xt76ww76x209 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt76ww76x209/data/mets.xml Kentucky. State Reformatory Kentucky Kentucky. State Reformatory 1970 newsletters  English La Grange, Ky.: Kentucky State Reformatory  This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed. Permission must be received for subsequent distribution in print or electronically. Physical rights are retained by the owning repository. Copyright is retained in accordance with U. S. copyright laws. Please go to https://exploreuk.uky.edu for more information. The Skytower News Kentucky. State Reformatory -- Periodicals Prisons -- Kentucky -- La Grange -- Periodicals The Skytower News, March 1970 text v : ill. 28 cm. Call Number: HV8337 .S590 The Skytower News, March 1970 1970 1970 2022 true xt76ww76x209 section xt76ww76x209  


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March Issue, 1970

frowns: Naws

No. 3


vow .1

NeW ‘ Editor.

~ Wednesday, January ‘28,
1970, was the day for Carl
Earnsley Which all of us look
forward to 7......‘....Parole'!
Earnsley, who resided in
Theodore, Alabamafprior to
his incarceration, .arrived at
the institution on May 3, 1964,
to begin serving a 21 year sen—

. .After holding a number of
institutional j 0 b s, Farnsley
Was 'asSigne'd to the “Sky-
t o w e r” staff in August of
1966.. On November 11, 1968,
he assumed the position of
editOr and held that post until
his realease.

Taking over as the new
“SkytOwer” editor is Gary P.
Barrow. BarrOw, who hails
from Indianapolis, Indiana,
arrived at the reformatory on
October 2, 1969, with a 10
year sentence. Shortly after
his arrival, he became Secre-
tary‘of the S.P.A.D.E. Club
and held that office until their
annual election. In December
of last year, Barrow ran for
office of President and won!
Since his administration” has
taken office, the S.P‘.A.D.E.
Club has steadily been making
noticeable improvements and
is currently working on several
worthwhile projects,‘

Prior to being named Editor
of the “Skytower‘ News”,
Barrow taught mathematics
in the academic programand
also assisted with the GE. D.
program. ' ' i

We Wish Carl the best of
luck on his recent parole and
hope that we won’t be, seeing
him again, at least ........ Not
IN HERE! ' .

Efia Stat?

S..PA.DE Letter Writer

Shortly a f t e r Christmas,
the S.P.A.D.E. Club proposed
a 5new project called the “Gen—
eral Electric Letter—Writer”.

The project Was written out in

detail and submitted to the
administration for their ap—
proval. Everyone in the ad—
ministration was pleased with
the prOposal and gave the S.
P.A.D.E. Club the “green

The General Electric Co-
pany was contacted in Lou—
isville and the machine was
sold to the club at cost. The
project was held up due to the
fact that General Electric was
on strike and unable to fill
the order for the needed vinyl
discs. Shortly after the strike
was over, the discs arrived
and the project was launched
Saturday, February 21, 1970.

This project allows any in—
mate to purchase a ticket in
the Inmate Canteen, bring the
ticket to the S.P.A.D.E. Club—'
room located in Dormitory 8
on Saturdays and cut a record
to be sent home to wife, girl—
friend, mother, father, child—
ren, or friends. Of course
these people have to be on the
inmates regular correspound—
ence list. There is a special
sound-proof booth to assure
t h e the maximum 0 f privacy
during the recording of the
record. All records of course
are censored by the mail office
On a record player provided
them by the club. These rec—
ords can be played on any
standard record player at
33 1/ 3 speed and instructions
accompany each record. Tick—
ets are now on sale for one
dollar and the project is ex-.
pected to be one of. thebest

ever conceived by any club
thus far according to project
chairman, Ed Griffin.

Who was the first customer
when the doors opened for
business? None other than
Norman Igo! Who else?


