xt770r9m5z3j https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt770r9m5z3j/data/mets.xml Lexington, KY Pride Community Services Organization 198409 This collection contains newsletters produced by the Lexington, Kentucky based Pride Community Services Organization. Included are publications from the organization through multiple name changes, such as LinQ magazine (July 2013-2016); the GLSO (Gay and Lesbian Services Organization) News (August 1986-June 2013); the GSO (Gay Services Organization) newsletter (1979-July 1986). Accession number 2016ms055. newsletters  English Pride Community Services Organization Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Pride Community Services Organization publications LGBTQ community--Kentucky LGBTQ culture LGBTQ newspapers Gay men Lesbians Bisexual people Transgender people Sexual minorities Gender identity Drag culture GSO Newsletter, September 1984 text GSO Newsletter, September 1984 1984 2019 true xt770r9m5z3j section xt770r9m5z3j TTER J‘Q’
Hell perhaps not this month, but you way be As regorted in last month’s newsletter the
next ionth if you don’t receive your newsletter! If BSD phone ine is now back in operation. Anyone
your newsletter was not in an envelope with a blue wanting information pertinent to the local gay
ining you have not been added to our new nailing cooeunity may call t e phoneline at 231-0335 for a
list. He oust have your request to relain on the recorded message.
650 Newsletter oai ing list UN Segtelber 15th if For people who wish to talk to soneone in
you wish to receive the October ews etter. Please person, he phoneline will also be Ianned by
fill out the coupon below and nail it to us; or volunteers periodically throughout the week .(days
call Bill at 231-0100 and give his your current and tllES to be announced . Anyone wishing 0
address. volunteer as a phoneline listener nay cone to the
_ training sessions held at The Coegrehensive Care
Fz============================:=======================a Center on the 4th Sunday of each non h at 2:00 pl,
lllnrlE: __u_m if or call 299~0352 for IOFE details.
i: E
5 fl- . , 3 August 2lst at the Cafe LHNDP, BSD held their
igbl If '-——-————--———-—-——-——-—---—-—-—-——-—- g first annual Show AugEion as a bsnefitg étens
‘n . .. - .. . auctioned included an a expense pai wee en . in
ijiffif}E;::::::::::_EEI31_551§33;::::::::::::::::;;;; i fitlanta (which went for $25); a trip to Kings
island; Mary-Kay facials' a brass bed for pets;
plants; pictures- prints; floral arrange-en s; a
carriage ride with drinks' dinner prepared and
THRUSH SUSPECTED LINK TO AIDS served for up to 15 people; Rocky Horror Picture
Thrush, a cannon fungal infection of the Show Poster; hair cuts fair products; entertainient
mouth, can be an early warning sign of AIDS, at a party by a feiale ilpersonator; gift
according to a report in the New York Daily Tiles. certificates; dinners on the town; ear rings;
Doctors at Hontefiore Hedical Center in New York sunglasses; cigarette lighter; sun tan lotion; and
City reported that the infection seees to be a tic ets to the wperial Court’s next two events.
bet er warning sign than other sylptoos used for Everyone enjoyed the evening with
early detection 0 AIDS. entertainlent provided by local feeale
Thrush is fairly coneon in children, but impersonators.
usually does not occur in adults unless theg have A special thanks oust go to all the businesses
been treated with antibiotics or steriods. etween and individuals involved, Hike for auctioneering,
Septeober 1981 and July l983, doctors at Hontefoire and LHNDP for hosting the event.
saw 32 apparentlyhhea thy gdults with Thrgsh. he]; HYTHDLDBY IN 1984
were rug users, °'°59x”3 5 or isexua 5‘ 19 Hoeosexuals are oversexed: This eyth stews
gigte agggfgpegoglnglns' Thirteen 0‘ these 22 have from the view of howosexuality that regards it in
To datei there have been over 5,000 diagnosed gggfiz ofeégiéageggfiineflg:°?fxgglétyué: lgge §?$?na _
gasegrcgzt A DS' The death rate appears to be over and loving. Houosexuals have just as IUCh contra?
p ' over sexua inpulses and behavior as anyone else.
