xt76t14tmm67 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt76t14tmm67/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1972-01-27 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, January 27, 1972 text The Kentucky Kernel, January 27, 1972 1972 1972-01-27 2020 true xt76t14tmm67 section xt76t14tmm67 ‘ ‘ , s
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ThG H¢flfll¢k9 Pray for spring ,
crne The forecast for Lexington and vicinity: Increasing ' ’
cloudiness With a chance oi rain Thursday, ram likely ‘
Thursday night and Friday High Thursday in the mid 40's,
low Thursday night near 30, and a high Friday near 50
Prempiiaiion probabilities are 30 percent Thursday and 60
percent Thursday night .
Vol. LXIII, No. 77 LEXINGTON, KENTUCKY Thursday, January 27, 1972
T t 't t l h ' bl *
‘ Py DIANE NASER Lexington Standards of Fitness. The information from Saul Alinsky. than just provide office space-and help
Kernel Staff Writer members will also put pressure on the city professional radical organizer, when he is “1th expenses we want to be definate part
P UK Tenants Union had its first meeting government to strictly enforce the Housing in Lexington next week. 0’ the coalition. . _
P l t , htt d t f h ; _ Code _ _ Tactics including negotiation. legal 7
asd ntigf oe uca eltenants oft eir rights . So farthe Union has gained support from remedies. and “gentle harassment" were
. :Eta- o orm fa coa ition to ight for the Housmg code good Student Government and various UK discussed at the meeting. A rent strike
mment 0 these rights. “The present housing code is very good, faculty and staff members. Ralph Kindle, was mentioned but LaFond said they were '—
Rodney LaFond, chief organizer of the but it is not being strictly enforced, member 0f. the Lexmgton board or hard to set up and “must only be done
Union, told about 40 people at the meeting however, the Pettit administration has Realtors, 53“" he would mm to d'scuss the when you're sure of yourself
.' . . n F pOSSibility of support with the Union. . _
. that he wants to see those people‘whogor t iiimised strict enforcement, La and However, the Dean of Students office has Future goals for the Union include the .
have very much money or who 00” t now ' not yet approved the Union encouraging of more tenants to participate
the people Wlth power “to organize ““0 The tenants present were given in- F H I if in the Union, a one day organizational
EPOUPS and DUSh for the" rights. formation on other succesful unions in ”Pee al 0 we conferencethe immediate enforcement of
The Union plans to insure that housing other co‘iege towns such as Berkley, Ann Student Governmentwill provide the UK the building code. stricter enforcement of
rented to students and UK personnel will Arbor, and Washington DC. but L-aFond tenants Union with an office in Frazee Hall the Federal Discrimination Law. and the
beat fair prices and that the property will cautioned them not to make the UK as soon as it is cleared through the expansion of the UK Tenants Union to ' '
. be maintained by the landlords according Tenants Union a “one shot operation,” University. Scott Wendelsdorf, SG become a Greater Lexington Tenants
‘ to the Housing Code of the City of The Union also hopes to gain valuable President, said, “86 wants to do more Organization.
._ a. “Pei-u- .- ‘_ PPP P"; U P and“ PP ~ :22 P _:
' m , . -—’ w“ 9 . 1 a; 4D N - 99
5 . . . . ‘ M usk 13 says or sta rte ~ ..
' 3;». 3 .1. - ‘ move l0 d9 1 eat pres ident
4:"... . Q 9-" P _ ’ By THOMAS 3- SWEENEY from all of Indochina, this could cause
'2 -. . . Pi . Kernel Staff “Pm?" prolongation of the war. But he said that
1‘; P 0 . Q ’ Gov. Wendell Ford’s recent election “all in all the plan was a sound one for
{2 ~t _-’ PA - k * “launched the ‘dump Nixon‘ movemen' in bargaining purposes."
‘2‘ P P Q .- " g .. HP ,5; P the United States," Sen. Edmund MUSkie When asked if the ne\~V plan closed the
_ 1.. at; . 3’ fig u e said yesterday. ' gap between himself and the President,
' WV- '3 . flPin .. _ . in Frankfort to publicly acknowledge Muskie said he hoped that would be the
£3“ 6 “to HQ P 5; P P i Ford’s endorsement of his candidacy for case. .
"5 PP“ j- '- is 2»: P _ the Democratic presidential nomination. “If we move toward a settlement and
' P 71¢. w; __ ' - Muskie responded to the new peace plan remove the war as an issue in this cam- is
, figs offered by President Nixon Tuesday night. paign, 1 would certainly applaud that." he
.. ~ 5 1" sew; . “The main surprise was the plan itself." said. '
. P. 3 .- m‘s’ingaf 1. I .“ Muskie said. “The fact that it carried . .
