xt76m9022d2x https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt76m9022d2x/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Teachers Association The Kentucky Teachers Association 1953 journals English The Kentucky Teachers Association Kentucky Negro Educational Association Journal African Americans -- Education -- Kentucky -- Periodicals The Kentucky Teachers Association (KTA) Journal, vol. 1, no. 1, October-November 1953 text The complete set of originals are at Kentucky State University Library. The Kentucky Teachers Association (KTA) Journal, vol. 1, no. 1, October-November 1953 1953 1953 2021 true xt76m9022d2x section xt76m9022d2x VOL. I OCTOBER—NOVEMBER, 1953 NO. 1 The Ralph I. Bunche High School Glasgow, Ky. L. I. Twymcm, Principal PLAN TO ATTEND The Kentucky Teachers Association First Convention at Louisville. Kentucky April 21. 22. 23. 1954 “An Equal Educational Opportunity for Every Kentucky Child" i i._...._.,._ . .. -‘rw. ~,-..:;~4y,a.q«W—~_w_c~r¢~ A’ Kentucky State College Frankfort, Kentucky Established 1886 A. B. and B. S. Degrees In Agriculture. Biology, Business Administration, Chemistry, Commercial Teacher Education. Elementary Education. English, French Language and Literature, General Science. History and Government, Home Economics, Mathematics. Music, Music Education. Physical and Health Education, Social Science, Sociology and Economics, and Vocational and Industrial Education. Two-Year Trade Curricula In Carpentry, Welding, Radio Repair, Poultry and Dairying. Registration for Second Semester — February 2. 1954 For Further Information Write: Dean David H. Bradford Kentucky State College Frmiiort, Kentucky h- Lincoln Institute Lincoln Ridge, Kentucky “A” Rated High School Courses : Regular High School Subiects Vocations (Engineering, Bldg. Trades, Home Economics and Agriculture) Pre-Nurse Training — Music Commerce A safe, healthy and friendly home for any child. The K.T.A. Journal Vol. 1 October-November, 1953 N0. 1 Published by the Kentucky Teachers' Association Editorial Otlice at 1925 W. Madison Street Louisville, Kentucky Mrs. Anita W. Robinson, Executive Secretary, Louisville, Managing Editor A. R. Lasley, Hopkinsville, President of K. T. A. Atwood S. Wilson, Louisville, Whitney M. Young, Lincoln Ridge, Associate Editor Contributing Editor Robert S. Lawery, Louisville, Mrs. B. L. Douglas, Louisville, Assistant Editor and Business Manager Contributing Editor Published Bimonthly during the school year October, December, February and April PRICE $2.00 PER YEAR OR 50 CENTS PER COPY Membership in the K. T. A. (Three Dollars) includes subscription to the Iournal Rates for Advertising space mailed on request Present Circulation, 2,000 Copies 1953 K. T. A. Membership 1400 CONTENTS The K. T. A. Officers for 1953—54 ___________________________________ 2 Editorial Comment ________________________________________________ 3 The Kentucky Negro Education Association The Kentucky Teachers' Association The K. T. A. Membership Fee Our 1953—54 K. T. A. Forecast The Ralph Bunche High School of Glasgow, Ky. _____________________ 5 CTOSSiI’lg the Bar — K. N. E. A. to K. T. A. ___________________________ 6 President's Report on N. E. A. of 1953 ______________________________ 7 PUbliC School Integration and the Negro ____________________________ 8 The Minimum Foundation Program for Kentucky ____________________ 9 President’s Annual Address ________________________________________ 11 K. T. A. Kullings __________________________________________________ 12 Report of the K. N. E. A. Auditor ____________________________________ 13 The Constitution of the K. T. A. ____________________________________ 14 Report of the Legislative Committee _______________________________ 16 K. T. A. Announcements ___________________________________________ 18 Proclamation of the Governor of Kentucky ___________________________ 19 PAGE 1 ~ -- 1—» - .._ ~ - _,.. w 'rl-N- c... a,“ N;— —..~......-y-.»:.