The stereotyping of gay sexual behavior as
proaigcuoug, bguperficial or cowpulgive is an
__________:______.______________._———— exaep e o aeing the victie. he fre uently
“5"“. '5“ '° h" "h." clandestine ataosphere of gay sexual expgession
YO" IINNIIY "0‘ '0." results from being denied wore wholesowe outlets
«basic civil and human "QM.” and opportunities to integrate sexuality into the
__.________..______._____ rest of our lives.

s esseeeeseeeese i ,v seafthFEQE
_ J'-e geese ’eeee= here“'*“Ffiihdt‘”*§t'*§thtiti ‘ -=“." 9*e§§§. ‘
- «was tease e§§§ ~~y§§§§,gagEEEEiiiéll§§fififig ‘ffiiit*'nt itififii *s<~-
’ L ’ star ‘ t*eeseeEesaeeasae§EEE§ssaaaassssa aa§:s§§ i§§§§ '
. ?“”“T.'-;,§“““E Iteasfiits§E§§es§£§§§§§§§i§§§§§§§§§§sa§ltiETESESTC”.'*‘Etfltcli.rs.
-g ‘“ a ::»= »saucersfiglggsseh§§§§§$E§§e§§§S£1:s-i.§§§§s€i e§*'=”igssiwef§s§sehi~t
as; "enfifi§§§§ffiffilI?tfidEflfififififfw§§§§§$§$§$fifi$§ir“““*“@E“§¥fi$§$
tfii5E¥t¥§fifififihe¥fin3§fi§§§§fi§§$$®$m¥§\E the; i; ins'frgéfinfit»:
\\ ‘ .. W .»
'fi i"'§§§§§%fi§%§§§“SE“§;§mafihffwafis§EWswe§fiE§at§§§§wafitfimaetnda ‘
. . _, . - . ~ . -.. ,,* 2.-' - i,,:.: ' . » sagasee;
first floor. Part of the floorin has been reloved
A RENDEZVUUS "1TH OUR PAST between the second and third starles to give us the
bY 5'99 Lee spacious dance floor and a cathedral ceiling in
, part of the office space. The part of the t ird

,For a 1009 tll? what F9 "0! kHD" #5 _The Bar floor that reoains intact is used for the rest of
was Just another building with little Significance. the office space and the DJ booth.

1* anyone tells Y0u tDAt it 835 5??" 3 gay bar for Now we can start on the history. In 1907
gears and Y93f5r 908’t bEIIEVE lt- T 9 *1r5t bar Preston Nhite occu ied 224, but his business is now
0 38893? 0" this Site "85 CQIIEd. the ”BRIO CIUb unknown. Two twent -six housed the Kell' Storage
53100" 1" 1902: 30d d95Plte 1t5 unusual "ale and Distributing E0., the Fayette Narehouse Co.
(unusual becase neither of its oflerators, Lee Baker and Spntsugod 5 ec1alty (which dealt with
and Dunlap Barker, were naned ' enIO'l, it was not advertising novelties). By 1911 the Stanford
a gay bar. It wasn’t even around in the gay 90’s Furniture 0. had moved into 226. As of yet the
an it only lasted one gear, 1902. (I wonder if it other half of the building, 228 appears to have
had a proper funeral wi h a casket and all?) been vacant.

