r 1 THE KENTUCKY KERNEL CADET HOP SATURDAY AFTERNOON UNIVERSITY VOLUME XVIII LEXINGTON, K. I. P. A. BEGINS SECOND ANNUAL SESSION TONIGHT Will Be Guests of The Kernel at Banquet Given in Lafayette Hotel TWO CUP AWARDS WILL FEATURE CONVENTION Invite Journalism Students to Attend Saturday Morning Session Delegates from six Kentucky colleges will attend the second annual convention of the Kentucky Intercollegiate Press Association here this week-enCollege, Transylvania Wesleyan College, University of Kentucky, Centre College, Georgetown College and Western Normal Are the colleges to be represented. Ths program will begin Friday night, when the delegates will be the guests of The Kernel staff at the annual Kernel banquet to be held at the Lafayette hotel. A program has been prepared for this occasion which will be of great interest to those in college journalism work. Interesting Talk, Saturday Saturday morning there will be a meeting of the association in Room 5 of the Natural Science building. Talks on journalism will be given. Among those to give talks will be Mr. Harold Hecht, general manager of Wolf Wile Company, whose subject will be "The Effect of Modern Advertising on Business;" Professor Enoch Grehan, who will talk on "Whet Journalism Means to the College;" Mr. T. Underwood, of the Lexington Herald, will speak on, "Editorial Policies of Newspapers;" and V. R. Portmann, whose Prof. subject will be "The Typograp phy and Make-uof the Newspaper." All journalism students are invited to come to this meeting. Saturday afternoon will be taken up with an important business meeting in the same room of the Natural Science building. Charlese Walker, of Centre College, president of the association, will be in charge of the meeting. Will Award Two Cups Saturday night the delegates will guests of the Athletic Associabe the tion at the Georgia basketball game. Two of the features of the convention will be the silver loving cups to be awarded, one to the best college paper and one to the college paper t. having the best advertising AlDha Delta Sigma, honorary advertising fraternity is the donor of the latter prize. lay-ou- Interesting Proerram Coming to Woodland "Th Kind's Henchman" and Westminster Choir Draw Interest of Many An interesting program has been planned for the music lovers of Kentucky at the Woodland Auditorium during the week of February 13, including "The King's Henchman" and the Westminister Choir. Frits Kreis-le- r will appear on Tuesday of the following week. Many choirs of the city are planning to attend the Westminister Choir concert in a body and 55 seats have been reserved by the choir of Central Christian church. The guests from out of town will include President and Mrs. Malcolm Adams of Georgetown College, Mr. and Mrs. Sydney Dalron of the College for Women, Danville; President and Mrs. Akers of Asbury College, Wilmore; Professor and Mrs. Rigby of Berea College; Dr. S. I. Logan and daughter of Lee's Institute, Jackson; Mr. John Orr Stewart of Eastern Kentucky State Normal School, Rich mond; Miss Jessie May Lillard of Lawrenceburg, Miss Alice Bristow of Georgetown, Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Wilson of Cynthiana, and Mr. George vJoplin. Jr., of Somerset. Those attending from Frankfort will be Miss Christine Reynolds, Miss Mariette Jackson, Mr. and Mrs. George Gayle, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bright, Mr. Richard McClure, and Miss Lucy Chinn. "LETTERS" New Issue Brings Editors Many Congratulations The Kernel is delighted to report that the second issue of "Letters," the university literary quarterly, even at this early time has been the- occasion for numerous compliments and congratulations to the editors of the magizine. Alice Hegan Rice's short story and David Alexander's critical study of Sherwood Anderson seem to be the most popular contributions in this issue. Students who wish to subscribe to "Letters" are asked to do so through Jack Cousinjs, who has recently been given charge of student subscriptions. STROLLERS BEGIN WORK ON PLAY Directors Announce Casts; Rehearsals Being Held Nightly to Assure Presentation of Drama in April. part of Dulcy will be taken by Virginia Hailey. Miss Hailey