xt770r9m620z https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt770r9m620z/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1972-04-12 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, April 12, 1972 text The Kentucky Kernel, April 12, 1972 1972 1972-04-12 2020 true xt770r9m620z section xt770r9m620z .t,
I"! H M Gk Stormy
H ‘ ¢ 0 9 It w as a dark and stormy night. Suddenly. ’
a phone rang. 'l‘he weatherman said .
“ednesday and “ednesday night were
also going to be dark and stormy. The .
stormy high will be in the mid-70‘s. 'l‘he
storniy low will be in the mid-30‘s. Both
cfne “etlnesday and “t-dnesday night there is
a 30 percent chance of stormy
voi.. i..\'iii N0. i22i LEXINGTON. kHN'rt'cki' “minim”, April .3. i973 """""""‘"“""
o o . .
$225 increase for remdents by 1 974 .
' C 'l b t UK t f ‘
By(il{r2(iil.\l{'l‘.\i.\xx for residents of Kentucky. ()utof—state
Assistant Managing Editor graduate “Udems “"11 pal $572.30?” ENTRANCE FEE SCHEDULE Universit of Kentuc}; *
The state Council of Public Higher semester next year and $6301" 1913-44- m Qesi" , _ -
. _ - . . cent Lion Resulent .
Education approved fee increases l‘"““”l "“19"“ ~—
Tuesday that will boost UK annual Mason Rudd. chairman of the council‘s
resident undergraduate entrance fees to (‘ommittee on Entrance Fees. said the “1970—72 '
$405 next year and $480 for 197344- changes adopted by the council show two Semester 5 165 $ 515 '
Meeting on the 18th floor of Patterson basic policies. One is lowering University
Office Tower, the council unanimously 01 Louisville entrance fees by $50 per year \nnual 330 1 ,030 . -
adopted the recommendations of a five— to bring its fees closer to these of other '
member subcommittee which had studied other. state schools. The other 15 1977-73 ‘
the fees question for the past few months. ()Stathhlng a gradient that makes the '1'“;— l ' '
Nearly 80.000 students will be affected by community colleges less expenSive than Semester 202 ' 50 S60 . i '
the tuition increases, which were the regional'univerSities,which inturn are a .
recommended by the Ford administration less expenswe than UK' Annual 405 1 r 120 '
in the state‘s 197244 budget. This touched off protests from Dr. Adron ~
. The increases, which become effective {Ergsfgesgfigt D0: gigggfailaiifie 1973-74
or mm
more over the next two years. Out-of-state They said regional univerSities l'ke theirs
studentswillspend$270moreoverthe next Offer community college programs m- Annual 480 1'210
two years as their fees rise to $1,210 a year distingmshable {.mm two-year programs '
by 1973-74_ a‘ the community colleges 1" the L‘K *Does not include Dentistry and liedicine
Graduate students‘ semester fees will system. and that the fee difference ($30 a .
rise to $215 next year and $265 for 1973-74 “Minuet! on Page 2. Col. 2 '
By K‘.\1‘".;y|c(g,uniny must wait on a legal opinion of t’niversity is concerned with the l'niversity and the me
Kernel Staff Writer the memorandum from their protecting the confidential vestigators reach a satisfactory
A memorandum of un» Washington office before personnel files. conclusion in the suit. the in
derstanding filed by the ad- deciding whether (0 I‘EJE‘Cl 01‘ formation the team has gathered
ministration with the Depart- accept it. This must be done When this information is in the does become a matter of public
ment of Health. Education and before the team comes to UK. hands of a government agency. record. a spokesman from the
Memo Welfare (HEW) is the delaying ‘ Darsie said. "People tend to HEW regional office in Atlanta
factor in the investigation of sex . consider it public property.” He said. The information will be
discrimination at UK. AnaIVSIS said the administration wants to available to interested parties to
l The memorandum is aimed at ‘ prevent HEW from being forced examine.
de ays preventing the “divulging of " ' to divulge personal information. If the l'niversity feels the . 7
people's personal business,"said The memorandum of un- such as letters of recom- outcome is not satisfactory and .
John Darsie, legal counsel for derstanding is an attempt by the mendation. by coming to an the findings of the team are not .
