xt770r9m606c https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt770r9m606c/data/mets.xml Kentucky Kentucky Press Association Kentucky Press Service University of Kentucky. School of Journalism 1964 Call Number: PN4700.K37 Issues not published 1935 Aug - 1937 Oct, 1937 Jul - 1937 Aug, 1939 Oct - Dec, 1940 Jan - Mar, 1951 Aug - 1956 Sep. Includes Supplementary Material:  2005/2006, Kentucky High School Journalism Association contest 2004-2005, Advertising excellence in Kentucky newspapers 2003-2005, Excellence in Kentucky newspapers newsletters  English Lexington, KY.: School of Journalism, University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Press Press -- Kentucky -- Periodicals The Kentucky Press, January 1964 Vol.30 No.4 text The Kentucky Press, January 1964 Vol.30 No.4 1964 2019 true xt770r9m606c section xt770r9m606c ,,,»1 7 1, 'iflmfifi 1
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1 Published In the Interest of Community Journalism . . . Of, By, and For Kentucky Newspapers 1 . 1 1
1 I 11 111 1 1 | 1. 1
1 O
' i
1 The Kentucky Press Association recognizes 11 ‘ 1 '
the fundamental importance of the implied 11 1
1 trust imposed on newspapers and dissemination 1 1 1
of public information. It stands for truth, fair- ‘ 1 _
Hess, accuracy, and decency in the presentation 1
of news, as set forth in the Canons of Journal- 1 1
ism. It advocates strict ethical standards in its 1 1
advertising column. It opposes the publication 1‘ 1 1 1
‘ 0f propaganda under the guise of news. It af- 1 ‘ . ‘ 11 '
1 firms the obligation 0f a newsnaoer t0 frank, ' 1 ‘- 1 1 1
1 honest and fearless editorial expressions. It re- ' > 1 "f ‘ 1?? 1-
spects equality of opinion and the right of every / ’ 1X1" 1 ‘3' jig, «1, * ’5 E 1 1
individual to participation in the Constitutional 1 1' "5de fl . . j " § ‘y' \E . 513W 1 1
guarantee of Freedom of the Press. It believes ' .1 u g .1 1. ‘2 -’ ’- 1 .1 1
In the newspaper as a vital medium for civic, ‘ V ”if ‘5 - V v 1 1
1 economic, social and cultural community de— ' 1 W I .1 1 ,
1 velopment and progress. ' " *- 1 A 1 fl 1 1
Publication Office: ' 1' 1 ' ’ 1 . b 1 1
Unive rsi‘r ‘ l ' W Vw I
em 1 : e e 1 z‘ 1 '
’ 1' ”1?» . 1 .1- Iii? - 1': ,2” ' o 15 1'
1 ) Officers and Executive Committee 1
11 1
l964 " 1=
Kentucky Press Assoaatlon, l 964 ; 1
1 1
. 1 1
V0|ume 30, Number 4 ' 1 1
11 1
o 1 11 1

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L L :2 ;LL 1 i L ; C y L JAN
3: 13 L" L LL V fess 1" AS We 1 La
v 1. L ‘i i L L 2 Win . . '
1 1‘ ‘L L L olum 5% I L ple-trlfll . .
1}" -‘ 51L; LL 1 e 30, Number 4 U s Cou t D t + and Prejudice ng):.1bllclty had Pulsed b L
1‘ LL L ‘ ' - r ' - _ ‘ Unst ' ‘ "'r
‘L L? L 1; LL LL Official Publ‘ ~ Draw I d eCIS'ons The Indmlm Court 1.11m. ILL: Bu .
‘ L: L , LL (Kontucky Press Ass':°.“°n n lana Fire Posed of this point follld have easily 1:! S”
‘ 1LL; ‘LLLL Clatio t, .4 ‘ ) ' - . ‘ (152
" .L LLL’L L L Kentud‘y Press Service 1;. Lu The Indiana Su ~ (1“:0 case‘s 0“ the filctgy swungmshing theL
L L‘ 2‘1; ‘ 1 L ‘ Victolv R, Ponm I C. resentment of t] p1 eme Court’s Smolderi , 'CDCe Of a “huge Win here Was 110 ev'L APPTOXim
L L 2 L L : Perry 1- AshleY A522: fdlégr deCi51011 in the L: F8. Supreme Cour]? 1c]; the Baker Case 111:? 0: Public paSSionIL 0n Thursda-