- The K.T.A. Officers for 1953-954 Pres, A. R. Lasley, Hopkinsville, Ky. lst Vice—Pres, William Wood, Harlan, Ky. 2nd Vice— Pres. Mrs. M. I. Egester, Paducah Sec'y—Treas., Anita W. Robinson, Louisville, Ky. Ass't Sec’y., Robert S. Lawery, Louisville, Ky. Historian, Alice D. Samuels, Frankfort, Ky. Board of Directors R. L. Lasley, President, ‘Hopkinsville, Ky. H. C. Mathis, Drakesboro, Ky E. W. Whiteside, Paducah, Ky. C. B. Nucholls, Ashland, Ky. E. 0. David, Cynthiana, Ky. Departmental And Conference Chairmen Agriculture Teachers, P. I. Manley ____________________________ Frankfort Art Teachers, Mrs. S. S. Minor _______________________________ Louisville Elementary Teachers, Mrs. M. R. Morris _______________________ Louisville English Teachers, Mrs. Alice Samuels _________________________ Frankfort Foreign Language Teachers, A. I. Richards ____________________ Frankfort Guidance Workers, W. H. Craig _____________________________ Covington Librarians, Iames O'Rourke __________________________________ Frankfort Music Teachers, R. Lillian Carpenter __________________________ Louisville Physical Education Teachers, W. L. Kean _____________________ Louisville Primary Teachers, Mrs. A. E. Bertam __________________________ Louisville Principals' Conf., Mrs. Agnes Duncan __________________________ Newberg Rural School Teachers, Mrs. E. B. Bennett _____________________ Louisville Science Teachers, E. T. Woolridge ___________________________ Louisville Mathematics Teachers, A. 1. Ramsey _________________________ Louisville Teachers of Exceptional Children, A. E. Woods ________________ Louisville Vocational Education Teachers, B. W. Browne _________________ Paducah Social Science Teachers, D. A. Bradford ______________________ Frankfort Presidents of the K. T. A. District Associations Mrs. M. Egester, Paducah, First District G. Briscoe Houston, Henderson, Second District F. B. Simpson, Elkton, Third District R. L. Livers, Bloomfield, Fourth District I. A. Carroll, Lincoln Ridge, Fifth District E. 0. David, Cynthiana, Bluegrass District H. R. Merry, Covington, Northern District Mrs. Iohnnie Woods, Harlan, Upper Cumberland District PAGE 2 4.4-4. H.A._.A ~/.q~.._um~aamm.+_4m,—An l-f'b—‘r-Pl—F w \u w W“ u—o-u—lw w \u Editorial Comment THE KENTUCKY NEGRO EDUCATION ASSOCIATION The K. N. E. A. was organized in 1877 by Prof. John H. Jackson, a pioneer in the education of the Negro in Kentucky and the first president of the Kentucky Normal and Industrial Institute, This faithful group of teachers met in various cities in Kentucky annually. The organization was then known as the Kentucky Association of Teachers in Colored Schools. The membership varied from a few hundred up to about seven hundred in these earlier years. In 1913, there was a reorganization of Negro teachers in Kentucky. Louisville was designated as the annual meeting place and the organization was incorporated as the Kentucky Negro Education Association, Between 1915 and 1922 the association grew in membership until it reached about 1,100. During this era, E. E. Reed of Bowling Gren, Kentucky, and H. C. Russell of Louisville, were secretary and president, respectively In 1922 Atwood S. Wilson was elected as the executive secretary. He served twenty years, 1922 to 1942. During these years the K.N.E.A. membership was in_ creased to 1,590, about all the Negro teachers in Kentucky. Annually a pageant was given, one of which, “The Pageant of Progress” was given on the 50th anni— versary of the K.N.E.A. in 1927. In 1951, the K.N.E.A. celebrated its Diamond Jubilee, this being the 75th con- vention. At the 1953 meeting the K.N.E.A. voted to change its name to the Ken- tucky Teachers’ Association. So ends the K.N.E.A. after over three quarters of a century in seeking to realize its main objective, “An Equal Educational Opportun- ity for Every Kentucky Child.” THE KENTUCKY TEACHERS’ ASSOCIATION On April 16, 1953, the K.N.E.A. voted to change its name to the Kentucky Teachers’ Association. This constitutional change was unanimously approved by the general body in session. Previously an announcement had been made in the K.N.E.A. Bulletin that such a change would be voted on at the 1953 convention, During the month of September, 1953, the new organization was officially in— corporated. The K.N.E.A. was at the same time officially dissolved in the office of the Secretary of State at Frankfort, Ky. The present secretary-treasurer has been bonded for $5,000 to insure the faithful performance of duty. A new bank account has been opened for the K.T.A. at the Liberty National Bank in Louisville. In this issue of the K.T.A. Journal, there is printed the constitution of the Ken- tucky Teachers’ Association. This new organization has a good start. Its member- ship is open to all, regardless of race. No longer is it felt that any group of teachi— ers should bear a racial tag. The Negro teachers now receive equal salaries to other teachers in most of the states. His training is, in general, equal to that of his white co—worker. He must meet the same standards of certification. There is evidence that the Negro teacher in Kentucky will give the enthusiastic support to the K.T.A. that he or she gave to the K.N.E.A. Enrollment for 1953-54 is now in order. Plans