xt770r9m607z https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt770r9m607z/data/mets.xml Kentucky Kentucky Press Association Kentucky Press Service University of Kentucky. School of Journalism 1964 Call Number: PN4700.K37 Issues not published 1935 Aug - 1937 Oct, 1937 Jul - 1937 Aug, 1939 Oct - Dec, 1940 Jan - Mar, 1951 Aug - 1956 Sep. Includes Supplementary Material:  2005/2006, Kentucky High School Journalism Association contest 2004-2005, Advertising excellence in Kentucky newspapers 2003-2005, Excellence in Kentucky newspapers newsletters  English Lexington, KY.: School of Journalism, University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Press Press -- Kentucky -- Periodicals The Kentucky Press, June 1964 Vol.30 No.9 text The Kentucky Press, June 1964 Vol.30 No.9 1964 2019 true xt770r9m607z section xt770r9m607z , , 7 fl 7, ,, P———_MMM 77w— *m' ’ i g
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Published In the Interest of Community Journalism . . . Of, By, and For Kentucky Newspapers 1 1
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, The Kentucky Press Association recognizes 1‘
the fundamental importance of the implied i '
trust imposed on newspapers and dissemination if i
- , of public information. It stands for truth, fair- i; ‘ 1'
, _ . I
ness, accuracy, and decency m the presentation i
of news, as set forth in the Canons of Journal— 2
- . a n a ‘ L
mm It advocates strict ethical standards in its ‘ '
‘ advertising column. It opposes the publication " ‘ .
of propaganda under the guise of news. It af- i
firms the obligation of a newspaper to frank, ;
: honest and fearless editorial expressions. It re— 1 i
1 t0 , spects equality 0f opinion and the right of every if i
LUYS individual to participation in the Constitutional i 1
f 1‘ guarantee of Freedom of the Press. It believes ‘i l
» 0 r m the newspaper as a vital medium for civic, - ”M” )0 ‘- " i 4,
111le economic, social and cultural community de- . glyéflfégr ‘ i
ible ‘ ”610317"th and progress. ’3“ V/ “Haste-m air/m» 2???th 3,. “ . L i
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1 111 1 11 .1 11 :1 1 1 - 1 “\Valter Potter chairman of tl

1111111111 1111 1 _1 1 1 1 ,1 re NBA

111 1‘ 1111 11 The KentUCk Press second CIGSS Postage Legislative Committee, testified before a 1‘

1 1 1 1111 1 1 : 1 1 Claimed Lli‘i‘le Prestige House subcommittee, in support of HR 5481 1 en
1111151115 .,,~/»~~1
1 1 1111 11 1 1 11 I 30 N b 9 Among the many cl‘ranges that have 1111\1134153/11 1111168161 1:135 11101111211 91058 a legal 1

1 11:1 1111 1‘1 V0 ume ’ um er affected newspapers is the weakening of 0101) ro L 19641? )3, re ASP iougress “’111011 1' Many (

1 1 ‘1 111 11 1 1 the law governing issuance of second—class ,CMmpttECf pu)101:11101“15 SGIVinglthe Perform 1 95th mid

7 1 111 11 11 1 '- ' ' , 1, . , . . 1’211‘Sl'(11) isn g‘ . .-

11 1111111 11 111 01mm] PUbhcqhof‘ postal permits. lhe following interesting 1:3" 1 1 , )111 1“ ‘ 11g C111u11t10111fig11195- 1 Cumbella.

11 1 111111 1 Kentucky Press ASSOCIOl‘IOn, lnc. article )1 this situation was )ublished 1.11 11 lotter referred to upholding the integrity en 11121556

1 1 1'1 111111 11 11 ‘ 11 Ke'm‘d‘y Press se'V1ceI Inc- ‘ U 7 i ( 1 k of second-class mail which is liin't t1 1 1 1

1 1 ‘1 11 11 11 1 recent issue of The \Vashington Newspaper. )ublic “1.0115 with 1 1301 fil 'd 16 t0 1 561mm 1

1 1111 - ' _ . . '1 '1 2 1a -, _ ...1

1: :1 11 1 11 1 1 1 1‘ 1 p VictJorAR111Port1rknunn1, 15mg; monthly magazrne ot the \Vashingtor'r News- 111,011 list , (e p 11 ““1113 1 the (111181

