xt76ww76x03z https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt76ww76x03z/data/mets.xml Kentucky Negro Education Association Kentucky Kentucky Negro Education Association 1946 The most complete set of originals are at Kentucky State University Library. Call Number 370.62 K4198k journals  English Kentucky Negro Educational Association: Louisville, Kentucky  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky Negro Educational Association Journal African Americans -- Education -- Kentucky -- Periodicals The Kentucky Negro Educational Association (K.N.E.A.) Journal v.17 n.3, February-March, 1946 text The Kentucky Negro Educational Association (K.N.E.A.) Journal v.17 n.3, February-March, 1946 1946 1946 2020 true xt76ww76x03z section xt76ww76x03z  

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g VOL. XVII February—March, 1946 No. 3 '5:










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State College

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 The K. N. E. A. Journal

Official Organ a! the Kentucky Negro Education Association
VOL. XVII {February-March, 1946 No. 3



Published by the Kentucky Negro Education Association
Editurial Office at 2230 West Chestnut Street
Louisville 11, Kentucky


W. H. Perry, In, Executive Secretary, Louisville, Managing Editor
Mrs. Lucy Hart}: Smith, Lexington, President of K.N.E.A.


A. F. Gibson, Pineville Victor K. Perry, Louisville
Mrs. Mayme S. Morris, Lnuisvflle Whitney M. Yuung, Lincoln Ridge
Published bimonthly during the schoni year
October, December, February and April

Membership in the K. N. E. A. includes subscription to the Journal.
Rates of advertising mailed on request.



K. N. E. A. Officers.


’ Editorial Comment .


Education for Negroes (concluded).

Economic Opportunity and Employment


Who‘s Who on the Convention Pragram .........

Kullings ................................................. 27

Outline of 1946 KNEA Convention Program ...................... 28

 K. N. E. A OFFICERS FOR 1545-1546


Lucy Barth Smith, President... Lexington
Robert L. Dowery, First Vice—*Pl‘ .H'Franklin

T. J. Long, Second Vice-President. . . .
Wl H. Perry, Jrl, Secretary»Treasnrer.


Lucy Harth Smith, President.
A. F. Gibson .
Mayme R‘ Morris .
Victor K. Perry .
Whitney 1M. Young


Edward T. Buford, High School and College Dept.
Mayme R Morris, Elementary Educatian Dept.

M L. Copeland Rural School Dept
R. L. Carpenter, Music Department
B. W. Browne. Vocational Education Dept.
W. O. Nuckolls. Principals’ Conference.”
Beatrice C. Willis, Primary Teachers‘ Dep
Anorma Beard, Youth Council ...........
Hattie Figg Jacksun, Art Teachers’ Conference.
G. W. Jackson, Social Science Teachers‘ Conference.



. .Lexing’ton

. Pineville
. .Louisville
Lincoln Ridge






. . . .Louisville





Gertrude Sledd, Science Teachers’ Conference.. ,Danville
Jewell E. Jackson, English Teachers’ Conference .Coving‘ion
C. Elizabeth Mundy, Librarians' Conference. Louisville
W L. Kean, Physical Education Department Louisville
Craig, Guidance Workers‘ Conference. Covingtun

J Richards, Foreign Language Teachers’ Conference Erankffiit
omsv1 e



William D Johnson, Adult Educatian Department.

l—Bettie C. Cox, Paducah ....... ...First District Association
2—Herbert Kirkwood. Henderson Second District Association
3—11. B‘ McClaskey, Eussellville.
4—Russell Stone, Bloomfield... Fourth District Assoclatlim
5—Elizabeth W. Cnllins, Louisville. . Fifth Dismct Association

6—Whitnr2y M Young. Lincoln Ridge. .Blue Grass District Association
7#}!. R Merry, Covington Northern District Association
B—E M Kelly, Jenkins .Eastern District Association
9—5. A. Matthews. Eenh Upper Cumberland District Assn.