should be made to attend the first convention of the Kentucky Teachers’ Association in Louisville on April 21, 22, and 23, 1954. The convention will be held in the beautiful new Central High School of Louisville. Onward and upward we go, as “Time Marches On.” PAGE 3 THE K.T.A_ MEMBERSHIP FEE The constitution provided that the annual membership fee be $3.00 per year. However, it was recommended by both the president of the K.T.A. and the Resolu- tions Committee that the membership fee be raised from $3.00 to $4.00 per year. In accordance with this recommendation the teachers of Kentucky will have the opportunity to vote at our 1954 convention on an amendment to our constitution which would permit this increase in membership fees. A two_thirds majority of those voting will be required to put into effect a new membership fee. In line with this general trend, teachers of Kentucky will be asked to make a voluntary donation of $1.00, along with their membership fees. This extra dollar should be earmarked for a scholarship loan fund for the K.T.A. and to help pay the expense for having a lobbyist in our state legislature to help execute the state legislative program outlind by the K.T.A. legislative committee. Teachers who Will contribute an extra dollar along with their dues will be given a special membership card and will be called “honor members” at the 1954 convention. The name will appear under such a heading in the official program at the next convention. Teachers are asked to consider this proposal for an increase in the member— ship fee and discuss it during the school year. The Kentucky Education Associa— tion has raised its annual fee from $5.00 to $6.00 per year, Since Negro teachers are fighting for equal salaries and are in the planning stages for integration among the teachers, it appears logical that the membership fees of the K.E.A. and K.T.A. should be either identical or more than equal OUR 1953-54 FORECAST During the school year of 1953—54, each teacher enrolled in the Kentucky Teachers’ Association will receive bi—monthly the K.T.A. Journal. Read it and pass it on to a non—enrolled teacher or to a friend of education, white or colored. The editorial staff of the K.T.A. Journal is making every effort to bring you the latest educational trends and news of interest to teachers. Plans are now under way to have an outstanding convention in Louisville April 21, 22, 23, 1954. Speakers of national prominence will appear in the general ses— sion programs. There will be more workshops for special groups of teachers. The various departments are to present guest speakers to the extent that our trea— sury will afford it. The annual spelling ‘bee will be made wider in scope. An effort will be made to secure entries from a larger number of counties and independent districts. More prizes will be offered to motivate the children. We shall do all possible to support the Minimum Foundation Program for Kentucky. Our Legislative Committee will seek to urge legislative enactments that will improve the educational status of the Negro teacher in Kentucky We shall be on the alert to meet any problems of integration that might arise Plans are being made to expand our commercial exhibits at the 1954 conven- tion. The K.T.A. office will serve as a counseling center for teachers. Acquaint the staff with your problems. We will aim to give you guidance and serve you in any way possible. Send your suggestions for a bigger and better organization. PAGE 4 The Ralph J. Bunche High School of Glasgow (By Atwood S. Wilson) Among the new schools built for Negroes in Kentucky is the modern, up— to—date Ralph J. Bunche High School, Glasgow, the picture of which is on the outside cover of this Journal. The building contains ten classrooms, including home economics department, science laboratories and a modern cafe- teria that will seat 250. The gymnasium that is to be completed will seat 800 with a regulation game area. The build— ing is located on a 16—acre plot that at. fords excellent play area for the school and community, as well as provide projects for the agriculture department. The school is very modern in design and will serve as “an area school” for several counties and school districts, The school was named for Ralph J. Bunche. Ralph Bunche is an authority on African problems and was success— ful as the arbitrator between the Arabs and the Jews. Bunche is a noted States— man, a receiver of the Nobel Peace prize, a Negro of whom all are justly proud This school carries a twelve grade program, with an enrollment of about 300 pupils, The faculty