xt76t14tmk4h https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt76t14tmk4h/data/mets.xml Kentucky Kentucky Press Association Kentucky Press Service University of Kentucky. School of Journalism 1999 Call Number: PN4700.K37 Issues not published 1935 Aug - 1937 Oct, 1937 Jul - 1937 Aug, 1939 Oct - Dec, 1940 Jan - Mar, 1951 Aug - 1956 Sep. Includes Supplementary Material:  2005/2006, Kentucky High School Journalism Association contest 2004-2005, Advertising excellence in Kentucky newspapers 2003-2005, Excellence in Kentucky newspapers newsletters  English Lexington, KY.: School of Journalism, University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Press Press -- Kentucky -- Periodicals Saluting the best in Kentucky, The KPA 1999 Fall Newspaper Contest text Saluting the best in Kentucky, The KPA 1999 Fall Newspaper Contest 1999 2019 true xt76t14tmk4h section xt76t14tmk4h W--._WWMWMM«,__-M_WMWWWW..-____-M_._._W _,, “a--." ,. ._ - . _ -..fi
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Page 2 - 1999 KPA Fall Newspaper Contest
VT.— WW V —“ W tion to detail and history. Category lO-BEST INVESTIGATIVE Excellent focus on the subject, with
“r9‘.kl v ‘ Third Place — HIcKMAN COURIER, STORY OR SERIES mom and the doctor sufficiently out
: 7- 3 John O’Neal Jones First Place - GALLATIN COUNTY of focus to not distract from the pho-
—‘ . , Interesting, modern love story with NEWS, Clay Warnick tograph.
: ‘ 1388 l . great use ofquotes. Story affects local area with fears Second Place - GALLATIN (‘OI'N—
1 ' ‘ that beautiful area will be revived TY NEWS, Kelley Warnick
‘ V ’ " V " ' ’7 ._. " 'TM‘ Category 5 - BEST COLUMN b develo )ment. Could have done Sim )le hoto, but with enough other
Sategory l ' BEST EDITQRIYAJ‘, , First Place - GALLATIN COUNTY m)bre interlviews and digging. face: topmake it interesting.
1‘2”" P1“: 79$???“ MA“ NEWS, Kelley Warnick Second Place — EDMONTON HER- Third Place — MARTIN (‘OI'NTY
3:43;}3;D\;i1n‘:1‘:;*T‘hifdmwm Mod Strong writing, interesting subjects, ALD NEWS, Clay Scott SUN, Lilly Adkins
, ‘ ' _ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘. ‘ . make this entry a Winner! Two separate entries should be Memorial Day ceremony that means
9”} tor the way it P‘f”‘{”“hzf’d an Second Place - SPENCER MAG- one—same topic with follow-up. much to the older citizens and
:55”): if“ (1 gotjddrzfiflén); grid“)? NET, Kim Rich Reactions to the “Bounced Check” involves the younger generation as
:5] F 0.0 3‘11?) ‘ .8”: (d ‘detax. (l Good, interesting columns on sub- would have helped. well. GOOd framing.
liiiiiieihilii. 1” 15 P00 t l oria ject of local interest and importance, ( BEQT SPOT NEWQ
.j _ ‘ ,; .. . . aclose second. Category 11 -BEST ON-GOING/ Tategory17- » 3 ~
E‘Pffij‘flilél‘;§fug fiwfifiiw NEWS Third Place -'OWENTON NEWS EXTENDED COVERAGE STORY PICTURE ‘ ‘
Antitlierstandout example Ofeditor- HERALD’ PattLM. Clark First Place ‘ MARTIN COUNTY PM“ P1390 _ BEREA (LITIZhN'
ial leadership though not quite as Good mix 0‘ SUbJQCtS.‘ SUN’ Lilly Adkms . , Oanna Estridge .
well written ”8' the first place entry. Honorable Mention — TIE - A great Job was done With keeping r10 capture the 211)Prt’ll£’}15101'1 0f
Third Place _ GALLATIN COUNTY SPENCER MAGNET, NIikc the public informed and giViiig someonenls a photographers dream-
NEWS Clay Warnick Vallanous . . . . updates on the situation. Cmodyob.). ‘ ‘ Y Y
Short—to-the-point editorial uses a When the police chief returns, hire Second Place —' OWENTON NEWS Second Ilace ' ('ALLATIN («01 IV-
personal experience to make a single him as a writer. Great Job ofhuman- HERALD, Patti M. Clark T? NEWS, K0118): “’31“ka
but fair mm. A good reminder that 12mg law enforcement. Third Place — TRIMBLE BANNER, Nico display. as it should,_fur great
editorials do not have to be long and Honorable Mention - TIE - BOUR- Mabel Richmond Shot of smoke and firemen in action.