Rehabilitation Program

A group therapy class was
formed in the Rehabilitation
Department under the leader—
ship of Mr. Gene Priddy, Psy—
chologist assigned to the De—
partment. The new group was
officially initiated in November
of 1969. Eight men were orig—
nally assigned to take part
in the group. These men were
chosen by Mr. Priddy and
his associates from those men
who were at that time on the
Rehabilitation Department

The participants were
screened and interviewed by
Mr. Priddy at which time the
ideas and potential of the
forthcoming group were ex—
plained. Each man who is a
member of the group has vol—
unteered for the s e s s i 0 ns
which meet each Thursday at
2: PM. The objective of the
group’s membership is to try
and learn from each other by
getting to know one another
and discussing each member’s
problems openly. This does
not mean problems in any one
area of a man’s life such as
here in the institution, but
quite to the contrary. The
problems which each member
faces are brought out, Whe—
ther it be problems on the
“yard”, problems which deal
with his family life on the
streets, etc. The first rule
which is met and understood
is that notthing that is said
within the group is to be re-


Governor .....................................
Lieutenant Governor ................

Commissioner of Corrections ..

........................... Louie B. Nunn
............................ Wendell Ford
.............................. J. C. Taylor

Warden .......................................................... James F. Howard
Associate Warden for Custody .................... Henry E. Cowan
Associate Warden for Treatment ................ Howard C. Kassulke
Associate Warden for Administration ............ Allen B. White

Supervisor of Education .........

Skytower Staff

Editor ..........................................
Sports Editor ...........................

................... Homer C. Howard

...................... Gary P. Barrow

........................... Jerry Hudson



peated outside the confer—
ence room in th e Rehabili—
tation Department. This gives
each member a sense of se—
curity, knowing that he can
talk freely about anything he
has on his mind, without wor—
ry that his fellow members
will tell every Tom, Dick, and
Harry what has been said.

Since the group began in
November, there have been
four members that have made
parole and have left the in—
stitution. Before each of the
men left, the group heard
what they had learned about
themselves while participating
in the group sessions. With-
out exception, the fact was
brought out that they had
come to understand themselves
better and they felt that they
could now face their every—
day problems without the old
accustomed fear. As one ex-
member of the group said,
“reality use to bug me, but
now I know I’ve got to face it
and I’m ready”.

The participants of this
very worthy group are chosen
from the rolls of the Rehab—
ilitation Department and those
who might be interested in the
program should contact Mr.
Gene Priddy in the new school

building or see your Rehab—
bilitation Case Worker. As
has been mentioned, this group
is strictly voluntary, so it’s
up to you!

Remember one thing, a per—
son gets out of something ex—

actly what he puts into it!
By: Ray Hilton


Alter Athletic Corner

The Alter Athletic Club,
which is the only club in the
institution completely dedicat—
ed to sports, have several irons
in the fire at the present time.

We have recently started
an umpire school which will
last f o r appoximately three
weeks. The primary purpose
of this school is to provide
good officiating for the soft—
ball games this summer.

Our sports Commissioner,
Joe Haycraft, has announced
that Alter Athletics will spon-
sor a horseshoe and tennis
tournament on July 4th. The
tennis tournament will be open
to everyone with exception of
those who have participated
in a previous tournament.

On Easter Sunday the club
will hold their annual Easter
egg hunt. Prizes will be a—
warded for items found on

the yard.

Next on our agenda, we
have an up—coming Softball
nually by our club. This of
Tournament which is held an-
course will be against outside
competition and should pro—
vide a lot of fun for everyone.

The A.L.T.E.R. A.C. Club
welcomes all new prospective
members. If you are inter—
ested in joining our organiz—
ation, please contact one of the
A.C. members or come to the
Clubroom located in Dorm. 9
for a membership application.


American History Course

Thirty men at K.S.R. have
enrolled in the American His—
tory course offered by Eastern
Kentucky University. Prof-
essor Robert Randell, who
teaches the course, said that
the class will run for approx-
imately fifteen weeks and is
open to only those men who
have completed their high
school education or who have
received their G.E.D. diploma.

