xt76t14tmp1d https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt76t14tmp1d/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1985-12-02 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, December 02, 1985 text The Kentucky Kernel, December 02, 1985 1985 1985-12-02 2020 true xt76t14tmp1d section xt76t14tmp1d I - 4

Vol. XC. No. 39 Established 1594 University of Kentucky. texington. Kentucky Independent since 1971 Monday. December 2. 1935 . .. ’
I 1 ° b l t d "
srae gives e a e ,
d’t' i i a. . .
con 1 iona apo ogy , .,
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. . . II I r h Itfl.‘ v.“ I'III'I'II’
over spying inc1 ent . . . in.   .
_ - i . -'.".‘ a
By \ltTlIl'R .\I\X "We have full confidence in Is~ ' _. “ ~ \ f .i , it)?
ASSOCIatctH’rt‘ss rael's determination and ability to I“ t / _I’I- I} Wifi.
pursue this case down to the last de— . '- ' . ‘t . > _. M: .. «‘73‘ 9-:
.lI-ZRI'SAIJIIhI Israel niade a tail and to bring those responsmle to " " ' ' \ ... f , I. '4’!
belated and conditional apology to account."Shultz said. I t it ' “in; y 3-"?
the hated States yesterday over the The apology. released after a (‘ab- «’0 ‘ c .~ I: . , IEI. . 3.1- ..‘I'
Jonathan J Pollard spy case It inet meeting. pledged to punish . - - ’5.- ‘ .I ‘ . . 7; . j Vt"?
promised to punish culprits and dis- those responsible and “Completely . a ‘i‘ ,' . $ , , - t" I, . f f. ir'
band a secret intelligence unit if an and permanently dismantle" the ‘ {as} . . I , L '3 ' ‘1 - ’ I.” I; _ ‘. 'g
investigation finds that the I' 5 unit involved if the charges against - _ .. .. Q i\ I} o " -. ‘- {'5 3. ’.
\avy analyst was recruited to spy Pollardproved true. ' , " ' 3/ M ‘ III
for Israel The statement did not identify the ‘ ‘ \ ,y.‘ If a; ,- y. I, 'I ,IJ
'l'he apology was issued in the unit llut Israeli officials who spoke ( k ' I - . ~ ' '. I. f
name of Prime Minister Shimon on condition of anonymity said Pol- ' \ g“ . ~ .. . Z.
Peres and delivered to I' s Ambas lard was working for a secret de- ‘ ' g ‘5: ' i - .' ,
sador ’I‘hoiiias Pickering in hopes of partment of the Defense Ministry ‘ , \ _- v .. ' . “‘-,I r ~ I. :- . 'I ._I
deiiismg the controversy. officials founded about 20 years ago to con- , -~ ,I ' ‘ . ‘I. ’1; : . . _ I‘-I. _~.
said duct industrial espionage. but which I: = "f“ .. “ ‘ it . . I5. f I; . -
The announcement fell short of a recently expanded to include mili- ,- .‘ - . ‘k . .'.' . '._i .
lull admission ot guilt. but said that tziryspying ~ II' » I -- .‘ . '
.my Israeli espionage directed Accounts published by l'.S news- 4. ‘ ~
against the l'nited States "was papers and confirmed by OffiClalS I ' . i . VI - j ‘ it I;
wrong. and the government of Israel named Rafael Eytan as head of the -. g‘ . ~ g i 7 , ‘ f t . “
apologize: l'orit ' unit. which used scientific attaches . , . . r ’ \ ' - U; -, I
It was Israels first apology since In the l‘nited States as conduits for . .». _ ' - . , I ..- ,/' . .. 5: ' I,
the Federal Bureau of Investigation Other types of espionage ‘ ., -- -‘ ~' " i " W. "I_‘ "5
arrested Pollard on Nov :1 and ac rlytan. a adviser on terrorism to ' . ~ ' ‘ kg ,. . .
cased the lil year old American Jew former Prime Ministers Menachem » .‘V‘ L» / ..v-,: _ . . . . .: ~;,- " ~ ' '.
of selling military secrets to Israel Begin and Yitzhak Shamir. contin- -~ ~ 1 .‘ - .. . ’ ‘ I * “ » - ’ ‘I ‘ ‘. i ‘_ ‘ ‘ . ..
loi-ssiumover the last liliiionths ued to head the unit although he left ' 3.3—7,“ ‘ i ’ .8” ‘~ , ~ -~ - C, . -.
the prime minister's office after --, ~ i _ ' ', ‘. 5“ .'
His wife, Anne Henderson Pollard Peres took officein September 1984. .. é. . l / «L ' t t ‘ ,f - i -: I . ‘
33. was arrested the nut day and The statement read to reporters in _ - , . ' (f _ I, K; , . " , -' " i a: i ‘ .
charged with unauthoriled posses English and Hebrew by Cabinet Sec- W ». f n. ’ " i” ll»?— 3 ” 'L ' .t ‘ _ t ' ' ‘z ‘ . ’-
stttlltfl nationaldetensedocuments retary \"ossi Beilin said Israel's in- w , ,I ". . ”"3““ ‘W .,3&- c I. _ ‘
Secretary of State George Shultz 3:320:13 Stiil‘iuenifi?‘ihit:stiglaltio: ""‘~,—...:. #5 w firm . . .' .I I1: ' ‘; It
said the l tilted States was satisfied "no matter where the "a“ may gt 5‘}; .. A '0” 4—1}! " r'“ i u r “3f T?“ or,“ .I .» “ “ . u 5.
with the statement. according to lcad' . -’.~.«.-. , . ~ . “ -. . . [AI _Is”1.r.‘~.-.« - ' ~ I . ' -. . . '
state Department spokesman Pete Tl t t t dd t l t t I: 1:.“ ~ x ,, ...,» .. _ "M * - , ;';.""' _' " . . I,
Martinez ie s a enien i no re a e 0 WW - _ . (2.: .-. I . «-.....» . . LII. , I. . .
I' .s' demands that Israel return doc- - ‘“ A * l I I ~ ‘ " " "" m ' ‘ ' ‘ , ‘ .* . ,» ' ‘