Since that’s neither here nor there, let’s In 1912 another leober of the Spotswood falily
IOVE on. The actual date of construction for the opened a hardware store at 224 and the Beard and
buildings we now bung in is unknown. They did not Lyons Co. moved into 228. Beard and L ons Co.
afipear on the San orn Insurance nap of 1907, but was concerned with stoves, furnaces, SZYII hts,
t ere is reason to believe that this lap was a roofing and sheet letal works. Durin l914,
little outdated when it was put together. 0n the Spotswood’s hardware store had IDVEd out o? 224 and
other hand, the buildin s were definately there in was replaced with the Ten Broeck Tire and Rubber
1923 when the Chinn gates were taken. To add to Co. and A.N.T. Davis (a distributer). By 1916,
the confusion, before the new buildings were put 224 changed hands again and now was rented by S.
there, there were of course SDIE old buildings on A. Reynolds, a plumber. In the sale year, J. N.
the property. In these old buildings were a few Kelly 0 Kelly Storage and Distributing Co. opened
businesses which evidently loved into the new the aher-a-Coca Bott ing Co. in 226. Also at this
buildings when they were erected. Because of this time Beard and Lyons gave over to the Fischer
uncertainty, we’ll start with 1907. Electric Co. to occugz 228 East Main.

Before we 0 on, let we wake sure that you Evidently no 0 er changes were wade until
realize that The Bar did not settle down in just 1918 which proved to be an interesting year. Up
one buildin . It is colposed of two buildings; 224 until 1918, all the roperty was owned by the Kelly
East Main (the two story section where the lounge Storage and Distributing Co. In this year, the
is downstairs and where the larble bar is groperty was acquired bg the Phoenix and Third
upstairs), and another building that was originally rust Co. This is the ups probable year that the
divided in half to lake 226 an 228 East Nain. The old buildigs were torn down and the new ones
latter building is now used for storage on the erected.

t Then in 1919 the Phoenix and Third Trust Co. Restaurant IDVEd out of 226 and into 228, and
passed all this on to the Shipp fawily. The latter Martin’s Barber Shop becawe the only business in
j retained the property until 1976. The name of 226.
, Shigg resurfaces again in the deeds as part owners Finally things began to settle down a bit in
‘ of .e Living Rool, lnc., but that’s a long way off the late ’oO’s. The anhattan Restaurant relained
% yet, so let’s not get so excited. in 228 until 1949, sharing the building with the
Also suppor ing the theory of the 1918 Arch Liguor Dispensary through 1944. Congress
. construction is the fact that all but one of the Bowling lleys also moved in an sharred 228 with
businesses changed. The Lexington Directory of others from 1940 to 1968.
1919 shows the Service Tire Co. as the sole The Mayfair Bar and Restaurant occupied 224
business in 224, the Ouencho Bottling Syrup Co. fron 1938 to 1950 or 1951. According to one
(with yet another Kelly as aanaaer) and Spotswood interview, the Mazfair was a restaurant or little
T Specia ty sharing 226, and the evitt Colpany (auto old ladies. By 19 3 224 East Main had become the
accessories) in 228. , . Southern Cock ail Lounge. Pal Optical also loved
‘ Abraham Saloon got the notion to put in a pool into 224 in 1955.
‘ hall at 226 in 1921. Thank goodnss someone took a 95 for 226 East Haj", there ”35 5thI a bit of
; gltlure of It. because by 933 he "85 DUt 0t financial unrest as the building changed
. USIDESS- It ‘09 would, ”0" YOU can 100k at the occupancies quite a bit. Martin’s arber, as
‘ 581““ PthD- O15 15 9 FDEPDSItE 01 several mentioned earlier, reeained there until 1942, but
, pictures probably taken within a year or so of one shared the address with the Benevolent Protective
another._ That’s why you see ‘ Miller's Auto Order of Elks in 1939 for less than a year. In
'1 Accessories instead of the Serv1ce T1 e CO. The 1943 Casey Clell’s Barber Shop took over and shared
, gicture of 224 was obViously not taken until 1923, the building with Arch Liquor Dispensory for two or
he only year that Miller's agfieared 1n the City three “ears when they loved fron 228 in 1944. In
‘ directory under this address. at’s John Boy’s ’47 the H. A. Lucas VFH Post 1885 cane to 226 as
truck you see there.. . well. During the following year, Clell’s and Arch
A so disappearing in 1923 was the name of eade space for Thoa Mc n Shoes which relained
Spotswood. As far back as the 1880’s the there with the VFW club for less than two years.
