Mathews family papers


The Mathews family papers (6.75 cubic feet, 40 boxes; dated circa 1840-1980, undated) comprise papers and photographs documenting the Mathews family professional and personal activities.

Descriptive Summary

Mathews family papers
circa 1840-1980, undated
6.75 Cubic feet
Appalachian Region--Pictorial works.
Erie, Lake--Pictorial works.
Frankfort (Ky.)--Pictorial works.
House construction--Kentucky--Costs.
House construction--Kentucky--Estimates.
Lexington (Ky.)--Pictorial works.
New England--Pictorial works.
Spanish American War, 1898--Kentucky--Lexington.
Collection is arranged by primary contributor and format. Each series is further divided into subseries based on subject.
Finding Aid Author
Finding aid prepared by Sara Mills and Janice Childers under the supervision of Deirdre A. Scaggs, University Archivist. Encoded by Deana Thomas.
Preferred Citation
1984ua010 : [identification of item], Mathews family papera, circa 1860-1977, University of Kentucky Special Collections.
University of Kentucky

Collection Overview

Biography / History
The Mathews family lived quite comfortably in their house at 660 South Limestone (Lexington, Ky.) which Clarence Mathews had built in the first years of the 20th century. The house figures prominently throughout the collection, in photographs, letters, and memoirs. Living at the edge of the University of Kentucky campus, the Mathews family members were all active in University activities, and all surviving children attended UK. As a family and individually they traveled often: in the Kentucky region, to New England to visit family, to the mid-west, and to Europe. Daughter Ruth attributed their ability to travel so often to the typical "New England thrift" of her parents, who kept careful records of their expenditures and required their children to do so as well from an early age.
Clarence Wentworth Mathews was born in Lancaster, Massachusetts in 1861. After raising money through a successful dairy which he started on his father's farm, he attended Cornell University, and graduated with a Bachelor of Science in agriculture in 1891. He came to work at the University of Kentucky in January of 1892. He was Chairman of the Agriculture Department from 1892-1908, Dean of the College of Agriculture from 1908-1910, professor of horticulture and botany from 1908-1917, and professor in and head of the horticulture department from 1917 until his death in 1928. Mathews was also an active member of the local board of education, helping schools with projects such as a WWI war garden in 1918. The house and garden that Mathews built at 660 South Limestone became part of campus property in 1968 and the Old Agricultural Building on the University of Kentucky campus was re-named the Clarence Wentworth Mathews building in March of 1976.
Henrietta Safford Mathews was a graduate of Bradford Academy in Massachusetts and went on to study for one year at the New England Conservatory, where she specialized in hand-painting china. She met Clarence Mathews when he delivered milk to her house from his horse-drawn sled; they married in the 1890s. From accounts written by her daughter, Ruth and family acquaintances, Henrietta did much of the cooking, cleaning, and entertaining for the Mathews family herself.
Clarence and Henrietta Mathews had four children: Eleanor, Ruth, George and Paul. Eleanor died in 1912 at the age of 17 after what Ruth wrote was a "long illness" which, drawing on correspondence from that time period, was tuberculosis.
Ruth E. Mathews was born in 1895 or 1896 in Lexington, where she attended the University of Kentucky, graduating as an honors student in 1918. She taught general science at Morton Junior High School in Lexington, 1918-1923; English at the former Lexington High School, 1924-1928; and English from 1928 till her retirement in 1966 at Lexington's Henry Clay High School where she was head of the English department, advisor of the debate team, and director of many senior plays. She was also active in and formerly presided over the Kentucky Council for Teachers of English, the Lexington Education Association, and the Audubon Society of Kentucky. She earned a master's degree from the University of Kentucky in 1933 and lived in the house and tended the garden her father built and planted at 660 South Limestone in Lexington until her death in 1986.
Paul Mathews was the youngest Mathews sibling. He played the flute in the UK band and sang in the male quartet. He graduated with a Bachelor of Arts in horticulture from UK in 1925, spent a year studying music at the University of Wisconsin, and received a doctorate in Music Education from Columbia University. He went on to teach music in Ft. Wayne (Indiana), Louisville (Kentucky), and Knoxville (Tennessee). From 1933-1943 he was the music supervisor for Lexington public schools. From 1942-1949 he was the state music supervisor for the public schools of Alabama. He retired from the University of Missouri as a professor of music education where he wrote a book entitled You Can Teach Music in 1953. He and his wife Gertrude had three children, who were all born in Montgomery (Alabama): Dan, Eleanor and Carolyn. Paul died on-board a cruise ship in January 1971 during a vacation with Gertrude to visit her family in Australia.
George Mathews was the only sibling to enter business instead of education. He worked as an advertising manager in Lexington, Louisiana, and Cincinnati. He and his wife Fan bought 100 acres in Woodford County on which they raised Hereford cattle and tobacco. He died November 22, 1958.
Scope and Content
The Mathews family papers (6.75 cubic feet, 40 boxes; dated circa 1840-1980, undated) comprise papers and photographs documenting the Mathews family professional and personal activities. Of the photographs, the collection includes approximately 180 glass negatives, 250 negatives, 220 gelatin silver prints, and 1,300 color transparencies. Many of the images provide a window into life in Lexington and on the University of Kentucky campus around the turn of the century. Of particular interest are images of Camp Hamilton in Lexington in 1898 and those showing troop training and parades on an unpaved Limestone Street in 1918. Subjects of other images include family members, trips to New Hampshire, Europe, and Camp Wyonegonic in Maine. The papers deal primarily with the finances and work-related notes of Clarence Mathews; family documents; correspondence to and from all members of the family; and diaries, collected programs and mementos of Ruth Mathews.
Processing Info
All nitrate negatives have been physically separated and housed in boxes 40 and 41; an intellectual arrangement has been retained within the finding aid.

Restrictions on Access and Use

Conditions Governing Access
Collection is open to researchers by appointment.
Use Restrictions
The intellectual rights to the materials in this collection are held by the University of Kentucky Special Collections and Digital Programs.

Contents of the Collection

Clarence W. Mathews photographs, 1894-1924, undated

Scope and Contents note

The Clarence W. Mathews photographs series consists of 140, 4" x 5" and 15, 5" x 7" glass negatives, and 73 film negatives, mostly images taken during Mathews' travels through New England, pictures of his house and garden, and a few images of soldiers camped in Lexington in 1898. The last three boxes of the series (Boxes 18-20) contain 12, 4" x 5" and 20, 5" x 7" glass negatives taken between 1895 and 1915.

Images of the Mathews home, 1900-1917, undated

Scope and Contents note

Twenty-five 4" x 5" glass negatives arranged by subject of the home Clarence Mathews had built, acting as his own contractor in 1900, at 660 South Limestone in Lexington, Kentucky.

