xt770r9m6338 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt770r9m6338/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1984-03-06 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, March 06, 1984 text The Kentucky Kernel, March 06, 1984 1984 1984-03-06 2020 true xt770r9m6338 section xt770r9m6338  


Vol. LXXXVI, No. 128 University of Kentucky. Lexington. Kentucky Independent nge 197) Tuesday, Monk 5 ,9“



policies may
be revised

Jesse Jackson

Hy \\t.H.iili llr,\lthsU\
Senior Staff “l‘l’i'l'

HM Jesse Jackson {l candidate
tor the lteiiim'ratu- nomination for
president made a twu stop swing
through the state yesterday Jacki
still the first iaiididati to Visit
Kentucky spoke ll. Louisiille and

.li‘ii‘ksvit‘. Atl‘ ii'ii'ikt‘il with the
that” that ias LLlW‘t‘tt‘il him ex‘ery
where ,\s lio' entered the crowded
Shiloh ltaptnt l'hiirih 337 E
Fifth s' ias‘ night the congrega-
tion stow: and clapped while
ittir. ,lesse run and



“ill .li-ssi‘ am

looking for support across the
Nitllll l(1lk.‘t5ll Illa? 'iht‘
hands tna’ ”ll\t' picked cotton will
llll L. a prisideii'

speaking ot his gruiiitliiiothers
gnarled naniL out also referring
ti. .tll till." l'nited
Mates .l.l\ ksoi‘ ’ThOse
iiaiiits shv «up other people s
tlsnit‘s zit‘l’i Won't l'ltnsc' llitlldb
sllt‘ UMKH} iiflie'l' I-‘ll‘h lllt'i1l5 ‘Altl‘l
their hands that once
picked lotion « l; pack .1 presi
dent “of; Hui" Jackson brought
an estunatwt t w people to their
tee? in the Shilot. lLaptis? (‘hiirch

l-‘irst llxslrzc' totintiln‘uiii .lohn
\‘viggiittoi. sa 4:? .ltii ksoii s chances
are grim ': :n- ‘m rev president
'i! the l F'E'Hi \fii'c's

l thzns

lleziioi "i‘.
iit‘tippwl '.’.i lull. ii\ to."



iii .llt‘.\ u" ll‘it‘



‘ 'he traditional
zeaiiersiup has
as lt‘ddt

'sisii .iiE‘.

issues siiiti as

seeks support
in Kentucky

about the poor and disadian
taged." Wigginton said

“A descendent of a slave has
picked up the ball and he is going
to carry it to the White House." he

Jackson urged voters to pres
sure the other candidates to put a
woman on the ticket this year and
to share their power with the
poor. blacks. women and other

Wigginton said Jackson cannot
lose the election because ‘ where
the hopeless see a gleam of httpt‘
their lies his \1ctory

Some people say not to \ote ttit'
Jackson because he is black. Wig
ginton said "but he is the most
qualified candidate for the prisi
dent of the l'nited States He will
be and should be elected ’ho' next

Jackson critiCized President
Ronald Reagan for cutting social
serVices but leaving the inij;'ar-.
budget intact and suppor'ng a
constitutional amendment
ing prayer in schools


He urged everyone who hail {lii'
registered to Vote to register al‘ni
band together to demand change

By making a stop in Lexingtoi.
Jackson really made a wry ps
the impressmn and one that wzi
not be forgotten when it is t:nie '
vote. t‘arol Bogle a reten‘
graduate in biology. said

'He touched a lot ot peopu ii,
Lexmgton by coming here ' Bugle


100 gather to discuss proposed UK nuclear waste incinerator

By \\( ll\ llthHU‘li \
.\t it? “no:

tax, I... iz'ixtm gathered
lat-rm . tiriswar. church
address their con
to liiilld a
tituiii'i‘ator at

last night ..
til: lieri‘ti liikitl ’4‘
l K


cerrrs .ihoxi’
radioai tn...
Spindle'op ta: r:.
The muting
t»_\ ('ai'oi .
Fayette i oun'j. v, 4 ouncii rep
resentatiw o: lJtt: liistrict in
whiih 'llt :rzi net I 'oi as proposed to

» til'iiii i\.i

\ was organized

he bunt gaye citizens ot the aim
chance to hear the si ie oi l K oi:
cials a Department of lltiiiiai. it:
st)Ur('9b official and i liepartni» l‘u oi
Natural Resources Olflt ial

Jackson said she had seyerai tails
about the incmerator and said sh.
feels the need to find out more ahoti'
the issue "I feel like I do not hate
the technical expertise at this
mini '

Most of the Citizens said they also
were there to learn more about 'ne
incmerator 1 want to hear the t in

”N ,1.-- u

:.-i't ~rl\~

»".|er\ices tiaxe a wry specified
function and not a general one as a
lot of people assume Rowling said
"If I iiiind anything it s that they
think we haie unlimited informa—
tion '

