xt76t14tjm2v https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt76t14tjm2v/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 19390310  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, March 10, 1939 text The Kentucky Kernel, March 10, 1939 1939 2013 true xt76t14tjm2v section xt76t14tjm2v The Kentucky





He Lectures



A Mess
Tliis situation is typical of the
"mess" student government is in.
None of Uie student governing organizations know the extent of their
powers, what they can do or what
they can not. Personally, I would
imagine that it was within the
province of the Council as originally
set up to regulate any such matter
as this. But now. with such uncertainty, there is a definite need for
some kind of reorganization or definition of powers. That is the argument for the
discussed in an editorial today. Read
it and let me know what you think.
Tri-Del- U

He Leads









7:.f0 p. m.. Monday. March 13. in
the Union ballroom. John H. Mor-

gan, director of publicity for the
ball, said yesterday. The queen will
rcian over the Junior Prom, to be
held April I.
The queen and her two attendants
will be chosen by junicr men at an
election conducted by the Men's
Student Council within the next
two weeks. Morgan stated.
Judges for the initial competition
will be Lloyd Mautz. Campus bookstore; Gene Myers. Athletic department: William M. Conant. Lexington
business man: Gerald Griffin, jcur- nalism instructor; and Major George
N. Randolph, military science professor.
Nominations for the honor wer'
made by social sororities and the
Independent Association. They are:
Bernice Turner. Jackson, and MarAlpha
Ford. Lexington.
Delta Theta; Jean Lawson. Corbin,
and Evelyn Ewan. Lexington. Alpha
XI Delta: Mildred Kash. Lexington,
and Pat Robertson. Louisville. Alpha
Gamma Delta.
Martha Jane Rich. Newark, N. J..
and Peg Tallman, Miami, Fla.. Kappa Kappa Gamma; Dorothy Hillen-meye- r,
Lexington, and Sarah Biggs.
Henderson. Delta Delta Delta; Do
Ann Young, Glencoe. 111., and Jean
Jackson, Lexington. Chi Omega.

Shows Interest
In Horseracing
"Hitler is a shrewd man and very
alive." said Richard Eilbott. Ger-

