xt76q52fbf4g https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt76q52fbf4g/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1983-12-07 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, December 07, 1983 text The Kentucky Kernel, December 07, 1983 1983 1983-12-07 2020 true xt76q52fbf4g section xt76q52fbf4g —_———_————————————————————————-——
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Students say advising ‘unhelpful’ ° some facult call it ‘ d’
7 9 y goo
By PATTYGERSTLE had presented her book and course impersonal and at times unhelpful." fashionable to criticlre the .idtising rushed meetings during alliance Nathan “.4! i-. has in: it we
Staff Writer notes from the UL biology class, she said Goetz. who has changed majors process." said Herbert liri'llntili registration ml tiitfirultzs .mi‘. My Will‘ .2. its
could have proved that the course three times and been assigned to stir dean of the College of t‘oliiniunit-d George Dexter. associate regis t‘Allsll‘iis innoiraiiat-t.
When Beth Purdon transferred was comparable to UK‘S course, and advisers. lions lrar said ' Adylslng and scheduli- Niall-tits .i. not .uiiw .l‘ .l ! inn
from the Univemty of Louisville to shewould not have had to take it “Most advisers have too many “Sometimes anything that dmsnl building have been confused A «tn-r: 2w hm- tlw timo- stir
UK in Fall 1m, she hoped a UL bl- again. students assigned to them.“ she turn out right is labeled bad .lii\'l.\ strong adusmg program would haw then: she \iu‘. tin-t .m- miner
ology course would tramfer With Because she was not informed by said. “Faculty ady'isers have to log." said Drennon. who was in a short term element scheduling «st in tom-i a.» mine it'- i~..m \imt
her. . her adwser of such an option, she worry about their classes adt'isees charge of advismg for some in wan and long term how courses fit at“ \AJl! uni- .idtnim- rogutiaiitui in tin
HerUKadvtser, however, saidthe was required to take “the same and themselves so there is no time during the 196m in the college oi they would ‘ lung irrinplniiiiiioi
course would not fulfill departmen- course twice" and said she feels her to get to know you or be concerned Arts & Sciences "1 think the .idvis “The l'mi'emty is interested in ltit- minor»; and int .idtiwn tit
ta] requirements. Purdon, a biology “year at U of L was a waste as far about your needs ing processx is a convenient whip .l(i\|.\lnfl but it‘s'so decentralimt tindu his: unlit-nit \ tlllll it. it i
junior, explained to her adviser that asmajorhourswere concerned.“ Many University students express- ping boy “ llt' said "Most departments ea tit-ms :. mm militia. \t inn will
the course she took at UL covered The adviser “could have at least ed similar sentiments but at least According to Webster .t Ninth \m port the student to make the point to the to»... owl mom i.» 2.... it do
the same material she would be cov- said, ‘Well, show us that the classes one administrator said he believes Collegiate Dl(‘t|t)nur\. adtising mine in tit-nth hum .l: minim: in.» ‘ it'll
enng in a course she was required arethesame,‘ "Purdon said. students‘ complaints often are exag- means "to give advice. to t-ntuisel ltul students often do not make the mold i.» lbllhiit‘l shut \l.liif". who
to take at UK. But she was advised Mary Goetz, a home economics ju- gerated caution. warn. recommend in pull“ to discuss longterm plans with .lii\l\4*\ 5r :.- tut prv‘vrllft'\\llilhll
totaketheUKclassanyway. nior, is also unhappy with the advis- ”Contrary to popular myth. some of UK‘s departments. homo their advisers until preregistrutioo students .izid :litiw mil: limo: pron
7 Late in the semester, she found ing she has received from the Uni- most advising here tat UK) is satis- er. it has been translated in sin “hell advisers are overloaded with lt'llls
out from another student that if she versity. “Advisers are rushed. factory to good, but it has become dents and faculty. as no monl than students \ll\l\|\(. _a‘r i
WW‘ 0 0
. (“WW 2 2‘ .. * -* Assnstance fund gives
2.. 2: ‘ 3.2 e e
. (1 II t t
