xt76t14tj69b https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt76t14tj69b/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 19270211  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, February 11, 1927 text The Kentucky Kernel, February 11, 1927 1927 2012 true xt76t14tj69b section xt76t14tj69b THE KENTUCKY KERNEL






Campus Song Book Containing Popular University and Fraternity Airs Is To Be Published by Phi Mu Alpha,
Honorary Musical Fraternity; Offers
Several Cash Prizes

Colleges of Engineering and EdThe University of Kentucky is at ary member of the local chapter.
ucation Cooperate in Giving
All music and words for the
last going to have an
Courses in Industrial
song book, the need of which has long songs must be submitted to Mr.
and alumni


of zer not later than Tuesday, March 1.
university. Phi Mu Alpha,
The winners of the prizes will be anMUST ENROLL AT ONCE the
men's honorary musical fra- nounced the following week.
ternity, is compiling and issuing the
The book will be divided into five
Special Course Is Offered in book.
parts consisting of the following:
and Operation of IndiCare
Prizes amounting to $15 are offered
1. Regular university songs; 2. Two
vidual Automobiles
to students by the fraternity for songs for each sorority and fraternity
three new songs, 55 being awraded on the campus; 3. One song from
Practical courses in industrial prob- for each. The new songs desired are each honorary and professional frawill be offered to the people of as follows: a song to supplement the ternity on tho campus; 4. One song
Lexington through the, cooperation regular university airs, a song repre- from leading universities and colleges
of the Colleges of Education and Eng- senting dormitory women and another with which Kentucky has athletic reineering of the university, it was an- for dormitory men.
lations; 5. Standard songs such as
nounced this week. The courses will
Plans for the issuing of the book "My Old Kentucky Home."'
consist of foremanship training, auto were made at the meeting of the fraPhi Mu Alpha is sponsoring the
mechanics blue print reading, and ternity last Friday night at the home publication of this valuable book for
care and operation of individual auto- of Prof. C.'A. Lampert, and Prof. the university campus with no expecmobiles, and will be directed by Pro- Elmer G. Sulzer, instructor in the de- tation pf- realizing profits. The frafessors David N. Singer and John S. partment of music and director of ternity, which is interesed tn all musHorine of the College of Engineer- the- university band, was appointed to ical activities on the campus, has
ing and Proessor A. N. May, of the make preliminary arrangements for merely consented to take the responCollege of Education.
the book. Mr. Sulzer is a member of sibility of publishing the song book
The foremanship course will include Lambda chapter of Phi Mu Alpha at
the main factors in good foremanship Depauw University and is an honor (CONTINUED ON PAGE EIGHT)
based on recent scientific studies in
the field of employment. The class
meets once a week, from Friday, FebTo
ruary 4, until May 20, and is open
to foremen and superintendents of
Strollers to Begin Work on New
buildings, construction and manufacProduction Monday
turing companies. No entrance fee is
required hut the class is limited to
The first reading of "The Truth
12 members.
Entire Membership of Nine Or- About Blayds," the play selected by
The study in auto mechanics con;
ganizations Buy Tickets
the Strollers for their annual spring
sists of a series of lectures on mainTo Open With Comedy
production, will be given in White
tenance, minor repairs and emergency
By Kelly
Hall at 4 o'clock, Monday afternoon,
aids in connection with the operation
February 14. All Stroller members
of garages, trucks and motor cars.
CITY and eligibles who are interested in
The class will meet twice a week 'from SEEK STUDENTS FOR
trying out for parts are urged to atFebruary 8 to March 18, two hours
tend the meeting as Addison Yeaman,
each session. A fee of 3 per studirector, announces that manuscripts
dent is required and the course is
will be distributed at this time.
open to auto mechanics, apprentices
"The Truth About Blayds" is a play
and truck and bus drivers. A limit
The following organizations on by A. A. Milne and has been favorof fifteen persons is placed on the the University of Kentucky camably criticized wherever produced. In
pus have gone "100 per cent," each
selecting this play for their annual
in blue print reading is
The course
member having subscribed to the prpduction, Strollers have chosen one
Romany theater by purchasing a
of the very best plays available, ac(CONTINUED ON PAGE EIGHT) sason ticket:
cording to critics, and it is expected
and the
Sigma Chi
that interest in the
Sigma Alpha Epsilon
production itself will be greater than
for many years.
Phi Beta
Phi Sigma Kappa
Theta Sigma Phi
Alpha Chi Sigma
Team Participates in Two Radio
Delta Sigma Tau
; Orators
Meets Next Month
Norwood Mining Society
been felt


Read Play


KY., FEBRUARY 11, 1927



Bring Them On!