L L 31‘ LL ‘ L ' '° 9 itor (Ir ' es i8 Irv' ‘ S ‘mnge c 4- ' eec th . tivit‘ L
L‘ I L I ; L L Vln \7. D 7 “1 mm-d . . (mtdlned ’ e motl 165. Of]
L L LLLL L L L NewsPaper MMember el‘upted this 0‘“ (11((1961) 366 U 861 7:156 and “’38 not supofinldy general Concizgifm editOIS and
L ,L L L i‘ L O . ‘ V ' ' ‘ F‘ L - L L e 0*
1;: ‘1; LL: ‘ ! Kentucky Chagzgers ASSoClufio" volving pl‘e—triie 111 another decigjo .1) intelfwted Pel‘smm 1‘ by aflidnvits of div newspapers
L LL L L LL 2' L L L Better BusineSS Ber Of c°mmefce dizma Bullet' a bublidtya States Lthn m- 16211-1118; “1111161-()1L.‘5 .requil'ed, and 'it LL for a “war-
‘ L LL L‘ L LL . . "'90“: Lexin to 'm' L e In- neither 1 . 1“ ‘Vl’fnesses .- L Lh‘ turi I
L L ‘ " N SI-IStammg Mamber g “ Both the m‘1j01't L1 1' “616 the 116w teshfiEd thal mg the
5 ‘ 2 n L . _ ‘ - . . rs . . . - ’
l3 _ L; L ‘ ahonul Edltoriu| Ass . . .illdge AChor A 13/ 0131mm], Writt 1.16 1cm} “0,. Was t1] ’- ‘ Pdpel Items 2.’ 0'C0nner, L
. L A L Delano" , and a C , en bv tom . Ele a“, . . pie 1 d
L LI 1‘ L L Nation | N ssocnate Member Judge Al'teimrn . Oncurl'lng Opinio b, f . mumty Which w 3 p16]udice in th Pile the n
l; L_ ELL‘ 3 a ewspuper Promotion A5 - Januarv 10)' 2 1111 Baker V. State (delil y 1111' trial. The Sup Ould interfere WithL dlnner fOHm
*1 5 1 LL L . 5°C|0iion ts ' ass-(1i ed t1 . CK ed as a . “91116 C ~ ‘
j L 1L . L ‘ PUbllcatiOn Of‘ ”blllml in s 16 Datlon’s . . matter of f. . “ 20111t also f0 2 ——
LL ‘1 i School flce this ‘13 . Ome of the Stro 1 highest Items Were , ‘1“ that the V u”
{ LL 1" ‘ L U ' of J°urnalism c‘ . Hltel has eVer s‘ee _ figest language jlldici 11 . 'lnelthel- infl'lmm t llewspnpe' TI
' 2L L L fl of K "51011 ‘ n “1 a jud' .~ . L‘ 1“ Cur-mt L L“ (”'3’ nor
L‘ L : H ‘ L entucky Y lual de- mg eith>~ ‘ 6" There V ,L p” 223W
L LL L LL‘ - L ________ 0“ will re .4 1 1 ’ “7 that a 'L . “15 no Show-L 222;;
.:-_ L ‘ L L L K C . . cal that t musted . , WY panel 1; 222
L L: ‘ L: L L entuCky Pl'P-Ss As - . 0“” Ununlmouslv A . he U'S' Sllpl'en b 0‘ that ‘(111 iquilqb] 11d b96311 ex 2‘3“)“
iL ' L c . SOCIatmn | been 1 L- , dgleed t12 . 16 een used ' e Challe L
L: ,1 2 eolgc 10 1' I "C. 2 (6131 we] . Mt Irv 2 ' “898 ha my”
L .L L A D m 111 p. . = C of 21 f1 . . 111 1121.1 It . - ”was
‘ I, L L L ’ lemdellt pattern of dee ‘ (111 tl‘lul beC'luge f“ ' Seized the OCC’IQi L *3??ng
L; L; L L - . - ‘ ‘ 0 ; C ' ‘- 0 , E‘r ngfiw
L”: 2L2 L L ‘ L MallriCe K C(meollwenlth S whlch had b ' p (Ind blttel' 1' ' - ,1, Me the U~S- 811 ~ I], LLOLLeVel'v t0 C1” {Wis
LL L L L L L Hem)” Vicc‘Previd t , omerSCt Which he mlt up in the (,0 p emdlce JUdge AChol pleme Court’s dec' LL LL}M*§‘
L ‘L L L‘ . ‘ 0’" Was 2' ‘ mm ' - ' . ' C0m 151 w
L L ‘ LL ‘ : ‘ Victor B. Pom, D911” News, Middlesl Publicity and mined as a result of “pi: LIL lltllors fi‘muV $16;le tgd that Whe“ L L gig:
L: I LL L Perry J A firm, Seareta - )01'0 all th ' Imment. Hi' ‘ ' 1‘121 S ated Hut 1 1n the I' . > ; Wyn}
'2 2 L 2= 1 L - Shley A ' ry'Manager e Challeny . 5 "ttOrne 2 » ‘ heV W0 1 ”In C ~ 3
L ~LL L L‘ ‘ F ‘ ’ Smsta ‘ ' 565 Of ' - . yS Use 1 the 1 . . ' [Id be ' :\
L L LL L LL L L L londa BL Carrimn Asfigiasfcqtetary-MUME‘" Stflu] ended up With . 1.111015 aVililable 111:1 l'lw flats preSented at the fu'lfied SOLely-L L‘
