xt76ww76v58m https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt76ww76v58m/data/mets.xml Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station. 1966 journals kaes_bulletins_193 English Lexington, Ky. : The Station, 1885- Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station Bulletin n.193. text Bulletin n.193. 1966 2014 true xt76ww76v58m section xt76ww76v58m Regulotory Bulletin l93 ‘ Commercial Fertilizers S in Kentucky, I966 Including a Report on OfHcial Fertilizer Samples Analyzed ]uly-December, 1966 4 or S ; E, @/865; University of Kentucky p Agricultural Experiment Station Lexington DIVISION OF REGULATORY SERVICES A KENTUCKY AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION Bruce Poundstone, Director *Robert Mathews, Assistant Administrator and Chief Inspector W. J. Huffman, Registration Inspector J. M. Fernandez, Auditor-Inspector FIELD INSPECTORS · · ** Maurice M. Davis Neville Huletce Noel J. Howard Eugene Vanderpool B n W COX Wilson M. Routt Joe E. Brown Q ' Samuel Whitehead LABORATORY STAFF Valva Midkiff John A_ Shrader Norma Holbrook John T. Adair John Ellis Robert N. Price . Paul R. Caudill Dewey Newman, Jr_ Carolyn Sue Witt Richard D. Westmoreland Barbara Anderson w * * * * * * * * CONTENTS Page Explanation of Tables ............................................... 3 Explanation of Certain Columns ...................................... 4 Companies Represented by Samples Reported in This Bulletin .......... 5 Table l - Analyses of Inspection Samples of Fertilizers ............. 7 Table 2 - Results of Analyses of Boron in Fertilizers Reported in Table 1. An Asterisk Indicates A Deficiency. An "M" Indicates Misbranded. ......... . ..... . ...................... lA * * * * * * * k k * Retired July, 1966 ** Retired October, 1966 This report compiled and prepared by Bruce Poundstone and W. J. Huffman Analytical data by Laboratory Staff COM ERCIAL FERTILIZER IN KENTUCKY, FALL SEASON 1966 3 A This bulletin contains results of analyses of 311 official samples of commercial fertilizer made during the period July 1 through December 31, 1966. EXPLANATION OF TABLES The information given in the following tables should be useful in deter- mining how nearly a manufacturer is meeting the chemical guarantee printed on the bag or tag for the fertilizer represented by the samples listed. This may be done by comparing the guarantee shown at the beginning of each listing of samples with the actual analysis in the column at the right in terms of nitrogen, available phosphoric acid and potash. An additional means of comparing guarantees with the analyses of samples is in the percent of relative value found, shown in the column RV. The · following examples illustrate how this relative value is calculated: A 5-10-15 sulfate fertilizer is guaranteed to contain 5 units of nitrogen, 10 units of available phosphoric acid and 15 units of potash. Factors for computing the relative value of these plant foods are: 3 for nitrogen, 2 for available phosphoric acid and 1 for potash. Thus the combined guaranteed value of the product represented is calculated: 5.0 Units of Nitrogen x 3 = 15.0 10.0 Units of Available Phosphoric Acid x 2 = 20.0 _ 15.0 Units of Potash x 1 = 15.0 50.0 The same procedure is followed for "found values." Assuming a sample of 5-10-15 was found to contain 5.1 units of nitrogen, 10.2 units of available phosphoric acid and 15.1 units of potash, the relative found value is computed: 5.1 Units of Nitrogen x 3 = 15.3 10.2 Units of Available Phosphoric Acid x 2 = 20.4 . 