involved to do some good BON COUNTY CITIZEN, Kevm Honorable Mention — TIE — OWEN- Third Place — uALLATIN COUNTY
Garrison TON NEWS HERALD, Patti M. ngsiKelleyyirmlck k d
, . - a Fiery and off the wall, with a seri» Clark 1C“ capture 0 t e arge ”11C an
grggg;ry 2 BEST SPOT NEWS ous point or two added for good mes— Egrgtgglgleiientlion - T/Ilf - PRTLEOSI gerimilll) Flke-M t‘ n TIE
. ‘ H t t ‘ save. ‘ I , my orton ita 'itc e 0 0T“ 9 en 10 ‘ ‘
. ‘ . ‘ ‘ r ble Mention - TIE — FULTON
Good Job of talking to source rather Category 6 ' BEST SPORTb Categorbf 12 ' BEST SPOT NEWS Honora . . ‘
than relying on police accounts. QQLUMN , PACKAGE 7 LEADER” tha Mitchell
Mabel Richmond ' CITIZEN. Tom Leach John O'Neal Jones Category 18 ' REST NEWS
(‘rood u“, of quotes from family. Most original with topics like acade- Headline grabbed my attention as PICTURE ESSAY ' ‘
Third Place _ (iALLATlN (,(‘HVNTY mic awards. well as the photo. Both stories were F15“ Place ‘ O'VVENTON NEWS
NEWS. Kellev Warnick Second Place - SPENCER MAG- Of much interest and were linked HERALD' J- C‘harsnevr
Whv not more on criticism from Dar— NET‘ (lary Fowler “7“” The better 0f two News-Herald
pm; at mvmlng-i Strong use of Not very original. but very insight- Second Place - IIICKMAN COURI- e‘ntrles. Excellent presentation.
quotes from best friend. flil and I could see the content being ER, John ()‘Neal Jones (f‘md C“SUPP hm action. V v V
read and used hy readers. Third Place - EI'LTON LEADER, Svg‘ond 1’18““- 9WEI‘T0’N NEWS
“town, 3_ BESTGENERAL Third Place » FULTON LEADER, Rita Mitchell HERALD J-P harm” ,
NEWS STORY Mike ()listrom “orthy subject. but presentation
First Place _ ()WENTON NEWS Category 13 _ BEST BUSINESS/ and reprodug-tion doesnt rival first
IIERALI). Patti M. Clark Category 7 - BEST SPORTS AGRIBUSINESS STORY 1’1““ recipient.
. Well-w't , 1 M s ,l . (, ; ()._ STORY First Place - FULTON LEADER, ‘ ‘
(my, .,'(.',.},‘,,':n”0:~ t[1:015:11(thinlflyi First Place - BOURBON (‘UUN’I‘Y Rita Mitchell Category 19 - BEST FEATURE
”mg. in court. ‘ CITIZEN, Ivan Rice Thoughtful look at one company's PICTURE V Y ‘ ‘ . ..
Second Place _ IIICKMAN COURI— I'm hard to surprise with a lead. The history and its relationship with the EltSt'Elilf't‘ ‘ EDMONTON HERALD
ER. JUhn ()‘Neal Jones definition setup on this story made town. Thorough and well-researched APART (,lay Scott , , _
A little weak in terms of how story we want to read on. Good thought?! with an excellent lead! Th‘l‘v“ ‘3',”an S CXPrOSS'On ‘5 price- i
is structured. More background and :jecond Place — FULTON LEADER, Second Place - FULTON LEADER, iiibsmtlhltce JOb to capture 0"“)th 0f
comments from )arents and school ike ()hstrom Rita Mitchell a i a . a w a
officials would haive helped. (Iood‘iob Crood coverage, but style does not Interesting twist on a business Sfichfnd. P189; ' SPLNLLR MAC"
on mkmgmitmtiui to attend Mission sustain length and reader gets story. Flows well. Good use of ‘,4 'Klm Ru. . ‘
and reactions of students. hOWever, bored. quotes. :11): ibnblIifacrgbcpirfgttiflghottiilt “150 a
a lot of )a )(irs might have stuck Third Place - BEATTYVILLE Third Place — OWENTON NEWS .) l , '
with “1,301 Lysuim'ghuf‘ficm] hm. and ENTERPRISE, Matt \Vattersoii HERALD. Patti M. Clark TF1“? Place ' P’f‘LLATIN COUNTY
not bothenrdto attend this. Interesting, but could have used Good job localizing a national story. PEWS‘ Kelley Warnick .
Third Place - BEREA CITIZEN, more Periods and less commas. Lots of research is evident. Could xiiieIlEZihEtball shot—espemally at
Danna Pjstridgc have been made stronger with more ‘ ‘ tr ‘ I . . ,
Well-written, good use of quotes. Category 8 ' BEST SPORTS local input. Eligismlglé\yémllfgégfihb - (Z‘WEN
Nicely done account Ofthe event. FEATURE B ) ‘ l L ’ fan“
“womb“ Mention _ ()VVENTQN First Place — GALLATIN COUNTY Category 14 — BEST HEADLINE ”mm, ., . . .
NEWS HERALD. Patti M. Clark NEWS, Kelley VVarIiick First Plat-t- — MARTIN COUNTY lil“""g.”9l‘”t “7“ “9“” g" ““me
Thorough and clear, however. this This feature clearly showed commu- SUN, Mark Crrayson :fiilfiiurmg imagination ”f a young
cries out for some community reac- nity interest and had a great lead? It Great headlines which grab the ' . ,
tioii. (‘rimmtimg from parting“ stu— is a well-written sports feature. readers attention see-.is to be con- {iqwrclgilgfimlléfihini ' gigngIM/IF:
dents. p01,“, and church readers Second Place - BEREA CITIZEN. sisteiit in this newspaper. AP}! At 7 . l |‘ om d L] ‘f’.“f}“
would have made this a winning Danna Estridge Second Place ~ (lALLATlN (‘()I'N- W “Hall“ r capturt “ht 11%”-
t‘IiIl‘V. Third Place _ (HYENTON NEWS TY NEWS. Kelley Wariiick INOHH‘UI‘HS these 'youiigsters hang
‘ HERALD, .i.c. Karsner Third Place - BEREA CITIZEN. ‘1”? ‘f’f'W‘ ‘i‘l‘f” ““ ”“3 ”WW3“?