1 11111 11 1 1111111 erry ‘ s ey' ““10 e '01 paper Publishers Association. (1 1 1 1 ‘P , 1 1 1 19g1511‘twe

1 11 11 11 1 1 111 Member “we received the other day a small book— Integrity. Its ‘1 nICE-sounding word. 1 tured 5P6:

111. 1: 111111 11 1111 ‘ Newspaper Managers A55°C‘°“°" let from a state women’s organization. Pur— Potter and NEA should certainly be com 11 111011’ cove:

1 1 11 :1 111 1 Kentucky 1Chamber of Comrnerce pose of the booklet was to instruct pub— mended for protesting this latest Violation. 11 ing the n
1 11; 1111 1 1' 1‘ Better B1151"??? Bureau’ Lexmgmn licitv chairmen how to go about getting ”Pt the truth IS that the 011131111131 81311111 510118 were
1 11 ‘111111 1 1 11 1 1 1 Susmmlng Timber “161.11 1111116111] into print ' of the second-class permit was compromised 1 the Senate

1‘1 '1 1 11 N t‘ at Ed'toria ssociation “ L ‘ 1 ‘ ‘ . . ,, , 1 11 .
1 11: 1111: 1 11 1111 1 1 a IonAssociLte Member One recommendation was to 1 1 1 apply the moment that Congress allorr ed11relig- lems of1p:

, 1 ‘ 1 11 11 111 1' 11 1 1 National Newspaper Promotion Association for a second class permit, as this will great- it??? eff-,1t6t01111 publioatipns 11:1 qiliality for 11 vestrgatior

.1 :11 111 1 1 1 . . . ly cut down your mailing costg.’ ‘9 1111111“ 1- 1056 “011“ C1 tie trick. 1 and the P‘

11 1‘11 111 ‘1 i PUbl'COtIOH Office “This is pretty good advice. After all Bookies, high school journalism advisors,1 ameans oi

1 :1 1.1 : 1 1 ‘ . ’ '. . 7 1 H" '1 "1 ”—1 r .1 . '

1 r 111 11 1 1 1 11 5sh001 0f Journullsm why mail your bulletins for 4 cents a copy sex cial thousand ministers anyone “ho tan 1 raged in t

1 1111111 111 11 University of Kentucky third-class, if you can send them for 1/8 say he represents a group not organized In talkr

11111 11 _ 1 1 _..____————————— cent 11 copy second-class? for profit and can put 111k on paper-(1111111 Kentucky,

11 11 111 11 .111 1 1 Kentucky Press Association, Inc. “It makes little difference if you are send- fies under the extremely loose construction which wo

1 1111 11 ' 1 1111‘ . . ing out copv to Campfire Girls of the next “111mb the PG“ Office Department has p111 1 kay’ had

1 1 111 1 11 1 1 11 1 George 101311“ 111’ Preszdent ' . . . . on that unfortunate )lrrase W'rshir t

1: 11111 1111 11 1 1 1 Commonwealth, Somerset marshmallow social, or publishing minutes 1 ‘ ‘ /1 ‘ ‘ 1 ‘ 1g0
11111111 1 1.: 111 1 1 1 1 Maurice K. Henry Vice-President of the last Concatenated Order of Yahoos _ It 13 highly improbable that newspaper the Linear;

1 111111 11 111 111 11 1 1 Daily News, Middlesboro meeting. It cuts no ice if you print letter— interests \vill ever bring sustained and con-1 flood 00111
11 11 1 1111 1 1 11 1 Victor B. Portmann Secretary—Manager press, offset, tYpewriter, or with linoleum centrated pressure 0“ Congress SUffiC1€1111 111%111110nth

1 1111111 1 11 1 1:1 1 1 Perry 1. Ashley, Assistant Secretary—Manager 1131001“ If YOU C1111 claim, With 11 straight t01 protect the second—class permit. T11616311 5111162111111

‘1 i 111 11 l . 11 11, Florida R. Garrison, Assistant Treasurer face that you have a paid-up subscription PICS-“”9 has come from other groups, “11101 1" “1