; ‘2’ ' . “Pf 1P provisions for complete withdrawal of Mf‘Sk'e “’35 introduced 3‘ the. Gover-
~ ‘2’ as?” y, \ g5; ' troops from Vietnam is a welcome ad- nor 5 Mansmn by Ford, who praised the
~.PP - _ W «s 2;. gr.- , dition .. Senator as a man who ”identifies With
P PPMvPPf“ P a "P“. ‘2“ ~._ ' people: he is neither packaged nor
a: P ”:2 1; ‘9’“... * Other aspects of the plan. such as programmed by "“339 makers.
' . an...“ ~- ‘31 *y‘" W“ . South ‘Vietnamese President Thieu’s - -
.',y2 a, g F“. -‘ r .. 3;; _ i . Lt. Gov. Julian Carroll announced his
3 WM I.§....g,,x;§ ._ iM; ‘ K“ . offer to reSIgn. came as an even greater endorsement of Muskie yesterday.
‘ {ea #3“ , ‘57" ‘ ' ,, g . - surprise, he added.
raft .5 ~ 2,, H “Whether elements in the country now Ford‘s endorsement is one in a series of
H P P. P . unincluded in the governing of South recent endorsements for Muskie by
A for”? Sign Tints :0 ”Eb? 3118 P33: Vietnam will be satisfied, however, I can‘t prominent Democrats. The latest en-
. 0 two worimen’ ta eka frea. r: w the evaluate," he said. _ . dorsement came Monday when Penn-
- es lte dreary wmter s wor 0 eating 0 n Muskie cautioned that since Nixon did sylvania Gov. Milton Shapp announced his
Newman Center. (Staff Photo by Ann not mention withdrawal of US. forces support.
‘ Firesheets).
6Give peace a chance ’ Israel consul says
By TIM BALLARD Union. a chance and to make the first that effort (the achievement of The Soviet Union. said Haskel.
Assistant Managing Editor “I would say that Israel‘s major concessions by allowing peacelwould reflect badlv on the has already achieved its major
“In discussing the search for paramount aim is peace. Our the Suez Canal to be reopened. . United States.“ he said. aim of becomingadecisive factor
' peace in the Middle East. we ambition is for this peace to be .Peace can be attained. and all Americans realize their “own in the Middle East, an ambition
have to try to trim away those similar to the peace between the concerned can benefit from it." national interest. apart from the not yet attained by the US. The
things that are 0f secondary United States and Canada," Haskel said. political interest. is at stake.“ he enhancement of its position is the
importance and to analyze the commented Haskel, a veteran of Moving to the subject of the added. Soviet‘s Union‘s ambition. and 7 ‘
aims, the ambitions, the hopes the British Royal Air Force. Arab states. Haskel said their Haskel said peacein the Middle this can be accomplished by
P and the needs 0f the central ambition is the destruction or East would be very beneficial to making the Arab nations more'
characters," Aiera Haskel, He continued, “More important Israel. But. he added. their real [no US. First ofall.he said. there dependent on it. he said,
Israeli Consul-General for the is her one overriding need. . .the enemies are poverty. ignorance would be the "immediate "The Soviet need. at any price.
Midwest, said last night. need to survive.“ Haskel said and hunger. prestige of having been the in- is to hold on to whatithas already -
Speaking before some 150 Israel is now in the position Haskel said the aim of the US. strument of bringing about the achieved," Haskel commented.
