xt76ww76x37z https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt76ww76x37z/data/mets.xml Suard, Jean-Baptiste-Antoine (1732-1817) France Suard, Jean-Baptiste-Antoine (1732-1817) 1795-08-04 This bulletin is part of a collection of newspapers and journals published during the French Revolution, collated by unknown person, representing both sides of the revolution. Call Number Rare Books: AP20 .R235 bulletins Rare Books: AP20 .R235 French De l'Imprimerie des Nouvelles politiques (Paris)  This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed in accordance with U. S. copyright laws French Revolution publications France. Assemblée nationale législative (1791-1792) France -- History -- Revolution, 1789-1799 Nouvelles Politiques, Nationales et Étrangères, 4 August 1795 text Nouvelles Politiques, Nationales et Étrangères, 4 August 1795 1795 1795-08-04 2023 true xt76ww76x37z section xt76ww76x37z       







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L111111'35‘...§=..I'ri: cm profits scroui

examinés Pfli' 1.1 £1711"
.1116.“ (.63 cardinaux.


D3 17912770, I: 15 jZH‘IIL’t.


T""t‘ :Hu’paroit IC‘ 1‘qu d‘ariil‘zc.‘ nn (111:11'l—(1‘116L11‘6 .11I;':1i
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mmt Herr-HI} 1.:‘1 (Z: en Hungric, oLL 1‘1 ac {‘aisoif égalc-
IEL‘M (31'17'11'.

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11:127.me dans J‘é

. rcs an 911 6%: embnu

01311.16 dc la ceuv, 011 rR11
rem-£11 dc 111111.217 In? de (1.315.161 (1’»;11 régi-
d6 hun‘rrois, sur 11:1 lit (11’: parade , sur—


me (Fun 561 .aaiuin, ouzér l'un Hombre ax lumi—
‘ ’ .\.x (11:21116 cums 11 3: av01L dad (011 311.5


116.3; $1616.1t posés 1.1 cum'onns
16 (7139611811631, 1:1 Chaim: (1‘01" (163
e la foi‘sun— (1 Or 3» L16 SL-EIicnnP, 60111616211131

16 sabre , 16 bound 5.. its gums,


11' [70:1114'1

1101151015, ave;


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1.: L “‘76 11:1 dos 11165565 , S; 1135 611.1..161311355117.

lO\.'l'.'.X, (‘165 111.6665 1701.117 .3 rep“); dc
6mm... L’auc‘cs (‘16 1.“. 62161211716 fut p61.


.5. your COIISCH'CI‘ 1‘01‘111‘6,
aux ('zryucs.

4“. 11015 heurcs aprbsm: -‘.i 16 cam' fu 4:11.16.st-
In pami 3.965 dc 5 Aura {
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66.171656 {1111.‘01'6 so

(16 1.1 bL-ncdiutmn. GE‘US



‘ICS (111111111116 Guns 1‘6.

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1.. Inn-6161.011 , C\ 02151111616 6617711611
tombmu 1513361 11.11 6: 11111111346 avcc

131617, a. 51.7: EU‘IH'KS 331165 midi. 11 3* cut (1.75 Vigilcs


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[.1 coat 1‘01‘181111'1‘ (161111 puzdml 51x smnaincs
1).? AS‘I‘.‘§‘I'(II(7'CV)T, [e i1qu'l/et.
Nous appronons (1's nowclles irks-deal;








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8-; 11- 111-12; (1U Mai.

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proporiion , (‘15?

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(10M y «'1111-(;r your 1.5 11:11i1u11:




Awe (1.121 121 1111511"? (’51 (11110.25sz .
(111.011.1116 1’011 50.1 (11 111151119 11111155011 , 15151113111, quc 1311—
5011110111: pent (-11 2111p ocher.

( 131111117! dun. gazcltes chlw-rnna’us }.



De Londres , lo 15 juillet.

nnuvdlc distribution (11-
mujusté (-1.1
5111110113115 511.111.1115 (111C 1111 0111 1111111115 395 mini
prqum 1011b v?1'1111:11. do 1-1-cs1‘oir (1'.