d Spotswoods had sole business or another in that in 1952 the UFO club loved to 224 for one year
9 ‘ area (back in the 1880’s it was the E. 5. after Mayfair had abandoned it and before the
n Spotswood Son Luaberyard, which was one of Iany Southern Cocktail Lounge cane around. In the sale
9 lunberyards linin' Main due to the proxiaity of the year, Holbrook’s Shoe Regair filled the space that
f railroad that use: to be behind the property). he UFH had left in 226. Holbrook’s and the DES
If you did’t notice the big ' ole in the club had to share 226, though, when Southern
7 building, look at the picture again. The building Cocktail did sake its appearance. Holbrook’s
" shown in the Chinn photo inclu ed a garage opening stayed there until some time in 1955. The VFU club
9 in the center section (many of the lumber colpany remained there _for one last year in 1956, sharing
h sites on East Main were replaced by coaparably the bUIIUIDQ 91th the "EMIY arrived $93999?
d land-extensive garages and auto-repair shops, as Finance. Remaining there 85 the OHIY business in
well as lar e degartuent stores and warehouses in 226, Seaboard_F1nance did not leave until 1970:
E the early 20t2 cen ury). Unfortunately, no record THO tHEHtY‘SIX then hDUSEd 8 V C 0 Finance for
E has been found as to when the garage door was three years, and was vacant Dntll 1973- ,
. eliminated. Just think The Bar cou d have had a Now back to the action In 228 East Main. 85
g drive-thru service if it had been left alone (would was brought up before Congress Bowling Alleys wade
'ou believe a "pick-up window'2). Apparentl the its hone here in l940. When the Manhattan
' huildings were vacant in 1925 except for T. C. Restaurant left in 1949, it was reglaced with the
' Henry’s real estate office. He left soon Masterson’s glace fron 1958 to 1 59, and left
a afterwards and in 1927 the Duro Co. (water Congress Bow ing Alleys as the only bUSlnESS at 228
. systems), the Kohler Co. (electric leaps), and in 960. Then in 196 Hagar’s Beauty Acadeny cane
Southern Taxi moved into 224. The Molan’s Exchange to share 228 with the bowling alley and relained
' Restaurant moved into 228 in the same year. During there in 1968 when Congress Bowling Alleys loved
' the next year, a deli took over where the Holan’s away. Hagar’s staye on at 22 for a few were
5 Exchange was and Joe’s Music Shag ended the five years and hen moved down the street in 1971. Hhen
5 gear vancy of 226. The deli, y the way, was the agar’s left. the Morris Bookstore case into 228
. aldassare Anato Son Delicatessen. an remained there as the sole business until they
By 1930 Southern Taxi was reglaced with the D. closed in 1977.
T. Bohon Co. (auto supplies , and Joe’s Music If you’re fairly observant, you’ll notice that
, Shop had wade way for Hilfred Joseph’s Billiards. 1 left 0 f everything at 224 East Main past 1955.
, Durin' the following year, the Manhattan Restaurant There is reason for this. The Southern Cocktail
, and tge Karnelkorn S ofi (confectionary) cane to Lounge and Pal Optical both relained here up until
i share 226 with Josep ’s Billiards. Karnelkorn 1962. The lounge then closed and Pal O tical
, became the Caramel Crisp Shop in 1933 and the pool stayed on for about a year wore in 1963, sharing
, hall was now known as Majestic Billiards. The the building with a new and interesting
Anato Deli then becale the Matthew Alato business...The Gilded Cage...
Restaurant. By 1935, 224 was vacant, Manhattan to be continued.

