xt770r9m3p7f https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt770r9m3p7f/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky (Fayette County) University of Kentucky 1943 yearbooks ukyrbk1943 English The Kentucky Kernel, Lexington, Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. University of Kentucky Yearbook Collection 1943 Kentuckian text 1943 Kentuckian 1943 2012 true xt770r9m3p7f section xt770r9m3p7f ADMINISTRATION FEATURES Court of Beauty.......16-23 Personalities........24-26 CLASSES Seniors..........30-64 Juniors..........66-91 ACTIVITIES Sports ......... 94-114 Military......... 115-125 Music ........ 127-135 Publications ....... 137-147 ORGANIZATIONS GREEKS Sororities........ 201-217 Fraternities ....... 218-245 UNDERCLASSMEN Sophomores ....... 248-250 Freshmen i ....... 251-256 To all former students and faculty members of the University of Kentucky who are now serving with the armed forces of the United States and to those who have given their lives for their country, we sincerely dedicate the 1943 Kentuckian. Because of them and millions of other Americans like them, this nation and this University will continue to exist in that liberty for which the United States has stood from the very beginning. ROBERT WARREN ALEXANDER, Fulton . . . Born March 22, 1919 . . Killed in action, October 20, 1942. WILLIAM BRECKINRIDGE BACK, Jackson . . . Born October 10, 1920 . Killed in action, January 7, 1943. LINDSEY HATCH BARCLAY, Arlington . . . Born December 30, 1914 . Killed in an air crash, January 31, 1943. VIRGIL KINNARD BEASLEY, Lexington . . . Born February, 29, 1916 . Killed in action, November 8, 1942. WILLIAM BENSON BYWATERS, Ashland . . . Born July 19, 1911 . . . Killed in bomber crash, December 9, 1942. SAM COPPOCK, Hatcher . . . Born February 16, 1920 . . . Died February 12, 1943. VERNA MEADOR COX, Simpsonville . . . Born April, 1918 .. . Died October 15, 1942. R. LEE CROWE, Stanton . . . Born January 16, 1921 .. . Killed in plane crash, December 24, 1942. BEN PERRY DeHAVEN, Lexington . . . Born August 29, 1916 .. . Killed in action, January 7, 1942. WILLIAM EDWIN FREEMAN, Assistant Dean of Engineering College . Born September 25, 1880 . . Died May 21, 1942. ANDREW JACKSON GARDNER, Woodmont . . . Born April 7, 1915 . . Killed in action, October 15, 1942. FRED, BRUCE HILL, Somerset . . Born July 1, 1920 . . . Killed in action, December 15, 1942. PHILLIP WOOD HUNT, Greenville . . . Born March 18, 1921 . . . Died September 17, 1942. EMERY HILL JOHNSON, Covington . . .. Born May 5, 1921 . . . Killed in plane accident, April 2, 1942. GEORGE STROTHER LAWRENCE, Cadiz . . . Born February 11, 1919 Killed in action, November 8, 1942. JOHN WILLIAM MONTGOMERY, Falmouth . . . Born November 11, 1916 Killed in plane accident, December 7, 1942. SAM THOMAS NISBETT, Jr., Lexington . . . Born August 6, 1915 . . . Died July 8, 1942. WILBUR HERBERT POPPLEWELL, Jamestown . . Born January 28, 1920 Killed in action, December, 1942. CORNELIUS LEWIS REAGAN, Florence . . . Born October 5, 1915 . . . Killed in action, February 25, 1942. WALTER GEORGE REHM, Jr., Lexington . . . Born June 25, 1917 . . . Killed in plane crash, February 9, 1943. McHENRY RHOADS, Professor of Secondary Education from 1911-1943 . . Born July 27, 1858 . . . Died January 16, 1943. KARLE HERMAN ROHS, Cynthiana . . . Born October 25, 1902 . . . Died May 28, 1942. CHARLES ADDISON SMITH, Jr., Pendleton . . . Born March 13, 1916 . . . Died July 4, 1942. WILLIAM LETELLE STEPHENSON, Lexington . . . Born March 23, 1919 Killed in bomber crash, January 24, 1943. DONALD JOHN STONE, Clendenin, W. Va. . . . Born March 1, 1917 . . . Killed in plane crash, November 4, 1941. JOSEPH RAYMOND WALLACE, Lexington . . . Born February 17, 1919 . . Died February 2, 1943. MARION C. VAN ARSDELL, Lexington . . . Born January 2, 1922 . . . Died February 23, 1943. RAS SEARS WARE, Jr., Georgetown . . . Born July 20, 1920 . . . Killed in bomber crash, August 10, 1942. WALTER