Oct. 11,1911 648 .7 Brown, Elizebett P., deceased Aug, 15,1955 1610 5 Name of Deceased,Minor o;_;ggg£§g;____j:gggl~fl__*__*_ga§e_flgL Brown, a. s..,.NCM Dec. 9,1916 952 Brown, Jim, deceased Apr. 28,1915 847 Brown, Joe C,-and John 2., minors, (no papers) Aug, 50,1877 80 Brown, Jehn F, and Wm. W,, minors, (no papers) Sept,50,1850 05 Brown, John 8,, deceased Nov, 20,1905 640 Brown, Joseph 8., deceased Nov. 15,1929 1406 Brown, Julia Clara and Mary A., minors _Apr.. 1,1895 566 Brown, L..H., deceased Nov.‘ 5,1904 616 Brown,Mrs,Mary A.,deceased Mar._50,1895 565 Brown, 0._T., deceased 0ct,. 5,1916 958 ‘ Brown, Patsey, minor Dec. 15,1905 645 Brown, W, 8., deceased, (no papers) July 50,1866 5 Browne, L. H., deceased, (no papers) Nov. 5,1904 024 Bruce, Olivia,.minor Mar. 22,1924 1181 ' Brumbley, J. 8., deceased July 7,1926 1277 Bryant, J. 8., N08 r0ct. 12,1950 1455 ‘ Bryant, Martha J., deceased May 28,1918 997 Bryant, Opal, NCM June 50,1958 1760 Bryant, Stephen, deceased Mar. 51,1902 782 Buethe, Henchen, NCM Aug. 19,1925 1255 V Buethe, Heneben, NCM _ May 2,1922 1111 Bufford, John 8,, deceased Feb. 10,1891 518 Bugg, Mattie and R. W,,minors Apr. 20,1887 247 ‘ Bundren, L. T. and Wedora,minors Aug. 14,1896 444 Bunton, Alenzo, NCM Jan. 1,1924 1175 Bunton, Caroline, deceased, (no papers) June 50,1862 15 Bunton, Charles, minor, ‘ . (no papers) Nov. 15,1871 22 Bunton,Edgar and Taylor,minors June 5,1884 177 Bunton,Eva, Howell, Jeno, Mackie and Mary, minors, V ‘ (no papers) Nov, 5,1900 021 Bunton, Exa, Howell, Jeno, Mackie and Mary,minors Nov. 5,1900 525 Bunton,Hardin and Joseph,minors Mar, 12,1872 25 Bunton, J. M., deceased, (no papers) Oct. 29,1860 1 Bunton, John W., deceased Oct; 27,1879 120 Bunton, Mary H., deceased, " (no papers) Aug. 26,1867 017 Bunton, Mrs.May, NCM Apr; 1,1914 875 Bunton, Phebe, deceased, (no papers) Dec. 50,1861 015 Burgess, B. F., deceased, (no papers) July 19,1856 011 Burke,Ross,minor,(no papers) Nov. 21,1929 1407 6 Name of Deceased,Minor or Lunatic Filed Case No, Burks,.Birdie, deceased _ Dec, 28,1925 1255 Burleson, Albert 8., minor Jan. 25,1879 100 Burleson, David Crockett,minor, (no papers) Mar. 26,1855 09 Burleson, Douglas,Louey,Mabel, Mosel and Myrtle,minors Aug. 18,1920 1062 Burleson, E. 6., minor, , (no papers) ' Mar. 26,1855 O8 _ Burleson, Edward, deceased, ' . (no papers) ' Feb. 27,1852 07 Burleson, Edward, deceased May 26,1877 77 Burleson, Emma, deceased May 26,1877 76 Burleson, Emma K., minor Nov. 19,1878 101 Burleson, Emma L., minor Nov. 1,1895 427 Burleson, Ford M., minor, (no papers) Jan. 25,1879 99 Burleson, Ford M., deceased June 20,1887 251 Burleson, James G., minor, (no papers) Nov. 19,1878 96 Burleson, Lillie, minor, , (no papers) - Nov. 19,1878 102 Burleson, Louisa, deceased Dec. 20,1894 407 Burleson, Mary K., minor Nov. 19,1878 105 Burleson, Willie, NCM Jan, 