L L L ‘ V Unioe} - r ” ’emrer " he 12 felt h “ ""‘Y of wh' .h .‘ ' ' as stated .7 t1 “3 and by ‘ «L
I. ELL 1‘ LL my of Kent 'k de 9 Was '1 . 1‘ eight their 11 ' - ,y ‘6 Court n- . an “:22: ‘
L L: n L LL , D' . uc y, Lexin t nee was . ‘ gm ty befol. iltml 0pin' 2 1e3pectweL 2%
,L ‘ a: a r L: 2 Mr. . g 0" Pleéentel - . e the ev‘- Co - . 10“ 0f ' 2‘~
L L L} L ‘ C] . Ct Execuhve Col-“mitt Segment retrial Ve C 11] £01111, In the S I: v' u”: (onld “0t pl‘Opel‘lgUIIt, the SUpLLeL'Li «tfififfif
L LL L LL LL: ‘ t [Ilmrinun’ Larry Stone M L ’ ee Ier ’Pleaded .nued to Sllllivan L Lu — lew find Otherwise y as a Court Ofii‘ if L M“
L LL L U My (Second) FL' essenger'Arms c life im 1-'. gullty and Was L county, Edge Acho- L. L i
‘ " 2L1 1’“ ‘1 L Lyon County He id first, William :1" 13 en- Co P lionment' SelitenCed to “The S I Said; L x
L‘ 2L “ s. 2 ~ m , E . , - ang, Huge . 11 re ,
t LIL} ‘ : L M Pchansberg, V0ice of ddyvllle; Third A1 L that O COmmented she-1 . States, in p m'e COurt of the U 'tL Readingso
L 1 L L IOWard Ogleg F ‘ . St Matthews, % -' he of the by- 1‘ d L ”Y afterde 115511 leachlng its dec" .mfii ‘VOrse h
L“ i V L: 1 ‘ C. Bell Tr‘L’ fluorite, Frflnklin- F" Ourth, was that it h’id p 0 nets of the de . . S . med the role of '1 t _ 151011, ObVIOUSLf Mid 2. Glpe
n L LL E dward; M lnéble 109mm,“ BeLdféfllh’ 1grank Deals Seeking (re engendered a “sh cflsmn mlned for itself the‘ I'lcillbcoln't and deteil Ass'Wlnterb
" ‘L‘ L‘ to” S ' emp in He, ’ r‘; ixth poi Versal of . ‘ 0 ap— SpectiVe - . 01'6 i ility of th Oclation
. L 21L LL ' 606ml: W-- ’ ’"ld'Leader L - ’ “t2 I'egardle - ~ cOnvlctions 111101's,as wit epro part '
L 'LL ! ‘1 ‘ lislc; Ei I 2 Alien R. Fisher 2 (:‘x1ng_ the Cl‘i 53 of guilt 0. _ 011 the to be givel . masses, and the Wei L 0f the <:
L ‘ L LL L News Gillilanb-Loms DeROSCtt’ rifting Car" 581’s 3:11]? Ehm'ged and th'ltl (illfnocence Of COnc‘BiVedLt1t1(j)sthe"tesfimony- We hiveLLLoL" LE6 meeting .
: 1 ' ’ 12 - ' ’ 1‘ "‘c ‘ . ‘ L
‘ *3 IL L L if‘depmdent, ASL];1,f:Ilgl”;i James T. NWT?" Were reqfh-Ooks of neWSp21p:l.enSf 00“” thls CCurt 215 ,1t0 be a pl'Opel' function 0?» E e Party evL
' ‘L L‘ L ‘ 'mS, Enterprig ( ; Enth- R S . > r., t < mg the sq L ClPpin Jud ’ L L COurt 0f revi z” orms of .
L LL ~ Le,1,.‘ , 2 - pnn L ancez .. . ‘me de . . g5 ge A~ . ‘ evs. . an
A L] L‘ Zun Cum“, State11:11:“;[StatewLLaTgiWSHog In t}: 31316; bl‘lefs, 11186 of Impm'- the View tlhtjtlbfilm COHCurring expressei Limbo COHteSt.
L 1 L urge, 2 "a, Fm ’ ‘ 2- a 61' ~ .2 fl ' ecau L 951‘ h ‘
' L Ll ‘ L State-(131141268 Lee CreIWford Ego”; State'ut- der Conviction Alcflse, a secOnd-degre COmts ViOlation of St: 0f .th.e Supi'em beardatsy foo
L ' f L - "(,1 Lo .‘ fge, “Ml-yen Abra “"3, COIbin~ Cil‘Cuit C0 ‘Ppealed from th 6 mm. Palate reView ‘ e pl‘lnclples of 0? 5*We1-e
L L L L L L finrkfilsfille; ImmWIiute P2113123) COurie,_]0ur: the com-t “it, the main COntent'e Dearbol-n have “0 \Veigl’itbuCh a deCLSLon (1mm) CL” \
_ 3 ‘ 1 ‘ 3 ~' ar ’ Casey C reé'ident F a used - . lOn Wrlg th C ' as a pre- d ,7
L ‘ ‘ —___ Ollnty N . 2 1‘6d t0 gm . Its dlSCl‘e - _ “ at Omme - Le But. ,
L '2 L ‘ V L Jim—6:— ty. TL]? a Change Of Venue?” 1n l'efiJsing “Seemed tgtlliLg that the Supreme Coui .2 BGQt-n”
1‘ L L ‘ Kent 6 defendal 101“ the c th L L ,, e unduly m ' ‘.