Johnson said people sometimes
confuse the l'K operators with Gen-
\cc UP} R KIURS. page 2

l\ ~ll l'll\"~:

\‘i ‘Lirst's 'l't

tron: the pr ig.‘ a'


Alcohol abuse can he .i PM" . -
single. female parcnts i ~
formation see pagc .‘

Broadway‘s “Oliver!" plays .
Lexington Opera House l-u no ~
information see l‘\\l \Rl . page 1



Tochy will be cloudy and cold \Hih a
30 pace“! change of light snow and
highs in the mid 305. Tonight will he
wily cloudy and colder with to“ in
the upper teem. Tomorrow will hit
My may with highs in the mid




 2 « THE KENTUCKY KERNEL Tuesday Mun. ~

Alcohol abuse rising

working, singtwparent women

I“ l l\l \ l\\ll\l<\
l‘M-t in \r Fit: In:


flirt! 'li'ltb “it n“ » It“

{UH-it: nil: 'rn




\‘il'lliil‘ \ \vi

“m s'xfdrw: \t‘t .x‘tvxs

". i 1‘ 1‘. .nrttt's 'tw‘ t

hi with
Haiti) ’
I‘hvt‘ sf

it VLIKV> .t .'


\u'. l \x (‘1‘.




\ll\‘ s.inl '\\h.n \w n- trxing tn rim is
help \wnn-n got it grip on lllt' in:
that the) uni li‘ in control illlll tl:
\t't‘l Illi‘lll ll‘tilll tbttlg .lll'llllill lit i'ntr
“till other sttti.itiuits n‘ tin-ct

and get them K'Ullt'rt‘ll‘ help
Donna Hall program «twittiuitn'
int‘ ['lx’ t'onnnuntt} l‘:tlll\dllllll s.i.ti
shit encourages stntlvnts tt- illlt'litl
tin» tltM'LbMUlt ‘.-\lcnhnl ibk' inn!
\ll‘th‘ is .i he} isstir .in‘ung stat
sm- t'nrkt- '

.lixrils slti' sdnl it.» w



\tnnv tnntt' .i lit! tit l‘t‘ot'ulTll nit ”ins


l t, ’
Ettli‘l‘t‘s'u. .t. .n \l \NHI,
’2‘ “11113;; In


:iitsi no “in-r than 3 p n; '



0 He. eorneone close to you
sometimes expressed concern
eboutyour drinking?
0 When leced with a problem do
you often turn to alcohol lOr re-
0 Are you sometimes unable to
meet home or work responsibili-
- Heve you ever experienced a
blackout, e total loss 0! memory
while still eweke when drinking?
0 Have you had distressing physi-
cal end/or peychologicel reactions
when you tried to stop drinking?
0 Have you often failed to keep
the promise: you have made to
yourself about controlling or cut-
tingoutyour drinking?
0 Are your children embarrassed







Campus to mar;- mhol

Hx \\l\l Ill \1 lllll

\. x. _i .


to bring friends home became ol
your drinking?


:z'vnt-ss \lui‘t’.

Brushing up

l)i\t‘. kL'XL‘lC.


.t punttci. hits that“
.l‘ LlL\\\lll\\\\H [gm

'\\ .h


tuitvtvrz.» - “As lt.i\:n}; \littzcnlt‘.


«mm; is

“at t t; l -1




-_ wt v ~<

t‘ (4
.A. 2.7.”.

w, j ""9 .


Ass ~~ ._, .. U

4 , '9 _"""e":-~ _ V

“1"! ALS BOA





. amend solitaire
10K gold.



March 7-9 9:00-4:00 Un'WHl'y Book Store


Birth control
to be discussed
at open house

8) SUI. \J \ \l \l I‘.\ll’ \ I I
Stall \l'rltt-r

l’tlsli‘l‘s .tllil ltt‘.\s’t‘tl~2
\t'tll (ll-suns- tn. '
control 1n n pi'ngmn. '
or to Six-rinn'nlt-s


The (llfiplil\
house. pm" i:
\M‘vk titisvi'xwi
\lllllslll‘l'ti l':\ '!v it »
l’ul't'lllllrm'll I 't't'

“lll ll‘ .
"l‘Itniitl lizgl“ X
ttn‘} tintl ‘s '
tln- lm\:!.i_'ui ‘
lllllllitl ll.“

«it [is turn!‘
sltv l<‘l‘1\ l


lnln' lull 'i


itlt‘t' L

V» t'


l” vs: 3‘


lt‘l‘l's' it: s‘ "

.lgt' >’lnli‘? '\
l‘il‘l\ ttlt‘l'

l'ln' :szwr'
llt‘lti Y!‘-\."


txis'i'i’s .t'.f

v r


"a IH \. .


i“‘.- n,
i..L.‘ '. ,i,


“It H\ll l \\1l1 -



stint the
winner .1: n: cs

c [‘.illlllli_L‘ 23:: \ltlt'
ngmn lxcxcic
l‘cgins‘ Ht: mid




‘K k‘rlll:

llitif .nm'i‘,
mm ,

i Jig. ‘1‘ w.
.«i '\.\_il'("‘,t’>\ \lw: "

li.1\.\.:.l\ Filth

‘i‘. \tlllit’ "4"

pusha“ ‘

. ._,.. . .
t . lg .'