5,1919 1016 Burman, Steve H., deceased, . , . (no papers) Dec. 29,1862 2O Burns, Mrs. Sallie, deceased Nov. 24,1957 1724 , Burrows, Edward T., deceased, , (no papers) Sept.29,1862 010 Burson, Miles 8., deceased Aug. 50,1929 1598 Burt,W;D.,NCM,(no papers) May 5,1904 0169 Bustamante, Leopoldo, NCM May 1,1955 1514 Butler, Beverley, deceased Apr. 25,1955 1751,1755 Butler, J; W., NCM June 1,1929 1595 Butz, Charles, Emily and ~ _ Herman, minors June 29,1891 551 Buxton, Rosina R.,rdeceased Jan. 4,1958 1751 Byers; Mrs. G. A., NCM Nov. 12,1928 1565 Byers; Mrs. G. A. M., NCM Dec. 12,1928 1564 Byler, D. J.,‘deceased Jan. 19,1914 867 _ c _ _ Cade, James H., deceased Aug. 7,1891 ‘ 555 Cadwell, Della, George, Mary, , H R. M. and T. W.,minors, (no papers) ’» " Jan. 10,1885 195 Caldwell, D., G., M. and R. ‘ ’ M., minors July 1,1886 229 Caldwell, B. M., deceased Nov. 6,1884 190 Calhoun, Clifton, NCM, (no papers) . May 25,1902 561 7 Name of Deceased,Minor or Lunatic Filed Case No, Calhoun,J,R,,minor,(no papers) Jan. 27,1958 1741 Calhoun, Myrtle, NCM, ' (no papers) ' ' Feb, 5,1906 0172 Calhoun, Robert, deceased, (no papers) 1 Aug. 27,1928 1552 CalK, Delia and Maude, minors Aug, 51,1901 559 Callann, Susie, NCM Dec, 11,1950 1441 Camp, Mrs. A. L., deceased Mar. 50,1912 815 Canndn, Rufus, deceased, ‘ (no papers) Feb. 25,1857 8 Cape, John M., deceased, - (no paperS) Mar. 7,1955 , 1512 Caperton, Mary 8., minor, (no papers) Oct. 51,1859 027 Carabojal, Juan, tubercular, (no papers) ~_, 1069 Carbaugh, Amanda, Henry and ' » William, minors Dec. 28,1881 159 Carey, Elmira 8,, deceased Aug, 51,1900 521 Carey, Wm, D,, deceased Oct. 10,1898 490 Carl,Mrs.F.M.B.,tubercular Feb. 17,1958 1744 . . Carlton, Emmett H. and Irma May, minors July 5,1876 67 Carpenter, Jane, deceased, (no papers) Apr. 26,1897 052 , Carpenter, Mrs. Jane, deceased Apr, 26,1897 462 Carpenter, W, G., deceased, , (no paperS) ‘ May 5,1877 74 Carpenter, W. H. H., deceased Mar. 28,1891 519 Carrington, Emma M., deceased, (no papers) Sept.l4,l928 1554 Carson, Louisa, deceased Jan. 15,1896 457 Carter, Fannie and Joseph W., deceased May 11,1918 989 Carter, Margaret, minor Jan, 25,1926 1264 ‘ Cartwright, Alberta, minor Jan. 15,1926 1259 Castillo, Guadalupe, tubercular Apr. 9,1958 1749 ' Castillo, Juana, NCM May 5,1928 1552 Castillo, Simon, minor Aug, 12,1957 1701 ' Castilo, Jose ongel, Apr. 5,l929 1588 Castilo, Ramon, NCM Sept,15,1926 1285 Castleberry, Margaret E., , deceased " Sept.l5,1900 522 5 ‘ Cavett,N.C. Sr., deceased Mar,'22,1907 696 ' ' Cavett, Oma, minor June 9,1906 660 Chamlemolin, James N., minor Dec. 26,1894 409 Chandler, J. A,, deceased Sept.15,1884 188 Chandler, Lottie, deceased Oct. 28,1891 545 Chandler, Lottie, deceased Dec; 1,1891 559 A f Chaney, E, J., deceased July 5,1894 591 , Chapman, Bettie and C. 8. 