FRANKLIN WRIGHT, Manchester . . . Born March 21, 1889 . . . Died January 20, 1942. GEORGE O. YOUNG, Lexington . . . Born September 19, 1915 . . . Died September, 1941. * * * * * * * ? ? ? EX-OFFICIO MEMBERS Keen Johnson Governor of Kentucky John Brooker Superintendent of Public Instruction W. H. May Commissioner of Agriculture Keen Johnson Governor of Kentucky EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Richard C. Stoll Chairman R. P. Hobson James Park H. S. Cleveland H. D. Palmore FROM THE STATE BOARD OF AGRICULTURE Robert Tway Louisville H. S. Cleveland Franklinton Harry W. Walters Shelbyville MEMBERS AT LARGE Richard C. Stoll Lexington R. P. Hobson Louisville Lee Kirkpatrick Paris Mrs. Paul G. Blazer Ashland John S. Cooper Somerset Harper Gatton Madisonville OFFICERS OF THE BOARD Keen Johnson Chairman Richard C. Stoll Vice-Chairman Frank D. Peterson Secretary John Skain Treasurer ALUMNI MEMBERS H. D. Palmore Frankfort Marshall Barnes Beaver Dam James Park Lexington Frank D. Peterson University Comptroller Leo M. Chamberlain Univetsity Dean and Registrar w. d. funkhouser Graduate School Edward Wiest Commerce BM$r if ^raan Mi: Alvin E. Evans Law Paul Prentice Boyd Arts and Sciences William S. Taylor Education James H. Graham Engineering Thomas P. Cooper Agriculture and Home Economics ? ? ? This year the annual Kentuckian Beauty Contest aroused even more interest than it has for several seasons. The event was put on a war-time basis in that an entirely new system was devised for bestowing the coveted honor. . . . Some forty cuties, dressed in their finery and preened to perfection, paraded across the stage at Memorial Hall to be viewed by Lt. Col. Brannon, Colonel Brewer, Major Griffin, and Mrs. Robert Long, who adjudged seven of the group to be prospective "Miss Kentuckians." . . . Pictures of the seven were in turn sent to a group of unidentified men, members of the three branches of the armed forces. To these men was assigned the task of choosing the queen and her attendants in the order of their pulchri-tudinous appeal to the military men. After almost a week of deliberation they sent their decision to the Kentuckian office, and at the annual Kentuckian Ball the winners were presented to the student body. JULIA JOHNSON Delta Delta Delta Lexington BARBARA REHM Alpha Gamma Delta Lexington JOAN THEISS Alpha Gamma Delta Owensboro JEANNETTE GRAVES JAMES CROWLEY Arts and Sciences Agriculture Independent Alpha Gamma Rho Lexington Butler ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? MARTHA RAY ADAMS Agriculture Chi Omega Louisville Chi Omega, President; Y.W.C.A.; Alma Magna Mater; Home Economics Club; Pan Hellenic Council; Student Union Committee; 240 Club; Modern Dance Club; Kentuckian Business Staff JACK E. AICKEN Commerce Sigma Phi Epsilon Louisville Keys LEONARD B. ALLEN Agriculture Alpha Gamma Rho Cleveland, Ohio Alpha Gamma Rho, Secretary; Phi Mu Alpha, Vice-President; Glee Club, President; Choristers; Keys; Lances; Block & Bridle ROBERT J. AMMONS Arts and Sciences Delta Tau Delta Lexington Kernel, Editor; Omicron Delta Kappa; Phi Beta Kappa; Kentuckian Staff; Press Club; Wildcat Staff; Patterson Literary Society, President; Scabbard & Blade; Freshman, Sophomore, and Junior Representative in Student Government Association; Freshman Club, Vice-President; Sophomore Club, Vice-President; Pitkin Club; Board of Student Publications; Student Union House Committee; Who's Who Among Students in American Colleges and Universities JOE FRANK ATKINS Engineering Lexington Scabbard & Blade; Pershing Rifles; American Society of Mechanical Engineers OLLIS ADAMS Agriculture Hogue DORIS JEANNE ALDRIDGE Arts and Sciences Kansas City, Missouri SuKy; Kentuckian; Kernel; Y.W.C.A.; W.A.A.; Outing Club Secretary; Dutch Lunch Club; Student Union Poster Committee; Freshman Advisor MARY ZOU ALLEN Education Paducah Girls Glee Club, y.w.c.a. DOROTHY P. ANGLE Agriculture Woodburn Student Government Association; Cwens; Home