consisted of nine members in 1952-53 as follows: Prof. L. J . Twyman, Principal Mrs. Carrie Morrison, Social Studies and Mathematics Mrs, Margaret Davidson, English Miss Bettye Walker, Home Economics and Science Mr. Elmer P, Lysle, Agriculture and Science Mr. Russell Conley, Jr, Social Studies and Science Mrs. Mary L. Murrell, Grades Mrs, Gladys Twyman, Grades Mrs_ Artanzie Haynie, Grades THE DOMESTIC Life and Accident Insurance Company Louisville, Kentucky Operating 1n Kentucky Ohio Indiana Your Friendly Company The Domestic writes: Industrial Educational Insurance Whole Life Endowment Health and Accident Hospital Insurance ALL JUST CLAIMS PAID WITH A SMILE Help make jobs for our Own 'Sons and daughters -'PAGE 5 Crossing the Bar—K.N.E.A. to K. TA. (By Whitney M. Young) We cling tenaciously to the old and the tried. Names and faces do not change easily. Certainly this is true with an organization like the K.N.E.A. Starting in 1877 with a small band of devoted men and women as the State Association of Teachers in Colored Schools under the leadership of John H. Jackson it has grown to be one of the most powerful organizations in our state. Its membership numbers close to 1400 and its influence reaches thous— ands of parents and persons not con— nected in any way with the class room. Its policies down through the years have been mainly on the conservative side, but there have been flashes of aggres— siveness that gave respectability to the giant. Down through the years commit— tees representing the association have appeared in Frankfort with legislative petitions; committees have waited upon the governor and presented petitions signed by members. When the name was changed to K.T.A. there were some hearts sad- dened and a few protests here and there, but in general everyone saw the handwriting on the wall. Negro, Jewish, Chinese, Italian, Polish, White, Indian and all other such designations are going overboard, We must have only Americans, not hyphenated Americans. Our sons are fighting side by side. They must defend our sacred heritage to- gether or democracy is doomed. Under its new title all teachers can unite in a common front against ignor— ance which is basic to all the ills we suffer. Keep in mind book knowledge without moral and spiritual values may be more destructive than no training. An educated fool is far more dangerous than an uneducated fool. In the K.T.A. we can build walls of friendship that will resist all the forces of evil. Some day K.T.A. and K.E.A. will realize their common destiny. When that day comes we shall have a Minimle Foundation Program in Kentucky that will be the envy of all the states. We have been a sleeping giant because our strength has been divided. Under our new leader— ship may we not hope for bigger and better fruit? In our jubilation let us not forget the pioneers and eX—presidents who built the first bridges. Such names as John H. Jackson, W. H. Perry, Sr., W. J. Simmons, C. H. Parrish, Sr., Miss M. S. Brown, J. E. Woods, F. L. Williams, H. C. Russell, E. E. Reed, E. B. Davis, A. E, Meyzeek and W. H. Fouse. These people were outstanding educators and leaders who would have ranked high in any state and any age. They had a tremen- dous amount of racial pride and believ- ed in themselves. But for their heroic efforts we would not be where we are today. I am a little disgusted with some of our present day leadership which seeks to liquidate everything which Negroes have built up. Integration must be a two—way highway. The word liquidat— tion is the only thing we want to wipe out and concentrate on consolidation because it can prove helpful to all con- cerned when there is integration of ideas and leadership from all races. All they seem to want is to be a part of something which is controlled hand and foot by somebody else. We must not forget that leadership comes through the opportunity to lead. We may in our anxiety to get ahead lose many of the gains which we have made. There are times when certain types of pressure force individuals and races to forge a- head in spite of every kind of opposi- tion.. The next five years may be the most crucial in the history of our asso- ciation. We shall need the combined thinking of all our educators. Any piecemeal program should be thrown out the window. Ours is a noble herit- age. Let us not be weighed in the bal- ance and found wanting. PAGE 6 President’s Report of N.E.A. Meeting (By A. R. Lasley) Miami Beach, Florida —— Taking as their theme “We pledge allegiance”, a record turnout of 3,900 delegates to the 915t Annual Meeting of the National Association gathered