xt76hd7ns328 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt76hd7ns328/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 2003-02-12 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, February 12, 2003 text The Kentucky Kernel, February 12, 2003 2003 2003-02-12 2020 true xt76hd7ns328 section xt76hd7ns328 Cats exact revenge on Bulldogs with 87-67 win | PAGE 8



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Army depot prepares for war with Iraq

Weapons of mass destruction: Decision forthcoming
on disposal method of chemical agents stored in Ky.



Bases and battleships
aren‘t the only areas of the
military that are preparing
for a strike in Iraq.

Since Thanksgiving. ac-
tivity at the Blue Grass Army
depot has increased. accord-
ing to Dave Easter. depot pub-
lic affairs officer

Easter will speak to the
American Society of Mechan-

ical Engineers tonight in the
Boone Center.

He will discuss the cur-
rent activities of the depot.
which is located near Rich-
mond, as well as the technolo-
gy involved in disposing of
the chemical weapons stored
at the complex.

Controversy has sur-
rounded the depot as various
groups debate the best

method of disposing of the
chemical weapons stored
there. A plan to incinerate the
chemicals was nixed last fall.

Easter says the final word
on the fate of the chemical
agents is due any day.

“It should be formalized
in the next week on how to de
stroy our weapons." Easter

“I‘m going talk about how

big the depot is. [the] things
we‘re doing right now. and the
current status of our chemi-
cal weapons.“ Easter said.
‘Approximately 1.7 percent of
our [nation's] chemical
weapons are stored here."

Last month. more than
200 protesters used the depot
as a backdrop to speak out
against the impending war
with Iraq.

When the decision on de-
stroying the chemicals comes.
it will likely draw from four
suggestions detailed in an 854-
page Army report released
this year

In the report. the US.
deputy secretary of defense
said the preferred technique
for destroying the weapons

See WEAPONS on 3


health board
smoking ban


Health officials in
Lexington, a hub of bur‘
ley tobacco sales, will
begin drafting a regula~
tion to outlaw smoking
in bars and restaurants.

A similar measure
is pending before the
city council, which
tabled a proposed ordi-
nance by a 65 vote in
December: A public
hearing on the matter is
scheduled for Feb. 20.

On Monday, the
Fayette County Board of
Health voted unani-
mously to start drafting
a restaurant smoking

The board would
probably not vote on the
matter for two more

Mayor Teresa Isaac,
who sits on the 13-mem-
her health board, said
she voted for the mea-
sure because the evi-
dence about the health
consequences of second-
hand smoke is “ir-

But Isaac said that
as mayor, she would
have to weigh economic
concerns of bar and
restaurant owners.

At Monday’s meet-
ing, surgeons, doctors
and public health cru-
saders beseeched the
health board to make
Lexington the first Ken-
tucky city to ban smok-
ing in public buildings.

For too long, Ken-
tucky has held the “no-
torious distinction” of
leading the nation in
adult smoking. said
Todd Warnick, manager
for the tobacco-control
program at the county’s
health department.

Gene McLean, a lob-
byist hired by area
restaurants to fight the
ban, disputed the find-
ings of health profes-
sionals about the dan-
gers of second-hand

“There is no evi-
dence that conclusively
decides this issue," he

He also assured the
board that some kind of
"costly legal battle"
would ensue if it passed
a smoking ban.

Council action is
still the preferred
method to ban public
smoking, said Phil
Scott, attorney for the
health department, be-
cause it would face less
of a challenge in the

But Scott argued
that the health board
had every right to enact
its own rules. perhaps
by tying them into the
licensing of restaurants
and bars.


I now have a full-circle perspective and can relate better
to what families and patients may be going through.”


Living with cancer


mom I tram STAFF

Cancer patient Maggie Duff, of Hazard, takes her chemotherapy treatment at UK's Markey Cancer Center. Current
research at UK is studying alternative ways to treat the effects of cancer.

UK researcher studies
Innovative cancer theraples

Quality of life: New treatments seek to improve both physical and psychological health

By Dereli Poore

A UK researcher is seeking
new. alternative ways to treat the
effects of cancer.

Kristi Graves was an under-
graduate at James Madison Uni-
versity when her mother was di-
agnosed with breast cancer.
Graves. a postdoctoral re-
searcher at the Department of
Behavioral Science of the UK
College of Medicine. explained

that her interest in the field
stems from personal hardship.