15.1 Units of Potash x 1 = 15.1 50.8 50.8 (computed found value of sample) divided by 50.0 (computed guar- anteed value) times 100 (to arrive`at percentage) gives 101.6 as the percent of relative value found. The analyses indicated by an asterisk are deficient more than the tolerance. Occasionally an analysis may be found that appears to be in- consistent in its marking. For example, two samples that are guaranteed 10% available phosphoric acid may both be found to contain 9.7%. One of these may have an asterisk and the other not. There are two factors that may cause this difference. 1. These tolerances are calculated by an electronic computer and applied to the laboratory analyses before these data are rounded off to the nearest tenth of a percent. In the above example, the laboratory found 9.66% for one sample and 9.7Q% for the other. The first one would be starred as de- ficient. 2. The grade is written by using the largest whole number in the guarantee of each ingredient. For example, a custom-mixed lot of fertilizer may be guaranteed 0.-11.9-11.2. The grade would be written 0-ll-11. However, the tolerances are calculated on the 11.9% and 11.2% guarantees. (Continued) 4 REGULATORY BULLETIN 193 If this fertilizer analyzed 11.3% A.P.A. and 10.9% potash, the 11.3% A.P.A. would be starred because this analysis is 0.6% units below the 11.9% guarantee. The use of a high speed computer to make these calculations enables us to apply these tolerances more precisely than has been possible before. » In some samples a deficiency in one nutrient is accompanied by an over- run in another nutrient. This may be evidence of improper mixing or weighing by the manufacturer. Extreme variations of this kind cannot be attributed to separation of materials (segregation) after the product is bagged though this may be a minor factor. Excess of one nutrient cannot compensate for defi- ciency of another nutrient. The purchaser is entitled to receive the full guarantee for all nutrients as expressed by the manufacturer's guaranteed analysis. EXPLANATION OF CERTAIN COLUMNS The letters NIT after a grade means that the product is or that it contains Nitrate of Potash. The W/B after a grade indicates that the sample contained boron (see table 2 for boron analyses). The column headed "Num" lists the laboratory number of the particular sample. The column headed "XS CL", an asterisk indicates the sample did not meet the guarantee for sulfate of potash. The RV column shows the percent of relative value found. The PHYS column shows the physical form of the fertilizer when sampled. The first digit indicates: l = chemically combined 2 = dry blend The second digit indicates: 1 = pulverized, bag 2 = pulverized, bulk 3 = semi—granular, bag A = semi-granular, bulk 5 = granular, bag 6 = granular, bulk 7 = pellet, bag O 8 = pellet, bulk 9 = liquid O = slurry Example: Chemically combined, granular, bag = 15 COMMERCIAL FERTILIZER IN KENTUCKY, FALL SEASON 1966 5 COMPANIES REPRESENTED BY SAMPLES REPORTED IN THIS BULLETIN » Agrico Chemical Company W. R. Grace & Company 5050 Poplar Ave. Nitrogen Products Division Memphis, Tennessee 38101 Box 429 Atlantic, Iowa 