Are You Cultured?

Men Interested Asked to
Attend This Afternoon
Coach Harry Gamage has called
a meeting of all men interested in
football on the basketball floor in
the men's gym at 4 o'clock this
afternoon. All "K" men and all
other men who intend to go out

for the varsity are strongly urged
to attend .this meeting as Kentucky's new gridiron mentor announces it is a very important one.
The exact date has not been announced yet bu;t spring football
practice will begin very soon and
a strenuous training season will be
held, according to Coach Gamage.
When the weather permits practice will be held on the field and
on bad days it will be held indoors.

Professor Sax Submits Questions to Test Students' Knowledge;
University Journalists Go Down in Defeat
When Not One Passes
Are you cultured ? If you are you . chael; the Archangel Michael; Michael
should be able to pass the examina- Franklin.
4. The Grundy Family.
tion printed herewith with flying colTell what you know of Sidney Grunors. But if you are like the average
student of the University of Kentuc-- i dy; Solomon Grundy; Mrs. Grundy.
5. America, England, Germany,
ky you will be doing well if you succeed in correctly answering a third France, Spain, Italy, Austria
of the following questions which were
Russia, the Scandigiven by Prof. Carol M. Sax, head of navian countries.
(a) Name one of the greatest livthe art department, as a "culture
test" to the class in art criticism for ing novelists of each of the above
countries. (b) Name the greatest painters;
1. Keeping up with the Jones'.
sculptors; poets; dramatists; actors;
Who was Indigo Jones; Burne singers; composers; musicians; archJones; Robert Edmund Jones; Emper- itects.
6. Name six of the greatest comor Jones; Tom Jones; Davie Jones?
posers in their chronological
2. The
(a) Identify Ben Lewis; Ben Bolt; identifying each.
Ben Bernie; Ben Hur; Benvenuto
(a) Name three great Classical
Cellini; Benremo; Ben Ali Hagan; sculptors.
Benjamin West; Ali Ben Hassan.
(b) Name three great Renaissance
(b) To whom or what did the term sculptors.
Big Ben originally refer?
(c) Name three Modern sculptors.
3. Some
8. Name five grand operas in the
Identify Michael Strange; Michael
Angelo; Michael Arline; Mt. STT Mi
Czecho-Slovaki- a,




Graduates From All Over Coun
try Attend Birthday Dinner
Given at Phoenix Hotel
As Tribute to Him


To Give Concert





Mississippi Quintet Comes Here
with Impressive Record,
navmg .Lost Only Two
Games This Season

Recent Improved Showing off
Wildcats Gives Supporters
Hope for Victory
Another whirlwind in Southern
Conference basketball, the University
of Mississippi quintet, will step upon-- tne nardwood of the rfew gym tonight and battle the Wildcats in one
of the feature games of the scasony3
The festivities will start at 8:00.
"Ole Miss," the team that set the
hearts of her Conference foes
last year with her skill and ability
to subdue nearly all opponents, will
come to Lexington with only one man
missing, out of the winning aggregation last year. This year nothing has
been lacking in Mississippi's conquest,
having lost two games to Southern
Conference opposition. Coached by
Hazel, former
of Rutgers University, Mississippi's
athletics are riding on a wave of sue- - t
cess, which will be up to the Wildca'tsto oreaK tonignt.