1—12: '1‘. Buford: High School and College Department. Principals’
Conference, Librarians’ Conference Adult Education Department,
Art Teachers’ Conference (Section 1): Music Depanment, (Section.





Z—Beatnce C. Willis: Elementary Education Department, Primar)’
Teachers’ Conference, Art Teachers’ Conference (Section 2), Music
Department (Section 2)

s—G W Jackson: Social Science Teachers‘ Conference, Science
Teachers' Conference, Enth Teachers‘ Conference, Foreign
Language Teachers’ Conference, Physical Education Department.

4—W. H. Craig: Guidance Warkers‘ Conference Youth Council, Vol-“=-
tional Education Department Rural School Department.

 Editorial Comment




Two Louisville organizations—dine, a sorority, the other an organir
zation for the advancement of Colored people—recently emphasized,
publicly, the value of good manners, and the importanoe of their prac-
tice by our youth. The need for such emphasis is readily recognized.
Loud talking, thoughtless, boisterous actions, discourtesy and disre—
gard for the presence and rights of others are all too frequently ob
served on streets and in public conveyances. Such practices are not
indirations of freedom; rather, they are evidences of license.

Those who manifest such conduct not only lower the cultural level
of the group; they do great harm to the cause of racial progress and,
inter-racial good will. Passersby, not knowing the cultured, refined
members of the Negro group, tend to establish stereotypes They tend
to think all Negroes are like the ones who thrust themselves upon the
attention of the public.

Good manners should, of course, be taught in the home, lf they are
not taught there, the responsibility for so doing falls to the one agency
capable of supplying the deficiency—the school.


The 70th annual meeting oi the Kentucky Negro Education Asso—
Ciativcn will be held in Louisville, Kentucky, April 10-13, 1946. Day-
time sessions will be held at the Madison Street Junior High School
building, Eighteenth and Madison Streets. The Wednesday and
Thursday evening sessions will be held at Quinn Chapel A M. E.
Church, 912 West Chestnut Street. The annual musicale will be held
at the spacious Louisville Memorial Auditorium, Fourth and Ken
tucky Streets.

Sandwiches, hot lunches, and soft drinks will he served in the
school lunch room during the convention

The election of president, first and second vice-presidents, secretary—
txeasurer, assistant secretary, historian, and directors will be held
on Friday, April 12, The polls will open at 8:00 A. M. and close at 5:00
P M. The privilege of voting is limited to members of the Associa»
tion who are actively engaged in theteaching profession, or who have
retired and receive payments from local Boards of Education, or from
the Retirement Fund of the State

The art exhibit will display classroom Work of pupiLs of the ele-
mentary and junior high schools of Louisville, done under the gui-
dance of Misses Martha Christensen and Berta Warner, Supervisor


 and Assistant Supervisor of Art, respectively, Mrs. Hattie Figg Jack.
son, of the Louisville schools, is chainnan of the Art Teachers Con.
ferenoe of the K. N. E. A., and will preside at the departmental meet.
ing. The art demonstration, scheduled for Friday, April 12, will be
at practica value to all visitors

An exhi t of home economit: products is being arranged by Mrs,
Grace Sr Morton, Head of the Home Economics Department of Ken.
tucky State College, and will feature foods prepared in home econo-
mics classes of the state. Prizes totaling sixty dollars will be award»
ed for items in the six foods classifications planned for.

The annual musicale will he presented at Louisville Memorial
Auditorium on Friday evening, April 12; in order that ample space
will be available for performers and audience The program will in—
clude numbers by Kentucky State College Chorus, Sarah Osborne,
and artists from the Louisville Philharmonic Orchestra.

The principals’ banquet will be held at the Brock Building, Ninth
and Magazine Streets, beginning at 5:00 P. M. on Thursday, April 11.

The spelling contest will be directed by Mr. Theodore Rr Rowan,
Interest in the contest is being revived rapidly, after its discontin-
uance during the war.