UK. administration to come to an agreement with them so this type factual. it has the right to oppose ‘
HEW case HEW was due to arrive on agreement with HEW about the of information will not be the findings. This would lead to
campus March 20 to begin in- access of certain t'niversity examined. an administrative hearingwhich
vestigation of the sex personnel records. l)arsie said the administration was described by the spokesman
discrimination suit filed by the MIC“ examines records is "not trying to hinder the in— as a type of "quasi—court.” This
Women's Equity Action League HEW will be examining the vestigation.” hearinsy “Mild be 0P9" 10 the
in September against UK. personal records of various in- liiu-stigation confidential public and the information ‘ .
The investigation is delayed dividuals duringthe course ofthe Although the investigation is gathered by the team would be ' '
because the HEW regional office investigation. Darsie said the considered confidential. should Continued on Page 2. (‘01. 2 .
SG ' l
g . . t I) , incorporates student store, . ,
g plans to sell records, books '
‘ I /
By JOHN (ilt.\\’ 80 would provide the manpower a year in business that it could . '
‘ Editorial Editor for lh“ selling. hi‘ said. hm the moveinto the book business. The
"1 ['K Student Government ‘80) l'niversity “'Wld provide the book store would replace the SG ' .
.-/ ’ is going into business. A non- t-IOOd-Ni Hook Ext-hange.
P’s: . I profit corporation. Student \Vt‘hdt‘l-‘dt’l'l Silld PN‘VWUS ”The problem with the Book
' 19E ; Services Inc. was set up this concession sales indicatethat the Exchange." he said. ~15 that “-0
m g week and hopefully by next "0W (“OI'POI‘HUOH COUld make had no capital. We couldn't pay ‘ I
‘ ‘0'.“ 0% é ‘. } September willopen a storein the about 530.00” from lht‘ money for books "
“1v." 0“:‘.'-' \ 705E g 1‘ campus area which sells records ill‘l‘ilngeincnt. \Vendelsdorf said all profits
‘ . . o" ”‘4 , ,. % and possibly text books. NM“ ‘0 W" ~"““"'"~‘ from the new corixn‘ation would ‘ .
O. ‘ oil “' ‘ltL, 9", The corporation will be funded \Vi‘th‘lSdm‘l Mild lh“ C01" be dispensed “in student ser» .
H a 51 ”f h.‘ ”l“ Sllldt‘hl Senate from l’th'illm"“‘ilsmh-‘hh‘l‘lhg“‘"llhtl new This could mean either .
l “|~ liltlllt‘) [nude from a life in~ ii Sitil't‘ till Stilllll l.llll(‘Sl()ll(‘ llltil‘t‘ gimds Ul‘ l()\\'(‘l‘ prices.”
/ I surance Pl'Ot-ll‘ilm. The amount of iH'l‘O-‘S “'0!" lht‘ (‘omnierce \\cndclsdorf said the cor- .
. w. tfi'ia'l funding will be tip to the Senate. Buildingas 4‘ hOhN' “W lhf‘ ”9‘“ poration would be independent of .
37-5" A St: President Scott Wendelsdorf ('W'Wl‘i‘l'f’h- -\l lH'Sl- ht‘ “Nd lh“ St} which would allow it "to
' ,3/ 5’ said ht- hoped the Senate would «‘lm‘t‘ \Wllld 50” records. WP” consolidate gains of the previous
/‘ / LUV“ lht‘ corporation at lt‘iISl "”‘l posters ““03“” ”hill“ year instead of having to start
// , $3.000“) 4.000initially capital ”N‘Slhlt‘m " l“"lllh't‘d over from scratch every Sep»
" / \Vcndclsdoi'f said the cor- Mild ”W “WNW” '5 ”Shi‘ll." teinbcr like you have to in ‘
‘ poration has already made plans l‘élpltlv” Student Government ”
b to sell concessions at [K football “i“ said he hoped the store The purposc of the corporation .
v0. and basketball ginnvs my“ .‘(‘-'"' would reali/c enough profits after (‘ontinued "n Page 8. (vol 4 ‘

 3—'l‘llli Kl‘IN'l‘l'CKY KENNEL. Wednesday. April I2. IEIT.’