Enrolled in the present class
are: Donald Dickson, Gary
Barrow, Matthew Stamper,
M. R. Jackson, Harry Slade,
Hoy Jasper, Thomas Jones,
Roger Scott, Burton Kauf-
man, Michael Wilkerson,
James Hannan, Norman Igo,
James Ware, William Til-
ford, Steve Richardson, Ray
Hilton, David Dusel, Darrell
Bullington, Michael Harsanyi,
Harry York, Edward Griffin,
Ronald Szabo, John Beidel—
man, Gerald Hudson, Joseph
S c h u m a t e, Louis Prestigie-
como, Michael Hundley, Gary
Kiefer, Richard Long, an d
Richard Greenwell.


Girl to friend: “I don’t care
if he is a pilot. I don’t like
being referred to as the tar-
get for tonight.”


Treat Her Right. . . .Or Else

A man in Arkansas, at— "

tempting to prove a bona fide
family relationship, presented
this letter from his wife to his
draft board:

“Dear United States Army:

My husband asked me to
write a recommend that he
supports his family. He cannot
read, so don’t tell him. Just
take him. He ain’t no good to
me. He ain’t done nothing but
raise hell and drink lemon
essence since I married him

eight years ago, and I got to

feed seven kids "of: his.

“Maybe you can get him to
carry a gun. He’s good on
squirrels and eating. Take him
and welcome. I need the grub
and his bed for the kids. Don’t
tell him this, but just take
him and send him as far as you


........ Chicago Sun


Jay Gee: Banquet

On Thursday evening, Feb—
ruary 26, Mr. Kassulke at—
tended the ].C. “Young Men
of the Year” banquet on be-
half of Warden Howard who
was one of the .10 nominees
forthe year 1969, having been
nominated by our, J.C. chapter.

As it turned out, Mr.
Kassu’lke accepted a beautiful
plaque for the Boss as one of
the 3 winners. Mr. Kassulke
reports that the food was ex-
cellent and the company con—
genial as he spent the evening
talking boxing with Jimmy
Ellis who was seated at the
same table".


S..P’.A.D.E.I On The Move
The' big excitement in the
club right now has been over

the General Electric Letter-

hgonteclozy .Sifreet

SOMEDAY STREET is a one-way street that leads to the gates of hell!
It’s littered with broken bottles, it reeks of wine smell.
It’s the street of human derelicts, the place of forgotten men.

Who "stagger. and sway along the way, and are never seen again!

SOMEDAY STREET is a sunless street, where the days and nights are one.
And each tomorrow brings pain and sorrow, till the life of man is done.
It’s a fearful street, a hidden street, that lives in. each drunken brain.

‘ That screams and cries. and tries and tries to find Someday ............ again;

. SOMEDAY STREET is a lonely street, it’s always dark and drear.
' Where the eyes of men are dulled and tired, and ever filled with fear

There’s. not a smile in that. last cruel mile, but death in every block.
And the Devil smiles, and the Devil beguiles, the soul he has in hock

SOMEDAY STREET is an age-old street, it claims, it maims and slays.
Men toss and turn and sob a yearn for the memory of the other days
Of the days before they hit the street, when life was good and new;
When each day and night was clean and bright, and dreams still came true.

SOMEDAY STREET is a hellish street, it’s full of broken dreams
It smells of broken bodies, it laughs at drunken screams.
It’s a timeless street, a faceless street, its men are faceless too.

They’re there to stay till they’re laid away in a box six by two.

SOMEDAY STREET is a jealous street, that holds its victims fast.
Each step you make, each drink you take, leads you to death at last.
It’s a dim—lit street, a lying street that fools each seeking heart;

It shapes each one and when its done, it tears each one apart.

SOMEDAY STREET is a one-way street that lets few people go.
I’ve lived on Someday Street myself, and that is how I know,
The vvino, the dipso, the hypo, the big-shot and the bum.