people in the Student Center where the losing of a war would. is to achieve peace. diffusion" of a volatile situation. “The Soviet Union is probably
Ballroom, the mustachioed mean an end to Israeli in- “The United States is a Secondly. American influence happiest with the present state of
Haskel added that the central dependence and to “our in- democracy. and in a democracy would increase. with a better affairs" because it can continue
characters were Israel. the Arab dividual physical existence." governments live and die on their chance of the balancing out of to entrench itself in the: Arab
states. the US. and the Soviet “We are prepared to give peace successful roles. . A failure of influence in the area. world, Haskel declared,
. ' t l

 2—'I‘Ili£ Kth'l‘l't‘Ki’ KI‘IRNI‘ZI.. Thursday. January 27. I972
SC t b 't "d 1’ de changes to board
B.‘ ”ll-V“ NASH“ 'l‘omasky said this year there our recommendations we hope to negie ltcport on Campus gzgtug:msr::e:r:l:::t,'pe;son 3'50 (
Kernel Staff Writer would be two different SG have a document which is not Governance. . . said P . omasky
Student Government President recommendations. “One will bea only fair to students but also New POSII'O“ ’ '
SCOLL w- wendfiLSerf .and susan (-("npl'onllse l'ecommendation‘ i1i()l‘0 (‘I'I-ICIGT‘II as WCII. Let's call Wendelsdorf S and Tomasky S b AIEO. Lizatpptfals system WOUld C0
Tomasky. chairwoman of SC which will be revisions on the it efficient justice." said code recommendations Will. call ‘fude:?sgon toh 3X93 "liajorlty 0f mug
Student Affairs (‘ommittee are present code. and the other will Tomasky. for the creation ofa new posntion, b . e ppea 5 Board. bacii
writing Student (‘ode changes be our ideal recommendation.“ The recommendation is based the Office of General Om- Therecommendations will be want
which will be submitted to the The ideal recommendation will on numerous resource materials budsman. This posmon would submitted to President Otis cont
Board of Trustees Student Code be no small changes on the which include recommendations concern itself With student 5 Singletary by Feb. 8. He will then Polit
Committee. present code but rather a from Steve Bright's ad- rights and become part of the forward them to the Board of At
, "sweeping change" which will ministration, ideas from the appeal system so a student could Trustees Student Code Com~ abou
result in a two—or three-page code hearings held in residence halls, appeal a decision directly to the mittee. A final recommendation taCkl
DISCOVER stating offenses and procedure. student comments in general, Appeals Board. from Ute Student Code Com- Cent
EUROPE Tomasky said. and HEW report on Students‘ “This position is really mittee Wlll probably be presented at 7;
ON A BIKE Present code inefficient? Rights and Responsibilities 0n necessary because it‘s ludicrous for Board action at the March Me
. “~1"L\ll-‘l:;jf‘.f‘il"‘i"‘l-\"l“,“«1“;lg‘ffgd‘l‘; “Before. the code was such an other campuses, and the Car- to file a complaint with the Dean meeting. Com
. “‘3‘“;;‘;;':;fix‘j_f_1“‘355’.f'““““ inefficient document that any Divi:
o w«|.{;~;l,,:t, WW ;. change that occured was mainly part
’ - “.1‘JT1';;";“T‘;‘.I;1’51;1213733“ to improve its effiCienCY- With 0 a an t0 m 0rr0w e . , Th
. “Riff Z' ‘.' i “‘L’Lffi‘ji' Cl .‘ ".2755. Thu'
. A.ii.;.'."'..‘. -‘ .s: ‘r‘ it??? I - defe‘
. , if}: .' I " ”W" lundy s P011. ..The deadline for announcements is 11a.m. LEXINGTON WOMEN’S Political Caucus. p01 LUCK SUPPER to celebrate Indian part
two weekdays prior to publication of items in Meeting Thurs.. Jan. 27- 7130 p.m. Can- Republic Day. 6:30 p.m. Jan. 29. Baptist
EUMKE this column All announcements will be run terbury Housde. 472 Rose St- A“ women Student Union. 371 S. Lime. ways
. '. . welcome. I)
.‘ ‘0'. .355]? . three times. twnce before the day of the MISCELLANY urg
@ijgfiai Free Dellvery event and on the day of the event. TOMORROW class
6'05 9.:- 5' TOD FOR ANY INFORMATIONcall the sc beinl
“m . :’ ‘ )! s5:E5:3:f:::5:5E5.3{i:53533’33:5;Ezlg.:.~:‘;:3;:;3;::33fez-53.5Eaisisiéiziszsai:2.555;52235333gisizggfizfggggsi5f;5;;g;Baggigggigisigggigggiggs AY JAM SESSION WITH “Genesis” 8-12 p.m. Referral Service at 258-8531 from 10 a.m. to 3
V \@. I: ’1). 1:35;-;::§:;:'::::;4;::§;:::::.'::;:;:-:.;1.3;;:f5::l33:33:;E53335;£33333g5E;§:?:§:I:;;;;~::g-:;z;;;;;;:;§§;E;:;i;;gi::;53333333555555; UNIVERSITY CONCERT BAND will meet 7 FI'I.. Jan. 28. Student Center Grand p.m. weekdays.