1‘1 11 1 11 1 11 1 11‘ University of Kentucky, Lexington list and if you can fill out an application have invested more time and energy “’1 Spfirrsored
1 , 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 . . x . 1
111 111 1 111 ‘ 1 1 11 15 1 D' t - t E t' C mittee blank, you Will probably get a permit. Anv— 10b1))’ the POD. The result—10,000 lle\\S-1 J10 11 OCC
1:1: 1111 11111 . . ' . ' 1 ~ - 11 '
1 111 1 111 1 11 111 Is rlc xecu ive om one who complains is a dog In the manger papers and 20,000 publications NOT irerrs-1 111mm the
1 1111 1 1111. 1 1‘ 11 Chairman, Larry Stone, Messenger—Argus, Cen' who wants to keep the government sub- papers “11th the second—class permit. 1111611 , '1 the1tlrr
1 111 111 1 1 :_ 1 tral city (Second); First, William T. Davis, sidv to himself. rity? It’s a joke.”—-Indiana Publisher. 1 a vocalist;
111 1111 1 ‘ ‘1 Lyon County Herald, Eddyville; Third, A1 1' “Over the years some fairly solid thought . 1 OEmUSlC' I
l 111 1 11111 1 1 1 Sgliansliegg,l V02: 6 0ft S; lellthegthgtfli went into setting up criteria which would 11111]? £11011:
,1 1 111 1 1 1 owarc ges, gear: (2, ran in; 1 , r1 1 , A11 _ . ,1 . 1 1_ en uc.1
1, 11 11 1 1 1 1 1 C. Bell, Trimble Democrat, Bedford; Sixth, d(l1(11]1t]1gell(,ldtl nye)ws priqullflicationst to therslec)t Shoppers Not Trash 1 tuiiity to
1 1 11 , 1 1 . . on -cess ca e (r . iese cri eria (1( r . . . * 11
111 :11 1 1 11 Edwards M. Temphn, Herald-Leader, Lexmg- 11 1 1 1 E1 yt Th 1 ld 1 111 A recent 11111111111 by the Californl'd At— 1 Stephen ]
l1, 1 1, ‘1 1 1 ton; Seventh, Warren R. Fisher, Mercury, Car- rappen )5 “‘9“ en ' 1ey C0111 0“ y “VG tornev Cener alsavs that “the mere plac- from the I
11 1 1 11 ‘ lisle; Eighth, Louis DeRosett, Adair County been developed by interaction between ing of ‘weeklv 5110' )ers and other tvpeS of 1 the tal t
1. 1 ' News, Columbia; Ninth, James T. Norris, Jr., Congressmen, POD officials and represen— advertisinr fl‘ 1, p1 ‘ (relies 01, 111 yards seas ( en
11 111 111 1 1 Independent, Aslrland; Tenth, R. Springer Hos- tatives of news organizations—all who pre— ‘f . t5, 16.118 on p011] 1t the ermiS 1 F031
1 1 1 1 - 71 - 1 - 1 - -
1 11 1 11 1. 1 kins, Enterprise; Harlan; State-at—Large, 5- C. sumably understood the original purpose (1). p11\ a? 1651( ences1w1 mu )7 .,p1011 1 b .11 ay 1_
1 11 Van CUTOH, State Journal, Frankfort; State—at— of the postal law to separate general news 51.0“ 9f he? owner or occupant 15 I 1; 1 llSlness_ '
1 1 1 1‘ 1 Large, James Lee Crawford, Tribune, Corbin; from special news publications Over 11 Violation of state law. But tliis1cann10t 9 1 opened the
11 -‘ 11 1 11 Sfa[g_at_Largg Warren Abrams Courier-Iour— . . . . . ' 1 considered any “milestone” in jurlspl‘utence' Introductior
1 1 11 11 1 ’ ’ , eriod of time these C‘lte‘lfl tl “ ,, 1 .
11 a 1 11 nal, Louisville; Immediate Past President, Fred i; 111 itions lined icie £1115: 1:8 POD The AC said No l—that it is app’flle”t 1 the addres:
1 11 11 1 1 . z 1 z 2 -- z - z r . '
1 1111 1 1 J- Burkhard, Casey CWMU News, Liberty. qiijirrters 11$ tie basis defiiiition ofl‘i 1111:1111]; that nothing in this statute should be 1111' was an exc
11‘ 11 11 1 1 1 11 paper “he have it here in '1 Washington terpreted as to include the mere placrrrg1 lmpel‘men
11 ‘1 11 1 1 ‘ . ‘ ' ‘ ‘ ‘ - . 1 L ei'tiSillg it
11 11 1 1 Kentucky Press SerVIce, Inc. state statue defining the legal newspaper” 0f weekly shoppers and other QdV 1 1 had ever
11 11 1 1 1 1 ’ . . a L ' fliers on porches or in the yards of pllmte Increasing
11 1 1 1: 1 1 1 George M. Wilson, President (Kentucky has a Similar-law). Some news— reside ce ,, 1 News a ,
1 1 1 1 1 1 d Beg/Cfimrzige geralg-Nettius, HardinSbm’i‘:r papermen still carry around the idea that 1 n S. 61,61,161?”
'1: 11 ‘ Lan on is, irst ice- resi eat -’1 , 1. _.... . -» .____ ”—— 1' 01'5
11 11 1 McLean County News, Calhoun its1‘Vt3111gh1to get that second class permit. . 1 per Cent,