Trl-Del- ts




Courtesy Lexington Lemder























President Addresses
Phi Beta Kappas




Ruth Houghton, director of place
ment for women at Purdue University will be the keynote speaker cf
the Vocational Information Con- ference to open at p. m.. Monday.
March 13. with a general meeting
Grand Forks. N. D.. March 9
in the ballroom of the Union build- ing. The conference will continue
'Kernel Special Service
"It is
through Tuesday with group dis- -i
highly important that a university
cussions and will close Tuesday
should have a philosophy of edunight with a banquet at the Union
cation, a distinct objective, and a
for all women students and confer-- i
spirit that will inspire it and its
ence leaders.
students." Dr. Frank L. McVey told
Miss Houghton in speaking on
members of the University of North
; ."Women as Workers
Yesterday. To- Dakota chapter of Phi Beta Kapdav and Tomorrow." Munday night
pa here tonight.
mill trace employment
trends for
The occasion of President
women from old occupations and
speech was the celebration ol
industries which are no longer ofthe 25th anniversary of the foundfering opportunities through new
ing of North Dakota University's
fields which are opening at the
chapter of Phi Beta Kappa. Doctor
present time and which will present
at the Eighth International Con- McVey was president of the Uniopportunities for employment for
ference of American States i Lima versity of North Dakota before comcollege women in the future.
conference) held December 9 to 27, ing to Kentucky.
A graduate of Smith and formerly
"In these days of emphasis upon
vocational secretary there.
Third hour classes will be dis- professions, vocations, and various
Mlns Houghten is at present travelmissed in an effort to offer students trainings, it is a very difficult thing
ing in the East and
interand, faculty members to attend the to formulate, let alone develop and
viewing employers to aid in employlecture.
use a philosophy in a consistent way.
ing students.
But It Is essential that a goal should
Fourteen other speakers from the
be set up in order to know what the
East and
will discuss voobjectives are." Dr. McVey said.
cational opportunities for women in
Pointing out that it Is necessary
the leading professional fields durfor the philosophy of education to
ing the conference.
The purpose
have a basis, if the wisdom of the
of the meeting is to show college
past is to be preserved. President
omen their relation to fields of
McVey gave his own definition of
work in the modern world.
university as a place, a spirit.
Dean Sarah B. Blanding said yesis men of learning; It is a collection
terday. "This is the most important
of books: It is laboratories where
conference the women students cf
work in science goes forward: it is
the University of Kentucky have ev.
lne auuuv; ui lite leaguing hiiu ua- The Kentucky Law Journal, quar utles of literature and the arts; it
er had."
ter- - of the College cf. Law, has
All group meetings on Tuesdav.
the center where ambitious youth
March 14. will be held in the Union
just published its March Issue. Ar- gathers to learn: it protects the tra- - With Governor Chandler as
honors the new and tests ter of ceremonies, spirited cheering building. The discussions will be diticles by Dean Alvin E Evans, of
the' Law college; Prof. Hugh E. its value; It believes in truth, pro-- by the student body, and informal vided five fields into three sections
professional fields disWillis. University of Indiana, and tests against error and leads men by banter between Athletic Council with
members, a special convocation was cussed at a. m.. five at 10:30 a. m
University faculty members and law reason rather than by force."
and five at 1:30 p. m . in appointed
."Democracy is something which held Wednesday morning in
students are included.
reside in the hearts of men rrorial hall to honor the Southeast- - rooms In the Union.
"Case Comments" by members of
A general session at 3 p. m.. in
love for people, a respect and con- - era Conference basketball
the law faculty and "Student Notes"
for our fellows. These are ions. A capacity audience was in e the ballroom will serve as a sumby Alan R. Vogeler. John B. Breckmary meeting with a resume or the
working forces of democracy, tendance.
inridge, and J. Wirt Turner, law
government there must be.
Presiding in the absence of Pre-b- conclusions reached in the smaller