““9 "E d) #50 p.m. Thurs., Jan. 2'7, in 22 Fine Arts Bldg. Ballroom. Al
g‘o,'§::.5""‘\".;'(N: [3833470766 Interested students are invited. For more COUNSELING CENTER offers free. non-
... 4‘ ’ info, contact Mr. Baxter. 33 Fine Arts. credit. eight.~week developmentasl reading hom
“—77 J V“* . I COMING UP and study skills course. Mon. and Weds. at 3 at LIi
" " —~——~—*r—— “ —— CIVILISATION FILM "The Fallacies of p.m.» Tues- and Thurs- at 11 a-ml- Regls‘er 7.30
. _”—*_f ‘ Hope."7:30 p.m.Thurs. and Fri..Jan. 27-23, , , 301-A Old Agriculture Bldg. no ater than -
'———— —_— . THE AIR FORCE officers qualifying test ,
106 WM” "8"“ (AFOQT) will be administered Sat.. Jan. 29 Thurs" J‘m' 27' P‘
. at 9 a.m. in 201 Barker Hail. No obligation. PROVIDE A FOSTER HOME for a of LI
delinquent boy or girl. Ages from 12 to 18. psyc
SUBCOMMITTEE 0'“ THE COUNCIL 0" The solution to problems stemming from the 0f
" ‘ Women's Concerns is compilingabookiet on home and community is in the home of T
the status 0‘ UK women. Committee meets someone who cares. Contact: Hard-to-Piaee past
Monday. Jan. 31 at 7 p.m. in room 109. Project. 252,1725_ Mini
. Student Center. Those interested but unable i
. N to attend call Cathy Martin. 277-3515. A]
7‘ ‘VA \' AVA“ \X“ I " A ' /‘ ' /\ ”\f ”Wflw “THE WORLD OF APU."I B 'i' 'th Lex
/) ' I . English subtitles. 10 p.m. Sat? szrllgéhrm 2 Th‘ HGflWCkg "(III‘I Caut
.. * p.m. Sun.. Jan. 30. Recital Hall. Mitchell
/ g Fine Arts Bldg. Transylvania College. The Kentucky Kernel, 113 Journalism .
Md . Admission 75 cents. Building. University of Kentucky Lexington, 23;?
I . ‘ Kentucky 40506. Mailed five times weekly Ei§i§i§i§i£5
< , during the school year except during holdays
i . and exam periods, and twice during the
f . ‘ /.~ A I - i . $55231
A A \ \ V\ A \ V\/\ lUNdy s PEI!“ E'fi'iifs'hifisifhe Kernel Press, Inc.. 113
' THE NATION'S SEWING BASKET. Journalism Building, University of Ken-
tucky, Lexington, Ky. 40506.
. Begun as The Cadet in 1894 and published
Free DeIIvery continuously as The Kentucky Kernel since
1915- 255525;:
. Adveflisinspublishedhereinisintendedto
help the reader buy. Any false or misleading
b . >294:5:3:-."55:=rir'~1:-’:'3:323:53:iI*rzzs::21:I:?:?:::I:5:=:32:21:35:-::i:£:‘:*':“ :-:-"'-':- :1: advertising should be reported to the editors.
a ,' MMMMMMMMMMMMWWMMMMMMMMMMMMM ' Editor. Editorial Editor . . . 257-1755
’3 I Managing and Associate Editors . . .0.
* Welcome U.K. Students and Personnel Advertising. Business. cucmgg§364é
. j . senses; : : : : : : : : : : : : : 2571800 3
0 5:52:35:
' I
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g 0 mm l.D. TO SALES PEOPLE. - _ . 4 THE FRENCH .
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Euclid Ave . . g - Orson Well&6’
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 . 333
’ .
THE KENTUCKY KERNEL. Thursday, January 27. 1972~3 .3
[1 com i I ed b ° '
ma. 0” ca m p us p y The news m brie
[‘omask dave callahan - ,
y Berrigan on parole
in WOUId Coeds worr in about bein 472 Rose St., will be the site for tington, W.Va., will represent UK , . _
Jogity 3f mugged duringythgir nightly walfi the 7:30 pm. meeting. at the National Research Forum RXAS%;?;0N86‘:3:;"— 32:39 thgegéfid“3$3~33: g‘:rrt3’;:;he;:;
oar . - - - ' ‘ ' he Universit of ‘ ‘ ' ' .