ll vou would like to advertise in the BSD Sayline..............................231-0335
newsletter. Elease send yeur ad copy and payment SSU Newsletter, Beneral..................268-3935
to 658. P.O. LOX 11471. Lexington. re 4&5?5. See Advertisenent............223-4598
the calendar tor the newsletter deadline. Due ts . Hailing List.............231-0100
postal regulations. we reserve the right to reisse SSO Recreational Events..................231-0100
advertising due to content or space availabiiitv. Say and Lesbian Deoocrats................266-3934
RATES _ Dignity/Lexington........................269-8500
Full Page $49.3d Louisv1lle Crisis Hotline..........(502l 637-4342
Half Faqg $25.00 Uwensboro Say Alliance.............(502) 685-5246
Quarter-Page $15.0d Cincinnati Sag Switchboard.........1513) 221-7800
Eighth Page s 9,09 National Say ask Force Crisis LinelBOO) 221-7044
Classified $ .OS/Ietter NBTF AIDS Crisis Line..............(800) 221-7044
($3.90 minimum}
The SSE newsletter is published mgnthls be the EDT A MINUTE?
Lexin ton Gag Services Urganizatien incgrporated. The linutes fro. 650’s Ionthly general
P.U. EON 11411, LEXinfitDni KY 40575- 553 _15 L5 business meetings will now be sunlarized in each
“DU'PTGtit organizaflen ““555 AUTPGSE, 15 L3 Ionth’s newsletter. Also, be inning in Novelber, a
PTGViUE Eduiatlfinili VECTEatEDUBIs SGCRSI and quaterly Receipts and Expengitures Statenent will
reierral services directly involving or relating be published.
to gay/lesbian people. . .
letters _are those of tie writers and do not of "genie Roast on August 12th.
necessarilv represent those. oi. the God board or tUr anization of canoe trip to Rockcastle,
the newsletter staff. Publication fit the name or Sepfie,ber 22nd.
photograph or any PEISUU; Uria“1?5?13“ 5? ethfr tDetails of Show Auction at LHNUP were presented.
entity 1“ _ aitlc 95 9’ . adYE’t sing 25 t”E tPlans for installing a Iarquee at The Bar were
newsletter is in no way indication of the .sexual finalized.
orientation ”f SUCh PETSDU: organization or tProgress on plans for a Casino Night in October
entity._ . _ L were discussed.
SumeSSIons for the fiEWSlEttET ,afe HEICGmEx ilentative plans for a Halloween Square Dance were
All submissions become the property of the be on.
Lexington 53V SEIY1595 “Itafilzfitiafi; 155' “13 thatus of new nailing list since announcing the
submissions must indicate the tuli name and - pur e was presented.
address of the author, although no byiine Hill be ggage of Yard 5319 was changed to Saturday,
ublished without_ permission _ol the author. Septelber 8th.
hon—original material AUSt indlcat? the EEUICE IDiscussed need to fill 0 en board osition.
AUbliCatiOfi- Original fiitfirlal WhiCh €9nkain5 tAnnouncenent was node that the rogbery and Iurder
fiamES it PEFSDHS fiUSt indicat9_th3t that eerie? suspects pictured in June’s Newsletter were
has given his/her permission iorr the use of ca ured.
hisiher name 1“ thE AUblliitlofi- RSDUEEGUS §“§; Ill was decided that the next General Business
missions can not be acceptEd- .Ths editerlel oeetin would be held on Septelber 10th due to the
has the right to alter submissions tinciuding ao- Labor flay holiday. '
vertisemenisl to meet publishing requirements.
BEYOND THE CANVAS--- Swirling acrylic rods imbedded
. around two embraced clay
Heavy colored paper
and water color -
FRENCH TV........$395.00 Inqu1re by mail to
A French television Marque Cross Products
cabinet and mixed media P.0- BOX 25601
’ Lexington, KY 40524

 ' \ .(M .
mm no You , a. I 1
IH'KRIXZ/ i§§ié €9hf3‘4 lnAhlttgF -e§e. (n 2 ,
mm“ «a- z W 'T/Aw' . ‘~ / “new” ..
WAW 5 r I , ‘8 ,\\\ 1
4.5.5527???" '-._:-§ .,_...;‘;.;'_;;1‘ . //
A\ r ' $ ‘ g
» {l/z-xg ' - je_~i;;-.:§= a .