Members of the K. N. E. A. will please bring with them their cur«
rent membership cards and badges. The card is necessary for iden-
tification when Voting in the annual election; the ribbon will admit
to movies as guests of the Lyric, Grand and Palace Theates.



It is our desire that the annual meeting of the Kentucky Negro
Education Association to be held in Louisville April 10-13 serve the
teachers of our state to its fullest extent. War couditiuns have pre—
vented us from holding our sessions, and therefore some of our ob-
jectives could not be accomplished. We are pleased to report, however,
that progress has been made

Cooperation from the State Department of Education, Frankfort,
has helped us to focus attention on discrimination in salary against
Negro teachers to such an extent that many districts have equalized
salaries and others have increased themr Books on Negro life and his-
tory have been included in our Course of Study for Kentucky.

The K. N. E. A. has been active in its request for increased appra-
priatians for our state supported schools and educational opportuni-
ties for our students Contracts have been made with state and
national organizations and thus we have been strengthened

There is still much Work to be done in reference to salary increases:
enrollments, attendance, adult education, Vocational education, ade-
quate buildings and equipment, industrial education and craftsman-
ship, education for the handicapped, and increased library service
in order to raise Kentucky from its low level among the states of

cur nation.
—Lucy Barth Smith


Rosenwald High School
Providence, Kentucky
February 21, 1946

Dear Fellow-Teachers:

According to custom The Kentucky Negro Education Association
is due to elect its officers at our next annual meeting in April,

In the very dawn of this pasiwwar era the critical problem of de»
termining what is best to work and contend for, for the greatest pres
em and future good of our organization and the general social well
being of our group becomes a vital task with a sacred obligation.

This task calls for broad experience, consecrated devotion, and a
storehouse of information, The persons chosen for president and for
the other Offices should possess these attributes

Being aware of all that is mentioned above, I counciled with our
leading school men and women in every section and in every phase
of education in 'our state. In keeping with their ideas and with
promises of support from educational leaders from every section of
the state, 1 hereby announce my candidacy for the presidency of the
K. N, E. A.

With over thirty years of experience and study of our welfare 1 am
thoroughly convinced that our K, N. E. A, can and must play a more
vital role in shaping educational policies in our state

If elected as your president, I shall with consent of the official staff,
seek to get a group of men and women from both the younger and
older groups from every section of the state, who are devoted no the
work with dynamic qualities, to help study and advance our associa-
tion and the cause of education in the state,

Our schools, especially high schools and colleges, are now at criti-
cal points where we can not afford to divide our interest for self ex-
ploitarion nor sectional combination. If our high schools and colleges
are to survive, properly equipped and rated, we must pooi our inr
terests and influence fCr Equal Educational Opportunities.

Two years ago my friends who were aiso friends to the cause of
education in the state, along with other reasons stressed the fact that,
according to our custom, it was time to elect a man from the western
part of the state as president of the K. N, E. A. You are again re-
minded that the east has already furnished two presidents ’slnce one
has been elected from the west.

With the help of the official staff and the members of our K.N.E.A.
I shall work to make the following active realities:

1r Continue the work so effectively planned and put into action by
the present and past administrations

2. A more unified program between the K,N,ErAr and K.E.A. and
the various educational organizations in the state.

3. Some plans to enable the Secretary-Treasurer to secure more of


 the nation‘s outstanding characters for annual programs, Also to en-
able his office to keep in touch with vital issues and make publica»

4. A committee appointed to make a study each year of general
conditions of Negro schools and give a report with recommendations
each year as a part of the annual programr

5. Along with what has already been stated, I favor the twelve-point
program for the K.N.E.A. Legislative Committee:

1. Equalization of teachers’ salaries.

2‘ Expansion of agriculture and shop courses in high schools,

3. Improvement of science library equipment.

4, Improvement of school buildings.