Tribute was paid to Dean F. Paul Philharmonic Orchestra to Make
Anderson last night when former stuSecond Appearance Sunday
dents from all parts of the country assembled at the Phoenix hotel for a
camp, but hungry glances are turn- -,
The Philharmonic Orchestra of the
dinner given in honor of the head of university will give a concert Sun- Professional Journalism Frater- ing toward the Southland whh a keen
College on the oc- day
the Engineering
nity Will Establish Chapter
desire to partake of some of the juicy;
afternoon at 3 o'clock in the
casion of his sixtieth birthday. An men's gymnasium. No admission will
basketball meat in that region before,
at U. K. February 27, Acinteresting program including the be charged and all students are invitthe season ends. I desire is not ful- cording to Announcement
following talks, was prepared for the ed to be present.
filled tonight, the.1 there will be only
"Dean Anderson and EduNo special soloist has been ar TO BE FORTIETH CHAPTER one more opportunity and that with
cation", Supt. M. A. Cassidy, of Lexthe Tennessee Volunteers. However
ington city schools; "Dean Andersori ranged for the concert as on former
Sigma Delta Chi, national profess- Kentucky is determined to go at
break-nec- k
and Engineering," Dean Mortimer E. appeaan;cs of tho
pace and display all the
ional journalism fraternity, will esCooley, of the College of Engineering, clarinet trio con.po sed of Cyrus Poole, tablish
a chapter at the University of skill that she is capable of, not only
University of Michigan; "Dean An- Frank Cummins and Elmer G. Sulzer Kentucky on Sunday, February 27, for the first period of the game but
derson and 'His Boys,'" Howard P. has. been substituted for this feature. according to an announcement made Tor the second period as well. Tha .
This is the second appearance of
Ingels, of New York City, graduate of
A by Warren A. Price, president of the Wildcats have held their own or better
the College of Engineering with the the orchestra for this school year. per- Henry Watterson Press club of the in the first half of a majority of their
large crowd attended the initial
class of 1905; "Response," Dean F.
The local chapter will
have university.
formance and .arrangements
Paul Anderson.
been made for a capacity attendance be the fortieth chapter of Sigma DelDean Anderson, the son of J. W. Sunday.
ta Sigma Chi which is nationally recAnderson, engineer and inventor, was
ognized as one of the leading professborn on February 10, 1867, in South
ional fraternities.
Bend, Ind. He was graduated from
For some years Alpha Delta Sigma
the South Bend High school in 1885,
served as the journalism fraternity
and in 1890 from Purdue university.
of the university. Kentucky was the
In 1891 he was appointed profes
second chapter of and one of the
sor of mechanical engineering at the
strongholds of the fraternity. A few 108 Students Register During
University of Kentucky and since
years ago Alpha Delta Sigma
Last Week; Enrollment This
that time his efforts have assisted Is One of Fifth Corps Area's changed its policy and became solely
Semester Is 142 Less Than
Intercollegiate Rifle Matches
greatly in building up one of the best
to Enter Intercollegiate
an advertising fraternity. The local
First Semester
for R.O.T.C. Championship ; chapter of Alpha Delta Sigma is beOratorical Contest
Be Sel- engineering colleges in the South.
With nine student organizations on Annual Production Will
Dean Anderson is a member of the
Closes February 17
ing retained at the university.
ected Soon and Rehearsals
the campus having their entire memSEVEN MATCHES IN MARCH bership purchase season tickets to
The Henry
Will Commence in a
(CONTINUED ON PAGE EIGHT) U. K. WAS 1926 CHAMPION was organized Watterson Press
early last fall for the
Enrollment for the second semester
Few Weeks
the Romany, the directors of the cam
of the University of pus playhouse are much encouraged,
purpose of petitioning Sigma Delta of the university has reached 2126,
Thft universitv rifle team is fh'ing Chi. It was accepted into the nation- according to reports
Kentucky debating team are making and plans ior the opening of the
received from
nronnmtinns for their radio de fourth season are taking definite YEAMAN TO BE DIRECTOR
a match with the Michigan State Col- al fraternity at the national conven- the registrar's office as The Kernel
lege team this week. This match is tion of Sigma Delta Chi held in Madbate to be held in Chicago on March from.
went to press yesterday. This shows
Addison Yeaman, of Henderson, Harry Gamage, Athletic Coach,
being fired by intercollegiate lules, ison, Wis., last November. Kenneth an increase of 108 over last week's
3. Kentucky will be represented by
Although it was previously contem- Ky., was elected director of the StrollIs Guest of Honor