The makarOo, theB—girl too, I’ve swilled their wine and rum.

I now the lying, garish lights, I know the hellinsh dreams.

I know the alleys and the jails, I know the cries and screams;

I know the filth of Someday Street, I know the cry of shame.
Because I came from Someday Street, a man without a name.

I crawled up: Up from Someday Street with all its hell and pain.
I’ve found a way to live each day, and not go back again.

Some friends who lived on Someday Street told me there is a way.
To leave the hell of Someday Street, and the way is called A.A.

I,ve not been back on Someday Street in weeks, months and years.
I fear the hellish street no more, its blackouts and its fears.

Those friends of mine showed me a path I’ve gladly trod.

Out of the depths of Someday Street onto the path of GOD!

.......... Alvinos,
Marion Correctional Institution



Monday ,


Wednesday A


10:15—11 :00 AM.

2:00—2:50 PM.
2:00-2:50 P.M.
3:00—4:30 PM.
6:00-6:30 PM.

6:30—730 PM.
8 :00 PM.

11:00—12 noon
7 :00 PM.

11:00—12 noon

'1 :00—4z00 RM.

7 :00-8 :30 RM”.

7:30-9:00 -P.M.
6:00-6:30 PM.

6:30-730 PM.

7:30—9:00 PM.
7:00-9:00 PM.

9 200-12 noon

Chapel Activities

Sunday School Class
Reception Unit Services
Choir Practice»

Coffee beforeservices
Chapel Services

Chapel Closes

Coffee and Fellowship Hour

Chapel open for meditation
ROman Catholic Mass for Segration & Reception Unit

Chapel open for meditation

Father Cecil holds Interviews

Roman Catholic Instruction Class

Gideons hold services for segregation and quarantine .

Informal Fellowship
Bible Study
Choir Practice

. Christian Business Men’s Fellowship

Father Cecil holds Interviews i

11:00—12 noon

9 230—12 noon
5 :00 P.M.

9:009:30 A.M.

Meditation Hour .

Seventh}. Day Adventist Services Held .
Father Cecil holds Interviews and hears Confessions.

Roman Catholic Mass.

Chaplains Faucette and Davis are available during the week for interviews. A Duty Chap—
lain 15 in the Institution all day Saturday and Sunday and available for emergencies at other


'1'!) _



Recently a member of” the
club, Ted Freeman, worked
up several designs and sub—
mitted them ‘to the member-
ship for proposed club pins.
The S.P.A.D.E. Club is in

it’s eighteenth year and it was.=

thought that club pins would
create pride in the club among

it’s members. The" design cho—' ~

sen by the membership has-
been sent to the Herff—Jones
Company in Indianapolis and
the cost is within reach. Don’t -‘

be surprised to see- men on: the ‘

yard with small Japel pins in
the shape of a .spade in the
very near future. ,

The new pin design, proved

.;_ to be so popular among the

members that President Gary
Barrow appointed a committee
to 'work on a new club' flag
with said design;- Gilbert Jones
was appointed chairman of

the project and along with

Ted Freeman,. James Kriz
manich and others, the new
club flag was unveiled on
Monday, February 23. Con—
Orratulations men!

The S. P. A. D. E. Club 15 al—

. _'ways looking for new mem-
'bers. We hold 21 Screening
‘ BOard the last Sunday of each

month for this purpose. Any
m'an intereste'd'_'in joining
should contact” ‘a”S.P.A.D’.E.
Club member "or come to the

" S.P.A.D.E. Clubrdom located

in Dormitory 8 anytime. Ini—
tiation fee is two dollars and

club dues are. .fifty cents a

cigarettes, or stamps. "

We’ re looking forward to
a great year!

3'1 5.


