Minutes of the E1ecutive Corn'nittee of the Board of 'rustees
of the Univ-3rsity for iNovrmber 21, 1923.

     The executive Committee of the Baard of Trustees of the
University met in regular monthly session in the office of the
President at the University at 11:30 a. Pi., November 21, 1923.
The follov-ing members were nresent: H. IJ. Froman, R. G. Gordon,
and R. C. Stoll.  Frank L. McVey, President of the University,
and Wallingzton Patrick, Secretary of the Board, were present.

     The minutes of the previous meeting were approved as published.

     (i) Renort of the Businesa ;gent.   The report of the Business
-gent vwas reand and ordered incornorated in the minutes.  The re-
port was as follows:

                    Financial Re-oort
            Balance Sheet as at October 31, 1923

Combined Fund
   Current and Working Assets
      Cash in Bank
      Petty Cash Account
      Votes and Bills Receivable
      Accounts Receivable
      Mlaterial and Supplies
         Total Current and Working Assets
   Insurance Paid in Advance
         Total Combined Fund Assets

Endowments, Bequests, Etc.
   Lpnd Grant BEdovment Fund        144,075.00
   Peabody Endowment Fund            40,000.00
   Crum Bequest                         592.42
   BGnnett Beqvest                      487.59
   Class of 1917 Chemistry Li
     brary Fund                         100.00
         Total Endowments, Bequests, Etc.

Real Estate, Bldgs., hquip., Etc.
   Property Accounts as at June 30,
   1923                           2,088,960.76
   Additions Since                    4,7F53.53
         Total Real Estate, Bldgs.,
           Equip., Etc.

I8exhibit "A rr

. 30-,445 .42
  217 ,032 .94