.. 7 - o ars o organiza ions
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. 9/ . ~\ as... o epma een smee
, W (; 7, 2:: 1!, ' : 5:2,. 7,4" ’ I)“ V 4‘ ' Q 3;
fit. ’ g ‘ ,4 if” . N . .. ,. ““2 , H) EIJZAlll-ITIH‘AKAS
. F‘ a ._ . 1. 77’7"“? "I . .7 Z htaffthllcr 0'
l "“123!!! :6” ,./ 7= 1 61' . g 7,” flag The Student Government Assocla ~-~-~-—--
. r :7... {a} 72...,» . ‘ . / l. ‘ Q _ M ”if“: -. “w... tion has a source of money for sin
l if” 7 T: ,- .3 .11! .‘ " . 7 ' ' -‘ "” dent orgamzations that have spectal ' M M M *
l f. if. . .37, 2;; , \ ‘i‘ _‘t' 2 .__. 7:. 7 proyects planned w,
l 3:: ’9' " 7 "" , j l 1 ” ' 3: *":j‘3;«7$:;797:';:;r§4€< The Student Organization A5515 ' O. "W 0-!- " ~ .
l . 7. ”3 p. I 7 . .Ml /' V. ’ " \\ . " "w 3‘” lance hind was created three years “COW
: -. ' . fi J \ r" M , . . ago when SGA was granted 31 {mm ' b u w M 'Q
r .7 . "i {:52 ' ‘ 7' - . each student's activity fee by the w
i . ‘2» - 7 .. - \ \U ' w" liniyerSity Senate. Neil Hardest}, OHMhhw 7
. . . _ _ £32 .' N . an; t, SGA senator at largesaid ' h h M d m w
i 7 ._ . ' 42* - ‘_ \‘x, e- ” ‘ Tim l-‘reudenberg, SGA Vice presi» m
. satin” .313; 7\ . Q. '-\ . dent, said although the fund was °h-.~w
" .. “ .‘Vf . . .77 _' created three years ago. the Senate ' 0.- .. m ““7
. 777 ° .7; l 7‘ 2‘ ' I." Must pass a bill to reestablish the M‘NW
. ' ..: / 277,1‘T'f’s2ggofl '3 " q: ' program each year l-‘reudenberg ° “a...” w
7. .‘ . E». 2 “ said he has written the bill for tho '“MN
' ~" 75532. , f 5, .7," Pasllwfii'ears
. £2 2. “if-.5 _ 3,2' . ‘ - \ ,2 “The reason I wrote the bill is so
l 2?: 7 .5 -' 7.‘ "" we could use the resources we hayi- lit 7 v , b .
. f i ’7’}: ‘ ‘ . t 7-, ¢ 10 get people involved on campus . ' . .n“ ' ".“" “mm“ "mm-V .
a) ,1? 7 ~‘ . a and to encourage them to develop will tie ltllitl w 1".“ lliaiy lei-l it is
. l , :2- . F' a.) . ‘K‘hs - f: m. their skills." he sald “That's one at '(‘f‘mm “‘ ”' "l“, “N‘ "' “‘"
l W {~42 , 3* , \’\ " ,' i the best ways we can help stu d;’&':l‘:\';;:i'“ i‘nifit‘nu’:‘r'"::::;) “H
t ' / ‘I ' 2 , l ' ”I .3. dents" ' ‘ _ ' '
f . ’7 , y .77. v _ 7 \3‘ .7 Most cam gr need “m". llurllig the Si-itimlt-l llt‘ will Vb" _
v . , y %:..777 7 7 , .7 t7 7‘ ‘7 w a, (3181 help my?” amtlu started. :{iive ”ll lti Anita-sly [International
' -« ~ . 7 v, ‘ r. Freudenberg said ”They dm't need 0 set up a library of articln and
. 7 :1 .2 . ,- , ,, ”I. ., , . people. they do". need ideas. what pliniphlt-Ls uninvited with lhl‘lf nli
. z 4‘35rv-2-W,..,..t. 7f“, . they need is money .. tilinal iiffltt- He also said the 33m
w“_‘____g______>#_h¢_ ...__._........ 777 A .. fi__ .. 7 .:.a-.__._;.. ”##77 _ :A..__.__.._..._“-,..-.._.-.._.....i_........ ., _WW____“ . . wreak-W. " “j "2*" HtJ said that last year m "(film “rd"! 1“ \llldt'lll\ I“ N“... “1"?”th
WNW“ i 2 ‘~ to double the amount of funds bud- “('7‘ We w-rirwiriltmmh;
, .ti in groups have nee-n orlunale
- Sleepy head 53:1? :Jpas‘mtefzgmfllorh enough to recoup funds The- Aaron
been difficult but we've stuck to it ‘2 omy ”U" was ”Pm"! " ”m "”00""
With all the time that studying for finals comsumes, Deborah for a peaceful nap yesterday in one of the study arc-as ill \1 l h('Sald "I'm realproudofthat " , m" “WM "‘m‘ “n"‘m’ m'" 5'”
Taaffe, an Arts & Sciences senior, reserves a spare moment King Library. The Student Organization A8815 mm“ u’ “M“: ".“p “dim“ “0"
: ___; lance Committee comprised of mm- "'5‘ And n". l " ”w” iluh "m
members. is ”mm” for decidr away emplyhalidwf lifter petitioniru
mg I. a particular “Rama...” .8 al fliiz to M'llfl fl\'l‘ individuals in the
ear ar or lofted money “It's a separate body l’anAm “am”
from the Sam“? comprised of sen» 01:10:: X10“. moneyI distributed by
. 'lo. 'nd ini tlv ‘h . l is usua y given as I
Professors recall the day Japanese planes killed or wounded 3,435 people iii-Edie- ni'i’ti‘atmd "' m“ my; ."W ";’7;_ml."*;..".r"7- 3.
J . .3 con y oaner 2 o quat- -
By ALEXCROUCH In its editorial, the Kernel closed fessor in the School of Biological Scl- Washington was to abandon the cha'fi‘ma’l‘ifif mwimidoménoxtfim ‘Wmm‘m ‘3‘" “' ““5 “’"m '0'