Category 4 - BEST FEATURE Category 9 - BEST ENTERPRISE Teresa Mullins -‘ " ”m“ t ““ ”“"“”“““‘-
hm p1,“... _ ”my“ LEADER. First Place - SPENCER MAGNET. Category 15. BEST USE §,l‘(t°r‘if}§¥3 52%};ka FEATURE
First two paragraphs really drew me This story concerned an original ILLUSTRATIONS Joli" ”kw.” Jun“ ‘ ‘ A ' ' ' ‘
ill. (lives t-iloiigli of :\Iitl‘:ll.l;Ill-‘.l.5 liis- topic and showed t‘.\lt'l‘i.\'l\'t‘ researih Certificate oi Merit » IllCKMAN \. x Vii wt W 1 “ll
tort \xitliollt overdoilig it. (ilHNI use in the sidebars and throughout the (‘tll'h'llill John O‘Neill Joiics Ft 7} PM“? I“ ”I“ ( ’1“ H _ rot
HIR‘NHIM- story. lt-st'lyal I iiii . $211711.” ph}oios VIA-\Cll
s . .i Phi“. l-‘l'l.'l‘(i.\' LEADER, sororid Phil-t. . liOi'RRoN (‘Ol'N‘l‘v Category it; — BEST GENERAL hint-iiiiiiitwith; iiiiiiiiiiif liliiiji‘iiiuit“
.\Ill\- lil:~"imn (‘ll’leCN.Jlli1iii}'Piraiiiioli NEWS I’ICTI'RE g. (i l i,.1_"_ _‘( lWl’N'lY )NiNl‘WV“
.w-r..~ ,. .. vh. mil ‘i'iiird l’l.ii‘v' . llll'li.‘\l.\\‘ t‘Ol'hilal; law in...- sl'ich lull .\l.\t;.\‘i-: 1‘, '“‘ ““ " ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘
inlrxi tllv‘i l‘ll 'm .‘ N'l» .ill“fl .l l‘l'i UNI-.il .loitt-s l‘:li‘. I\ iii See WEEKLY 1. page 18

- r- .‘ 'V ( h “ ' 1
“7-" .7". 1" "‘ [it Hr\RI\( R t).\()\
“:f- » :1“— \t \l t ' ()t the thtee lt’lt‘lh oiil\ one ll.t\ l‘L't‘ll L'Jl‘llllt‘d. Htllll , .
. ‘. .111» t - ' ~- . . .
:J \l.1titt~. It. ol .\.tl\et\\ the \\.1\ .1iipit'ltetidul I.1~t \\ eel. tit.” lll\ “( H had
I; , l\l / \ \1 1111:: t .'.llll\ 111.111 \\ ll\‘ \t.1titl\ .1tttmtl 1! lioiiit .1lttt \llllt'lltlt'llllIL' to .tlllllt‘llllt'\ who h.1d 111.1111“ \l to hundreds (tft‘illls
,. -‘"‘-.I ml‘ttn2 II‘itttijt tit: ,.l\1‘ll u it: ”to 11‘.it}.‘t .ttttt lll\ dittttj.‘ U‘Illtl liiiii 11:1 .1 litllxidt‘ from “Ul‘l‘it‘d
I" 2 \11\ em ‘11 k\\ it‘t lion. Yltt Mi; \11111'. lx’t L‘lt‘llJI llttt'tit‘. " lht .itltt‘t tut», lt'llt'n \l.tt\lt.1ll, _“'..1|\oot .d 11! “h
v. . . . . . ‘ as .s o
5 1 I- (Lllltl .utotiiimtitul l‘\ low \l.1;;1‘ttiti lllt'll lltititlietlx wt \.1lI\1.1~\ lllL. .1iitl- \ltllx. ‘l. li.1\ u been .1lile to elude .1 tii.1ithtiiit I1. ,I t’ ,
" “11mm?" “1 the 111w!“ lt.t\t l‘LLll itl‘iittt'd In polite All 1'\tl iht ttt\\il\ 111;: \‘nl\t'l\ ot the Kcttlltt‘k) Stdtt‘ l’ttlit‘c. l t\lt & \\i|d— thmk "18} \‘t‘
II ' region. lllL ()lllk'L'l\ .1iid lllt'llll‘t'l\ ot the \1.itliti. \ldIL‘t‘lllll. .1nd spotted the
l \miiu- (1.111 ll.1\eti \Ilillx' mother. Ruth \1IIH\. \\.1\ l .|\\lL‘ll\k‘ ('otttitt Slit'iitl '\ otlieex. escapees."
on the tcletihont \\ itlt \1.1tttit ( 1111111} 51111 tcporter. l illI\ \l.1ttin(ottiitI\ ~\hetitt l).1tricl \ttllllIL' lt‘pttlh tli.1t litx V-VVS‘hertfflhtrrt '/
(. It ll t/ x‘xdlxith~ \\llL‘ll the tllllllttllllt'x 1.11d1d her home iii watch llL'l \1tll ottiee.1loiteli.1\tet'ci\cd lllllltlTL‘tl\ ot e.1ll\ ll'ttlll Cttllut‘lllt'tl ‘ Y. ‘
11111 tlH'Il t 1 l.1\t “Ct-k , , V ‘ _. (HUI ’
r - 7 'V . .