50022 Armour Agricultural Chemical C0. · _ 30 Pryor Street, S.W. Green Valley Farm Supply Company Atlanta, Georgia 30303 Island, Kentucky 42350 Bluegrass Plant Foods, Inc. 447 N. Main Street Gro—Green Chemical Company Cynthiana, Kentucky 41031 P. O. Box 388 Shelbyville, Kentucky 40065 Central Farmers Fertilizer Co. 100 South Wacker Drive Gulf Oil Corporation Chicago, Illinois 60606 Agricultural Chemicals Div. Dwight Building Chevron Chemical Company Kansas City, Missouri 64105 , 940 Hensley Street Richmond, California 94801 Hutson Chemical Company Railroad Avenue Cline Fertilizer Company Murray, Kentucky 42071 P. 0. Box 67 Ewing, Virginia 24248 International Minerals & Chemical Corp. P. O. Box 67 - Lockland Station Commonwealth Fertilizer Company Cincinnati, Ohio 45215 Morgantown Road Russellville, Kentucky 42276 Kentucky Fertilizer Works, Inc. P. O. Box 595 Darling & Company Winchester, Kentucky 40391 4201 S. Ashland Axenue Chicago, Illinois 60609 Lawn—A-Mat Chemical & Equipment Co. 2 153 Jefferson Ave. Elanco Products Company Mineola, New York 11501 740 South Alabama Street Indianapolis, Indiana 46206 Mobil Chemical Company - 5 Agricultural Chemical Division Farmers Chemical Association 401 East Main Street ` P. O. Box 67 Richmond, Virginia 23208 Tyner, Tennessee 37392 North American Ferti1izer_Co. Federal Chemical Company Preston Street at Bergman 646 Starks Building Louisville, Kentucky 40217 Louisville, Kentucky 40202 Olin Mathieson Chemical Corporation Glasgow Fertilizer Company P. O. Box 991 Industrial Avenue Little Rock, Arkansas 72203 Glasgow, Kentucky 42141 Ra-Pid-Gro Corporation W. R. Grace & Company 88 Ossian Street Davison Chemical Division Dansville, New York 14437 101 N. Charles Street A Baltimore, Maryland 21203 (Continued) 6 REGULATORY BULLETIN 193 Companies Represented by Samples Reported in this Bulletin (Continued) F. S. Royster Guano Company Tennessee Farmers Cooperative P. O. Drawer 1940 LaVergne, Norfolk, Virginia 23501 Tennessee 37986 . O. M. Scott & Sons Company Union Fertilizer Company Marysville, Morganfield, Ohio 430hO Kentucky QZQ37 Sears Roebuck & Company Valley Counties of Kentucky Coop. 925 Roman Avenue P. O. Box 127 Chicago, Illinois 60607 Benton, Kentucky @2025 Southern States Cooperative, Inc. Warner Fertilizer Company 7th and Main Streets P. O. Box 707 Richmond, Virginia 23213 Somerset, Kentucky 42501 Tennessee Corporation 1330 Peachtree Street, N.W. Atlanta, Georgia 30309 COMMERCIAL FERTILIZER IN KENTUCKY, FALL SEASON 1966 7 TABLE l.—AnaIyses of Inspection Samples of Ferti|izers,July- December, 1966 Analyses deficient more than tolerance and relative values of 97 per- cent or less indicated by asterisk. AGRIC0 CI·EMICAL COMPANY MEMPHIS TENN ` GRACE NUM N APA POT XS CL RV PHYS 4-12- 8M 16511 4.2 11.8 8.5 102 11 4-12- BM 16383 4.0 14.8 10.4 118 15 5-20-20M 16422 5.5 19.5* 19.5* 100 15 . 