the university team, firing here anu Greogory, the press club representaA. K. Ridout and W. H. Hanratty plated to present Rostand's "Cyrano
enrollment. Approximately two huner play to be given this year, at a
the Michigan team firing at Mich tive at this convention, was initiated dred of these students are new stuand by one other speaker who has de Bergerac" as the opening produc- meeting of the Strollers held Monday
A banquet was given in the pri igan.
The final stage of the match into Sigma Delta Chi at the convennot yet been selected. They will dis- tion, Prof. Carol M. Sax, director of afternoon.
dents who have not previously attendvate dining room of the Lafayette will be fired tomorrow.
cuss the question: "Resolved That the the playhouse has abandoned this
tion and will assist Edwin O'Neel, of ed the university.
Yeaman is a sophomore in the Col- hotel Wednesday night by the "K"
Five Day Week Should Be
The men representing the univer Indianapolis, and Professor Elmer G.
In accordance with the usual custom
plan and a delightful comedy entitled lege of Arts and Sciences, and is a men of Lexington and Fayette county
Throughout Industry." Kentucky will
T. Sulzer, of the university, in the in- of the university, enrollment for the
member of the Phi Delta Theta fra- in honor of Harry Gamage, new ath sity in this match are: Herman
have the affirmative
(CONTINUED ON PAGE EIGHT) ternity. He starred in many of the letic coach at the University, of Ken- Combs. Edward F. Crady, Robert C. stallation.
second semester fell considerably beDarsie, Clay D. Fyffe, James R
Members of the Henry Watterson low that of the first semester. HowThe Kentucky speakers will meet
Romany productions last year, and tucky.
the representatives of Michigan State
great as
ever, the decrease
Cooley, Michigan, took the male lead in the Stroller James Park, president of the alumni Johnson, Karl P. Hohman, Albert C. (CONTINUED ON PAGE EIGHT) was expected, thewas not as dropping .
Jess tM. Laughlin, Earl
College on March 14 when they will
which is considered association acted as toastmaster. The
only 142, which is not as much as in
debate the question: "Resloved That
one of the best productions that has speakers of the occasion were Presi- May, John J. Richardson, Jr., Robert
the League of English Speaking
been given by the campus organiza- dent McVey, William Rhodes, and S. Sauer, Stanley M. Stagg, Virgil
Group hundred years.students more than two
Weems, and Ray
People Should Be Reformed in Behalf Topic Is "Engineering Dreams;" tion.
Johnson. William E
entered the
Coach Gamage.
mond H. White.
university this semester, about four
of World Peace."
At the meeting many plays were
Lecture at Dicker 'Hall
The members of the Athletic coun
hundred, old students did not return.
There is a total of eight targets
Sometime after March 5, Kentucky
discussed in the light of their adap- cil of the university were guests at
Next Wednesday
not rewill meet Berea and Centre College
tability as a campus production for the banquet.
for each man. There are four stages Doctor Vandenbosch, of Political Various reasons given
entering are graduation, acceptance of
to the match, two targets to each
teams, and will discuss the question:
Science Department, Speaks
Dean M. E. Cooley, of the "Unive- this year. .."Dover" and "The Truth
positions, departure for new fields to
stage. The stages are as follows:
"Resolved That a Federal Department rsity of Michigan, gave a very inter About Blayds" were especially conon Word Problems ,
conquer, and poor scholarship.
first staee. one target prone and one
of Education Should Be Created With, esting talk to the engineering assem- sidered but no definite decision was Dr. P. L. McVey
For the benefit of those who were
sitting; second stage, one target
a Secretary in the President's Cab- bly Thursday afternoon on the sub- made. The play will be selected in
The first meeting in the study
stage, one course in iniernational relations con- not able to register at the regular
Cald-w- ll
and one kneeling; third
a few days, according to Dow
"Engineering Dreams."
president of the university dra- Subject of Talk Before Virginia target prone and one standing; fourth ducted by tha Woman's Club of the time, Monday, January 31, special
On March ID, Kentucky debaters
Dean Cooley told of the many great
stage, two targets prone.
will meet representatives of the Uni- engineering problems that had been matic society.
university was attended by" about six- hours have been set aside both of,
Alumni Association Is Value
and this week to take care
The universitv is in the Fifth Corps ty persons Tuesday night.
versity of the South in debate here. solved because of some one having
Dr. A.
of Higher Education