, . . . . . . .. ‘ . - -; . hills in i "v
(oiitiiiiiI-Il Iroiii page I "Are \()u sure you‘re not thinking ol Iducalion ltl IIlHl ”it 194..
.q. ... . - ‘ . I - . . , | . i . . -
. year more lt_\ Hint-iii would penalize declining enrollment?“ asked council itgi-‘i‘iti‘t 5‘ ”bmn'l l' d' 'd'
_ . I . , . i i - Iv i
students iii twoyeai's programs at their IiiemlterRichard('oopel‘Ot Hazard. noting appioyed .Ii pan or . lKlng [“0
I I . . 5 . x . s l 'i ‘ x u
, l , institutions . .. - - ity colle es million dollars )ttwun yarious cntucky
that l()\\tl tits at commun . . _ . I I” w for fiscal year 197., -.
“him" “iii" would encourage students to go there Institutions to a o . i , ._-t.;
. . - .. , . . ~ , . I ' ‘ “ I' * 2 '
“It Iliist taint lair. drawled the how instead of to regional universities “k0 (lilttllllHlll iiicitascs. d h d’ .
. . . . . ‘ 4 u I l l ‘ ) I I
tied Moreheiid president. explaining that “INN-n or “(,l-(ihwd Mt iii) a committu und“ t ‘ lrtction
008 IS students doing community college work at "No. l jug-I looked up at the sky and said, ot Dr. Stanley “nil in §tti 3 “dyS '0 Case
- regional “iii“‘i‘Sitii‘S ‘iiii‘iiit 33”” people) it ain't lair." Martin told him. Martin's student “dingo” “02" communuy
. should only time to pay community college amendment was (10195"de COMOROS in higher 'n5titl‘tionb OtI" drning.
The council also briefly revtewed its
. . tus.
tu til 0” Martin proposed an amendment to this In other hug-““55 Ihp council: history. luesdii)‘ 5 meeting Wits Its last
' ’ / ellect. touching off lengthy debate on the approved 1] L'K request to set up a MS with Its present membership. Under
. problems and merits of charging students program in (‘omputer Science: ll‘t-i’i-‘iiitit’ii UdOPtt’d b) the 13’72 state
. in community college twoyear programs shifted the guidelines for teacher legislature. (10V. IVlendell Ford WillIbe able
at regional universities only the lesser certification slightly to allow greater in- to replace all nine of the counCIl s lay
' . . .. -. ’ community college tees. tAt present they dividualization of teacher preparation: members with his own appomtees alter
I ' 1 THIS VVFEKEHD ' ”I“ equal I" reviewed the success and failure of July 1.
' . , '. Igér A?“ i \ in ..
'- o t . “‘
' ” ' i3”) E W case faces 6 3y
~21“ v r; .
4 V ""2 ' t y' ” i 1' {$2 (‘ tllllllll (l l'ioiii ) i l ”181)?! to Sl)eak
. S ’ I- l l‘ ‘ 2| '0 ‘ .. . . . . .
.. '. ,1 to > r": I._ I t" Illa“ investigation of that school. I Ix. . _
' ' . . If" s ’W ’ iiiiid“ liiiiiiIitV . Should HEW tail to sign the This could hurt the in— on allenal‘lon9
- -- ' " ' » . ,. iiit‘ SIiiiitt‘sniiiii said ”0 other agreement with UK and [K yestigation and the outcome. .
. ‘ in.» t Q! ~ M ' :. . ., ~ . . ' . - . I
J ' " PI, ' grad/1. iii‘iiiiliiiiidiiiii in understanding refused to allow them access to according to Margaret VIen» €0an unal [lfe
'I . . . ' - ’ . “gMWN : ' has ever been tiled in this region. I'iiiy'ersity records. a prima face delsdorl'. chairwoman of (‘EC .. ' . .