back from the library might Spring enrollment )umps competition at t y victed in the Catonsville 9 " '
. . . nt on trial Monday in con
Will be want to enrol] in a class to be Although the enrollment IS Texas. _ . Vt? _ 3, » -
nt 0th conducted by the Lexington down from last semester, there Second prize in the UK com- diffifowgddnzzidé “gas [5??? nec:1:n3:gt3h3::1ca;;esgei(:a:|dn3? '_ ‘
will then Police Department. are about 800 more students at petition went to John D. Knoop, a goar d of Parole y chairman d3"! 3. 0 White House ploreigyn-af-
roard of Atwo and one-ha]f hour session UK than there were last spring. second—year student from Geor e J Reed anhounce d :0.Hngd3_3ser Henr 3 Kissinger _
9 Com about self defence against at- The jump was from 16,575 Louisville. A paper written by g - ' . agjrfigan was Sentence d 3'0 ,
andation tackers will be held in the Ag students to 17,333. Enrollment 0f five second-year students “’0“ The decision followed a hear- three vears imprisonment for
9 Com- Center auditorium next Thursday the Lexington Campus, com- third 3prize. _ _ ‘ ing to COHSideI‘ new information destruction of draft records at ‘
'esented at 7330 pm. munity colleges and evening and Alvm Harrison of Hopkinsvdle. presented on Fr. Berrigan‘s be- Catonsville Md and began _
March Members of the department’s extension programs is 30,857, Wendell D. Lovan and Nelson half, including details con- serving his sentgnce Aug 11
Community and Public Relations more than 2,000 over last year 5 Graham Of Bowling Green, cerning his poor health. 1970
Division will conduct the three- figure. Frank Osborne 0f RmeyVllle and
part class Colleges on the UK campus Donnie Spencer of Hazard were
. ' ' - f the third-prize ,
The first art, scheduled report this breakdown. the authors 0 , ,
, , Thursday Wm 3e devoted to sew Agriculture3 7613 Arts and paper- Positions for students interested
defense for women. The second SCiemes' 5,128; Busmess and Smnsmed by .‘he Kenmky in business experience and extra
ate Indian part will be devoted to showing Economics, 1,739; Education, chapter of the Midwest Student . .
:9. Baptist ways to protect homes against 2,467; Engineering, 915; Medical Research Conference, money are OVOIIOble WI“!
burglars The final part of the Graduate School,2,428; Law, 482; the student research competition
class will show how to keep from Pharmacy, 224; Medicine, 349; is designed to encourage original
- Architecture, 448; Social medical research by medical
the so being defrauded. . . I ¢
0a.m.tos Homosexuality forum Professwns, 369; Allied Health, students.
402; Home Economics, 485;
free mm An open forum on Nursing 526; and Dentistry, 210.
. . . . . . I °
I reading homosexuality Will be conducted By classmcation, students are lundy s Plllu enIU‘ cfne
“11:22:39: at the Lutheran Student Center at distributed as follows: freshmen,
gm, than 7:30 pm. today. 3,858; sophomores, 3,636; juniors, F D I ,
Participating Will be members 3,786; seniors, 3,642; graduate ree e Iver Y ° ° —
for a of the Gay Alliance, a Lexington students, 2,431, and auditors, 50. CdVGH’ISII‘Ig department.
i 12 to 18. psychotherapist, a UK prOfeSSOI' 3 33233535353335;53535;435:5353;33;;§g-.;;:;zx-:3:;_:;:_;§;§;g;:§g:g5352:5553;15;E{E_SE:533335;;3:;31;;3;:gigi5£::3:;igiggiggigigij:
Z fron“ the ' ' n -...-.-...--.,.‘.;.:__:.;.:.;:;.;.;:;:;:;:;:5;:§:f:_?:§:-:;:4:~:3:jej:33?;.-:2:2:;:Z:E:E:?:3:3:E;3:7;E:: e
of psychiatry and the campus Medical papers < .. n A "5e, ROOM
12(3):“? pastor with the United Campus As a result of having W0" firSt contht Nancy G’ee I d . I ( ’
Ministry. prize in the UK Med School’s 269 237‘ 1 73) m the Journalism Budding.
Also meeting tonight is the Student Research Competition, ' 3
Lexington Women’s Political Stephen Oxley, a third year
Cffl‘l Caucus_ The Canterbury House, medical StUdent from Hun- _ , 4__ -7- . ~ '7
urnalism __ ., .. . v 3 3,
‘exinx‘on' ewe -' --‘~ “
g holdays :‘ ‘ ’
win; the 3 ,,
published f ' $3;
nel since WI": . "
tended to -
lsleodlng ;- .531.
e editors.