Area and this is one of the regular .Vandenbosch, of the political science them. Although the number register-Th U. of K. speakers will be Burnett a vision and working toward their
matches for the championship ot tnif
and Skinner and one other who has goal.
Several other visitors were
President McVey spoke on the area. The university win aiso nom department of the university, was the (CONTINUED ON PAGE EIGHT)
Be Given
present at the assembly and made
"Practical Value of Higher Education matches with several other colleges speaker and outlined some European
(CONTINUED ON PAGE EIGHT) short talks to the assembly.
factors in world politics.
in an American State" before the
meeting was held in Dicker Hall and Omicron Delta Kappa Desires to council of the alumni association of
told the study
(CONTINUED ON PAGE EIGHT) group Vandenbosch
Develop Tradition Withm
a large number of engineers and
that tha increased imperialistic
Richmond, Va., Wednesday, February
guests were present.
Student Body
tendencies due to heavy foreign debts Alpha Delta Sigma Will Take
9. This was the first conference on
Will Vote on and trade barriers were important
in New Members
An illustrated lecture will be given
higher education to be held in VirginDevereaux, Brady and Pribble
Omicron Delta Kappa, campus lead ia, and the alumni association is comin
in Dicker Hall next Wednesday afterSystem Soon factorssaid international the principal Alpha Delta Sigma, men's profesAre Chosen for Spring Work
that one of
noon by several men from the Balti- er's fraternity of the university, at a posed of representatives from the
The subject
Pat Devereaux, former coach of more and Ohio railroad. "Washington, meeting held Tuesdaydecided in Presi- University of Virginia, Washington Student Governing Organization problems had made its appearance sional advertising fraternity will held
to issue and Lee, William and Mary College,
since the restriction of immigration by initiation services for seven pledges
dent McVey's office
Tmnsvlvania Colleire baseball and of the lecture will be,
To Submit Ballots to Stuquestionnaire concerning campus Virginia Polytechnic Institute, and
the United States, forcing the coun- next Tuesday afternoon at 4 o'clock
trnMr tpams. was chosen to coach the America's Most Interesting
dents in Near Future
tries of Europe to fight out their' in the rooms of the department of
University of Kentucky baseball team The men who will lecture have not problems. The main points to be con Virginia Military Institute.
problems within their own boundaries. journalism in the" Science building.
Today President McVey is in Washthis year, and James Brady, captain been announced but will be from the sidered in the questionnaire are and
Kernel the announceIn last week's
regard to developing tradition
ington, D. C, where he will meet the
He also pointed out the possible Following the initiation, a dinner will
of the Wildcat harriers in 1926, was Cincinnati office of the railway
made that the W.S.G.A. and dangers due to dictatorships, especial- be given at the Lafayette hotel at 6
spirit within the student body. The alumni of the University of Kentucky ment was
temporary trcak coach by the pany. The lecture 'will be given
government organiza- ly the type established by Mussolini o'clock.
questionnaire will also contain points at noon, and in the afternoon he will other student
council of the university stead of the regular Wednesday
tions had begun a movement to spon- in Italy. The second of the series of
Those to be initiated are Fred
night, Birkett Lee Pribble ernoon moving picture and will be regarding the governing of freshmen be engaged in business matters.
The car parking problem was also
After completing his work in sor the introdupction of the honor lectures will be given by Dr. J. Catron Conn, Ray King, Virgil Couch, Philwas elected to the football coaching illustrated with interesting slides
Further Jones on next Tuesday night in the lip Glenn, Charles Honaker, Hayden
the meeting but nothing Washington, President McVey intends system at the university.
staff to assist Coach Gamage with the showing things of interest from our considered at
Ogden and William Luesing.
definite was decided. The fraternity to go to New York City where he steps are being taken, and every stu- recreation hall of Patterson hall.
spring practice vhich begins today, capitol city.
thinks that the number of cars on will be engaged in affairs pertaining dent will soon be given an opportunthe campus is. .increasing and that to the university, and he plans to ity to vote whether or not they want
something must be done about the meet the Kentucky alumni during his the honor system.
Honor systems have proved sucparking situation.
stay there.
cessful in other institutions which are
