Kentucky University, Lexingtoa, Ky. June 6, 1871

Compensati on
to Regent

Deed to

Report of
the Exec.
Comn. read
& adopted

Dept. of the
Agric. & Mech.

o f Aune
7, 1871


DD! siori tion
of money
rec i from
U.S. Govern-

     On motion of Curator Elley a Comnty. of three vas appointed
to ,whom is referred the fixing of proper Compensation to Regent
Bowman for Individual labors anddisbursments in securing the
Twenty-five thousand dollars from Congress. The following
Gentlemen were appointed to compose said Committee.
                                  G. Lt, Elley
                                  Z. M. Sherley
                                  Benj. Gratz.
/191/ The Treasurer reported that he had paid all of the pur-
chase money for Ashland and presente i to the Board of Curators,
the Deed of Thos. P. Jacob, Trustee and Commissioner to Ky.
University for the sane.
     Report of the Executive Corabee was made by the secretary Dr.
Joseph Smith and upon motion of Cu-.ator Goodloe was approved
Lani adopted.
     The Undersigned being 'he Committee to visit the Prepara-
tory Dopaertment of the A^gricultural and Mechanical College of
Ky. University respectfully report   being under the charge of
D. G. Herron Principal and Fiward Smith Assistant, that the
duties were faithfully performed by them and deserving the ap-
probation of the Curators.
                     Signed Benjr. Grn i z
                            Joseph 'asson
                            L. B. Wilkes
On motion the Board adjourned to meet to-morrow morning at 8i
octlock A. 1.

                          Lexington, Ky., June 7, 1871

     Board of Curators met at 8 o'clock. Roll call and the fol-
lowing members present - R. M. Bishop, Benj. Gratz, J. B. Powman.
Andrew Steele, Joseph lasson, D. S. Goodloe, G. W. Elley, J. S.
Woolfolk, A. H. Bowman, C. T. Worthington, Joseph Smith, GI W.
Givens, J. P. Tarbitt, h. M. Sherley, 1. M. Wing, W7. T. Withe-rs,
}3. B. ,room, L. B. Wilkes, Z. F. Smith, John Shackelford.
/192/ Minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved-
     Report of Committee being called for - Curator Tarbitt,
Chairman of the Committee to whom was referred the Regents report-
made the following recommendations-
     1st. Thet the money obtained from the U. S. Government visits
and damages to the Old Transylvania property be applied to the
erection of a new edifice at Woodlnnds cr enlargement of the old