€263? ‘ ”‘ 7 . :333%7312;225:1122??? 34% I
, - - , x 5". '.
f, ’ 3b 3 3 t ' '-’-:‘r.?_;:si~s’ / /////// f !
On Septeeber 22nd and 23rd BSD Hill have canoe . . , _ .
trips. Septeeber 22nd will be to the Rockcastle Th‘s ‘5 650 5 annual. event celebrating the
River near ondon, Kentuckz. Septelber 23rd will C1058 0t sueeer. It K111 be the last outdoor
Egor gtounthfientflgtth FDT 0* the Elkorn, "93’ volleyball/potluck ot the year. it is typically
gynu nay partiglgate in one trip or both, but the largest turnout for volleyball of the season.
there are a lieited nueber of reservations It will be held at Jacobson Park, shelter 15,
avaitgglgxgg $13"d9:'1¥ t0 fittend- .Eall 27280911 on Friday, Septeeber 28, {roe 6:00 PM until dark.
3; reservationgf 9 a1 5 an o SPECI y your c DICE Hot dogs will he provided. The rest is
potluck. Volleyball, jarts, badlinton and other-
activities will also be provided. Bring a friend
ITEHS NEEDED FOR 650 YRRDSALE and say good-bye to the sooner of 1984!
Our gard sale is coeing us Saturday, Septegber Please use the following chart to select what
8th, 10: 0 al to 5:00El at 37 Park Avenue (at the to bring.
corner of Park and uclid, near Chevy Chase).
Anyone interested in donating itels to be sold eay
ca 1 231-0100 or 299-0352. nyone interested in SEPt- 23
purchasing itels - see you there! p_g Bread/Buns
E-H Vegetables
_ . H-P Salad
30 gFESBER - Capital Halloween Tournament, Hashington, Q-S Snack
ad. - Dallas Invitational Columbus Day Tournament T‘Z Entree(other than Hot dogs)
ay _ . . .
vgxgggggivingfiglhglzaukeé?vhtgtéggih Tournaeent This event is free of charge. Hope to see you
' there!
DECEHBER— New Year’s Invitational Tournaeent, '
Houston, Texas
For details, call the Louisville Hotline, 6:00 ' celebrating the
pa to 1:00 an, 7 days a week - (502)637-4342 Gay Experience

 to respond. Do ou think we were bein si naled.
ASK AUNT HARY and if so, how coutd we have responded, and to whoi
. . _ was the signal intended?
This is to introduce Aunt Mary to all BSD 519“ me,
Newsletter readers. As a participant in a local PUZZIEd: hUt Interested!
church study group, Aunt Mary was encouraged to
reach. out and for. understanding and loving 993’ Iht9r95t9d=
relationships with those she once nay have shunned. ,FOt 9°°dh9§5 sakes it "155 Hanners had FEEEiVBd
As a very conservative and lifelong resident of th15 35 her t1’5t 19tt9t 1’“ sure She "OUId have
Berea, Ken ucky, (Aunt Har refuses to devulge her 90hE running back to her housework and etiquette
age, but does admit that she is over 60) icking books and would never have been heard fro: again
out one category of individuals to stop shunning except by 95C3510h31 DUEStS at small, hUt extreoely
was certaihly no 5.311 task. However. after tasteful dinner harties! The only reason I an going
careful con51deration, Aunt Mary has ut aside her t0 BDSHEV this etter 35 that 3; h95t friend, Sare
considerable _hre3udices and asked 630 to help her hae has had her “3'9 3dd9d to 50,5 93i1h liSt
corrgshond “1 h as Iany gay individuals as Just so she can read my letters, and if ? don’t
pDSSIb e. 1h the following Ionths 650 will record have Sththlhq 50' her th read in this l0hth’5
as auch_of this correspondence as space permits. 155“? ,t’tl "EVBV hear the Ehd 0* it! I know {FDA
The subjects to be exp ored will be lilited only by YPUF Signature that you are 3 “319: and since Y0u
our readers ioagination and our editors good taste. dtd ”9 Spatlty the gender 0* your friend I '35 at
As .yau. “111 see, her first letter is a plea for first inclined to assune tha your friend was
advxce_ on how to handle a delicate social feoale,‘ and "D“dEFEd 'hh you had 0 35h ne UhD "35
Situation. being signaled. After t inking about your question
a little longer, I realized hat you people would