Top. In the Weekly Class 1 com -
. . . . 1 7V
. . V , _ t pettttott, the Mattttt County butt
1 . ,
. ‘ .. 1 . - took top honors In the On-
‘ Kr . A
r . .1 ‘ w . 4 ‘ Q W I
II . ' r 9 v _ I ‘ .v (wrung/Extended Coverage btot '1'
it; t ‘ -. 1 . \. 1 . 1 .
1 =2; _ ‘ . ~ "‘ . 1 ‘ -
~ 1 . p \. . . , t ti . (ategoty. Left. The Owenton
M "H ‘ .- ' ‘ .‘ g f, . l I . u
‘ . . _ ». 1. ~ I ‘ ‘x . .1 1 -\ ; . ‘1 News Her (1111 lt’(‘(’lt‘(’d first plate
, . _ I . ' . . . I ~!‘-\" ' I ‘ ,
~ ~ 4 'I r ' ‘ ‘ I ‘ V ' I ‘ , I I
. . 1‘ \k m g-II . .H i. ~. honors tot J.(,,. Katsttet .s News
LI ‘ » _ . “I - K . II 1H v‘ ‘ I . ) _ 1
,1" 1.; \-¢-.‘ n - . .‘L .: .‘3 I teture Essay entry. Bottom:
~ . 1. . .
,- . .- “‘23! S _. t .1. t. --. Judges gave the (ya/latttz
.I . ._ *"‘:~‘\.. ‘ t‘é v, .. .1," (1 N I I . .
t; - I _;__ f". y -. .\ 5 . 1 ~ ~ ,ounty e115 nothtng but pratse
'% r' ‘ ‘ ’ ~ z— ' . ‘ . . '.
#:qu 1x. 9' , /. ; for this ettttv [tom Kellev
‘J W - - ,v v . . ‘ ‘
_ .1 V . . ‘1‘] , .l, I} 'l I t ‘11
. . ~ , 7 f». 7 (111111. 11 21111011111111 list
' ‘ d ' , Z- . . ».- ,. .' ' T1 ' 'W V
.1 .. ,1- i. y n, I, , 1 1. plat e In the Best Spot ts Feature
. ' ‘ A I r ‘ v
I . . . - D ’ (utegorv. 1 he (1111(1111’ helped the
I 1 . . a" ' V . ‘ .
I v. . I . g ,_ (Ia/[(I/III (outttt' News seeute
- ' ‘ . N '.‘.?‘w‘ 1"! \r'! . ' v .
,,. I; . f“: 3t . the top spot tn the (:eneto/
, ’\§ "*- . V . .
r .1 T my 1.. 1, , 1 . . .; ‘ [nee/lenee eom )ettttott.
, v . . i
. J " , 1; ~_i__ q ‘2 . , ‘W '
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“5..“ V" ”3:.ng ' ” ' ~I " . ‘ \ I 11111 ‘11 II \lomgt- hut/ding
. Rat. . ‘ , ‘ ' .I .. 2.1.. ‘ .. taughl lirt- Ion-«I111 dilution/i and
_ wn‘ - F \
‘3 ' "’c R " ‘ v; .-' - _ :(",‘ . ' 1111111] no! he “not! the hutldrng
It ”:7'}. ' 1*“ “ ’ 1 k l‘ ‘0 ;' ”*1“ I " ‘ ; hut/t In lthhi ~ Hill in 1911) h.“
I . 11;";er ’ ' L: ~fly’ ”.II housed lhrm- gnu on “UN“ and um
. , u y .‘ / 13 » " ' " .,:_., (min-rind to .1 home before ho-ing
' ' _ " 47.7.. _ ‘u& I “C" ' l: ""1." uwt/ Ior \Iomge hy turn-r1! owner
1‘1. I1,“ 4 ; . I “‘3' I \ ~’- ‘1 ‘ 1 ‘ R1111» Moll Whtle .1 number or
.E v _ T Q“ ., ‘ Xian" . ”-v\ “'1 huusvhuld Rtmd\ were saved, .1
w, , I” I, 4'" h I . g, _ , '. ‘ ‘ (ho-n Hid/PI No" had owned for
raw?" , I, . 1.‘ . II‘ “I C v . I . ’ _ . only .1 «111-11 and a number of other
I". "’, .J -' :1“ . ' I ' h ‘ 1tem~ were lost 4 p11 bull and hw
7 ~ ‘ ‘ ‘I I . . ‘ ' f ‘ , Afi- . A, new put». wv-n- .1/«1 ltMl 111 thr- blan-
Why we’re all cheering for the Wildcats
. around here whosdys they‘re loser» the} .111; dppr‘lelL‘d like llltt‘~l \lllil” ttlunllt‘S. (ltillutin hm t..11l good
Thls & That Day after day in Richmond at lantern Kentutk) x Someone who h.1\n lllHId here mm long or who lx not buxkcthdll lt‘dllh and good playcrx tn the n.1xt hot “(Itllh
cavemous gymnasium. Gallatin (jounty‘x baxltctbnll tzitnilidr with our little U‘Ulll} 111.1) not underxlnnd lhl\ uotildeu‘i tall the school .1 poucrhouxe The Wiltlttttx
. team looked unbeatable, With each “1'1“.th cxcttemcnt unbridled enthiixtawii li;1\ c newt won .1 mac championship ar'l onl) th’lt‘c \Mill
By Kelley Warmck escalated Those unable to make the nearlytwo hourtrip The} 11111} not re.1li/c llll\ ye.1r\ tetiiii hux been .1 21 regional title. 40 )‘can ttgo A break oxen remrd h.1~
Editor south. followed the games on radio and television th\\ll‘1)l to it” ot U\ who live here They may know the alwayx been \onicthing to celebrate