’s \n tilt”. \.-. t‘uvs
lxzr‘mt: '

\z,mim lil'llillt‘llt

m: r .\ ‘lliliiltL Hi?


g” ,“1 Minnie?


or it t t. in 1.
.' L J‘Hl

ts s\s(r::,


tnrznu 'l'lninksgztiim .lnltnsm. \‘11‘1

\\i- List-ll i.» limp tit.


.i\i't’ilL‘c- wt -
\Hlllpl.lill!\ it rngiif .lllll nun

\lnr) lijtrtl J Hill tnnv lid} ope-r3:
'nii‘ innit mini
pmntts (llll‘il‘n; Kim 41.1}

'i: W". .’;‘t


'-\" .tl"

N131} slit f‘t‘l‘l‘WiN
yllit‘j» l'(‘ .i,.

' n. 1:
line thtng shv tunnit tilll‘tllfilliL .tds
"‘ -' ttistnnwr

\Ht!‘.t'il!t;i'\ it want

till. Tim'k fll!‘ TL! 7‘.

\.illii' illiill‘.’ '.i
w? ”inn-s 'hw.

\t)“ tint,

lwt" till! '

m; lilllt‘\

Alill‘ :' iltmx l‘L.’ ‘ .’"‘.i:.'~

gt" ti ll»! HI 'ltiwr





I his spring lircztk. il .V‘ in (Hill \t inr
minds (”1' thinking (thr llll hauling to
lllt‘ slt tllt‘\ t tr the liutt‘hcs or just
ht llllt' tr tr (I \'isit (in-\hi tllllll
mn tnlx‘t' \Hn tht'rc lini‘
nnlt K'i‘il'nr lt‘ss,
round trip.

I it-tm'cn now (llltl

(irct'ht inntl's Spring 1 trunk

Go anywhere
Greyhound go es.



March 25.1984Avhcn yr in sht inns \r int
student l.l ). Cill’tl, (my ['1 inntl~trip tit lwt
on ( ll‘L‘}'ll( lllllll is SSH ut‘ lt'\\.
i-\tt'\\\'ltt‘rL‘ ( it‘L'}'ltr illtttl gt lt'\.
So this spring hrutlt. gin
yr iurscll it real hrcztk. ’I'ulw
(irctht iund zinm'hcrc. tr »r
359 or less. '

Go Greyhound

.r\nd leave the derlllg to us.

i or llll irc llllnrttlilllt ill L‘


'l )IA”

till _’
h. v V

.w. ,vui l ru“

." w







THE KENTUCKY KERNEL Tuesday, March 8, 1984 3


Bol'y J Wlllinm;

Gary W P-or'u

Comedy serves as key to success of ‘Oliver!’

Like i.i//. thc llllhltJl theater is .1
trul) American ill\('lllltill

Few musicals ha\e conic iioni
abroad and those that ll.l\t‘ siic
ceeded in crossing the ,-\lliilllft' were
from iritiiin l"oi‘ decades, .iliiiost
all of these shows were written li‘
Noel (owiii‘d In the latc ins how
ever. that ll'ilitll to change Sitllf
Wilson made .i lllL‘ splash with “’l'hi
Boyfriend \nthoni \f‘\\l\.
Ieslie lll‘lt iissc llliltlt‘ sillllt‘ llt‘dil‘x‘ .ii
\Hlll stop llit‘ \tnilii I “an!
(let tiff illlll llif\lll lleiickei‘ pi‘mrd
that ll)\t‘ .ms Lll"'cllt‘l yiiiiu lllHlll".
~lldll .i M\tii‘iiit






Kliltlel. ltk'l‘l‘u; r.

“he: .' i 't in

t 'llt‘l"‘ I {Jii' .:i ’n'me A
l mental ctll’l ’l‘llu'T
'l‘li- i-i!!.;iir.i‘ l‘w :‘ v s ‘\ 'l~
i title stiugcs's tici :_s M "m
l lilzitiu re'rrisin-t' _. i: '7' My
loin \iiho iai: : 7 ii' '. is 'w-

ii'».iilcif'«.o in: :\t\tl ll‘k 29.’ l

pic Ht knits a‘ll‘1ilsl\ “iii .,1 'i-'


theatrical and iiiiiii

tor this am: s :iitii ,i
lllt'lit'.i'li‘\ .iitiisioi
\lcilt‘iiflli \lt lunm :i I
tlm‘kworl. i ll'JllLlu‘
f l: iiiii‘riitvs
i sfili tiltti'tis of 'lit'
3 'fieii'
' ’l‘il'ttiL'll
and lllliiils .nto ‘i.« a i tin. s in:
(‘1 llit‘ lktllll\ Diwali-‘4 ii' the t‘l

oi !he cciitiii‘j. s iiios‘

lt’it‘dw‘ llit‘


lillld ~s‘i":. '
‘-‘ill'iii_’t‘ thl'iiL't’ n32
l‘il'd'd“ YI-i'

t‘.ll'llt’>l Aim s :i l" » :‘isw

tliezr littl‘l liniui' Ht.