5. Establishment of guidance programs in all high schools and (:01—

6. Lsgal transportation tor all students.

7. Wider use of Negro books as reference material in all schools.

El A lunch room program for all schaolsr

9. More equal educational opportunities for all school children.

10. Adequate program in health education and in physical educa—

ll. Expand college programs to meet practical and professional needs
of the day.

12, Campaign to obtain funds to establish a research bureau to com-
pile and disseminate information on the Negro.

Very respectfullyyours,
W. O. Nuckolls


February 23, 1946
To Principals, Teachers and School People,
Negro Schools of Kentucky
near Co-Workers and Friends:

Complying with the requests of many principals, teachers, and
school people of Kentucky, I am hereby announcing my candidacy
for membership on the Board of Directors of the Kentucky Negro
Education Association to be voted on at the election of our 1946 ses-

As you know, it has been my pleasure to serve the Kentucky Ne-
gro Education Association for the past thirty years in every capa-
city for the development and improvement of Negro education in Ken-
tucky, and I think, as far as possible, each district in Kentucky should
he represented by a member on the Board of Directors. I have served
in my district as principal of the Booker Washington High School
for twenty-five years, during which time i have acted in the capacity
of a Director, making‘ contacts, endorsing and supporting all programs
for the betterment of Negro education, I have left no stone unturned
in diligently working for the passage of increased appropriations for


 Kentucky State College, Frankfurt, and, also, State Vocational Train-
ing School, Faducah, and Lincaln Institute, Lincoln Ridger It has
been my policy to labor for better opportunities for all the Negro
schools of Kentucky
Should my past record for work and experience as a school man
merit your consideration and approval I most earnestly solicit your
support and vote for me as a member of the Board of Directors at our
1946 session of the Kentucky Negro Education Association.
With best good wishes and hoping to greet you at the meeting, I
Your old friend,
Booker Washington High School
Ashland, Kentucky.


pm. E w Whiteside, Principal of Lincoln High School, Paducah,
has been nominated for the Kimmy Board of Directors. Mr. White—
side is rendering excellent service in his home town, and has been
for many years an active Worker in the Association

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W L, SANDERS, President J. E. SMITH, Vice Presidem
R D, TERRY, Secretary and Agency Dinner




 The Report of The Kentucky Commission on
Negro Affairs
(.Continued from previous issue)

(The December-January issue of the Journal contained all recom-
mendations made by the Commission in the areas of civil af-f‘airs, edu-
cation, economic affairs, health, housing and Welfare, and the first
part of the report on “Education for Negroes).

A Stale Service And Local Cooperation

it is surprising that so many Negro pupils are emailed in high
schools. It shows an eagerness on their part to get an education. It
presents a challenge to the people of Kentucky to help them get the
most out of their high scho :1 experimce. In most of the counties that
do not have any high schools for Negroes, the local boards of educa—
tion are attempting to furnish Negroes adequate educational op-
portunity by transporting them to high schools in adjoining counties,
or by sending them to the boarding high school service provided by
the State through a contractual agreement with Lincoln Institute.
in 1944 the Legislature appropriated $42,000 per year to defray a part
of the Cost to provide this service at Lincoln Institute. Therefore, the
cost to the county and independent boards at education has ,been re.
duced to $72.00 per year per pupil, which amount is commensurate
with the average csst to educate White children, not including the cost
of buildings and equipment. This is possible because Lincoln Institute
is contributing its endowment income to the program.

A long range program should seek to establish several boarding or
consolidated high schools in centers as near the homes of pupils as is

. practicable.
Critical Situation

Mr. L. N. Taylor in his bulletin on Negro Education, 1943, writes:
“The Negro high school situation is critical and becoming worse, The
population has reduced so generally that mast Negro pupils must be
sent away either to other districts or to a state boarding high school.
The cost in either case is much higher than for the same number of
white pupils receiving a high school service at home.