“When I was a sophomore at
James Madison University, my
mom was diagnosed with breast
cancer." Graves said. “I was very
impressed with how well she
took charge of her care and her
incredible spirit and coping abil-
ities. At that point, I decided I
wanted to learn more about how
patients and family members
cope with cancer."

According to a report pub-

lished by the American Cancer
Society. various forms of the dis-
ease will kill 556,000 people this

The medical field is search-
ing for new approaches to cure
the disease and mitigate its ef-

Graves will study two new
methods of helping patients
cope with their illness and com-
pare them to standard care

See CANCER on 3


10 UK police cruisers could

Lawsuit: National Association claims the Ford Crown Victoria
has faulty parts; UK police not planning to replace vehicles yet



Ten out of the UK Police De-
partment's 16 police cruisers are
Ford Crown Victoria Interceptors
r~ a car many police departments
are finding to be defective.

In a lawsuit filed Jan. 29. the
National Association of Police Or-
ganizations claimed Ford failed to
repair a defect that could cause its
cruisers to burst into flames when
hit from behind.

Ford has denied these claims.

UKPD is not part of this suit.
but its (‘rown Victorias have been

part of recalls in the past. said
Cmdr. Travis Manley. director of
UK's Communication and Infor-
mation Services.

UKPD was in the process of
phasing out the Crown Victoria.
but that effort has been put on hold
until a new police chief is found.

The department has been
without a chief since November:
when its former chief. Rebecca
Langston. became (‘ommissioner
of Public Safety for the Lexington-
Fayette Urban County Council. UK
hopes to have the new chief cho-
sen by the end of this semester.

“Right now we don't have

be defective

money to buy any new cars any-
way." Manley said.

If a defect is found, the cruis
ers will be repaired. Manley said.

The Crown Victoria is the
most common police car in Ameri-
ca. Of the 350.000 police cars. about
80 percent are Crown Victorias.

UKPD's other cruisers consist
of five Chevrolet Impalas and one
Chevrolet Suburban.

While most of the damage
done to UKPD’S cruisers is from
side collisions. Manley said that if
a defect is found. it will be a con-
cern. Cruisers usually accrue more
damage and are involved in more
accidents than other vehicles.

“Your risk factor definitely
goes up because of the nature of
our job." he said.



Radio station,
printing press
brace for cuts


As UK faces the prospect of state fund-
ing cuts. faculty worry about job security
and students fret over tuition hikes. But
programs on the periphery of UK could
also be hurt.

UK‘s public radio station. the Universi-
ty Extension and the University Press are
among those programs looking for alterna-
tive funding sources.

Roger Chesser. the general manager of
WUKY. said listener contributions would be
even more important to the station in case
of significant cuts in funding.

“Listeners can turn on a radio and nev-
er pay us anything. But we always hope our
listeners will see the need and contribute."
Chesser said.

The station already holds fundraisers
to supplement its funds from the university
and federal government, he said.

The station‘s total budget is $1.4 mil-
lion. Chesser said. One fundraiser. Heard It
Through the Grapevine, was held two
weeks ago. Chesser said raising money at
such events is becoming more difficult.

“Our expenses are rising. so our profits
are dropping," he said. Chesser said the sta-
tion will have another listener support drive
starting Feb. 18.

WUKY broadcasts National Public Ra-
dio and BBC programming, which Chesser
said is expensive. “Our most popular news
and cultural programs cost us a good chunk
of money." he said.

Chesser said he is already trying to
save money in case of cuts.

“If we have to make cuts, we want to do
it without our listeners hearing any differ-
ence." he said.

The dean of the University Extension
program said he hopes budget cuts won’t af-
fect students and available courses.

“We‘ll try not to impact class offerings,
but it may mean that employees are going
to have to double up on duties." said Philip

Greasley said University Extension op
erates evening and weekend classes, sum-

See CUTS on 3


mentwlttiovertooinembers. Nereyeueal
Intermediate level. SeeScene. ”004.

~——‘—_" fl -HAM-mm W " V The SIUOMHQI‘SIPOiIh-CWIVNSIIY OI Kentucky, LEWIOW r I h I



Y ?