is a The member of Kappa Delta sorority. Angela is to be taken by Henrietta Blackburn, who is a member of the Chi Omega sorority. Mrs. Forbes has not been definitely decided upon. It is between Kather-?n- e Friend and Elizabeth Turner. Miss Frend is a pledge of the Alpha Gamma Delta sorority, and Missj Turner is a Chi Omega. The part of Blair Patterson is to be taken by Bill Durbeck. Mr. Durbeck is a member of the Pi Kappa Alpha fraternity, Gordon Smith, Dulcy's husband is to, Hej be taken by Lewis McDannold :s a member of Delta Tau Delta fraternity, and took a part in the last Romany production, " "Outward Bound". Bill, Dulcy's brother is taken by Leonard Weakly. He is a member of the Delta Tau Delta fraternity. The part of Mr. Forbes is to be taken by Charles Blaine, a member of the Delta Chi fraternity. Tom Serrett is f o be taken by John Loving. He has been on the Romany staff for several of their last plays. The part of Vincent Leach is to be Mr. taken by Frank Davidson. Davidson is a member of Sigma Nu and will be remembered in several Romany plays. Practices are to be held every night !n White Hall, and it is hoped the first production of the play will be ready for presentation about the first of April. The play is a comedy by Marc ConThey nelly and George Kaufman. have also written "To the Ladies" ind the "Torchbearers". It is a delightful three act comedy centering about the scrapes Dulcy gets everybody into, much to her own innocence. Latest Registration Figures Total 2,290 According to latest reports, there are now registered at the university 2,290 students, which is the largest enrollment in the history of the university. As stated in last week's Kernel approximately 200 are new students who were not in attendance at the university last semester. The College of Arts and Sciences, as ububI led the field of enrollment Each year's enrollment has shown a steady increase in the university roster. It is believed next September will brine: the registration figure to an unusual height. Writer Sees In Gum Chewing the Possibilities of a National Sport (By M. E. Stewart) Not that it is new, this game far from it, unfortunately. But so far as we know, it has never been publicly recognized as a proper diversion. However," it could be made very fast and enjoyable, that is, for those already inclined to it. We refer to no less famous an occupation than that of chewing gum. It can be, nay, it is, a furiously speedy race when two or more devotees indulge together, as any university student can testify. Perhaps it is an evidence of our secluded habits that the popularity of tViss "n'"holoncal symphony" had not struck us long ago. It may be alaoet wholly due to the fact that out ears are thus lacerated by the "blows of sound;" we hope so. For e activthose addicted to this ity would be exonerated, in such case, from ro"h of the displeasure they cause. We are nothing if not "Chocun a son gout" really does express our feelings, even concerning personal habits that strike cow-lik- broad-minde- d. us as questionable in taste Perhaps we shall even come to enjoy the aerial of. soup Why not, if may wax, yea wax and never, never wane? But as to elevating the game from personal to national eminence: Sta tistics have shown that we are a spending nation of more annually on that necessity than upon education. The relative merits of the two expenditures must have decided the preference, for we are n reasonable people. Now, the univer sity should do its share in upholding our national reputation. Personally, we are sure that it does the evidence is audible, so that he who runs may still hear behind him tho derisive ?rack of many loyal jaws "Crack, srack!" they tro, tho sprightly ones, some languid but and nerservering soul is sure to answer, Is it not so, my brethren ? Yea, within the temple itself they carry on their crackery. We venture to sug- (Continued on Page Eight) KY. FEBRUARY 10, 1928 Known Concerning Real Calibre of Invading Rival Team Little Is Miss Lydia Roberts Has Perfect Record In Scholarship Miss Lydia Roberts, who is registered as a second semester junior in ihe College of Arts and Sciences at FAST GAME IS IN STORE FOR FANS Jenkins, McGinnis, McBrayer, Jeffries