0,, minors 4 Aug. 10,1876 69 8 1 Name of Deceased,Minor'or Lunatic Filed Case No., _ , Chapman, Mrs. Eddie A., L tubercular Nov. 2,1957 1719 , Cheatham, J. H., deceased Nov; 25,1885 215 . Cheatham, M. B., deceased, (no papers) Nov. 14,1872 52 ' Cheatham, Pearl M., minor July 10,1872 50 * Cheatham, Pearl M., minor, . (no papers) Oct. 1,1874 54 Cheatham, Sallie L., deceased Oct. 1,1874 55 Cheatham, Thomas Lee, minor Apr. 5,1926 1271 Chesebro, Gladis and Veron, minors Aug. 8,1911 796 Chesebro, Mary E., deceased Jan. 8,1951 1445 Chesley, Joseph and Wm., ' ' minors, (no papers)’ July 10,1872 29 Chitwood, M. D., deceased Jan. 24,1958 1752' . Christal, Chas., NCM May 6,1955 1515 Christal, Chas. H., NCM May 9,1958 1756 ‘ Christal, R., deceased July 27,1924 1201 e , Christol, Charles H., Estella, Margaret 8., Martha E., ' Novella and Samuel 8., . minors ‘ Oct. 2,1891 556 1 Clark, Emma, NCM May 26,1951 1456 Clark, Sarah,NCM,(no papers) July 17,1885 154 - Clayton, Jas. and Wm., minors Oct. 12,1909 755 Clayton, John, deceased Aug. 28,1905 651 . Clevas, Joe, deceased May' 6,1929 1592 " Cliett, Taylor A., deceased Jan, 5,1952 1502 , Cobey, F. W., NCM June 25,1952 1485 Cochran, D. 8., deceased Aug. 8,1907 689 “ Cochran,Emory and Minnie,minors Mar, 26,1895 416 ' Cochran, Henry Lee, NCM Apr. 25,1954 1551 Cochran,Mrs.John,tubercular, : (no papers) July 17,1954 1565 1 Cochreham, D. K., deceased Oct. 25,1895 579 j ‘ Cock, Susanna, deceased Jan. 8,1907 672 f Cocks, Sarah J., deceased, ‘ , (no papers) July 5,1860 028 i Coe, Jim, deceased Mar. 18,1910 772 . Coffin, Joseph, deceased, (no papers) , Oct. 2,1877 81 Cohen, Dinah, deceased, ' ' (no papers) Aug. 9,1880 050 . Cole, Aurelia, Jeff D., Mollie, . O.H.P. and Susan, minors Feb. 27,1877 72 ; Cole, Oliver H.P., deceased, , (no papers) Feb. 27,1874 65 ; p Cole, Oliver H. P.,deceased, ' , (no papers) Mar. 25,1874 45 , Coleman, E. 0., deceased Oct. 26,1892 554 Coleman, F. G.,NCM,(no papers) Sept.20,1887 256 9 Name of Deceased Minor or Lunatic Filed Case No. W Coleman, Mary, NCM Aug. 50,1909 746 Coleman, Mary, NCM May 24,1912 817 Coleman, Newt., NCM June 26,1912 819 Coleman, Newt,, NCM July 9,1915 907 Coleman,Newt.,NCM,(no papers) Dec. 21,1915 919 Collier, B. 0., deceased Feb. 17,1957 1676 ' Combs, D. S. and J. H., minors, (no papers) Feb. 28,1859 026 ‘ Combs, Fannie A., deceased Sept. 5,1956 1658 Combs, J. H., deceased Aug. 26,1926 1281 Compar, Jesus, deceased Oct. 28,1918 1009 Compiano, Martav, NCM Apr. 9,1915 902 Compton, A. 8., minor Nov. 7,1905 655 Compton, A. S. and Idaleno, minors, (no papers) Nov. 7,1905 056 . Compton, M. 8., NCM Nov. 11,1917 980 Compton, Mrs. M.S.,N3M Apr. 11,1918 995 Conally, Burns, minor Mar. 24,1918 996 Contreras, Lena, deceased Oct. 15,1899 504 Contreras, Lena, deceased, (no papers) Jan. 50,1901 054 Conway, Mrs. Nannie,deceased Dec. 5,1952 1497 Cook, Bertha and Ellen,minors