students, and book reviews arc fea- Some
if the democracy succeeds it is sioent McVey. Governor Chandler groups. A formal talk on "What
accept the as- - pre.sented Bernie Shiveiy. University the Employer Expects from An EmDean Evans. In his article on "Ir because the people
ployee." covering methods of applv-in- g
regularities of Testamentary Ex- - sumptions on which it is lrbased onv, athletic director: Dr. W. D Funk- tViom intn lha
for a Jcb and approaching emft
houser. secretary of the Southeast"' X
piessicn." suggests
'more accur- - 'ao
ern Conference, and Coach Adolph ployers will be the important feaate method of dealing with the noture of this session.
tion of the word 'mistake' " as it
Tea will be served to students and
Terming Bernie Opper as "one of
applies to law. He further points
the greatest guards" he had" ever leaders on the mezzanine of the
Baout the unreliability of Lord
seen perform. Shiveiy also said that Union at 4:30 p. m.
con's "antithesis between latent and
Dr. Alice Pickett. Louisville
the governor was "one of the most
patent ambiguities" and Lord
will speak on "Women As
interested fans in the state of Kencontention that "if language
Artkts and Artisans" at a banquet
had a plain meaning, no other
Coach Rupp. in expressing that at 8 30 p. m.. in the ballroom of the
meaning could be given."
Kentucky had had a "peculiar sea
wnicn wui close the confer- Steve Bladek's
article "Radio
son" when they had given promise ence.
ttuth Johnston will act as
Broadcasting as an Infringement of
to be one of the strongest teams in ""stress of ceremonies for the ban- a Copyright" won the Nathan Bur-ka- n
the country, slumped midway of the 'J"1Memorial Competition award
In pointing out the aims of
for the College of Law last year.
pastor of Ev season. and then finished brilliantly, j
Dr. J. Archer Gray,
"Fifteen of the 17 scheduled teams conference. Miss Jeanette Scudder.
erybody's church, will speak on were capable of beating us." Coach director of women's
residence halls!
"Hoboing" at the annual sprin: Rupp averred." but such a schedule ' 88 'd that students
' tne prestige and honor of . 'evieo tnetr vocations may find
pledging exercises of Kentucky Al- - aa
dtic" information, helpful ad- pha of Tau Beta Pi, national hon- - the school."
l"uc"u "?j'L lne ao
concerning their
Finals of law competition, to de- orary engineering fraternity, to be
ntucky will chosen work by attending the group
8ame- termine four men who will present held at 10 a. m.. today In Memorial fiBn.1.
. ..
scrapping aiscussions in which thev mav t
an argument before the Court of
most interested.
teams." Coach Rupp added.
The sessions, .she
Appeals in Frankfort In April, will
The traditional shoulder tapping
The coacn aIso declared lnat ne said, have been arranged so that
be held in Lafferty hall, second-yeceremony will be used to designate was proud of the studenl
auy woman student may
s re
room, tonight.
attend at
the pledges. David L. Davis, pres- - acUtm t0 defeat. when more than least three meetings.
Two teams will argue on "powers ident of the organization, will con- - gno fans were
Group meetings scheduled
turned away at the
Coleman C. Mol-lo- y duct the exercise?.
of appointment."
Tuesday. March 14. in
Wildcats' next home appearance.
the Union
and Robert L. Wathen, appebanquet In honor of the new
An invitation to represent the are as follows:
lates, and James D. Allen and Jo
will be held at 0:30 p. m.. South in the National Collegiate
M. Ferguson, appellees, will present members
Room JM. U.d.
case, and W. E. Dean and H. C. today in the Lafayette hotel, with Athletic Association tournament at
round,, ,
Dr. W. D. Funkhouser. dean of the Philadelphia will probably be
eIk Aveuue
Hadden. aDDellates and J R. Rush
school, as principal speak- - clined. Coach Rupp said, because the
and s. p. Wnltei appellees, will
Govrrnn.,! pom,.. Ruom
team had "met the obligations
gue the other case. Prof. Frank H.
for membership are tracted for it at the beginning of
Randall is in charge.
tducatiun. Music ruom Lender Lu.-that the pledge be in the upper one- - the year." and that
Peterson, superintendent.
eighth of the junior class or the up- - games are also against the Univer-pe- r
ir urpnan 9 Home. Mldi.v
M riui. Room u.7 Leaaer rwj
of the senior class, versity s policy."
Dr. W. D. Funkhouser. represent
Publishing. Room log. U.uer Mrs Jesing the faculty, declared that the sie.