:s 9.3%
57-1 7 55 ' " ‘5
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22,2740 395 s. LIMESTONE C (11:5 (E WOP Phone 252-4733 —
L’s-46.4.6. ,
571800_ . , ' ' ' v’ I -,
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a V o
Aids degree requlrements
...0r undercutting the Senate (1611011 of Dec. [3
Senate Council and Un- mittee, primarily because
The students who supported last Their effort, in the form of dergraduate Council will require members realized that those
’ December’s action by the proposed degree requirements for clear and substanative backing the original plan are
University Senate on General A&S, would include a four-unit justification for adding as Pre- determined to carry the fight to
Studies did so, in part, because language requirement despite a Major Pre-."rofessional or Major the Senate Council for final.
they thought the action meant clear indication in the Senate requirements, areas or courses settlement.
that they could now choose to Council document that this is previously shown only in General If the prOposal, as i8, is carried
meet any five of the eight area illegal. The document Studies requiremente. By such to the Senate Council it must be
requirements. . states,“...the Senate Council justification we refer to one which debated with reason. The
This interpretation has also interprets the action by the Senate alludes to the utility and necessity emotional charges that the
been supported by a Senate as having eliminated the foreign of the desired requirements in December action of the Senate
Council document released on language requirement for 3 terms of the Major or Will destroy liberal education at
Jan. 18 interpreting the Senate degree from the College of Arts Professional program.” UK must be shown for what they
action of Dec. 13. and Sciences.” The plan has already been are - false. We are hopeful that
Despite this there is an effort on The pronosed degree accepted, with minor the Senate Council will rationally
. the part of some faculty who feel requ1rements also include a modification by the A&S Un- debate this plan and refuse to
that the Senate action destroyed breadth requirement that would dergraduate Advisory Com- accept it. .
the concept of a “liberal require at least 12 hours each of l 0 .
education” and some ad- Natural Sciences, Social and STW l o
. ministrators who feel the action Behavioral Sciences and p us . a rCVIBW
* ~ by-passed the committee system Humanities. This action also is Ten months of life under the power. For an avowed “radical”
_ to, in effect, reinstitute General clearly designed to undercut the Student Government ad- in a conservative state, he had
Studies for the 8,000 un- Senate action. ministration of President Scott succeded to a sometimes sur-
. :eIt‘Et‘adClllastes 0f the College Of CAgalti quoting “to? the fenfhte Wendelsdorf has produced a prising degree.
. ounc1 1n er re a 1011, e ' '
r 8 an crences D mixed bag for students. Nothing Unfortunately, those flam-
o . . . . . . . . . yet stands Wt about the Wen- boyant failures often overshadow
“D ifferfeiffer fetfferfeifferfetfferfteferfeifferfelfferfelfferf delsdorf rule; yet, as Kentucky the successes Although billed as
Q.) . . . .
\ A N 1mg gym? Kernel assmtant managing editor a “follow-u ”t th B - ht
3.: . _ a r, . . . p 0 e rig year,
e W5 1”, 0M I tiii {”1 “I Bonni Brockman pointed ("It in the Wendelsdorf publicity plays
2? T0 ‘ ’{ CELEBQATE iii: ,o‘e" ) £55; this. week 5 series on the have paled in both style and
a: ’Zg THE Otp- / lllb. ‘f‘ 232:3? presrdent, that doesn’t mean his ff t' b 'd th
N - _ . a. €::",gss=::! l h be H dull e ec iveness e81 e e moves
6; inset-ii; FASHW insane! r“ e as e“ at 0" ' of a year ago.
'5 $55552"?! AMERCM QEEEEEEE? ,1“, truth, the Wendelsdorf ad- We hope the last months of the
‘ :3 ligiiigz." WRWE 0F- "35:22:! ministration has been earmarked STW administration are devoted
Q.) . i_ I'll .=::=====i I .