Jan. 2,1910 779 Cook, James, John and Martha, minors Dec. 21,1892 555 ‘ Cook, John, deceased Jan. 7,1905 621 Cook, Mrs. Nannie B.,deceased Apr. 7,1925 1229 Cooke, Hiram W., deCeased Mar. 50,1888 265 Cooke,John,deceased,(n0 papers) Jan. 7,1905 057 Cooper, Sarah A., deceased, (no papers) June 27,1905 055 Cooper, Sarah A., deceased June 27,1905 589 Corley, W. T., deceased May 14,1917 961 Cortez, Adell, Alfredo and Aurora, minors Jan. 14,1929 1571 Cortez, Audelio, minor June 12,1955 1604 Cortez, Diego, deceased, (no papers) ‘Nov. 1,1928 1562 Cortez, Disedora, deceased July 24,1929 1596 Cousin, Henry, deceased June 50,1900 055,514 Cousins, Mrs. Mary, deceased Aug. 29,1958 1767 Covey, Lloyd, minor July 8,1958 1761 Cowley, S. J., NCM Feb. 16,1917 965 Cowley, S. J., NCM May 25,1917 - 966 Cowley, S. J., deceased Mar. 50,1918 994 Cox, Geo. H. et a1, minors Junc 29,1877 79 Cox, George M., deceased Aug. 18,1875 65 A Cox, M. J., deceased Feb. 24,1920 1046 Coym, Herman, deceased Sept. 5,1955 1615 Craft, Jim, John, Mack and Raff, minors Fob.‘ 5,1912 811 10 Name of Deceased,Minor or Lunatic Filed Case No. Craft, John and Mack, minors Aug. 10,1912 822 ‘Craton, Jim, NCM Aug. 15,1928 1550 1 Crayton, James, deceased Nov. 9,1916 945 ’ Cream, Mary M,,min0r,(no papers) July 2,1854 025 Creel,Sallie,NCM,(n0 papers) Jan. 9,1902 0171 Crews, Mrs. Barbara A., deceased Jan. 11,1922 1101 Crews, Cleve, NCM ' July 9,1952 1486 Crews, Samuel.T., deceased Apr. 5,1890 505 Criser, C, W., deceased Mar. 5,1885 198 Criser, C. W., deceased ‘ July 26,1888 272 Criss, John, deceased Mar. 6,1879 109 Crocker, Edna, Effie, Herbert ‘ and Herff, minors Sept, 5,1887 254 Crosby, Otis Green, deceased _Apr. 29,1926 1265 'Crow, Geo., NCM, (no papers) Sept.50,1886 254 Crow, J. 3., deceased Dec. 51,1900 525 Crow, McCreary, deceased _ Aug. 16,1958 1766 Cruze, John,deceased,(no papers) Dec. 25,1865 029 (Culberson, D. N., NCM Mar. 8,1911 784 Curtis, Thomas, minor, ' (no papers) Dec. 11,1895 051 Curtis, Thomas 3., minor . Dec. 11,1895 582 B a—D— Dahlstrom, Mrs.Dora,tubercu1ar Jan, 27,1958 1759 Dailey, Mrs. A. E., NCM, ' ' ,(no papers) July 2,1867 042 Dailey, Andrew 8., deceased July 15,1904 615 Bailey, 2,, deceased Apr. 29,1957 1685 Dailey, B. P., deceased Sept.21,l927 1514 Dailey, Ben, John and ' ‘ Thomas, minors Dec. 15,1928 1520 Dailey, D. W., deceased Apr. 1,1910 775 Dailey, Evelyn, minor Aug. 50,1955 1612 Dailey, George 8., deceased Oct. 28,1924 1208 Bailey, H. Leon, deceased July 50,1927 1512 Dailey, Mrs.Julia_Anne, deceased ‘July 16,1884 180 Dailey,Mrs,Kate L.,deceased June 25,1952 1482 Dailey, L. J. Jr., deceased Oct. 24,1955 1528 Dailey, L. J..Sr,, deceased _Apr. 17,1955 1597 Dailey, Lelia Hall, deceased, (no papers) ' ,Aug. 4,1928 1555 Dailey,Mary C.,(no papers) Mar. 14,1908 711 Dailey, T. P., deceased Jan. 11,1928 1526 Dailey, Watt Bradfield, , deceased Mar. 51,1954 1546 Dale, Matilda, deceased May 20,1909 751 Dallas,W.E,,minor,(n0 papers) July 27,1865 041 Daniels,8mith,NCM,(no papers) Jan. 5,1881 0175 55?; , A ‘ . 