lilllit .f. "it‘ i-iill'i Ill

'-il'li‘riii‘l.' llt

l'hw iii'si tiiiit oi 'i.i tiliz. :s Lain
‘tlllt‘Q‘il to grieviise Mei 'l‘u' :tiiiu

t‘iislhtl l’n‘i‘illt‘\ liili l‘lll‘tlllgli fiiti.
clips s'ill photos iillll inter text»
with lesser icnowi. niiisit lclli.‘ ti'oi:
the earl} ms l.i\cipoo. \it‘llt‘ 'fu
tiiiiiint Lite oi llti‘A thc
came together is told ziitfi iiiw


sioii illl'l .i sciisc oi tn-nvuolcii'
\thn ltllll' l,t'lll'.iil‘. .iiid iii»

hand. .lohnn) and the \loondogs
played til it church Mit‘liil when
one l’aiil \ltt'iirtiie) \iiis present
it was fascination .it first sigh?
\lcliom-ll di‘}l\ i‘ei'titittls lie-ii
non s reputation as .i inistit .llltl .i
i'ehel in the grand old liite Its
st}le. in contrast to _\lct urine} s
reser\ ed choir ho) image

“Paul was impressed that John

had a band." McDowell said
“and John was impressed that
Paul could tune a gUitar Fro ii

llll)‘ acorns

Director Patrick Montgonicr)
does an excellent and balanced
Job of chronicling the group‘s
early metamorphosis trom their
thankless gigs ill high school
dances and low life bars to their
trial by fire in the cavernous tai-
crns of German)

Longtime Beatles fans also will
enjoy taking a trip down musical
memory lane as the Fab Four find
themselves inexplicably idolized
by teenagers and even a few se~
riots music critics the world over

Younger audiences. reared on
the sort of “wit" displayed by the
likes of Boy George. may be
amused by the Beatles playful
sarcastic barbs during the seein-
ingly eternal press conferences,

During a Command Perfor-
mance. for example. Lennon


llti' 'llt lt.«’I.' iiiiiioitdtit lti'itisl. in
\ isimi .ii-s Lionel '..ii' tili'wi
A til, i‘-- ltllllt'hlllL‘ xei‘sioti of r'liiiiles

llit la iis iiiilii‘tiiieiit tit child liifmi'
t‘liildi'i-ii on .i tit-iidiiiill hairll‘.
si-i-iiis to lie the lll‘ill ~iilvi“<' toi‘ .i

lilll>ltill ltii' lliilll Alio ’.l.l'lili' hook
Iziiis .ind llitl‘it iiiis 'iii'nwi lllth
l'll‘ (jellhl'l s.n:v' i.ln ii lliil‘l Tutti, Ht

tiliii ls - tiiiii'tl'.

l'fi.i' .lllllll‘ 'o tiiiif ttillH‘ll‘- iii

rut ti w iiiiisT ito xiii-i i'l‘ wt tiliii o-s

tt‘ i:. illlvlt‘llith14" ~ltll;‘ : 'llt‘
he”. 'M lliI siii t‘t-ss 4d lll!‘.r‘l' iii.”
9’ twin! i'll be s‘i'u"~so‘tl it, "tilt pl"!
iliit li‘ii’





A/llll't ”(Li/l, ’i'll’r’l till/‘3.
l‘Zl'll/‘ifj;ilylf'(I" Llillti/
t/l/c‘H {cit \ Mil/i icku'r-
Anon/i on. \fc'lti’M from
[/Ii' min"! t , "W‘s / Ii i'r/mu/
\c cue. the ash/int {a/c

of hon my Beat/cs
c't/Iilt' trawl/ii?“ /\ {ti/ti"
nut/h precision tint] a
\t’Hsc‘ Hf fiche». . whim

him/int H


t‘s ,~ ixti' 'Ht Tl‘it
KJI " y «l. l ' "‘lil 1L” l‘?ill\l
of ‘ iii i' '1» fir ;~' studs l-tl
miii lit ‘ . (nits vii 'llt
.»s' it ,- ‘_"'i ‘.o:ii wow]

it: ‘i am pi-i'it is this
gin-thin .: i' ii' it'l‘n z-iY from!»
itlltl int: i i —rss in s mini"
tlllti’tl 'i jo- st flotfi \t'lt‘l‘JlI
Hafiz“ 'Ilits' .tlii' it"t‘
illSl ciirioiis 'o is, mi All.” all 'liis