July 28-July 30, 1953 to elect as president, William A. Early, Superintendent of Chatham County Schools, Savannah, Georgia; to pass resolutions on book burning, Con— gressional probes, mid—century “fund- amentals”, plus a score of professional problems, and to hear top speakers drawn from education, government, and civic life, Delegates affirmed, through a series of thirty resolutions, their beliefs in acade nir: freedom, in constructive crit— ticism of the schools, and in the rights of legislators to investigate schools, provided such probes threatened no citizen’s constitutional rights, They voiced vigorous opposition to the tenets of Communism and the tenets of any other philosophy of government which denied freedom of thought and which ignored the intrinsic worth of the in— dividual human being. The convention urged the establishment of an indepen- dent office of education under a Na- tional Board of Education, called for sufficient Federal financial support to provide for essential public—school building programs, and recommended that all sums payable under any lease of the US. outer continental shelf be appropriated exclusively as grants—in- aid to elementary, secondary, and high- er education. Other resolutions called for increased teachers’ salaries, better preparation for future teachers, well- planned state and local teachers’ re— tirement systems, and the right to vote for eighteen—year-olds. Reporting on her stewardship of the N.E.A. during the past year, which took her more than 50,000 miles to meet some 100,000 persons, President Sarah C. Caldwell, teacher of Akron, Ohio, charged her colleagues to give to chil- dren in their classrooms the personal obligation of affection, inspiration and values, Comments were made, but no one was surprised to learn that none of the edu- cators who “hide behind the legal pro— tection of the Fifth Amendment when called before duly constituted Congress— ional Investigating Committees”, were members of the National Education As— sociation, U.S. Attorney-General Herb— crt Brownell commended delegates for heir resolutions re—stating their belief the American people, in order to ~ ‘ in and advance our way of life, be free to think and write as they e, and to read books of their own choosing. Pointing out that teachers should have courage, goodwill and cheer, Mrs. Newton P. Leonard, president of the National Congress of Parents and Teachers, urged delegates to take par- ents into full and functioning partner_ ship in the education of today’s school child. Speaking on academic freedom, Louis K, Gough, National Commander of the American Legion, declared that the teaching profession is a priority target for the would—be subverters, and that patriotic teachers in their organiz— ations should prepare to meet resolute- ly and courageously, the threat which exists. In surveying the growth of the N.E.A. since 1920, when the first Executive Secretary personally transported the files to the new headquarters in a wheelbarrow, Executive Secretary Wil- liam G, Carr outlined the need for an N.E.A. Educational Center in Washing- ton, which would better serve the Asso, ciation’s 520,000 members. Services carried on during the past year, he re- ported, put special emphasis on im— proving the quality of teacher prepara— tion and training, more effective teacher recruitment programs. hieher salaries and better working conditions, and improved school—community rela PAGE '7 tions, At the close of the meeting, it was my privilege to join 325 other teachers on a week’s Educational Tour to Hav— ana, Cuba. This tour was planned and sponsored by the NBA. Therefore, it was quite unique. The tour carried us to the different parts of the island of Cuba and included visits to schools, churches, capitol building, sponge fish— ing center, sugar cane and pineapple plantations, banana fields, tobacco and rum factories, and many other places of interest. We were entertained by the Cuban Ministry of Education, and given the details of the system of education. Public School Integration and the Negro (By Robert S. Lawery) The impending decision of the Sup— reme Court relative to integration of public schools has created much anti— cipation and some concern among the public and the professional personnel of the public school systems, The ques. tion as to the status of the Negro teach— er in an integrated system has been a topic of frequent discussion, however, much that has been said or written has been largely subjective rather than ob— jective. In the Spring, 1953, issue of “The Journal of Negro Education” Charles H. Thompson