xt76t14tj84h https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt76t14tj84h/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky. Libraries Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky Alumni Association 2007 journals  English University of Kentucky Alumni Association Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky alumnus Kentucky Alumni, vol. 78, no. 1, Spring 2007 text images Kentucky Alumni, vol. 78, no. 1, Spring 2007 2007 2012 true xt76t14tj84h section xt76t14tj84h Q 1 • sprang 2 0 0 7
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For ovor 30 yodrs Solomon & Co. nds iorovidod clionls vviln
innovdlivo cndrildblo osldlo solulions. As ldvvs dnd rndrls1 ers my P ‘ “""°"A“°°‘“"° “
C,DtnneBoni{er’§1ClS JolutC,0wens’5O EE 7
Jmph T, Burch’62 BE, ’6a LAW Sandy Bugh Patterson ’68 AS Drana Horn ’70, ’71 PrrncrpalAocountant
M.icl¤el Burleson ’7A PHA Bill Perdue ’65 EN, ’68 EE
nom, om me oettnotrotoerro ev ee met Km Webmme
Katy L, Chiles ’§8 AS Robert FZ Pizkard ’57 ’61 EN Randall Morgan lS'Iecn Support
yjlaggémngjstvgé QM 80 DE ’F··e'>¤; ygjéggggm 7% EP name nmpm sem nm nitty operator
Jolut W, Collins ’67 A3 ’71 MED Derrick Ramxy ’83 As Sarah Steen ’04 Staff Support Amocrate ll
no....rm....,,c.mE oAnw,n.n..w»mE me le “mE""y°¤e¤*°*
D C ’87 ClS R,M.ich.ael Ricketts *71 EE
N,{‘,§C"" AM mm, unuvsnsrrv or trsnrructrv
r-rmyr2,··ce.e»»c.e.»e..§>5eA<; Anne vono Ryenvee ers AI-IIMNI MAGAZINE
Jolut R, Crockett ’AB AS William R, Schnetze *72 LAW Vol 78 No 1
Bruee K, Davis ’71 LAW David L, Shelton ’66 B E Kmzudcy Abtvnm (lSSN 7326297) rs publrsned
Scott E; Davis ’73 EE Robert H, Simmons ’9O EN quarterly by the Unrverstty of Kentucky Alumnr
James Denny ’76 BE Marian Moore Sims ’72 ’7a ED Asocratron, Lexington, Kentucky for rts duesr
Elaine Dun;-an ’7A EN .l,’l'lmSlri1mer ’8O DES payrng members
rtankunt-1, anon, wz ee Maw new smite- cw 80 ne except wr$Y$§$ZE n§`?§"§§E ?1pm§£S§>°$£S$2Z"‘
Rant E, tenwick ’52AG William At Smith ’70 AG rntne Kmtttdey Azmmt do notnecessarrly represent
Ellen Ferguson D¤¤I¤I I~ Stwks *9 FN me oprnrons or us edrtoretne UK A1ononrA$oerar
BrendaGosney’70 HS,’75 ED JamesW,Stuckert’a0 EN,’s1EE IIOW T0 REACII US
Bobby H, Hardin ll ’B1 LCC Myra LeigtTobin ’62AG Lgfnglon KYAOSOEOMQ
J, Chris Hopgood ’8A EE ’87 LAW James E,Vog ’58 BE V
nm., D, nm tt NUR omtyonms wan. na ny E ml *dem°¤@em~* uu edu
Arm Nelson Hurst GSU EE Cr-ai M,Walla4e ’7§ EN CHANGE OFADDRESS ONLY
Riclnrd L,"Dick" Hurst ’53f5s Marsln Rae Wallis ’6§ NUR Records
SheliaM, Key’§1 PHA David L,We1ler ’7AAs UKAlumnrAssocratron
Phyllis W, Leigh *76 ClS ’§8 SW Bob Whitaker ’58 ClS Kung Alumnr House
Barbara Letton ’55 BE ’58 Ed W, Cleland White ’58 ’a0 AG Lexington, KY 405060119
Peggy Meuaros ’72AG Pamela Williams U1 As For dupltcate marltng, please send botn marlrng
Robert EMiller’58r’50 Riclnrd M,Womack’53AG labels to the addres above

 ` \
_ Spring Housekeeping
2007Srm ll lll l E lllvydlypl
  for the upcomlng summer
First on the calendar ls a trlp to Lexington Aprll 20722 Thls sprlng the UKAlumnl
ED! mg CIEHSES U; Association ls reviving Sprlng Reunlon Weekend If you are ln the class of1962,1967,
1972,1977, 1982, 1987 or 1992,we want you herel The key lngredlent ln any reunion ls
    seelng people you know and remlnlsclng about your tlme on campus There ls awhole
` " slate of activities available to you throughout the weekend so round up your old frlends
f d L A l d d f d h K k d bl
ljf)7 (spmlg football gomo and Keeneland) and campus tour A bonus ls lllosluoolll revlval
ofLlttle Kentucky DerbyWeekend The whole famlly wlll en]oy “Balloon Glow," a
    unlque, close up vlew of the hot alr balloons at nlght
_ _' Next,how about a trlp wlth the UK Travel Program7 There are nlne destlnatlons wlth