L . “Cky Press 5 . - A 6 Case h ”“0115 to take ova a~
, ‘ 2 George M, Wilson P d eerCe, Inc. I 6C that, as in on the ti-i lebadded that it then “got dew .,
L’ . L BTECkin ' ’ red 9"! 11 C'dSe 0L . ' a ench and - . L ‘V
‘ ‘L 1 * Lander, Wills "Iii; ge’ald-News Hard' b the gelitlenfef‘uthy 1’ecognition We 'd gig as t0 the credibilitjugfsiimefi LLS fini w
- LL " . L > {5643, . d ’ 1ns urg (L , n m the f ’ 1 entjf e witne‘ L e Jurorsari u
2 L L , M 951 ent Seate r01 _ . Y . 5565 f()' 5 ; 5‘22.

v i ‘ ‘ 1 L Wllham T- Davis Cg?" goumy News Calh fOrt- 1:1 1‘ to I“) S- C Vqu Cgvel PhOLO as ”‘31 COurt” L that Of 1“ng Eby of tiL ”L
L“ L L 00" V' - - L 0““ ’ arry S L ‘ 1 11m .. ' ‘f’v‘W‘WL L”
L Vietor R. Po Lyon Countljcfigrrflfidm Burkhal‘d LibtoLLe’ Central CityLL’FFl‘mk' He added; 2%
‘3 ' L PB, ”mam, seem ’Eddyville erse. ’ , elty; Gem. . 7 red 1, “Asid . 4 :A

L ryJA ar_T tM. gejl ef ..,« ,
L - shley As . y ream,” 2 {lung-e K H 0p 111 III S . 10111 the i .. L~ L 11., ,-/ w:
L Florida R G '_ “stunt secreta, for R, P0. - enry’ Mi dd] 7 0m- Clples of .1 1 gl‘OImg of . . .p *u
. E: ' amSOn, Ass‘ié'tant Treyasu to r ) thnTflnD, LGXington. eSbol'o; Vic__ more pl"1(:t1')peate Pl'flCtice, we have a! 1 "9",;
ill L Board Of D" L m Spri Oms DeRosett. L (Standing I United S 16211 quesfion Presented 1’3" W6
ELL Chairman, Mqrt' "ecq-ors T ngér Hoskins H .1 L Columbia' R. tiol ‘ tates Supreme Court in the sél fl 1%.
LL don; M'u ' I ,m Dyche’ Sent' ‘ ‘emphn? Lexi ’ m an; EdW'1 d, L L Of a jlll‘v. It 2 ’
£2 - b ‘ ”1C6 Ix. Hen mEI-I‘Lcho L ford- W “gtofl; Fm k ‘1 5 M. Pl‘eVaili ’. Wmfld appear under‘- . 2
.d om; Niles O D' '17, Daily News \j on- , amen R F‘ «n C, Bell B 11;: oplnion of t1
L‘“ L Springs. Th ’ llllngham, Pm . 'i’hddles- Abrams? Lou' j lSher, Carlisle. 2 ed- mOre horrible ‘ . lat court that .
- ‘ ' t11i21n11;,110b?mai L- Preston Démss’ DuWson Ii“; A1 I S 115mb; Howard 0 1’ Warren crime, the 1 ’. ILLVOltmg 0r ShOCkingL \
L . LL ()fficel's CY ”t '1‘ 21y, Shell)” Z’Ve f’anCrat’ Cyn— T-N01--:. ClanSberg’ St Mr g es, Fl‘flnk_ able to Se. €55 hkely WOUld the State] Lexi
23‘ -'0fficzo. ' “4-8, Shelbyville. C1"1\vf 1113, J11, Ashl'md. (lltthews; James Such 1 p (141116 21 jury to try the defendfln Aft ngl‘On Z
’ ’ ‘ Org . . ‘ § 1111( L‘ 0 i - _ e
L _ _ destiny of, KCOIbm_ They will Jillnes Lee Violence cosy en00u12iges the notoriety {iii the Her the FI
PA in 1964. gmde the “City OVer rigged with crime and its pug veYend L
‘1 10; television and other neL‘i
(Please Tum T o Page Eigii

 E E I x
I. E , l i
caus " ~ ' . ' ' . I I I . .
ed b‘?‘ Busmess And Frolic Highlight Annual Convention : I - I
ve easily (MI E I I I I
lguishing the Approximately 160 party-goers arrived Peters Catholic Church, Lexington’s mayor, munity dailies (22) indicated a daily cir- E ‘ E I
e was no eviI on Thursday to enjoy the opening day ac- Fred F ugazzi, welcomed the group to the culation of 194,462, and 11 Sunday editions ‘ l E I.
iblic passioriI fivi‘fies, Other than the “Beatnik Party,” city and presented Maurice Henry with of 129,424. Circulation of weeklies and E ‘ I
re “1090“ h“ editors and publishers of Central Kentucky the Key to the City. In his remarks, Mayor semi-weeklies reached an all-time high of ‘ . I
ll conclusionsI newsPapers were hosts to the convention Fugazzi urged the press to support legisla— 352,206. The combined circulation of all I I I
davits of (lit for a “warmer-uper” and reception, fea— tion to increase the number of years in state newspapers reached a grand total of E E
l, and at theI turing the famous wassail bowl. John which mayors of first and second class cities 1,499,549, which indicates more than the I I i
testified thatI O’Conner, United Brewers Association, sup- may hold office from four to eight. He said average of two newspapers for every fam- I I
items prev plied the necessary ingredients. A buffet the present limitation “created a lame duck ily in the state. i I ‘
éjudice in ill" dinner followed. administration with each change of office” The Secretary stated that the KPA Sports I E I E
:rfere \VitllI E which handicaps planning and continuity. Fund, designated for aid to crippled and E E
rt also founI They Register In In another thought, the mayor said the needy children beyond regular appropria- I _ I
re newspapiI , I , I I I free press is the only force which can deter tions from state agencies and societies, had I I I I I
tory nor preI hide I 115’ In; . a ,, J the movement toward turning the indi- reached the total of $5,044.86 in invested ‘ I ; I II
was no showI gag/3C6 , vidual into “just another number.” “Pres- funds. I E El I1
had been eiI “*Zéoifhée 5: ,1; ,IIVIJiI'IVIiiII, sures of life,” he said, “discourage the President Fred J. Burkhard then named I! I I. I II‘- E
hallenges ha! gfififgggygw v thought of young Americans from going in- the resolutions committee with Landon I E' i'. ll III!