Senior Staff Writer ranks. “Until 1:25 pm. Sunday the ences Herbert Riley first heard the West Coast and hold the line ill the about may, a year winch an my ”" ”mm“ "' V“ “'1 "ll“
Kernel was mildly isolationist, tak- news at “about 7 or 8 o‘clock. We Rockies Lucky for us the Japanese flexible" because the Senate a... mm“? '0' “MR1 Way of "If
Saturday, Dec. 6, 1941, a date of ing the viewpoint that the longer we were just getting dressed to go to decided to go through South East allot more moneyasitianeeded “"63““ L“ “A” “mm" a
no particular importance save that stay out the better. church. Asia.“ About 20 percent of SGA‘s total '0‘” I ””6"” ”a", Q H w” m“
basketball coach Adolf Rupp’s Wild- “But the open, deliberate attack “Everyone was scared on the When Riley came to Kentucky budget is devoted to helping student do” ""1"" " I
cats opened their season by defeat- on American territory. the cold- West Coast. My wife and I had a from Seattle “everything seemed so orgammumlml‘berguld “en (1mm, 1933 Hi mum
ingtheMiami Redskins 35-21. blooded slaughter Of American citi- young baby four montlm old, and we calm and peaceful." he said. "Peo- manger said “Most of the urge said the you iii a m’lt‘e or run.
_ The day before, topping its front zens, theobvious intentof the ocean- didn‘t know what would happen,“ pic here didn't seem to know there nizations know dbout it (the fundsi tion 90 A". [int don't “until..."-
page with a preview of the game, wide Japanese offensive leave but Riley said. “We thought the Japs wasawar going on." by letters we've sent out or by word that much molar-yon mm ~ y
the Kentucky Kernel also disclosed one road open. . .. would come any moment. lawrence Bradford. emeritus pro- of mouth “ '
that an “overwhelming" majority of “So it is that the Kernel eagerly “For four days there was a com: lessor in agriculture. first heard In (rder to be eligible for money. “There‘s no way they iSGAi can
students favored going to war if calls on every student in the Univer- plete blackout — lights and radio. about the attack when he was gomg a group must be a mum cam- lose." (‘lifford said hie Tahlrtl are
‘ Germany could not be beaten any my to stand prepared for anything And there were barrage balloom all home from Lexington to Flemings- pm aganization, he said If it u. selling rapidly although 'we would
otherway. hemaybecalledupontodo. around the city. All the children had burg. "l was enraged as far as not registered, the youp's members hi" "MM 3 W3) 1” pay "‘1' My
0n the other side of the world, on “The life of the United States is name labels with where to send that's concerned — we didn't have must secure a statement from the NICK HEW/fl) ‘
Sunday, a first wave of 360 Japanese threatened, and University of Ken- them in case something happened. too many details. 1! was a dastardly Dean of Students Office or the Col:
dive bombers and torpedo planes tucky students muststand ready." in case the parents were killed. thingfor them todo " lege Dean‘s 0".“ any.“ a... M VWS‘I'M” “"3 h“ is very plated
swooped down upon the US. mili- Seven-thousandsix-hundred-and-f— Later‘lwe saw the battered ships Classics professor Lawrence are a viable student organization with what themmmiltee has accorn
tary base at Pearl Harbor in the ter- orty-four UK men and women re- comeintothenavy yard." Thompson was working m m. h. mum...“ the Umversity cornmu Plum and “NM “k" l“ W ore-m
ritoryofflawaii. sponded to the Kernel's call. and 332 These conditions still existed when brary at Iowa State College at my 2- ”mm “W" "m “‘V' "m “‘4‘"
The attack began at 7:55 am. died. They make up part of the 9,265 Riley left in June 1942.hesaid. Alma. “Somebody came in and told A member mint then fill out an H' “M n “ “manna. that many
(12:55 EST); and less than two Kentuckians who died in the war Riley said people on the West me."hesaid. "Whatlhad feared all application Wujmm [M Wk“ you"; ”m" apply When M h".
hours and a second wave later the and whose names appear on the Coast were too bmy worrying about my adult life had happened I had mm a brief description of the .01”. hr” "W‘u'" “"1””
