Richard L. Pace papers


The Richard L. Pace papers (dated 1972-1996, undated; 3 cubic feet; 3 flat boxes and 5 oversize folders) comprise examples of Richard Rick Pace's fine art printing, book jacket/publishing design, exhibit catalogs, and other printing and design work, 1972-1996.

Descriptive Summary

Richard L. Pace papers
1972-1996, undated
Pace, Richard L., (Richard Lee)
3.0 Cubic feet
Publishers and publishing--United States.
Finding Aid Author
Finding aid prepared by Ruth E. Bryan
Preferred Citation
2014ms0255: [identification of item], Richard L. Pace papers, 1972-1996, undated, University of Kentucky Special Collections.
University of Kentucky

Collection Overview

Biography / History
Richard Lee "Rick" Pace is a publisher, print maker/graphic designer, agro-ecological information systems entrepreneur, and philanthropist. Pace is a native of Louisville, Kentucky. After graduating from the Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology with a bachelor's degree in mechanical engineering, he attended Indiana University and obtained a master's of fine arts in visible language studies focusing on fine art and letterpress printing. From 1975 to 1980, he worked as a graphic designer and book developer for the University of Chicago Press. From 1980 to 1995, he served as an independent consultant in science and technology publishing, including with a group of Rhode Island School of Design designers and architects led by Benno Wissing (1980-1983); and with science editors at Scientific American Magazine to develop a new book publishing enterprise, which became the Scientific American Library. From 1995 to 2007, with Peter Gengler, he formed and ran Uniform Digital Mapping, Inc., (UDM Land Sciences), a company that developed computer and Internet applications for environmental assessment to aid in land use decision-making and problem-solving on the local, regional, and national level, especially in relation to agriculture and water use and quality. The company was reformed in 2007 as EcoAsset Markets, Inc. (EAM), focused regionally on better analysis and measures for agro-ecological conservation in the Chesapeake and southern New England. In 2012, Gengler and Pace formed the New England Farm and Food Fund, which capitalizes and operates "new farm and food enterprises in partnership with farmers, food entrepreneurs, and Fund partners." Pace has won over 100 awards for books, book jackets, and other illustrated material.
Resources: 1. "Richard Pace," biographical statement, received from donor in December 2014. 2."Richard Pace bio," New England Farm and Food Fund, LLC, Website,, accessed 3/10/2015.
Scope and Content
The Richard L. Pace papers (dated 1972-1996, undated; 3 cubic feet; 3 flat boxes and 5 oversize folders) comprise examples of Richard "Rick" Pace's fine art printing, book jacket/publishing design, exhibit catalogs, and other printing and design work, 1972-1996, including with Bob Doherty in Louisville (1972-1973); at Indiana University (1970-1975); at the University of Chicago Press (1976-1980); at the Rhode Island School of Design (1980-1983) and for Scientific American Magazine/Scientific American Library (1981-1983). There are handmade books (alphabets, line studies, an advertising collage); hand press printing examples (type specimens, quotations, farmer's almanac, political leaflets); and book jackets. Many of the examples particularly document Pace's interest in experimenting with pre-desktop computer visual techniques to render scientific and academic information understandable and visually appealing to a variety of readers. Also includes the financial offering booklet and Geographic Information Systems software report examples from the company he co-founded in 1995, Uniform Digital Mapping, Inc. (UDM).

Restrictions on Access and Use

Conditions Governing Access
Collection is open to researchers by appointment.
Use Restrictions
Property rights reside with the University of Kentucky. The University of Kentucky holds the copyright for materials created in the course of business by University of Kentucky employees. Copyright for all other materials has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky. For information about permission to reproduce or publish, please contact Special Collections.

Contents of the Collection

Unrelated items, 1972-1974, undated

the mind and the works of the mind, selected quotations from Eric Gill (2 items, each with a different binding), 1973

  • Box 1, Item 1-2
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Four Indiana University type specimen books (Figural, Menhart, Monument, and Unciala), softbound, in hardbound sleeve labeled "Menhart, 1897-1962", undated

  • Box 1, Item 3
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Three sketches for University of Chicago Press that didn't become book jackets, undated

  • Box 1, Folder 4
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"bivalve capers," six sheets exploring "humorous typographic compositions", 1974

  • Box 3, Folder 7
Scope and Contents note

Done with a graduate student in Theology at Princeton University. The sheets are currently in the correct order. In it's original edition, "bivalve capers" had a sleeve for the six sheets.