We think ”Its 15 an excellent unients it allegedly bought from Pol- ‘*° "mm " ' ‘ " t ' .. ‘ .
statement. and we are satisfied by it lard and allow questioning of two 15- Tournament Chase 1 L y -' , j
and we welcome it. ' Martine/ said raeli diplomats who were recalled I ‘Z‘ ‘ .t'
ijtlin [:id (rethIrItt'iI‘s ‘1’.“ hl\I\:u'\t 1: go'ml [hellPlied States (liastth week LOdY KC" guard Sandy Harding, right attempts *0 goin 905595‘ day night in the finals of the Dial Classir ltiurnctt (,,.. Ki Iv . ‘ ' “ ‘,
Ll ‘ age it it it ital. tlI‘ II 100 III u srao e (Insmn gal 53 0v. , - , . , I ‘ , , g .

(I! the ltrgani/ation of American ernment would probably acceds to ston of the ball from Middle Tennessee State 5 Lori Gross Saturr won 85-77. For the story see SPORTS DGQe- a | ,I :- ,.' ». . .
States boththese requests _ ‘ 1- . ' x .'
St dent code committee to consider open meetings pr0p osal ' " '
:lIvIIIIII\:\II\IIy1 MNS 3:352:\organiiitfion;tomb: (Egg: Iannri IiIrIiIIZrIi:aItIiIttiInIIort gasufal gather- The housing amendment was pro Although the hall director has proposals and makes re "III r... i: 1a .. 5 . . . .-
press h i ‘ ulrziction with ,I ‘rgdulyfin ("I‘m C0” posed by Vt Douglas “llstm. asso- never had the authority to dismiss a ttoits tiiItlii- Roars oi I .'\',l't's N. d ' . I- I; -
.-\iieidii ‘tts to Ill ' st d: to h . . "l I .. J . . ‘ . g a m“ ing or ciate dean of students. to clarify ar student. the residence hall contract Robert luttttttnklt' \W' Hui-’1‘ t'wtt .’ -, ' ‘

l 1 l U ‘ d ”m U (n’ I ‘ .Mxm) " prOpOSd reads spectalmeeting ticle l\ section 421. which is and the operational procedures ot tltrstwieritattairs . - ’ "
access to open meetings and to clarr "The I niversity affirms the right of (‘urrently the Student Rights and “”1“de With my hall director's m, the I'niversitv clearlx m“ tor II; I, I I' .' 7 . .
ily their rights concerning dismissal all students. including members of Responsibilities handbook does not vestigation into violations of IT“. mma] on ma basis 0i certain “a: “”l.‘ ”W “WV" "’ “"1”“ ‘dn . " 3 ‘
from a housing unit are on the agen- the student press. to attend meet- address theopcn meetings issue. dehce hall rukic- ‘ ‘ “Oh" he “Id ‘ ' ‘ ‘ d amend the tirit'uit‘ii-ti' rm; . A.” , . , ' ’ ~ .
da for the student code revision ings of registered student organiza» , y . . i M J tttakcitth-t'iswtis ." \ttrn fir sa. 1 ._ " .. , ' -
comniitteethisyear tions that receive the majority of ILast “if": d “mm" amendment. Th , d , ,. The section '5 confusing I“ m“ ‘IU' Students who hate ptoposa ~ 'o ' .' ‘I' .' '.

The Society of Professional .Jour their budgets from allocations of (“mm “as, submitted by the some“. cl“ e amen ImtntI 15.. m". really a dents because '1 contradicts pr'm‘ "It? t‘mttltttwtk ~twulit sut It i' Trio-:2 ‘ri ‘ ' ’ “ U "
nalists, Sigma Delta ('hi. proposed student fees money and ’or l'niverSi- after a “mm,“ 3"?“ reporter .ange opera 'Ondl 5‘ “I‘m” said dure. “mm 53'” ”IHW’UM 1”“ "’ writing to lel‘,“.‘.'.."it\it‘ \iti'lttJL‘I' tin. ‘- "y ' _' y
the meeting amendment to ensure tyappropiations ” was excluded from a Student (’0": The section reads “Such disposi- drop the 135! sentence P‘Ntb «'Itt‘i tl' ‘Ut'tI‘W't'tf AYT- r I ' .
that ' students will never be left out The proposal defines meetings as ernment A”(’Cldtl()n meeting. was tion may not include dismissal from For amendments to be incorpo \'o\ l was the LIIIHilfl a} target iii'e .’ .' ' I; ‘ ". 2
of a meeting. ' said Sacha I)e\'roo ”all gatherings of every kind. re- defeated the housing unit " But this sentence rated into the 1986-87 Student Rights and proposals rmmm: now tray not ' "I 3‘ " -
men. president of the I'K chapter gardless of where the meeting is "We want to have the right" to at— contradicts established procedure. and Responsibilities handbook. the be considered imp! tlii 1w '7 tioapi -' V . '1 ' ‘
"We want meetings of registered held and whether regular or special tend meetings. I)e\'roomen said. Wilson said, ”WNW COmmltl‘Bt‘ Cttmltk’t‘.‘ all NW“ HM? mutter-lav Hui' I‘ve .._ 3 .‘ f ‘ hint}

O 0 5 ‘ I ’ ‘(iI'I-.:""-_€.

