xt770r9m672w https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt770r9m672w/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky. University Senate University of Kentucky. Faculty Senate Kentucky University of Kentucky. University Senate University of Kentucky. Faculty Senate 1931-11-23 minutes 2004ua061 English Property rights reside with the University of Kentucky. The University of Kentucky holds the copyright for materials created in the course of business by University of Kentucky employees. Copyright for all other materials has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky. For information about permission to reproduce or publish, please contact the Special Collections Research Center. University of Kentucky. University Senate (Faculty Senate) records Minutes (Records) Universities and colleges -- Faculty University of Kentucky University Senate (Faculty Senate) meeting minutes, November 23, 1931 text University of Kentucky University Senate (Faculty Senate) meeting minutes, November 23, 1931 1931 1931-11-23 2020 true xt770r9m672w section xt770r9m672w T ”77:7; 7 1"1? 4r rue-w. r". . . I i ; Millii§ JAL/E SITE JEAAIE , -» I m '1‘ x 1',“ __ r)"; A. {x mm H‘ ‘ n , _,. . . . AD". 0 ru,‘ 9 Lu L)- if‘ .1 (u p. The University Senate met n the Lecture Poem of McVey H911, y.m, i ‘ November Me, with tresideut UCV;y oreeidinge The minutce 0f Cctober 12 Were read and aperoved- ‘ v i - n _e .. - ;: ~ e u" a If. - t a. u The ChairmaL of the LOmmltESG on DutiiCetion of oOoiee; Stated otmrl ~ he had receive& from two ceilegee requests for changes in courses ant L 4 , 1 % new course? eofl that these hri net been e ‘1 accordance mite the aetiod Of tee .euate tower 140 President TnVep 0‘ .LJ 6 affective Vecember fit to the faculty in w 4* ruleé that tH: ”ctign Of the 995948 should I p. . :1 q The Committee then tresentefi tne foliowin: coureee w” . etsuvee 1n -.. dvanoed Eoultry Production, 4 oreiite and i; _ ? flus‘ y 134, Adveneed Poultry Production, 5‘ i f; 35, Artific'al Incubation anfi Broodinq, § -ute Ior each 0: theee course; is Azimai _ , r Q . . . . . 1 V 3' i In Animal Epiustry 13‘ one lfil the laboratory periods were Changed , ‘ ; p i from two hvzrs eqeh,{Wi.h n; change in credit! 1,,n‘ H to unree hears e ‘ l ”Commerce 211 ~ Advanced Money and Banking. 3 credits; RECQnQ semeeter. .-.._.:z~a-—~‘._ ._ ._ a ' _-V fived: F Rb“ Peak as Chairman of the Book Store Committee, made the rewort on the history and tne ereeent status of the D605 Stor was apDroved: H “ff ”Whiie most Of the members of tee Univereity qtaff may Have full or partial knowled Struggle with the Uroblem of subpluing books to rtuievte, of the staff and nearly all members if Ute stu&:fit deY hflVe little 3T ‘ v’*J 1 no knowledge Of the faeis relative t? the riee of What i? no” known 0“? ‘WF 9% 1 ;_. U» M . J JQ m 3 +n d p‘ m i *7 eterv Of the fiive T‘Fti {V Of V63, T1 {'ugkv“ S ‘1 1:" ‘ 2 N ._ h . .. ‘ ‘ g l . ‘ I eeme membere ¢ ‘ ""“vw-V .:... .r'm. n rel as the ”Cam (0 :j p (a (0 4 a 7‘" 4 x, ’3 H2 H1 *3 if! 1" Q; }J i ’0 7 p, F) O ,1 '4 ’D , o *Jc .