J'llll.ill’. \V‘.’\ctl. riss .s .ill.iboiit
llilltl'lll’:!'r‘l1 "Ir oi in ii'
chiiit is ix“: lt 'i- i \piiiiii him this

:iiotii-i tlt‘~\ f: I. ilio-iir\ l,;\

iii.i:i.i;u: x- lK‘t‘tIll‘it’ ’fic
killing“ (it tilt i". .i .’t'il 'Atll‘ltl

hri iited 'llt'l‘t prohahlx :io
hi) to .lllt'llllil't‘i\ “\piiiir‘i ii pht‘


“Granted, therc LS
probably no war to
adequately explain a
phenmnenon as
per/flex ing as
parch/arlv to a
modern-day audience
whose only reference
point is the
comparatively tame
fame of Michael
Jackson. ”

liiftn‘tuiiii'clu ttn- i'mitth lil‘l'l‘l‘
tion ‘.\lllt'li iiliixi-is ii'

Upeiii ”fills“ iiis' .wr‘mzii: Ait‘ il‘

lhlt‘iltlllill‘t‘ oii iiiinwi ii- 'lic i li‘i‘llt‘li

'~H‘l e in (‘ltilllllIL’

(lll‘n‘l‘ his lK‘IwII.’ s:

liorna‘ Hl line ’.'.i t“..' 2.. {LL'li
sl litml tii\u.":’i's \tiil s‘-li‘l'l halt:

siliool ll,ll'..l depiii'zuc-ii‘ lillt‘\ 'o
.ittt-iiiiit suit“ iii‘oimis 'i.i- «firms
exeiitiial‘fi luso tho-i: Hindu ll,': nil

pent Milt ,i ~l~'llilly in "tin ' ‘Il. ~illl

iiiiiki 't.i-ii7ri;ii.lis l‘ii’L‘v" 'li. :riin ;.

did iiii; w'tiri ‘.t‘l\l|'l.s 'lzi‘. ii.i.
Hli'io‘l iis'v llil‘ l A i ' .,i ~,’ii


f Beatles’ documentary show-s
Fabulous Four’s




"who" is ,n :‘,i ,
" l i }/ii‘ I A :' '
t'. .
i i‘ ' t l ‘vl ' rs
:’ .' 'l T. \' 1 . v ‘
’n i \ .i-i'i 1s s b
' “ ",1 ':\ ‘ i,
till 1, iis v'
. . if f‘\ l l" t 'i
l‘n i t‘ l! l 2' ‘ i>
» s . s g'ii' a;
\.‘ “ .? girls A u ~v l\ " v
:we 4mm: cllll \li‘ii'i."
.t‘i'"i"\\i‘. Ilul"',s\ .s y
.\_is ‘oiigti ii? The W; ., iv "
"iv tfii'ii'lt's \i‘l‘v ' w' s- <'~
':~::.~w1\vsf'oitfiwriics ' J: v-n
sis iii!» and m .i :‘tf _ ‘ ' s
t r: ’w.i.siitr.i'i.".i'.i«
l' .i.si- s cl 3- ‘ s
in .rtiv-titiiz“, 'miiv s's
i rw.’ grim. :is it LiilliL-‘t .
'i ‘L'ie \(t'llt's Hm _
A" s4 ‘. fits-l s- I ’iv! ‘1 I'M
iii tin-.Lsix :‘zcti and 'itl..‘lil.‘ ii-

llt‘fii'lt‘ _i \H'iii'li Hl I‘Ivit'“
Beatles lil""lllit'l tin __
‘ilcll'l'. who

Illlllt'tl tint-"meats son» .3 ’m


TH ills '

'iriiictes or ‘ht l’na’i-s s

WITK lhe \t‘kill‘ol lucid ,n Tlic ‘
stittci‘s ll‘f-ll‘. _i l‘..'u|l>i :iisc.: ii'
.i'tl: The siiiic.’ skim-s of ’,r
Limp st .itrst

Twenty years ,rr‘siiw' i ii..-

done lltillllrli; 'o namc ‘in t" ii'ii-s
Maharishi‘Mii‘sii:p l'th iiz-x icss
infantile and 3h.- sciisc o'
with which the earlier sequences
are told would fr lllust
during tl(K‘lllllt‘lll.illIIl of the ;
HanIes' s.l't‘llllt‘ broad. .ist iwi

s 'V‘ v


production oi ~\li \ Wi \m-d is ‘
Um l
The dociinientiin s ciwpiiii.‘ l

idolatri is most Lildl tilt}. during de
scription oi the failure of .-\pple
t'orps and the bands exentual
breakup With all the e\i.sting
tootage of the Beatles studio ses
sions and impromptu liic perfor
niances. "The t'omplcat Beatles
instead chooses to focus on pett}
personalit) conflicts and financial
problems. speculating trtiitlessly
on the band's dissolution