UK Institute . UK to host scholars program
1 e e e I ' ‘ . t, , t 4 " ." -‘I I

to hOId talk . High school Juniors to attend five-week academic seminar r-_ ~ .1 I, . .

0 ' «a: BvJOHN WINSTI-le) ern Kentucky L'niversity. Murray trict or for an it‘ Lirai spat-t tie :' y ' . g .'

0n SmOklng . ’ Contributing Writer State L'niversity, Western Kentucky said ’ .1 : ‘
' ’ l'niversity and (‘entre Instructors lot the Iiti iigt’ illi «re . y .‘ I' ..

, , , I‘ Hundreds of high school Juniors "Colleges bid among each other carefully chosen on the Inhis ol a J ‘ " _ j "'I.
SCICHIISIS to dISCUSS Ia, \ will gather at UK next June to par for the right to host the program.‘ written application and .i personal " f " ‘

. . . . "K, ticipate in the fourth Governor's Hemenway said The Governor s interview with the Governor s schol ‘ . . ‘I it

nlCOtlne addICthH . 3 SChOlars'Program Scholars Board determines the sites a“ planning “"IY\II‘~I‘7*‘t' ”0mm ' I' , ‘ '.
\ The Governors Scholars‘ Pro- fortheprogram. way said Faculty members in the . . -. , ,_ I.
m ERIN BAILEY . gram has been nationally recognized Students do not pay to attend the program are a mix of iiii:\ersity. . " . '
Contributing Writer ‘4 _ < for its efforts in expanding the flea program. which receives JOIN fund» college and high school teat hers - . ‘
‘ tive and intellectual abilities of acav ing from private industry and the from across Kentucky ileiiienway '. ~ ‘- " ‘ .'

- a . . demically talented high school stu- state expects to haw 3: instruetors .it the . . " - .
fightifi23?:39533223[Tilmgfigfi 1 I - dents. Hemenway described the program program next summer at I’K , ‘ ' ' '
sponsored m the [7K Tobacco and Former Gov John Y Brown Jr, as "bastcally a group of academicalr The program stresses creative . ' I' .‘
Health Research Institute todav -M established the program three years ly talented high school Juniors. who thinking and problem solving The ' . . - '. .
through Wednesday. . '°“"°W“"“ """‘°'°°"“‘ ago to enhance the quality of educaI partiCipate in a fiveweek. intensive various areas (it study oi erlap and » f .. . -

Scientists from Europe. Japan and troversy over .chewing gum con- Davis said the purpose of the sym~ tion in the state Gov Martha Layne academic enrichment program relate to each other with an eme ~ -.
North America will be among the taming nicotine. posium is not to try to reduce the Collins has encouraged and expand- Each scholar chooses an area of phasison writing ,
300 guests scheduled to meet at the “This is definitely the high point number of smokers worldwide but to edthe program. concentration from subyecLs‘ such as .schrtlars are encouraged ii. diverr ' . , . . ‘
llvatt Regency for the threedav in the history of the institute." Davis determine those who are more likely Robert Hemenway. chairman of the phySical seiences. literature and sify their studies and interests The ' . '
event . ‘ said “It brings together an astound- to develop smoking-relatedillnesses the English department. will serve the arts Mathematics and physical m. a m“ “h Pm. .- I y .

"This m“ be the host symposium ing number of people with excep~ Although the Surgeon General has as dean of the ['K program. Hemen- seiences are usually the most popu- . I .
ever held on the issue 0f tobacco and tional research methods," incIiIiccineted that a smoke-free society way has serve: as IIhe program‘s lar subjects. Hemenwavsaid . .
he " s . p , - g ' _ ‘ wi velop by the year 2000. the to- dean at two at r co ege campuses I . . \
ofiihtginstzitlgtcltla?‘tlt2 {371; It; (Egg: IThf speakers WI“ 9’59"! the!" bacco institute and symposium are for the last two years . . I“; édd'gol” “I’ their! ”1;?” are‘: ‘tf ‘
trating heavily on whv people smoke “(TM 0" the 'SS‘I‘?‘ based on "‘9" concentrating their efforts on reduc- Each spring 600 high school Iyu- :u .‘II 5? oars snub t 9“?" 91"?
as wellas on nicotin dc nd n -- ownresearch. Davis said. ing the risk to the 54 million Ameri- niors are selected to spend five "I9 59mm?" é" par ““93 t ”‘I t L‘ . , I

. . e Ipe ,9 C9 . 'ho k d ~11 t' y . ks d 'n the ummer 5“,de cusSion groups during the course of AM 5" “hm" “WM “a"

Davis said the meeting will conSist Among the scheduled speakers are cans .“ smo e an “.l‘ 9°" inue o wee u“ 8h . s . he ' g the program been used more than once. Kernel
of highly technical information but Michael Rmsell and David Warbur- do som theIfuture.Davissaid. subjects Of. tngr Chmcei ,T "Stu' ‘ columnist Jam Stoll is not yet tired ‘
will be geared toward current health ton. both of England. who will dis- “if only forces Who" can make dents are dl‘ilh natmong “0 co ege Governor's scholars are chosen on of talking. For this week's column.
problems. The symposmm primarily cuss the effect of nicotine on hu. Peal) e qun smoking are willpower campuses in es 9 the has”. of standardized [951 scores. seeVlEmNT.pue4.
will focus on the treatment of nic- mans, Murray Jarvik of the an ”WWW.“ he said. Vie Simply Centre College will be the host essays. high school transcripts and I". m I ' " bond incl
otine dependence but also will cover Veterans Administration Medical want to. identify the 598mm 0f the school along with UK for this year‘s recommendations from teachers. kit's 6m Ilium of the “In?“
related issues. such as cancer. heart Center in Los Angeles will speak on population at a higher ”5" and de- program. P85! Governor‘s SChOlat‘S' Hemenway said. Applicants "‘9 for a no: just . m debut mart:
disease. smoking habits and the con- nicotine in relation toappetite. Se, TALK. page.‘ Programs have been held at East- an allotted space in their school dis- such . mm. bend. it is simply .