:I iii?“ lp‘fiwa to business for themselves.” Quoting recent Wills, Chairman, and W. Foster Adams : I I
ever, to exit Wegéki 3‘ 'f_ 1 college figures, he said less than one per- and Mrs. Murray Rogers serving as mem- E I III I
rt’s decisi I 15:9,”? ,i . cent of college graduates have any thoughts hers. I 1 I III 3 I II
at when ' ’ QM” , '4 s 0f self-employment when arriving in the Southern Education Reviewed I I ‘ II
B Irvm C aha, M t. - working force of the nation. I I I III‘ I
dEd SOlely" : “-2: ' E. i . The Secretary-Manager gave a brief re- Adron Doran, pre51dent 0f Morehead 1 I I
ll and hytI’ \Ela:1k “fig. , I, _ ‘I port on membership and other pertinent State College, presented aIfilmed p resenta- I E 1 ‘ l3 3
ITeSPeCtivei“ :h,u”‘M[:~?§r§ ”if? 7. , data at the opening of the Friday business tlon on the needs and requrrements 0f hlgh' I E: I 3 : I
the Suprerii x%;~j~“ I I 2“ session. He analyzed KP A membership in er education in the southern section of the I IIII I I
a court ofie ~. I, ._ I' - stating that 125 weeklies and semi-weeklies, country. He concluded with a strong ap— E I * II I
\ and 21 dailies were active members in peal for support In the forth-coming pro- I I l 3 I‘ j
I . Readings of poetry, some bad and others 1963. Thirteen weeklies, including those grams 0f education. I ' I I I
the Unity worse, helped kick off the 95th annual established in 1963 and four dailies did not Hospital Crisis Explained 1 I I l E
on, ObVIOUSII Mid-Winter Meeting Of the Kentucky Press choose membership. One weekly, now more Dr. Karl S. Klicka, executive director, I II E.
Jl't and dew Association. The literary PP? session was than one year old, was applying for current Appalachian Regional Hospitals, Inc., said I ‘ I '
y 0f the pro part Of the “Beatnik Party” which Opened membership, while tWO others had indi- that several crisis have been occuring in 1 ll
“d the welgh the meeting 011 Thursday night. To keep cated their application as soon as qualified the five mountain region hospitals which I I
We haIvenUI the Party even on a higher level, others under the constitution’s one-year—of—publica- have recently been taken over from the I I ‘ i ‘ I!
)1. fgncnonoi forms 0f art—finger painting. Sculpture, tion rule. He announced the resignation of United Mine Workers Welfare agencies. I I I ‘ I
ew. I llmbo contests, caricatures, modern art, pa- the Covington Post and Times-Star. Those past crisis, he said, revolved around I I
ng, expressei DEF hats, foot-long cigarette holders, and New weeklies established in 1963 include the closing of these hospitals. If the units I I
the SupIiem beards—were employed. the MetCalfe County News, Summer Shade, had been closed, this would have seriously E i ‘
1C1p1e8.0 “I; K by Lawson and Abernathy; the Jessalnlne curtailed the medical services which have , I ' II
n I(IIrv1n) 01‘ Beotniks Or H b bl. 9 County Star, Nicholasville, by Sidney 0- been provided to one of the worst depressed _
nt. Cour 0 go ms’ Hisel; the Rockcastle Sentinel, Mt. Vernon, areas in the nation. The facilities provided I
Epremek w: A, ., ~ g" :2, by R H- Gentry; the Lakeside Ledger, Ed' by these units are not readily available in
s tOIItfl edliW V ’3 E dyville, by Charles 14- Baccus; and the Les— other medical care units in the area. I I I
Ien got fini 3% “KW“ “’3", h lie County NEWS, Hyden, by T‘ C' Size- The movement of practicing physicians I ‘ I r
mte’d his all 2\. ’E :4)” more. The NiChOhlS COUUtY Star, Carlisle, from the area would have been the second I I ‘ E
be ldlliry 0W3 / Kai; “’9' ,4? ; suspended publication in 1111)“ blow to medical care had the hospitals been i I
ge f 9 ”it ,1": r, bf KEHtUCkY DOW has 22 weeklies and tWO allowed to curtail their services. Such a I I , II
I #f/ I}? 12,193 dailies printed offset. One hundred eight- move would have reduced the rate to one 1 ‘ I
I‘ pig" «35.; 3")». _:.’i f“ " cen weeklies and dailies were affiliate mem- doctor for each four thousand residents, ‘ I r I E
of - . - WE ‘ :2! I ,; '1" “ hers, and 21 sustaining members of the Na- Dr. Klicka added. ‘ ‘ E
V6 have 333 3%? f 5 5 ' tional Editorial ASSOCifltiOD- Since the take-over by the regional group I ‘ ' I I
lelited byelél {“33 i E 1 y i All state newspapers showed a gain in in October, Dr. Klicka has found many I:
: 1n chSIqu . I . a if?” .i 3. Il' circulation in 1963 over 1962; dailies gained problems to be overcome. He said it has ‘ I ‘
ear unhettliI ‘ Q 11;: ' i (1 approximately 5 percent and weeklies 3.5 been necessary to get the cooperation of . I
Iourt I: a ll ' ‘ ii percent. Very few newspapers did not re- civic groups in the area; secure the cooper- I
ShocsfieiI W port gain during the year. According to the ation of local private practice doctors and I I
thed fendfll After 1 n IIayor Extends Welcome Directory and Rate Book, metropolitan those employed by the miners’ union and E I
:he 8. tv .11 the ReItIle Frlday morning invocation by dailies listed a daily circulation of 530,062 hospitals; change the image of the hos— I ‘ I I
“Gilligan’- \eiend IOhn A. Seiler, pastor of St. and Sunday circulation of 293,395. Com- pitals from private—owned to that of a pub- I II
B Ell] ' I II
1d other “9‘ I I I 1
uPagé’Eigl : ‘1 I i ‘ '
Er E I I
E E3 ‘ ‘l E

 l" , , l 1 ; I
. 1 JAN
ll lllllll 3I I l I‘ , lic establishment; and to encourage more in wagering. State taxes paid by race tracks our Trust Fund oflicial.’ 3 .