11 3 Name of Deceased,Miggrwpr Lunatic Filed Case No, 7 ' Davis, ,NCM,(no papers) Feb. 5,1879 106 7 Davis, A. L., deceased Jan. 51,1958 1745 , Davis, H. W., deceased, (no papers) Oct. 11,1886 255 Davis, John B, and W. 5,, = ‘ minors, (no papers) Jan. 1,1857 059 3 Davis, Lucinda 8., deceased Nov. 8,1884 191 i ' Davis, T. J., deceased Jan. 10,1884 171 ‘ Day, Bessie,NCM June 26,1925 1157 Day,Jesse,deceased,(nc papers) Jan. 28,1861 13 Day, Joe 8., tubercular, j (no papers) May 4,1922 1112 ‘ Deck, Frank, Mark W,, Miles 8. and Walter;Libias,Aguilla, Goodwill, Lee, Liddy and Mary, minors June 12,1878 90 DeCrow, Joyce Laura, NCM Sept.2l,1952 1491 Dedeke, Mrs. Augusta,deceased Aug, 24,1927 1515 Dedeke, Emil, Ida Marie and Meta, minors Jan. 50,1897 450 Dedeke,Wm.,deceased,(no papers) Apr. 15,1912 814 , DeLeon, Guadalupe and Martin, minors Dec. 6,1922 1159 ‘DeLeon, Thomas, deceased Mar. 17,1929 1591 DeLoach,Mary Frances,deceased Sept.21,1952 1495 ' Denney, A. 3., deceased Feb, 25,1955 1590 Denney,Mrs.Annie H.,deceased July 27,1951 1459 . Denney, Mrs. Lola M., deceased Feb. 11,1929 1577 ' Denney, W. 8., deceased __, 1124 Denny, Willie, deceased Dec. 1,1894 406 De Soto, Refugio 0., NCM July 7,1915 906 De Steiger E. deceased, (no papers) Jan. 20,1894 044 ' De Steiger, Edward, deceased Dec. 28,1895 584 De Steiguer,Nannie C.,deceased Nov, 11,1920 1068 Dickens, Ella F., minor Jan. 20,1954 1557 Dickey, Amanda, NCM ’Nov. 29,1898 491 , Dickey, Emanda,NCM,(nc papers) Aug. 26,1885 206 Dietzel, Mrs.Lu1a, NCM Jan. 27,1957 1670 . Dixon, Ethel Rosa, minor July 15,1921 1091 , Dixon, Hattie,NCM,(no papers) Jan, 5,1894 585 Dixon,Hattie,NCM,(no papers) June 14,1900 0176 Dixon,J.A.,NCM,(no papers) July 11,1885 152 Dixon, Mrs.Judy, deceased Apr. 12,1904 608 Dixon, 8., deceased Jan. 26,1895 561 Dobbins, R. R., deceased June 16,1956 1649 Dobie, J. F., tubercular June 29,1957 1695 Dobie, J. Ba Sr., deceased Nov. 25,1924 1210 Dockery, A. E., Ellie, Fannie ' ' and Mary, minors Sept.19,1885 167 Dockery, Allie and W; T,,mincrs Apr. 10,1885 159 315.: ‘ ,1 12 ‘ Name of Deceased,Minor or Lunatic Filed Case No. ; Doekery, L. N., deceased, 7 ‘ (no papers} Dec. 29,1879 1222 1! Dodsworth, Thomas, NCM, ' g (no papers) Apr. 18,1884 0174 3 Dodsworth, Thos., NCM, (no papers) Apr. 15,1884 176 3 Doe, Ada,minor, (no papers) Nov. 18,1880 129 1 Doe, John, minor, (no papers) . May 27,1867 069 j Doe, Lettie, minor,(no papers) Apr. 50,1867 081 ‘ - Doe, Lizzie,NCM,(no papers) Apr. 11,1891 0197 3 Doe,Louis,minor,(no papers) ' Mar. 16,1871 085 1 Doc, Willie, minor Nov. 6,1879 121 § Donalson,Carroll B. Jr., minor Jan. 6,1925 1216 1 Dcnalson, David, Gene and Robert, minors