Economics Club; University 4-H Club; Y.W.C.A.; Phi Up-silon Omicron ANN AUSTIN Arts and Sciences Delta Delta Delta Williamsburg Y.W.c.a. 30 WANDA MARIE AUSTIN Arts and Sciences Kappa Delta Miami, Florida Phi Beta, President; Mortar Board; Y.W.C.A., Social Committee; Guignol; W.A.A.; Glee Club; Who's Who Among Students in American Colleges and Universities N. R. BARDWELL, JR. Agriculture Clarksville, Term. FRANK A. BAUER, JR. Arts and Sciences De7ra Tau Delta Louisville K Club; Baseball Team JAMES ALLEN BEAZLEY Education Lancaster U. K. Troupers C. CONRAD BICKEL, JR. Engineering Louisville Football; American Society of Mechanical Engineers REBECCA JANE BAKER Agriculture Owensboro Home Economics Club; y.w.c.a.; University 4-H Club GARLAND MIXON BASTIN Agriculture Hardyville Block & Bridle; Dairy Club; Intramural Sports; Poultry club; 4-H Club; Baptist Student Union RUBY EVELYN BAXTER Commerce Lawrenceburg Beta Gamma Sigma; Y.W.C.A.; Dut Lunch Club; Secretarial Club BETTY BERRY Education Lexington Phi Alpha Theta. President; W.A.A.; Y.W.c.A.; Dutch Lunch Club; Future Teachers of America, Secretary; Kappa Delta Pi MYRTLE BINKLEY Agriculture Fulton Phi Upsilon Omicron, President; 4-H Club; Home Economics Club; Mortar Board, Secretary; Y.W.C.A.; Member of Agriculture Council mm JANE CARPENTER BIRK Arts and Sciences New Albany, Ind. Student Government Association, Woman's Vice-President; Alpha Lambda Delta; Cwens; French Club; Spanish Club; German Club, President; House Presidents' Council; W.A.A.; Glee Club; y.W.C.A., Vice-President; Mortar Board JOSEPH A. BOHNAK Arts and Sciences Delta Chi Northampton, Mass. Delta Chi, President, Treasurer; Keys; Lances; Lamp & Cross, Secretary; Kentuckian Business Manager and Associate Editor; First Lieutenant in Pershing Rifles; First Lieutenant in Scabbard & Blade; Who's Who Among Students in American Colleges and Universities MARTHA FRANCES BOOHER Arts and Sciences Cynthiana SuKy; W.a.a.: Y.W.C.a.; Jewell Hall Council; Student Union House Committee JAMES ROBERT BOYD Engineering Cerulean Y.M.C.A.; American gineers Baptist Institute Student Union; ot Electrical En- MARIE BRACKETT Education Lexington Tau Sigma; Alma Magna Mater; Y.W. C.A.; W.A.A. FRANCES BOGIE Arts and Sciences Lexington Y.W.C.A.; Pitkin Club; Alpha Lambda Delta; Le Cercle Francais; Spanish Club GEORGIA TERRY BOOHER Agriculture Kappa Delta Cynthiana y.w.c.a.; Home Economics Club ROBERT RAYMOND BOONE Law Lexington Band LUCILLE KING BOYD Education Franklin Kappa Delta Pi MELVIN CHARLES BREWER Commerce New Albany, Indiana Basketball; Lamp & Cross; Scabbard & Blade; K Club 32 RAYMOND A. BROCKMAN Agriculture Knifley OTIS CARTER BRUMFIELD Education; Delta Tau Delta Nicholasville MARY LAVERNE BURNETTE Agriculture Fulton VIRGINIA CALLOS Arts and Sciences Lexington Y.W.C.A. Cabinet; Dutch Lunch Club; SuKy; Art Club VIRGINIA CAMPBELL Education Pendleton, South Carolina Y.W.C.A.; Kappa Delta Pi HiHHHHIIHHHHH 4/ KENNETH S. BRUCE Commerce Lexington Pershing Rifles; Guignol; Accounting Club JULIETTE BRYSON Arts and Sciences Alpha Gamma Delta Ashland Alpha Gamma Delta, Secretary; Y.W. c.A.; Alma Magna Mater DOTTY M. BUTTS Agriculture Versailles Home Economics Club; Phi Upsilon Omicron; Y.W.C.A. CLYDE S. CALVERT Engineering Triangle Lexington American Society of Mechanical Engineers; Rifle Team; Lances; Y.M.C.A. ANN LUCILLE CANNON Commerce Leitchfield 240 Club; Y.W.C.A.; Secretarial Club @ 893 IB 2S1 JAMES H. CARROLL Arts and Sciences Kappa Sigma Elizabethtown Scabbard and Blade; Pershing Rifles; Newman Club; Kentuckian Staff; Kernel Staff; Civilian Pilot Training S ^k JOHN RICHARD CASNER Education Delta Tau Delta Fort Thomas Football Team; Lamp and Cross; Scabbard and Blade ALVIN LEE CHAMBERS Engineering Triangle Lexington SuKy Circle; Lamp and Cross; American Institute of Electrical Engineers ELIZABETH GRIMES CHAPMAN Arts and Sciences Kappa Kappa Gamma Paris Y.W.C.A.; Freshman Club; Alpha Lambda Delta; Alma Magna Mater; French Club; Student