, 11 I 1 1 3 1 William T. Davis, Second Vice-President e1 ’ It IS“ t any more. Ever 81111ce(POD CONGRATULATIONS selling all (
1:1 1 1 Lyon County Herald, Eddyville regulations were changed to admit relig— Stone
1111 1 1 1 Victor R. Portmann, Secretary-Treasurer ious, educational, scientific, philanthropic. T0 George Joplin and the Somerset 1 Tomgasvif
;1 1 ‘1 1 11 Perry]. Ashley, Assistant Secretary agricultural, labor, veterans and fraternal’ Commonwealth who won first Place, Ville Newli
1', 1 1 1 Florida R. Garrison, Assistant Treasurer publications, the second-class permit has plaque for Best Pictorial Series in the. addresg 0:“
. 1 1 1 1 Board Of Directors 1:136“ hissed 0;“ Ilke free chances for'1TV 1964 NBA contests, and Russell Metz1 television is
1 i: ‘1 1 Chairman, Martin Dyche, Sentinel-Echo, Lon- hingo. (1)1111 510110011 111:9”eF1d publications and the Bath County News-Out100kr1 [ties how tt

1 1 1 . . - _ ave craw e rou T is Wi e-o en tra - . . ‘ r ' -
, 1 1 1 don, Maurice K. Henry, Daily News, Middles 1 1 11 1 S P 1 P Owrngsvflle, for first place plaque in the “inch mg]
l 1 boro; Niles O. Dillingham, Progress, Dawson (001' Racmg forms, REA bulletins, hlgh B 1 ‘C 1 V ' t of T0pics. Thel'1 the future
1 1 Springs; Thomas L. Preston, Democrat, Cyn- school newspapers, mimeographed church est 0 umn- ariey innerS in. 1
1 thiana; Robert Fay, Shelby News, Slielbyville; bulletins, to name a few. The bars are were the only two Kentucky w ;1
1 Officers ex-officio. down and apparently anyone can qualify. the annual contests. i