f“ ’ ‘ 22‘; :1": but 3 Similar document ““5 evidence of noncompliance suit She said HEW has been very Robut M5bet~ ‘3 SOCiOIOEiSt
' -' '2‘"?- ~'\ 1 : ~t-t' 'I '. ' ‘. —' - ' .. . .. ' -- ‘ ' , ' 2 I 2 2 . I -
. . . , . .5135 :3 > .0... . iiuiud tioiii the Liiiyersity of could he filed against the sympathetic and Is domg all w hose interests include in
. I 3 ‘ . ‘ II \m ‘, . . . .I . I . . . ) I . . ‘ . I ‘ . . ) . . ' ~ . . ~
: - . . - » .2. ,2 vés . Ci: (illllmnld at BtI‘KClO} in tht l mwrsm, This would call for an they can to begin the m_ ttllectual history. the nature of
' . ' I {3‘}: i" V a}? administrative hearing also. yestigation. ‘Ommun'ti‘ and the American
‘ ' , ' ”’~‘9fi.5-:a.ii.~.tgtt. gtgxigggfi We f Students “n.“...ilabh_ universuy. Wlll present his ideas
-. " J . e :- (i ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ - .~ . - . . ~
. — 4 xyxcaewsfi 1* Si, 3;? goo e The (‘ouncil on Women‘s Another measure the women s here NICO this week.
‘ f . ‘. . - ’;._;-.:...-. “t.“ M . . . . . ‘ < '« - .- rou could take is to file suit lNisbet Wlll speak on “Com-
'. . . i; . SI . “6359“,! I The kernel incorrectly iden (oncuns is concerne with t e .. . .
‘ '. ‘ " '~ a.“ fig : . s‘tude t (.d‘ ne. can t1 atcstgr because only a month of school Opportunities Commissmn. A b‘“ (“'l'Zdhon at 8 pm. Wed-
. . . '. ~. : i n or n l t - ‘ . 5 - '
“ its @2946” 'ieside t *1 ir- Inen remains for this semester If the passed recently b} Congress nesday "i the Student Center
- .I .' ' ~ -' nusa lea ' “ ‘ - «t ' " -
. . : My ....’.. p 2 .n m yeteran team arrives on campus after the giVGS the EEOC the right to take (:rand Ballroom.
. . . «no, I“ " , luesday. Layne said he is not. - ' ‘ “ F 'd ’ N' b '
i - ' -_ , .. E‘ v SC tlecti ‘ w'll b A 'l 18 close of the semester manv univerSities ‘0 court it sex r' ay '5 et WI“ speak 0“
' :55; .55: . -, * . F15; ‘ ~ 1 ‘ ‘ ons ‘i e ‘ “ ‘ . . . . . . . . - - .
p - - . ' * Sit .9” and 19 It “ a p“ 1 students staff and faculty will be discrimination complaints are Alienation Of Modern Man. The
. ~ . .- . . - . z w.» ." ‘- . x . " s erroneous Iv . ‘ . ~ - . V - - v ' t» .
-. ; ' . gal/W? I reported they will be April 19 and unavailable for comment on the Judged valid and Icannot be U‘S'SIOf Modern I‘imes at 7-30
. I. ' . , ‘ LWL'sf’irchs M? .m ‘ sex discrimination situation at i'E‘SOiVEd by conCIliation. p.m. m Room 106~ Classroom
5. .1 . , . .- 3?" ,I 1”. on - - Building.
I . I - 'I . _ ' . - - ~ . - v v v v - - . . . v . . v . . 2 . t ' '
“ = 7' - : l " : '"W'nce Soles . Tod a and tomorrow IERMPAPER ARSEIIAL, Inc.
. r : - i 'i magma: $2331.12moms: Send$l.00 it. your descriptive
. ‘ ' . - to sixty hours per week. May or August gradua -. TODAY n d F .d I I t 9 ‘ catalog of 1,300 quality termpapets
~. .K ' I. - preferred. Callfor interview between 8:30a.m. STUDENT MOBILIZATION Committee Pkpdmsé‘M rFI’RaEthmucem. 3 p.m.II I 519 GLENROCKAVE., SUITE 203 .
- E ' . ’ \J and 12:30 pm. meeting and slide show, ”The Automated . an abor '0" LOS ANGELES' C‘L'F'MZ4
.- . . I I . . . cu" 278_2'|43 Battlefield," 730 pm. in room 309, Student counseling. Call 2574005 Mondays and (213) 477-8474 0 477-5493
. . . . . . . . . . I I _ , . . Center. Thursdays from 7 pm. to 9 pm. and “We need a local salesman
’. . . I i I 4 - . . . Thursdays from I pm. to 3 pm.