White Teacher Training Laboratory High Schools

“The feeling is expressed among superintendents that since the
State provides, at liberal cost for buildings and operations, white
teacher training laboratory high schools at its five normal colleges, it
should provide similarly for the Negro college. Then such a school
could also serve their need for a state boarding high school, One or
two such schools would serve about half the counties and indepen»
dent districts in the state,

 Facilities Available

“Facilities for one such school now are available to the State Lin-
coln Institute in Shelby County has an area of 44435 acres fully ade-
quate for a good agricultural and mechanical high school. It has dot“
mitories for 150 boarding students. As the numbers increase, addi»
tional buildings Will be needed,

The State has a boarding school service also at Paducah in connec-
tion with the West Kentucky Vocational Training School. Kentucky
is a long state and should provide two schools—one in the West and
one in the East."

The Need. Is Great

According to Mr. Taylor’s report of the school census; in districts in
need of the services of a state boarding high school there are 859 Ne-
groes of high school age; and in districts lacking adequate Negro popu-
lation, which in years to come will have need of such services, there
are 1,132 Negro children of high school age, a total of nearly 2,000
young people.

Need For Increased Capacity

There has been such a rapid increase in the erurollment of students
at Lincoln Institute that over eighty-nine (as) girls alone were turn»
ed away this year (194446) When the Army and Navy cease calling
18 year old boys, it is expected, on the basis of past experience, that
as many boys as girls will seek to enroll. In other words, had times
been normal, nearly 200 students would have been refused admit-
tance to Lincoln Institute this year. The dormitories must be doubled
in capacity to meet the need.

Those who favor mixed schools in Kentucky are of the opinion that
a large state bzarding high school to accommodate the potential Ne~
gro enrollment of even half of the 2,000 pupils of high school age
would preclude the opening of white high schools to Negroes in Ken»
lucky. In other words, the availability of a large boarding high school
for Negroes would relieve the present problem of providing rural
high schools for them, and at the same time would remove the eco-
nomic pressure for admitting Negro pupils to the White high schools
later on. The availability of Lincoln Institute to the State, with its
limited enrollment capacity of less than 200 students does not now
fully meet the need. ‘

The Board of Trustees of Lincoln Institute report a building pro-
gram, estimated to cost $524,000, which would increase the school‘s
facilities to accommodate 500 students. This addition together with
the present plant would cost Kentucky $1,500,000 to build. A State
appropriation of $50,000 per year would lie necessary, over a period
of ten years, to enable Lincoln Institute to undertake the above build-
ing program.

Included in the plans are vocational shops, agricultural laboratories
and a project farm and home economic laboratory wherein courses
may be taught to encourage Negro youth from the State’s rural areas
to engage in agricultural pursuits.


 Plans for the extension of the West Kentucky Vocational Training
School are outlined in the section of this report devoted to Vocational

Kentucky should discourage the migration of its Negro youth,
seeking educational and economic opportunity to urban centers of Ken.
tucky, and to other states by offering within the State the kinds of
educational prcgrams designed to develop them into productive sub—
stantial citizens.

Consideraticn should be given to a program by which high Schools
might supply students to West Kentucky Vocational Training School
and Kentucky State College on the junior college and senior college
basis, respectrvely. Coordinated p:anning‘by Lincoln Institute, West
Kentucky Vocational Training Schocl, Kentucky State College, and
in:iuding possibly Louisville Municipal College would be both wise
and effective, thereby avciding an over-lapping and disjointed pro»


A Neglected Phase of Negro Education

Vocational training is one of the neglected phases of Negro educa-
tion in the State. Industrial arts courses are offered in the schools of
Louisville and Lexington; a limited offering of vocational subjects is
given at Lincoln Institute.

Wed Kentucky Vocational Training School

In 1938 the State Board of Education, by legislative enactment, es»
tablished West Kentucky Vocational Training School at Paducah,
Kentucky. it is supported mainly by state appropriations, but receives
5: ie allotments from Federal Vocational funds.