f the NEA ‘ ‘
d before . r‘ C F ‘I‘ d S k 0 S P I t .
was. Sen. ooper ea ure pea er n ummer rogram I :
lose a legal ‘ . . I I : 3;I .
igress which '1 Many of the 220 persons attending the come of the Kentucky-Tennessee game this was reported that the executive committee ‘ 1 I}; :
:he perfornrl 95th mid-summer meeting, June 4—6 at fall, he refused to comment on the grounds had approved a move from the Brown ‘ ‘ ‘
rtion figures, ‘ Cumberland Falls State Park, turned out that “is one situation which is completely Hotel, Louisville, to the new Stouffer Inn. I ‘ I 5c; '
he integrity en inasse Saturday morning to hear U.S. 1mpredictable.” Louisville, because Stouffers’ had offered ‘ ‘ I .
; limited fol Senator John Sherman Cooper speak on Don Whitehead, Pulitzer prize winning to provide due-bill accommodations to all . I ‘ .
)aid circula-I the current problems facing the national writer and columnist for the Knoxville newspapers requesting them. The conven— ‘ I l I '
legislative bodies. Senator Cooper, the fea- papers, related his career from publisher tion approved the move to Stouffei"s with ‘ I;
ding word.‘ tured speaker for the semi—annual conven— to reporter, a trend which is the reverse the program committee to work out the ‘ I l I ' .-
ily be com- ! tion, covered a wide range of subjects fac— of the usual procedure. Whitehead said the dates with the hotel. ‘ I ' E .,
rst violation. I ing the nation today. Heading his discus— news columns of the newspaper belong to Next the convention approved the ap- ‘ ‘ 3
iginal spirit ‘ sions were the civil rights legislation facing the people and writers should be aware of plication of the Mt. \Vashington Star, for ‘ '
ompromisedI the Senate, foreign relations, domestic prob— the opinion which is constantly creeping associate membership in the association. I. 3
owed ‘relig- lems of poverty and rehabilitation, the in- into them. Opinion, he said, should be con— The last order of business, reports from ‘ ‘ 23‘
qualify for I vestigation of President Kennedy’s death, fined to the editorial page. standing committees, brought Douglas Cor- 3 ‘ “ ' 23.2»: '4
l the trick. I and the possibility of evoking the cloture as A panel discussion of news problems nette and S. C. VanCuron, co—chairmen of I “f‘ 3
m advisers, ‘ ameans of stopping the filibuster which had rounded out the morning program. “Let’s the legislative committee, forward with the ‘ ‘ II E“‘ '
me who can raged in the Senate for several weeks. Go To Press,” moderated by James Lee report the Kentucky’s new libel law was . ‘l “.3‘ .‘I .
rt organized In talking about the problems facing Crowfard, Corbin Tribune, was the theme ready to go into effect. The committee re- ‘If ‘ "““l‘ ‘f‘ 2’
paper-quli—‘ Kentucky, Senator Cooper said the bills, for sports, discussed by Tommy Preston. port also pionted out that Kentucky’s libel ‘ 2 I‘ ‘I‘ ' ‘.
construction; which would bring aid to Eastern Ken— Cynthiana Democrat; society by Linda law, which is probably better than most 3 i . lhf _ ;‘ »