Prof. John. O. Barkman. field ag:Unno. edaor.
University needed a "good, modern, PublWiier,. Indiannpolu.
ent in dairy, received an award
, C'
l J m. m.
up - to - date gymnasium"
from the Dairy Producer's AssocBusiness Belds. Music room.
Kentucky could hardly expect to
iation of Kentucky .for outstanding
' ".nest
service In dairy work, at its 13th
Dr. J. O. Perrine. field represen- invite visiting teams because of
COnm"' U
"lack of facilities."
annual meeting Wednesday at the tative for the American Telephone
He also cited need for a swim- Kentucky hotel in Louisville.
gave recognition to Lancaster, and Eleanor Clark,
Professor Barkman has been in students in Engineering at a special ml"8
home tc,.
team. Governor Chan- - onstration se:,t. Stanford.
charge of the cream grading pro-- assembly Monday in the study hall "le swimming
Health prolessions. Room JuJ Leader
giam for the College of Agriculture of the Engineering building. He dIer sald that 'cn ne to
Dr Carolm Scott. Lexington
Journalism. Room ?04. Leader! Doimie
for the past twenty years,
spoke on "Recent Developments in steP were taken to inmate the heldCarmacS editor ol Woman J pae and
bM that "cooperation
In that position he has been very Electrical Communication."
editor. LoulsMlle
influential in improvement of dairy
The speaker stressed the need for was not forthcoming." but since the and Rena JJiles. formerly associate editor
products and methods. Dean Tho- a greater quantity of communica- - state s "basketball conscious. it is of Ln ing Aire
Library aork. Room '.'og. Leader Mrs
mas P. Cooper said yesterday. Dean tion over fewer channels.
He dis- - nt)W tlmP t0 att
Prances Luan. graduate of Columbia
Cooper further stated that Prcfes- - cussed a recent development in: Bernie Opper.
Uimersitv Library Stnool. now travcinr
sor Barkman has the confidence communication facilities known as S"ard for the second consecutive county librarian.
I 30
over which 245 year, paid special tribute to J B.
of the trade and is looked upon as the
Social work. Room
an advisor in all matters which will messaees mav be transmitted simul- - Faulconer. student manager: Wal- - Woll. Commissioner 204. Welfare Muriraret
ter Hodge. ho was forced to leave
Miss A S Kelt, assistant adminisresult In better products or a great-ai- d taneously.
explained "Pedro. the squad because of injuries; and trator WP.l Louisville, a ill aid in tne
Dr. Perrine also
er income to the
the Voder" mechanical apparatus "Skipper" Mann, trainer.
Radio. Room 'MS. Lender: BUnche
Sid Buckley, representing the Stu
which can be made to sp.-adirector of radio education. Indianai'AISs LiCWlS H.ieCieU
manipulating the keys on a key- dent Council; Elliot Beard, repre- polis public schools. 127.
Kecreutiun. Room
Leader: Grace
senting Suky. and Mayor E. Reed
board attached to it.
department of physical education.
Miss Mildred Lewis. Instructor in
Wilson also gave congratulations to Utmersity ot Cincinnati.
store held.--.
the team.
lne usic aeparviueiu. was electee;
Leader: Mrs. Ruth Kerschner. training
president of the Southern Confer-tio- n
H S. Pogue. Cincinnati
ence for Music Education March 7
Home economics women m business.
The cause and treatment of dy
at a meeting in Louisville.
conference nmni. Leader Eleanor
sentery was discussed at a recent
Proctor and Gamble. Cincinnati
A new course is being offered by
Joint meeting of the Bacteriology
Club and the Lexington association the College of Law to "tram stu- Student affiliates of the American of medical technicians at St. Joseph dents to write articles and notes
Orville Leach. Education College
Chemical society will meet jointly Hospital. Dr. Morris Scherago. head for the Kentucky Law Journal."
with the Lexington section of the of the bacteriology department. Dean Alvin E. Evans said yesterday, senior, was elected president of the
society at 7:30 p. in. Monday, March spoke on the laboratory phase of All members of the staff are in Young Democrats' Club Wednesday
course, each directing night. Other officers elected were:
13. in Kaslle hall. A group picture treatment and Dr. Richard Elliot, charge of this
will be taken and all members are local physician, revealed latest steps that particular phase of writing Ed Gholson. rice president, and
HfliW-v- .
serrrArv-rr!Viiiwhich p'rtins tr bis work
developed In c)iniel trentrnent.
required to he present
Inter-Americ- an