and Combs Will :he University of Kentucky, has a Start Game oerfect scholastic record for her six emesters of matriculation at the uniMiss Roberts, since her ens ranee into the university, has made 10 grade lower than A, giving her he highest possible standing, 3. Miss Roberts is the daughter of Mr and Mrs. L. L. Roberts, of 436 est Third street. She entered the university from Lexington Senior High school in January, 1925, and luring her entire three years in high chool Bhe made all A's with the of one B. This exceptional ecord ns a student caused Miss Rob-rt- s to bo awarded a scholarship pin n sach year while matriculated at Senior High. At the University of Kentucky Miss loberts has, chosen mathematics as ler major subject and journalism and English as minors. She will be graduated in June, 1929. In connection with her scholastic duties Miss Roberts also enters into student activities; she s a member of Kappa Delta social sorority, secretary of the Women's Administrative Council, member of Mortar Board, senior women's honorary fraternity, and Theta Sigma Phi women's honorary journalistic frater nity, and is president of the Y. W. versity. Lex-ngto- Dr. Bruno Roselli to Address Convocation The first convocation of this se- meseter will be February 16 at 10 o'clock in the Men's gymnasium, with Dr. Bruno Roselli, of Vassar College, as the chief speaker. Doctor Roselli's subject will be "Danger Zones of Europe." He will also give a lecture in the afternoon at 3 o'clock on When Youth Demands Responsibil ity." Tho following afternoon at the same time he will talk on "Interna tionalism: Dead of Hibernating?" The speaker will be brought here by the Club. Articles of Interest To All In Late Issue Of Law Journal The Kentucky Law Journal which is primarily for the use of lawyers and law students, also has much that is of interest to the average layman as well as to those in the profession. In the latest edition of the Law Tournal there are three very interest- ng articles one by Professor Rob erts on the "Kentucky Statute Against Perpetuities," one by Professor Black on "The War Power of the United States," and one by H. n. Grooms, s graduate and former student of thr Kentucky College of Law, on "Tacking Interests." This number also contains notes op "Probate Procedure," by Judge of Fayette County, and the "Proper Place of Maker's Signature on a Bill or Note, by George Rag- land, Jr. In addition to the case com ments, it also contains some very in teresting book reviews by Dean Evans, Professor Roberts, Professor Roy Moreland, Professor Boynton, and Mr. Rouse. (By John W. Dundon, Jr.) Georgia Tech's fast quintet will invade Lexington tomorrow night, when they will engage the Wildcat basketball team in the last Southern Conference game for the Kentuckinns before the conference meet in Atlanta next week. Little is known of .the calibre of the visitors, but they should not give Coach Mauer's proteges an exceptional amount of worry. Georgia Tech has been beaten by Auburn, Tulane and other first class fives on the Southern Conference floors this However, the games were fairly close and the Georgia boys have always given their opposition plenty of worry. The Wildcats 'have won eight games and lost four to date. The latest victories in tho Southern Conference were won at the expense of Vander-bil- t, which, with two of its regulars from the Southern championship team of last season playing this season, were trimmed overwhelmingly. Tennessee was also beaten upon l.he last trip into the southland. If the Wildcats could annex this game with Tech, and then defeat Centre next week, they would have quite an imposing record to bear with them into the shuffle at Atlanta for premier basketball honors of the South The line-u- p of the Kentuckians.. which has for the most part been composed of sophomores, has given great account of itself this past season. Tho team has been faced with two extreme difficulties; first, a new system of play, which is hard to grasp at the outset; and second, a team composed of new men, with one veteran, and witli few capable substitutes ready when needed. The quintet which will start for Kentucky will probably be composed of Jeffries and