As dawn broke Sunday. With the championship 11.11111; 16.1111 had .1 pcrtcet :0 mm .md no lime-x rcmrd but they Thu Itcui houcwr. xomcthing thrilling begun to hll
only hours away.thcre was only one question UnthL‘ll',h mat not httxc know why that tltmlexs retold couldn't the 1m by late December The team won lt\ Tll’fl THC
of people still left in town. hum-1111111:.11.1hettertiine gtiiiicx. then ten 111 11 nm. thcn l5 «traight and lound
Painted faces. drums pounding. blood. sweat. tears. “You guing to the big game like everyone elxc or are 71M) mt)lllh\.|gn noittic \\11\t llf‘L'l'ln}; the new \t’otitlng lhcntsclu‘x going into the unite title game hax 111g won 20
raucous highs and abject lows. It wasn‘t the Super Bowl you going to watch it on teleiision‘” the girl at the mitot()ullutinfouiitt Rigtclexixiontmcksmrte intown gumcx uithout .1 defeat With t‘ukh win. the L'ht't‘lK prev»
but it was the most watched game in Gallatin County last Carryoutasked me after I filled up my truck lkncv» \hc hiouduozinu toth world tltctll~llirhlllgllCW\ that \tutlcnh louder .1» the enmdx grew larger
Sunday. hasn't talktng about the Super Bowl in (tulillllll (‘nuntx .u-ic 1.1k1'2y their mm ll\L'\ The It would ham.- been mmdeiiu! itthc Wildeutx h.1d “on
For t‘ourcmnttonaldays. the Gnlltitin Count}W1]dcats Sure I “as gning and from the look ot'thr: parking l1 1 _ rlt’lllitlllll} ~k'.ll'L'llL't.‘ 1,1: .m 1.1:: but none “ClL‘ found .11. lbs \lult‘ thulnpl‘tllSTllf‘ Sunday hut they didn't ThL‘ll
.mdthctrhundrcds ottans stormed Richmond. Kentuck). at the field home in Richmond so wax near!) may 121 .2 t~lt.-.1k 111.1.11. t2. Ex .1lllL’Ll :n .111 rtl'ld ux \Cil~IHlU\llllllll(‘\ though. 11nd we hope there \\ ill be t‘Vt‘lt ‘
in a quest to bnng :1 «tatc basketball title to the smallest else in town Gallatin County \chiclcs. man) decorated lhc-t. \L'J‘Ull‘ Aiding-1: l .11; turned itt “llllt’f .1111! greater \lt‘lt‘lIC\ 1n the week to Uth
count) in Kcntttcl.) B) How. .15 excryonc knmu. the torthe occasion. filled upthe place. hxcryoneuhomddc li.1ll.1iin ~ \llldUH" agnnn Nrtctl matting neux lhh time “Ill“H1111lti\c.lhl'ttlmnlullll} (“MNth‘~Ct‘1|;1t\'(‘lott\ I
team came tantdlizingl) clmc but didn't wn the theiourncy l1.1d one thing on their mind Their F‘tflfll‘ll ll. 1.111 :1 "H mm 1.:11‘1- 3.111.111 .IllCKPL‘JCdTl-tkt‘ The \Nildc.1t~.1hig duhtetttttttitude ‘\ttcr.1ll.thc\ h.1\c gut-n
thumpmnxhtpgaiiic..luqthe~.11nc.j.ouuon‘tt‘inddtiwnc “astochecrt nthe team andthow the platen hr ‘1\ 11.11.11 taut w'lli" j gw 1m . - ,. 1.\.1rcttxoiitogncernnt'ctigdin '

 F E E’ mm
Page 4 - 1999 KPA Fall Newspaper Contest
v stand out from a lot oi'good entries. BELL (‘OI'NTY RE(‘()RI)ER. (Iina read the article.
“‘l‘|kl‘7 | Second Place - PROVIDENCE JOUR Holt Third Place - IARI'E (‘OI'NTY HER-
’ ' . , NAL ENTERPRISE, Gwen Bolin ALI) NEWS, Susan Reed Lambert
‘ . I Sharp sense of humor. Enjoyable and Category 10- BEST INVESTIGATIVE Witty. although slightly cliche.
‘ , lass 2 personable in print. STORY OR SERIES Honorable Mention - MULEAN
' Third Place ~ PROVIDENCE JOI'R- First Place ~ PROVIDENCE JOI'R- (‘OI'NTY NE\VS, Dayid Martin
‘ ‘ NAL ENTERPRISE, Kristie NAL ENTERPRISE. Kristie Loved the third headline."Racing isn‘t
Category 1 - BEST: EDITOBI‘IN: . . Daugherty Daugherty a drag for 15—year-old Freels."