5-20-201* 16445 4.9 20.1 20.3 101 15 ` 5-20-20M 16554 5.2 19.7 20.3 100 15 5-20-20M 16597 5.3 21.4 18.9* 104 15 6-12-12M 16349 6.0 11.9 12.8 101 13 6-12-12M 16423 6.1 12.8 12.3 104 15 6-12-12M 16510 6.0 11.4* 10.8* 95* 15 6-24-241* 1647/ 5.8 23.7 23.4* 98 16 10-10-IOM 1635C 9.8 10.6 10.1 101 15 I0-10-1OM 16427 9.8 10.5 10.4 101 15 10-10-10M 16384 10.7 10.5 9.4* 104 25 ARMDUR AGRI. CHEMICAL CG. ATLANTA GA. GRACE NUM N APA POT XS CL RV PHYS 12-24-24f-* 16540 12.2 24.4 24.7 102 17 A 31- 0- 5NIT 16448 30.5 0.0 5.7 99 17 ARMOUR AGRI. CHEMICAL CC. CINCINNATI UHIU GRACE NUM N APA POT XS CL RV PHYS C-20- 0 16537 0.0 21.2 0.0 106 13 0-20-20M 16538 0.0 19.2* 20.4 98 15 C-20-201* H/8 16424 0.0 20.4 18.0* 98 13 3-12-12N 16425 4.3 13.2 12.5 115 15 5-29-201* 16446 5.0 19.5* 20.4 99 15 5-20-20M 16447 5.1 19.9 20.2 101 I5 5-20-20** 16449 5.3 19.8 19.7 100 15 6-24-12M 16539 5.7* 22.8* 11.7 95* 15 ARMOUR AGRI. CHEMICAL C0. JEFFERSONVILLIND. GRACE NUM N APA POT XS CL RV PHYS 5-20-20M 16419 5.2 19.1* 20.0 98 16 _ 5-20-20H 16560 5.0 19.6 19.3* 98 16 5-20-20M 16578 4.9 18.3* 21.8 98 16 6-12-121* 16629 7.0 12.5 13.0 109 I3 10-10-10** 16418 9.9 11.0 10.5 104 15 \ 10-10-101* 1645C 9.9 11.0 10.7 104 15 I · 10-1C-ION 16561 9.9 10.3 10.8 102 16 ARMOUR AGRI. CHEMICAL C0. MEMPHIS TENN I GRACE NUM N APA PUT XS CL RV PHYS 6-12-12M 16499 6.3 11.8 12.9 102 15 ‘ 6-12-121** 16532 6.6 11.3* 12.9 103 15 ARMUUR AGRI. CHEMICAL C0. NASHVILLE 1'ENN . GRACE NUM N APA PDT XS CL RV PHYS 0-20-20M 165CC 0.0 18.8* 20.1 96* 23 3-12-24"’ 16461 3.8 12.3 22.8* 103 15 3-12-24M N/8 16352 3.8 11.5* 23.7 102 16 4-12- BM 16385 4.3 11.7 C.9 103 15 4-12- 8N 16514 4.2 11.5* 8.7 101 15 4-12-I2|“ 16512 4.4 11.3* 13.1 102 15 4-12-12M 16534 4.6 11.6* 11.7 101 15 · 5-20-20M 16460 5.0 19.2* 19.6 97* 15 5-20-20M 16502 5.7 19.7 19.2* 101 15 5-ZC-20** 16536 4.9 17.2* 21.7 94* 15 5-20-20** 16351 5.5 17.6* 20.5 96* 16 · 6-12-12N 164116 6.1 11.9 12.0 100 15 8 REGULATORY BULLETIN 193 TABLE 1.—Ana|yses of Inspection Samples of Fertilizers,July- December, 1966 Analyses deficient more than tolerance and relative values of 97 per- cent or less indicated by asterisk. ` »'.R*·.OUR AGRI. CHEMICAL CO. NASHVILLE TENN GRACE NUM N APA POT XS CL RV PHYS 6-12-12" 16513 6.0 11.7 12.9 100 15 6-Id-12M 16533 6.4 16.8* 13.9 101 15 — 10-10-10F' 16501 9.0* 10.3 12.2 100 15 10-1C-IO" 16535 9.9 14.3 9.9 114 15 IILUEGRASS PLANT FOODS. INC. CYNTHIANA KY. GRACE NUI! N APA POT XS CL RV PHYS . 10- 8- 4l—' 16496 10.0 7.5* 10.9 112 24 ' 10- 8- 41* 16497 10.1 7.5* 10.9 112 24 HLUFGRASS PLANT FOODS. INC. DANVILLE KY. GRACE NUM N APA POT XS CL RV PHYS O- 0-60V 16337 0.0 0.0 63.1 105 15 I0-10-1C?’ 16339 9.5* 9.7* 12.3 100 11 10-10-10?' 1648/ 10.4 9.1* 11.8 102 13 CFNIRAL FARVERS FERT. COIVPANY CHICAGO ILL. GRACE NUM N APA PDT XS CL RV PHYS 0-46- 0 16494 0.0 46.6 0.0 101 15 ' 0-46- 0 16402 0.0 45.9 0.0 100 16 0-46- 0 16569 0.0 44.7* 0.0 97* 17 CHEVRON CHEMICAL CO-ORTHO DIV RICHMOND CAL. GRACE NUN N APA POT XS CL RV PHYS 33- O- O 16338 34.2 0.0 0.0 102 17 CLINE FERTILZER COMPANY EWING VA.2 GRACE NUM N APA POT XS CL RV PHYS 3- 9- 6M 16389 3.5 10.0 I.0 113 25 5-10- 51** 16390 5.2 10.0 5.0 101 25 COMMONWEALTP FERTILIZER CO. RUSSELLVILLE KY. GRACE NUN N APA POT XS CL RV PHYS 10-10-10M 16583 9.0* 10.3 11.4 98 15 PARLING + CCMPANY E. SI. LOUIS 1.LL. GRACE NUM N APA PDT XS CL RV PHYS 5-20-201* 16409 5.0 18.6* 20.6 97* 14 5-20-20M 16617 5.2 19.9 21.1 102 15 ELANCO PRODUCTS COMPANY INDIANAPOLIS IND. · GRACE NUM N APA POT XS CL RV PHYS ` 24- 6- 8V 16364 23.6 7.6 8.8 103 15 FARMERS CPEMICAL ASSN.. ll‘·|C. TYNER TENN GRACE NUM N APA POT XS CL RV PHYS 0-46- 0 16413 0.0 45.8 0.0 100 16 » _ 33- 0- 0 16386 34.2 0.0 0.0 102 17 33- 0- 0 16491 34.0 0.0 0.0 101 17 FEDERAL C1·liV·'ICAL COMPANY HUMUDLDT TENN GRACE NUN N APA POT XS CL RV PHYS , 6-12-12** 16478 6.2 11.6* 12.5 100 15 6-12-12** 16614 6.1 11.5* 