The University Senate met in regular session at 3:00 p.m., Monday, October
16, l989, in room ll5 of the Nursing/Health Sciences Building.

Donald C. Leigh, Chairman of the Senate Council, presided.

Members absent were: James L. Applegate*, Michael Baer*, Harry V.
Barnard*, Mark C. Berger*, Raymond F. Betts, Wilford A. Bladen*, Glenn C.
Blomquist*, Peter P. Bosomworth, T. Earle Bowen, Michael W. Bowling*, Douglas
Boyd, Stanley D. Brunn*, Joan C. Callahan*, Rutheford B Campbell, Jr., Ben W.
Carr, Edward A. Carter, Jeff Carver*, W. Harry Clarke*, Jordan L. Cohen*,
Raymond H. Cox*, Clifford J. Cremers*, Ann Davidson, Richard C. Domek, Jr.*,
Vincent Drnevich, Paul M. Eakin, Bruce S. Eastwood*, Charles W. Ellinger, Rob
Followell*, Raymond E. Forgue, Michael B. Freeman*, J. Brauch Fugate*, Richard
W. Furst, Marilyn C. Hamann*, Zafar Hasan*, Robert E. Hemenway*, Micki King
Hogue, Tony Holloway*, Alfred S. L. Hu, Bruce Hunt, Richard A. Jensen, David
C. Johnson*, Richard I. Kermode, Kenneth K. Kubota, Gerald Lemons*, Scott
Lewis, C. Oran Little, Sean Lohman*, Bruce A. Lucas, Loys L. Mather*, Marcus
T. McEllistrem*, Peggy Meszaros*, Ernest Middleton, Robert C. Noble*, Dennis
T. Officer, Jose 0ubrerie*, Deborah E. Powell*, Doug Reed, Daniel R. Reedy*,
Thomas C. Robinson, Jo Ann Rogers, David P. Roselle, Edgar L. Sagan, Donald E.
Sands, Fred Schwendeman, Steven J. Skinner*, M. Scott Smith*, Jeffrey
Stivers*, Louis J. Swift*, Dennis M. TeKrony*, Marie C. Vittetoe*, Thomas J.
Waldhart, Steven C. Weisenburger, Charles T. Wethington, Carolyn A. Williams*,
Eugene Williams, Enery A. Wilson, H. David Wilson*, W. Douglas Wilson, and
Alfred D. Winer.

Chairman Leigh recognized Professor William Moody for the Academic
Ombudsman's Report.

[The Ombudsman's Report, in its entirety and as it was submitted to
President Roselle, is attached at the end of these Minutes.]

Professor Moody was given a round of applause at the conclusion of his
report. The following questions were asked of Professor Moody.

Professor Leigh asked about the problem of a death in the family.
Professor Moody stated there were cases where students missed exams and a
death in the family is an excused absence. All the students need is documen—
tation to support the absence. A Senator asked about the "Common Exam"
problem. He did not understand why Professor Moody viewed the exam a serious
problem. He added that "Common Exams” are listed in the Schedule Book and
students should read. Professor Moody stated that he considered it a problem
because there are cases where students have concerns with ”Common Exams." He
stated that the problem arose when there are two tests at the same time.
Professor Moody said that "Common Exams“ are not as cut—and-dried as they may
appear, and he is also a strong advocate of students being responsible. He
still feels this an area that can be improved.

A Senator stated that in the Rules quizzes are interpreted as
examinations. He asked how oral presentations would be interpreted.

*Absence explained.