Mr“ E lace A 81“ TANIH 'NI‘ATT‘ A bit long. (iood detail on use and elitect ol
3‘”? I,"“””‘f“_’t”l ‘1 _. l , i . r d Iionorahie Mention . i_.AReE (‘()I'.\'- "crank." Could have fleshed oet Willi Category 15 - BEST USE OF
p“*l‘m"‘ “1”“ ”N “W“ “1‘ “W“ TYIIERALDNEWs, Linda Parker impact on community and/or profile or GRAPHICS/ PHOTO
. ‘ , . , s , . v . Folksy. moving at times Almost placed a user. ILLUSTRATIONS
Riiiiiiiiitiiiiiii bffi‘fj\gnfifjxllfijti 0‘ x“ in a tough call. second I’lace — IiENRY coi'NTY First Place - (‘ITIZEN \‘oieE &
PositiVe little editorial on a good sub- s . a s s s ”KAI“ 'Iracy 5‘ (. (”an . . WISHES" 'I‘ffl Moreland
) ‘ ‘ _ . ' . ~ ' . Category 6 - BEST SPORTS Stories about quality of life always ripe Dramatic and reflectne
it“, RUTH” tihv-btiuk are {Uri I]: COLUMN for readers. This about a treacherous Second Place — (.‘RITTENDEN PRESS.
:Ilsgrirt‘im “t t P mg“ “mp ‘15 mt - First Place - BIG SANDY NEWS, road. was likely most read story that Daryl K SIM)” 1 1
‘ , . __ , , ‘s . ,. , s .' James Ellis day, Not terri y origina, iut inibrinatiye.
.HK‘I’PELI'I't‘ftywbr‘clIuTnL/‘I‘h \ ”I” I” i actuallychuckled a few times. A col— Third Place - PROVIDENCE JOI'R Third Place — Rio SANDY NEWS.
lnipoil‘ti'int ‘11th and strong stand uinn should provoke reactions. and NAL ENTERPRISE. Kristie .I‘erry Penmnmmi
put enti‘y inithird place but it was way Ellis succeeds. IIis entries are proYoca- Daugherty (rolortul and useful.
too IUIIIJII“ place higher Save the tiny tive, occasionally insulting and humor- It‘litflhlutfl't‘ text/art‘to “get out the ‘ ‘ ‘ r 1
details for the story. ' ‘ ous. Ellis writes like a tan. although it vote" on consolidation issue, Category 1‘6 - BEST GENERAL
iionorahie Mention - iiENRY (MN ”m b“ """rk‘H “‘ “”“"‘* , H . . , NEWS,PI_(’TURE , . . . .
— TY Lot‘Ai.. Melissa Blankenship Category 1‘ ' BEST Oh'homw If“ .1 ““3 ‘ FR?) IDEM hf!“ R'
y, ) r v, _ s u s s STORY First Place - LAUREL NEWS JOUR- "Remembering Them" is a well—com-
33$” 2 BP‘HSPOT NEWS First Place - LAUREL NEWs .iot'R— NAL. John Shindlebower/Janie Brock posed illustration of' Memorial Day
First Place _ (‘ITIZEN VOICE & NAL, Les Dixon Not only did these stories follow the observance. Balance ”I COSIUIIII‘II PUT“ ‘.
TIMES JetI'Moreland Great headline, lead, photos and story. news, they delved into the human IICIPIIIIIS WIIh the ”OS-“(‘5 and “3:15 15
Well WPIIIUI) and conCIse. Second Place - BIG SANDY NEWS. aspect. the impact this dec1sion would {“11" good. ‘ ‘ V .
Second Place _ (‘ARROLLTON NEWS James Ellis . have on the community. And the writ- Second P1309 ' IJfXRLTE (. (”INTI
DEMOCRAT. (it““rtfl‘ Harper Third Place - (‘AMPBELL (‘OUNTY ing is top notch. HERALD NEWS. 5115811 Rt’t’d
(iood lead. All facts are there. in the RECORDER. Tom Embrey Second Place - LAUREL NEWS Lambert ‘
5.1m, (WM MW ,,,,.,,,p,,,,,,,.d {um Honorable Mention — TIE — LARUE .IoURNAI.,.Ioiin Shindlebower This first-day-otochool photo. socrotod
Wm up m thwtm. coUNTY IIERALD NEWS. Linda Much like the first place entry, this at the bottom of page one reflects 9
Third Place _ ('ARROLLTON NEWS Parker series reported the breaking news Chlld S UIICI‘I'IIIIIIIY anda teachers
I)EI\IO(‘RAT. (WWII? Ilarper Honorable Mention - TIE — (‘ITIZEN While looking at human cost. Also, one encouragement on what IS until 110“”
(Iood use ot'quotes. V()I(‘E & TIMES. JeII'Moreland story looked into how occupational the most tert-I day Of 3 .VOUIILTSII‘TS
taxes were spreading across the life. It could have been featured more
i. v . _ ‘3 t j 4 Category 8 - BEST SPORTS SIHUFDICO touch. Very thorough jobl prominently. 7
fifafigrg‘mfim (”P NFRAL FEATURE Third Place - BIG SANDY NEWS, Third Plaoe - BIG SANDY NEWS.