. . . h m can record. Igor a review. sec
.9.“ -
U .S. , Korean trade restrictions bill focus of speec tomorrow we
. . . . . WEATHER
(fiddt'ri‘Su‘tih‘glzsstlr 2:21. tomorrow in 205 Student Center textiles to a 1 percent yearly in- Moon will preside at the dis- Rep Edgar L. Jenkins. I)-Ga.
I110". crease in their l'.S.quotas. cusswn. which is cosponsored by said in an August Newsweek article
. . , . the di lomacy school and the UK that the amount of Us. textile im-

IA campus discmsmnI tomorrow noldfiis yrmhfieaugfiggfite (I)? 30' Korea and other East Asian coun~ Korea: Students Association. ports has seriously injured the do- Today Will U! My CM» windy
Wt" focus onIthIe battle in Congress consin is now an adviser ti the Kl: tries that export large amounts of mastic textile industry and has cost lid to“. The Mitt Vt“ be around
0"” LStextile import restnctions. reanairlinesindustr clothing to the United States view ‘ y . _ , Americans about 300.000jobs. 25. Tonight and tomorrow will be

y. the legislation as discriminatory. ' There '5 a ‘b'3 bmth‘" feeling , mostly he with the low tonight will

Bong-Hyuk Kay, an economist The discussion should center said Chung-In Moon, a professor of t0ward the us among Koreans." Jenkins brought the textile bill be- a. is m a) ”a m; m m
from South Korea. will be the guest around the Textile and Apparel political science at the Patterson Trade ”memo.” “Md jeopardize fore Congress but President Reagan wink-round”.
speaker at “Disarmament in the Trade and Enforcement Act. a bill School of Diplomacy and Interna~ the US relationship With "‘59 has W the hi" and restated his
Trade Wars? USA vs Korea" at a that would limit countries exporting tional Commerce comtnfihesatd Sflwortofafreetrade policy '

 y .
Information on this calendar of events is collected and
coordinated through the Student Center Activities Office,
203/204 Student Center, University of Kentucky. The infor-
mation is published as supplied by the on~campus sponsor,
with editorial privilege allowed for the sake of clarity of
expression. For student organizations or University depart-
ments to make entries on the calendar, a Campus Calendar
form must be filled out and returned to the Student Activ-
. ities Office.
_ ' m n r Deadline: Forms will be accepted no later than the Mon-
' day preceeding the publications date.
' ‘ , ' Other UKSGA Exchanger Sign-ups Various Campus e Exhibitions Art Elhlbl'ton & Sale » Advance Graphics. ' Exhibitions: Art Exhibition 8 Sale . Advance Graphics 0 Other' Christmas Madrigal Dinners thru I2 7; $15, SC
‘ . .‘ ‘i‘rotiorts Coll 7 3"“ 245 Student Center i0.5p in Call 78867 245 Student Center; lO-Sp.m., Call 7-8867 Ballroom 6'43p.m,; Call 7-4900
, ‘ T ’ 'r-hibitions Tea l‘0' Who? MFA "‘95'5 Exhtbll by I Exhibitions Art Exhibit Kurt Pickett . Ceramic Sculpv 0 Meeting- Moranatha Christian Fellowship Students 0 Concerts University Orchestra, Free. Center for the
I‘ - f .' . , CW“ 8'5“ “”9 A’“ Bldg. ‘0" 30 DOI'Y CO” 77727 ture Triangle Gallery inner room IO-3p.m. Cal|233-l263 withapurpase; Marantha Center 7pm Call 231-7001 Arts 8pm.. Call7-3I45
. ~ '. x a. , e ExhlbtllCnS Tuska Exhibit Rasdall Gallery C0“ 254‘ ' Meeting American Marketing Association Meeting; 0 Meeting: SAB Concert Committee Meeting 228 Student ' Exhibitions Art Exhibition 8 Sale - Advance Graphics
' ' - , - 607° Student Center 7 30 pm. Call 73388 Center; 5p.m.. Call7-8867 245 Student Center; l0-5p.m,: Coll7-8867