13.3 101 15 10-10-IOM 16479 10.1 10.2 11.2 103 15 15-15—151" 16480 14.1* 14.3* 14.9 95* 15 FEDFRAL Cl—E1·'1CAL COMPANY LOUISVILLE KY. GRACE NUM N APA POT XS CL RV PHYS 0-20-201’ 16454 0.0 18.3* 21.7 97* 25 3-12-12'*' 16367 4.0 12.0 13.6 110 15 3-12-IZM 16373 4.0 12.0 13.1 109 15 3-17-121-* 16565 4.9 12.1 12.0 112 15 ·•-12- QM 16370 4.1 11.7 11.0 106 15 5-20-20M 16371 5.3 20.4 18.8* 101 15 5-20-20** 16374 4.8 18.3* 21.8 97* 15 5-20-201' 16455 5.5 19.0* 20.3 100 15 5-20-20M 16492 6.2 18.5* 19.3* 100 15 COMMERCIAL FERTILIZER IN KENTUCKY, FALL SEASON 1966 9 TABLE 1.-Analyses of Inspection Samples of Fertilizers, July - December, 1966 Analyses deficient more than tolerance and relative values at 97 per— FEDERAL CPEMICAL COMPANY LOUTSVILLE KY. GRACE NUM N APA POT XS CL RV PHYS 5-20-20V 16585 5.4 19.0* 19.9 99 15 ` 0*12*12M 16563 6.3 12.0 13.6 104 15 10-10-10M 16366 9.8 10.6 10.H 102 15 10-10-10V 16372 9.6* 10.9 11.3 103 15 10—10·10M 16459 9.7 11.1 9.5* 101 15 ·v 10-10-10M 16493 10.2 10.7 10.9 104 15 10-10-10M 16515 9.8 10.7 11.0 103 15 10-10-10M 16559 10.9 9.9 10.5 105 15 10-10-10M 16564 10.9 9.7* 10.8 104 15 FEDERAL CPEMICAL COMPANY NASHVILLE TENN GRACE NUM N APA POT XS CL RV PHYS 0- 9-27M W/B 16469 0.0 9.6 25.3* 99 16 4-12- BM 16465 4.3 10.8* 9.9 101 13 5—20-20M 16470 5.3 18.7* 19.9 98 16 6-12-12M 16586 5.9 12.1 12.2 100 15 6-18-12V 16471 6.3 17.1* 11.9 98 16 10-10-10M 16584 10.0 10.0 10.5 101 15 10-10-10M 16589 10.0 10.1 10.4 101 15 10-10-10M 16472 9.9 10.2 9.9 100 16 10-10-10M 16528 10.0 10.4 10.1 101 16 GLASGOW FERTILIZER COMPANY GLASGOW KY. GRACE NUM N APA POT XS CL RV PHYS 5-20-20M 16363 5.7 20.6 19.9 104 13 6-12-12M 16361 6.3 12.0 12.7 103 11 10-10-10V 16362 10.4 9.4* 13.4 106 11 W.R. GRACE + C0. NASHVILLE TENN GRACE NUM N APA POT XS CL RV PHYS 0-20-20” 16518 0.0 20.9 20.1 103 15 5-20-20N 16525 5.7 19.6* 20.5 102 15 5-20-208 16582 5.4 19.9 19.3* 100 15 5-20-20M 16616 5.6 19.2* 20.2 101 15 6-12-12M 16519 6.3 11.7 12.7 102 15 6-12-12M 16581 5.9 11.8 12.6 100 15 i 10-10-1OM 16524 10.6 9.9 10.0 102 15 10-10-10M 16580 10.1 10.1 10.6 102 15 10-10-10M 16615 10.2 10.1 10.8 103 15 10-10-10” 16526 9.9 10.0 9.8 99 16 ' . ` W.R. GRACE + CO. NEW ALBANY [ND. GRACE NUM N APA POT XS CL RV PHYS ` 0-25-25V 16458 0.0 25.7 25.1 102 15 4-12- BM 16398 4.6 12.3 8.8 107 15 · 5-20-20M 16399 5.7 20.9 20.0 105 15 6-12-12N 164C0 6.4 12.6 12.5 105 15 6-12-12M 16632 6.1 12.4 13.1 104 15 6—12—12M 16428 6.2 12.1 12.8 103 16 6-18-12M 16406 6.5 17.0* 13.7 102 15 6-18-12N 164C1 6.8 19.0 12.7 108 16 10-10-10M 1663} 10.2 10.2 11.1 103 15 W.R. GRACE + CU., W KY L10 EER BOWLING GREENKY. GRACE NUM N APA POT XS CL RV PHYS 5-15-10M 16624 5.3 15.0 10.0 102 10 12-12-1ZM 16627 10.9* 12.1 14.0 98 10 15-10-10M 16623 14.7 10.2 11.8 102 10 1H- 9- WV 16625 17.3 9.7 9.2 101 10 W.R. GRACE 4 C0.. W KY L10 EER HOPKINSVILLE KY. GRACE NUM N APA POT XS CL RV PHYS _ 5-15-15N 16607 4.9 14.2* 17.0 100 10 10 REGULATORY BULLETIN 193 TABLE I.