- V ' - - \ . ‘ \ I -————-—————- E"ViRONMENTAL AWARENESS Emergencies call 253.2234 or 254.9355 —— » - ~-——
:I' . - . ; m k I Society meeting 7:30 pm. in room 245, FOR ANY INFORMATION call 56 Referral . . q . .. aim—m
. ' ‘ . .- i MM "Cf“ Student Center. Service at 253.5531 weekdays from to am. to “c.2211“s52.:'~},2"-";~.“ "
f ‘I . , 4. . . FR'DAY I‘ 9 FILM "Bridge for the Pacific," 5:30 pm. in 8 pm 133:1!” 3"; 'Jf/‘fihé/F‘l.‘ Via»
» . .. . . . ESCAPE SERVICE n. “mucky “mm 113 “um...“ room 206, Student Center. UNIVERSITY STUDENT ADVISORY 32%;sz 5. ‘5'- “‘5 "-‘-"'.?"‘: t
. .I . -. Leave “mm“ Book SWHI“ p.m. .undin‘IUnivermy omemucky ”mum SENIIINIAR on "Materials R and D—the COMMITTEE is initiating its Outstanding xi: :‘ g 5;; f I19 If
- - . . II . , I “.20 One-Way > Kentucky 40506. Mailed five times week], SYSI'heS'S Approach.” by Dr. H. Burte of TeacherrAdvisory Awards and is asking for ,‘cftt a '53:” . 3‘, . #31:,
.. II II Arrivein L00l§Vllle§:5° gun. .I durin‘ the school year except during holdays WrightrPatterson AFB, 3:30 pm. in room nominees with explanations of their ifzf’étgéfi’fiiw‘ 362-313;;15 ,El‘fkgb
. ,I . . , » I ”.00 Round-Trip : and exam periods, and twice during the 259, Anderson Hall. Coffee before seminar. Qualifications (points Include effectiveness 2.33,}47’ :;T~. "“i‘n'x' 5‘13“
. '. ' summer session. TOMORROW and creativity in the classroom, attention magi-f7“ "73‘ 32"» "i“'.‘y.\s},,
. I, W . I ‘ v SUNDAY RETURN - Md ch! COFFEE HOUSE with antiwar play and paid to student opinions and suggestions, It???“ In,» ‘I :9» “gig“
‘ . . ' SERVICE ; postage paid at mum. mucky. Singer Paul Joiivi tip-mi Thursday April 13, availability to student and quality of fins? ” i‘ . xiii?
A ‘ ' ‘ room 306 Com l C ~ - . 3F 63% r 'r 911...»;
. . . ' _ - ‘ Published by The Kernel Press. inc.. 113 ,, ’ p e" °mm°"5‘ academ'c 3"" "macadem'c ‘°”“59"”9)~ it?» “‘ fit-‘3
I -. I. . . Leave Louiswtlehts p.m ' Journalism Building, l'niversity of Ken- EGGt-IIIEADS, ETHICS and I the Ivory Groups should turn in their nominations by 3:325 ... 3313
. ~ Arrive at Wallace’s Book Store .I tucky. Lexington, Ky. 40506. :Iovzer.’ From I p.mI to a pm. in room 206, Friday, April 14, 50 Office, Student Center. 5.5;? :4
, 9min"- Begun as The (‘adet in 1894 and published T U en Semi",- TOD'CS.‘ 9"" the 3‘9"” . . . "s‘: ‘W :' ' ‘52?“
I Buses D.“ you up and drop you off. 3 continuously as The K t k K . eacher, ProfeSSIonaltsm and Con. . The deadline for announcements Is it a.m. #1:} w i; .: . ' v.7.