Houghton Will Lead;
Forums To Touch
15 Fields

She (iuides


Dr. Warren. Kelchner. acting chief
of the division of international con- ferences of the United States De- nnrtmpnt nf state, will srjeak before'
a general convocation at 10 a. m.
Monday, March 13. Dean T. T. Jones
announced yesterday. He will speak
on the Lima conference.
Secretary of State Cordell Hull in
a letter to Dean Alvin E. Evans of
the law college stated that the
speaker had "made a study of
conferences" and would
have "much to say about
relations by way of explaining the accomplishments and
significance of the conference."
Dr. Kelchner was secretary general of the Unit-iStates delegation

First selection of five candidates
from a field of 27 nominees for
Junicr Prom Queen will be held at

Richard Eilbott


secretary Vocational Guidance Conference
To Assist Women Job Seekers






10, 1939

Assembly To Be Held MCVEY STRESSES

Choice Will Be Made
From Field Of 27

Krrnei photo



the action man lawyer who recently arrived
Goody Goodman
this semester in
of the
regard to Hell Week. They have at the University to deliver a course
changed the name to Delta Week of lectures and study American law
Hattie Rjpte, Cynthiana. Zeta
end are emphasizing constructive and 'social science. He was appar- Tau Alpha; Catherine Crawford. Is Elected
work. One item is to collect and ently surprised when asked if he Ashland, and Carol Keeton. Ashclean wearable garments. Another
land. Kappa Delta: and Gean Tye.
concerns pledges who are required believed the rumor of Hitler's death. Barbourville. and Eleanor Howard, Net Captain
Dr. Eilbott left his native coun
to take a group of
Paintsville, Delta Zeta.
try last July
children to the movies and treat after stops in and reached Lexington
Independent Association candi
Holland. England and
James ' Goody Goodman, junior
to ice cream afterward. A New
dates are: Harriet Taft. Ashland;
few nonsensical tricks are still reSara Moore. Berea; Geneva Kelly. forward from Paris, was voted intc
tained but an effort is being made . "I chose Kentucicy because my Evarts; Lava da Thompson, Horse captain's position of fthj? 1939-4- 0
o get away from this phase entire- friend at the Veteran's hospital told Cave; Janet Chanslor, Lexington; Kentucky varsity basketball team
me of the horse racing in the
Clark, Rochester. N. Y.; Tuesday night at the annual net
I have always loved horse rac- Thelma
Mabel Lovens. Lexington; Carolyn
ing since I was a little bay," said RtlHhlim TvintTtrtM- OvlrJ UipnlniA banquet.
genial Dr. Elliott, in an interview. Dr. , ,
Only varsity lettermen took pert,
One of the best convocations we
najueu, AUgusui. ua.
in balloting to elect a fuccesoor to
ever attended was that on last Wedcountry near Lexington and
Bernie Opper. New York City, renesday. Spontaneous is the word. the
tiring captain. Election of Gcod-maInteresting to note is the difference said he felt he could learn to know
a letterman for the past two
between this" and "that" world as America better here than in a larger
seasons, came as a slap to
shown in the following story told
His 17 lectures will discuss the
who had completely Igby Dr. George K. Brady of the EngBILLED
nored him in predictions as to
lish department. In passing through ideology of modern governments as
Kncxville the night of the game, he has observed it from his own
One of the greatest athletes ever
he stopped at a filling station and experiences. Three of the lectures Oest-CostumCouple produced at Paris high schocl.
Cited the young attendant how the will be devoted to "German Philo-- 1
came came out. Attendant didn't ophy as Applied to the German
Goodman saw action in all KentucTo Win 5 Dollars
Spirit." He will speak before Dr.
ky's 20 games this season. Although
know. "Here, take this nickle." says!
J. Huntley Dupre's and Dr. Amry
not a high scoring forward. GoodDr. Brady, "and call the newspaper
A costume contest to find the LIT
proman was one of the smoothest deto get the score." The fellow starts Vandcnbosch's classes and will
In. gets to the door, turns around bably address other groups for which Abner and Daisy Mae of the Uni- fensive players on this year's Southarrangements have not as yet been versity will be held at the Sadie eastern Conference champion squad.
and asks. "Who was playing?
Hawkins' dance March 18 in the His position with the basketball team
Dr. Brady says he just didn't made.
Born in the little German village Union ballroom. Keys members said was similar to that of a football
bother to answer.
of Zweibrucken in the Bavarian yesterday.
blocking back; a lot cf work and
Five dollars will be awarded the little credit in the game accounts.
Alps. Eilbott moved at the age of
On Hell Week
13 with his family to Frankfort couple wearing the best costumes
Goodman's elevation to captaincy
"Dear Sir: Congratulations on where his father, a lawyer, felt there modeled after those worn by the
marked the 32nd time in the last
your caxtcon In last Friday's issue-No- was a
comic strip characters. Members of 34 years that a native Kentuckian
better opening for his practhat Joe College week is over, tice. He began his univsrsity work the University social committee will has been named Wildcat leader.
perhaps the University can again at Heidelburg ""The duels were in act as judges.
The two exceptions to thi6 home
take up its academic pursuits. While the old times; I have no scar." he
During the judging,
this generation have been
the subject is still on our minds, said.i' where he studied sociology music will be played. The contest Opperin and
Frcl Fest of Martin's
maybe someone will be kind enough under Max Weber. His second year's will take the form of an eliminaFerry, Ohio. ct,tain of the 1923
pubto enl'ghten the
tion until only one couple remains team.
work was done at Munich where he
lic which stood by watching grown fell under the instruction of Woelfl-lion the dance floor.
Part cf the banquet program
men tor am I mistaken) beat others