First HM, _ HENRY COUNTY First Place - CITIZEN VOICE & Jerry Pennington Jerry Pennington
. ‘r ‘ z . . S. j S TIMES. Jefi'Moreland Thorough coverage from the discovery
II:1:()I:Itr'£r1II(IIOS .(stilliiltilt matter well. The lead for this article really separat— of a skeleton to the arrest of a murder Category 17 ' BEST SPORTS
Second Place ‘ M(‘LEAN (‘OUN'I‘Y ed it from the competition? suspect. Cleanly written. NEWS PICTURE
NEWS Sim“. Hutchim Second Place - CARROLLTON NEWS First Place - LAUREL NEWS JOUR—
Thv Sum. pmoms u“. ”.mdmtsr CW DEMtieRAT, George Harper Category 12 . BEST SPOT NEWS NAL, John Shindlobowor ‘ "
cerns well. Very interesting story which contained PACKAGE ThIS PhOIO has everything a ‘CIOSC C8“
Third pm“, _ (‘AMPBELL COUNTY all the details and was very thorough. First Place - CITIZEN VOICE & COUIdSSk for. Rescue workers, a man
RECORDER. (Iina Holt Great community interest? TIMES, Jet‘fMoreland clearing debris, SPCCIIIIOI'S: PUZZIE‘d
sentence.structure,” 1),“,kade in Third Place - LAUREL NEWS JOUR- Second Place - MCLEAN COUNTY 6095- We“ framed from a well-chosen
places. NAL, Les Dixon NEWS, David Martin angle to reflect all those elements.
Honorable Mention _ TIE _ TOMP— Good structure, thorough and should Second Place ‘ PROVIDENCE JOUR'
KINSVILLE NEWS, Blanche Trimble have been of great interest to the com- Category 13 - BEST BUSINESS/ NAL ENTERPRISE, KIISIIe
Should have used more than 0m, munity. Also hadanice lead. AGRIBUSINESS STORY Daugherty . .
source form. story, Honorable Mention - TIE - SPRING- First Place - MCLEAN COUNTY Not your typical fire shot- There is
Honorable Mention - TIE - CRITTEN- FIELD SUN, Janie Buntain NEWS, Slone Hutchison actlon-and apparently danger-in thIS
DEN PRESS, Daryl Tabor Honorable Mention - TIE - SPRING- There is a temptation to say you can’t PhOIP- The COIhPOSItIOh was very good,
FIELD SUN, Tom Bystrek make chicken salad out of chicken... leaving ShIhFleht burned SITUCIUIG to
Category 4 . BEST FEATURE but this is what Hutchison did. Clearly the 19ft to bring the flames Into central
STORY Category 9 - BEST ENTERPRISE told me a bout E—grass, what it is, what focus.
First Place - LAUREL NEWS JOUR- 0R ANALYTICAL STORY it does, and why. It‘s good informative Thlrd Place ' CAMPBELL COUNTY
NAL, John Shindlebowar First Place - LAUREL NEWS JOUR- and eye-opening. Good job. RECORDER, Chris Fossnt _
Fascinating story. Strong lead, Great NAL, John Shindlebower/Janie Second Place - HENRY COUNTY Excellent oomPOSitlon of the extrica-
attenrion to detail and history, Brock/Michelle Cahill LOCAL, Tracy S. Combs tion Photography withtho focus on res-
Second Place - LAUREL NEWS Excellent coverage ofjust exactly what Fine overall story on impact of drought cue rather than V‘Ct‘m- .Th? comple-
JOURNAL, Janie Brock we’re talking about when we say on crops. Gave problem and the impact mentary copter photo h‘ghhghts the
The lead really personalized this arti- annex. Good set-up piece and Iliice side— in clear concise story. immediacy 0f the scene.
cle, brou ht Cod to life. Flows well, bars. Better art could have he ped, but Third Place - SPRINGFIELD SUN,
althoughga Iittleylong. More SOurCeS didn’t hurt. Nice work. Janie Buntain Category 18 ' BEST NEWS
would have made this even stronger. Second Place — CAMPBELL COUNTY What weekly papers are supposed to PICTURE ESSAY
Third Place - LAUREL NEWS JOUR- RECORDER, Gina Holt do—inform. She explains the complicat- First Place - CITIZEN VOICE &
NAL, John Shindlebower Good coverage to interesting topic. ed Phase II Settlement and tells farm- TIMES, J9“ Moreland “ .