11011111110. 1‘11. Dun/11.15 1'3: 1:— lox'd Grom'111
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awn-(4512111111135 11:111.; 10 111 p'invi'sm: 13;. .;;
Pactompagnnil , 13 '

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{311115 1111113111 , la p011111z1cr: $6 dispr-rsa. 1311821112158.
1.1. (“1151.110 2111 pré aa'nL—Gcm'ge, 011 (11': 211111111111 111 11>
v. 1-110 do Huh-,ul— George, 110111 101.15 1-: 1111-1113195 111-175:
11.1 11.111115. ()11 1-11 111 3111:1111. (1111115 111w £11111‘61I1V01‘56
111(1u‘s, 5111* 1!: c11C111:n (1e L1m1):111. U11
1.2. 51 11.1115 110111 1111151151 (:65 vio'icnc‘s



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171111191115, 1011S‘C1

11mm 5311114311: 1-1;




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£1 51111 :12rivée & 011 1:11 a 111'é-y

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cuce (11311121210111 avmt: quence dcs or

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$161115 fois 110 .1‘ 1111.11."
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3115 1tLll‘ I'C‘Luilc gamd no..1b.cn1

113111! '11

.111 115 0111, 1111':

1(15 1roupes qu‘on 1as:c1111"£
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' 1(3 1 j21i111-1, 1-11 Vur de Plymoufil,
1111i (1011 1111 S111 <‘('1d.°r 1111 131312.11-
1‘,0111po.¢e 111- 1

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[113111131 5c 11111.:nt ' stvy.

ads :21] 501'—
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E” union [3115:1111 [1 [0‘6 dc f'ih'é, Jr 28 mcu'iJor.
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111115; 1'011d 1.1 mum 11.. P5115, par 1.1.1131 EL p.11' 1.11111,
1111011111011 ”11?!" 11111111119. (II-1.1.1? n.11'. on 11 1101111111 1‘.) [211111

picrrc, 0111:1111} (Lain. :715', a 11119 lieuc 51 (1511116 .11L'i

11' 11:11110' .mc poi-11: . I1:.I.1..I_' .I'. 111 1'. cpeut» 151:1

ILSCI‘ r111}. \‘1C 1L's 11£usicns (j .11 I.)II11c1‘_-é, .
11.1:1I11. 31311110 chose 1.1. .11 1:13 L par '11. :1;15s1

311116131111 (1. c 1a 11'1 111-' 11-1413“.

Iacuf S: ausrsi
, 1111::I11IEC 1' Mun/”:3;

.1631 11m: )1;I;11n,iuIInI , 11.11 9.11116 ' . ' pIIz' 11‘.»'1....( V.
I111: n r. .1. . .7 ; '- .‘3. 1‘; 3111:. I1:

.yr', 0111 / ‘-'""~..".' . :' 1.111121411'1 .111'11I .
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ancni Dar quart LiLl rumifl- ii" 513::
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kaics A imbtau, 11 1a



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smcit cc’iéin-(Ev. par unc i'L-Lc gar--
do c‘r‘h' fete, qur‘ ic ioniiirl- Li ins—



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iihi'r. ii‘w dcmii: (iii mu 11, mom ‘11 n'niuci is r6510
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OUI‘) {i0 505 :ux.

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in m unfit scra céi in'é dans tombs ics
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wiéiaiss 11h" is pguzaili‘, (ics iinzmms a fail

~ i (it: in wnvention : lie. 50 miiiions 21 in
m (i-‘s ""‘Vaux pubiics; (if: 81') miiiiuns £1 cr'iic (irss



S(’:L)'Li'.'3 ].u1'z;iir.'s:j, tic 30 millions £1 c-.':iic (in: ikn‘igauisaiion
b: (in monument {iPS m‘mécs ; do 1200 m: ions 21 cciic
(i-ss :ippi‘o‘xi'zionn-flncn5g do 78 miiiiens Acciis dc marine
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