Again emphasized by dance offiwho may be called the founder
on their posteriors with boards while of the German Kunst philosophy. cials was that no students with which featured an address by Govthey, the recirnts. pushed peanuts After a semester at Leipzig where "immoral" or "inappropriate" cos- ernor Chandler, was the presentation of varsity letters and freshman
down Main street in a drenching Sohm instructed him in the rights tumes are to be admitted.
Seniors, in addition to
Costumes will be optional, it has numerals.
rain last Saturday just what the of the church, he returned to Heid
idea of Hell Week is. Standing up elburg and studied literature under been decided. Friday and Saturday. Opper. a candidate for an AllAmerica team berth, to receive a- March 17 and 18. will be
under such persecution can be done Grundolf.
were Homer Thompson. Cab
by any ape.
men students will be "dated"
His law course which he began when
for the dance by women students Curtis and Elmo Head. Juniors re
at Marburg university was inter who will "track down" their men ceiving letters were Gocdman. MaJust Little Boya
rupted by the war.
He served
and secure tags upon them. Tags rion Cluggish. Layton Rouse and
"Does it make them better frater- thiou'i the fcur years as a lieutenHarry Denham. while Lee Hubcr
will cost 5 cents each and proceeds
nity men? I'm not asking for a ant on the Eastern Front.
are to go to the Student Loan fund. and Keith Farnsley were sophomore
revelation of the secrets of the
Eatween battles, concealed
will be included. letter winners.
Grecian orders but just a little in- trenches, he continued his in the
Freshman numerals were awardstudy Admission prices have not been
formation that may clear up a rath- by reading Nietzsche. Tolstoy.
ed to Ray Abel. Ermal Allen, Mardecided on. but Key's members in
er prevalent opinion that the folvin Akers. Kenneth England, Billy
and Ooethe. Their philolowers of Sparta today are nothing sophies and those studied in his charge said that probably 50 cents Hedges. Jim King. Lucien Moreman.
but a lot of little boys In leng pants university training all contributed admission would be charged.
Jim Mathewson. Reginald Palmore,
inspired by their daddies'
Lloyd Ramsey and Henry Walker.
to form Eilbott's own philosophy
Incidentally, this Joe College stuff
Arthur Bicknel was recommended
which will be reflected in his
is fast disappearing
from other
for senior manager position and J.
campuses throughout the country.
Faulconer was presented a var- The mcst recent exhibit to move
When he returned from the war.
What say you?" W. T. B.
sity letter for his work as senior
he resumed . his law course, this into the downstairs foyer of the
at the newlv organized Uni- - rary is that whlcn ls currently be- - manager this season.
blow Death
ersity of FranUfort. and received ing shown in connection with voca
It is very true that Hell Week is his degree in six months. He was tional guidance conference, to be Seay
And Meece
disappearing on some other campusheld here next Monday and Tueses, and I think it is gradually dying chosen to a.ssLst Sinzheimer whose day. March 13 and 14. under the
Will Give Reports
out here. The enly thing to be reforms and principles of
between employer and worker sponsorship of the Association of
wished is that it be abolished altoJl iUI CdU S OlUaj
he could observe at close hand. From Women Students.
gether so that the fraternities could
This exhibit will have four floor
time until the summer of 1938
Prof. Maurice Seay and Dr. Leon- devote their time to more worth- that
Eilbott taught law at the Uni cases devoted to various modern
Meece of the bureau of school
while projects which they have Dr.
versity of Frankfort and practiced books on the subjects of vocational service will report on a
shown they are fully capable of do- study made
training, and prolessions ana careers by
law in that city
the bureau on "The Financial!
for women.
Dr. Eiloolt was reticent about
Support of Elementary and Second- current political matters in Europe.
ary Education in Kentucky" at a
Must Worthwhile
UOClOrS ope3K
The vocational guidance confer- He stated that law practice had
Joint meeting of the board of di- rectors and the planning board of
ence will be the most worthwhile grown increasingly difficult for his
Richard Elliott. Lexington the Kentucky Educational Associa- meeting ever held on this campus raceto be held on Monday, March
While in America. Dr. Eilbott will physician, and Dr. Morris Scherago.
students . . . We are still
11. at Louisville. Tile study which
waiting for those other aspirants meet many relatives whom he has head of the bacteriology depart-nevbeen. He said that all those ment. spoke before a meeting of was started in September is being
for editorial fame ?
all the criticisms of our editorial bearing the name are in some way the University Bacteriology Society, made by the bureau at the request
subjects, one would think that these connected. The surname was first Monday at St. Joseph's hospital, of K. E. A.
Prof. Seay attended a meeting of
critics would be eager to write a attached to the family in the Mid- - jThe meeting was held in eonjimc-dl- e
Ages when one of Dr. Eilbott's tion with the Lexington Association the committee on rural education
few themselves . . . Some of these
of the American Country Life As- males are getting haggard looking ancestors was a special messenger of Medical Technologists,
s. sociation
last week at Chicago
Doctor Elliott spoke on the
from wondering about Sadie Haw- leilbotti to the Graf von Leiningen.
Eilbott. who is now in New'ical side of bacillary dysentary and where he was appointed to the ex- kins day . . . Give us some suggesi) ecutive
committee of the national
forum York studying English, will probably Doctor Scherago di.scu.ssed the
tions on that
rommitwv on rnr:l wineHtjnn
her hnshiind Inter in the .sprintj reriologirRl ;iswris of the rtisppse
rr pre. at 11 nVlnek