Another great lead. Moving article. Would have made an excellent center- ers what they need to know. (PS. G9Od representation 0f Tribute I0 3
Lots of strong sources. piece with art and graphics. Loved the piece you did on cows, too!) friend. Photographer chose the “ght
Honorable Mention — CAMPBELL Third Place - PROVIDENCE JOUR- shooting angler no acoldontr and used
COUNTY RECORDER, Gina Holt NAL ENTERPRISE, Kristie Category 14 -BEST HEADLINE good Judgme“t ‘0 best Prose“t the
Nice look at “small town" America. Daugherty First Place — PROVIDENCE JOUR- mom Photo The complementary photo
Good sources. Conid have used a Luck or pianned? Whichever, having NAL ENTERPRISE. Gwen Bolin is Perfect for the 0008510” Good work
stronger lead. an unusual and interesting article Nice assortment of headlines. Good indeed. ,
under art ofvolunteer working in area play on words. Concise and to the Second Place ' LARUE COUNTI
Category 5 . BEST COLUMN likely to have spiders, worked for me. point. HERALD NEWS- Lindo Parker
First Place - LARUE COUNTY HER- Honorable Mention - TIE - LAUREL Second Place — CITIZEN VOICE & f" move to "the ”It enough to not
ALD NEWS. Susan Reed Lambert NEWS JOURNAL, John Shindlebower TIMES, Jeff Moreland Brownfield OUt 0i the scene, would
Entertaining, well-written columns Honorable Mention - TIE - CAMP- Amusing. Really made me want to See WEEKLY 2, page 18

 \ fir
FER ?l|ll\l
t.» - , ,
1999 KPA Fall Newspaper Contest - Page 5
l '3, mean”; mo
' | FOi ’86 murder ot Irvine Police Chiet Bob Walker
i Enforcement, please Harrlson SEEKS new "13'
| . ’ AVRT 8\ J9" More|and i~\ : ,‘ : n i hit ~. ‘.t it wt In [‘r'\*lt‘:t ou-i'" -\ l w» ‘nlikl lY\ .i lrlt'liliultl' mt: r\ irw
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i L1 61‘ 0011 r0 01‘ lnance , ,
i o . .. . . - iv , ‘ i. t. lu‘u ‘ 1 '\~. \ln'ii .‘ 1“ l r .ti: .. ,\ii t\ult‘l\t‘l.\r~ lit-unity a not tHH‘Unl
, . l . - ~ ‘1 .» _ . -‘: ti' t‘\ - i, 1"‘ Hi! ~ m w Wimvr ‘ '1 vii ii willlllJl’ k isi's illltll‘llllg to «\iituiis.
; is useless if not upheld , ., , .w . W.
. N .‘ - .g .- , .ii. . \. v '. . li'l’r «i; i.‘.i.t C'riii lllt iii-xixiwtrt‘niiitl twivtiglln
I; , ’ . . ' ' n 'x .m! 1 \‘u f't "t "" . _ -‘ll"«\ ILH'W'iw iii-i 't inriivrn‘h ll! Mum's “lirrn- {lu- iii-imitlva‘
l ' . . ' . t \ J. i. ' H A ' n W \t" w i" ~l :7: li.i‘ .Ii :iii- ~t'\l'lh l '1 in lli (\ll.l“[|llll1r\
: U. \k‘U \\ All! l0 Cilnlri‘l lll' .‘ih‘l‘. and lhl\ l\ lht‘ \‘Ll\ lx‘ dl‘ ' * . ‘1‘ . ‘ ' . \v ' i‘- 'l't'lln‘X iiiiilui it tit-luv Lilli: lt'lllrlliilL' to lllo‘ !
l I” “m ””g‘“ ""mpmg “ " -. .. ' . a ,. .' ‘.. ' ; $1.2“. 37:14:11 '
‘ Lawrence CUUI‘iljf‘ That all \oundx well and - . _ ' u 2i ' ~. . — : tit; n m... tahr ii. :....i\i , .iwmni l
l The ltf\l thing too ll need IK good. but three tears ’.. or ' . f , f ' ‘ ’ j ' . . . 1 . “""fl‘ 7,1" , , , . _ . ., l
l , - ‘ . ‘ H w .- . it ,. i i.\ i.. \l..-lit ‘~ it Mr llir\.~l.\l.lt~ ..u.ia\\ tiiii;.u Lg ‘
.l'.‘ \lidll‘idnCC llldl \L’l\ (Lil L1 \\,\~ [4‘1“rCr-Vk‘ ( L‘Illrit‘» l\ Sllll li.‘ .1‘ ' ‘ ' ‘v I i ‘ ' ' - ‘- ‘ ‘* ' .. "‘wii ;.[-| t'ri‘i ;\t‘. llll‘ mull I.) 3. I.t"l' ~t.i:v-l- l‘
. , ' . ' - ‘t w - 'l . Mi , ‘inxuii ’.- "\\ll iiiii". .lllil s :‘.i;t:- .vi-uittixifim
tern ot rules and puri"~htitents trashy no“ .is it was then g g. , , . .y » w . ..- 1....1, it
l ! litter hues Chetk Wc‘xc cleaned tip lots of ' ~ » " ' '~~“ ' .‘ "l ' ' " " ‘ i ‘ " '5“""‘“‘}“l‘f““"‘ "g“ "‘ “3“”“i 1‘" ""'”
,_ ‘ . . ' ‘ p. _' .-- ‘. , ‘r \- " . ‘."'« t " I.“ «it 'u .i'lll .i? ‘.((1‘.\llll' 'iiwlt i‘utix ltlllifilt‘l.
i we second thing )wu ll need garbage but men time with: ~ , i, . i i .. » . . ~ . .- ,tziirii. wiuiiviiuittn “in martini
’ L‘ Ll \Olltl b0d\ C(‘Hlt'b t' ~ - ;. . L. . .. t . I i ‘i’ ' 1‘ i'cwf ll"l ll‘l ix Eil'l‘l llillllVlr'Ii l'hll'l :;nriii;ill' m
. , ‘ .. . . ‘mi‘ ~ . *; ' ' in 11.x it t.. . i'r.ii' Hi1 m ti‘trp win if In i use to trim
V ' \‘