For the health
of our
students. we
believe that a
ban on
smoking in
halls is an
step in
improving the
current and
future health
of our

UK President
lee Todd. in a
recent letter to
state Rep. Jim
sponsor of a ban
on smoking in

2 7| WEDNESDAYKFEBVRUARYATZ, 2003 | kcurucitvrkgihiii

The Low-down

Todd supports dorm smoking ban

In a recent letter to state Rep. Jim
Wayne. ”Louisville. UK President Lee
Todd said he supports a bill that would ban
smoking in dorms. residence halls and oth-
er campus-owm-d and sanctioned housing
at public and private colleges. "For the
health of our students. we believe that a
ban on cigarette smoking in residence halls
is an important step in protecting and int-
proving the current and future health of
our students." Todd said. Todd said Ken»
tucky universities are among the last to
adopt smoke—free residences and he said he
is concerned about students' health. Wayne.
the sponsor of the bill. said the driving
force behind the bill is the concern about
student safety and health. The proposal.
House Bill 88. is backed by the state Council
on Postsecondary Education. The House
Education Committee approved the bill last
week but the bill is expected to run into op-
position when it comes up in the full House.

Free smoking cessation class offered

Smokers can get help quitting with the
UK Markey Cancer Center and its Cancer
Control Program. The Cooper/Clayton
Smoking Cessation program. a free 12-
week. group support program. uses re-
search‘based methods to help people quit.
Participants will also have the opportunity
to enter the “Bluegrass Quit and Win" con~
test. in which participants have the chance
to win up to $2.500. The class begins Feb.
11 from 5:30 pm. to 6:30 pm. on the first
floor of the UK Markey Cancer Center
Whitney Hendrickson Building. To regis-
ter or for information call 823-5278. Walk—
ins are welcome.

Lecture heralds Irish exhibit

Helen Vendler. Harvard professor and
The New Yorker magazine critic. will give a
free lecture Thursday titled “WB. Yeats and
Lyric Poetry." at 3 pm. in the President‘s
Room of the UK Singletary Center for the
Arts. Her lecture marks the opening of
"Irish Literature. 1699-1944: An Exhibi~
tion." an exhibit at the UK Special Collec-
tions in the Margaret 1. King Library. The
exhibit includes more than 150 rare books.
autographed manuscripts and autographed



Beninln Curtis.
better known as
the "Dell bride"
from the admit-
or cow's
television oom-
merclals. was
released from jail

criminal posses-
sion of marijuana
when an officer
saw him making
the purchase
from Queens resi-
dent Omar
Mendez. a police
spokesman said.
Police said Curtis
was buying "a




Free blood pressure screenings, choles-

terol checks. dancing routines. aerobic
demonstrations and a step show by UK's Al-
pha Phi Alpha fraternity are among many
activities offered at the American Heart As-
sociation's 7th Annual Heart and Soul Fest.
The event will be Feb. 22 from 10 am. to 1
pm. at the Lexington Traditional Magnet
School. 350 N. Limestone St.

LCC hosting program about Iraq

In hopes of helping students, faculty
and staff learn more about Iraq and US.—
Iraq politics. LCC will be among many col-
leges and universities hosting Iraq Teach
Ins on Monday. The Teach In includes a
showing of Hearts and Minds. a documen-
tary about the Vietnam War. The Teach In
is sponsored by LCC’s Peace and Justice
Coalition. For more information email

UK schedule book, bulletin awarded

Several UK admission and recruitment
publications received top honors at the 18th
Annual Admissions Advertising Awards
hosted by Admissions Marketing Report.
the national newspaper of admissions mar-
keting. UK’s University Bulletin received
the highest award. the Gold Award for col-
leges and universities with enrollment over
20.000. UK’s Schedule of Classes and UK’s
complete recruitment package — the bul-
letin and schedule book — won Merit
Awards. Over 700 institutions participated
in the competition. with 140 competing in
the “over 20,000 enrollment” category.

Bucks for Brains may take cut

FRANKFORT —— A preliminary budget
proposal to be introduced Monday includes
a $120 million cut from Kentucky's Bucks
for Brains program, said committee Chair-
man Rep. Harry Moberly, D-Richmond. The
program pledges to match universities dol-
Iar-for-dollar for their research. Under the
spending proposal the only three areas not
expected to see budgetary cuts are elemen-
tary and secondary education, human ser-
vices and corrections, Moberly said. The
rest of state government would see about 2.6
percent worth of cuts to agencies this year.
House Democrats plan to discuss the idea
Tuesday afternoon, Moberly said. and the
plan should head for an appropriations pan-
el review on Wednesday. The hope is to have
House lawmakers vote on the measure Fri-
day, Moberly said.





phone stolen.