Combs, forwards; McBrayer or Milward, center; and Captain Jenkins and McGinnis at guard. The line-u- p of the visiting five from Tech has not as yet been ascertained. However, basketball fans are assured that a very fast game will be in order for Saturday night, and the Wildcats will put forth every effort to win the game, since in a measure. their expectations in the Southern Conference meet will be judged by their showing tomorrow night. g sea-3o- n. PLAN NOVELTY FOR STUDENTS Y. W. C. A. and Y. M. C. A. Are Soonsors of Comic Event to Be Staged In Women's nasium Thursday. Gym- Ad-im- s Lexington Leader to Award Loving Cups Best College Publication in State Will Receive Award From Local Newspaper One of the most unique social events of the year will be the country rarty which is to be given February 1.6 from 8 to 10:30 o'clock in the Women's gymnasium under the Y. W. C. A. and the Y. M. of the C. A. All old students are cordially nvited. New students are particu larly urged to be present- In order that this may be a real .ountry party it is requested that everyone dress in some strictly coun try costume, the more ridiculous the better. e Virginia Reel and some An iquare dances of the past decade will open the party. Music for these dances will be furnished by a regular e orchestra. g is also scheduled A but other features for the occasion have not been announced, although nothing is being spared to make the party a success. aus-nic- -- barn-danc- Through the courteBy of the Lexington Leader a large silver loving cup will be awarded to the winner in the Kentucky Interscholastic Press Association annual prize contest which This cup is being held this week. is awarded every year to the best college publication in the Association. The Kentucky Kernel won first prize last year. The cup stands one foot high and has a large seal in front. It Is made of Sheffield silver plate and is gold Tho shield carries the enlined. P. A." and "1928" with graving "K-a space for the engraving of the winner's name. Below the shield the words "Presented by the Lexington Leader" appear. The cup will be awarded at the final session of tho Association Saturday afternoon in the Journalism rooms by the representatives of the Lexington Leader and the Lexington Herald. GRADUATE STUDENTS MEET There will be a short but very im portant meeting of all graduate stu dents tomorrow at 12 o'clock in the Little Theater, White Hall, accord ing to an announcement made by Dean Funkhoueer, of the Graduate School. The items of business to be taken up arc election of officers of Graduate Club; announcements re garding dates for these, and oral ex aminations, and arrangements for the Graduate Club banquet. All gradu ate students will be hold responsible for this meeting and should make very effort to attend. COLLEGE JOURNALISTS KENTUCKY NUMBER 17 'Cats Meet Georgia Tech Five Saturday in Last Conference Tilt The Strollers, dramatic club of thr university, held their first rehearsal for the spring produc tion, "Dulcy," Tuesday night a' White Hall. Addison Yeaman is thr director of the play, and the entire cast has been selected by him, with the cooperation of the other Stroller members. The cast is as follows, and in one nstance, the directors have not been able to limit their choice. The part of Schuyler Van Dyk is to be taken by Bob Thompson. Mr. C. A. Thompson is a member of SuKy cir cle. OP WELCOME candy-pullin- Prof. Walker Plans Research at U. of K. Representative of Federal Agricultural Engineering Department Confers With Aggies Prof. II. B. Walker, of the Agricultural Engineering Department, Washington, D. C, visited the university Saturday, February 4. His purpose was to hold a conference with Dean Cooper and the agricultural engineers regarding the formulation of plans for research work at this institution. Professor Walker gave a very interesting talk in which he stated that he had visited 44 different experiment stations this year and felt quite optimistic over the outcome of agricultural research in the South. "With the rapid changes taking place in agriculture," said Professor Walker, "the manufacturers as well as the farmers are looking to the colleges to determine the fundamental principles