The school has a mechanics shop equipped with modern machinery,
other shops similarly equipped, and a library containing much voca-
tinnal literature. its buildings are valued at $350,000. Its function, as
stated in its charter. "-ls to make available facilities for vocational
training for colored children to be carried on in accordance with the
state plans for vocational education." ‘

The school’s enrollment has increased more than 100% since 1942,

and now serves 115 regular students, as well as 115 handicapped re
turned soldiers. Larger facilities for this work are needed, particulate
1y for the returned veterans in need of training for civilian occupa-
tions. .
A partially completed state industrial survey indicates openings
awaiting nearly a thousand Negro tradesmen in fields covered by
the school’s training program. This does not include the heavy in'
dustries, nor does it cover the citis of Louisville and Lexington, the
largest population centers.

The West Kentucky Vocational School has not received a single
dollar for permanent improvements since its establishment, regardless
of the fact that the plant was planned for an academic school, and as
a consequence Was not adapted to the industrial program for the

biennium 1946-48.



 Needs of West Kentucky Vocational Training School, as listed by
its President, are as follows:
permanent improvements and Major Equipment Needed








1. Enlargement of Men’s Trade Buiding ...... .$ 10,000
2. Foods Room added to Women’s Trade Building. r 10,000
a. Dormitory for men 95,000
4. Acquisition of adjoining lots 9,500
5, Health and Physical Education Building 42,500
6, Annex, Trades Ccnferenre Room to Adm. Building. 15,000
7. Living quarters for the President... 7,500
5. Machinery and Equipment fer trades. 5,000


Vocational Education for Veterans

in order to meet adequately the needs of the returning veterans,
especially those who have had specialized and technical training the
following procedure is hereby recommended:

1. Expand and strengthen the following courses at Lincoln Instia
tute for rural high school students: Agriculture, Janitorial, Engineer-
ing, and Building Trades, _

2, Expand and strengthen all the trade courses now offered at West
Kentucky Vocational School to the point where credit can be granted
for two years oi technical training beyond the high school level.

3. Expand and strengthen the vocational and technical otterings
at Kentucky State College to the point where Negro veterans will
equal opportunity to prepare themselves for post war re-
es as all other veterans,

A unified and coordinated prcgram should be worked out for the
three schools in as far as trade and technical courses are‘concerned.
This procedure would prevent overlapping and duplication in an area
where expansion is certain to come.

A number of bills have been enacted by Congress making certain
grants possible for subsidizing these programs.

In meeting this responsibility, We are also laying the foundation
for a sound state wide technical program of education.

Assistant Supervisor at Negro Educaiion

At the request oi the Kentucky Negro Education Association, a
Negro was appointed as Assistant Supervisor of Negro Education, and
began duties in September, 1945. Mr. Whitney M. Young, has, during
his brief period of service in this position, made valuable contribu-
tion to the State Department through interpreting their policies to
Negro communities by affording this oiticial notice. This position
should be put on a permanent basis. The salary for this service is now
being contributed to the State Board of Education by Lincoln Insti—
tute, which also engages Mr. Young as Director of its Educational



Salary Equalization
The State Department of Education, through its Department or

 Finance, is seeking to equalize the salaries of teachers on both ele.
memory and secondary levels in terms of preparation, length of ser.
vice, and quality of service it is gradually requiring the eh'minatim
of differentials due to race. At present, such differentials exist in one
county and twenty independent districts, which is contrary to exist.
ing law and being an administrative matter should be removed at
The College

Kentucky state College, Frankfort, the only State institution on the
college level for Negroes is doing a good job with limited facilities
and finances. However, it has barely met the minimum requirements
for accreditation by the Southern Association. Its highest enrollment
(in 1939) was 682 students, and its lowest 01944) was 310 students, Its
campus covers thirty (30) acres, and a farm of 26853 acres which is
used for student training and to provide food for the school.