Government Association, Secretary JAMES COLLIER Law Sigma Nu Crab Orchard Student Government Association, President; Baptist Student Union Council; Y.M.C.A. Cabinet; Welfare Committee; Judiciary Committee; Student Standards Committee; Executive Council Student Bar Association; Constitutional Revision Committee; Inter-Fraternity Council JANE FRANCIS COLLIS Agriculture Richmond Shelby House, President; 4-H Club; Home Economics Club; Y.W.C.A. BETTY JANE CHAPMAN Arts and Sciences Alpha Xi Delta Lexington Alpha Xi Delta, Chaplain, Music Director, Social Librarian; Red Cross Nurses Aide Corps; Y.W.C.A.; Modern Dance Group; Glee Club; Alma Magna Mater; May Queen Court JAMES RUSSELL COFFEY, JR. Agriculture Jeffersontown Pershing Rifles; Guignol House Manager; Y.M.C.A., Junior and Senior Cabinet; University of Kentucky Troupers DOROTHY L. COLLINS Agriculture Lexington Home Economics Club; Pitkin Club; Y.W.C.A. Cabinet; man Club Adviser of Fresh- MARY LIDA COMER Education Maysville Outing Club; Newman Club; Secretarial Club; Dutch Lunch Club 34 ILA BEATRICE CONLEY Commerce Ashland y.W.c.A.; Jewell Hall, Vice-President CATHERINE CORTER COOPER Agriculture Lexington Phi Upsilon Omicron; Home Economics Club; Pitkin Club; Y.W.C.A.; Inter-Faith Council; Dutch Lunch Club EULICE CORNETT Agriculture Crown Phi Upsilon Omicron; Home Economics Club; Y.W.C.A. JANE ESTHER CRAMER Arts and Sciences Lexington Newman Club, Women's Vice-President; Outing Club; Dutch Lunch Club BEULAH m. cropper Agriculture Lexington Phi Upsilon Omicron; Home Economics Club; 4-H Club; Y.W.C.A. ALICE FRANCES CONNELL Agriculture Paris JAMES E. CORBIN Agriculture Alpha Sigma Phi Providence Band; Glee Club; Block and Bridle; Poultry Club; Track Team ROBERT E. COURTNEY Agriculture Phi Delta Theta Lexington GENE RAY CRAWFORD Education Alpha Gamma Delta Lexington Lt. Colonel r.0.t.c; Alpha Gamma Delta. Rush Chairman; Guignol; Y. W.c.A.; Pan-Hellenic Council; K-Dets; Alma Magna Mater JAMES W. CROWLEY Agriculture Alpha Gamma Rho Butler Agriculture Council, President; Block and Bridle; Alpha Zeta, President; 4-H Club; Lances; Lamp and Cross, President; SuKy, President; Alpha Gamma Rho, Treasurer; Y.M.C.A.; Omicron Delta Kappa; Student Government Association i i i ELINOR BUTLER CULLISON Arts and Sciences Kappa Delta Coshocton, Ohio Bacteriology Club, Treasurer; Y.W. C.A. WILLIAM D. DANKS Engineering Centertown Sigma Pi Sigma CHESLEY ISABELLE DAVIDSON Education Alpha Gamma Delta Mayfield W.A.A.; Y.W.C.A.; Student Union Activity Committee; Future Teachers of America * LELAND E. DAY Arts and Sciences Delta Chi Lexington BETTY DEW Education Lexington Y.W.C.a.; Pitkin Club; Physical Education Club; W.a.a. Council; u. K. Troupers; Folk Dancing Center >"4 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 1 1 mmWm GUY CLAYTON CUNNINGHAM Arts and Sciences Ludlow Bacteriology Society; Tennis WARD TERRILL DARNELL, JR. Agriculture Sigma Alpha Epsilon Elizabethtown Pershing Rifles; Scabbard and Blade ROBERT EVERETT DAVIS Commerce Upper Montclair, New Jersey Y.M.C.A.. President; SuKy; Student Union Board, Treasurer; Freshman Track; Lances; Pitkin Club; Spring Carnival Chairman JOHN ARTHUR DEARINGER Engineering Lexington American Society of Civil Engineers JODY MARIE DI GIACOMO Agriculture Newark, New Jersey Phi Beta, Vice-President; U. K. Troupers; Modern Dance Club; Phi Upsilon Omicron, Corresponding Secretary 36 GIVENS DIXON Engineering Delta Tau Delta Henderson Omicron Delta Kappa; Sigma Pi Sigma; Tau Beta Pi; SuKy; Interfrater-nity Council; Kernel, Circulation Manager; Student Government Association, Treasurer META DOWDEN Agriculture Franklinton Home Economics Club; y.w.c.a. WARREN DUNCAN Agriculture Mill Springs Basketball; Boxing; 4-H Club; Dairy Club HARRY BISHOP DYER Engineering Sturgis Alpha Chi Sigma ROBERTA EDMONDS Education Lexington EVELYN DOLBERG Education Lexington Kappa Delta Pi BEVERLY WHITE DUNCAN Engineering Ashland Kentucky Engineer; Tau Beta Pi NORMA CONTANCE DURY