Ave. at 5:27 pm


Nutter Field House at 4:04 pm.

Apartments at 4:48 pm


Apartments at 7:16 pm.



keys and credit cards stolen.

purse stolen.

baseball cap.

inability to hold up head.

gray Buick Park Avenue stolen.



Selected reports UK police from
Feb. 3 to Feb. 9

Feb. 3: Theft reported from 305 Euclid Ave. at 2:52 pm. cel'
Feb. 3: Disorder reported from University Drive and Huguelet
Feb. 4: Theft reported from 800 Rose St. at 8:39 am. purse
Feb. 4: Theft of a vehicle reported from the bus stop at the

Feb. 4: Domestic dispute reported from 158 Greg Page

Feb. 4: Scalping reported from 430 W. Vine St. at 7:51 pm.
Feb. 4: Scalping reported from 430 W. Vine St. at 8 on
Feb. 4: Scalping reported from 430 W. Vine St. at 8:02 on

Feb. 5: Theft reported from 430 w. Vine St. at 12:05 am, pick-

Feb. 5: Suspicious car reported from 538 Rose St. at 1:20 pm,
black Chevrolet left running on third floor.
Feb. 5: Drug/marijuana use reported from Greg Page

Feb. 5: Suspicious circumstances reported from 1540 University
Drive at 9:35 pm, subject on skateboard being pulled by car.
Feb. 5: Theft reported from 800 Rose St. at 11:41 pm, purse

Feb. 6: Shoplifting reported from the student bookstore at 11:50
Feb. 6: Theft reported from 404 S. Limestone St. at 12:39 pm;
Feb. 6: Theft reported from 409 S. Limestone St. at 3:05 pm;

Feb. 6: Suspicious circumstances reported from 845 Red Mile
Road at 7:51 pm, juvenile selling newspapers.
Feb. 6: Theft reported from Kirwan Tower at 8:19 pm, state
championship ring stolen that was worth $500.
Feb. 7: Suspicious car reported from Veterans Drive at 1:41 pm,
yellow and white semi-truck parked for over an hour.
Feb. 7: Criminal mischief reported from 410 Rose Lane at 3:19
pm: someone broke all the windows out of car.
Feb. 7: Criminal mischief reported from Red Lot at 11:30 pm,
glass in bus stop appears to have been shot out.
Feb. 8: Theft reported from Tally-Ho parking lot at 5:27 am,
subject entered police vehicle and stole wallet and police

Feb. 9: Alcohol intoxication reported from 769 Woodland Ave. at
2:10 am, subject in and out of consciousness, throwing up and

Feb. 9: Disorder reported from Blazer Drive at 3:44 pm.
Feb. 9: Theft of a vehicle reported from Blazer Drive at 5:19
pm. Suspicious male in the late 205 with a beard and hat seen;

Source: UK Police Log at www.uky.edu/Police and police
reports. Compiled by assistant news editor Emily Hagedom.


< a











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links Iraq ; Sales 8C Marketing


CIA Chifif tells Congress
0 C C l
t b' L d ‘
errorlsm rea Is I o In a en a University Directories has openings for Sales &
Assocuim PRESS l Marketing Interns in Lexington. Bowling Green

, 2. ‘ ‘ and Campbellsvrlle We are conducting
WASHIM’TON The On-Campus Interviews

Bush administration. which .
once iu‘ged American televi- Wednesday, [Tb '9-
SlOl’l networks to show re. For more information,or to Sign
straint in airing messages up for an Interview contact:
from al-Qaida leader Osama Dave Littrell
bin Laden. on Tuesday
spread the word itself that 1:800“ij :5556 ext. 332
another tape had surfaced. dlittrellQWilcomxom
Secretary of State Colin See the future you
want. a little easier
to reach.



Powell said the apparent
new bin Laden recording
claiming solidarity with
Iraqi Muslims was evidence
of the administration's
claims of ties between Iraqi
leader Saddam Hussein and


'5' University
:1 Directories

in. m... . tum Wop-Qua Teflon-(Man's



CIA Director George Tenet, left, testifies before the Senate Intelligence Committee in Washington
Tuesday as FBI Director Robert Mueller, background. watches. Tenet and Mueller say aI-Oaida still
poses the greatest terror threat to America. but that their agencies are far better prepared to detect
and prevent attacks than they were before Sept. It, 2001.

