xt770r9m6856 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt770r9m6856/data/mets.xml Daugherty, Leonard, 1859-1951 1895 scores (documents for music) BV460 .D29 1895 English Gospel Advocate Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection Revival hymns Hymns, English Voice of Praise: a Collection of New Songs for Gospel Meetings and Sunday Schools, 1895 text 1 close score (134 pages), 21 cm. Call Number: BV460 .D29 1895 Voice of Praise: a Collection of New Songs for Gospel Meetings and Sunday Schools, 1895 1895 1895 2022 true xt770r9m6856 section xt770r9m6856 @meu m- 3 :
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New Songs for Gospel Meetings an?"

Sunday Schools.






Copyrigbt 1895, by Leonérd Daugberty. ';



' In preparing this book, I have selected songs
ed to all kinds of religious work and worship.

,, Songs, Prayer Meeting Songs, Funeral ,

ngs, Children’s Songs, Opening and Closing
ngs. ,

Evangelists will find this book especially
suited to the Evangelistic work.

"I have used a number of these songs in my
work in protracted meetings and ,Sunday Schools,
and, together with the new, I believe “VOICE OF
PRAISE” will meet all of the above requirements.
That it may prove a blessing to all who sing for
Christ, is my Prayer.





‘4 3.er «21:3;

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No. 1. Follow Me.


2h ‘1 ‘ "I J J J,“ A


l‘ 2— _;1_I\_ I“ '1 I l 1‘
$911122 3i _ ... .21::. ‘fi-‘1—*‘1‘o ’EI_#—“’*"i‘:lra I

I . Is 5the road you ’1etrav’ling sin— her, One you think Will take you home?


I. .1.



2. Is your life What God would have it. 9 \Von’t you stop and think to- -day. 9
3. Here’ 3 the road that leads to heav e11 Straight and nar—row, smooth and plain;
4. Hearken to the joy- ful tid-i mus, Call- 1ng,c 0311- mg u11- to thee!









@525? 71* r“? 3,1 12—1-5: , ’F'::j_,§flf:]

I 1 g T

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4% n 4 4- ‘ V __. ‘

Don’ t you see th’ a- pall- ing dan- ger All a- loner the path you roam?
’Tis a ques— —tion you should ponder, P011- der well now While you may!
Turn, oh, turn! and walk ye in it, If e ter- nal life you’d gain!
And 0- hey the voice of Jesus, For he says, “Come follow me! ”









.—«-——A-——-.* —*—t—’—! , —!—~1——1—~——-
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Turn and fol- low, now his footprints, J e - sus left them here for thee,

_ _._ _
1'— +— '" v§«




-'< .0.
If you will but fol- low me!”


Say - ing, “Safely I will guide you



Copyright, 1895, by Daugherty.






C. W. RAY. R. M. McInrosn.

I I . I
@453 4:1
7‘:- -tl—

' 1. Be hold the Lamb of 031- v3. - ry— The bloody cross on which he dies;
2. Be- hold the Lamb for sin-ners slain; Betrayed,reviled and cru- ci - fled;







3. Be- hold the Lamb! the rough thorn-crown, Up-on the dear Re-deem-er’s brow;
4. Be- hold the Lamblbe-hold his blood,Who takes our sin and guilt 3-way;





I .1— - 1:- -*— ' 7-:-











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He suf- fers there for you and me, Oh, wondrous, wondrous sac-ri - fice.
The pierced hands,the gor - y stain; The nails,the spear and wounded side.
While crimson streams are flowing down Beneath his bleeding feet I bow.
Be- neath its pre- cious cleansing flood My wea- ry trembling soul I lay.











l 7k— —*—' “fir 1r Ar_+_ A—J P l‘ l‘
E~F r r I r - r r I II- .1 44444—444—
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0h, blessed sin - a - ton-ing Lamb, Thy dreadful a - go- nies I see;














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1 Thou art my trust and thine I am, For thou hast bled and died for me.



By permission of R. M. McIntosh, owner of copyright.


C ihw #63




75:93 'w. x' ‘1 1;. ; _‘.





”MAW“ r" ~ "aw"
No.3. Keep Me Close to Thee.
Dr. A. C. VVOODRUFF. By per.
Pleadingly. Maybe Solo.
h ‘l i“ : \} J 7'“ 1W~—J¥_—_-J'——;t——i ,
* a 4* &§:§:£:5:E§:§El



1 ,

‘l 1. Keep me close to thee, dear Fa- ther,\Vhi1e the bil-lows o‘er me roll;

1 2. Keep me close to thee, dear Mas—terflYhile temptations still as — sail;
{I 3. Keep me close to thee, dear Spir- it Of the cloudless light of day,


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: blackness round my soul.










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I 5’ I V'l


Copyright, 1803, by S. \V. Straub.


. 4...... --_, A-..


No. 3. Keep Me Close to Thee.