—Anu|yses of Inspection Sumples of Fertilizers, July - December, 1966 Analyses deficient mare than tolerance and relative values af 97 per- N.R. GRACE + C0., H KY L10 FER HUPKINSVILLE KY. GRACE NUM N APA PUT XS CL RV PHYS 5-15-20M 16605 4.9 14.0* 21.8 99 10 5-15-25M 16606 5.1 14.3* 25.9 99 10 6-18-12M 16599 6.0 17.6* 13.4 101 10 7-21- 7M 16604 7.2 21.2 7.4 102 10 _ 15-10-10M 16602 14.9 9.8 11.3 101 10 15-10-IOM 16603 15.7 9.5* 10.5 102 10 15-10-15M 16596 14.9 9.9 16.3 101 10 15-10-15M 166CC 14.9 9.5* 16.1 100 10 15-10-15M 16601 15.2 9.7* 15.7 101 10 GREEN VALLEY FARM SUPPLY ISLAND KY. GRACE NUM N APA POI XS CL RV PHYS 0-15-40M 16595 0.0 12.2* 45.2 99 16 GRO-GREEN CHEMICAL C0.. INC. SHELBYVILLE KY. GRACE NUM N APA POT XS CL RV PHYS 0-15-39M H/B 16336 0.0 18.5 35.9* 105 25 I0-10-10M 16498 9.2* 9.8 10.7 97* 13 GULF 0IL CORP.. AGRI CHEM DIV CECILIA KY. GRACE NUM N APA PDT XS CL RV PHYS 4-12- SM 16396 3.9 11.9 11.3 107 15 6-12-12M 16636 6.5 11.7 13.0 104 13 6-24-12M 16638 6.2 24.2 13.1 103 15 10-10-1OM 16397 10.7 9.9 11.8 106 15 12-12-12M 16635 11.3 12.8 12.4 102 15 GULF DIL CORP., AGRI CHEM DIV CLARKSCN KY. GRADE NUM N APA POT XS CL RV PHYS 12-16-16% 16634 11.7* 13.8* 17.1 92* 25 GULF DIL CDRP.» AGRI CHEM DIV CLAY KY. GRACE NUM N APA PUT XS CL RV PHYS 10-10-IOM 16417 11.0 9.4* 10.5 104 24 GULF OIL CCRP.. AGRI CHEM DIV HENDERSON KY. GRACE NUM N APA POT XS CL RV PHYS 5-20-20M 16591 5.3 20.4 19.9 102 15 5-20-20M 16592 6.4 18.7* 19.9 102 16 6-18-12M 16410 6.8 17.4* 13.1 104 14 7-28-14M 16522 7.8 30.4 11.5* 105 15 12-12-12M 16411 12.9 11.9 12.5 104 14 12-12-12M 16590 12.8 12.2 12.1 104 I5 GULF DIL CDRP.• AGRI CHEM DIV HENDERSON KY. GRACE NUM N APA POT XS CL RV PHYS 45- O- O 16523 -8.8* 0.0 0.0 -19* 17 - GULF DIL CORP.. AGRI CHEM DIV KANSAS CITY MD. » GRACE NUM N APA PDT XS CL RV PHYS 15-15-15” 16414 14.9 17.1 14.8 104 16 GULF OIL CORP.• AGRI CHEM DIV MORGANFIELU KY. GRACE NUM N APA PUT XS CL RV PHYS 5-10-IOV 16594 5.1 10.0 11.5 104 19 GULF UIL C0¤P.. AGRI CHEM DIV DNENSBDRD KY. GRACE NUM N APA DOI XS CL RV PHYS 4-12- RM 16456 5.9 16.6 20.2 162 14 4-12- RM 16457 5.8 15.8 18.0 152 14 4-17- HM 16457 5.8 15.8 18.0 152 14 HUISDN CFEMICAL COMPANY MURRAY KY. GRACE NUM N APA PDT XS CL RV PHYS 0- 0-60M 16620 0.0 0.0 60.6 101 15 5-10-15S 16610 5.1 10.0 14.9 * 100 11 6-12-12M 16476 5.9 11.8 14.0 102 11 6-12-12M 16609 5.3* 13.2 12.2 101 13 COMMERCIAL FERTILIZER IN KENTUCKY, FALL SEASON 1966 11 TABLE 1.-Analyses of Inspection Samples of Fertilizers,July — December, 1966 Analyses deficient more than tolerance and relative values of 97 per- cent 0r less indicated by asterisk. HUTSON CHEMICAL COMPANY MURRAY KY. GRACE NUM N APA POT XS CL RV PHYS 14-23-17** 16481 13.2* 20.7* 23.8 95* 26 16-16-16** 16482 16.6 16.2 16.2 103 17 ` INTERNATICNAL NIN + CHEM CORP CINCINNATI OHIO GRACE NUM N APA POT XS CL RV PHYS 0-10-301* 16426 0.0 10.2 30.6 102 24 0-20- 0 16573 0.0 20.0 0.0 100 15 V _ 5-10-101* 16575 5.0 10.8 10.4 104 15 5-20-201* 16435 4.7 18.7* 18.1* 93* 15 5-20-201' 16572 5.4 19.5* 20.5 101 15 5-20-20” 16574 5.6 19.0* 20.8 101 15 10-10-101* 16436 10.3 10.4 10.7 104 15 INTERNATICNAL MIN + C1-EM CDPP CLARKSVILLE TENN GRACE NUM N APA PUT XS CL RV PHYS 6-12-12M 16484 6.0 12.2 13.3 103 15 IYTERNATICNAL MIN •· CHEM CORP SONERSET KY. GRACE NUM N APA POT XS CL RV PHYS 5-20-201* 16504 4.9 20.6 19.9 101 15 10-10-IOM 16505 10.7 9.8 10.4 103 15 12-12-121* 16391 11.1* 12.9 13.0 100 15 KENTUCKY FERTILIZER NCRKS HINCHESTER KY. ' GRACE NUM N APA POT XS CL RV PHYS 5-20-201* 16394 5.5 18.0* 21.0 98 11 10-10-101* 16437 9.9 9.9 10.9 101 11 LAWN-A-MAT CHEM. + EQUIP. C0. MINE—[1LA.L.1. N.Y. GRACE NUM N APA POT XS CL RV PHYS 34- 5-10M 16433 32.8* 4.7 10.1 97* 15 MOBIL CHEV CC. AGRI CHEM 0IV RICHMOND VA. GRACE NUM N APA POT XS CL RV PHYS 0-19-191* N/H 16441 0.0 19.6 