‘Not idle chatter': Officials say intelligence shows
al-Oaida may use radioactive or chemical weapons


ligence information sug-
gests al-Qaida attacks may
occur as early as this week
in both the United States
and on the Arabian peninsu-
la. CIA Director George J.
Tenet told Congress on

The information led to
last week's raising of the na—
tional terror alert level to
"orange." the second highest
of five levels. The informa-
tion came from “multiple
sources with strong al-Qaida
ties." Tenet said without
providing details.

“The intelligence is not
idle chatter on the part of
terrorists and their associ-
ates." Tenet said. “It is the
most specific we have seen.
and it is consistent with
both our knowledge of al—
Qaida's doctrine and our
knowledge of plots this net-
work —— and particularly its
senior leadership has
been working on for years."

The information point-
ing to imminent attacks was
gathered both in the United
States and overseas. said


Continued from paqel

was neutralization: water ox-
idation was the second

According to Easter. the
depot houses a smaller
amount of chemical agents
than many depots around
the country. but the nature of
the weapons stored there is
more sensitive.

. The Army dcpot is not
only used for chemical
weapons storage.

“Predominantly. we are

Continued from page I


“The main goal is to
compare two different quali-
ty-of-lifc interventions."
Graves said. “to improve
quality of life for cancer pa-
tients." lravcs said that she
eventually wants the study
to help decrease health
problems while increasing
psychological well-being.

(‘yravcs said this rcla»
tivcly ncw form of study
has been done twicc bcforc
with cancer patients. but
never in tcrins of (‘mllptll‘r
ing the two variations.

. “It‘s building on past rc-

Scart‘h.” she said ”(Inc of

the programs is a writing

tntcrvcntion. whore pa~

FBI Director Robert S.
Mueller III. who joined
Tenet and other intelligencc
chiefs to brief the Senate Inv
telligence Committee in an
annual public session on
threats to national security:

The CIA director said
the information suggests the
attack may involve a "dirty
bomb" . a weapon that
spreads radioactive material
over a wide area or chem-
ical or poison weapons. Offi-
cials last week worried the
attack was timed to coincide
with the hajj. a Muslim holy
period this week.

But Mueller and Tenet
said the US. government
has no specific information
pointing conclusively to
where. whcn or how terror-
ists would strike. They said
raising the national alert
level -~ and taking security
measures at government
and business centers m
makes it more difficult for
the terrorists to carry out an

Tenet had little informa-
tion Tuesday morning on a
new audio message attrib~
uted to Osama bin Laden.
which aired later in the day.

Some previous recordings of
the al-Qaida chief have
served as a prelude to ter-
rorist attacks.

The CIA chicf also re-
peatcd many of Secretary of
State Colin Powell's state-
ments last week to the Unit-
ed Nations regarding lraq‘s
efforts to acquire chemical.
biological and nuclear
weapons. and linking alsQai-
da supporters to the Iraqi
govcrnmcnt. Tenet said the
key link between Baghdad
and :il (-J'litlll is Abu Musab
Zarqav'i. a senior associate
of bin Laiicn.

About two dozen of Zar»
qawi's followers remain in
Baghdad. where Zarqawr
spent two months last sum»
mer. All are members of
Egyptian Islamic Jihad. a
terrorist group that has
merged with altoaida. Tenet
said. But he said he has no
evidence suggesting Iraq
has any operational control
over Zarqawi‘s group or al-

Echoing Bush adminis-
tration policy-makers. Tenet
and the other intelligence
chiefs offered little hope that
U.N. inspections would
prompt Iraq to disarm. say~
ing Saddam is intent upon
and capable of circumvent-
ing the inspections.


Powell delivered the
news that the audiotape
would be played on the
Arab TV station al-Jazeera
even before the news outlet
said it had such a tape. “Be
patient. it‘s coming." Powell

And it did. About three
hours after Powell‘s revela-
tion before the Senate Bud-
get Committee, al-Jazeera
said it had received the tape.
which it then broadcast.

U.S. counterterrorism
officials said the audio mes-
sage was probably a real
recording of bin Laden.