Arts and Sciences St. Albans, Long Island, New York German Club; Y.W.C.A.; Tau Sigma. Publicity Manager; Pryor Pre-Med Society HOLLIS EDMONDS Arts and Sciences Russell Springs GEORGE EDWARDS Arts and Sciences Sigma Chi Harrodsburg Football n^ass WINFRED M. ELLIS Commerce Sigma Alpha Epsilon Chaplin Y.m.C.A. Cabinet; Scabbard and Blade, Second Lieutenant FRANCES BOND ENLOW Arts and Sciences Alpha Chi Omega Philadelphia, Pennsylvania y.w.c.a. RALPH JOHN ESCHBORN Engineering Alpha Tau Omega Buffalo, New York Kentucky Engineer, Editor; Pershing Rifles; Keys; American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Omicron Delta Kappa, Confederate Squad, Sigma Pi Sigma, Tau Beta Pi JULIUS PORTER EVANS Commerce Lexington JOSEPH EYL Engineering Lexington Newman Club; Alma Magna Mater; American Society of Mechanical Engineers; Outing Club REID B. ENGLAND Agriculture Alpha Gamma Rho Tompkinsville Block and Bridle; Alpha Zeta, Chronicler; University 4-H Club, President; Agriculture Council, Treasurer FRED T. ERWIN Arts and Sciences Beaver Dam Student Government Association, Welfare Committee; Y.M.C.A. HAROLD J. EVANS Agriculture Woodburn Block and. Bridle, Alpha Zeta, Censor Treasurer WILLIAM S. EVANS Commerce Sigma Alpha Epsilon Fort Sill, Oklahoma Tennis Team; Basketball Team. Senior Manager; Sigma Alpha Epsilon, Treasurer JOHN HARRY FEAMSTER Arts and Sciences Phi Delta Theta Frankfort Scabbard and Blade; Rifle Team 38 DICK CYRIL FERGUSON Arts and Sciences Delta Chi Lexington ELIZABETH L. FILE Agriculture Chi Omega Beckly, West Virginia Glee Club; Home Economics Club CAMPBELL FLOYD Engineering Burgin BETTY LEE FOSTER Education Alpha Delta Pi Stanley Y.W.C.A.; Glee Club: Choristers ANNE KAVANAUGH FUSS Arts and Sciences Alpha Gamma Delta Frankfort y.w.c.A.; w.A.A.; Kentuckian, Bus iness Staff; Alma Magna Mater ALEX FIELDER Engineering Lexington American Society of Mechanical Engineers; Y.M.C.A. ELSIE MAE FLEISHMAN Arts and Sciences Lexington Student Art Club, President; Dutch Lunch Club; Student Union Art Committee WILLIAM MURRY FLOYD Commerce Phi Delta Theta Eminence Accounting Club; Intramurals; Scabbard and Blade WILLIAM J. FOSTER Agriculture Stanley Pershing Rifles; Block and Bridle CATHERINE GROVER GAINES Arts and Sciences Kappa Kappa Gamma Georgetown y.w.c.a.; Dutch Lunch Club so RICHARD ERNST GARD Arts and Sciences Kappa Sigma Lexington Sigma Gamma Epsilon, President BRADFORD T. GARRISON Commerce Lexington Kentuckian, Managing Editor and Associate Editor; Lances; Press Club VIRGINIA GAY OSBORNE Agriculture Lexington Phi Upsilon Omicron; Pitkin Club; Y.W.c.A.; Home Economics Club RUSSELL GILKEY Arts and Sciences Alpha Chi Sigma Hopkinsville JANE ERNESTINE GLENN Education Cheraw, South Carolina y.w.c.a. ~ f as 1 4 > WINSTON K. GARDNER Commerce Dry Ridge DOROTHY JEAN GARRISON Agriculture Paris Home Economics Club; Y.W.C.A. GENEVIEVE WATTS GEE Agriculture Grayson Home Economics Club; 4-H Club; Y. w.c.a.; Dutch Lunch Club ROGER EARL GISH Agriculture Paducah Agronomy Club; 4-H Club MARY MORANCY GODMAN Education Chi Omega Versailles Student Union Committee; Alma Magna Mater; Newman Club 40 JACK GODHELFF Arts and Sciences Lexington Concert and Marching Band SUE FAN GOODING Arts and Sciences Kappa Kappa Gamma Lexington Student Union Board Music Committee; y.W.C.a.; Kentuckian Queen 1942; Kernel; Guignol; Kentuckian Staff MARGARET E. GRAHAM Agriculture Maysville W.A.A. Council, Y.W.c.A. Senior Cabinet; Home Economics Club WILYAH ELLIOT GRAVES Arts and Sciences Lexington University Symphony Orchestra; Women's Glee Club; Alma Magna Mater; Kernel Staff; Radio Orchestra; Sinfonietta; Y.W.C.A. JOHN IRA GRAY Agriculture Alpha Gamma Rho Cynthiana y.m.c.a. SARAH GOERING Arts and Sciences Alpha Gamma Delta Hawesville Y.W.C.A.; 240 Club; Student Committee; Freshman Advisor Union ROBERT GOODPASTER Hillsboro Y.M.C.A.; Dairy Club; Block and Bridle, Secretary JEANETTE GRAVES Arts and Sciences Lexington Alpha Lambda Delta, President; Cwens; Sophomore