, ‘ . ' E‘h'b"'°"5 A" E‘h'bll'on 3 Sale ‘ Adm“? Graph“ 0 Meeting UK Water Ski Club . Nominations for New 0 Movies: Maltese Falcon: 5175 w UKID Worsham ' Meeting. Baptist Student Union Student Luncheon »
.’ . .. ‘ . ' 245 Student Center lO-Sp m. Call 7-8867 Excutive Council WI” take place 228 Student Center. Theatre: 7:30 pm. $1 .00. Baptist Stu. Ctr; Noon; Call 7-3989
~‘ -. I: ‘ ,r -' ' . : 0 Movies Fun wl'h Dick and Jane ST 75 w UKID 7p.m. Coll 2770618 e Other: Food for thought discussion group' Nutrition on 0 Meeting. UK Fencing Club Meeting - free instructions 8
. ' ““5“” Theatre 7 309'" 0 Meeting Baptist Student Union TNT ~ Tuesday Night the Run, by Sue Burrier. 119 Student Center Noon Call 7, equment provided: Alumni Gym: 7:30 p.m.; Call 233-5201
.' - ‘ 0 Other UK Football Banquet SC Grand Ballroom 6 30 Together BaptistStu, Ctrv 7 30pm Call7-3989 3295 0 Exhibitions Art Exhibit 'Kurt Pickett - Ceramic Sculp-
. ~ _ . ~ _ a ir- Call 7 i757 . Meeting SAB Public Relations Committee Meeting, ”5 e Sports: UK Lady Kat Basketball vs, Southern inmgos ture‘ Triangle Gallery, inner room; lO-3p.m., Call233-l263
5' v: > ‘ _ . 0 Sports UK Lady Kat Basketball vs Morehead 5t, Uni StudentCenter 4p m_ Call 78867 University; Memorial Coliseum, 7 30pm ,Call 76046 0 Movies: Maltese Falcon, $1.75 w UKID; Worsham
.- ~ '. . ‘ ‘ rem'v Memorial Coliseum 7 30p m Coll7r6046 e Movies Fun with Dick and Jane $1.75 w UKID. ° Concerts: Room 22 Jazz Ensemble Free Center tor the Them”? 7309'“

. 3‘ .’ _. . Worsham Theatre 7 30pm Arts:8p.m.. Coll7-3145 0 Other German Clubs ‘Cafe Deutschland‘ German
'V I‘ ' ' ' . I 0 Recitals Senior Recital John Hawkins Horn Center 0 Meeting. Show Ski Club Meeting to tune up for the H0959 59"“-

- ' , , . tor the Arts 5pm Call7-4900 snow; 228 StudentCenter 7.30pm., Calla-6298 ' Meeting: PreNet Club Meeting » Tour ol Disease Diog-
" -' i . . e Sports UK Basketball V5 Cin at home Rupp Ayeno; nostic Center. 106 Animal Path Bldg. 7'15p.m. Call 254‘
g . . ' ' . ‘ Ceiimaaa 3254

,' . ' , 0 Other TOP's 'Factors Important in Pro-Marriage

» ' ' . ' Relationships by Dr. John Crosby: Dinner follows; 2T 8
- . . ' older K»House 5 30p.m.. Call254-l88l

. _ 0 Other UKSGA University Administration Reception for
_ ‘ Students SC PreSidents Room 7p.m. Call 7-3l9l

_ . . , . - ° Other Collequwn Baroque Ensemble I7th Century ltal- ' Movies Maltese Falcon ST 75 v» UKID Worsham ' Other” Phi Beta KOPPO l”l"°"°" Free l8th “00’ POT ° Movies Breakfast at Tiffanys Sl.75 w UKID
- . iar‘ Music Memorial Hall 8p.m Call 7-8I82 Theatre 7 30p m 2p.m.. Call 7-6742 Worsham Theatre 7 30pm.
’ - 0 Exhibitions Art Exhibition 8 Sole - Advance Graphics 0 Sports UK Basketball vs Indiana at home Rupp ' Other: Delta Sigma Theta 7th Annual Gospel Sing Me 0 Other Council on Aging A Celebration of Christams -

. ‘ . 1 245 Student Center 105;: m Call 7-8867 Arena Call 73838 morial Hall. Call 299-7356 holiday music Center for the Arts. 2.30pm., Call 7-3145

' ’ 0 Mavies Maltese Falcon 5175 w UKID Worsham 0 Sports UK Cool Cats Ice Hockey Club vs. Louisville ° Sports UK Cool Cuts Ice Hockey Club vs Louisville
. V . Theatre 7 30p m Blades $2-Stu. 8. $3~Pub Lexington Ice Center 3.30 pm. Blades. S2-Stu. 8 Sit-Pub. Lexington Ice Center 3 30 p In,
_ ' ' 0 Meeting UK Badminton Club Meeting Seaton Center Call266»8666 Call268-8666
, . ’ - Gym 5 3076 30pm. Call278-7138 O Other Christmas Comp I985 , $6.00 23l SC 8 ' Concerts ‘Glorious Sounds of Brass at Christmas Cen-
' Other KHEA Holiday Tea all students taculty and Worsham Theatre 15;) m Call 78867 ter for the Arts. 3p.rn.' Co: 7-3l45
' . . . stat‘ are welcome I28 Erikson Hall 2 30-4 30pm. Call 8- 0 Concerts Spotlight Jazz Series presents Stanley Jordan ' Recitals, Recital by students of Patricia Montgomery
' . ' ‘080 ~59indiv ticket Memorial Hall 8p m Call 7-l378 Center for the Arts 3pm: Call 7-4900
‘ ' Other UK Keyboard and VOice Day for high school ' Meeting. UK Badminton Club Meeting Seaton Center
_ ' students Call 7-4900 Gym; 2:30-3:30p.m.. Call 278-7l38
. ' Concerts UK Guitar Ensemble Recital Center for the ' Plays: UK Theatre Production 'A Christmas Carol $57
, Arts, 8p.m, Coll 7~3l45 PubE $4-Stu' Guignol Theatre 3p.m_ 8 7p.m. Call 74592
' Exhibitions Art Exhibit Kurt Pickett , Ceramic Sculp-
' ‘ ture TriangleGaliery innerroom I0-3p.m. Coll233—l263
, 0 Plays UK Theatre Production A Christmas Carol $5»
' Pub 8 “SN ngnol Theatre 3p m. 8 7pm. Call 7-I592
, ‘ i i ' ' Other Pornography and Violence in the Media A Re-
_ . search Seminar by Dr Judith Reisman Seay Auditorium I
._‘ 8pm Call 78867
~. - ,
» . \
' . l2 4 Room 22 Jazz Ensemble Free: Center for the Arts: 8 .m., Call 7-3l45 - . - .
. ~ _ , _ _ I2 2 i2 3 Fun vsitl'i Dick and Jane SI 75w UKID Worsham Theatre 7 30:: m 12 5 UniverSIty Orchestra Free Center for the Arts: Berg. Cal|7~3145 ‘2 7 gl‘lllfzg‘zm “Shem” VS‘ M°reh°°d 5" UM" M°m°"°' “"56”“ 7 30
'i n ._ ‘ ‘ . :3 3 laiplkM::;:s'eTng;:on 551375;»; UKID Worsham Theatre 7 30pm l2 7 Spotlight Jazz Series presents Stanley Jordan » $9 indivi. tickets Memo- $2m3 U: Basketball “- On. at home. Rupp Arena, COIN-3838
‘. - ._ « Y 5 W UKlD WOTSl‘O’“ "‘90"? 7 30pm rial Hall 8p m Call771378 . . . _ . .