l l ‘ private physicians to refer patients to the last year totaled $265.1T111110n Md federal The School of Journalism Foundationhad gm
l hospitals. taxes totaled $30 million. Total emplOY‘ helped 14 qualified journalism majors C“
‘ The census in the hospitals, he added, ntent at tracks across the nation Exceeded through grants during 1963 under Plan 2" in;
. ‘, . dropped drastically soon after the take-over) (0,000 persons,. he concluded: ITieie me and the invested funds under Plan 1 now $5.:th
l but has been rising steadily since. Studies now 100 tracks in 30 diffeient states. over $4,200,7would be held until interest *
i t ‘ are now under Vvay to find new uses for the ———-—-——-———— would permit a scholarship grant to a g
l facilitieS, possibly in the area of HUI'Sing Most Valuable Member qualified malor'student 111 iOurnalism. He' j,
training and nursing facilities for the aged. ’fl-iévirfif it. thanked the daily and. weekly neWSpapett] V,
I . l One whole floor of the \Vhitesburg hospital a“ whose continuous contributions have helped _ t
l . is suitable for this use, D11 KliCk‘J added. 5".“ i 4 " the needy students to obtain their goals. l , I 2’:
j ‘ However, he concluded, the facilities for ; y The nominating committee reported the, ”
i training of nurses and care for the aged : t‘ m a»; followmg slate for officers and board of dil ;: , ,
. ‘ cannot be sponsored through the routine in- . r _‘ . 1' " ' 1:“ t, 1 '1: , rectors: Chairman of the Board, Fred B,’
l . ‘ ; comes of the hospitals, but must be sup- ' " . ., \Vachs, Lexmgton Herald—Leader; Presf,‘ a ,,
l l ported from other funds, preferrable do— . ; j; 1- , , I; if: dent, George Joplin III, Somerset Common.l :if,,, ,
l ‘ nations from private institutions. ~ t Z , '_ wealth; Vice PreSident, Lawrence W. Hag-i
l‘ l i The five institutions represented in the «t. \s j ’~ . ei‘, Jr., Owensboro Messenger-Inquiry ’"
regional organization are located at \Vhites- {23‘ , . -. w‘ Treasurer, Enos Swain, DanVille Advocattt
I burg, Middlesboro, Harlan, Hazard, and he ,1 ‘51:, a "if Messenger; and Secretary-Process Agelil
l McDowell. w rim. Victor R. Portniann. For directors, Classfit‘
l . , . d ”in it for a term of three years—Mrs. M _.