Mr. Bailey
"Dear Sir: As a member of the
junior class. I voted for Joe Bailey
as president of the class, feeling
that he and other class officers
were supposed to make necessary
arrangements for the junior prom.
However, it seems that the Men's
Student Council, an organization in
the selection of which I had no
voice, is trying to dictate the terms
on which the junior prom can be
conducted. Personally. I think the
Student Council should let Mr. Bailey carry out his plans unless they
arc objected to by those who elected
him to this position." J. C.

Worthy of mention



Two or three complaints have
been filed with this department that
writers hesitate to pen more worthwhile letters to the column because
such letters would be rather long.
nd lengthy messages are not usually reprinted here. So. from now
on. don't hesitate if you really have
the material for a long discussion.
If it is interesting at all. and suffers
from being cut. it
be printed in
its entirety. Again we emphasize
that names or initials should be
signed. There are always the sceptics who accuse us of writing to ourselves. Just for the fun of it. I guess.







Lawyers Contribute
To Quarterly





QoVemor Presides At
mas-dition- s.

Me-mu- st




rvi-- o



phv-sicia- n.



Tau Beta Pi Will Tap
Chosen Engineers




UK Lawyers To Argue


For Appeal Court Nod









Barkman Honored

one-four- th

Perrine Addresses
Engineer Students


XZ" "





"co-axi- al

Kin-luct- y



Disease Discussed

New Law Course




* i











National Advertising Service, Kite
f Mege Puhlisberi Representative
New Vok. N. V.
20 MaoiSom Ave.
otmi im tKun st Ftwt


Onr Semester



On Year

toils I. Ic.iiimri



Mnniing Edilnr


Hmcky M. Smiiii





Sports Editor


If It Worked,
It Would Revolutionize



from ihe chemisnv



Campus Lore





I'ni-versii- x



Do cou know vour colleger
Or. did oei know thai our department of agi
engineering supplies plans in Kentucky
farms plans covering su h buildings as barns,
silos. ioiilirv houses, storage houses, general
bams, sheds, and tool houses? And that this
s;.ine department reported that last year it ans-v- .
sets ol plans from Ken- creel reiiesis lor
nukv farms, and thnt the demand for these
drawings is sieadih inc leasing- And that isn't all. .Wording to a l.cxington

leader editorial, farmers in this stale normallv
should sjiend around SIT.! MM 1.000 ea h year on
lepairing buildings and constructing new ones.
More than 6.000 buildings were (ml up in I'W
on Kentuikv farms and iliere is need lor still
more new ones and the remodeling of old strue-tureBut these buildings should be grouped so
that thev enhance the beamy of the farm home

Contiid Coimiifiit
Governments used to operate under the feudal
system. Najioleon saw the defects of this method
of procedure and instigated an entirelv new
system. It worked for a while, but now il ion
is iccoming known as the futile svsiem.
We Americans are a whimsical eope. The
nations of the world are chafing at the bit in
annihilate one another. Crises are upon us with
the regularity ol a dailv newspaper. Thirtv-thousanAmericanais meet in Madison Square
Garden ami are booed bv Dorothy Thompson.
Things in general seem to be in one helluva
mess. And vet. Sain Goldwvn calmly announces
his Im i In timing picture, "T he Wizard of O."
.n full tri hnii nlor. There's something about
this idea that we like. "The Wiard Of O."
descending on the earth (in full technicolor)
like oil on troubled waters to epiiet the nervous
wrangling of humaniiv.


calls him junior, and Tii D It
pledse Shug Sanger have br n s.inu'
together for the prist fiv
without a mishap. Ain't love granci".'
So nice to see Alpha Delt D.ii-- y
Higgins and Willa.-- d