rent has put‘ tacky, had received widespread support in I—Iockensmith, Frankfort State Journal; news states have, is more lenient on the news- I I . l“ 1, |
I Washington and will surely relieve some of by John Harris, Bai‘bourville Advocate, and paper than any which has been devised ‘ ‘ “ I I I
t newspaper the unemployment and hardships. He said features by S. C. VanCuron, Frankfort State before. ; I ‘ a‘
ed and con-‘ flood control and building of roads were Journal. In looking to the future, the legislative ‘ I ‘ = I
55 sufficient‘ high on the priority in the future. An afternoon of recreation was featured committee said four things should be con— ' I ‘ ‘I .‘ I
n't. The real The summer program got off to a fast on Friday. Golf, swimming, sunbathing, sidered in connection with the association’s 2‘ l ‘I‘ E
groups, who‘ Start with a reception on Thursday night bridge, horseback riding, and hiking were legislative actions; . ‘ ‘ I “I "
l energy mi, Sponsored by the US. Brewers Association, among the many things which “were 611— l. The association should hire a full- I' .1 ‘ “ ' f"; .3
0,000 news-‘ John O’Connor, host. Following a dutch joyed by all.” For many others it was a time lobbyist to represent newspapers in- 1 ‘ I . ‘l ‘ .
NOT news-  Best Feqt g5 (1r, Park Cit D . Park L
L L. LLLLL LLL LL LL L fee for . . , 19 program COmmit- S .- l- NorfleetL and t1 me-‘ilmll'naly Le; l _ ‘ ure: (Weekly P y ally News. L
L LLL, LL LL‘L L gram foLLLLLLLLLSLLng5 LLLL "L““Sufllly good pro LszLlLLZZLLLf’ LLLLLLLLM“ E. rLLLLLLLLeSLLLLseLby Sentinel, ALSLLLZL 2““? “6‘30““, GLHOHLZLLLLLLL’ Grew“ ‘
"L'L LL: ELLL L . ' “L5 2' ( ' ’ “'3' n, '
L L L LLL LL LL L LL Meeting th Annual M1 (1— Slimmer L‘Iiiddlcsbmo 13321115035 Stateh lOlll‘nal, Second SIYDMLLfiana Dglfloghlidénfsloglerset lourrgiapalsi L (
LL L; L L? 3 23L? “W . , _ -drlan Ems - 6‘“st ird, HM L ’ alies) PILL ‘. ar StownS ’ ‘ 3
LL LL L LL L LL : L Watefiietlladn: Acitmg Governor Harry Lee 12‘:er City 0131:2153 Eéwslprmgg Hoskins0 :11:ch ECand, Frankgglri’ Sgtléldllesboro DaLLYLaLLLLSLVdL L
L L f j‘LLLLv LL ‘LLL “ 01' lonorin t , , . nines. c1LLsd 5. ’. mg rccn, L’ ““ erprise, HM L .‘ Puma], third , “L L
L L L L“? L ILLLLL L byufiesenting the Comte: ,LVLV‘:LLAS“0CIMIOH ‘SngSVillc, RLLssciLBflth NCLOL' Ne‘VS-OutIJLLLL-LLLOLLVLL M‘gfidd MessLeLLgLSLLLk Qt” Daily NéwLLLLLLaLLL 7“ L“;
L LL LL L LLL L LL L 16 Associat‘ -L L _ ‘ “5' t- Matthews A ' e Z, SCCOnd’ V03 L ' est Sports Col ' . 11 L- L
L L LLL LLL LL LL LLLILLLLL L John Sherman 33);; gLathUL to Senatol. 2L6 JefferSon, RLeiLbrfecLLLaLEberg’ thirdL ILICISI if irfston’ Gym-hianlrerlLDLerhxeekly) Plaque Tom L L'L L L
L L L L L L L . . ' - - . L , - . -rL ’ :
L L LIL L LL L L L L L ve1y helpful re port of 1111:: hleflmik and 8:133;§L;1nd Jeilcrsontown }:?§LCLS(’)H.LCWILSD W. Jim :{LbéLg’encéhtml City 'ILLilLaessegond’ Bobby L i: 1* ,
L EL ‘33 ‘ ' L 1; Portance to us, . . ‘ 81‘s 0 graVe 1m- B‘)“ erg- ' “an: avid mm“ , 7 reenville Lender N- rgus, thirdL