, ( departures from Aprll to December to choose Travellng wlth other UK alumnl adds a
l  speclal dlmenslon to the experlence Ipartlcularly recommend theAlumnl College ln
Scotland, but frlends also sayTuscany ls the place to go We have destlnatlons to please
    every traveler Declde for yourself
- J-. Finally,get connected onllne The UKAlumnlWeb slte has awealth of lnformatlon on
, ( r.l'_ lt and ls a gateway to many other resources that our unlverslty has to offer Start wlth
ly;} / the assoclatlon to easlly get to your college or UK ollllollu, to olloolo out UK healthcare
resources,summer academlc and athletlc camps for klds, help wlth homework,the UK
    Llbrary andso much more
_ _' Use the Web slte to lind an alumnl club ln your area and reconnect wlth long lost
¢ frlends Also on the housekeeplng llst,update your address or pay your dues Your
    “   membershlp benelits are llsted there wlth the code number you wlll need to utlllze your
dlscounts Whlle you`re onllne,read the Class Notes and post one about yourself Class
Notes ls the most read sectlon of Kentuc/cyAlumnz magazlne because UK alumnl are lnr
terestlng No doubt about thatl
Informatlon about all ofthese programs ls on the UKAlumnlAssoclatlon Web slte at
wwwukalumnl net (Of course, lf you prefer, call us at 859r257r8905 or 1r800r269rALU`M
for detalls)
Alumnl often ask "Where do you get your story ldeas7" One answer ls from you The
tlp about thls lssue`s cover story came ln an ermall from ScottMyer`s wlfe, Lynette I'd
never done astory about an alum whose work took them to Antarctlca so that e—mall
plqued my curloslty We learned the contlnent has gone from 13th to 2nd on a llst of
most popular adventure vacatlons and NASA conducts research there ln antlclpatlon of
lnterplanetary travel Informatlon about Emmy wlnners Iennlfer Dellaplna and Mlchael
Eaves came ln Class Notes ermalls What a colncldence they llve ]ust 15 mlles apart ln a
clty as blg as Los Angeles, Callf Ellzabeth Scovllle was dlscovered ln Glamour magazlne
Our antennae are always up and the cholces are always dlflicult because every UK
alum has an lnterestlng story to share Let me hear from you

 2006 Fellows Soc1ety D1nne1 and
Dance 1n September
Last fall,UK honored donors who made slgnllicant
contrlbutlons to the unlverslty wlth lts annual Fellows
. _ Soclety Dlnner and Dance
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UK Development Councll Meets ‘   __   . -
2006 was an excltlng year for the newlyereorganlzed   —·{~'~l_ I {__ · · _
UK Development Councll On Frlday,September 29, .   e W, .j I l I
the councll met for oonlnnllee sesslons and e luncheon   -·5~ Q
Councll members were lnsplred by guestspeaker Wllllam t 1.; O l ~
E "Brlt" Klrwan,a UK alum and chancellor ofthe Marye ,1} $4
land Unlverslty System,who encouraged UK to contlnue ·“·
toward the capltal campalgn goal of sl lnlllon Feer memeere el melemlemelee
The Development Connell wlll have er Sprlng Meetlng   5
on Thursday,Aprll 26 at the Keenland Race Course Umm Vondgmgm 0, New VOM
Olly arrd V\/lark's parerlls, Barbara arrd
" °-T B2rrrl2V0rrd2rlm2ld2 0lL2>¤*¤*>¤¤=¤v=¤- =¤ Kehtrrclry equlne rhtlrretry
¤¤¤¤¤··¤1p0¤Q1¢¤1jS¤¤= New health care errpertree,techhrqrree,ahtl pharrrracerrtrcale save lrvee, reduce ceeteahtl
lr¤r¤¤=¤=|¤rlr bmlimg attract hew populatlons For example,oneUK researcher re developlng hew teele ahtl eye,
UK's researdrers, K-12 tems for mlnlmally lnvaslve surgery reduclng the rlsk of lnfectlon,speedlng recovery, and
educnors, independent slgnlflcantly lowerlng costs
heallhmleproviders, UK researchers are reclalmlng mlned coal land,lmprovlng water quallty,developlng