Front view of house, undated

  • Box 1, Item 1
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Front view of house, undated

  • Box 1, Item 2
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Front view of house, undated

  • Box 1, Item 3
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Front view of house, undated

  • Box 1, Item 4
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Front view of house, undated

  • Box 1, Item 5
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Front view of house, 1914 January 01

  • Box 1, Item 6
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Front porch, 1911 April 03

  • Box 1, Item 7
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Christmas tree inside house, undated

  • Box 1, Item 8
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Christmas tree inside house, undated

  • Box 1, Item 9
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Flowers and house, undated

  • Box 1, Item 10
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Flowers and house, undated

  • Box 1, Item 11
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Flowers and house, undated

  • Box 1, Item 12
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House, woman in yard, 1915 August 01

  • Box 1, Item 13
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Pear tree and back of house, undated

  • Box 1, Item 14
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Bushes, back porch, undated

  • Box 1, Item 15
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Bushes, back porch, undated

  • Box 2, Item 16
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Bushes, back porch, undated

  • Box 2, Item 17
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Side of house, garden, undated

  • Box 2, Item 18
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Back of house, garden, undated

  • Box 2, Item 19
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House during construction, 1900 May 10

  • Box 2, Item 20
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People in garden, undated

  • Box 2, Item 21
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Garden, 1903 June 29

  • Box 2, Item 22
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Garden, 1903 June 29

  • Box 2, Item 23
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Snow in yard, undated

  • Box 2, Item 24
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Clematis paniculata rambling over shrubs, 1917 September 01

  • Box 2, Item 25
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1894 trip to New England and 1895 images

Scope and Contents note

Eleven 4" x 5" glass negatives taken during Mathews' trip to New England in 1894 and two images from 1895.

Images from New England, 1894-1895

  • Box 2, Item 26-30
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Images from New England, 1894-1895

  • Box 3, Item 31-38
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Summer 1896 New England trip and Virginia images

Scope and Contents note

Sixteen 4" x 5" glass negative images taken during Mathews' trip to New England in the summer of 1896 and one image from Virginia.

Images from New England and Virginia, 1896

  • Box 3, Item 39-45
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Images from New England and Virginia, 1896

  • Box 4, Item 46-55
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Summer 1897 New York/New Hampshire trip images

Scope and Contents note

Twenty-one 4" x 5" glass negative images taken during Mathews' trip to New York and New Hampshire in the summer of 1897.

Images from New Hampshire, 1897

  • Box 4, Item 56-60
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Images from New Hampshire and New York, 1897

  • Box 5, Item 61-75
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New York -- man on road, 1897

  • Box 6, Item 76
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Camp Hamilton and other war pictures, 1898

Scope and Contents note

Ten 4" x 5" glass negatives of soldiers at Camp Hamilton in Lexington, Kentucky, and other images taken during the Spanish-American War in 1898

Camp Hamilton, 1898

  • Box 6, Item 77
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Camp Hamilton, 1898

  • Box 6, Item 78
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Camp Hamilton, 1898

  • Box 6, Item 79
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Camp Hamilton, 1898

  • Box 6, Item 80
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Camp Hamilton, 1898

  • Box 6, Item 81
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Camp Hamilton, 1898

  • Box 6, Item 82
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Camp Hamilton, 1898

  • Box 6, Item 83
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Camp Hamilton, 1898

  • Box 6, Item 84
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Camp Hamilton, 1898

  • Box 6, Item 85
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Camp Hamilton, 1898

  • Box 6, Item 86
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1898-1901 images

Scope and Contents note

Eight 4" x 5" glass negatives taken during Mathews' 1898 summer trip to New England, his summer 1899 trips to Lake Michigan and Massachusetts, and an image taken in Massachusetts in 1901.

Massachusetts and Michigan images, 1898-1901

  • Box 6, Item 87-90
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Massachusetts and Michigan images, 1898-1901

  • Box 7, Item 91-94
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1916-1918 images

Scope and Contents note

Three 4" x 5" glass negative images that were in an envelope labeled "Manual Training, Junior High School, ca. 1916" with students sitting next to birdhouses, which they probably built in a class, as well as two 4" X 5" glass negative images from Kentucky in 1917 and 1918.

"Manual Training, Junior High School", circa 1916

  • Box 7, Item 95
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"Manual Training, Junior High School", circa 1916

  • Box 7, Item 96
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"Manual Training, Junior High School", circa 1916

  • Box 7, Item 97
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"No. 598, roadside near Brooklyn Bridge over Kentucky River", 1917

  • Box 7, Item 98
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"Auto picnic trip", Blue Lick Springs, Kentucky, 1918 July

  • Box 7, Item 99
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Lexington, Kentucky images, undated

Scope and Contents note

Twelve 4" x 5" images from Lexington, Kentucky. Some were not labeled, but, based on being found with other dated and undated Lexington images, they appear to have been taken in Lexington.

Train at night on C&S railroad, undated

  • Box 7, Item 100
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Train at night on C&S railroad, undated

  • Box 7, Item 101
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Houses, street, undated

  • Box 7, Item 102
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House, undated

  • Box 7, Item 103
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House, undated

  • Box 7, Item 104
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Houses, street, undated

  • Box 7, Item 105
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Street, buildings, undated

  • Box 8, Item 106
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View across the street from 660 S. Limestone, undated

  • Box 8, Item 107
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Street, grocery store, undated

  • Box 8, Item 108
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Street, buildings, undated

  • Box 8, Item 109
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Horse farm barn and stables, undated

  • Box 8, Item 110
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"No. 137--Residence of Mrs. J. M. Garritt, Fort Garritt [sic], KY", undated

  • Box 8, Item 111
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Miscellaneous undated images from New England

Scope and Contents note

Thirteen 4" x 5" glass negatives from New England. Some of the images were not labeled, but, based on being found with other dated and undated New England images, they appear to have been taken in the same area.

Images of New England, undated

  • Box 8, Item 112-120
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Images of New England, undated

  • Box 9, Item 121-124
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Undated images, location uncertain

Scope and Contents note

Eleven 4" x 5" glass negatives with no indication of location.

11 dry plate negatives, miscellaneous subjects, undated

  • Box 9, Item 125-135
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Clarence W. Mathews and family, 1897, undated

Scope and Contents note

Five 4" x 5" glass negatives of Clarence Mathews and his immediate family.

Clarence Mathews' parents, 1897 July 23

  • Box 10, Item 136
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Clarence Mathews' parents, 1897 July 28

  • Box 10, Item 137
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Son or daughter of Clarence Mathews, undated

  • Box 10, Item 138
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Son or daughter of Clarence Mathews, undated

  • Box 10, Item 139
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Clarence Wentworth Mathews, undated

  • Box 10, Item 140
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Miscellaneous 5 x 7 glass negatives, 1891-1907, undated

Scope and Contents note

Twelve 5" x 7" glass negatives of Mathews' home in Lexington; images taken in Cincinnati; Cornell University, and other locations in New York state.