H.E.LP. Spotlight i

The H.E.LP. Club is :rap—
idly growing, having more
than doubled its membership
in the past two months The
organization is a. self—help
group composed of inmates
who have a sincere desire
to become better citizens upon
their release. However, before
a man can take a" step in
this direction, . he must first
analyze himself. Can he iden-
tify himselffthorpu-ghly?
Where did he come from?


Where does he go from here?
These are but a few of the
questions he must ask himself
in order to bring himself to
the conclusion that he truly
needs help.

We would like to thank our
Club Advisor, Mr. John
Thomas, along with the ad—
ministration for working with
the club in seeing that each
of us has a future plan, goal,
and the desire to be aggressive
toward reformation.

During the month of Feb,
We were most fortunate to
have in our presence such a
distinguished personality a 5
Mr. Arthur P. Evans, who is
affiliated with the Louisville
Youth Commissioner and also
the Chestnut Street branch of
the Y.M.C.A. - ‘ ‘

\Ve are also fortunate to
have as a guest, Mr. William
M. Abernathy. This gentle—
man was so regular in attend—
ing our meetings that he
seems like a member of the

, One of the club’s latest pro—
jects has been in forming ,a
relationship with the Crime
and Vandalism Committee of
Louisville. This committee
consists of various ministers
in the 'metropolitain area. A—
mong those whom we’ve came
in contact with are the Rev.
Walter M. Garlington, Rev.
C. Mims, Rev. William Sum-
mer III, who are all mem—
bers of this committee. I,m
sure some of you are familiar
with Rev. Summer. He’s pre—
sently Vice - Presidentiand
General Manager of “rounds—
ville” radio station, W.L.O.U.
of Louisville, Kentucky. “He
is also affiliated with some
thirty branches of the N.A.
A. C. P. Organization. ‘

\Ne were extremely grati+
fied to have in our presence
the Rev. Walter B. Stitts,
Pastor of the Messiah Evan—
gelical Lutheran Church of


After an informal discus—
sion on crime and our views
in fighting crime, Rev. Stitts
expressed d e e p appreciation
of the functioning of our club.
Also Rev. Stitts stated that he
would like to join us in help—
ing to fight and dis c r e dit

The H.E.L.P. Club is not
1y must be able to accept as
well as give ideas on a con-
structive basis in order to ap-
proach the club’s goals. There
are no professors in our orga—
nization. We simply are stri—
ving to learn from each other
and trying to reach a better

Ernest J a r b o e, Chairman
of Educatiion, has been hon—
ored as the best chairman for
the month of February, 1970.
Good luck to Ernest and the
fine program he has started.


Tiger-s Den

January 25th was the date
and the “Madison Merchants”
were the victims as eleven
“Tigers” produced 108 points
with Bog James Bryant lead—
ing the pack. Jim had 22
points on 11 field goals. Lead—
ing by only 9 points at half-
time (50-41), the “Tigers”
came out and put forth a
great team effort and won
108—83. Subs W. “Clutch”
Bryant and Jazzy Williams
came off the bench and sparked
the 2nd half drive with 12
and 9 points respectively.
Leading scorer for the Tigers
was James Bryant.

On February lst, L a r r y
Baile and company from Hod—
gensville made the long trip
up here to avenge an earlier
105-77 loss to the “Tigers”.
It loooked as if Larry forgot
to bring some fire power as
LaRue County was complete—
ly overwhelmed by the Tigers
105—76. Leading scorers for
the “T i g e r s” were James

Bryant (22 points), Jazzy
\Villiams (16 points), and Joe
Elliott (16 points). R o ge r
Bailey came off the bench to
get 14 points and play his
usual fine game.

The long awaited game be-
tween the Lexington “All-
Stars” and our own “Tigers”
became reality on February
22nd. The much heralded “All
Stars” looked like they were
going to celebrate Washing-
ton’s birthday by blowing the
“Tigers” out of their own
gym as they jumped out to a
10—2 lead. Earl Stover decided
he would celebrate some him—
self by giving a concert and
what a beautiful sound it was
when Earl started zipping the
strings of the net and brought
the “Tigers” back to a 10—10
tie with the “All—Stars”. The
lead changed hands several
times after that but the Tigers
pulled out to a 10 point half—
time lead, 61—51.