Japanese force — at that time the wallsof Memorial Coliseum. their own situation to think about seen the world moving in that three try him um --m M He W4 armp- my, . but“
largest concentration of naval air Teaching at the University of how the rest of the country was re- tion for to years " apply for funds we don't ask a whole chance of receiving money when
power in history — had sunk five Washington at Seattle, emeritus pro- acting. “We heard that the plan in Thompson said he l’nllevgs' "one lotolquestiom “ they awl) in; mm. in gm
battleships and severely damaged , thing we have learned is not to have The committee then vote. and amounts and smaller propel; are
three, had destroyed 188 airplanes ‘ a hatred for a whole people We may give the group either lull or oftentimes!
and damaged 63. and had killed 0" .2 don't believe in guilt by association panialfundnguld "___..-
wolihmdedatsgapeoge. ‘de t Fr nkl' ; - Jr as much as we [58d to Even then Hardeaty “Id. "It has to benefit
e nex y eat it a In W . there was a good deal of panic but students The mac my request-
D. Roosevelt declared war on the U. Cf 5,: a : nobaaic hatred " (xi the m students it mint bane» 'NSIDE
fig mm. Alina? class: were I / ‘J IL ‘ As in almost every war the timted m '- . , . _
e a ,mos pr essors smiss- ‘9) States has fought. a cmplrat‘} the- In order to eliminate waste or vy. w ::
ed their students to let them hear , i U ‘ .31: . ory arose about the Pearl Harbor abuse of the find. the “alliance Angie-db an (“i I” .
thew?“ " . 'I - 77 :, debacle. George Herrlm, a L'K his- committee M a. following M' “h-..” ~ . g ,2:-
ln its first wartime paper, the .7 t o ' . 7 . w tory professor. said “It first named mom to evaluate applicants "Have IIWJIFWHV ' 'W
Kernel topped with the headline, i 1; 2‘ (If—PC" hearing after World War ll when they mam Mn: wow-- ~00 ' =~.“~f
(President) Duovan am students A . - t. \ is," 3, ‘ / people mostly on the far right were they have any other m of fluid no in. a to... a “ ' '
For Calm. Obedience [It Must Se- _ . '_ " ‘vI $3 L .Q' 1 fl dissatisfiedwiththewtcome ing"" “I; the mum newly ~ g, a, h ~fl‘ ‘ “W:
rlouaCrlsle'. '. \‘ dfvh" . ' ’ ‘ = ”L “‘9 theory SUM W" U"? ‘75 registered" “How farmohim ll _ ~. . . Q
Ammg the stillent reaction re- . fit: ,1 t ’ 2/ ,a «J diplomatically maneuvered Japan tl'ieeveat"" m u m ' y ’ "‘i
ported wee Jdln Dallavo. an 8311- ' " ' ' 2' t} i l 1' it *3 - : _ .. r "“0 I m ind M "P P98” H8" Hardeaty also and the applieatiai “a, Q ”Fir-1‘?!) ”"
culture sophomore: "l . . . waidered . ‘ ‘ .'.. / :2 ' bor as bait. Roosevelt then refused must be mum helm the "an ' “177,, fie?
whoeefaultltwaswewerecatght "‘2.‘ 2 V towarndiebueinordertomakeauaplace“Wedon'tdolllyre- '
surprised. Gosh, but 1 would like to : ' 7 - _ ‘ ,/// _." the attack more devastating The ”numb"
have been hi front of that Japan: 2,. . . i theory prennned that the I; S had mm “id h. -mm the WEATHER
ambuaador when I heard the ‘7 j . noreal interest in thewar except for mu” has mm 3 Wm.
newa," and Jack Jackson, a com- . . , \ \ A." .. Roosevelt‘s. lion. already this year for a total at . «we _,
mace Ionic; ”Wipe 'em out! Beat .. -' -. . .. , ~33. . — , - - "It was a lively nine in the late about Claim Of those manta. ‘ h u h
HellmtofthmeJapal" — - ." ~7- (J u..- t g _ - .. no. and early 'oia." Herring said, .m «.000 h. hoon yum. he ' hub-Ian“ “’7’”-
13.9.”, Q Ma“. “5” 23%;, - - . "M mum Nd ”Wm “3d , 1“. mnfi‘?y.
pram, predicted: “Thiawarvlll “b- newt am the political nah! " nieeamnlueeeanmlyallotwto hhflfle .7 7"..." '
Newmanmtmbm. "— 73.- x nohom wail-tenet book Pearl minimal-ammonia ." , an"? n
It will not be I w d six m0- ” fin? ~ Harbor — Irwin; and Docs-ion? I mid anthem, w and. i‘ t. , .. tit-.2... .
a year, but me that will last from ' M med tobtry the m. but recent if a m wants to agily ft: m. ‘32)?" f3“ ' ‘1’." initial“ so
twototlreeyeanatleut." J.TIIIIAYL'WM botahavereviveditflerringuid limpbmmu. "”"W ’ 7 “5"" ‘
O l I .