The administration
nonetheless wasted no time
in saying the tape was a key
element of President Bush‘s
argument that Saddam
must be disarmed soon, be
fore he hands weapons of
mass destruction to terror-
ist networks like al-Qaida.

“What the secretary has
alluded to this morning
gives further proof of the
concerns that we have about
Iraq and al-Qaida linking
up," Bush spokesman Ari
Fleischer said.

A senior administra-
tion official cited several
statements made by the
speaker as proof of a “bur-
geoning alliance of terror”
between Saddam and bin

The speaker urged
Iraqis to carry out suicide
attacks against Americans
and defend themselves
against a US. attack. The
speaker also urged Iraqis to
dig trenches and engage in
urban warfare to fend off
US. troops. However, the
speaker said nothing about
direct ties between al~Qaida
and the Iraqi government —
saying his followers only
share a common interest
with Iraq. He denounced
Saddam‘s secular, socialist
al-Baath party as


responsible for providing
materials to the Department
of Defense." Easter ex-
plained. “From plastic explo~
sives to rockets. and every-
thing in between."

Easter said the depot
provides protective gear to
guard soldiers against the ef-
fects of chemical weapons.

The Blue Grass Army
Depot is under the direction
of the Joint Munitions Facil-
ity in Rock Island. 111.. and
the Army Material Com-
mand in Virginia.

Easter will speak at 7
p.m. at the Boone Center on
Rose St. after a dinner at 6
p.m. Admission is $9 for stu~
dents and reservations are


preferred. Call 85967-6336

tients will write three times.
and that‘s been done with
healthy populations as well
as medical populations in
the past.“

Sclfcxprcssion is the
main drive for the first
group. explained Graves. Pa-
tients will be asked to write
down their thoughts on a
regular basis.

The second group will
receive what is called group
education. in which such is-
sues as body appearance
and relaxation processes
will be addressed.

The third group will he
a control group. in which
the patients will receive
only the standard methods
of care.

"They don‘t go through
any projects that I‘ll have
them do; they would be giv~
en a list of resources in the
community." (iravcs cxr
plained. "Tho-y won't rc-
ccivc any psychological in
tcrvcntions from my




Continued from page i

mer school.

about $4.25 million. he said.

“We‘d probably cut back
things we put out for market-

on our publications.

ing purposes." Greasley said.

The cuts could also affect
the publication of books about
Wrinn. director of the Univer

Kentucky: said

sity Press.

Both types of
have a physical and psycho»
logical impact.
“The results from the

group part of it (arc that)

peoplc usually report less
depression. less anxiety: the
more psychological out
comes." (iravcs said.
“Whereas the writing (re—
sults inl more physical im-

Graves said she would
like to see between 200 and
250 people in the study. and
that anyone who has cancer
or has had cancer in the
past can participate.

"Anybody who has been
diagnosed with canccr
they can be in trcatmcnt or
can have gone through
treatment awhile ago."
Graves cxplaincd.

Both young and old are
welcomed. (h‘avcs said that
students who haw or have
had cancer. or if a family

the Carnahan
House and Japanese Saturday
school. It has a budget of

ments have been shown to

“The university supports
us to publish books about the
region that no one else would
publish." Wrinn said.

Wrinn said cuts could
hurt the availability of less
commercially popular books.

“We may not be able to
publish as many books on 10-
cal issues.” he said.

The University Press pub—
lishes academic books that
look at Kentucky issues that
other publishers might not be
interested in. Wrinn said.

He said university money
helps pay salaries. and most
of the press‘s $2 million bud-
gct comes from book sales.

“No one likes cuts. but we
would still manage." Wrinn

member who has been diag-
nosed would like to partici-
pate. are welcomed.

Her mother lost her
fight with breast cancer in
December of 2000.

Graves said the entire
course of her mother's ill-
ness was a learning

"I believe the experi-
cncc of helping to take care
of her and seeing how the
experience shaped the and
my family has strength-
ened my desire to work
with cancer patients and
their families." said
(iravcs. “I now have a full-
circle perspective and can
rclatc better to what fami-
lies and patients maybe go-
ing through."

People who have been
diagnosed with cancer in
their lifetime and are inter-
ested in participating in the
study can call Kristi Graves
at (859)323-6034 or by e-mail
at kdgravesu ukyedu.




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 Sarah Zopfi