Several important matters were
larger and smaller than the Univerbrought up and referred to other or
Student governsity of Kentucky.
ganizations. The burning of fresh
ment associations recognize the demen caps on May Day was referred
to the SuKy circle. It was also sug Takes on Several New Activities sirability of the system as a prevencouncil
tion of cheating. As usual, the stufor Semester
elaborate inspection trips. The cam
that. The mortality rate for all fe- gested that the
dent body is the real determining fac
consider a system of deferred rush
journalists takes liberties
It is a practice of modern education pus Lexington Herald on one daywith
is males in tips country is very much ing and also a plan whereby a stuto give the
With the second semester work de tor, so students are asked
My countrywomen! A champion
theoretical instruction the
less than the rate for all males. Which dent to be initiated into a fraternity veloping rapidly to a coherent state, matter serious attention when they to combine
An editorial in one of the
of each year.
country has seems to mean that women stand ill- must have a grade higher than the the art department is taking on new are afforded an opportunity to ex- with as much of the practical apleading papers of our
Now this writer is about to suggest
plication of that instruction as is posChief of these are the press their opinion.
tired of the inordinate pride and vain- ness better than men, and so live regular school requirement of one.
to the curriculum of the
The honor system requires that sible. Educators are agreed that an addition preferrably to
It was decided by the fraternity to two new extension classes for teachglory of man and "taken him down a longer. Moreover, though few men
that of the
amount of university,
peg." More boys than girls are born will agree with this, women Jn gen- hold regular meetings the first Tues- ers to whom a comprehensive study in each student be a committee of one" theory without a certain unbalanced College of Commerce which is the colper unit population, he says the cen- eral have nearly always done more day of each month in President Mc- art structure is offered on Monday to report any person whom he sees practical application is an
lege perhaps best fitted to handle it.
inand unwise combination. Thus
from 3:45 to cheating.
sus bureau finds. Why? Because work than men, and probably still do." Vey's office.
structors take advantage of all oppor- This would be a course to give instruc5:35 o'clock.
What treason to hallowed tradition!
they have to be. And why do they
tunities to perfect this combination. tion in an accompolishment much
The "design classes are at work
be ? Because boy babies can't What a blow at the very foundation
have to
Instructors in heredity and genetics needed to be developed by college
completing the details of the Romany
the hardships of early life so of man's superiority! Yet we are
would combine theory
Sidney J. Goodwin, senior in the take their classes on inspection trips students. It
So many more strongly tempted to suspect that the
There will be an important meeting theater.
well as girl babies.
institutions. with application with especial emLawrence Cammack, a student in Colleire of Arts and Sciences and of certain
boys die in infancy that, at the end actuality is no complete surprise to of the advanced course R.O.T.C. at
political phasis on the application. In short this
of the first year, the girls, who start- the male. Else why the ostracism of C:45 o'clock Monday night in Dicker the ail; department is working out the cadet colonel of the R.O.T.C. regi- Instructors of history and
would be a course in check cashing.
independent fe hall. All members of the advanced design of a battalion flag for the R. O. ment, is not in school this semester. science take their students
ed with a numerical handicap, have the
trips of other and similar state
If the university authorities show
a big majority. Moreover, our cham male? Why the enthroning, enshnn- - courses are urged to be present at T. C. The flag will have the seal of He withdrew from the university to
Geology classes have any interest in establishing such
Colonels institutions.
pion states "it is quite possible that' ing of the helpless, dependent little this meeting as there will be import- Kentucky in the center of a blue accompany the Louisville
ant business to discuss, according to field with the letters R.O.T.C. placed baseball club on its spring training their regular field trips. The classes
the gins keep tneir pnysical superi - i
of the Engineering College have their (CONTINUED ON PAGE EIGHT,)
ority, too, though no boy will believe (CONTINUED ON PAGE EIGHT) Captain Taylor who will be in charge. just below the seal.