l Owl” Res’o’m" ”mm at?“ .: Comer. Maysville Independent; John {l
l A plan for the complete restoration of M34? Gaines, Park City Daily News, Bowliiigll
s V Pleasant Hills, better known as Shakertown. igggqg .1. , - . 3;" Green; Miss Jane Bird Hutton, Harrodsburi
l was described by James L. Cogar, executive tggigg? ', Herald; Amos Stone, Central City Men George Jo
‘ director of Pleasant Hills and Shakertown, wig? '3 é 3: senger-Argus; Enos Swain, Danville Advo: E- l1 i. H! l‘
‘ Inc. He described the former residents 0f MW; .; . cate-Messenger; and Cecil Wilson, Barbour lg '6
I ' the area as a hardy and industrious group “’52?” H . , .- ville Advocate. On motion, duly secondedl George Ac
‘ who made the many articles WhiCh was ————————-——-—- the nominees were elected by unanimoril elghtieth pre
i needed for their living. He said their de- Friday Luncheon vote of the members present. Association,
3 ' ‘ 15 and livin conditions were . 0nd Of his 1
‘. ‘ :filleéltlteE-mthan the aiel‘age conditions Activities at the Friday luncheon in- Kentucky Press Service lather Georgi
l ‘ \vhich prevailed around them. cluded a drawing for the Early—Bird Reg- The 14th annual meeting of Kentucli,‘ as president
He explained that approximately 2,000 istration” which was won by Ben Boone, Press Service, 1110., was called to order blr lie was no mir
l acres of land have already been purchased publisher of the Todd County Standard, President George M. Wilson who called f“: l. Evans, the
l l in the immediate area of the restoration, Elkton. a brief report from the Secretary-Manager, who nominat
L; which should help to restrict the commer- Edwards Templin, convention chairman, Mimeographed copies of the financialrepofl the Louisville
: cialism which usually accompanies tourist was named the Association’s “Outstanding were distributed to members present. The. The presid
attractions. This land will be converted in- Member of the Year” by President Burk- Secretary pointed out that $193,139.84 ha of Bal‘tlienia
. to a tourist attraction and meeting place for hard (a more detailed story is carried in been distributed to newspapers for national‘ Joplin, Jr., pi
the many functions needing such facilities. this issue of the Press). and regional advertising during 1963. Ht lnonwealth. l
l Mr. Cogar explained, thrOugh the use of Dr. Henry Johnson, luncheon speaker, outlined some of the problems that ha! Somerset sch
3 slides and discussion, the present condition presented one of the highlights of the 0011- been met and solved during the year .ani from the Ken
i of the buildings located on the grounds and vention with his interesting presentation of, commended the newspapers for “sticking don, Kentuck
l the probable restorations which will be “Keeping Your Wits in a VVitless World. to their published national rates and pp 1946. He re
i made in the future. Living facilities, res— Beginning on a humorous note, he finished cedures when approached by automotive Center Colleg
' taurant and exhibits will be included in by outlining a formula for success: work advertisers with their request for local rilfl member-of thl
the final plans. hard; escape from the present state .of mind contracts. was associate
Faithful Servant of Man by develop ing. a hobby or recreation; fall The nominating committee reported tlh'l of Centre Co
_ in love With life by creating an interest in followin nominations for officers and board‘ 011 the Week
The horse, which has always Served as things outside yourself; develop a philos- of dir tg . . pisident George M, Wilson. Pllblished by
’2 the faithful servant of man, now. is being ophy to live by, for and with; and learn to Breckiencrjodlgé é: Her-hld-News, Irvinglflfl- He entered
t billed to please man and to provrde entei‘- keep your values straight. Dr. Johnson is lst Vi e Pres'dent Landon Wills, McLeiU Hate School,
l tainment for him. ]- B~ Faulconer, PUth a management consultant, with offices in C NC C1 lh ’ f 9n d Vice Presideflll York City, ant
l relations director of the Keeneland Associ- Indianapolis. “(filliarreiw’lfy D 211150111130; Co. Herald, Eddt‘ 195i After 1
% ation, continued to explain that Kentucky Annual Foundation Meeting ville; and Secretary—Manager, Victor B. 1500mm. editor:
t still continues to breed more stake horses . ' Port 1n B ‘d of DirectOI'Si Chairmal ‘8 enlisted in
E than all of the other 49 states combined. Of The annual meeting of the School of 1‘11"- 0‘11 l sentinel'EChO Fommission as
it the 1,200 thoroughbred farms which are Journalism Foundation was called to order Malt? Dyche, Lonclsllt ddlesb01'0 Dill} He Was assigi
i now in operation, he said, over 200 are still by President George Joplin III. A brief hN/Iaurice ‘Kl. ‘ H811Y:DIH':1 ham DaWSO'l “ational Relat
‘E located in Kentucky. report of progress was made by the Secre- S 31‘“: ‘ Nd 65. .. Th 1151 5 Preston; Ci’il Graduate SCll(
Thoroughbred racing in the nation has tary-Process Agent, as reported in another 13111185 Plot-319.35:- Olmf’iobert Fav,Sl1€lll \rasattachedt
increased in two ways since 1957, Faul- column. The annual statement of funds Elana 183131111130”? 311:) motion duly cm Calll’arfare Di
ill coner said, by total attendance and increase will be published as soon as available from 6W5, e YV1 9- n ’ t l0 the Voice 0

 1964 J ‘ ' ' J
J’ JAN UARY, 1964 wu—x.” wui.“_%c;4_£_>: 3.31;. . JJ 1 J
5 THE KENT “‘Jvii-J‘ "wit-3;, J 5-,
"Sm malOIs Mr” 2- p i . v
. : x‘?“ m/ led, the AGE t J J his». .
”del‘ “3112‘ x? W ‘5 Willh “laste was elected by eeeia i THREE ; , . :2.