Dear Aunt Hary: not ask such a simple question. Also I would
I . need your advice. I recently had an suggest that your choice of the tern husinessaen
experience I didn’t know how to handle, and next "35 probably IhBPPVOP’iAtE- I have a tEElihQ
time I would like to be better prepared. A friend ErofesSionaI would be more fittin , and if so. the
and l were Sitting at the bar of a local Hexican 95t response "35 "0 response. aDWEVeri it. You
restaurant. . Sit ing in the lounge across frol us really felt the "99d to respond, erha 5 YOU ShOUIG
were two bu51ness|en. They were Sitting diagonally hBVE 35k9d the waitress 0T waiter to send the
across from each other ta king. The one facing us ’DEDtIEFED’ 3 drink 3hd a CB" 0* CFUEX- It you are
was very attractive. he were both watching hi. really interested in neeting soneone interestin
(discre ely, I assure you), when he be an an perhaps YOU "DUId like to join '9 t0? ChUFCh
unusual display. He would cuh first one hang, then fierVICES ”EXt Sunday in Berea, where I hit]
the other, t en_both, over is crotch. This went Introhuce YOU to Iv friends as Iv new say
on for about 25 linutes. I was unsure what was acquaintance, and ”9 C3” 599 what dEVEIOPS-
haing on, but my friend was sure it was intended Aunt Hary _
or one of us. Regardless, neither of us knew how If ‘0“ "DUtd like to contact Aunt Hary write t0
Aunt ary, 2650 Newsletter, Post Office hox 11471,
LeXington, Kentucky 40575
BSD Sponsors BSD ‘ ,..,.—_u.. )
t The Stylists, 1641 Nicholasville Rd. 278—7481 \\\ H II/
The Bar, 224 E. Main St. 255-1551 ’,,«*. {/6
I Lady Diana Hair Design, 508 E. Main St. 252-4595 / 6/ \
Joe Bologna’s 103 H. Haxwell St. 252-4933 '
Kentucky Theater, 214 E. Main St. 254-6010
Brett Johnson Gallery, 144 Harrison Ave. 255-2124
Hovieola, 1759 Alexandria Dr. 278-1451
Reflections in Hair Design, 835 Hinchester Rd. 255-3325 ‘
t Fur’N Feathers, 2909 Richlond Rd. 266-0226
t Flowers by Don, 200 Southland Dr. 278-0555
X Hark Cross Productions, PD Box 25601, Lex. Ky. 40524 50PPOk, 00R
t Ask about DISCMTS for BSD nenbers!! 40V£RTI$£R5

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 2 Hiking to Natural Bridge
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650 Field Trip
July 29, 1984
h .
P H O N E I 4 ’
6 I 3 . $ A
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Suwaer’s end is drawing near and with that in
wind, the Ilperial Court of the Bluegrass is A U.S. Court of Appeals panel has upheld the
sgonsoring a party in the season’s honor. Navy’s aandatory Bolicy of discharging hoeosexuals.
' uddenly the Last of Sunder“ is a cocktail and Jales L. ronenburg was ischarged after
dance party featuring a ‘Tan-Line Contest”. The serving lore than nine years as a Korean linguist
winner of the con est will receive a $25.00 cash and cry to rapher with a top-secret clearance after
award and we are exgecting the event to be IOFE he adaigteg he was a howosexual.
fun than the recen 'Pee -a-boo Cookies Contest'! Dronenburg ar ued that the Navy’s policy
'Suddenly, the Last of Sunder" will be held at the violated his consgitutional rights to privacy and
Circus on Richaond Road and adoission will be equal protection under the law. But the hree
$3.00. Everyone cone and see the tan lines on judge flanel said the Supreae Court has established
Septeaber 2nd, at 8:00 pa, before they all fade for the rig t to privacy in cases relating to Iarriage,
another year!. procreation, contraception faaily relationships
Due to the recent relocation of Joan Todd, the and child rearin and education.. he panel also
Closet Queen of 1984 we now recognize the lst said the Constitution has provisions that protect,
runner-UR of the contest as the 1984 C oset Queen. among other things, racial, ethnic and religious
He are t erefore honored to asknowledge hs. Daphne minorities.