And just as there was no earliei
attempt to explain Beatlemania
the Beatles internal difficulties
are never placed in an} context
larger than the band itself Mont
gomery seems content to treat the
Beatles as a phenomenon too com
plicated for anaIySis. and in fact
tells their story from a gentle.
rosecolored perspective that only
a die-hard Beatles fan will find

"The Compleat Beatles" is play
me at Crossroads Cinema Rated




ltw- l» \iiiciui.



ii llillllliilJt to .ir ;
lining to find ii .oiiie-W;
(an handle 'llt' ill" uniur »' ~
tiiitis ‘lll\l‘l O‘XpG‘l‘il‘ld vs ‘: 'iii i
is niiirlx impossiiilr /.d‘l."' s'
.Kil\ in) i-si-i-iititn,

.‘..1‘ Atil'st'

The slltl‘.\ is snarl!
twine ii minim-tr ’l,‘vl"l" ' . ‘ -
{wartime or

tmi ciiiii'nizti:

him.‘ .l'

All“ "Ult‘ 'lit' v ii‘gi‘
lr’l‘rl“ (39'
\iilil‘s ll. it'lfll' 'i'. "v 'i' {I
X: l,lil.iJ \- ll'

’xt‘ll.‘ iis'i..i i

\l‘ll'fi/illli.‘ \ \"5 i Will i'

l‘lii/iilw'.’ ..i' it"

‘Nena’ and ‘Vices:’ excite two
extremes of musical listeners

KliltNl‘Il, l{‘\'l'l,\t. .‘


pr ,ijii. "no I" . ,l ’ .i a
"at final sf w: s v ' *4 :1
ions saint? ~-\;;:«srs ~ ~




'hlil‘i\'r l. l'{.\ l i‘sti

,‘cllllll .1”ch

. ,


wv hi ‘. ,r-gm



gm} l"_1i r:.i :r it‘
'lli"l"1lfli1"’. "a

.d v r 4' ’i s > \I a
It at im: (1 s vfiii

‘t‘\ .

illl‘ii’a. awning "(,er

.ii: :' sharps“ ‘ii: '.‘-'.i-

lit 3. .s M i» r' '.:.-.' s

Bridges lends quality performance

to new movie

KlultNl‘IL l{.~\'l‘l\«. ~~

The ci‘ea’m‘s ' iniiiis
l)\nastx how :i: " i z, i: 1.


l}i_\lor lliickfor: .. . i ' ~
l‘.l'lL Hughes for ‘Iin ; ‘\'s‘ i'
connn'ing characters We no ‘
:nulated in sligdlf‘is' \i. v tilds


This move is mimic:
than an dtl\ilil(‘t‘tl ,Ili‘sws ,iss
z'hiiracters poi ‘n and ic'eu. "«

dark sides so lcl>3 'hii'
ionies comic illll'l ii at 7;.s

In spite oi .ts mamas”;
tiowe\er. Agiiitis’ \.2 "'ltl‘ Hi-
sonie tine illldllllt'> l‘tw twins r. '-
:ioir tendencies mm min tin-r ::
‘ttut of the Past and :i-iieiai
of the film make this ii \t‘t‘. st‘ . st
remake of the Rotx‘r' \lttctiii:t' l\ ;.
Douglas classic The plot s coin; .‘t \
it} although a hi’
contains strong characters and sic
lful use of backgroiuids 'tia' sticss
the growth of Ta_\lor llackforii siriw
he directed l-\n Hfficer iind .i m‘
tleman '

llack‘ord .s characters .irc ii
unique within the stor_\ and lit 'iiis



Tllt'illlrclllla' .

managed to pull excellent perioi
niances out of his cast To create .i
mood of m}s‘ter} and suspense

beautiful background shots of Mn;
can greenery, the ocean and .\l.i_\iir
ruins were utilized

As washed up football pldlt'l
Terr) Brogan. Jeff Bridges carries
the movie very well He lends ii tine
touch to a character who is .marc
he is being maneuvered b} other
people but is unsure what to do
about it

After one love scene in which he

Film actor William Powell dies

PALM SPRlNGS. (‘alif ‘Ait
liam Powell. the dapper. sophisticat-
ed leading man of scores of films
during the 19305 and 19405 and the
wise-cracking detective in the “Thin
Man" movie series. died yesterday
Hewas 91



. s
his ‘ s‘
9-“ u-
'\\ ' 0 r
' ' s ‘ in;
' ‘ siw i it
. . , . , » ,
t\t ,_ 1‘Lir.
it _I\\ »~ ‘ M L
“l” m "1.
'"l' l"' 4 ' ' New" AI' is
> ‘ V" u ‘ s siiiigiosi-ij
\ t '_l.v \ ' ‘9 ‘A\ {l
t”... ' l l ‘ '\ix 1‘ in «I:
'ii Y'i t s. 37, \ ~31. , ‘
iz‘ ; ii'i ”a. h L.» .4».
"1' ‘ v soen‘s
“'1‘" "3M: ‘ L- 'L -: iiriij .ih.
s'ii‘. imin yum,
limes “nods i' : lunar": w

Itiiiiis mic." c .i "Mon-w pert!"
{Ticifit‘r's ii.si‘ l'll‘” .if't AWN} .it‘ll'l\

who .‘rnc vi Li’l'stll‘ms i. ’hi'i.’