L L LL LLL L L ‘-L L L L L “ LJS Cltlzens and v . ,L L (St From Fag L 7.).- , l e, Jim Lee C a ' eWS- (D3111 L '
L L :L LL; L 1 ‘ LLLLL L deb??? ASSOcmtion ack110\vle]cl);ellml-l:t8L ifs“ dlollmal, secimdL VLICILLILZLLCE) IPLLLLLLLCL Som_ :lellcrilLd] 113:“ Bommglwggficgorbm TribuiseL L L L L L
L LL LL L L L r _ . S ls ' _ rOVi one i , ’ 2'er leml} - 110 And ’ ‘Y Dail ’ L.’ .. ;_L;'L
L »: LL . L ‘L . CC Hess to PIGSIdent C . 111 C .lOlnnal-Ent . -L 1 (d tlnrd I“, . erSon M. E Y News L L ~L,
. ‘ L‘ L 1 L L L lns 18 ll - 601ge loplin l derSOn New 6113““), HM to tl ’ *1 Julian Pit' . ’ . ‘13] dd Mesgen ’L
L :L L L L: _ g b at1Ve COmmitte f . i am 'Ind L 3: Lawrencebum R ‘9 An— and p l ‘91, Mlddlesbo , ger, and L 3"
=3 :1 L L LI tlreless . e 01 :1 ded' ‘ “‘9 sOmCrw °’ - E. Carri ‘1“ Weddle F ’0 D311 N L d
L‘ L L L and loat6(l_ , . Ni Co 501], > H rankf I y eWSL sv .L- L.
L LL L‘ L L LL legislqt- , effeCLLL/e e{L011 during the 19 LLLLLquc, Mlddlesboro DLL-leonweakh‘ (Dailies) P711750 ' Ol‘tLStdte Journal“ L 5L’ "LLL
L LLL LL LL‘L L I ‘ R r we sess10n. 64 lan Enterprise third 81 beews, second HM. Best Nch; P1 gltmhy Dwision L L,
L, L L: LL ‘ L , L . . i , - ,. > c - . L. . y . : A
L LIL L ‘L l . L L éspectfully Smeitted~ F. d the P‘Lrl‘ Clty News (“0:1 LLL Tl‘bum‘: HM to Clty 1Hues—mLLOLOL (Weekb’) Plaque C L LL ‘
L L LLL LL L.L LL L L Davld SChansbel-g 1nd LqL d 16“}?111‘kha1‘d7 bugger, Ray Edwards . 1 the M'dyfield Mes— Creenville L315:- SLSCOHdy Shelby NevL/s ihl'tLLSL . L~ 4/ L
: L ‘ L L man, ‘ ‘1“ 0n 7i ls L] -. est Edit -. ' L Com ‘ ' ' 0W5 and ’ “L‘- .
L L LLL :L d 'L L L L ’ C Ian- VIcL 0nd Page: (“7) - . monwcfllth and C ’ HM Some : , d . .-
L “L L , LL: ‘L L‘ L . 9““ C011nty N L “th” Plaqm hes) “My «2 . enrgGLOWn Gra ' rse'LL d
‘L L L L :L 2 LL L o LLLLLEL’ Russenvinc §Zfésf%§nd’171z‘zz‘“'d Herachl: Middlcsban-LSLDlalLimL‘Lff’” State JOHrLLELLLCsLeLcLOJLLL‘ ”L
L ‘LLLL L L L LL LL L 1964 Cont ' Vans, HM t0 the C IPOCILL‘“: i\LII'S. Byrne 171150, and IilVl Cy . LCWS, third, HarIa’n E I], _ LL-‘t‘L’ L'
L L ‘ L ‘ LL LL L; 55* AWards Rum“ Springs 'rinLchynthmm Democrat, the Best Use of N OLLLLL-L Tribune' LLLeLLL ‘
L LLL LL 1 LL L LL L ACCUmulat' hurg Herald-Nu 0.“.rnal and the I‘lard' L Greenvill LL. ews Prcturcs: (W kl L LLL}
LL ;‘ ‘ LL ‘L L; fl mg 1111 “Upl‘ec Ad, St‘lte l VS' (Bullies) P} ”15’ e Cader-NCwL ee y) Plaque ‘
LL ‘LLL LL LL : L L pifblrlzankfort State 10mm; “3:ng 44 points. Huh-(l LELLIILLLL’ sec-0nd, Park Citiqlig’ frankfort 'tlY News, Paul VVegtphebl’L sL;¢0111cl, Fulton CounLL W
L: LL r L L ‘L ‘ ls er, wa L L‘ , ert E. D’- : aran Em. ., my New' lulCS-Arn'uL L ‘ n Ltrird c .' ~ 9
LLL L L . . S aw‘n—d 13’ L, (1‘ 1 . I l , h, c; 5 d d , 7 entrl L 2; 1., L .
L L L LLL- L L L fcor dam“ in the 19%(111tkle SWCCpStakes plaque LL03) pdlly NCWS- Disc, 1nd HM MiddlCS- LnonWCillth 21113 1511211) to the SOlnel-setaCCOLILlL-L “LL? 3:
LL LL LLLL ‘ L LL OnteStS' The Cynthiam SWSpaper PInduction tr- 1e5t-SPLLLLLS Page: (Weekl' mrg. (Dailies) Pl- ”“0“ News, Lawrence. L’ L ”‘