try-ou- ts










Speaks to Engineers


Women's Study

First Meeting

Educational Meeting







'A Champion Is Come' Shouts Featurist,

Recent Census Finds
Which Undermine Masculine Superiority

In Commenting

Science of Check Cashing
Much Needed at U. K. Says Writer,
Proposing This Gurricular Addition


Art Department






And Help the Association

Published By And For University Alumni

Subscribe for



Chicago Alumni Club, luncheon
third Monday in each month in the
Men's Grill, Marshall Field Co.
Buffalo Alumni Club, meeting
second Saturday in each month at
Chamber of Commerce, Seneca and
Main streets, 2:15 p.m.
Louisville Alumni Club, luncheon,
private dining room Brown hotel
1 o'clock p. m., first Saturday in
each month.


Edited by




Alumni Assn.

Secy.-Trea- s.



Dealer: L. C. Smith


benefits that we could name to you
Election for 1927 Held at Regif our space permitted but that" is lim Kentucky University Burns Af
ular January Meeting. Goal
ited. However, we are going to tell ter John B. Bowman
Raised Funds for Establishfor 100 Per Cent Memyou of some of the ways that the
bership Set
ment at Harrodsburg
In launching our campaign for Association will be benefited along
1.500 life members in the Alum with you.
ni Association, a great many
First and most important, we MORRILL ACT ..IS
factors had to be considered. would have a good body of interested
At the regular January meeting of
payment and loyal Alumni; Alumni who, since
t The greatest of these is the
Beginning in September 1861,
the Buffalo Club, of the Alumni Asof $50.00 at one time. We believe they were free from the shadow of took charge of what was left of Tran
sociation of the University of Ken
,that this will be the greatest factor the constant plea for dues, would be ylvania. Early in 1862, we were re
tucky. new officers of the club for
inkeeping a great many of the inter- - more interested in the work of the quired by the federal authorities to Dr.
R. Robinson, '09, 1927 were elected. They are as fol
' ested and loyal Alumni lrom oecom
lows: President, E. E. Johnson, '14;
Association and the advancement of vacate Morrison College, which they
C. R. Perkins,
ing "lifers." On the outset it .seems the University of Kentucky. Second, immediately occupied as a hospital,
treasurer, Gilbert Frankel, '19; secre
' a whole lot easier to pay just $3.00 we would have a certain income eacn We removed to the Medical College
on the north Graduate of U. of K. Will Be tary, J. B. Slater, '23.
a Tear than to "plunk" down $50.00 year that could be depended on and building, which stood
Registrar of Tennessee ColThe meeting was held Saturday,
' all at one time. However, after care from which we could make up an an west corner of Second and Broad
way. During the summer vacation,
lege, ; Formerly at Richmond
January 15, at the Chamber of Com
ful consideration we have come to nual budget. Third, we would save Confederate troops under General
merce in Buffalo.
the conclusion that this is not going a considerable amount each year in Kirby Smith occupied Central Ken
Dr. James Russell Robinson, '09,
The Buffalo Club has been one of
us in our campaign. There postage, used in urging the members tucky with Lexington as headquarters who for several years has been asto hinder
the Alumni Clubs
They took possession of the Medical sociated with the Eastern Kentucky the most active of efforts have been
are going to be plenty of Alumni who to send in their dues.
this year. Special
are able and who will do this.
benefits to the Alumni office College as well as Morrison College, State Normal School and Teachers made since early i