Commission, President; Student Union House Committee; Y.W.C.A., Vice-President; Mortar Board, Vice-President; Student Union Board, Secretary; Y.W.C.A., President; Co-Business Manager of K Book; Pitkin Club; Guignol BESS I. GRAVITT Education Lexington BEVERLY ANN GRIFFITH Education Fort Wayne, Indiana Y.W.c.A.; Women's Defense Unit so KENNETH R. GRUNEWALD Engineering Lexington Intramural Sports; American Society of Mechanical Engineers FRANK BALDWIN HALE Commerce Sigma Nu Bluefield, West Virginia Inter-Fraternity Council ROBERT STEWART HAMMOND Law Pasadena, California FISCHER DYSON HARNED Agriculture Louisville Glee Club; y.m.c.a.; Block and Bridle ANN LOUISE HARRISON Agriculture Lexington Alma Magna Mater 2 ^^^^^^^^^^ ^^uBsSi^^HHBHBHnlHIil I______ii_________........... J M ..... V t :. ^ "* 1mm - ITS 4m ALEXANDER D. HALL, JR. Commerce Sigma Alpha Epsilon Lexington Pershing Rifles; Lances; Student Government Association; Inter-Fraternity Council SARAH ANNE HALL Education Delta Delta Delta Frankfort Mortar Board, President; Y.W.C.A., Secretary; Delta Delta Delta, Treasurer; Phi Alpha Theta; Kentuckian Staff; Guignol; Future Teachers of America; Pitkin Club; Philosophy Club; K-Book Co-Editor GUS E. HANK Commerce Phi Delta Theta Paducah WILLIAM STOKES HARRIS Arts and Sciences Phi Delta Theta Frankfort HELEN MARTHA HATCHER Arts and Sciences Kappa Delta Victor, Colorado Bacteriology Club; War Effort Committee; Reception Committee 42 MARGARET HATCHER Education Alpha Delta Pi Trenton Cabinet; AlDha Delta Pi. Y.W.C.A. Secretary JANE B. HAYES Agriculture Lexington Mortar Board; Phi Upsilon Omicron MARY GARNER HAYWORTH Arts and Sciences Jacksonville, Florida Sponsors' Training Company. Captain; Bacteriology Society; W.A.A. Council; Women's Rifle Team, Assistant Manager; Y.W.C.A.; Guignol; Cheerleader; Kernel ALLENE HERSCHILLING Education Covington Y.W.C.A.; Student Union Board; Newman Club; Spanish Club ROBERT H. HILLENMEYER Commerce Phi Delta Theta Lexington Phi Delta Theta, President; Student Union Board; Omicron Delta Kappa. President; Who's Who Among Students in American Colleges and Universities; Scabbard and Blade; Student Government Association; Lances, President; Inter-Fraternity Council; Alma Magna Mater; Newman Club, Vice-President DOROTHY DAWSON HAWKINS Arts and Sciences Kappa Kappa Gamma Lexington Kernel; SuKy; Guignol; Alma Magna Mater; U. K. Troupers MARTHA GESS HAYMAN Arts and Sciences Kappa Delta Lexington Pitkin Club; Y.W.C.a.; Secretarial Club, Vice-President; Kappa Delta, Vice-President; Dutch Lunch Club; Guignol DOROTHY WELLER Agriculture Lexington Baptist Student Union WANDA LEE HIGDON Education Clarkson y.w.c.a.; w.a.a.; Future Teachers of America; Newman Club; Phi Alpha Theta JAMES STEELE HINTON, JR. Engineering Triangle Flemingsburg American Institute of Electrical Engineers ELMER LEWIS HIXON Agriculture Lexington Dairy Club; Block and Bridle; Da Judging Team HELEN HOOE Arts and Sciences Providence 240 Committee; Phi Alpha Theta; Y. W.c.A. BETTYE ANNE HOWARD Arts and Sciences Kappa Delta Louisville Student Union Board; Kentuckian Sales Manager; Kappa Delta, Assistant Treasurer; Guignol JOHN C. HUBBARD Arts and Sciences Louisville Fencing Team; Bacteriology Society; Student Affiliate of American Chemical Society JANE LEE HUMPHREY Arts and Sciences Bloomfield Glee Club; Choristers; 240 Committee; House Presidents' Council J -*t % V w **** 2 ~ dtp* T mil it .. .. p SALLY RAYE HOBBS Agriculture St. Helens Y.W.c.A.; Home Economics Club HARRIETT HORD Arts and Sciences Maysville Pryor Pre-Med Society; Y.W.C.a.; Jewell Hall Council JOHN EDGAR HOWE Law Alexandria LEE ROY HUGHES Arts and Sciences Sigma Alpha Epsilon Frankfort 240 Committee; Band; Glee Club ROBERT E. HUMPHREYS Arts and Sciences Owensboro Patterson Literary Society, Vice-President; Men's Dormitory Council; Y.M. C.A. Senior Cabinet; Student Government Judicial Committee 44 ROY H. HUNT Agriculture Alpha Gamma Rho Valley Station Alpha Gamma