. ._ ' . BUSESLEAVE DIRECT FROM '1' m” > e" "C Y "nei Since tracts/“and "Responsibilities of Scientists." m0 welei‘davsImiorto publication of items in Stir-5’? , . i’
. I. . . ‘ " . . . . . . . Sponsored by GPSA, Is co umn. announcements will be run ES'2:?. ,. 3.":
. . . Ad . . ., . -
I II . I I . I . WALLACE'S BOOK STORE IIII yertising published herein is Intended to CONVOCATION forhisotry maiors7 .m. in three times; Iwnce before the day of the Eigfiii'icgtffii - I- I.;;:-.':. f .-.’:' 1"
I .. . . . help the reader buy. Any false or misleading room 22 CI 8 . . . p: event and on the day of the event 5‘3“}; 7:57" . .‘4‘5‘3‘
' I . CALL: . adtt‘rlising should be reported to the editors. ’ assroom U'ld'ng' Nomination 0' i . 223:1’2'1‘17/n'5iidf'2' ‘57-",
. . . ; . I . Fred Masters ;. . members to undergraduate adVIsory .'iyzgfi'yzé'giw ~:- 575;“?
' - ~ ' 'ttee. '.' I;‘.5”l~:-:i. 13;: ag- -“1I“ i.”
. ' Waiim’s 500* 5'°'° KERNEL TELEPHONES comm' s‘rlai'ls‘t'“ sf:- "
. . . -. I . . I . BUCKMINSTER FULLER, ' , - TE 3i ~‘ -~“
. 2 ~ , 3” L'm§;?:92‘s;’-7i;7-35'm905i . Q Editor. Editorial Editor. . . 257-1755 Speak at a p.m. in the oi§2§'"§§iiioli”;'i' ’. e,‘ K. fiiiffiiifité
. . : . . . I e ' Managing and Associate Editors . . . . Student Center. Admission free; public 2.»,(‘i‘fig‘s' L "EI-iifffiil'qfri
. . . » '1 .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 257.1740 Invited. RESearCiied.wrttten and professionally iLfét'i-l‘iififé‘wgg‘k ”I -x,-".i"’v.“v"f:‘-
' - " , ‘ I.. Advertising. Business. Circulation . . . IDEAS N tVDt‘d- Al‘ writers h .,. $352527?i‘fé‘Sih‘itp'itv,. . "in???” ($222452
.. .. I ; EEDED for Blazer Lecture at a minimum -,I..I:LI,._=‘.-,“,i-._S»;I,.;of. _x. i~.r_i,g,;I,;_...I1,f,..I-..
I . » . . , .I . 57s.; “weave,” dmmgw us . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 258-4646 Program. Submit suggestions to Vincent 85' BA deq'e‘J' '"Sia’it St’lVi ti. Ti'i‘lifiliiii'fi';' " "Ft-“‘2“ " K‘s?
'. I ‘. . - .. . . . . .I Newsroom . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2571800 Davus. Chairman Blazer Lecture Series, 2243M,» I'. n d : i ‘t‘:§_§
‘ . ' ‘" ' ‘ ‘ ' L‘s. ' " “EW— room 1665, Office Tower, or call 257.4 I iii-tifijgiéfi', 5' " 5,. it i ‘37-“
2 I : COMING up 6“ 0411 7011 FREE i373 3: 1*: "if t; at":
- I ”EGGHEADS,” continued Friday. lanvwhere in the country for Infot. 5"???“ z. .' 2 I . flasfir-‘Ei
. - ' . “Resp0nsibilities of Scholars" and “no" and ””39 E“ii5¥§-iib~i.a J3 ‘»'\ ,tfiffiifjifi
, : ' x ‘ "ResponSIbilities of Social Scientists,” room 800-638 0 42:33:”.iiifrrit‘flifigfii.‘it‘i‘r‘fiti'at‘i'i‘j-““5333;
. .I _ . 214, Student Center. of 852 2"" g l E - ‘ .9 ‘52";
,I ‘ ~' _ I PRESENTS ITS MISCELLANEOUS Call Collect taot, 656.5770 )2“ 5 '32 ‘ 4- lg“? out:
. . . ; . , * VENEREAL DISEASE information and EDUCATIONAL RESEARCH. mc. g; 2 .4 " {3:317‘"-’; $53 if
. z , .. . a THIRD umn. 50:2“ . . t , t.