 2 - TH! KENTUCKY KINEI. WM, December 7, 1m
0 e e , e
LIBRARY [DUMB English graduate tries to preserve city s image ~—
THE . ,
Pres?" “" ay SACHA Davnoom . I
Staff Writer .
Ever since Chests Salisbury came to UK ..% «$3,; m
in M] to straiy architectm'e, he has seen w“ .. w
. . buildingstorndowncontinuouly. it 2 * jay z. . ;.
. ' . “It has beerl a real heartbreak for me to -, were“: , . . _ w ...x ‘
seethisrevitalization programinplaceot “i
9 ' our historical heritage,” said Salisbury, who . ' - f , 1
EVERYONE s drinks for 50¢ mm m, . M...“ o. m. m ,,, _ , v A .
English and currently is a computer science ‘- ‘
e e . ,, .
- WI Junior. SUW an.“ , 2......" :2 -- MI- KERIi
. 1.1°00 1'00 A Salisbury is now director of the Saunier . ‘ _ c
' Street Stables, Inc. The wyeardd stables ;, -‘- —“"
Ladles dl’lnkS Stlll Only 50¢ represent a piece of history that he and the I rail ' Quite
other Saunier board members are trying to ‘ 1‘ ‘ : ment"
0 raise money to renovate. The building, which m m u i-‘ ”-5 ,. film 1 ha
0 . was formerly the Nicol] and Thomas stables, . -. . .