of farm machinery. We should design our machinery to meet tho requirements of making a quality product and not attempt to adapt the process to tho machine. The agncul tural engineers must be responsible for the methods which will make the quantity per worker a maximum and the cost of production a minimum." The university, through the columns cjf The Kernel, wishes to extend its warmest welcome to the delegates of the Kentucky Intercollegiate Press Association. Here you will And a friendly feeling, and we hope that you will return to your various colleges with a better understanding of our university, its faculty and undergraduates. We want you to make yourself at home during your stay at our university. University Offers Instruction In 51 Departments The second semester of the 62nd academic year of the University of Kentucky opened January 30 with 51 departments of instruction offering courses in lecture, laboratory and quiz sections. The College of Arts a"hd Sciences offers 293 courses in 705 sections. The 18 departments in the College of Agriculture offers 58 courses in 98 sections. The College of Education lias 3( courses in 32 sections; the depart ment of physical education, 8 course in 54 sections; the department of music, 16 courses in 19 sections. The Law School lists 17 courses in 17 sections, and the Department of Military Science has 4 courses in 44 sections. The 24 courses in English require 64 sections, the greatest number in any department of the university. The 7 French courses are taught in 15 sections. Students in the 29 chemistry courses meet in lecture and laboratory sections, while those in the four German courses attend 12 sections. The four Spanish courses are given ,in 10 sections and the 18 mathematic jourses in 36 sections. Sigma Delta Chi To Initiate Monday Sigma Delta Chi, men's professionjournalism fraternity will hold 'heir biennial initiation of new members Monday night at 8 o'clock in he journalism rooms of the Science building. Those men to be initiated are: Paul Jenkins, Robert O'Dear, William Seep, Byron Pumphrey, Newton 3onibs, O. K. Barnes, Beecher Adams ind LeRoy Smith. The present members of the Sigma Delta Chi fraternity are: Kenneth Gregory, president; Charles Headley, ecretary; Hunter Moody, treasurer; William Glanz, John Dundon, Jr., lohn R. Bullock, Alfred Robertson and Don Grote. Prof. V. R. Portmann is the faculty advisor. al Quarterly Magazine Makes Appearance At Centre College The Centre College Magazine, a quarterly published by the students and faculty of Centre College, has just made its appearance on the campus of that institution. The magazine, however, is not a student publibulk of the publication concation, the taining for the most part, essays by noted men. A small part of the new magazine contains contributions by students, in prose and verse, and the Srst issue contains some splendid articles and poems by the students Among the essayists of note whose contributions will appear are: Dr Edgar Whitaker Work, of New York City; Dean Paul P. Boydof the University of Kentucky; Doctor Fayette Dunlap, of Danville, and President Charles J. Turck, of Centre College. An anonymous man in Danville is contributing to the financial side of the magazine, helping to support it. Orchestra Will Give Concert February 12 NEW MEMORIAL WELCOME! COLLEGE JOURNALISTS BUILDING WILL COST U. K. $107,250 It mt n .r t. With Bid of $95,00, Given Contract for Erection 1 REQUIRE STRUCTURE TO BE FINISHED OCTOBER 1 Amphitheater Will Honor 2,600 Kentuckians Who Gave Lives in World War CAMPUS BEAUTIES lARE PROCLAIMED Xentuckian Announces Winners of Annual Beauty Contest; Igsuold Selects Eight of Fair est Co-ed- s. Dorothy Sellers, o' 'he Kentuckian, has announced thi? year's winners of the annual of the beauty contest held by that publication. The group of eight girls which were picked from the pictures sent in were selected by the famous Russian illustrator, Igsnold. They were not classified this year as they have been in previous years but were chosen a group. The winners are, Sarah Dorsey Harris, Mary Huston Molloy Margaret Wyant, Sara Warwick, Ruth Bonner, Nell Patton, Eleanor Doud, and Anna Mary Miller. Sara Dorsey Harris comes