660 S. Limestone, interior, undated

  • Box 11, Item 141
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660 S. Limestone, front, 1907 June

  • Box 11, Item 142
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660 S. Limestone, interior, 1907 June

  • Box 11, Item 143
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660 S. Limestone, side view, 1907

  • Box 11, Item 144
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660 S. Limestone, side view, undated

  • Box 11, Item 145
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660 S. Limestone, side view, undated

  • Box 11, Item 146
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"Mohawk Valley, NY, taken from moving train", 1894 August 21

  • Box 11, Item 147
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"Cornell University Dairy Building, Professor Roberts in doorway", 1894 August 21

  • Box 11, Item 148
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"Milk wagon, 'Old Dave' and 'Arthur Wilbur'", 1894 August

  • Box 11, Item 149
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"Mr. Hancock's house, Dec. 25", circa 1890s

  • Box 11, Item 150
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"Art museum, Cincinnati, OH", undated

  • Box 11, Item 151
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View of lake or river from train, undated

  • Box 11, Item 152
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Plants used in Clarence Mathew's Cornell thesis, 1891

  • Box 11, Item 153
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Plants used in Clarence Mathew's Cornell thesis, 1891

  • Box 11, Item 154
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"Tomato crosses", undated

  • Box 11, Item 155
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1907 New England trip

Scope and Contents note

Thirty-one 3.5" x 5.75" film negatives taken during Mathews' 1907 trip to New England.

Thirty-one New England images, 1907

  • Box 12, Item 156-186
To top

Summer, 1921

Scope and Contents note

Twelve 3.5" x 6" film negatives taken during the summer of 1921, some in the Lake Erie area, but most unspecified as to location.

Lake Erie area images, 1921

  • Box 12, Item 187-198
To top

Miscellaneous images, 1924, undated

Scope and Contents note

Twenty negatives, most undated.

View of 660 S. Limestone from across street, undated

  • Box 12, Item 199
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660 S. Limestone, 2 children, undated

  • Box 12, Item 200
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2 Mathews children (damaged), undated

  • Box 12, Item 201
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Dirt road, trees and house, undated

  • Box 12, Item 202
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River, mountain, undated

  • Box 12, Item 203
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Waterfall, undated

  • Box 12, Item 204
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House or fort (?), undated

  • Box 12, Item 205
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Water, crop, mountains, undated

  • Box 12, Item 206
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Paul, Ruth and George Mathews, undated

  • Box 12, Item 207
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Garden, undated

  • Box 12, Item 208
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Unidentified building, undated

  • Box 12, Item 209
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Stream, trees, church, undated

  • Box 12, Item 210
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River, undated

  • Box 12, Item 211
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River, undated

  • Box 12, Item 212
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Building with Egyptian friezes, undated

  • Box 12, Item 213
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Perry Peace Memorial, Put-in-Bay, Ohio, undated

  • Box 12, Item 214
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Four images of river and a house, circa 1924

  • Box 12, Item 215-218
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Glass negatives, 1895-1915

Scope and Contents note

Twelve glass negatives taken in various locations in Kentucky. Items 220-231 measure 4 x 5 inches and items 232-251 measure 5 x 7 inches.

"Steamer on Mississippi River near Wickliffe, KY", 1896 August 8

  • Box 18, Item 220
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"Bank of Mississippi river near Wickliffe, KY", 1896 August 8

  • Box 18, Item 221
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"On North Elkhorn between Bryan Station and Maysville Pike", 1897 May 29

  • Box 18, Item 222
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"Pathway to Natural Bridge", 1897 May 31

  • Box 18, Item 223
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"Presentation of flag to regiment at fairgrounds", [?] May 18

  • Box 18, Item 224
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Presentation of flag at fairgrounds, undated

  • Box 18, Item 225
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Soldiers and cannons, undated

  • Box 18, Item 226
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Aerial or hilltop view, undated

  • Box 18, Item 227
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Kentucky State College campus, undated

  • Box 18, Item 228
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Kentucky State College campus, undated

  • Box 18, Item 229
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Kentucky State College campus, undated

  • Box 18, Item 230
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Kentucky State College campus, undated

  • Box 18, Item 231
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"Tunnel just beyond Torrent, KY", 1895 April 20

  • Box 19, Item 232
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"Washington statue and surrounding flower beds", 1895 July 22

  • Box 19, Item 233
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"Site of Dufour Vineyard, Jessamine Co., KY", 1895 September 3

  • Box 19, Item 234
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"Extension", 1896 April 18

  • Box 19, Item 235
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"Lexington Cemetery", 1896 April 25

  • Box 19, Item 236
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"Lexington Cemetery", 1896 April 25

  • Box 19, Item 237
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"group of Eulalias, Lexington Cemetery", 1896 October

  • Box 19, Item 238
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"[Henry] Clay monument, Lexington Cemetery", 1896 [?]

  • Box 19, Item 239
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"Kentucky State College, college lake", 1896

  • Box 19, Item 240
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"Kentucky State College, college lake", 1896

  • Box 19, Item 241
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"Back yard, residence J.G. White", 1897 June 11

  • Box 19, Item 242
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"View of Experiment Station from 660 S. Limestone", 1907 June

  • Box 19, Item 243
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"#203 house and grounds of C.W. Mathews farm, Miller subdivision", 1915 March 24

  • Box 19, Item 244
To top

"5, propagating house interior", undated

  • Box 19, Item 245
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"[Henry] Clay monument, Lexington Cemetery", undated

  • Box 19, Item 246
To top

People, house at 660 S. Limestone, undated

  • Box 20, Item 247
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Back yard/garden, view of Experiment Station at 660 S. Limestone, undated

  • Box 20, Item 248
To top

People playing tennis on UK campus, undated

  • Box 20, Item 249
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People sitting by stream next to cliff, undated

  • Box 20, Item 250
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Magnified plant cross-sections [?], undated

  • Box 20, Item 251
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Clarence W. Mathews papers, 1891-1928, undated

Scope and Contents note

The Clarence W. Mathews papers series contains documents relating to the construction of the family home, life insurance, notes on personal and family affairs, class-related materials, financial accounts, and correspondence.

House building papers, 1899-1920

Scope and Contents note

Documents pertaining to the construction of the Mathews home at 660 South Limestone in 1900, including a notice of sale of the land, correspondence, estimates, invoices, and bills. Organized alphabetically according to company.