'oo tiii ’w'uos-i‘ iesim cil‘lt' .ind s_\ni

roles «llclldt't’r swais ii l‘l'
i‘\ll~'ll‘.t's tn." The fault lies
1:: the sii iii “tilllldl‘h
is lllt'fiiti in; il\ ii iron-rid. old law
more natti
s other clt

".It' 'llt' AUNT

ii-i‘ find tits llf'i l‘1\ "on
riilh 'har: ill‘,\ it tni ::.'i

The story makes :iiterestinc
statements about llliiit‘ slil'lb s_\m
hols lo l‘err\ Brogan Jessica
\\}lei .s \llllpl) .i woman who hurt

Powell died at 'x 43 a m of "old
age ‘ at Desert Hospital said Dr lr~
\‘ing Hirshleifer the attending ph)
siCian ‘ The old gentleman went
very niceh the doctor said

Powell was admitted to the hospi
tal late Sunday afternoon With him

Against All Odds'


’fiis Mimi a;


seri'eizc- it w“ > 31- .V

wow! lligris s is »;...-

\Ktinis ’ 1L, , ‘
'l‘hcr' s .1,» .c i‘ k ,

flier»- .17. ii c -- .» Ac _,

Life lime: vs 'w \. a,“
\giiiiis' \ .i; :s ' .

games iirr inn-1 i


\ganis‘ \

1; .
hummi- \l.i. i'1‘ \‘Y'Tuiir‘s i ~-.
mas l' :s "i‘i-i: l\ " v' ‘ .u: “
\tlnlt‘\i|llt‘ll\'t _i' ii ' ,i“s’ if; ”in.


at age 91

this morning was li's ‘skllt of 4-3
years, former actress Diana lA‘Vlts
saidtlloria Greer ii t.iniil\ friend

Powell. who earlier had sur\i\‘ed
an attack of cancer had lvxed il‘
quiet retirement at this desert resort
Since the mid 1950s







25%;. ‘












4 - THE KENTUCKY KENNEL Tuesday, March 6, 1984




f ennui-Md 139.


tndopondon' Slut. I971

Andrew Oppmonn

Lint 5 (adobe Stephanie Waltno: James A $00”
tne1.'.er.1'1' “49.1.11” ~ ' ,1”

S GA Senate merits
praise for initating
open-meeting rule

The Student 1;o\ert:111ent \>>oe1.1t:on 1111> proyided ['K
yy1th .1 my ot >1111>l1111e .1111111 the dreary .\l;1rch weather
The $1M Senate 111:1‘ .11'1e1led Leg1>1.1t:11; resembhng the
st;111‘>'81111>111111- law that 11:1. e11>1:"1' the pubhe's r1ght
to.111end the org.11‘11.t.1 tor. >1t1eet111g>

At 11> 111st senate tt1eet:1:g S111 g.1\e ttr>trround uppro
\11l to .1 re>otut:or. ope" 11g 11:11>' 11: :'> 111 e1-t211g> \y1th the
exceptzon 111 po>t he. r1121: 1e.:t1et‘.1t1o1'1> 111 the Elechoh
Board 111111 the .l'.1-._i.1 .11 11.11:» .1 the ,i:>1'ret1on of the

SUA began 11311111311; .:'.t11 1'21 ti1e>t1tv1e1" .t: llt'tober. when
.1 controyer>y re>111ted trot: .11. 1'. K1 ”'1‘ reporter >

mpulstontrorx. 1121*0313‘1L111'3‘11‘1“,11‘1'Y.1\.'213.11111'11‘
The bill w11> .ttfr‘1111111e-i 11." 1‘11" ‘. £1111 tabled because
SGA w.1> .1‘»\1x.'11‘11.‘ 11 .eu11; 11111.“...11. .'11:t~.'1~t't‘111g 11> >1111u> 11>

.1 P1111111 11‘1L‘.1n:.'1t.11r, 111-112'. 1:; ::1 .t‘.:~rtt‘1.1ttot: 81;.-\ took
11611111111113 11w " _.:',z';1


l-Iy'er. ' hougt‘. '.’l1' group ’1.» :111' '111- tno>t p.11! coop-
erated uttl the 11111111 .1111: the ;‘11‘1->> ' '.> 11:11". 1111c stnh 1'1
rule as 111111111 111111.111 ’l‘ 11 gll‘t‘pflxx. t11'1’1111‘.1'> .11: amendment
to the cot‘.>f;'..‘f.o1". 111-1111171? 11.1>>.1g‘e 1-.‘ '111' next Senate