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Three leaflets/political leaflets printed with Bob Doherty in Louisville, 1972-1973

  • Box 3, Folder 4
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Centaur type specimen broadside, undated

  • Box 3, Folder 5
Scope and Contents note

One example of an original set of twenty typographic specimen sheet broadsides.

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"Book Graphics" MFA show poster sketch, undated

  • Box 3, Folder 6
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University of Chicago Press book jackets that won American Association of University Presses, AIG, Chicago Book Clinic and other awards (were originally mounted), undated

  • Box 3, Folder 1
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Handmade books, 1974-1987, undated

Press mistakes on the Vandercook letter press, undated

  • Box 2, Folder 1
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"Advertising environments," collage, undated

  • Box 2, Folder 2
Scope and Contents note

This is the remaining item of a series of advertising collages. They were politically motivated by the poorer and poorer quality of pre-computer American newspaper typography and information graphics.

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"Alphabet color: A study in color and texture", 1974

  • Box 1, Folder 3
Scope and Contents note

Created with Kermit Berg, a friend in textiles at Indiana University, for birth of first child. Did some on textile and some on paper.

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Creating typography and planning books..." broadside of a quote, undated

  • Box 2, Folder 4
Scope and Contents note

Done on a hand printing press at Indiana University.

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Ink pen collage, undated

  • Box 2, Folder 5
Scope and Contents note

Part of a series.

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Alphabet book, 1976

  • Box 2, Folder 6
Scope and Contents note

One of a series, studies in layering (one other is also in the collection). These were done just before people using personal, desktop computers began to experiment with transparency and layering.

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Alphabet book, 1976

  • Box 1, Folder 7
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Howard Boyer's poems, Scientific American, 1976

  • Box 2, Folder 8
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Line study, undated

  • Box 1, Folder 9
Scope and Contents note

This is a series of three (two others are in the collection) done at Indiana University.

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Line study, undated

  • Box 2, Folder 10
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Line study, undated

  • Box 2, Folder 11
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Paste book, 1985

  • Box 2, Folder 12
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"The Mindful Page: Symbolism in contemporary Artists' books Historical Perspectives" traveling exhibit catalog, 1987

  • Box 2, Folder 13
Scope and Contents note

With Gary Richman.

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"Architecture in the Margins," exhibit catalog, Rhode Island School of Design Architecture Department, 1986

  • Box 2, Folder 14
Scope and Contents note

An exhibit of student work around marginal spaces where people don't think to put buildings.

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"Proof press exploration of form in sequence through the interactions of Richard Lee Pace and Timothy Meyer," flip book, 1974

  • Box 2, Folder 15
Scope and Contents note

Letter press printed on the Vandercook Press at Indiana University.

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Scientific American Library catalog, undated

  • Box 2, Folder 16
Scope and Contents note

Published as a supplement to the magazine. This item was the first catalog printed.

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Works in progress and/or items to demonstrate process, 1982-1996, undated

"93," contemporary version of a farmer's almanac, four sheets, 1993

  • Folder OS 2
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University of Chicago Press book jackets, 21 items; most won awards and recognitions, undated

  • Box 3, Folder 3
Scope and Contents note

The jackets demonstrate a period at the University of Chicago Press when Pace began experimenting with layering and exploring making jackets more economically (i.e. using one color).

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Handmade dummies/sketches for the Scientific American Library, five items, undated

  • Folder OS 1
Scope and Contents note

Includes the first book published by Scientific American Library, Powers of 10, by Charles Eames, Ray Eames, Philip Morrison, and Phylis Morrison.

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"Zero and One" exhibit poster, Indiana University (invited curator), 1989-1990

  • Box 3, Folder 2
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"The Mental Patient: A different kind of understanding," poster for a Community Mental health Issues Forum, Providence, Rhode Island, 1982 April 2

  • Box 3, Folder 8
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Corporate brand illustration boards for Brown & Sharpe, 7 items, undated

  • Folder OS 3-OS 5
Scope and Contents note

Boards were created for presentation to the company.

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Uniform Digital Mapping, Inc., financial offering booklet and GIS software report examples, 1995-1996

  • Box 1, Folder 5
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