Notice of sale for lots, one of which was 660 S. Limestone, 1899 June 15

  • Box 13, Folder 1
To top

Correspondence, estimates, invoices, and bills, 1900 March 3-December 6

  • Box 13, Folder 2
Scope and Contents note

Includes items from: C.S. Brent: Commission Merchant of Grain and Field Seeds; C.F. Brower and Co.: Carpets, Wood Mantels, Draperies, Furniture, Wall Paper, Pictures, and Picture Frames; W.A. Clark and Co.: Heating and Ventilating Engineers: Manufacturers of the Celebrated Under-Feed and New Imperial Furnaces, Warming, Ventilating and Sanitary Apparatus for Public and Private Buildings; Combs Lumber Co.: Lumber Yard and Planning Mill; and William Curran: Successor to Bush & Curran, Dealer in Lumber, Laths, Shingles, Posts

To top

Correspondence, estimates, invoices, and bills, 1900 January 18-July 30

  • Box 13, Folder 3
Scope and Contents note

Includes items from: The Dayton Lumber and Manufacturing Co.: Lumber Lath & Shingles, Manufacturers of Doors, Sash, Blinds, etc., Hardwood Finishes, Fine Cabinet Work a Specialty; H.F. Hillenmeyer: Nurseryman; and David S. Hopkins: Architect and Publisher of Architectural Books

To top

Correspondence, estimates, invoices, and bills, 1900 February 19-November 8

  • Box 13, Folder 4
Scope and Contents note

Includes items from: J.T. Jackson: Dealer in Lumber, Laths, Shingles, Sash, Doors, Blinds, Steel Roofing, Builders' Hardware, and Mouldings; E.P. Johnson: Job Work a Specialty, Practical Plumbing, Gas fitting, Steam and Hot Water Heating, Wind Mills, Pumps, Tanks, etc.; George Land: Sole Agent for Pochanotas Smokeless Coal; Lexington Brick Company, Dr.: Builders, Contractors, and Brick Makers; Lexington Hydraulic & Manufacturing Co., Dr.; Lexington Plumbing Co.: Steam, Water, Gas, Wellsbach Lights, Wind Mills, Hot Water Heating, Sanitary Plumbing, Gas, Electric, and Combination Chandeliers, Globes, etc.; Lexington Railway Co. (same proprietors as Central Electric Co.); and L.P. Milward Mantel Department: Mantels, Builders' Hardware; and W.H. Mullins: Manufacturers of Architectural Sheet Metal Work and Statuary

To top

Correspondence, estimates, invoices, and bills, 1900 February 22-September 8

  • Box 14, Folder 1
Scope and Contents note

Includes items from: Poer & Bean: contractors and Dealers in Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Brushes, etc.; G.B. Sharp: Dealer in Stoves, Tinware, House Furnishing Goods; Sleath & Van Dyke: Cut Stone Contractors, Marble and Encaustic Tiling, Foundation, Curbing, Stone Work; The Storrs & Harrison Co.: Painesville Nurserymen, Florists, and Seedsmen; Van Deren Hardware Co.: Importers and Jobbers of Hardware, Cutlery, Guns, Pistols, Bar Iron and Steel, Buggy Wheels, Wagon Wood-Work, and etc.; and J.C. Vaughan: Seeds, Bulbs, and Plants

To top

Miscellaneous hand-written notes, receipts, agreements and estimates, circa 1900 February-May

  • Box 14, Folder 2
Scope and Contents note

Includes, amongst others, agreements with Joe Christopher, stone mason; George D. Hicks, plaster and cement work; and an estimate from J.H. Staples, plaster and cement work

To top

Contracts and other financial documents, circa 1910-1920

  • Box 14, Folder 3
Scope and Contents note

Includes a deed of sale for property owned by property owned by L.C. Price in 1910 and Caroline and Dr. O.L. Smith in 1920

To top

Documents and work papers, 1891-1911, undated

Scope and Contents note

Contains life insurance documents, work-related papers and two series of note cards: one containing personal notes and documents; one containing teaching notes. Folders 8 and 9 are arranged chronologically; note cards retain original order.

Life insurance documents, receipts and correspondence, 1891-1911

  • Box 14, Folder 4
Scope and Contents note

Life insurance documents from the Mutual Life Insurance Company of New York and the Liverpool and London and Globe Insurance Company's Cincinnati Branch, including a policy, receipts, and correspondence

To top

Documents listing students who finished Mathews' classes and deposits owed them, 1900-1902

  • Box 14, Folder 5
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Collection of notes on note cards filed by subject, undated

  • Box 23
Scope and Contents note

Including lists of chores and payments of Mathews children; quotes; receipts; household bills.

To top

Continuation of note cards filed by subject, undated

  • Box 24
Scope and Contents note

Including lists of chores and payments of Mathews children; quotes; receipts; household bills.

To top

Note cards relating to classes taught by Prof. Mathews including botany and horticulture, undated

  • Box 25
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Account books, 1898-1922

Scope and Contents note

Two account books containing detailed records of personal and family spending, including street car fare, cost of umbrellas, and postage stamps. The books contain a wealth of information on contemporary prices and typical expenditures.

Account book, 1898-1904, 1918-1922

  • Box 17, Item 1
To top

Account book, 1908-1912

  • Box 26, Item 1
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Correspondence, circa 1888-1928, undated

Scope and Contents note

Includes correspondence from family members, primarily sister Eva, brother Charlie, niece Mabel, nephew Frank, "M.S." Mathews and children Paul and Ruth Mathews. Arranged chronologically.

Correspondence, 1888-1905

  • Box 27, Folder 1
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Correspondence, 1906-1907

  • Box 27, Folder 2
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Correspondence, 1908-1909

  • Box 27, Folder 3
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Correspondence, 1910-1911

  • Box 27, Folder 4
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Correspondence, 1912

  • Box 27, Folder 5
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Correspondence, 1913-1914

  • Box 27, Folder 6
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Correspondence, 1915-1916

  • Box 27, Folder 7
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Correspondence, 1917-1918

  • Box 27, Folder 8
To top

Correspondence, 1919-1920

  • Box 27, Folder 9
To top

Correspondence, 1921-1928

  • Box 27, Folder 10
To top

Correspondence, undated

  • Box 27, Folder 11
To top

Ruth E. Mathews papers, 1911-1980

Scope and Contents note

The Ruth E. Mathews papers series includes general papers and memorabilia, daily diaries, account books, and correspondence.

Papers and memorabilia, 1918-1980

Scope and Contents note

Contains materials from trips to Europe and Maine; a significant amount of materials from Ruth's teaching years at Henry Clay High School; writer's conference documents; clippings; and various documents relating to the University of Kentucky. Materials are arranged by subject at folder level.

Travel memorabilia: Europe and Maine, 1926-1928, 1966

  • Box 28, Folder 1
Scope and Contents note

Includes cruise ship menus and notes; brochures and postcards from Camp Wyonegonic in Denmark, Maine, circa 1926.

To top

Travel memorabilia; photo of Ruth Mathews and "Kitty C." on board ship, 1928-1937, 1973

  • Box 28, Folder 2
To top

Miscellaneous notes and memorabilia, undated

  • Box 28, Folder 3
Scope and Contents note

Includes notes for dramatic production, quotes and general lists.

To top

Teaching-related materials, circa 1950-1971

  • Box 28, Folder 4
Scope and Contents note

Includes handbooks, suggested reading lists.