As the 2nd half started, it
looked like the “Tigers” were
going to blow the “All—Stars
out as they jumped out to a
20 point lead. Both te a m s
played even ball and the Tigers
kept their lead until late in
the game when the All—Stars
led by ex-Wildcat, B o b b y
McCowan, closed the gap to
3 points. Forced into foul
trouble early in the game,
McCowan fouled out and the
hopes of the “All-Stars” went
out with him. James Bryant
fouled out late in the game
but not before he collected 21
points and more rebounds than
any of us could keep track of.
The final score was 116-109
as the “Tigers” turned back
one of the better teams in the
state. Earl Stover led all scor—
ers with 31 points, Jame s
Smith had 23 for the Tigers.
Bobby McCowan had 27 points
for the “All Stars”. Roger
Bailey and Alton Moore con—
tributed 13 points each for
the “Tigers”. The coach of
the “All—Stars”, William

 Tigers Den

Taylor, cried loud and hard
for a rematch with our Tigers
and was granted one. The 2nd
game was set to be played
Thursday night, February
26th., but we was cancelled


Tournament Time

The 11th Annual K. S. R.
Invitational Basketball T our-
nament wil start S u n day,
March lst., at 1:00 PM. The
first game will be played be
tween the K.S.R. All—Stars
and Guthrie’s AC. from the
Louisville K.B.A. League.
The All—Stars were selected
from our intramural leagues
and will feature W. “Clutch”
Bryant,, McKinnley Bell, Dan
Smith, James Woodard, Joe
Cain, David Jackman, Morris
Milhouse, C. Grannison, A.
Opp Broyles, and E. McKin-

The second game will get
under way at 2:30 PM. and
will be between our own Tigers
and the Hustlers, also from
the K.B.A. The Winner of
these two games will advance
to the semi-finals on Saturday,
March 7th. The Madison
Merchants and the Eminanle
All—Stars drew a first round
bye and will play the winners
of the first round games to
see which two teams will ad—
vance to the finals to be
played on Sunday, March 8th.
at 2:00 PM.



Well, we are going into the
home stretch of our 1970
basketball season and as they
cross the finish line, it looks
as if it will be the “Onry 5”
in the Kentucky League and
“The Whiz Kids” in the State
League for the second half.
There will be a best two out
of three play—off between the
“Comets” and the “Onry 5”

to decide the winner of the
Kentucky League and also a
play-off between “The Whiz
Kids” and the “Midgets” in
the State League.

The “Onry 5” have played
the second half with only one
set back and it looks as if the
“C o m e t s” will have their
hands full when it comes time
for the play-offs. The Comets,
led by Roger Bailey, David
Jackman, Herb Clay, BoPeep
Roberson,, and Darryl Lewis
will have to face such nota-
bles as James Woodard, Kelly
Moffitt, Paul “Mountain
Dew Sanders, Willie Caudle,
E. McKinney and it looks like
the play—off will take all three
games to decide a winner.

“Jive Man” Jack Bartlett
and his “Whiz Kids” will take
on Herb Ross’s “Midgets” in
the play—off to decide the win—
ner of the State League. The
“M i d g e t s” didn’t have too
much success in the second
half but the return of Walter
“Tuna” Christian has helped
them win their last two games.
Ova Buchnanan leads the at—
tack for the “Whiz Kids” and
their overall balance makes
them a threat to anyone. The
play-offs look as if they will
hold lots of excitement for all.