‘ 11 r ~ .. “ - y 7 ‘ ‘4» w-r—‘H '* me With the book store mac tirouqn a contrace mluh u. VIaLK 93a wed f owner of ”*e Tnivereitv Book Store, then oneretin; on UHGTL ,ed 3 LGKingten, which bueineee, infler the same name, i: now owned ari @perateu w by Mr. Frederickson. The University Book Store, at that time had at the present time, is solely a Urivnte enterpr eeo It E2? to conhection whet? g if -{ ; ever Wit provided the it more satiefactovv service in tte QKDhLV of beck: t: etwiert: migot .L i h the Universitv of Ventuckv» The CGTiVQTf ”lib WT' B°t5a119 ‘T t 1 me conéuct on the Campus a bcok store in Jrfier t5e+ 3 QC‘L " ‘ ‘ , . ' ' "*>L7107L1Shed- In 731.8?) CCT1+vTQCt ",4 l ‘ , .. i 1 1 ‘ -, , . 1. A1 S .5 [Dre 1 V CL“; :11!" i all 'I. l. ‘1 1 \J 9 he :1. ‘ . ’1 V"'1» ‘o E -' z "1 1. 1....8 I?) ,1‘ 3L "‘ 8 I f“ / ’7‘; ‘38 S *1 ,1 . Luaa «ch ble h W ,mong :1 h 2 ’7 ) flVOT. +Wn GTE J ~nf L th\ ion 9 ch no 7T1"! rtribut mg boo» spver s; 1: ‘r‘ r.» 1 -8fieq m > h v? N -x_, hwwp ‘orervcm, ,ern” :4 'i. ail tin? the d “ 21m“ ‘11 1’“? A. {J .44 R C H r. Q” r mc. rqem LLC f ..‘ ‘7‘ in' fl'dlf TH T this ilure 7 use 11 One» Ul hanagemofii u) 7e n:13 inrDOT‘fixyn : . I4 w11¢ ‘Aw.; 3+ "1?”, a? used hare UriHQ. Here let me so? *fim“ . . . Lu :Tnuiy‘ coriv1tmsem_lne tryat :uc*1 w 47*‘v’x %— A r‘ -— m“) 3 > "x « L .‘.- vtzg-er.:ur JAM. [PS—31M? v nnmine‘ of the fact that 10Q7€§ en backs, W“ich are P075 bv the C onernFive Store, nal oaen CHaTQGfi 50 fihe b;dgets of the flevartmente making evceen L P ‘7‘ \y ”D r2 "-r' t: OFdeTFe Tglfl sfixhiy, I 'think ‘ I '\ inventory 5371’? (“3931.119 VL’PI’LJLV r’TCJ‘E-bie 1737-7310 31 .r. 1 M V ' - ‘ :* ' a ' “We?1 T V‘ r’)”“ ."»‘. [ft] ‘00 98d ‘5": Z?§€€? {"59 "‘5.” ”‘ ‘ 'Jr- (1 ‘Z“"‘+ i , , two conceysimns: fine? the scle Of C341V qt swatomary €316 UTiC9¢; tie oiher, the Uv of nOvelties He ”ishour red the hpndWing on ani be i1:b0?94 OI '3 once“ The been fiigvvnrqqe€, h” QX~ perlence wn4 QJ'QTVHfiTA infiidntefl that atuflefitc were inciired t3 mqho , n.1a ‘ fi, . effortg 53 bflV7%OCkP and fifiat mwst stuient Dromntir Ll “ocvfi 7f bucks ' a . h } ‘ M . ‘ not needed. ihere Was a Cdnctan% demand fihfii Che Bwok StCTG bgv swat books. Vs market f1: ’1 OI 51w -¥fi1ri 309k ,. 1‘ I] g -- n w ' I: ~ ‘ ‘““ B — '3, u A 1 C\./ 5‘; Siifz Uu“cha:e W? btqk? at one fih§ri ccsfi xii bwie H-w £9ch 3 m to the student fi adVQntcvp baflh in fihe w w:— 333;, (3 .1. “8:1 nwnfi‘ 5% P r . {16:}th ‘L’DZ 111 -tr "2L . p » farm? inarmlch f‘t 0111731 9 " T“ TrY‘, ‘; 'Y ,r .._ 5a 0 . 'r "1Y1!“ " ”LV‘ trav- vu .C r] p TIYW'I' VD?" t‘.‘ vwr 3 Jppo a v W”, Va] :1 1» v 3 a!“ T111?“ IY‘N] ”.1127? '9. fh ‘ Ilt'ulc‘ix Mal“ (HIP _7_ “a ,1“ ~ . , Jrcm grineutse The UNIVET?ianR :73 1 81 V "3 0 I' 2‘ ‘3 11.119 T1"? 9: ' 32‘". " J '10 a: Towexf unvxible wricém. Bear iv 1 1+ ‘ ;.“ N ‘ ~. - 3131713, ;.'”;P_'C-! 0?.)er no '):"(_)‘_Tic1.fwn , .