To top

Henry Clay High School playbills, 1935-1959

  • Box 28, Folder 5
To top

Henry Clay High School commencement and memorial programs, 1942-1958

  • Box 28, Folder 6
To top

Miscellaneous Henry Clay High School materials, circa 1940-1955

  • Box 28, Folder 7
Scope and Contents note

Includes programs, student papers and notes

To top

Breadloaf Writers' Conference materials, 1939

  • Box 28, Folder 8
To top

Clippings, circa 1927-1950

  • Box 28, Folder 9
To top

Clippings, circa 1960-1970

  • Box 28, Folder 10
To top

University of Kentucky documents: final grades, lease for house, circa 1918-1980

  • Box 28, Folder 11
Scope and Contents note

Includes final grades, programs, and lease for 660 South Limestone

To top

Various programs from Breadloaf, Concert and Lecture series and churches, circa 1938-1963

  • Box 28, Folder 12
To top

Diaries and account books, 1911-1971

Scope and Contents note

The diaries in this series mostly contain entries on events attended and comments relating to them, notes on wildlife, and notes to self. The account books are ledgers of personal finances and are as detailed as those of her father.

Travel diaries (2), 1928, 1966

  • Box 28, Folder 13
To top

Diaries (3), 1928-1932, 1942-1943

  • Box 29, Folder 1
To top

Diaries (3), 1945-1948

  • Box 29, Folder 2
To top

Diaries (3), 1951-1953

  • Box 29, Folder 3
To top

Diaries (3), 1954-1956

  • Box 29, Folder 4
To top

Diaries (3), 1957-1959

  • Box 29, Folder 5
To top

Diaries (3), 1960-1962

  • Box 30, Folder 1
To top

Diaries (3), 1963-1967

  • Box 30, Folder 2
To top

Diaries (3), 1968-1970

  • Box 30, Folder 3
To top

Diary (1), 1971

  • Box 30, Folder 4
To top

Account books (7), 1911-1922

  • Box 30, Folder 5
To top

Account books (5), 1923-1943

  • Box 30, Folder 6
To top

Correspondence, 1915-1974

Scope and Contents note

Includes letters from Paul, George, Clarence and Henrietta Mathews, and correspondence with fellow teachers, family members, and acquaintances. Materials are arranged in folders chronologically by year and therein by sender. Photographs enclosed in letters have been attached to same and described at item level.

Correspondence, 1915-1923

  • Box 31, Folder 1
To top

Correspondence, 1924-1927

  • Box 31, Folder 2
To top

Correspondence, 1928-1929

  • Box 31, Folder 3
To top

Correspondence, 1930-1937

  • Box 31, Folder 4
To top

Correspondence, 1938

  • Box 31, Folder 5-7
To top

Telegrams upon Henrietta Mathews' death, 1938

  • Box 31, Folder 8
To top

Correspondence, 1939

  • Box 31, Folder 9
To top

Correspondence, 1940-1941

  • Box 31, Folder 10
To top

Correspondence, 1942-1943

  • Box 31, Folder 11
To top

Correspondence, 1944

  • Box 32, Folder 1-2
To top

Correspondence, 1945-1948

  • Box 32, Folder 3
To top

Correspondence, circa 1950-1951

  • Box 32, Folder 4
To top

Correspondence, 1952, 1955-1959

  • Box 32, Folder 5
To top

Correspondence, 1960-1967

  • Box 32, Folder 6
To top

Correspondence, 1968-1970

  • Box 32, Folder 7
To top

Photos of Vietnam (aerial views, buildings, and river), attached to correspondence from P.M. Davenport, 1969

  • Box 32, Folder 7, Item 1-6
To top

Photos of "Billy Sondgerath, 5 mos.", attached to correspondence from Betty Sondgerath, 1969 April

  • Box 32, Folder 7, Item 7-8
To top

Photos of "Richard W. Marriott", attached to correspondence from Richard W. Marriott, 1970 May

  • Box 32, Folder 7, Item 9-10
To top

Correspondence, 1971-1973

  • Box 32, Folder 8
To top

Photo of "Daddy and his sons. Bill Sondgerath, Billy and Andrew", 1971

  • Box 32, Folder 8, Item 1
To top

Photo of "Billy, Barbara and Andrew Sondgerath. Christening day", 1971 February

  • Box 32, Folder 8, Item 2
To top

Correspondence, 1974

  • Box 32, Folder 9
To top

Correspondence, undated

  • Box 32, Folder 10
To top

Ruth E. Mathews photographs, 1918-1976

Scope and Contents note

The Ruth E. Mathews photographs series consists of negatives, gelatin silver prints, and color transparencies. The negatives are mostly images of her students and other people, of the capitol and other buildings in Frankfort, of soldiers camped in Lexington in 1918, of a UK graduation and an unidentified UK game, and a cruise from New York to Europe. The last four boxes of the series (Boxes 21-22, 40) contain color transparencies of travel, family, and the house and gardens at 660 South Limestone.

1918 images

Scope and Contents note

Twenty 2.75" x 5" film negatives, including images of soldiers (most likely those stationed for training at UK, which served as a military post during 1918), Ruth Mathews' 1918 graduation from the University of Kentucky, and a few miscellaneous outdoor scenes. Found in envelope dated 1918.

Man in army uniform; boy in scout uniform, 1918

  • Box 15, Item 252
To top

Airplanes in field, 1918

  • Box 15, Item 253
To top

Unidentified woman holding flower, 1918

  • Box 15, Item 254
To top

Group of graduates at University of Kentucky, 1918

  • Box 15, Item 255
To top

Man in army uniform, 1918

  • Box 15, Item 256
To top

People looking at army tank, 1918

  • Box 15, Item 257
To top

Two female graduates, 1918

  • Box 15, Item 258
To top

Professors in graduation regalia, 1918

  • Box 15, Item 259
To top

Army tent camp along Palisades, 1918

  • Box 15, Item 260
To top

People in field, Buell Armory in background, 1918

  • Box 15, Item 261
To top

Cemetery, 1918

  • Box 15, Item 262
To top

Army tent camp along Palisades, 1918

  • Box 15, Item 263
To top

Tent and chairs at University of Kentucky graduation, 1918

  • Box 15, Item 264
To top

Sergeant in army uniform, 1918

  • Box 15, Item 265
To top

Three young women in row boat along Palisades, 1918

  • Box 15, Item 266
To top

View of soldiers passing from 660 S. Limestone, 1918

  • Box 15, Item 267
To top

Soldiers and tank, 1918

  • Box 15, Item 268
To top

Unidentified man in suit on UK campus, 1918

  • Box 15, Item 269
To top

Unidentified man in graduation regalia, 1918

  • Box 15, Item 270
To top

Miscellaneous photos, 1918

  • Box 15, Item 271-275
To top

1918 or 1919 images

Scope and Contents note

Twenty 2.75" x 4.5" film negatives of people, buildings, and landscapes. Found in envelope with both 1918 and 1919 written on it.