- -° is located on 171 Saunier St., a narrow alley ~, m . 1 (I. i"- F ' 5‘ if: t;
——.—-—— No cover betweenShortandSecondstreets. , » W I witgh Ja
with U K I D 53mm" said he is planning ‘° m "“3 W I ’ . ‘ ' and Sill

' ' ' ' building to run a nonprofit, horsedrawn car- _ 1 l « turn in
Happy Hour riage service with historical tours. Two . ‘ 3 what w
‘;,- . routes are being considered through the _ . "- ' \, - ‘ bo um
- , Tonlte downtown and Chevy Chase areas. Salisbury _ I. - _ { - - 4 Chi}? m
- , at the said UK will not be included in either route “1 . k _ g .- S
- . becauseofheavy traffic. ___,_, ....... ‘ f . no, harm __ w- Mg:

The company is trying to raise $400M”, he JACK STIVEIS/KernelStaff “Terr
said. This money would be used to buy and Chester Salisbury, founder of a horse-drawn carriage service, said he hopes to pre- . so man
restore the property and W00“ 3150 take serve a piece of Lexington through his organization — Saunier Street Stables, Inc. rarel
care of the operating expenses for the first watchir
yearof business, hesaid. organization, that will be of best interests to nier Street Stables is to get the carriages on become