20.6 105 16 0-20-20A' 16358 0.0 19.2* 21.1 99 23 O-20-201* N/8 16357 0.0 17.8* 19.0* 91* 23 3-12-125* 16551 3.5 15.6 15.0 126 15 4-17- 81’ 16382 4.5 12.3 9.8 109 15 _ 4-12- 8V 16467 4.2 11.6* 8.8 102 15 4-12- 81' 16530 4.1 11.7 9.0 102 15 4-12- BM 16553 4.8 17.2 12.4 139 15 4-12-121* 16588 4.4 12.1 11.3* 101 15 - 5-20-20M 16360 5.1 20.2 17.0* 97* 15 , ` 5-20-207* 164C7 5.3 19.5* 20.2 100 15 5-20-201* 16541 5.4 18.8* 20.1 99 15 5-20-201-* 16549 5.1 20.1 21.1 102 15 6-12-121* 16587 6.4 12.3 13.5 106 15 4 · 6-18-121* 16529 5.7* 16.8* 13.0 96* 13 6-18-1214 16521 5.7 17.4* 13.1 98 15 6-18-121* 16631 6.1 16.0* 13.9 97* 15 6-24-121* 16381 6.3 23.6 12.5 101 15 6-24-121* 16548 6.0 23.7 13.6 101 15 6-24-241* 16380 6.6 23.4* 23.0* 99 15 6-24-241* 16550 6.5 23.6 24.3 101 15 10-10-101* 16359 9.2* 11.0 10.5 100 15 10-10—101‘ 16379 10.1 9.9 11.7 103 15 10-10-101i 16442 10.3 10.1 10.4 102 15 » 10-10-101* 16531 9.3* 10.5 10.7 100 15 10-10-101* 16552 10.5 10.3 10.2 103 15 12-12-121* 16443 12.4 12.0 12.7 103 15 IZ REGULATORY BULLETIN 193 TABLE 1.--Analyses of Inspection Samples of Fertilizers, July - December, 1966 A Analyses deficient mare than tolerance and relative values of 97 per— cent or less indicated by asterisk. NORTH AMERICAN FFRTILIZER CO. LOUISVILLE KY. ' GRACE NUM N APA POT XS CL RV PHYS 4-12- 8V 16547 4.6 11.9 9.1 106 11 5-20-20F 16464 5.7 19.6 20.4 102 15 10-10-10V 16465 9.9 10.8 12.9 107 15 _ 10-10-10V 16546 10.8 14.4 14.6 126 15 OLIN MATPIESCN CHEM. CORP. LITTLE ROCK ARK. GRACE NUM N APA POT XS CL RV PHYS 5-20-20M 16473 5.5 21.1 19.9 105 15 6-24-24P 16475 6.9 26.0 22.0* 105 17 · 10-Z0-2ON 16474 10.7 21.3 19.0* 104 17 RA—P10-GRCW CORPORATION OANSVILLE N.Y. GRACE NUM N APA POT XS CL RV PHYS 23-19-17M 16341 24.9 18.7 15.7* 103 11 23-19-17N 16342 23.7 19.3 17.5 103 11 23-19-17M 16344 24.6 20.4 16.4* 106 11 23-19-17V 16345 23.4 20.6 17.5 104 11 F. S. ROYSTTQ GUANO COMPANY NORFOLK VA. GRACE NUM N APA POT XS CL RV PHYS 0-20-20M 16463 0.0 20.1 20.6 101 14 0-20-20V w/MF 16516 0.0 19.9 18.7* 97* 15 4-12- B" w/ME 16520 5.1 12.3 8.7 110 15 5—20—20“ 16462 5.5 18.6* 19.2* 97* 14 5-20-20M 16555 5.1 19.5* 19.8 99 15 5-20-20M 16562 5.1 19.2* 19.3* 97* 15 5-20-Z0? 16348 6.7 16.7* 17.2* 94* 16 6-12-12M N/ME 16558 6.5 12.2 13.4 106 15 10-10-10M 16517 9.9 10.7 10.4 102 15 10-10-10M 16556 9.8 10.6 10.3 102 15 10-10-10” N/ME 16375 9.6* 11.5 10.2 103 15 10-10-IOM N/NE 16557 9.7* 10.4 10.7 101 15 O. M. SCCTT 4 SONS MARYSVILIE OHIO GRACE NUM N APA POT XS CL RV PHYS 23- 7- 7M 16365 23.9 8.7 7.4 107 15 SEARS. RCCEUCK • COMPANY CHICAGO ILL. GRACF NUM N APA POT XS CL RV PHYS 4-12- 8N 16369 6.0 11.8 11.9 121 13 10- 6- 4M 16368 9.3* 6.2 4.6 97* 11 SOUTHERN STATES CCOP.. INC. BRISTOL VA. GRACE NUM N APA POT XS CL RV PHYS 5-10-1C% 16387 5.4 10.2 10.6 105 13 5-10-10M 16598 5.3 10.6 10.1 105 13 10-20—20V 163&8 10.8 22.0 20.4 107 25 SOUTHERN STATES CCOP.. INC. LOUISVILLE KY. GRACE NUM N APA POT XS CL RV PHYS 0-70-20* 16376 0.0 18.9* 21.4 99 11 3-12-12* 16542 3.8 11.8 12.5 105 11 3-12-12V 16641 3.6 11.9 12.3 104 11 4-12- BM 165C9 4.2 11.5* 8.6 100 11 5-20-2OH 16420 5.2 19.6 19.9 100 11 5-20-20F 16489 5.4 19.6 21.6 103 11 5-20-20V 165C3 5.3 20.2 19.8 101 11 5-20-20M 1660d 5.2 21.1 19.0* 102 11 5-20-ZON 16543 5.2 19.3* 21.3 100 11 5-20-20* 165c6 5.2 20.1 20.9 102 11 5-20-20N R/8 16355 5.3 20.9 20.0 104 11 5-20-20* W/i 16544 5.5 20.3 20.4 103 11 6-12-12V 16378 6.3 11.8 13.0 103 11 6-12-IPM 16506 6.0 11.8 12.8 101 11 COMMERCIAL FERTILIZER IN KENTUCKY, FALL SEASON 1966 13 TABLE 1.