Lincoln birthplace site, Hodgenville, 1918-1919

  • Box 15, Item 276
To top

Trees, church in background, 1918-1919

  • Box 15, Item 277
To top

Lincoln cabin, Fort Harrod, KY, 1918-1919

  • Box 15, Item 278
To top

Miscellaneous, unidentified photos, 1918-1919

  • Box 15, Item 279-286
To top

View of UK campus from 660 S. Limestone with Experiment Station, 1918-1919

  • Box 15, Item 287
To top

Baseball team at Morton Jr. High School, 1918-1919

  • Box 15, Item 288
To top

Unidentified landscapes, 1918-1919

  • Box 15, Item 289-290
To top

Person on rowboat on river beside palisades, 1918-1919

  • Box 15, Item 291
To top

1920 images

Scope and Contents note

Five 2.75" x 4.5" negatives of women and outdoor scenes. There is one corresponding print. In envelope dated 1920.

Clarence and Henrietta Mathews, river, 1920

  • Box 15, Item 292
To top

Landscape, river, 1920

  • Box 15, Item 293
To top

Miscellaneous images, 1920

  • Box 15, Item 294-296
To top

1921 images

Scope and Contents note

Twenty-one 2.75" x 4.5" film negatives of the Kentucky state capitol in Frankfort and its grounds, as well as images of gardens. Found in an envelope dated 1921.

Governor's mansion, Frankfort, KY, 1921

  • Box 15, Item 297
To top

[Capitol Hotel?] Frankfort, KY, 1921

  • Box 15, Item 298
To top

Governor's mansion, Frankfort, KY, 1921

  • Box 15, Item 299
To top

Woman on capitol grounds, Frankfort, KY, 1921

  • Box 15, Item 300
To top

Woman standing near hedge, Frankfort, KY, 1921

  • Box 15, Item 301
To top

Woman standing near governor's mansion, Frankfort, KY, 1921

  • Box 15, Item 302
To top

Trees, field, gazebo, river, Frankfort, KY, 1921

  • Box 15, Item 303
To top

Capitol building, Frankfort, KY, 1921

  • Box 15, Item 304
To top

Sailboat on Kentucky River, 1921

  • Box 15, Item 305
To top

Inside capitol building, Frankfort, KY, 1921

  • Box 15, Item 306
To top

Kentucky River, Frankfort, KY, 1921

  • Box 15, Item 307
To top

Flagpole on Capitol grounds, Frankfort, KY, 1921

  • Box 15, Item 308
To top

Capitol building, Frankfort, KY, 1921

  • Box 15, Item 309
To top

Henrietta and Ruth Mathews in Mathews garden, 1921

  • Box 15, Item 310
To top

Henrietta in Mathews garden, 1921

  • Box 15, Item 311
To top

Ruth in Mathews garden, 1921

  • Box 15, Item 312
To top

Man standing in Mathews garden, 1921

  • Box 15, Item 313
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Morton Junior High, circa 1921-1923

Scope and Contents note

2.75" x 4.75" film negatives of some of Ruth Mathews' students at Morton Junior High School with four corresponding gelatin silver prints. There are three prints without corresponding negatives.

School children looking out windows, circa 1921-1923

  • Box 15, Item 314
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Group of students and teachers, circa 1921-1923

  • Box 15, Item 315
To top

Group of students and teachers, circa 1921-1923

  • Box 15, Item 316
To top

Group of schoolgirls in [Woodland?] park, circa 1921-1923

  • Box 15, Item 317
To top

Group of female students (gelatin silver print), 1921 June 6

  • Box 15, Item 318
To top

Group of female students (gelatin silver print), 1921 June 6

  • Box 15, Item 319
To top

Group of male students (negative and gelatin silver print), circa 1921-1923

  • Box 16, Item 320
To top

Group of male students, circa 1921-1923

  • Box 16, Item 321
To top

Basketball team, circa 1921-1923

  • Box 16, Item 322
To top

Two boys in basketball uniforms, circa 1921-1923

  • Box 16, Item 323
To top

Boy in basketball uniform, circa 1921-1923

  • Box 16, Item 324
To top

Boy in basketball uniform, circa 1921-1923

  • Box 16, Item 325
To top

Boy in basketball uniform, circa 1921-1923

  • Box 16, Item 326
To top

Boy in basketball uniform (gelatin silver print), circa 1921-1923

  • Box 16, Item 327
To top

Baseball team (negative and gelatin silver print), circa 1921-1923

  • Box 16, Item 328
To top

Baseball team (negative and gelatin silver print), circa 1921-1923

  • Box 16, Item 329
To top

Drama club [?] (negative and gelatin print), circa 1921-1923

  • Box 16, Item 330
To top

UK Game, 1922 or 1923

Scope and Contents note

Four 2.75" x 4.5" film negatives taken at a UK game in 1922 or 1923. It is not clear what type of game was going on, but due to the absence of an athletic team, it is probably not a football game. Found in envelope labeled "UK Game" and dated 1922 or 1923.

People on stands and the field, circa 1922-1923

  • Box 16, Item 331
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People in stands and men on horses, circa 1922-1923

  • Box 16, Item 332
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People in stands and on field, circa 1922-1923

  • Box 16, Item 333
To top

People at the game, circa 1922-1923

  • Box 16, Item 334
To top

Miscellaneous images, 1927-1929, undated

Scope and Contents note

2.75" x 4.75" negatives and several gelatin silver prints of Christmas decor, winter scenes, and people. Also contains images of Ruth Mathews' students, landscapes from Kentucky and New England, and family members.

Christmas wreath, view out window at 660 S. Limestone, undated

  • Box 16, Item 335
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Christmas wreath, view out window at 660 S. Limestone, undated

  • Box 16, Item 336
To top

Snow, yard, house at 660 S. Limestone, undated

  • Box 16, Item 337
To top

People in canoes and swimming, print, undated

  • Box 16, Item 338
To top

Snowy yard, house at 660 S. Limestone (negative and gelatin print), undated

  • Box 16, Item 339
To top

Three unidentified women (2 duplicate prints), undated

  • Box 16, Item 340
To top

Photos with matching negatives, 1926

  • Box 35, Item 1-3
To top

2 negatives and 10 prints, 1927

  • Box 35, Item 4-13
To top

Christmas; group photo, 1927

  • Box 35, Item 14
Scope and Contents note

Frederick, Annie and Mabel Safford; Paul, Henrietta, Clarence and George Mathews [negative and print].

To top

Christmas; group photo, 1927

  • Box 35, Item 15
Scope and Contents note

Frederick, Annie and Mabel Safford; Ruth, Clarence, George and Henrietta Mathews [negative and print].