«\‘ ‘4_.7 ., M . .. a that cnmt"oi tin ujzvercltv. L l ! I J $ Minutes 3? bha WniVGWfiitv Genqte — Edvimber $3 1923 _ Cqfivg, ‘: "~ ' I 3- Fe reak Y Cnairgan of Bock Ctfive Cfimnifiee ”°:HY ‘ s ‘ 0 l x ’ A ‘ be fre‘1dunc ”“wny U“P:efitui ‘ne matfie“ d; T931nis fif cfA‘n1r f9°s an1 ¢ugqegtfii tho €3113Winq vvan fl? refghfe: n! m _,, -. . . 93w fir Gin Weax 40% flf % Week 4 - . 70- recon' week 3?” Sixth Wonk itv 50¢ fihird 1"eek ”L” seventL week " v ! bt 1 E01 tozr*n wnr' 13“ eightd Week ' 0‘00 Wm Senate votei tn redommevi the sugqcsted Olah to the Rasrd 0f Trucfees. 1d The Sehate annrovafl fihe redommenflsticn of the Univnrvifiy Council fiFnt the I V . Fflfi regarding gnnior re?idence be chahqed as as to Tani: ”The 13?t qemecter mlcfi b0 ion? in 3‘? bol‘ego in which fihe 4eqree i? in be obtained.“ ; " .f ‘4 m { ~ .. - - u v . Phe £9110W1uz caleniar repirted by the Social Commzzaee W3? adéfiten. ‘ ' H 1es ‘m , re . WOUGE VANCE M} "‘ } . s. ' ' I; If 1 Uage Organ;zat10n E1 : ‘ "KT ,- . ~ a “I ”N- ““‘Tfl— - ‘ f ngembel 28 Lambda Chl Aloha ‘V ‘ ' \ . } Uecember :3‘ '9.) ’J) v Triaggle K , he j Uecember Bhi Kanna Tau ‘i W. 98‘ H December cambe“ i-J r4 H w £\)Z\J m C \3 d n ”9 H’ )-‘ .11 L‘f‘ 5 g E . p 33 ’_ i (3 .3 3‘ H0 January of : Janu3?y 98s: 3 January (D LO to x) ' II.) :3 {5 {1 r0 \7 I )1 January January 03 0) Phi Sigma Kappa 3 Phi Kappa Tau Pi Va “5971 Alpha 1 n not January 1 ersof Febvuary NJ) Q of Febvuary ‘ a . . ugh ‘ A“??? ~6 Campus blub , 4 C»! C)! (D ‘1: #3 i1) ’1 “:5 H- d I») m a ‘4 p H V--‘ (D d 7") '3'? A, ovember w n I 1 l 'D f‘. .frmnW‘ez‘ ,,, vn~ u a .1'? 1 , 1‘ {fivemox ‘\ 7'1 r-. --‘ x ‘ "NEH???“ ~5- \ L\.‘ ‘ I 1,.» vn'fi H 4 l A735 77 LJ m 1. 5 ml)?! r 839 ,1 .1 12 y. - jeuibe '8 i TN anpa Delta “fl ( v51» DAN TTWQI 1.4 , - fl .7 1» T q p ge Pre 30116 at» - 1- D. emb wwv F December De r 17 k3 {El 08 n' F9bruary 6 ‘ “I firy 43 Februa V. «WA University fienate , finvember 23 — con't GUECI DAWCE (can't) Ulprnizabiqn F9bruary 2Q Uilizzvy Bal? February P7 7ampu; Cltb February “8 Vefiv Ta; ATphv Harsh 5 i5m& Vega Xi TTarch 3 Triaflgle March 12 Phi Sigma Kaova Marcfi Z2 Qiqn: Alvha Epsilon March 19 Delta uhl March 39 Kappa Kapna Gamma Farah 19 Alfiha Delta Sigma April 3 Junior From April 2 Alpha Ganna I{ha April 2 Pi Kapfiq Alflha “p“ii 9 Phi Delta Theta f! pri 1 121'; S i. «r - . April 30 Qirma Chi a QLKj {Nayfigy 122‘s) 7 qmreiieru xgj, 14 Phi .';7742 mFU é May 21 Eilta Qiqma Pi W4; 21 Kafiva Sigma 5 Dmnquffl rueueetej ”fist PC“ifi4 04 Eh? recomm.nd1fion 9f the Arts and Sciencea Jaculty of change: in the requirement: for t%e degree of Bo S. hiMusic be Dostponed until fhe next meeting. Mm following recommeniation Uf the Céilo~c sf k7fic qnw Qciencec war 1 approved: ”The faculty qlgo vopefi to revommeni the fcllfiwiLq PC a ” Uilit?"" Tcicnce substit"te tor tke prepent firmctice of nivinq P “iit for Band morir “Bang Work shall carrv M1 is CTGCit and c not Wiiitarv ? iehhm :reiif« TTPGif in “and ch41} PX” CF f'”m v a Cflr“csbvn*it2 var“ 0* *?e ren‘i"ai Vllife * cvience”o e t) qifiugt fine CGntroveruy existing 1 .tuflcnfi PJElication: ma&e ZFG followinfi reu0~t vfiiék may J P. . _, A v w J ('1 if,