from Morganfield, is n graduate of the Morganfield High school, is a Stroller eligible, a senior in the College of Agriculture, and belongs to the Alpha Gamma Delta sorority. Mary Huston Molloy is a member of Kappa Kappa Gamma sorority She is a sophomore, was graduated from Lexington High school, and lives in Lexington. Margaret Wyant came from Lex ington High School, where she was grauduated in 1926, she is a Stroller eligble, a Delta Zeta, and sings with the Girls Glee Club. Sara Warwick hails from Tallabega, .Alabama. Miss Warwick attended Sulins College at Bristol, Virginia, before coming to the university. She is a Chi Omega, a Stroller eligible, and secretary of the junior class. Ruth Bonner is a freshman. Her home rs in El Reno Oklahoma, here Miss Bonner received a diploma from the Sacred Heart Academy. She is an Alpha Gamma Delta pledge. Nell Patton is from Cynthiana, where she was graduated from the Cynthiana High school. She was a freshman at the university but un fortunately has left school. Eleanor Doud is from Louisville, and is a Kappa Delta pledge. Anna Mary Miller is a Kappa Delta nledge, who comes from Ashland, Ken tucky. The university students are exceedingly proud of these eight and f.ake this opportunity to proclaim them queens of beauty. editor-in-chi- a-- co-e- Dean Evans Sneaks At W.C.T.U. Meeting Dr. Albert E. Evans, dean of the College of Law, gave a very interest ing discussion of the Eighteenth Amendment and the Volstead Act. Tuesday afternoon which closed an meeting of the Lexington Central Women's Christian Temperance Union at the Central Christion church. J. T. Slaton, vice president, presid ed in the absence of Mrs. L. J. president, who was ill. Dean Evans was introduced by W. C. G Mrs Hobbs, a Lexington attorney. G. B. Douglas and Miss Nancy God- bey rendered several musical selec tions. God-be- y, ATTENTION FRATERNITIES To the J. T. Jackson Lumber Company, of Lexington, who offered a bid of $95,000, went the contract for the erection of the Memorial building at the University of Kentucky at a meeting of the executive committee of the board of trustees in the offi-e- s of Pres. Frank L. McVey Wednesday morning. Work on the new building is to begin at once and it is to be completed October 1, according to ths terms of the contract. The contract for heating and ventilating went to R. L. Cranfill, of this ?ity, and the lighting fixtures will be installed by Ben C. Ingles, who offered the lowest bid for this k Construction The building, which will be constructed of brick and is to b as near a3 possible, will cost ap proximately $107,250 when compl-t-eit has been estimated bv the trustees. In connection with the building will be an amphitheater bnilt of rough stone, and this outdoor structure will give the new memorial a seating capacity of 2.500 persons, all of whom may be addressed bv the same speaker. In the interior of the building, inscribed on parchment which will be placed in panels along the wall, will be the names of the 2.600 Kentuckians who eave their lives during the World War. Those present at the meeting Wed nesday included Dr. Frank L. Mc Vey, Wellington Patrick, Robert Gordon, Louisville; Sen. H. M. Froman. Frank McKee, Versailles; Maurey Crutcher. Robert McMeekin. Mr. Warner and Mr. Hayes, the latter three connected with the architct firm of Warner, McCornack and Mitchell, of Cleveland, who drew the plans for the Memorial building. work-Bric- fire-pro- d, 'Cat Quintet Defeat Vandy Commodores Blue and White Five Beats Tennessee Team bv Lopsided Score of 9 54-2- The brilliant playing of Capt. Paul Jenkins and Irvine Jeffries brought a modores by the lopsided score of 54 crushing defeat to the Vandy Com- to 29. The Jeffries-Jenkiattack was curbed in the early stages by the Vandy defense, which was a stone wall. Later on, it was seived and the Wildcats came through for easy shots which brought about a veritable deluge. Irvine Jeffries was worth 30 po;nts to Kentucky. He flipped 15 through fhe net and clipped at least the same number off the Commodore total. There have been brilliant performers n the Vandy gym in this campaign but none has surpassed the work of Irvine Jeffries. Paul Jenkins was equally as