“We will be looking to get support from thehorsee; they willbeour main employees. the street. Salisbury said he hoped to have like sh'
historical foundations, federal and state, to “Any income above expenses will be do- some carriages on the road by Easter. The ‘ membe

, get donations from private individuals, and hated to the Bluegrass Tnmt for the Historic renovation is not scheduled to be finished for the ire
' from the horse farms,” he said. “We would Preservation, so when anyone uses the serv- another eight montts, so the horses will be work a
liketogetacoalition together. ice they will know it is going right back into stabled out of town temporarily until the sta- roacht

“Our main concern is going to be the pub- Lexington, to improve their hometown,” Sa- ble willbeable to accommodate them. p
lic image of Lexington,” Salisbury said. The lisbury said.

T H U R S DAY carriage service “would serve to promote Salisbury said they will use about 12 Mor- Donations may be sent to Saunier Street S‘
tourism and convention business. Another gan horses because they can work all day. Stables in care of the Bluegrass Trust, 201 N. ‘
// concern is to make the service a nonprofit Morgan said the first priority of the Sau- Mill St.,Iexington.
. IS UK DAY' Am - - -
/ - nesty International srngs for human rights 3395::
TROU SE RS, SKIRTS, By KRIS'IOPHER RUSSELL member and microbiology junior. Only the UN. there are human rights violations in 50%;:
SWEATERS SPORT Staff Writer about seven people, however, attended the almosteveryoneofthem.” here {0,
. COATS performance. The program began with Tassie and Sean

' Amnesty International presented a musi- Tassie said the organization’s philosophy is Gilley, a computer-science senior, perform- In Heat
cal performance last night on human rights to “seek the release of prisoners of con- ing a duet, while a slide show of human The R0.

to a sparse gathering in the Student Center science.” These prisoners are held because rights violations shone on the projection Alth
Theater. of their beliefs on nonviolence, Tassie said. screen. Then, Sarah Tarpey, an undecided th t 10
. EACH The program, titled “A Road to Free- ”A good example of this is the solidarity freshman, joined with Tassie and Gilley to l: I: r
' . dom?", featured two acorstic guitarists, a membersinPoland,“he said. giveashortspeech. ill/h m
slide show and dialogues all designed to Tassie said the program was designed to The three performers talked about human dr en 3’

2 PC SUITS make the public more aware of the organiza- show that freedom “doesn’t exist throughout rights violations in Cambodia, South Africa minis»
PLAIN 1 PC DRESSES tion and of human rights violations through- the world." and Yugoslavia. Tassie said a Yugoslavian ahlsr}

out the world. “We’re trying to show human rights viola- man, who was interviewed by three foreign T .9