. . . . .‘ , l2 4- UK Lady Basketball vs. Sauthern Illinios UnIV.. Memorial Coliseum. 7 30

‘- . . ~ I l2 7 UK GUitar Ensemble Recital. Center for the Arts; 8p.m.; Call 7-3l45 p m Call 76046
_- ‘.‘ ,' g . . ‘ ;?318456lOTIOUS Sounds ol Brass at Christmas: Center for the Arts. 3pm. Call I; 7. UK2BasketbcEll Vi'clndianocahime’cfiugp A'eLmiC‘F‘l: 733.8138 ‘2 S. a $3
I ' 2 .. - i2 212 14 Tea For Who" MFA Thesis Exhibit by Garry Bibbs. Fine Arts ‘ 7 8 I . 8 UK 0° ("5 ke °< .ey " vs‘ W's" e o 85' ' U' '
.. \ 7;. . . :1 Bldg. 10-4'3000ily Call 7_2727 Pub. Lexington Ice Center. 3 30p,m.. Call266-3666 .
7 g, - ‘ ', ‘ i2 2.12 20 Tuska Exhibit, RasdallGallery, Call254-6026 ”*7
if i ' ' 4. g i I2 2 I2 6 Art Exhibition 8 Sale - Advance Graphics: 245 Student Center TO-

': , ' ; 5p.m. Call7-8867

‘. :g. - ' ~ ‘ I2 3 8 l2 5 8 I2 7 Art Exhibit 'Kurt Pickett - Ceramic Sculpture': Triangle

4‘ "l v ' . Gallery inner room lO-3p.m. Call233»l263
.t" i. _ . . . I2 3 Senior Recital John Hawkins, Horn; Center for the Arts: 5p.m.. Call 7-
~ . . ’- . 4900
:2": . l ,‘ 5 I ’ l2 8 Rental by students of Patricia Montgomery: Center for the Arts. 3pm.

' : Cal|74900

1.} ".

. 2.5," I -- . g.‘ . 12 3 AMA Meeting StudentCenter 7 30p m cq|17.3383 l2 2 l2 6 UKSGA Exchanger Sign-ups. Various Campus locations, Call 7‘3191

.' _', ' ." - . ' . : i2 3 UK Water Ski Club Meeting 228 Student Center 7p m Call 27770618 I2 2 UK Football Banquet SC Grand Ballroom. 6:30pm.: Coll 7-I757

; _ Z." - .- . 5 ‘ i2 3 Baptist Student Union TNT Tuesday Night Together Baptist Stu Ctr l7 4 FOOd lOf thought discussion group Nutrition on the run, by Sue Burner
:,. . , . f . ' .1 7 309 m (01'773989 ”9 Student Center Noon Call 7-3295

I: . - ' ', ' . i2 3 SAB Public Relations Committee Meeting ITS Student Center 4p m l? 5 l7 7 Christmas Madrigal Dinners . SIS. SC Ballroom 6.45 pm. Call 7-

. . " '. Call 7 8867 4°00
.- if; - ' j , l2 4 Maranatha Christian Fellowship Students with a purpose Maranatha l7 5 German Clubs Cafe Deutschland'. German House; 5p.m.

. .' ', t r .' z . Center 7p in Call 231-7031 l2 5 UKSGA UniverSity Administration Reception for Students: SC President 5

. ' ' , ' I2 4 SAB Concert Cominittee Meeting 228 Student Center Sp m Call 7-8867 Room 7p m Call 77319]

' :y' ' ' l2 4 SnOw SkiClub Meeting 228 Student Center 7 30p rn Call8~6298 l2 5 TOPs Factors Important in Pre~Marriage Relationships by Dr. John

. i . 1; ‘ l2 5 Baptist Student Union Student Luncheon - SI 00 Baptist Stu Ctr. Noon Cosby Dinner tollows 2l Solder. K-House; 5:309.m.; Call254-1881

' (all 7 3939 I2 6 Collequim Boquuo Ensemble 17th Century Italian Music: Memorial Hall:
; .l . . ‘ . I . l2 5 UK Fencing Club Meeting AlumntGym 7 30p m Call 2315201 80 m Call 7 8182

, . . ‘. l2 5 PreVVet Club Meeting, T06 Animal Path Bldg 7 l5p,m, Call 254-8254 12 a KHEA Holiday Tea all students, faculty 8 staff are welcome. I28 Erik son

' ' ’7 l2 6 UK Badminton Club Meeting. Seaton Center Gym 5 30-6 30pm Call Hall 2 30 4 30p m Call 8-4080