reported his find— ings in a rather realistic and unbiased approach to the subject. A summary of his investigations is made here in the hope that the factors involved may be understood and considered. In those states where integration has already been accomplished —- Southern Illinois, Indiana, Arizona,_ New Mexico, and New Jersey — the authors found very little, if any, adverse effect upon the status of the Negro teacher_ As a matter of fact, he found Negro teachers employed in communities where such employment had been denied them prior to integration. In larger localities, residental segregation resulted in pre— dominately Negro Schools. In such cases the school board merely left the Negro teachers and principals in these schools. In New Jersey he discovered that over a three_year period the number of Negro teachers increased almost 35 per cent. Cautiously Mr. Thompson points out that all our experience with integration has been in Northern or borderline states, where decent tenure laWs are well as fair educational practices pre— vail, In the South where integration will be of major consequence the situation is extremely different, Less than half of these states have good tenure laws or any fair educational practices. Hence, he approached the study of the effect of integrated public schools in these states on the basis of teacher supply and de- mand and of residential segregation. Studying statistics for the school year 1949—1950, he found that 71,361 Negro teachers were employed in 1'7 southern states and the District of Columbia. Citing how almost impossible it is now to meet the current demand for white teachers in white public schools, he conjectures that it would be a very difficult task to replace any appreciable number of the 71,361 Negro teachers with white teachers. Although the greatest shortage of white teachers oc— curs in the elementary school, he be- lieves the replacement of Negro teach- ers in the secondary school with white teachers would present an almost im— possible .task. He explains in addition that the greatly expanded enrollments both in the elementary and secondary school anticipated by the end of the 1950’s plus the trend toward raising minimum qualifications of elementary school teachers to 120 hours will make it even more difficult to replace Negro teachers PAGE 8 with white. More significant, he points out, is the indication that Negro teach- ers will be needed to help staff What are now white elementary schools. The effect of integration upon the status of Negro supervisors and princi— pals is difficult to appraise, but Mr. Thompson believes that residental seg- regation will in the beginning result in a majority of Negro schools remaining predominantly Negro schools with pre- dominantly, if not exclusively, all Negro faculties. In such an event he conjec— tures that it is quite likely that Negro supervisors and principals will be con— rtinued. In conclusion he reports: “From an analysis of all available data, it seems unquestionable that the future status of the Negro public school teacher, under desigregation of public schools, should not cause concern Ten- ure laws in the District of Columbia and seven of the southern states involv- ed are such that some two—fifths of the Negro teachers will be protected in their present positions. And the teacher supply and demand situation is such that, even without tenure laws, as far as the elementary school is concerned, it will be practically impossible to re- place Negro teachers with white. While the situation as to high school teachers is not so overwhelmingly con:— vincing as in the case of elementary teachers, even here, tenure laws, the supply and demand picture, and ex- panding enrollments make it highly questionable as to whether more than a few, if any, Negro high school teach- ers could be replaced by white, even if there were an inclination to do so. In the case of supervisor and princi- pals, the situation is not so sanguine. If what has happened in other situa- tions is any indication, we should ex- pect to find most of the Negro princi- pals retained in their present positions. However, even if this should prove not to be the case, it merely means that we have got to organize and conduct a special attack on this problem.” The Minimum Foundation Progrmn and You K. T. A. Director The teachers of Kentucky have been and are hearing a great deal about the Minimum Foundation Program of Edu— cation for our state. The program will provide opportunities for a defensible minimum of education for every child regardless of where he lives in the state. There are many aspects of the program. In its final form it will take into consideration such basic questions as follows: 1. Minimum level of training for teachers and a minimum salary for them. 2. Safe transportation for every child. 