e“gNPm“e“.s_j.\d`.sg1j&s_ sustalnable new lndustrles,and turnlng coal burnlng bleproducts and pollutants lnto suse
hm] government omdak talnable,commerclally competltlve resources,lndustrles,and ]obs UK land reclamatlon
and Pdvme ddmns who technlques reduce costs of coal power and reclalmlng mlned lands Envlronmentallye
Wm Pm_'idPmBi“_m.d related economlc developments extend and enhance the quallty of llfe
xgigfom time Equine Initiative
Thls pro]ect seeks to bolster Kentucky`s horse lndustry,whlch has endured a contractlon
The flve rmrin mmgories ln the past two decades The goal ls to lncrease Kentucky`s share of the estlmated $102 blle
ofmllabomtives me: llon horse lndustry by provldlng research,educatlon and outreach programs and lncrease
• envi]-onluem the responslveness ofUK`s research and outreach programs to emerglng lssues and chale
, hea"]. mw lenges faclng the lndustry T`hls partnershlp was establlshed through efforts of the Gluck
, · Equlne Research Foundatlon, the KentuckyT`horoughbred Assoclatlon/KentuckyT`hore
_ ;g°“';,';:';fI'i°"°l°l""°“° oughbred owhere ahtl Breeders, and College rrmgrrcrrltrrre faculty and atlrrrrhretratere
timmy dm Technology
Project REVEAL
Project REVEAL (Reconstructlon,Enhancement,Vlsuallzatlon and ErgonomlcAse
sessment for Laparoscopy),led byW BrentSeales of theUK College ofEnglneerlng`s
Department of Computer Sclence, uses largescreen pro]ectlon to provlde laparoscoplc
surgeons wlth a greater vlew of mlnlmally lnvaslve surgerles, thus reduclng rlsks of these
procedures T`hls prolect partners UK wlth the Unlverslty of Maryland Medlcal Center
Entrepreneurship and Plant Bioengineering
The Iolnt Prolect for Entrepreneurshlp and Plant Bloenglneerlng teaches studenu entre
preneurshlp skllls,accelerates the commerclallzatlon of technology and creates new
market opportunltles for tobacco and other Kentucky crops
Headed by Ioe Chappell and H Maelor Davles ln the College ofAgrlculture,thls
prolect alms to use blotechnology and genetlc englneerlng to enable Kentuckyenatlve
plants such as tobacco as sources for new natural products for medlcal and other
appllcatlons,demonstratlng the vlablllty ofUKedeveloped agrlcultural blotechnology to
the lnvestment communlty
 |])([[3 Gabrlel Wllmoth,UK Natural ProductsAlllance, and Dean Harvey,Von Allmen Center
for Entrepreneurshlp, complement these efforts by brlnglng together student teams, exe
fm·;{g[ai[;, yigy myw_uky_ pert faculty,and communlty mentors to accelerate the commerclallzatlon and technology
Bd',/yg/gg/BB“”u,"jg_['[," transfer process at UK

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Working yognhuin •|¤• wdiuvuwulur ¤f •xp•nin is m¤d• mn m¤r• p¤w•rIul
anim, Dr. Rid: M¤Clur¤ ¤¤d num \ b•¤¤u» w• have mm- phyaiuiun v¤••d
Kimbndy ¤l¤m¤¤ npmum ¤ mw •m $4;;..- -··· but D¤¢y¤n¤ in Am•ri¢¤ •h¤n ¤ny Mhnr
of mulyidiwiplinury n·•¤ym•m. II': an _   K•Mu•:|4··-¤¤a·u•¤.».nLgE

 UK B e at
|W|n Helps the Workplace Wan
UK now has the xnterdrscxphnary Instxtute for Workplace Innovatxon (1W1n) rn the College of Socxal Work to
respond to ]ob quahty xssues that arxse rn today`s workplace W1th1W1n,UK1s among the lirst landegrant unxversxtxes
to respond to economxc and workforce development concerns
1W1n`s m1ss1on1sto enhance workplace productxvxty by provxdxng employers wxth knowledge and opportunxtxes
related to xnnovatxve practxces to create quahty work envxronments whxle ensurxng balance between employee come
mxtment to work and famxly
Among xts proposed serv1ces,1W1n plans to create a corporate roundtable that wxll brxng together leadxng eme
ployers xnterested rn developxng and maxntaxnxng quahty work envxronments that posxtxvely xmpact the employer
and the employees