Aug. 27,1955 1611 7 Donalson, G. W,, deceased Oct. 8,1925 1248 i Donalson, Israel 8., deceased Jan. 14,1896 458 ‘ Donalson,Lula Blaneh,deoeased Oct. 14,1920 1064 ‘ Donalson,Virginia 0.,deceased Jan. 15,1955 1588 1 Dority,Susan,NCM,(no papers) Oct. 24,1904 0177 Doyle, Kate and Tonie, minors Sept.24,l910 712 j Drumm, Guy, NCM July 5,1957 1694,1710 7 ' Drumm, Guy H., deceased Feb. 24,1958 1714 a Drumm, Mrs, Myrtle, deceased Oct. 5,1950 1450 Duesterheft,P.E.,tubercular, ‘ ‘ (no papers) __J 1070 Duff, Lee, deceased Sept.15,1954 1568 - Dugger, Alice, A11en,Birdie, ‘ James, Lee, Marion, Miller ' and Scott, minors ' June 19,1902 565 Bugger, Louis T., deceased May 26,1951 1457 Duke, Callie, NCM Feb. 26,1914 870 Duncan, 01a G. and Sallie E., minors Dec. 51,1901 551 Duncan, W. M., deceased Jan. 2,1892 ‘ 542 - ‘ Dunn, Andrew, deceased, ‘ (no papers) Jan. 1,1855 058 Durham, Annie and John, minors, (no papers) Nov. 14,1872 54 Durham, Thomas, deceased, _ (no papers) Dec. 28,1868 045 . Duty, A. 0,, deceased July 9,1920 1058 Duty, Mrs.Mary M,,deceased Jan. 51,1924 1176 Dyas, Thomas, deceased Oct. 50,1889 287 Dyer, J. B”, deceased Jan. 11,1924 1162 _ E - Early, Thomas, deceased, (no papers) Jan. 29,1849 O45 Earnsst,Mrs.Cielo,deceased June 9,1951 1452 ‘ 7 Earnest, J. W., deceased May 5,1920 1056 11k. -57: . ‘ H i? 15 ” fi' ? Name of Deceased,Minon_gr Lunatig_,v Filed , Case No, 1 i ‘ Earngeyflllillard 2,,deceased Nov. 18,1957 1722 5 1 Earp, A, Boyd and Laura 1 J,, minors Mar, 22,1875 61 1 , Eastwood, Amelia, minor, 1 (no papers) June 29,1865 046 , Eastwood, John, deceased Dec. 19,1954 1586 3 Ebara,Rosa,minor,(no papers) Sept. 9,1950 1428 3 , Eberhard,E.E-. and J.G.,minors June 11,1895 419 F Echols, Bessie H., deceased Feb. 1,1952 1470 Echols, Lucinda, deceased June 12,1899 500 , ‘ Echols, M.M,, deceased Feb. 1,1952 1469 é ; Echols, Patty L.,deceased, . (no papers) Feb, 5,1879 108 Q 1 Edens, Elmer Lee, minor Apr. 16,1956 1658 5 Edgar, Chas, 5., deceased Dec, 14,1911 805 ? 5 Edwards,Mrs,Hattie,deoeased Apr. 24,1895 414 - .Egger, Caroline, deceased July 17,1929 1595 : ' Eager, Cynthia, minor Apr. 28,1919 1019 ‘- Egger, Effie, Ethel, Monroe, ' - Eufas and Thomas, minors Oct, 6,1905 654 I s ‘ Egger, Ethel, minor July 24,1911 795 i 7 Egéer, Ethel, tubercular May 5,1914 880 ~ Egger, J. L,, deceased Aug. 16,1955 1525 j 1 Egger, J. T., deceased May 15,1924 1195 - Eichelberger, Gennie, NCM, .. ' (no papers) July 17,1885 155 - 7 Eichelberger,Virginia, NCM Nov. 15,1885 212 1 Elliott, Mrs. Laura, deceased, (no papers) May 12,1957 1685 ‘ . , Ellison, Charlie, J. F., Lita, - Lulu and Mattie, minors July 28,1888 269 ‘ Ellison, M. Ann, minor, ‘ (no papers) Mar. 10,1875 58 Ellison, Missouri Ann, minor, (no papers) ‘ Mar. 28,1874 44 7 Ellison, W. W.” deceased Sept.10,1884 187 1 Ellison, W. W., deceased Jan. 28,1887 241 1 En