The Club League has ended
and the “Staff” team never
had any doubts as to who the
winner would be. The “Staff”
team lost only one game all
year and that one to the 2nd
place finishers, “H. E. L. P.
Mr. Williamson, Mr. Priddy,
Mr. Dawson, Mr. Faucette,
Mr. Fulcher, and Mr. Pearson
were just too much for the
rest of the league. Finishing
out the league were the
“HELP. Aces”, “A.A. Sto—
ners”, A.L.T.E.R. A.C.’s the
S.P.A.D.E. Gamblers”, an d
the “Tired Tigers”.

The Saturday moring league
is all but over and Ear]
Stover’s “Upsetters” have got
a lock on first place. Second

place, however, is still unde-
cided. Thomas Kimbrell’s
‘Mag 5” and Jerry Hudson’s
“Hornets” will play the final
game of the season to find
out who will end up in that
spot. In last place will be the-
“Vans”, coached by Richard
Workman. These guys really
came on strong the last half
of the season.

The Club Volleyball League
being played on Sunday nights
has really been a huge suc~
cess and it is a three—way tie
for first place. The Jaycees,
A.L.T.E.R. A.C.’s, and A.A.
teams have all been winning
some real close matches but
something has to give so we’ll
just have to wait and see who
the winner will be.


The Muscle Factory

Sometimes it’s hard to see
the forest for the trees and
this is the case of one of our
more regular patrons in the
weight room. Larry Smiddy
is in our weight room every-
day pushing iron and doing
what it takes to have the build
he has. Keep up the good
work Larry!

Mike Sells left us and
Dillard Harris is pulling the
load by himself so everyone
give him a hand if you can.
By the way Dillard, how
about activities being planned
in the weight room.P


Outstanding Young Men
Of America

Th e K. S. R. Jaycees an—
nounced recently that Warden
James F. Howard and Mr.
Homer C. Howard, School
Principal, have been selected
for inclusion in the 1970 edi—
tion of Outstanding Young
Men Of America. These men
were nominated earlier this
year by th e Jaycee chapter
and have been selected for the


 Outstanding Young Men

Outstanding Young Men
Of America is sponsored by
the Outstanding Americans
Foundation. Mr. Jo h n Put—
man, one of the Ten Out—
standing Young Men of
America for 1966 and the
President of this nonprofit
foundation said, “It is the
purpose of Outstanding
Young Men Of America to
recognize and honor the young
men in our country who are
working toward excellence in
their careers and community
service. It is these young men
who will soon be the leaders
of our country.”

Doug Blankenship, past U.
S. Jaycee president (1962—63)
who is serving as Chairman
of the Board of Advisory Edi-

a . , -

tors, said that the men selected
“have distinguished them—
selves in one or more fields
of endeavor to the point of
being outstanding.” The men
chosen are between the ages
of '21 and 35.

President Richard M. Nixon
has said of the publication,
“Outstanding Young Men Of
America presents a most fit—
ting testimonial not only to
the success of many of our
young people, but also to their
awareness of the debt which
they owe our free society.”

This will be the sixth ed—
ition of this annual biograph—
ical compilation. Publication
date will be May 30, 1970.


Temporary Heat
As all of us know, the in—

stitution was without heat and
water recently when a tube
ruptured in one of the boilers.
According to Mr. Watkins,
Supervisor a t t he B o i l e r
Room, the old units were in—
stalled when the institution
was built in 1938. As he put
it, “They were just worn out!”

Firemen B. Curry, R. Har-
ris, D. Elliot, W. Caldwell,
R. Klinglesmith, R. Bland,
and G. Drees worked many
hours overtime during the em—
ergency along with F. Garrett,
R. Milner, M. Savage, and S.
Clemments of the maintenance
crew. Under the circumstances
men, you did a fine job!

The new temporary boiler
has only been rented until the
regular boilers are put into
operation once again.


When the Dragon, in a
fit of despair, abandoned the
cartoon drama that afternoon
and crawled out of the TV.
set and into Junior’s room
somewhere out in suburbia,
the boy’s astonishment made
it momentarily impossible for
him to bolt — as he probably
should have done. Actually, he
was more than a little in—
t r i g u e d by the impressive
visitation. He was also dra—
m a t i c ally frightened. But,
fortunately, he was already
on his little pottie — chair. So
that took care of that.