glittering in thwarting the Commodore pass attack. The line-up- s: Kentucky (54) Jeffries (15) Combs (11) Vanderivlt (29) Bakor (5) F. Ireland (3) McBrayer (1) C. Brooks (10 Tenkins (6) Bridges (7) G. McGinnis (4) G. .. V. Shnrn (1) Substitutions: Kentucky Milward (15) for McBrayer, Owens for s. Bilb (2) for Combs. Dees for McGinnis. Vanderbilt Lowenstein, Ireland, A. Sharp (2). F. . Jef-rip- SUKY ELECTS OFFICERS Professor Lampert Will Conduct Announcement was made yesterday Third Series at Men's from the office of the Dean of Men SuKy, student pep organization, Gymnasium that February 14 is the final date for elected officers for the coming year The third of the series of concerts l.he turning in of March pledge lists. at a meeting held in the Men's gym- given by the Philharmonic orchestra All fraternities and sororities, both social and honorary, are warned to ompile their lists of pledges to be initiated in March, and to send them o the registrar by next Tuesday. The 'ndividual students' grades must be investigated and sent to the Dean of Men and the Dean of Women. as follows: 1. "Hungarian Rhapsody Liszt Number Two" 2. "Filinandia Overture" ... Sibeibly 3. "Fantasy" from "Bo Friml hemian Woods" 4. "March of the Toys" from "Babes in Toyland". Herbert 5. Paraphrase, "Long, Vaigt Long Ago" (By Kady Elvove) fi. "A Round of Country If some prophet of forty years ago Berlinger Dances" boy, had told barefoot, Billy Townsend, then a collector of arrowheads, seashells, and empty Hop Second hornet nests, that he would some day To Be become the possessor of one of the most valuable and auhtentic AbraToy Sandifer's Orchestra Will ham Lincoln collection in America, Military he would have grinned unbelievably. Furnish Music for And if the prophet had gone on to Affair say that Billy would pay as much as The second Cadet Hop will be held six hundred dollars for one manuSaturday afternoon in the Men's gym- script about the lank, studious farmer-who became master of the nasium at four o'clock. The music boy will be furnished by Toy Sandifer's White House, this twentieth century Kentucky Rhythm Kings, of the uni- farmer lad would have incredulously versity. Tickets are on sale by al! exclaimed, "Aw, gee, d' yu think I'm captains in the military department crazy!" Today William H. Townsend, gradand will be sold at the entrance. The admission to the dance is fifty cents. uate of the class of 1912 and chairThe military department has re man of the executive committee of quested that the guests arrive early the University of Kentucky Alumni at the dance as the building must be Association is not only the owner of vacated at 5:30 o'clock in order that one of the most coroplet Lincoln colthe floor may be in perfect condition lections in the United States, but for the basketball game. an author of three books on the pic will be presented Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock in the Men's gymnasium. Professor Lampert will conduct. The public is cordially invited. No admission will be charged. The program is tentatively given -- nasium Tuesday, Ferbuary 7. William Guess was elected president; James Hester, Martha Minnihan, secretary; Laverne Lester, assistant secretary; and Margaret Wilson, treasurer. These officers will hold their positions for one year. Townsend Tells Story of His Collection of Lincoln Momentos Cadet Held Saturday turesque career of the sturdy young who became president of our country. The third of these books, entitled "Lincoln in His Mother's Home Town" will be published by Harper's this fall. Begins Modestly The Townsend collection began modestly enough, when its owner was in Ashville, Ky. There he paid SI for a cheap second-hanedition of a Lincoln biography. Now, letters and pictures frame the walk of his Lexington home; old manuscripts peep from drawers and shelves; biographies fill bookcase after bookcase, until even the collector himself admits that he doesn't know the whereabouts of everything. Among the prize possessions of Mr. Townsend, who was once an editor of The Kernel, is an old book, entitled "The Revised Statutes of Indiana." It was from this book that Lincoln first studied law. Unable to afford d (Continued on Page Eight) *