“,5 455337;:‘1' “5:533:2233‘ E’Xlan erratic: serie: 0t flamboyant more to preparing for future
£2, ,::E' ”4:; ‘::-.i ":3. at ur es an quie successes‘ years than with scoring points for
f: ‘5; 2: "-ii‘ :5“: manufactured controversy over the present
{L ‘5': WE: “‘ =5}. exposure of student records drew ° 7
$ ‘3" 32s- '9. little except a massive yawn, but
‘ '3; c 2% (MNIUG it was counterbalanced by a lively I h H I
I? WiklM‘lUé of ‘\ #HE [OAR Q a. and successful Council on e ¢fn¢
“s .::=’" ‘ 9 $35: .1 Women’s Concerns. A randstand
5‘: c ' Om. AéAlMS-r y‘ 5::- g so
Q‘; i E55,?) .1123. ViETW.’ a: 4%”. play on behalf of the Student Code E t hushed 1m LEXINGTON, xenrucxv
i; g 3:25;}; 21'“! jixmlfifliii flopped embarassingly at An independent newspaper published by students
5‘3 i liiissigigél /a:i==:'-'E§j Trustees’ meetings, but a fired-up " "" ”"‘V°""Y °' mm"
“:1, 5: '.“::=== ‘- Ea." ‘e‘EEgggEEE-‘iifl Kentucky Student Association iS MikeWines,EdltorlnChM _
$ :3 25555,: \ ”Haggai” now making friends in the ngfggcggmrem'
-; 5:35:53“ [I General Assembly. um 5.3.227, animating“...
s5 1:35;; (55;, Wendelsdorf’s biggest plus lies 22,:fi'fi22;,§:22.$°'
§ ‘egi. 1" in followmg the active. SG Maximumgmw
t3; _ preSIdency of Steve Bright With a “3.5;31'3' Pew-gig“
I5 / l reasonably responsible ad- mme.~:iun37ti-Insaw
§ (3‘7 5:33;... ministration devoted to set goals. M" 5m" mm" Mm”
a; M MUG - .aéi‘ , MMMMé .l::!:'='*~. Bright was the first president to ”"3"“ ”V T" "°"'°' "’9' '"C-'
l». i “:77 , THE (DAR \' y i, . . a non-profit corporation composed 01
‘3; t / 2 as. .55 T int . a 4 lie. awaken the student body to its smgmgsf'ygwyg'ngttam
5: (UAR ST 555173;?» ‘fii' #0055 .' ii ”'3'; power to improve the University, ”Wags nil c y
. a; $1” i;EE;'€:==: 655' 5 TgHO; E=yl5£i5a' and Wendelsdorf has followed Editorials representtheopinionsonhe editors,
a“; T QZEQiSEEE’ng' CHI ‘ \ 1:23:33". With an effort to consolidate that "°'"'° "“me
E W‘::' .‘ii::'.l::! ‘}§:==:eur 3 -':=:§:3:§:3:3':33:1:-. .‘ -- 3:351-:1:3:-:5:-;?:5’:3:-:5":3'3;3'3'1:5:2:‘-;2:2;.’v::;.;.'1‘:r:-'.- ":-:-:i:-:-:-:::.;.- :23." i .- _»‘ _, .
o!:=.. I "'| O
> g , 5:35: f 'E:-. sKernel Forum: the readers wrlte:
u. "E' ‘I‘I.\ . ..
{é ;’ ‘3‘ Weekend parking _ . _ _
m \ A 'd t f B] smaller lots in the Vicmity. A fee of one
Q :7: awa 1:: 3mm: at“ :12? Hall _who wa:I not dollar IS charged to park your car there
no _ :-«-_--, . : ymornmg may ave arou d t' . A h
<3, 6 W” It’ll/GEL F. ‘3; . had her car parked outside towed away. has ann agpapri‘ltfprizit: sticktia‘i'rsiiget‘i” 3:53:21;
q; wiMDlD .‘:' \ :illiti ' At that time in Blazer—and probably in l ' - -
gs AR 1.. i" "l . ong to park there, must have his car in the
3-: T a) \ if” . it: :I it. nearby dorms—itwas announced that cars lot before the ad ' ‘ h ' b '
m A “OS-r u- /. 1"" ill m. / parked on Harrison Avenue t missmnc argmg egins,
“I? fi'uii 32.? iv “id“; 4 moved at once or else b t dmus be and must leave the car there.
‘5; (gift: /‘. Q’fiififfifit- police. e owe away by if he leaves the lot and returns during
5%? a:;'§=fit£:§igf ‘3‘ ‘iiii‘hfiifisiii Yet aslwalked to the Coliseum to attend this period, the student faces losing his
‘1? s’i' Refitlgi‘W-‘e'e' #333333“! the Tennessee game there and as 1 space and payint $1 to get back m. It was
3‘ . “5:333:95, '5”! “it; returned. cars were parked in those same my understanding that campus lots were
it? an“; "be" space on Harrison Avenue earlier vacated free after 5 pm. weekdays and all
‘2. 11:! ' by students. No signs prohibitin ' weekend, Le" one could park m any lot
i. not ‘ ,. . . g parking Shelter or no sticker A am I ask is this
a: ‘--’-' ' - In certain areas were posted for warning. f - 9 ' g ‘ '
"N. 921' . . air. Game or no game?