The Dragon eyed the boy
disinterestedly as it slithered
into the room. “You look sc-
ared,” the Dragon observed.

“I —I - yam,” Junior stam—
me re d, with commendable

“You’re a big, ugly dragon
and — I’m only a little boy.”

The Dragon snorted with
disdain. “Look you- you little
TV junkie — I’ve got more

T. V. Dragon

reason to fear you than you
have to fear me. So let’s not
get carried away.”

“You’re scared of me?”
Junior whispered in saucer—
eyed wonder.

“Sure I am!”

“But ............ why P”
“Because you’re s t u p i d
that’s Why! Because you’re
backward! Because you’re
causing me untold indignities
when I should be honarably
retired — that’s why.”

“But I’m only a little boy,”
Junior intoned weakly. “And
you’re a big, terrible dragon.”

“Which makes you eternal,”
the Dragon ~countered, “just
as it makes me unfortunate.
Dragons are out — of — date,
obsolete! I’m finished and I
know it. With you it’s differ—
ent. Little boys will always be
around. And little boy’s little
boy’s little boys. And little
boy’s little boy’s little boys.
That’s why stupidity is guar—
nteed an everlasting life. It’s

a built — in perpetuation.
Dragons aren’t so lucky.”

“But you got a good job
with the cartoon show,” Junior
reminded him. “It ain’t hard.
All you got to do is scare the
princess every day.”

The Dragon laughed bit-
terly. “I’m being exploited,”
it said. “The Whitty Wheats
people are too cheap and un—
imaginative to stimulate or-
iginal fears - or to stimulate
old fears orginally. ’So they
resort to a traditional trick.
Oh, I used to be a pretty good
fear package once. But, I’m
outmoded now.” a—,itisd

“But I like dragons,” Junior
declared, loyally. “Dragons
are nice and terrible.”

“That’s because your fears
are old—fashioned. You are a
conservative little b 0y. It
shows up in your trusting,
believing stupidity. You should
be seeking more realistic stim—
ulation for your fears.”

“Like wolves?” Junior

 asked. “Like 5 n a k e s a n d

“Like nuclear wars, brat!”
the Dragon snapped. “Like
cosmic quakes! Like planetary
collisions, radiation monsters,
and space invasions! Like -
like revolutions, assassinat-
ions, sex orgies, a n d r a c e

“Wow!” exclaimed Junior.
“Wow wow wow!”

“Yeah,” the Dragon chuckl—
ed knowingly.

“Boy I sure would like to
see some real killin’ for a
change!” Junior exclaimed in

a passion of excitement. “I
mean real real killin’!” he em—
phasized. “With real knives
an’ real guns an’ real dead
people all ‘round an’ real
blood all over. Wow, that’d be

“Sure, sure,” the Dragon
prompted. “Now you know
how left — out of things I feel.”

“An’ atom bombs an’ tidal

“Sure sonny,” the Dragon
interupted. “Healthy f e a r 5
need healthy stimulation.”

“An’ burning cities an’ vol-
canoes an’ atom bombs!”

“You said that already,”

snapped the excited Dragon.

“But you should always be
original,” the Dragon hastened
to add.

“But — but I like atom
bombs,” whimpered Junior.
“Besides that, w h o h a s t 0
please you, you ain’t nothin’
but a 01’ cartoon show dragon.”

“Fear is one thing,” thought
the Dragon, “but,” he eulo-
gized, “respect is quite an-
other.” Then he slowly kneeled
down on the floor of Junior’s
room and finished licking the
remaining bits of flesh from
his snowy white teeth.


Published at

Kentucky State Reformatory


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Printed by
Jefferson County Area. Vocational
LaGrange. Kentucky