To top

Henrietta and Clarence Mathews (negative and print), 1928

  • Box 35, Item 16
To top

Group of four girls, probably students at Morton Jr. High (negative and print), 1928

  • Box 35, Item 17
To top

Group of seven boys, probably students at Morton Jr. High (negative and print), 1928

  • Box 35, Item 18
To top

Group of ten young people, probably students at Morton Jr. High (print), 1928

  • Box 35, Item 19
To top

Hand-tint of girl in white dress in garden, 1929

  • Box 35, Item 20
To top

Images from Moose Lake, Maine (prints), 1929

  • Box 35, Item 21-25
To top

Miscellaneous images (negatives and prints), undated

  • Box 35, Item 26-29
To top

Fort Harrod, KY (negatives and prints), undated

  • Box 35, Item 30
To top

Fort Harrod, KY (negatives and prints), undated

  • Box 35, Item 31
To top

Fort Harrod, KY (negatives and prints), undated

  • Box 35, Item 32
To top

Fort Harrod, KY (negatives and prints), undated

  • Box 35, Item 33
To top

Miscellaneous images (prints), undated

  • Box 35, Item 34-37
To top

George, Henrietta, Clarence and Ruth (holding camera) Mathews (print), undated

  • Box 35, Item 38
To top

Young girl in bonnet with book in front of 660 S. Limestone (prints), undated

  • Box 35, Item 39-40
To top

Miscellaneous prints, undated

  • Box 35, Item 41-45
To top

George, Ruth and Paul Mathews (print), undated

  • Box 35, Item 46
To top

Henrietta Mathews [?] in doorway of house (negative), undated

  • Box 36, Item 47
To top

Clarence Mathews seen through gate of 660 S. Limestone (negative), undated

  • Box 36, Item 48
To top

Paul Mathews outside 660 S. Limestone (negatives), undated

  • Box 36, Item 49-50
To top

Mathews family beside automobile (negative), undated

  • Box 36, Item 51
To top

George, Clarence, Henrietta, Ruth Mathews (negative), undated

  • Box 36, Item 52
To top

Camp Wyonegonic images (negatives), undated

  • Box 36, Item 53-57
To top

Miscellaneous images, mostly New England (negatives), undated

  • Box 36, Item 58-72
To top

Images of trip to New England in envelope marked "Alfred Andrews" (negatives), circa 1928

  • Box 36, Item 73-87
To top

Travel in Europe, 1928

Scope and Contents note

Twenty-five 2.75" x 4.75" film negatives and 83 gelatin silver prints from a trip to Europe made June 20-August 6, 1928. The images include fellow passengers on the R.M.S. Antonia, the ship itself, and landscapes and group snapshots in England, Switzerland, Germany, Italy, and France.

(22) negatives of European trip, 1928

  • Box 16, Item 340-362
To top

Images of Europe, 1928

  • Box 33, Item 1-86
Scope and Contents note

Includes images of Cologne; Venice; Interlaken; Windsor; the Rhine; and R.M.S. Antonia

To top

Camp Wyonegonic, 1924

Scope and Contents note

Ruth first attended Camp Wyonegonic in Denmark, Maine (southeastern portion of the state), during the summer of 1921 and continued to go back every summer until 1930 except for 1928 when she traveled to Europe instead. Camp Wyonegonic is the oldest girls' camp in the U.S., and Ruth served as camp nature councilor there. Images in this series consist of 32 negatives and 27 gelatin silver prints in varying sizes and show campers in their sailor-style uniforms; cabins, tents and landscapes; and camp activities, including canoeing, swimming, hiking, and cooking over campfires. When negatives and photographs have been matched, they have been placed together and given the same number with a "p" or "n"to indicate their type. (Ex: 34:1p represents photograph1 in box 34 while and 34:1n is the negative).

Camp Wyonegonic prints and negatives, 1924

  • Box 34, Item 1-54
To top

Transparencies, circa 1950-1976

Scope and Contents note

Approximately 1,300, 35mm color transparencies of Lexington (primarily of house and gardens at 660 South Limestone and UK campus) and other locales in Appalachia, Europe, Canada, and the western United States, circa 1950s-1976. Transparencies in boxes 21 and 22 are arranged in groups by subject. Transparencies in box 16 remain in their original housing and retain their original order.

Kentucky mountains; garden and visitors at 660 S. Limestone (22 images), 1966-1970

  • Box 21, Folder 1
To top

Garden and visitors at 660 S. Limestone (14 images), 1968-1969

  • Box 21, Folder 2
To top

Ruth Mathews, garden and visitors at 660 S. Limestone (15 images), 1968-1969

  • Box 21, Folder 3
To top

Garden, interior, visitors at 660 S. Limestone (16 images), 1972

  • Box 21, Folder 4
To top

Carter Caves; garden and visitors at 660 S. Limestone (20 images), 1972-1973

  • Box 21, Folder 5
To top

Garden at 660 S. Limestone, 1973-1974

  • Box 21, Folder 6
To top

Garden, interior, visitors at 660 S. Limestone (23 images), 1973-1974

  • Box 21, Folder 7
To top

UK campus; garden and visitors at 660 S. Limestone (19 images), 1975

  • Box 21, Folder 8
To top

UK campus; garden and visitors at 660 S. Limestone (16 images), 1975-1976

  • Box 21, Folder 9
To top

UK campus; 660 S. Limestone; Kentucky (16 images), 1967-1975

  • Box 21, Folder 10
To top

England (18 images), 1973

  • Box 21, Folder 11
To top

Eastbound (2 images), circa 1950s, 1973

  • Box 21, Folder 12
To top

West country (30 images), circa 1950s

  • Box 21, Folder 13
To top

Salisbury, Canterbury, London and Winchester areas, England (24 images), circa 1950s, 1966