_‘ . . . _ 278 7l38 l2 7 Christmas Camp 1985 - $600. 253i SC 8 Worsham Theatre l»5p.m. Call
" ' y ' l2 8 UK Badminton Club Meeting Seaton Center Gym 2 30-3 30p m Call 78867
. i , 278 7138 I; ; LéK Keyboard and Voice Day tor high school students' Call 74900

'1 . , _ , omegrophy and Violence in the Media' A research seminar b Dr,

.' , v’" : Judith Reismon Seoy Auditorium 8pm.; Callie“? Y LOOKING AHEAD
g ' , l2 8 Phi Beta Kappa Initiation, Free. 18th floor POT 2pm., Call 7-67‘2
. . I2 8 Delta Sigma Theta 7th Annual Gospel Sing: Memorial Hall Call 299-7356
’ , I I '2 9 c°”"‘” °" A9"‘9 A COleTO'lOrt Of Christmas . holiday music Center for T2 II A Gilt at Music by the UK Choristers. Center for the Arts; 8p.m.. Call 7-
he Arts 2 30p in Call 73145 3'45
' . T2 13 UK Lady Kat Basketball vs. Indiana University, Memorial Coliseum; 7.2!)
. p.m. Call7-6046
I2 I3 End at Class Work

 I y l r
Sports Editor
mm ,
Assxstant Sports Editor
’ I __—-—————————t ,
a S e ense e x v SIDELINES : ' -
. ~ l min Statt and -\P kc mts - ‘
I . D 1C] SSiC " p 'I'
p ‘ l , . . , . . , " l l. f ->
c alm la a ~ ‘ loeller s $150,000 putt Wins Skins (.ame .- ,
, ‘. . .-
. ‘ ' ‘ MIDDLETENNESSEE8|RH 77 . . ‘ r w" ' , ’
l” l“‘7‘““"‘” m“ , . ’ v I \1lRRll M, (imi iii/r» malt-i, MN mitt-cit; l r , .
btatf\\riter Plum ti: tun ll llarh in u 'D ' , I l, . .,- ' ,
ham] 0 2 (t u 1 i ll 0 \ x \" $150,000 on our hitlc. yaw a startlcd ldsh Nicklaus .1 l , ,4“ ,

[f there's one thing evident m this Ktt\\ n l 0 o it it It 0 , mock hiss \Ahcn /i»clicr .linthcd .l hmncx ~\\lllitl!‘u.‘. \._":Y- 1 . I If, ,_ . f.” . if
young basketball season. the Lady (mm 2 6 I 4 6 5 “ I t :.L‘\[L‘{d;j} 111mg 19x5 skim (mine, i , 2,: ‘_ , :5 , f._‘
Kat; 1‘er Climb“. 0f putting l’mmS Sid“ l 6 ” ll ll l 0 6 ' - Wt” /«\cllc', rt‘iakmy‘ his 32's? ttl‘Pk‘il'tll‘c'J i2 'lln 1! ft ‘ 32': 1,: ‘. .'
ontemart ~ 0” ' ‘

t . t t: -i , litcl’litrl‘l‘ .\i\ll nutJi, an “ ll‘. . '2! _ -, 1' .-'v ,

After WIHlilliL’, their own Dial ( las 4“ l’ U H U 0 2 l 0 (c; I. , so d H 'l x t t than 7 cl b 1" [‘Lu 1 l H» l ‘ ‘, i__ I T, ,
5K. “-177 ‘,\()r Middle TennegNa. “chh 9 I9 6 K ‘ 4 1 2-: r. .‘j t‘ttdtc {Minion 'tic ._ ‘: 'imc “That \t. :2 ’ VJT'R n\c'~, .5;’ ”31"”;
State Saturday night in Mcnmrtal “Illl‘dnt‘ - l 4 ‘1‘ t * «as “with Bl‘tHNttt ,: ~j'ffl.,lv"{'."' '15! ,
(‘oliseum‘ the 3 0 Kats are inc-rag ‘ 9 4 '9 9 4 l '4 ‘h ’. '- ‘ lhc't' had mg“ l'\'; .4“: tick-3c. 3‘1"“ “471» 5353”“ l ‘~"":il'." : ‘34 "
mg 96 points a gami- (TE-dill thjat to :‘L'HLs - I l: u i f :: j _, :~ ‘ “hm 7”“ch mudc thc Eng mum-x r11" ,. I . 1,5,1. ’ I”!
tenacmus dcfcnse whic cats to m L't 3 ‘ t 0 (t _ , l - ,. , _ .. 4 .» ‘ '. v .' . ."ri

' - s it: . _ \i\ 'lll “its i'd t‘. in ‘ittc. -t ,a living: .tt ca'iic' i ‘1" A. ': .'
fastbreak baskets scored mos”) lt) “mu“ l- I < " 4 l 1“ Q .' ‘ a t 1 it t . . . Kai. , cl [wt-l. i i -1- ill . . \ Iii , i 1 Nix/ff ‘
senior toward Leslie Nichols, llil‘ WU“ l 3 “ " l " l' ‘ ' , i , t m Hm u d ‘ “mm" ’m ‘ “Md m ‘ m k “l' I“ ”I u l -.' X"; _ .'
tournament'smostvaluahlcplawr “"3" 3' “5 '5 2°37 3" U 77 $3; \ \ ‘l ”3““? i ‘,' };.' gt '1'":