5?? ‘ dA related issue concerns the charing of
“s R 10 k“ a missxon to the “B“ parking lot across _ A |
@ 7" ‘8 EIIIEL Harrison from Blazer Hall. and other A & 5 Junior. Eifizeishmriigeg

 r. I / 7
THE KENTUCKY KERNEL, Thursday. January 27. 1972—5
Color me soothed - o
M l . 4 l . b . Moody but satisfying
u tlLO ored vt rations .
. H ' ( I T . . . . ' -
hose l , i 4 street dives materalize. She makes Joni Mitchell" Mvsteriolus‘ 22d :ngurali [sums Wh'Ch casts a suspICious mood 0f
. ‘3 l "T'P‘I‘AM ”Chelsea Morning" a charming invitation to shak. u the exhibit current] , bein doubt. .
are . kernel (“‘5 Reporter . . off the chill of an unknown tomorrow and revel i h) , t th A t (‘ ll 3’, . thg Some other notable. “flyl'cs
It to Judy Collins and Joni Mitchell. ThEIl‘ llVeS and the joy of today. As always. Collins is capable o svown a e. r .a cry m e are “Pearls on a String and
. their mu5lc are as inextricably intertwmed as the ~ - h - - .. f . “"9 Arts Budding. “Crossmse”. The first one. a
ma 1. notes of an old—fashioned Hf lk" _ d ralsmg er v0ice in protest. Thus. Joan o Are The works that are being shown b k d d b
_ 0, song coming own and Vietnam Love Story” go straight from ear t , . . . . grey ac -groun covere y a -
. in three part harmony. They inspire and encourage conscience. are ”‘95“ 0f "mung amSt Robert bright red and yellow pattern. It “
'rled CaCh other With artistry and friendship. And we get What is the COIOI‘ Of painful reality? 32:1251‘21g‘h :(lihflégh8125 mlalinly expresses sadd‘nessucovered. UR
it be to eavesdrop. Whether she is interpreter or inventor, Jud 'a v, h 3;. ph on a ge by a. happy feeling: Crossmse
The ‘Judy Collins has always been one of the non— Collins is a woman of amazing grace. ivarlefcolois :lilhos 1:”: 533‘: reminds one Ola mp through the _
the “Ole"? soldiersiofithe “’1‘?ka movement mm The undercurrent of gentleness evidentin all Joni ll ' g p ‘ cosmos. a misty, free feeling
melOd'esmarChmg'PstePW'tl‘the “Ines BUlthey Mitchell albums is misleading. While Joni is co age‘mod, ii. i scene .
nate were other peoples melodies—mainly Leonard unquestionably a romantic, there are times (say B t 't: h' 3 mul'ico orb h t .A‘mlnd blender _ 7
n at Cohen, Joni Mitchell and Bob Dylan. _Her crystal just before dawn) when thoughts crystalize too u l 5 '5 acry lC W0? -5 _l a Tharsmg swater colors display .
they clear VO’ce gave them ”9- Now, her life has given clearly and “me and those lonesome blues collide“. deserve the most at“".‘“°'." a clever blend 0f C010” on a mute . . i
that voice to her own musical memories. 'They'co‘me as The gentle romantic imageiy gives way to often Theybrt: hard to riliiss.fvatrybing in background ,whiCh .Coqld be
sunny as the rousmg good,tlmes waiting in Song painful reality. Andlife? Color it “Blue“. :izet ediiveenf wege rite yf SIX pictures of one s imagination..All '.
ally for JUd‘th (Open the Door) "or as sad as the lilting “Blue" is Joni Mitchell at her best—alternately ee an .ten. eet _y I een eet. of them are patterned off into
3 t0 death-waltz of My Father . Each song 15 along pleased with life and its blessings of love and A" 930“?" 15 dfeplcted In each little squares but the bright blues
playing mirror of her soul. laughter but at the same time strangely quiet for on? ytusmg (til {tiremosd‘jdes 0‘ and reds seem more alive With
. _ she knows the transitory state of her affairs. €91.38 o creale e nl‘l A ,, water. colors. and are very
_ _ DeSt'"at"_’“s unknown . “Blue" is a gift for you—a scrapbook Cluttered la 0 examp estiine b . h’tn ’ ta satisfying [,0 10.0k at. .
Listening to Judy Collins Sing 15 like beingiswept with old fri