  • Box 21, Folder 14
To top

Queen Elizabeth II's birthday (5 images), circa 1950s

  • Box 21, Folder 15
To top

English lakes (8 images), circa 1950s, 1966

  • Box 21, Folder 16
To top

Cambridge area, England (10 images), circa 1950s, 1966

  • Box 21, Folder 17
To top

London area (81 images), circa 1950s, 1966

  • Box 21, Folder 18
To top

Stratford-on-Avon, England (25 images), circa 1950s, 1970

  • Box 21, Folder 19
To top

Homeward bound, Queen Mary [ship] (9 images), circa 1950s

  • Box 21, Folder 20
To top

England, general (62 images), circa 1950s, 1966-1973

  • Box 21, Folder 21
To top

Oxford, England (28 images), circa 1950s, 1966-1970

  • Box 21, Folder 22
To top

Scotland (28 images), circa 1950s, 1958-1960

  • Box 22, Folder 1
To top

Monhegan; New England (17 images), 1955-1961

  • Box 22, Folder 2
To top

New England (14 images), 1958-1962, undated

  • Box 22, Folder 3
To top

UK campus and Trail Lale[?]r (19 images), 1964

  • Box 22, Folder 4
To top

England and Scotland (21 images), 1952,1966-1970

  • Box 22, Folder 5
To top

Atlantic crossing (10 images), circa 1950s,1966-1970

  • Box 22, Folder 6
To top

Netherlands and Belgium (9 images), circa 1950s, 1966-1970

  • Box 22, Folder 7
To top

Switzerland (76 images), circa 1950s, 1970-1973

  • Box 22, Folder 8
To top

Geneva, Switzerland (11 images), 1970

  • Box 22, Folder 9
To top

Germany (38 images), circa 1950s, 1966-1970

  • Box 22, Folder 10
To top

Denmark (14 images), 1966-1973

  • Box 22, Folder 11
To top

Norway (3 images), 1973

  • Box 22, Folder 12
To top

Sweden (9 images), 1966-1973

  • Box 22, Folder 13
To top

Paris and Le Havre areas, France (11 images), circa 1950s-1970

  • Box 22, Folder 14
To top

Italy (2 images), 1970

  • Box 22, Folder 15
To top

660 S. Limestone interior and exterior (17 images), 1966-1970

  • Box 22, Folder 16
To top

Natural Bridge State Park (17 images), 1968

  • Box 22, Folder 17
To top

Appalachia (40 images), 1968-1969

  • Box 22, Folder 18
To top

Nova Scotia (37 images), 1969

  • Box 22, Folder 19
To top

Western U.S. (91 images), 1972

  • Box 22, Folder 20
To top

20 original Kodak boxes containing color transparencies, circa 1956-1972

  • Box 40, Item 1-20
To top

Family papers, circa 1840-1970

Scope and Contents note

The Family papers series contains correspondence, documents, and photographic images that relate to either the family as a whole, or to Henrietta, Paul, or George Mathews. Also included are documents pertaining to the settlement of Henrietta's mother's estate. Because there were more materials pertaining to Paul Mathews than to the others, a subseries was created for him. The remainder of the materials are arranged according to genre and therein by name.

Paul Mathews, circa 1919-1970

Scope and Contents note

Correspondence written by Ruth and Henrietta Mathews, professional acquaintances, and Peg Lathrope; his thesis for the Doctorate of Music Education degree from Columbia University; financial records; programs; and negatives and gelatin silver prints. Materials are arranged chronologically within folders.

Correspondence, 1919-1970

  • Box 37, Folder 1
To top

Thesis statement for Doctorate of Music Education degree, 1941

  • Box 37, Folder 2
To top

Financial documents, circa 1920s

  • Box 37, Folder 3
Scope and Contents note

Includes check stubs for school supplies, a personal account book and a school account book for Ft. Wayne, Indiana.

To top

(1) UK commencement program; (1) Northside High School commencement program; (1) daily journal, 1925-1929

  • Box 37, Folder 4
To top

(6) prints and (3) duplicates of Paul, some family members and unidentified persons, undated

  • Box 37, Folder 5, Item 1-6
To top

(2) prints of Wisconsin High School band, circa 1927-1928

  • Box 37, Folder 5, Item 7-8
To top

(3) prints and (2) duplicates of an automobile, circa 1927

  • Box 37, Folder 5, Item 9-11
To top

(3) prints of the 1928 flood in Lexington, 1928

  • Box 37, Folder 5, Item 12-14
To top

(7) negatives from Marblehead and Lake Erie area, 1927

  • Box 37, Folder 5, Item 15-21
To top

(6) prints and (3) matching negatives of Great Lakes area, circa 1927

  • Box 37, Folder 6, Item 1-6
To top

(8) prints of miscellaneous subjects, including Clarence and Henrietta Mathews and unidentified persons, undated

  • Box 37, Folder 6, Item 7-14
To top

(3) prints and (2) duplicates of Paul Mathews' portraits, undated

  • Box 37, Folder 6, Item 15-17
To top

Correspondence, circa 1840-1948

Scope and Contents note

Letters of sympathy to Henrietta Mathews on the death of Clarence in 1928, correspondence written by Henrietta and Clarence or other family members to the children as a group, correspondence addressed to the entire Mathews family, and a small collection of letters written by or to Clarence Mathews' parents in the 1840s-1850s. Correspondence is arranged by recipient and chronologically therein.

Clarence Mathews' parents: This group of letters was sent to Ruth Mathews by her cousin Mabel Emerson in 1942., circa 1840-1860

  • Box 38, Folder 1
To top

Henrietta Mathews, 1892-1916

  • Box 38, Folder 2
To top

Henrietta Mathews, 1917-1938, undated

  • Box 38, Folder 3
To top

Jointly addressed to Clarence and Henrietta, 1917-1919, 1928, undated

  • Box 38, Folder 4
To top

George Mathews, 1914-1944

  • Box 38, Folder 5
To top

Jointly addressed to Ruth, Paul and George, 1938-1945

  • Box 38, Folder 6
To top

Addressed to whole Mathews family, circa 1907-1948

  • Box 38, Folder 7
To top

Addressed to members outside immediate family, circa 1907-1940

  • Box 38, Folder 8
Scope and Contents note

Includes letters addressed to Clarence's sister Eva, his brother Marcelle, his father and niece Mabel.

To top

Sarah Safford estate, circa 1882-1928

Scope and Contents note

The majority of materials pertain to the settlement of the estate of Sarah Safford, Henrietta Mathews' mother, who was living with them in Lexington at the time of her death in 1926. These include financial materials, her will, tax information, funeral expenses, petitions and general settling of accounts. Also in this subseries are documents of the Mathews family including financial records and miscellaneous materials. The Sarah Safford estate documents retain their original order, which is somewhat organized by topic. The miscellaneous documents are arranged chronologically.

Receipts and cancelled checks, 1917-1927

  • Box 39, Folder 1
To top

Account books and check stubs, 1926-1927

  • Box 39, Folder 2
To top

Cemetery lot, headstone, funeral expenses, 1860-1926

  • Box 39, Folder 3
To top

Attempts to collect on bonds, settling and closing out of accounts and subscriptions., 1926-1927

  • Box 39, Folder 4
To top

Appeals for signatures and information concerning petition for collection of bonds., 1926-1927

  • Box 39, Folder 5
To top

More documents pertaining to petition for collection of bonds, Sarah Safford's will, paperwork naming Clarence Mathews as executor, settling of estate in Massachusetts., 1926-1927

  • Box 39, Folder 6
To top

Final settlement, 1926-1927

  • Box 39, Folder 7
To top

Miscellaneous documents, circa 1888-1928

  • Box 39, Folder 8
Scope and Contents note

Includes sale of Clarence Mathews' dairy/milk delivery business, assets/debts of family, IOUs from Paul to Clarence and Henrietta to pay back loans for post-graduate studies (with interest), George Mathews' grades from UK, paper likely written by Clarence Mathews on home gardening in 1921

To top

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You may come across language in UK Libraries Special Collections Research Center collections and online resources that you find harmful or offensive. SCRC collects materials from different cultures and time periods to preserve and make available the historical record. These materials document the time period when they were created and the view of their creator. As a result, some may demonstrate racist and offensive views that do not reflect the values of UK Libraries.

If you find description with problematic language that you think SCRC should review, please contact us at