PC " e Iii. Watt ‘1“ iin . . ‘ I ma iOn. - J ‘ J
1511 1110“'J €3,225”: ~ . ”:6”? American \I OntohJ legloflal direct - f Dlnner mUSic W21. . J J i
““511 int - “':,f’:32?» , ‘ 1 ewspa e- . 01 or Toi ‘5 provided b i i fii' ’.
gm erestJ “JJJ 5:, plained the ex J P 1 Repiesentatives ex b 1es. Other features We- d y the Teen J J J J
JJ tflt to aJ 2J5 J Cluding the JPMSIOH policies of AN}; . Y lean Wicker and C . le ance 1'0Utines J " ' ’ ‘?.~22
lnahsm' Ht if»? w San F- - lecently eStablished Hi 7 151' tOmime bv Geo~ 51101 ThOmpson, pan- J “ J 1 5t 2
5 news a 7' 7s 5‘ ‘ “:1 . lalml5C0 and a i 0 Ce 111 and ' lge HOI‘l‘ell, and . . J ; ‘ if
‘h'iv lilpers "V' 5' ' t 5% Dallas. He said th ploPOSed lOCatiOn in VI' Song numbers by L . a leading J J : I
i c e eped ‘ ‘_ ; J»; . Jinfle . J J '~ 6 pl'OS J 185 Sll JJ J x eXlngton’S J J J J '55; J
‘ - ' ' 2 -- .6222» ‘1dVel'tlSII‘7 f - pects for n t' ’ elly Smith Th lnnior .
my goals . 2': 5 lo or the We k a lonal com 1 ' e enterb - J J J
5 ‘ ’ 55" 6 1Y 1' P eted b alnmentw 2 '
reported 515‘ ‘ " Max 55'”; ‘lnld tilimnd any Other time inp 1:805 1:01: bet- Grass Chor'ili'Iefsh e appearance 0f the BIL: J J J ‘ 5 .
board of (1'5 . J, . 2 "x, » t 1.6 icted ,1 l'e- en iStorV n J an all-men 1 J J J
‘ I" ‘5 ' ' W” 1‘6 ~ ~ ( Cord year fo- ' Cloi‘al grou , J 5 .“
1rd, Fred B, W ‘ lffifiéentat‘vet I the Weekly UK President Heard p J J '
>ader- Pies-i 7' 2 IS Was, in turn f Di. Johi V 3 - ‘
> J , ’2’2 :2; tlS' J J ) Ollowed J J J 1 V_ OSWa J J J J JJJ
set Common . ridge? PIJeSentatiOn by Miss Higiyhzn adver' pleslclent of the Uiiinlef“- lecently named 1 ‘ J Ii J
nee W‘ H38" ““ ' ‘ (‘19 125111;; manager for Westeii KCnght’ Opelled the half-day SatiSItly 0f Kentuckv J J J ’ 5 ‘5
[ger-Inquire‘pJ ~ J J J pro. J0mpany, Miss MCKni ht entncky I dlSCLlSSIOn of the prohllc 1y session With J J J 1:
lle Advoca .5? - ‘J J ,. ,- v. _ dis CJeC ures for pro ducing mog outlined Educatioii in Kentucky EDS facing higher J . J _
. " , ‘ are“ '=‘ . 2 re 5 . . . . ‘- .. J J ‘.
ocess Age J .tt‘J't ‘_ JJJ fi_ JJJ..JJ of Ely adVeitisingJ Utilizing the 'ittiactiVe pewent of the high Scho: sqid 30 to 30 J J JJJ J
:toi-s, Class-i .JJxJJ\JJJ -2 _ a once» Symmetry ‘1 cl J ermClples DJYCSently enl‘ollin J 0 graduates are J J J J j
M J '5‘ “5‘ ‘ ‘ ’ ' S'dld adv - ’ ‘ ’ ‘15 ploportion S] ties t . g 111 Colleges and ' J J t - .
rs. M - J ‘t 3737“ " ' ’1tte t' eltlsmg PeI‘Sonnel must ' le ‘ 0 cOntinue their educat' universi- ‘ J 5‘ i; '
“Ht; John; ‘3 : , :2 ‘ tio “£1011 to preparation of I1 70 Péty more ten Years, Dr. OSWald ed 19n' In the next J J J J J J J -J
W5: Bowlifig ‘ \ 5 ‘ ‘ l ' I ‘ mm or the pmdUCt is to be glint; 1f fitter]- Cent 0f the high school ntlgued’ 50 per- { 5 3 J J J J . ‘ ;
Harmdsburi ‘ " ’ . if?" of competition for iquele through Seeking admission q fig? 113565 Win be J, i i J J JJ
. . . . t . ‘ eri . o ’ ‘ cCor ~ . J i‘;‘ '
1 Glty Mei George Joplin III E h Ours t; Same time during the aftnteiest. VJJuble the needed space in CV‘fillch Wlll J JJJ JJ i-JJJJJ J :2
mv1lle Advo E. _ lected JJ ,1’ e daily “eWSPapers w einoon ew of this, Kentuck 0 eges, In J J JJJJ J lJl JJJ , if
9011’ Barb” Ightleth KPA President 111:1v lat was termed “the finestere éngaged fimch facilities in the rle ItmtlSt prOVide as ; J I? J J J ‘? JJJ , :1
11y secon . ie . At the Sessron ever as durin J X en years as ‘ J J i J J‘ 45"1
Y unaaned ice-Olge Adams Joplin III 1 de"Oted to th end Of Fhe programJ in time “We qrg Ehe pdstloo years It J J J J J J 1J J J ' ‘5
unoui JeJlghtieth president of th ’Ke ected as the Tomes Lee C 53 fAssocfilted Press meeting UK 131.65.“: aced With three Problem n 1 J J J J J JJ J J J ‘1
J ssociatiOn fode _ e eiltucky Pre ~J raw 0rd, Corbi T' , SIC ent Said “Th fi. J 5, tie J J J I‘J' J J JJJJJJ .
' .’ . ed 1T1 186 ' SS “‘1de preside n rlbu