LL 3 LL ~ L ‘ Heston, editor- bl' ‘ emocmt TOmmy L “ CW Fimcs—Ar, “0“) Plaque, Con— ““11, Second M- “We, F“‘ankfort Stat 33%
L L L LLLi LL 1L Sweepstakes p1a§3eL§her’ was awarded theL Sterne Leader—NETS; Lia? Stoned second third Mdyfield rdeLeSL’O’O Daily New: LZLLLLL «L
E L L .2 L 1 1* LL Cumulated - 0“ WGleies wit] 9 yntiianu De _ " 1“ yADderson tl' L 'CSSenger_ L n L, ,
L LL L LLL L ‘L DOIntS, Th . 1 .40 ac. L . mocrat, I’ll\ ) “I‘d, L .
‘L LLLL LLLLL L L LL L byPL-t COV- Harry Ee {xiii-1f? chLlere prCSCnted LSLItSEEJMlllSOLnerSCt Journ'llt'uil sthe Kentucky Freedom oitulmflmds (Ind Ethics L 3;
l LEV L L L Olnts W ' ( e . _ 621 1. DL -1- L ‘ ‘ Omerset C _ , . r 11 ornd ‘ . LL
L LLL L. . - v f ere aWarded 0 t1 . No L “1195) Plaque P. . 0m ILILerdHL.. mtlon, (Weekl - i w: '“
. L LL L L L 01- first place 3f 11 1e hasrs of 4 )0. L W5, Second Fr'mkf . d ark Clty D‘lilr 91 . uald, and Second 1 Y) Plaque, b Jr LL
d. L L L LL for h d 01' Second 2f ._ 1 mt“ Harlan E , ’ . ‘ Olt State J0 , ‘. 3 ‘ LelbYVIlle. (D- -- V pace, ShelbyN L L' ‘H'zL'L-IL- .
5 IL L L L L onorable mention 7 0r thud and 1 L ntcrpriso, HM “mdl, tlnrd d “11185) P] . . em“ I ~
L L “ LL LL ' - The St ’ Stinger d - ’ 1 t0 the M. ’ Opendent 1 aque, Maysvxll I. "
L L L L L LL termg all 17 dail ate loumal em an MlddlesboL-o D . dyfield Mes- ml :_an( HM to ankf e nL L
1 L L LL LL Li Seven first pl'ices y clontefis’ W011 pl'lques f BeSt Soeicty Pq . L‘Llly NeWs. ‘ and Mlddlcsbor D" ‘ ort State Jour-L ”’ v‘
_. L L L L LL 2 _ . L. d L L (ge, (W: H» Con . 0 ally News L,
L LL L L L L 0nd, four third an certrfimteS for three or 5611V111e New“)e ‘0 105) Plaque R L . . 1mumty Service. (W ‘ L
LL L L LL L The Democr > and three hOHOI'abI _Sec' COlnmoLwV, 1 l‘KL'lOCr-at, second S L’ 115- SullV1110 NewS_D _L Cekly) Plaque Rus—' ,‘LL‘ ‘ '
L L L L L Lt w e mentlon 03 th, thlrd A L d Omerset t] --1 . emocrat sec 1 ’ l /,_ ~ ,.
L L_ L L L fOur tl . LL 011 three first I 5» Shelby N L > Hazard H, , “1R Cynthn ’ onc, Fulton News ‘ 1"“,
L L L L : L ““d places and f p ace Planned P1 6W5 and Shelb . ”(11(1) HM Sent' ‘“a Democrat “Ind HM '
L ‘LL LL L L L- Runners—up for tLl OUF honOl'able menti «, aque, Frankart S Y Sentinel. (Dailied) E Incl, shClbyville (D .1,‘ to ShelbyL , L \a
L LLL LL ‘ L dIESboro Dail “6 Sweepstakes We, OPS- dlesbor0 D. fate Journal 56 L5 ntCl‘prise, sec (1 - . a1 les) Plaque, Harlan
} V E . N . 16 the l\ _ 2 d11y N - ’ COX-1d: M l— 1 -. 01] a Mldl ‘ '
LL L L L L L Llsher, for tlleydaifigsiaZ/Iguncc K. Henry p431]? and HM to the big/Ea???) Corbin Triburlrto “1:133:5ch Frankfort StqéelelggigaPafly NeLLLSL L ‘- A
L ‘ L L , 2 ' ’ ‘ ‘ 1 CL. ’ ' 2 .‘ - v
LL LL L L L (Lzhwzslrilllzhe NicLLean C0. ltlslvssfoéatlh: Weefilies Edito ‘ 1 EEd‘LtO’VLCll PL-odu::i(::zgerL JeersontggifrlcflggglnOLLOHz (Weekly) PlaQUe L
1‘ L LL L L, pu iSher, and L un, an- 1:111 *xcellence: ,, L 111d, tl‘ d L -Onlan, Second, Ha d _L L
L ‘ L W-EELLLNOLHI LLLLLMLLLL. Hemdd Heed M2239 £2222“