3. Adequate library facilities for .every child. 4. Safe and adequate buildings. 5. Health services. Such a program is not a unique dis— covery of the people of Kentucky. The people will determine what they want in such a program of education. The men and women who have the responsi- bility for developing a proposed pro— gram have gleaned ideas from Mini— mum Foundation Programs in other states as there are certain fundamentals principles that underlie all such pro- grams. The actual writing of this program has been done by the Advisory Commit— tee on Educational Policy appointed by the Legislative Research Commission. PAGE 9 This committee has given careful con— sideration to the answers found on over 20,000 questionnaires returned to them by the people of this state. The people indicated to them through these ques— tionnaires the kind of schools they wanted. In a sense the people of Ken— tucky have written the Minimum Foun- dation Program. One of the pertinent questions that is most frequently asked about this pro— posed program is what difference would there be in the distribution of the state’s fund. A committee which re— cently met to study the Minimum Foun— dation Program has answered this ques- tion in a very clear andrsimplified man— ner “The money from the state is appro— priated by the General Assembly. Since 1949, when section 186 was amended, 75% of the state school funds have been earmarked to be given the districts on the census pupil basis. This has been interpreted by the courts to mean the number of children six to seventeen years of age living in a district. This money, which is known as the per capi— ta fund, can only be used for teachers salaries. This year 82.5% of the fund will be distributed in this manner so that no district will receive less money than it had been receiving. The remaining 17.5% is distributed on need rather than the number of children in the district. This is called the “Equalization Fund.” In the Foundation Program, educa- tion is supported on a partnership basis by state and local governments, A fair method of measuring the ability of the local districts is worked out, and the amount they can raise is subtracted from the cost of their foundation pro— gram; then the state supplies the rest up to the minimum level.” One of the results of the Minimum Foundation Program will be an increase in teachers salaries for most teachers throughout the state. The survey made by the State Department of Education showed that out of the 20,000 question— naires the majority of the people ques— tioned favored a $2700 minimum year- ly salary. Years of teaching experience may add more to the annual salary of the teacher. You. as an educator in Kentucky, have a grave responsibility in helping the public become aware of the needs for better education in this state. Being aware of the need, however, will not be sufficient, they must become dis— satisfied with existing conditions. They should be brought face to face with the fact that Kentucky is far below her ieighboring states in educational bene— fits provided for her people. You. as a classroom teacher, are a key figure in this tremendous move— ment. The first thing you must do is to become thoroughly familiar with the whole program so that you are able to discuss the subject with a resonable amount of intelligence. Early in Sep_ tember. President R. B. Atwood, Ken— tucky State College, sent to each Ken— tricky Principal a packet of material containing information on the proposed Foundation Program for Education in Kentucky, Teachers, avail yourselves of this material so that you may become a leader in your community in the ef— fort to get the voters to vote “Yes” for the amendment of Section 186 of the Constitution. Use the suggestions in the packet to teach your community, as well as your pupils, the facts concern- ing education in Kentucky. The K.T.A. stands 100% behind the amendment to Section 186 and urges you to support the Foundation Program for Education. It is imperative that we go to the polls on November 3, and vote for the amendment that repeals Sec— tion 186. This is the State’s Foundation Program, but it is up to us to accept the responsibility to inform the voters in our several communities, Will you accept the challenge? WILL YOU VOTE “YES?” The vote must be “YES” if our Foundation Program for Education in Kentucky is