Iennxfer Swanberg,execut1ve dxrector of UK 1W1n,also xs an assocxate professor of socxal work,and a natxonal
leader rn academxc research on workehfe xssues
Kentucky Journalnsm Hall of Fame Wrlknnson Recewes
Announces Newest Honorees Coretta Scott Kung
Fxve new nenereee w1ll]o1n 146]ournal1sts1nthe Kentucky Iournalrsm Award Fpqm A|(A
Hall of Fame durxng a luncheon sponsored by the UK School of Iournale Dem Wnktnsom nmtesson Untyen
xsm andTelecommun1cat1ons1n Aprxl The 2007 xnductees xnclude four stty Ot Kentneky College OtAtt5 and
]ournal1sts and a ]ournal1sm educator The honorees are Setentes Denettnnent OtSOetOtOgy’ te_
~ The late Ron Boone, a longetxme radxo news reporter rn Elrzabethtown cexved the Coretta Scott Kxng Award
~ Nancy Green,v1ce presxdent ofcxrculatxon ter Lee Enterprrses Inc end fr<>mA1ph¤ K¤pp¤A1ph¤S<>r<>¤ty
publxsher ofthe wereyzeeecederpeze (rem; ceeeey Green re e ten for her ¤<>¤2e¤¤¤¤ Work ¤¤ ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤2
mer UK student pubhcatxons advnser and a UK ]ourna11sm graduate and l`*€Y Commllmsm to SEYVWQ for
~ Ron Jenlernedengetnne edner ofThe (Hemeee; Germ ¤¤<>V·d·¤2 ·¤S¤·*¤*·¤¤· Md for here
~ Glen Klexne founder et Eeetern Kentuck nneee. e B *’°S""€ ‘“ **1e*m of me
rennenen program ’ ’ ¤·*§e;ggg§;;;¤g*O¤ d t h
~ Ken Kurtz, former news dneeer atWKYTe27 rn Lexxngton thjfm, BnQk}§§§?e§§°§‘§§m,§Qn,ty
. . . . Servxce Award and the Ida LeeW1ll1s
New Inrtnatwe Creates Equnne Campus and Award from tne Kentucky Herxtage
Two Track Undergraduate Degree fgggijgtjgnm he effone ·¤ ¤·S*°*·¤
A new equxne undergraduate program and sxgnxlicant xmprovements
to UK`s Marne Chance Farm on Newtown Pxke are becomxn reaht
tnrengn tne help ofU`K`s Equ1neIn1t1at1ve The mxssxon of ui xnxtxallxve UK Bans Trans Fats
xs to d1scover,sh e and new k.no ledget nhance the health, pere UK xs promotxng a healthrer way
formance and m agemémpw hprses a%mens$te wxth the sxgnature of eatxng by ehmrnatrng trans fat from
status of Kentuck ‘e equlne rndustry - n ye most ofxts campus dxnxng facxhtxes
UK has created a new equxneebased undergraduate currxculum to bee Trans fat rs the harmful fat that raxses
grn thxs fall that enhances exxstxng plogrgms and establnshes new equrne cholesterol and poses a hrgher rxsk for
research and outreach programs,and nrlwpartnershxps wxth other equrne heart dxsease, stroke and organ faxlure
organxzatxons end nnrverernee * ,5 Trans ter een occur nenneuy rn
The new Equxne Scren · nd Maluage ent un graduate deggsenproe beef and daxry products Artxlicxal
gram xs comprnsed of twi  ·t    an eq e men ment optro  trans fat 1s made when manufacture
focuses on management of 5 Bo se_and m enterprnse and an eq jr; ers add hydrogen to vegetable orl rn a
busrness optron that foouses -» V"? ,· r  ailg organxzatxonal management   pY00€SS called hY¤lY0§€¤¤U0¤ H3/€lY0r
wxthxn the xndustry r genatxon turns hqurd oxls xnto sohd
There wxll be three areas of . V cemeni on UK`s Marne Chance fat hke shortenxng and margarxne
Equxne Campus An equxne edu  ron and research cluster wrll be the Hydrogenatxon rncreases the shelf
home of UK`s new Equxne Scxe  ,¤;QnajManagement undergraduate lxfe offoods and can be found rn most
Gegree program, as well as the »  gn locatxon for the Defartment snack foods hke baked goods, crackers
‘e'gAnnne1 end Food Sc1ence`s r  #4-  n€&eeq’ nutr1t1o@[dfeed1ng end potato chrps
management Some ofthe bu1ldl "%   e te ’g pevrnen,
rehovat1oln`ofafoahngAbarn,a 1e n rn skier en e ee ructxon of
edenrener lnnneryeerenzzereseer t  ern it tt _ H
T   Gumwleutvumqkwenx . ` *KPun Relatmnsinewslg V , Kgtwuggy ALUMNI 9
e ‘ anu Kei1pcKyA/u manazwwmt veumrunntee, tt
! tn.? fr-7_`  

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