The College employs sixty (60) teachers and workers, There is a
bonded indebtedness of $65,000.00 virhich was originally in 1935,
$95,000.00 and was for the erection of a buys’ dormitory

Comparisons In Curricula

Kentucky State College offers training in the following courses:
General Home Economics, General Agriculture, General Engineering,
General Science, Chemistry, Biology, Mathematics and Physics, Ele-
mentary Education, Public School Music, English Language and
Literature, Business Administration, Sociology, and Economics, His-
tory and Government, Physical and Health Education Whereas, the
University of Kentucky for white students offers, on the under-
graduate level, four year college courses leading to various degrees
including (1) A. B. in Journalism, (2) B. S. in industrial Chemistry,
(3) B. S. in Music, (4) B. S. in Mechanical Engineering, (5) Bl S, in
Metallurgical Engineering, (6) B. S. in Medical Technology, (’1) B, S.
in Electrical Engineering, (8) B, s. in Mining Engineering, <9)
Bachelor of Laws, (10) B. S. in Laws, and (411) B, S. in Commerce

It is believed that were Kentucky State College for Negroes in-
spected at this time, it would lose its rating,

There is urgent need for the strengthening of existing departments
at Kentucky State College, for considerable plant expansion, for cur-
riculum expansion based on carefully determined needs of praent and
prospective students, and for increase in the salaries of the faculty'-
Salaries are lower than those for similar personnel in the state insti»
tutions in other states, thus making it difficult for Kentucky to at:
tract and retain desirable instructors.

Compar'uon of State Appropriations

The capital value of Kentucky State College and the bi-ennial El"
propriations made for it by the Legislature, are considerably less than
those of other southern states with Negro populations equal to-OT
smaller proportionally than that of Kentucky (See Comparative
Table Attached)










a. _ s
«9} S E i? g :g E «37 E E?
P. E a 1“ a “5 8 a a
0 fl 0
g“: § 51 E. g“ 3 2’? a
State g, 9:, a E4 g! 5 ,g 9.. 93 SI
:2 m =l 3 i >—l : a,
*0 r: g 0 9‘:
g ' a' E 'z‘? a
n- h I
Kentucky (0) | 0 150,00llj$1,048,725 flaw-2100011 7 10 092.
Oklahoma (1) l 373,000l 1,200,000 isor‘lisseiol 774 011.
Tennessee (.1) 500,000] 1000 508,736,114 500.
Virginia (1) 1,196,740' 2,700,521, 1120 001,449 24.7 .1067.
West Virginia (1) 621,500 2,033,294 > 803 117.7540 62 773.
** 1945-46


The appropriation for Kentucky State College for the biennium
104446 was $150,000
lts needs for the biennium 1946-43, stated conservatively, are:
Recommendations for Improvement
1946-47 1947-48
1. For ordinary recurring expenses of operation
and maintenance $150,000 $150,000
(Present Appropriation)
II. For equalizing salaries with those in other

state colleges 75,000 75,000
iii, For additional faculty personnel now

needed 15.000 15000
N. For strengthening departments in equip

ment and library in books and furniture 60,000 60,000
v, For capital out-lay 200,000 200,000

(Needs: Classroomeadministration build-
ing, Library, two dormitories, daily barn,
laboratory school, infitmary, engineering
building, music, faculty houses, stadium,
addition to gymnasium.)

$500,000 $500,000
Clearly, considerable increase in the appropriation for Kentucky
State College is essential to its Operation on an adequate basis, and
imperative, if even Teasonable progress toward desirable standards
is to be made.
The Supreme Court Decision
The United States Supreme Court decision in the Lloyd Gaines


 case, ‘criginating in Missouri, holds that under our United States Con—
stitution and laws whatever program of higher education the state
provides for its White citizens must be open also to its Colored citi»
Zens, and What it does not duplicate in separate institutions in the
state far the two races must be available on like terms to citizens of
both races.


Our State university graduate school offers courses leading to the
following degrees in graduam courses:

1. Master of Arts,
Master of Arts in Education.

3 Master of Science,

4 Master of Science in Agriculture.

5. Master of Science in Civil Engineering.

6.‘ Master of Science in Education.

7 Master of Science in Electrical