Th1> ;> :ie::t::te j. .. 91-1 .11 'tae $1111"! 111‘1'1"11111 not only
1111.’ the 1.“. Iet'>:" 1‘1et1et.‘ tron. >111" .1 l!‘\1\1\lll. but SGA


NH >hou1'11 be 1'11!‘1>.=l1'1'1'11 .1 ;‘t.f 1:1' agency and >hould
be hen: .11'111111‘1'111111 :ot' .t> .11".1,"1> The >1':";117_111‘.\ are elect
ed by >1111.e:‘.'.>.1111_i .m I‘1'.\:11"11‘1\:.".1 :11." repre>ent1ngt the1r
const1tuetit> 1%.1rt'171; T‘I1'w' ~';111e:"> 'r'ut: Eegi>lat1ye pro~
ceed1ng> would be :iett':1t’1et:'.1. '11 int >L1ppo>1d goal lot the
organ11111: on t11>er1e the >ttniettt body

Th1> year. NM operate> 11: .1 16.111141". .1: 11pprox1n1ately
85.1.1104? The state 1 Kentucky 1.111111’ $3110“, and
about 533.1111» rs 111.2111 :rert tron. >t:111et:'. .11't;\:tj1 tee> The
orgattizatiot‘ :f>e11’ earn» 111.1; .1111111t will“ from \‘111‘1ous
tundrr.11>tt;g .11":'\:t:e> 7.11:1:1-1, ‘11 ;111."1.1e.1t.ot‘1ot the phone

“111'. the .111tt.o1": ‘3. 1111111191 '1.» 111111111‘ money 11> the
group >ee> trt it «1111:: :1. .'"»‘.1"11~'11> to 11>>utr1e that >tu»
dent péil‘fit'lpant‘. 111111 :111111: . ‘1 711' proh1btted Th1>
'hput 1> what 111.1ke> ’t.e 1.:ter1-r1ee r»et'.\eet: .1 eooper1'1tiy e.
repre>er.t.1t1yetlooy .1111: ore _ 12>.11er> 'I>1)p11111111>tl111-

Thz> 1.111111‘11‘11'1‘1-1'.‘ >h-1ul'1 111111111 >t'.111er.t> proud ot their
student goyertitnetx‘ 111111 the 1111... they nt1o>e to conduct



them>esxe> ‘1t‘er .1.. .1 1.",1e ~11?‘.~.':.,"1' 1 11'. only '111‘1ghten

reta'fln’lt'h> T»e’.1\ee't7 \11 X 1"" "tea :1 '. ~-.">".

A &S senator ’s remarks
reflect a poor attitude

Whtle the "11".1'11‘ 1111'.e1'1itt.er.‘ ,‘1>>1x_:.1'.1ot1 Senate de»
serves to be rar>ed tot 'net‘ Y't'at'ti't} -~11'1111:tted re>olut1on
to ensure the 1111111.. \ ".gr' '11 11"111111 'tle'r aoy'ernment >
meet1ng> ‘he 1114:1111» wt '11'11 "eptewtt'a'L'w needs to be
po1nted out tor the pu.’ ~ new

The 11r>t wading 11? 'tie t'e>111:17.111, whteh 11 pa>sed
will s1mply guataut ~11 the ~7.1v’lt'1".' ~ . 41' to attend most
meetmgs e\'1't‘pt p1'1>‘.-1‘1e.'1r'11g 1e12t1et'.1t:ot1> wt the I‘llectloh
and Judical board> was pa>>e<1 by the entire Senate w1th
one excepttor;

.-\rt> 1S. N.tence> \1‘1111311‘.l'>(' 1’11... -1ppo>ed the b1ll. say
mg there are >1tuat1on>'1wte'-11 1e."'.'1:r. undes1rable el
ements ‘ >hou1rl not he tllti‘wed ‘11 11"et11: 511.51 proceedmgs
"There are '1me> when .11 dor. ' 11 1111‘ people knowing what
we do at these111eettng> 111'>1.1'(1

He also added that there are ’111';e> when the press
should be barred! rot.1 attendtng \l \ meetings “There
are sttuatton> when the pre>> >houl-1 not be allowed to l1>~
ten to what goe> on here Paul >ald

Paul > comment> are not onty .t‘r¢'>p()nSlbl(‘. but map-
propriate tor a representatrn of the public Paul ~ l1ke
eyery other111ember of >111. 1> >1mply' a student not
representau 1 e of a set retlye goy e rnme htal organization

H15 respons1b1l11y as a senator 1>to>eryethestudents
The undes1rable elements he thinks should be denied ac-
cess to SGA meetmgs are part of his constituency His re-
marks reflect a frightenlng ph1losophy for an elected rep-

As Senator-at-l.arge Flo llackman sa1d. "We SGA1 are
at public organization. and we have to be open "

Listen and learn. Senator Paul l1ster1 and learn