—Anu|yses of lnspection Samples of Fertilizers, July — December, 1966 Analyses deficient more than tolerance and relative values af 97 per- cent or less indicated by asterisk. SOUTHERN STATES COOP., INC. LOUISVILLE KY. GRACE '\lUt’ N APA POT XS CL RV PHYS 6-12-121*1 16545 6.3 12.0 13.2 104 11 10-10-IOM 16377 10.2 9.9 11.7 103 11 i 10-10-10*' 164ER 9.7 11.0 12.2 106 11 10-10-101* 16495 10.7 10.1 10.4 104 11 10-10-10M 165C7 10.8 9.8 10.8 104 11 10-10-101* 16567 10.3 10.5 10.7 104 11 . SOUTHERN STATES COOP., INC. RUSSELLVILLE KY. GRACE NU! N APA POT XS CL RV PHYS 4-12- 8*4 164C3 4.9 11.6* 8.6 106 15 5-20-201~' 16485 5.3 19.3* 19.2* 98 15 5-20-201* 16612 5.4 19.7 17.6* 97* 15 5-20-20** 16621 5.4 17.8* 20.4 96* 15 5-20-201* 16356 5.3 18.9* 20.1 98 16 5-20-20l* 16415 5.1 19.5* 20.5 100 16 6-12-12`* 16354 6.0 11.9 12.2 100 15 6-12-12** 16576 6.2 12.4 12.7 104 15 6-18-12" 16630 6.2 18.1 12.2 101 15 10-10—10" 16353 9.9 10.6 11.5 104 15 l 10-10-101* 16392 10.1 9.9 11.3 102 15 10-10-10M 16404 10.3 10.1 10.4 102 15 10-10-10** 16438 10.2 10.0 10.2 101 15 10-10-101* 16527 9.9 9.9 11.7 102 15 10-10-10** 16577 10.1 10.4 10.4 102 15 10-10-105* 164C5 10.0 10.5 9.6* 101 16 12-12-12** 16490 12.0 11.9 12.1 100 15 12-12-121* 16611 12.1 12.9 10.8* 102 15 15-15-15** 16613 17.2 15.2 14.7 107 25 SOUTHERN STATES COOP., INC. NINCHESTER KY. GRACE NUM N APA POT XS CL RV PHYS 0-15-30?* N/P 16571 0.0 13.8* 32.0 99 11 0-20- 0 16453 0.0 20.6 0.0 103 11 5-20-20?·' 16395 5.3 19.5* 20.7 101 11 5-20-20** 16439 5.1 19.7 20.1 100 11 . 5-20-20A' 16444 5.1 19.3* 20.5 99 l1 5-20-20t* 16451 5.0 19.5* 20.5 99 11 5-20-201* 16452 5.1 19.0* 20.7 99 11 6-12-12l" 16393 6.3 11.5* 12.5 101 11 ° _ 6-12-·12t" 1644C 5.9 12.1 11.8 100 11 ‘ TENNESSEE CTCRPOIZATION NEW ALBANY IND. QRACE NUM N APA POT XS CL RV PHYS 4-12- 8** 16408 4.4 9.6* 9.0 94* 13 TENNESSEE FAR1·‘l:RS COOP. LAVERGNE TENN , 4 GRACE MJF N APA POT XS CL RV PHYS 15-15-15f* 16483 15.5 15.5 14.5* 102 15 15-15-15r¢ 16622 14.7 14.6* 15.7 97 15 UNION FERTILI/E4 C0. MORGANFIEL0 KY. GRACE NUA N APA POT XS CL RV PHYS 0—26—26'* 16593 0.0 26.2 27.6 103 26 12-24-24* 16416 11.6* 21.4* 27.6 97* 26 VALLEY CCLNTIES OF KY. COOP. BENTON KY. GRACE NUM N APA POT XS CL RV PHYS 16-16-16** 16412 16.3 16.5 16.0 102 15 WARNER FL|'TI1.lZ1,R CO*'PA\Y SCFERSET KY. GRACE NUN N APA POT XS CL RV PHYS 5-20-20** 16431 4.7 20.2 18.3* 97* 25 10-10-10** 1643C 9.2* 8.6* 8.4• 89* 25 _ 10-10-10** 16422 11.3 10.8 11.7 112 25 14 REGULATORY BULLETIN 193 TABLE . - Results of Analyses of Boron in Fertilizers Reported in Table 1. An Asterisk Indicates a Deficiency. An "M" Indicates Misbranded. . Sample COMPANY AND PLANT Number Guarantee Found Armour Agricultural Chemical Company 16424 0.57 0.42 * Cincinnati, Ohio Armour Agricultural Chemical Company 16352 0.34 0.15 * A Nashville, Tennessee Federal Chemical Company 16469 0.45 0.32 >'< Nashville, Tennessee Gro-Green Chemical Company 16336 0.41 0.73 Shelbyville, Kentucky Mobil Chemical Company 16357 0.57 0.45 * Richmond, Virginia 16441 0.57 0.46 * F. S. Royster Guano Company 16557 0.20 0.40 M I Norfolk, Virginia Southern States Coop., Inc. 16355 0.34 0.41 Louisville, Kentucky 16544 0.34 0.36 Southern States Coop., Inc. 16571 0.45 0.42 Winchester, Kentucky