Rho, President; Student Government Association; Block and Bridle; Lamp and Cross; Omicron Delta Kappa; Agriculture Council; Alpha Zeta; Baptist Student Union AGNES LEOBRA JENNINGS Arts and Sciences Buena Vista Y.W.C.A.; Kentucky Kernel, Cartoonist; Student Union Art Committee: Art Club, President; Assistant Art Editor of Kentuckian; Outing Club; Freshman Advisor MARIAN JOHNSON Arts and Sciences De7ra Delta Detla Scottsville Rifle Team; K-Dets; Y.W.C.A.: House Presidents' Council; Student Government Association Kappa Sigma, dent; Band RUSSELL JONES Commerce Kappa Sigma Berea Treasurer, Vice-Presi- JOHN LEROY KELLER Arts and Sciences Phi Kappa Tau Harrodsburg Phi Kappa Tau, Vice-President; University of Kentucky Flying Club; Keys; Pitkin Club: Freshman Club, Y.M.C.A.; Pershing Rifles; Scabbard and Blade; Glee Club MARY BLAIR ISAACS Arts and Sciences Parkersburg, West Virginia Bacteriological Society ESTHER DULIN JOHNSON Arts and Sciences Chi Omega St. Petersburg, Florida Art Club; Student Union Art Committee RAYMOND JOHNSON Arts and Sciences Frankfort Alpha Chi Sigma MARGARET E. KEATON Commerce Hinton, West Virginia W.A.A.; Y.W.c.A. JOHN MORSE KELLY Arts and Sciences Kappa Alpha Lexington Pershing Riffles: Alma Magna Mater MARIAN FREEMAN KENDALL Agriculture Vanceburg Home Economics Club; 4-H Club; Y. W.C.A.; 240 Committee JOHN ROBERT KIBLER Agriculture Alpha Gamma Rho Paducah Kentuckian, Editor-in-Chief and Associate Editor; Board of Student Publications; Alpha Gamma Rho, Social Chairman; Lamp and Cross ASA NELSON KITCHEN Engineering Lexington JAMES DONALD LAIL Arts and Sciences Phi Kappa Tau Lexington Band; Glee Club; Student Union Committee; Keys; Lamp and Cross; Kentuckian Staff; Kernel Staff; Editor of Y.M.C.A. Paper; Y.M.C.A. Senior Cabinet; Phi Kappa Tau, Corresponding Secretary; Editor of Kappa Gram; Alma Magna Mater CASWELL PREWITT LANE Arts and Sciences Kappa Alpha Mt. Sterling > V lUi *"! dim MARY PATTERSON KENT Arts and Sciences Bagdad Baptist Student Union, Third Vice- President; President; Phi Alpha Theta, Vice-Y.W.C.A. Senior Cabinet BETTY JANE KINGTON Agriculture Alpha Xi Delta Madisonville ETHEL BROOKS KOGER Education Kappa Kappa Gamma Miami, Florida Kappa Kappa Gamma, President; Pan Hellenic Council JEANNE LANCASTER Agriculture Lebanon Mortar Board; Phi Upsilon Omicron; Phi Beta; Y.W.C.A. Cabinet; Choristers; Women's Glee Club; Pitkin Club; Inter-Faith Council, President; Alma Magna Mater; Home Economics Club LUELLA LAWRENCE Agriculture Zeta Tau Alpha Bardstown Heme Economics Club; Y.W.c.A.; Tau Alpha, Treasurer 46 BEN HUGH LOWRY Engineering Kappa Alpha Lexington Lamp and Cross, Vice-President; Scabbard and Blade; A.S.M.e., Vice-chairman; First Lt., R.O.T.C GUY McCONNELL Commerce Delta Chi Covington Delta Chi, President, Secretary; Press Club FAY McDERMAN Arts and Sciences Alpha Delta Pi Cleveland, Mississippi Pi Mu Epsilon; y.w.c.a. TRILBY McKEEHAN Arts and Sciences Lexington Glee Club; Modern Dance; U. Troupers; Phi Beta ROBERT ROGER MAHAN Education Ashland Kappa Delta Pi HILDA GODWIN McCLARAN Arts and Sciences Chi Omega Jackson, Tennessee Y.W.C.A.; Student Union Dance Committee DAVID C. McCORD Agriculture Kappa Alpha Lexington Scabbard and Blade; Block and Bridle; SuKy; Lamp and Cross SAMUEL MARTIN McELROY Agriculture Pi Kappa Alpha Morganfield Pi Kappa Alpha, President; Keys; Lamp and Cross; Inter-Fraternity Council; Scabbard and Blade ARNOLD FRAZER McRAE Commerce Mobile, Alabama Baptist Student Union, Executive Council; Y.m.C.A. Sophomore Commission; Outing Club MARY HELEN MANLEY Agriculture Sharpsburg Y.W.c.a.; Home Economics Club DAVID MARCUS Arts and Sciences Mt. Kisco, New York Intramural Sports; Chairman of Welfare Committee of s.g.a. CAROLYN MARSETTER Arts and Sciences Kappa Kappa Gamma Akron, Ohio Radio; Guignol; y.w.c.a. ROBIN MARTIN Engineering Triangle Bardwell Student Union Activities Committee; Pistol Team; 240 Club BETTY BOW MILLER Agriculture Delta Delta Delta San Antonio, Texas Home