Also credit the allllll} 0t everytnc Kl.\ll('l\\ 85 ‘_ s u ‘ ‘ lh'cc hinc~ art". m" Vi‘umti ,y a”;- ti, my l‘m' 1 ‘ 5' I} ‘, -‘
0n the team to play, so much so that plan” rg fga ft it: rh .. a lp ‘ V ' ! Zfizh ti? \lclklclt.\. ltcm t '..'i ( i_.", "ic 'ciiugc: /. Wk i ‘- 5,533.3“ if;
Illall pflans‘ I“ changc “or starting lli”‘~l”“' 3 “ 3 l ’ '~ ‘ " , ‘ l dropped an lf‘ tutu l‘lldic 'yii" it‘cr, ruitl 'i‘ nun anti ' i i lé’rl-ng'i
Incup mm gamctuutimc \Mmh — ll - i, .a 4 — t: i _' , ' , 3 ‘.|_ 3‘ ,,,1 -‘-’ a; ,

' " ' . .0 It I, ,. .i,

.-I told them ll s not important 14mm“, 4, I U u M t H w M, i‘ i \\l\ll\l\l1 a ti.» “ x . ’ ‘ ‘ H . ’ M N . , i 377,. .*-'."i
who starts" Hall said after Frida) \\l:tldl\c‘l ,1 < 3 3 3 I < 1.. #33} k ' \‘l“‘l‘- f" ., ‘1 vintld ~ 1's it"s. -k~ A - M‘ i ‘ g '4‘ :: "AI-3:.
night's “,1 ti". romp ”i ('lm‘t‘land “m”! \ 1 4 2 2 H 1 H J ' rum, mutt-n slitti' \.J i it. .,:;'cii_: 1;; xiiiri'p -\: 1 ", i \f i v" 9‘: ‘-_-_.
State in lht‘ lll‘\l round (ll thc (‘las ”mm, 1 3 i, l, 3 3 1 3 ‘ m l (WNH‘M \km, gum. in” A l: f m; It Am 9w "ix: “t _. i : ._ t.“
SIC ”Whit“ ”“P‘tl'ldm 1‘ M“ 5“” \hllvr l) ‘ 9 < 6 V 4 1 19 JR .ww l lll' ihc 'it‘ Ytic 1.7“ .mt: tun ’ l- . ‘y.'..t'é‘..‘
pla} \ivhonyiumountht-tlmr~ stump 3 1 3 ,1 4 3 i r. l /o--3ii~' K A [I “I: :hr- 4, Km“ i' , l : W A H I: l g, I ",_-‘,=\"'-'

So far this season. tact) Kat has \iuslu z e. 1 3 x 2 I - \. ': . ', l H _ \; our H ‘ , " V i‘ss I“ p . , ‘ \ l ~. 25-} {'2‘
had sonic planing lllilt' int-hiding (with < s t) 3 4 ‘ ~ in ' in ‘ l ““l‘1 - - ‘ 4 ~‘ "- -‘ ’ m" 9* ‘ 3 ',‘i', j ‘ ‘ .. '. rig;
freshman .llttllt' \thitakcr, who madc “Hills 32 57 ll 29 42 :4 25 85 ‘ (“'m“ IM‘ 3 - '5' l . "l
the all tournament team, and Pam H . *""~*—"w ——~—~-——~~—————-—-—~——‘ ' -' -‘ "'._ ‘ 3 ;H
‘ Itlt:nu mam. 40 Ki'fllutln \tl sum...“ .. . a , s' ,. -" .. R ‘
Shrlllll pr'tifl‘lllw “using 4' ‘ Marin-Lt so I [uni ' will ' ' .. [‘#*——"4 ._.____,__ ”A _- ______.__.._____.._~.._ “— ' 3‘1" ~l .“ .

“l’iim Shi‘um (11.2tll' some ut‘t'at \IiillllnlJ krflluikxl‘ """ . f- , - I _ H ‘5 _ i '_ ‘» L [‘9‘ .‘
passes and .lmlic did .i tiizc jttlt Hi ‘ '31“ . . I, kcntucl‘) kernel Inp 20 ’t'.‘
running the «ittvnstz ’ Hull Mitt '31 points 12 rebounds and scwn as- ' , lcamtRccordi I,»I vwclt . _‘ f _ ‘;‘,
"Thcyre nut planing lilw ll'l'sh sists "l‘hat flaw us a little trouble A, f l, , \ , _, s ‘ . ,. _ :7 ”3‘
men at t1r~l ““‘m'b ' I ,‘ 1 t. ~, y, IV

More qualit} Him- hm (‘ltlllt‘ trimi ('itihti their (tUll‘knt‘hh. Hall “9111 Junior Lady Kat Debbie Miller tries to block a paw in 3m to. ~ -. \t_ , . ‘I' . '- .
junior remit-r lk‘ltllll' Milli-r Min “fill her original starting lineup 85-77 “(wry over Middle lennessee ; , - - I , t t » , ._ , \‘vll‘i
had career hiutis \th w points and Nichols Miller. Karen Moslc), . ~’ \ , ~ H \. x . y .> ; ' .' ,r‘
H rebounds Hidm muht .zllll \dllll‘ Sand) Harding and Belitta (role) "They could haxe given up when Webb‘s 34 points i T-“tll [Hyuflin‘ {l‘ _ , .. ‘ \, w. s. ' I. , _ '5‘? ‘.
back the next nigh! m (”Lilli \t‘tti‘(' w tittcr sitting down Harding and (‘ror the} were down by :2 points. but lump Raider sentt)!‘ added 1. ”my ; ‘ i 3,. «i . . ,i is ._ .. _. , , ,_‘ g- 1 .‘
and pull dimn l‘ m l‘t‘li‘ILllltl'~ \llt‘ l“) ill tamr of Whitaker and Michele they (‘ame back andplawd hard Jud Willhanks mu, 1; pt 7"'» m - x i . i , _: . . i. .