xt76t14tmz2d https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt76t14tmz2d/data/mets.xml  France  1798-10-16 This bulletin is part of a collection of newspapers and journals published during the French Revolution, collated by unknown person, representing both sides of the revolution. Call Number Rare Books: AP20 .R235 bulletins Rare Books: AP20 .R235 French Paris : De l'imprimerie du Publiciste, rue des Moineaux, n°. 423  This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed in accordance with U. S. copyright laws French Revolution publications France. Assemblée nationale législative (1791-1792) France -- History -- Revolution, 1789-1799 Le Publiciste, Quintidi 25 Vendémiaire, an VII, [16 October 1798] text Le Publiciste, Quintidi 25 Vendémiaire, an VII, [16 October 1798] 1798 1798-10-16 2023 true xt76t14tmz2d section xt76t14tmz2d ' ”‘11—" r. MAJ“ 3'?-

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gzénériz/fi [rill/gnaw com-crmml Em illdl'uidus sm‘lis (in tau‘ltoirc
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4'! ‘iguC-c par l’amiiul Nelson lui» inf-mu. Aprés avnir rlunm"
“Lil (lusrs rilmluizy valsccaux do ligm- , sans (lire cc qui lcur
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lulu Nil, suivanl lcs ccrlificats des commissaires
“ ‘ulligiei-s dos (lill'ércns vaisseaux.

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“037 “W65, brfilés 8t pcrdm . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 5,225
Signé , H on A 1‘1 0 N1: L50 N.

Le grand scignvnr a cnvoyé é
“Jude/Ila, on lc panaulix- (lv viitloiro oni‘iihi (lo brilldns.
CL'Ut.‘ nlécoralion/quu 5. ll. n‘acom-rle qn‘em g\l‘11!")‘£lll.<>lll10
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De Home, la 13 r'wzdz-‘miaire.

l’amirell Nelson _le

On reproclie A nos cx—consuls, non d‘rn'cir (:11 part aux
dilnpiIlulions, Innis do no s’y {‘ti‘c pas omiosis unlau! Lluiils
l'auioimit pu : lcs persouncs impartialcs (loutunL encore
qu’ils cusscnl dos moycns pour les empochm‘.

Le nouvcau consulat est déjfi inx'tallé. Les trois do scs
l p'éillfu‘sseurs (Lui avoicnl douné lours (16mi5!212'I1’12221'1:u2-11~. '212211222111'22212; 12‘ .2
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1):;1“111cs’ 2122112221' 1.2 2.12:: 211-. 2'1 112212111212, 212"2'2212!2'2122222:
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1.322011 :1 l’:2‘2.' :2 h 1’) :1’22Jtzk-1'1'2". "1’12: I11I‘2'21’1i
1195' 212-127. gI12'215I‘2 22312221; :12:-



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..{Oigi‘nii‘ an i‘curuLcmirnt (lcs 111:1}; pi‘cniiux‘s b111.;.11.0115. 1,. .1 1: 111.111: .1. .\ 31,1. 11 1 V1.”

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111511111113 Chink-s, 1;.- I‘mm‘i‘ .11 1111.1{13 1211151311129 :111'1‘.
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'IUn 119111 so i‘appLHci‘ néaumoins (111’11n 301111113111.) motif

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11.12.0111 ‘11L‘ an cc quehlue ‘11ui1‘e

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11.1111" 5:111:1—11111‘1'

. ..J- .2211: i'L 1.-

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21.111: 1:: . . JL‘1111H1 111.5.1‘111cs (‘011\1SLE'111,(111 on ,cn re 1L v2. 53mm:
' I (“rapt 11";‘galcs Ex' (LuclquLs cmvutles. 11111::5
1.1.1111‘ dams 1':X1‘c1,1ipc1 sou§ 10‘s 01";11‘35 du ca.-

1111—1111: 11'1. .

- —— 1.11 1105 iv.‘ met tout en mouvcmcnl pour! hither (1’011—

2‘7; 1.1 mom; .10 00.111.1011 1s CUIHS dc ( 0131111111916

.1)1'1it 111 11,11,1‘1LE‘1‘ 9111: 1.117511-
kg] m. Lo cabinet v.12moi9 s’L-st 111011.16 [mp sage,

L ' 11;:11‘. (:11: 11.11' (1'1 111‘ 1’.i {0.1) I, 1.1.111—
. par un ll‘op 11011 esprit, pour (21"(1CI‘ 5‘. (1c . 1 .' . =2 . , .111; .. ‘ 1'1'11.I'.‘11‘c 1m 2. ,"
..1 Iii.11)111siuns, mal'né 105 11.1105 (1110 21.9: corsnii‘cs ' .. Laiiizxiunu 11:111. 111C
I I'm «"P'LCIIXL‘I‘{111((11111‘101'f‘b(11‘.'51Y1€\11011.<)!121111fl cc 111i ‘ _ ‘ ., .., .' .... 1'2:1.(\01> l,I _ ‘2 55;]:
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“1 Gil qua 11.110 13011111, 1111 c103 Lmis '1111'11is11‘cs 11011 11.0.1 (11111111 .1..i1 - 11:5 {11.1.13 1- ‘
(III 1111'.“ . :'1 11051115117 .1 (16111311110 50:1 11111101 05:1 c0111, ~ L‘i " ' I" . s.iIc01.1‘ .
‘ ' ' . . 11:1 on 11:: 5.11110. . 111111111111:
111d ""~‘l'-"‘""‘“5 . _. ('1111‘1‘113 pI‘IL‘isonims out 1510:1111" (:11 (10111019. mi~ '3" .“ . 1:1 11‘ 1'.u;u-1'1;..‘1i<<:‘:111:0 .11:
"31‘1”“ ‘3' ('I".1 1.:111 10.11 (111311113 1111‘ /:.‘ (r r1111 , 1111:00 011’011 1121 ‘ _ 1 ‘ . ‘3 '-.~-.‘ ., "'L:1:5L1\1 11c {1111:1111 i1 1'11:1 (1a
"".'"'.'""""" ’ 4111111" 1111 0.1211 11111211011311 1111(‘1111 v:;i<.51.11l 11‘121'211. f . . 1111 111i 1'.Iii~‘i.‘il . 111.0 11.‘ so; 2i
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Ivimns do Dutlzig; qI’mn CO:1I<".‘!'IZKICLC, ions 1.2-5 \'.1i<— 3"“ C""""""""S ”""' ’ i" " '. "31""-""1“'*
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1.1 1.135. . ~.- ‘1..1‘., d-L‘s mcsm'cs“ pour 1;: PO” dc bunny Slillhulit (111111 . . . 1111 war Mimiv slxiiit
i... 1.,1111 pm , (11111 11111 "1‘..-1131.1: 11:11: 1"1‘.€‘.)1li'.1)'.l 11(1111‘ c1i‘c111lc." 11111:
11‘91’“["“" .' “1’“ ”cs HJHVCHL‘S (1’A21q10101‘1‘o. I‘CCUM mi‘ 1.1 Vuic (1e 1“ 1"" "5' 1"""""‘-" ‘ "“1 ”5 (““11 1"
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