Economics Club; Y.W.c.A. MARY MARTHA MILLER Education Alpha Gamma Delta Ashland LOIS ANN MARKWARDT Arts and Sciences Alpha Gamma Delta Joplin, Missouri Kernel Staff; Publicity Director of Guignol; Troupers DOROTHY TURNER MARTIN Education Drift SARAMAE MASON Arts and Sciences Zeta Tau Alpha Mt. Sterling Student Art Club; Y.W.C.A. MARY ELIZABETH MILLER Commerce Maysville y.w.c.a.; w.a.a. y Mm JOHN D. MINTON Education Cadiz 48 MAURICE E. MITCHELL Engineering Delta Chi Campbellsville JAMES E. MOORE Commerce Ashland Pershing Rifles; Guignol; Accounting Club KATHRYN LANE MORRISON Arts and Sciences Louisville Bacteriology Society BERNARD GAYLE NEAL Arts and Sciences Sigma Chi Huntington, West Virginia Sigma Chi, President; Guignol Dramatic Productions; Varsity Swimming Team; Inter-Fraternity Council; Student Government Association; Liasion Board, Chairman; Student Legislature; Who's Who Among Students in American Colleges and Universities LOUISE RODES WILSON Education Kappa Kappa Gamma Lexington Y.W.C.A.; Kappa Kappa Gamma, Standards Chairman; SuKy, Secretary; Student Government Association; Kappa Delta Pi BARBARA MOORE Law Frankfort Student Bar Association; Kentucky Law Journal RAYMOND MOORE Agriculture Frankfort ROBERT B. MYERS Arts and Sciences Phi Gamma Delta Paris Lamp and Cross JOHN P. NEELY Arts and Sciences Louisville CAROLINE NEWELL Commerce Chi Omega Maysville Chi Omega, Treasurer; Y.W.C.A.; Forum Committee of Student Union JUNE V. NICHOLSON Arts and Sciences Parkersburg, West Virginia Bacteriology Society ERVIN J. NUTTER Engineering Lexington Senior Representative to Engineering Council, American Society of Mechanical Engineers LOIS OGDEN Arts and Sciences Alpha Xi Delta Covington Kernel; Alpha Xi Delta, Corresponding Secretary ANNE C. OVERSTREET Arts and Sciences Kappa Delta Nicholasville Y.W.C.a.; Pan Hellenic Council; House Presidents' Council BILLY L. PATTON Engineering Lexington Tau Beta Pi, Treasurer; Sigma PI Sigma; American Institute of Electrical Engineers, Treasurer; Band GEORGE D. NOBLE Agriculture Haddix OLIVE IRENE OFFENHAUSER Arts and Sciences Kappa Kappa Gamma Houston, Texas GEORGE ORTON Engineering Warren, Arizona FRANK R. PARKS, JR. Engineering Lexington Freshman Tennis Team; Senior Football Manager; American Institute of Electrical Engineering; Baptist Student Union BETH PAGE Arts and Sciences Chi Omega Mayfield 50 GEORGIE LEROY PETTY Education Ashland Y.W.c.A.; Art Club LAURENCE C. PENDLEY Engineering Morgantown American Society of Civil Engineers MARION KATHRYN PIRKEY Arts and Sciences Alpha Gamma Delta Lexington Dutch Lunch Club, President and Vice-President; W.A.A.; Y.W.C.A.; Guignol; Girls' Drill Team; French Club; Alma Magna Mater; Women's Rifle Team; Outing Club; Glee Club; Pi Mu Epsilon, Secretary-Treasurer; K - D e t s Drill Team JEWEL M. PIPER Agriculture Wickliffe and Bridle; Y.M. Dairy Club; Block C.A.; 4-H Club MARY HELEN POWELL Education Paducah Kappa Delta Pi CAROLYN DESHA PETRIE Education Alpha Gamma Delta Hopkinsville Alpha Gamma Delta, Rush Chairman and Editor; Chi Delta Phi, President; Phi Alpha Theta; Alma Magna Mater, Treasurer; Future Teachers of Amer-; ica; Kentuckian Staff; Student Union Committee LOUISE PEAK Education Kappa Kappa Gamma Cynthiana Glee Club; Student Government Association; Kappa Delta Pi; Residence Halls Staff VIRGINIA ELAINE PINEUR Education Nicholasville Y.W.c.a.; Dutch Lunch Club MARVIN J. POWERS Agriculture Whelan Dairy Club; Block and Bridle; Poultry Club EMMA BELL PORTER Arts and Sciences Alpha Gamma Delta Madisonville Y.W.C.A.; W.A.A.; German Club; Alma Magna Mater; Student Union Reception Committee; Girls' Drill Team MARY SALESIA PRATHER Arts and Sciences Lexington Newman Club; Bacteriology Society GLENN ALBERT PRICE Arts and Sciences Alpha Gamma Rho Lexington Sigma Pi Sigma; Y.M.C.A.; Glee Club; Choristers BETTY JANE PUGH Arts and Sciences Alpha Xi Delta Lexington Kernel, News Editor; Alpha Lambda Delta; Cwens; Cub Club; Theta Sigma Phi; Mortar Board; A