CK$ J A Central Kentucky Jewish Association Judith R. Levine, President 7 ”r? _/ '-’~ \1/ NEW CKJA BOARD MEMBERS AND OFFICERS Based upon the results of the election in December l980, seven persons have been elected or re-elected to membership on the CKJA Board. Elected for a three— year term are: Sue Friedman, Marilyn Gall, Martin Kaplan, Marilyn Moosnick and JoAnne Randall. Ms. Gloria Katz was elected for a two—year term, and Dr. Jesse Neil was elected for a one year term. Mrs. Fanny Miller was apppointed to a one—year term and Mr. Martin Barr was appointed to a three—year term, both by Temple Adath Israel. Dr. Markell Kohn was appointed to a three year term by Congregation Ohavay Zion. The members of the Board of the Central Kentucky Jewish Association and their term of office are as follows: Michael Baer (l98l) Martin Barr (Temple Adath Israel, l983) Marcia Blacker (Congregation Ohavay Zion, l982) Steven Caller (l98l) Rose Darmstadter(l98l) Sue Friedman (l983) Marilyn Gall (l983 Kenneth Germain (l98l) Charles Gorodetzky (Temple Adath Israel, l982) Martin Kaplan (l983) Gloria Katz (l982) Markell Kohn (Congregation Ohavay Zion, l983) Judith Levine (Hadassah, l98l) Helen Levy (l982) Fanny Miller (Temple Adath Israel, l98l) Jack Miller (l982) Marilyn Moosnick (l983) JoAnne Randall (l983) David Rose (Bnai Brith, l982) Arthur Salomon (Congregation Ohavay Zion, l98l) Allan Slovin (l982) David Wekstein (l982) Jesse Neil (l98l) At the first meeting of the Board in January, l98l the following officers and members of the Executive Committee were elected by the Board from the Board: PRESIDENT Judith Levine VICE—PRESIDENT Marilyn Gall VICE—PRESIDENT Allan Slovin SECRETARY Jack Miller TREASURER Michael Baer Member at large Steven Caller Member at large David Hekstein