Amnesty International has 500,000 mem- tions are existing out there — almost every- journalists, was arrested following the inter- t?“,t,‘°“

bers across the globe, said Joel Tassie, a where,” he said. “Out of the 154 countries in view and imprisoned. Ellis 3:

dated fr



- ml .
SHlRTS - . , FOR A LARK 1984 Spring Advance .
LAUNDEREC TO , - ’ . ._._....-.---._-'.- - -. .. _ _ 5313;-
n; POERSE‘CTAtzté FOSLDED, . - EARN up w Registration Schedules . u]
H ER ' - ' C tu
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Crossroads Shopping Ctr turtland Mall ~ . "
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an . J ,l 3: -1“ Q‘L_ _~ ,7 SEND YOUR FRIENDS 5 Visit us today at 1313-4 Nancy Hunks Road, 5'
In : j ( as... l \\ . CHATEAU VILLAGE APTS., or call 255-6098 8.
n . . , :
lwocml ,9 \szmwrmw em“ “
. \i , . . '3' c a 9 Ir
. _ a. /‘ “it ‘ ‘-
“C t8 feat ‘ ‘ ’ ‘ / @ message All GREETINGS /' "\ E, If) s‘
- i , ‘t ' - 4 .
, amp 8 l ./ . ._ i, this year through : fly; .A‘i\ , .. ' We my C
‘ KBVTUCKY ' . " _; I
7 t Pondel‘osa - K . - > the Kernel CLASSIFIEDS ° _ V, / , pick YOU!
.‘\ \ ’/ Wish your boyfriend, girlfriend, ; ‘\ ‘ /f
t' 0 ill , J ‘ ’ roommate, house mother, hall . ‘ P /’“\'l ‘33 "m. m a I." J‘
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‘Terms Of Endearment’ is the best American f] f ll]
-——‘—_—_ American cinema for quite some “the selection of human moments a result the two‘s close rapport re- her larout tie k't‘t-w \ t . 'l -\ i or . . ~
I 7 7 i t i .M iv v I. u ltlllltnlli *1 v1 _ .«NI‘ .l
KERNEL RATING 10 time. . that Brooks has chmen to bring to mains exident even when the two ten¢ to her iii-.1“ 3 ti- mm ”.'.., p “.7., "qu,“ 7, '.u .‘ : ‘, V 7
______—_.~._——.——— The top_superlatives h?” mum be life ls "Mullve Of that lnt‘rt‘dl are hundreds of miles spurt 15 this t'miuitcristi -~_.i “I“. ‘34,.” \h'. MM“ \ "o' . ,
. 7 given to first-tune film director (for- ble dichotomy called the human ex those mam-ink our: \zii anti-it me this.- kiki mum-”i ~.--- .
Quttenmply. “Terms of Endear- mer creator of such television perience. Emma s actions are an extension guard all llk' :ioir l- i-...' i .on. ‘i'tt‘fl. shim-i . . ,.
merit" IS the finest American-made greats as "Mary Tyler Moore" and of Aurora s and woe i-ersa They comical \iniiimi .i~ tn. hi . w- . .-i \-
filmlhaveseenintwoyears. “Tax1“).Jamos L. Brooks. whohas 'nie performances, including the learn grow and suffer through each iiiiitim has «hi-in.“ . - i
Can you think of a better way to managed to successfully weave not minor characters. all are euphrh other but manage to capture the Maclaines iri-ioriii..-ii- ~ w ..i mil-.2 {HANK “Mb-{Pris kin...‘
begin the holiday movte seasonthan one. but three, highly personal and ham the quiet and unforgettable most out of life in such a manner the sparkling pm. -»i ’H" .i-m" kiui lI‘\dtL\l' ivt n w .i' . .i
With Jack Nicholson, Debra Winger emotional relatiomhips into a film scene in which Machine scams- her that seems only fitting to their char Not since llN' lttrnit.‘ in. :~.: mm W.- iiiii \u um... ,i .‘... - . -
and Shirley NiacLame’.’ All of which that plays like the conversation an daughter for marrying the '\\rtlllg ilt‘lt’t‘s Brooks obviously wanted to the seen her tii-rx trinii ‘! :-i-i~-. t...‘ “who '..iiiz iiiii: w M ~.
turn in. exqutsne performances tn American family has while sitting man to the tear-wrenching lllli‘ll Purim} lht‘ "‘lflhomhlp NW?“ the "‘0‘" hum” “'-1""‘“’7"“"'" “’ '~’" Hmw f-HYMD 1 I «m r '
What W1“ PFOhahly he the hrlghtfil aroundlhedlnnertable. scene. “Terms“ begs for attention twi not as motherdaughter but most memorable itmrin'vrs w .m ,2 l“l'l‘il.lll\\ iii 2.. in . um
bouquet ‘0 reach the screen ”“5 The tapestry that Brookshasreal- all of which it wholeheartedly tie more as close Sisters who share ltlmfor-“t‘nflhut'h '4‘» ..niié.i:~.ii.i-st ll't‘.-l"..t'io~
Christmas. ized in this film goes beyond the ev- serves. their most intimate secrets “ii-:1 tun-“ii, ..t i ..i, ii ;- ii
eryday conventions that we aicoun. lh-tirii “trim-i tut-.iks llll'tttlfili .i hum.I \ tiiistuiiii‘, t "in-t .. . i.
M ter in our own harried day-today Shirley Machine as the ferocious it is her machinations that we {01‘ the titundartes the tim ll"~l!ii'u‘. lt'lll‘A at l‘tli‘irut‘ -.
:_ “Terms of Endearment" explores existence. Here. he encapsulates all ly outspoken and gutsy Aurora ltm from the beginning of the film her acting in butt l min i mini-i .7... tr lftzxsnf t i t 7., . . i.‘
1 so many facets of human life that it of those rare instances of high-level Greenway is the center of the family as she climbs into her daughter's and An Ht‘licei .lllll .i i.i~i llt‘llldll ..sw iii tiii- mum: mt.“ .i -- ,.
rarely seems like y0u‘re actually human drama that typify thecondi- nucleus. Her interaction with her (Til) to make sure she hasn't sufr She. of coursi- \\.i\ -.ii-.. .iiiiii- ..i.~- “with“ mitoi - , . .,
s m watching it. Instead, the characters tion of the modern man. That's not daughter. however. is a Virtally lm' lered the fate of crib death to the age in both oi tiiiisi- t-iit llt‘lr' \iii- .“.,
iave become so real and familiar that it‘s to say that the result is always high portant and continually changing ciid -ii> she clings to her daughter's takes risks lll hcr .ii am; not \l‘i‘li hr
The . like sharing a couple of hours with emotion experiences «such as birth, facet of her life. The ambitious. de \ltlt’ in a more grim lifedeath bat- fore Her limtm ;~ ti. . .t‘.ll 1». ii- i . i ..7 h , .. 7. ., _
[for members of your family. And thatis marrige or death — even though sires and neett ofeach emanate out {let Aurora tireenway is a woman fined and ltl‘llMNl tli.ii i..i; .iiiii- ii. :... 7A.. 9., t 7 . . . ..
1 be the key 'to making a film like this those are certainly present) but, the through their individual personalir who remains independent through love her as it she ui-ri- :l‘. i.ii: \illll Hizfin: rt. '. . i. ; -' . . .
sta- work. With that in mind. the film ap- subtle nuances that make us laugh, ties but the decisions they arrive at out as she illustrates by not accept- Slster Emma eni-oiiiiii-rs .o: ..i m.-
proaches a quality unseen in the cry and reJOice as well. never really seem that different its me the lcwd luncheon invitation that problems ot lillt' .Itlllll‘M iii .- .tlltl lultiti I “H l i \\t~
m S 9 9 ' '
anta aus me 11 r0 5 With some new stocking stuffers
If you have some music lovers on your Christmas list .. . r-i‘hurcb of the Poison Minq~ the first single. is so :hmll .it ili.~ Mei ll'
ts and can’t decide just what to get them. maybe this little " different Wm ”QM“ Really Wanna Hurt M" m; MM ( Ht “0““ \“ mm “.‘Wb
list of some of Samais favorite new albums will be of .57". hand s first big l .5 hit from the prewous album ttiiii
some help. , many fans may have been disappotnted But there is ll“
Is in _, - . .t )1 that the charm which cata tilted the band Lli lctlt‘ .\ . i. _ t» i, ii iiiiNi n.4,.“ .| ,. ~
These are all new releases and there is somethin ques l( i p l i i ii iii i i . , ,i
‘ hereforeveryone.from mildtomaniacal. g E===== —_:W t‘ thet-liartsisstillpresentjndstronger thanever ill. '.iitil lllll\llli.l\ l'.\l \ltllll‘\ lllli ’_i " -" . \
sean - I... - __ , (blow by Numbers features