Alexander Nest as the reigning C oset Queen. 'It need hardly be said that none of these
Congradulations, Daphne! covers a right to howosexual conduct. If a court
He would also like to lention that Kentuck refuses to create a new constitutional right to
was regresented by four of our Court Ieabers at grotect honosexual conduct, the court does not
Fort orth’s coronation in July. Bringing back a hereby destory established constitutional rights
three-foot trophy for the Best Du -ofTown that are solidly based in constitutional text and
Presentation were Greg Lee Elperor Ill, Renee history. He conclude therefore, that we can find
Alxander, Eepress lll, huck Bruner, the Rhinestone no constitutional right to engage in hooosexual
Emperor Enperor II, and Shaana Lee, Crown Princess conduct and that, as judges», we ave no warrant to
II and Cour Jester of the Third Reign. Their create one,I said the panel.
winning presentationfi going along with Fort Horth’s The court also said the effects of hoaosexual
Corona ion thewe of T e Golden ge of Hollywood', conduct within a naval or wilitary unit are alaost
was a rendition of the 'Hizard of 02“. certain to be harlful to norale and discipline.
The bars in Fort Horth were overwheloingly
receptive of everyone there for the coronation and
aany _friendships were wade. Because of this, the Elfslf is TBE FARE
laperial Court of the Bluegrass has been inforled USLLEEEALL
that at least thirty Eeople fro: the Fort Horth 35:55:55 Per: Shelter #5
area plan to attend our oronation on April 13,
”35- 71,—:- .11 and otlzre1d if
The sane four from the lIBerial Court of the Saccosoo Part on the secsod and fourth Fridays oi
Bluegrass that attended Fort orth’s Coronation {:5 masth, seam agzogm oatil sect closing.
will be going to Denver, Colorado for the Sovereign sieeneeaee' has seen easellsot ano'everyoee has a
Court’s oronation in late August. Hore detai s ggfifi egos.
later. ' EEG is susolyioo slates, utensils, soft drinks
and ice. lf'gou aish to join in on the ootloci,
slesss ass the foilosing charts ii deciding shat
to brino loss the first letter oi your last ease
to select shat tees 3% food you shssld brim; .
Too don’t hays to slay vcélsetali to case oui and
‘ ; Septenoer ES
E—L Ereedeoos
E-S ssgetsoles
This asset is free sl charge. A small donation
Please send us your i- _r'.\.. ‘e ‘s- expense res-ting the shelter
" ‘ ‘“==ted but not rsosfred. if woo souls ‘it
Change Of address 7: iii-LXI: ins? 33111;" $711" the Eons-tinn- {are
E 5-. :---::-r ;- firs-+3: srfirzr51iflfl us has; is
be Ore you move_ ii: :_ivf;;_—._ ;:‘ 'f!:‘=;;: Ee-C-vcr.lnr_r:_. d. ..—,-I‘- .-

Several members of Dignity/Lexington are _
The following was a grepared text used at a attending the Region V VI colbined conventions in l
press conference eld in an Francisco on Thursday, Indianapolis Labor Day weekend. They’ll be
July 19, 1984. This press conference was held y attendin- worksho s and meetings with Dignity
the co-chair. of Gay and Lesbian Delocrats 0 members tron wore than eight other states. Forler N
Kentucky, Keith D. Elston. along With ' the Congressman Bob Bauoan will be the featured
co-chairs of the National ASSDCiation of Gay and speaker.
Lesbian Democratic Clubs, Gwenn Craig and eter Dignity will be meeting twice each month on