, 'r ‘ “5 '°”° ”'Sdays mm 9"“ '° Washington. D. C. 20015 #:3333932-:51935-‘31‘5315 ‘-' iii'é.it'.’~iz~ "iii-iiiii'?
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~ I. ’ 1.," ' ‘ «Elwyn? t was?“ ~-..'-.<.“..
’ ° ’ TOURNAMENT ' a! M ' ’ '
_ _ \' ill‘lflS
. , .
.. . . . I I II . . _, . Frankfort Sports Cantor
. . '. . I . 347 S [III] Friday, April H. im, 0:00 pm.
. . . '-r . \ ' e Phone 2524722 Advance Tickets:
. . -. .‘ ' . $2.00, $3.00, $4.00, a $5.00
. . , .i APRIL 14,15,16 . SPECIAL GOOD omv .. .... 0....
. . : w d 5 00 lo s:.so.sa.so,s4.soass.so
. . . e o _ . Available at:
. . ' ° '00 All OagIav Drugstores In Lexington
I I I I . Mall orders: Send check ormonaym
. . games begm at 11:00 M
'. . .I oucx OWENS snow
' ’ - ‘ . - I - v.0. on m
. .' ~ . at the sports (enter fields 2 for the ri f Franklin. Kit-moi
. I .' . P ce 0 I A Wayne-Allan Produchon
I ‘ i r n

 E D I . to V " _ .' 3 ~
r1 ht M be a go“: -,
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tn 6 he 1927 ' terim me mg hone d ~ ‘ I '
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19'“) iVe p ,t intereStelly part-tlmeroughly one 50“ Those Mayb: be allow: basketbalf " a. E I ' '- 'v'.
.w n - 0 -' , u 2
( ; are lega ke UP pula dS so uldn an me , 5 . ,\
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whlle )dwe Will]et t that most Stu classes. 1 Conduct an degree I; j?" I I , . '-
debletfi- gs a degree f student same ’t they Ema \ \ V. , I_ , _ '.
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:Vé‘rgid' :Zulmiry W' Pefg's’xl PaUl IcS HoweVeF ity cardsV wd probably e 5”“)ch .’ - , *
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item Tsnes’ £322" 0‘ SINE55.AND EC use of ac ts d0 not a esents a LEX'NGT } I
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rnter Scarbprnzia'mo R: Ne95"ve rt H' uld n blem te- “wager , Ken-”CM ' y _ ‘
KiV'nIe Kenneth Up' Robe Id LS Sho . 1 pro d to VO we!“ n9 9V5 W 0’ I .IV . .
wngm: (Leon SW on, Dona ~ tlca 10W9 x “69°95. we U” ' ' 7 *
i 0“ RINSE; nd A. Shann Y logls ts Were 81 . :2 Ea:'°""§:‘:;' ’ - . V ,
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acme“ S: S‘dney Clifféréiwngriés’ p. have thelr can vote. pOlllng :Lfcn goggifjpc (ECWNWH I -. , . . , :
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’3' Ha"au’Rob‘v‘r' w' Numega’we Juani‘a plaC ’ 0“ 50m 1d at lea to ”I ”0' L -' . ‘
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5%., ”(12:5 Henry :1. D Nega’i‘zgff Rober? H' S ttel‘ than n oujdn t S (I? r8 I i . l '
52;}: Bat; ' tanm' I. Biggers {don S be his w 4 . v 2‘ ,
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Nega"".§ennv 0' ARIES Stud?" ' ' of Trusm‘ “h'f .mpk‘i 1”“ . Ham” 5 cks “h" ' ' .‘ '
$32 ' Harrels’weslev J L'2zirmati:: T K the Board‘datt’ t'Orunl‘ 12de )n {0 \15 (‘rgonal attaccurit)’ Of ’ ‘ - . . _
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va'flv' r. i d TUD . I [‘0 . 95$ : d I I an] I to . I:“(‘r .- ‘ :
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@552 HOME Efive weddelsdo'“ Sco 'lhlh prl'H‘lm ~o “"0 (d . n09rn ( ll hi‘ 9”" - .-S~'l’l"" - .
£13. , N993 Jose M- . wend BERS I I d0!“ ( . . . . Thi‘h ‘ dent (0 . ) “I \ul“"”‘ .
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