Dr. A. C. WOODRUFF. By per.
Pleadingly. May be Solo.





_‘ l

:l filial 5 6 l I“ l O‘I 'ix' J“ 5 "1' i j‘\ 1—N——l——.—1\———l

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——‘»—o— ‘ —i;{_—‘—O ~——o—— o- -—o'——o—o'———J

l 1. Keep me close to thee, dear Fa- ther, While the hi1- lows 0 er me roll;
‘ 2 Keep me close to thee, dear Mas- ter, “'l1ile temptations still as- sail;



















































’ 3 Keep me close to thee, dear Spir- it Of the cloudless li(rht of day,
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E; ' While the night winds moanand gather In their blacknessround my soul.
to: Soft ~ er, sweet-er, deep - er, fast - or Let thy deathless love pre-vail.
5“ . U11 - til I thy light in-her — it, Tho’ the heav—ens fade asway.
“I; . . -t %2_ —A— A: A~—~— —~—A—A———— A— ig—E—AJ
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. 2? Keep me close to thee. . . Keep meelose to thee,. . -
; .5 Keep me close to thee, Keep me Close to thee,
a b I
— l .A . ,1“ ' IA ' i it air—:4: ._}___._1_“_1 1—?“ *—9—- .—I
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I Keep me close to thee, dear Fa-ther, Keep me close to thee, . .
i ‘ to thee.
1] Q; L — A—A A: *LAM
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Vll {A A A A1? I I .. I f Vzfi ,1 - lA-II
' l I F 7 | VI

Copyrivht,18£)3, hySb..\V Straub.




No. 4. Go Gather the Golden Grain.






Ll- L \ A _
1 1.? iggj 1 .2 .~. 1 #1\4§#4 .
l L—i—afl—fisjfli: _ :i:—1i—1}II —1"‘—a
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1 if Ar——-zlsr—~'~—A:l—— A1—~:Ar— A—1—A A:—Ar:::—A A1 A.
‘ J

i .The fields are ripe with the ham est, And the Master calls a - gain:

2. In youth’s brightp Gold- en 1110111-i11g,Hear the Sav 10111 s voice so plain:
i 3 While suff’ ring is a— -rou11d us, Shall the Mas- te1 call in vain )
l 4. If we V1 011111 dwell in heav- en With the ho- 1y an - gel tiain



igfli gifij A 'A__ iA ' 5
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.11.: \——1 AL 111-114." _ , “4.

g”; ——1 ——4 «At:zi—A-OPAF . . 17745—1 ‘ :1” -~ —~

41— .#0#o- -—4——1——1—: ——I , 1 - I

—‘—A—o——o~ o—omo—iv—e l , ———-—:—« i——1——k 7—1: , “1'

_____-;_ ———-——: :A. :A1—rr:lA#A *l—v—fi—fir$IMk—¥
3,, ,.._. _

“\V hy stand ye i - dly wait — ing? Go rruth- -er the "old— en grain! ”
“If you love not one un- 0th - er b”\Vho ll (rathei the :rold- en grain?”
Lendng aid for flu - e11 broth-e15, Is gath- er- ing gold- e11 grain.
W e must la— bor in the vine- yz11d,1 Must (rathe1 the gold— en grain.




























i A is I
,u. ' ' P ‘ d ‘ i ’ 2::775 rk—kfl—i:
@évrvrre j::::v—#T 1——+I.— I—IIrwI—I III—I
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—— ,1 .1 .7 ; * I 1' 1 1' 1 . TV!—
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Go work, . . It
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‘ T V 5/ V V ‘
1; Go work, go w01k in my Vine - - yard, It
3 Go work, work. work in my V'ine- yard, If.
i “1 ' 1: :As- A» -A
l 5— #qu—ILA ‘ "‘ '!L_V‘ 75‘ If .0 .0 ‘F‘
41:41:11., ,1-.‘jA,-____ A;__L_AA‘:A_fA ifAifijAM'Am lAfl
, 7"7- 2“"" .L 1 .1 :7 ’7’ rm?"
VVi.ll . . . .
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L. ‘, 1 ‘1 A___I___ __,7_ n i I 1' iv
I I I I ’ l" 1 I 1 y
will not be, will not be vain,. . . . . The fields are
1 W111 not. will not he vain,
1 f
1 —...1— ~ 1 s s l\ 1
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@111. , .II .I 1 -71: A
'1 1 1 f 1 ; '1

By per. R. M. McIntosh & 00., owners of copyright.


r3312; -


. T K: 131%:





Gather the Golden Grain. Concluded.



l ‘1,

ripe with the bar - vest, G0 gath - er the gold - en grain.


No. 5. Let Us Walk in the Light.






f ’Tis re - lig- ion that can give, In the light, in the light,Sweet-est
L’Tis re — lig- ion must sup— pr, In the light, in the light, Sol - id
0 {Aft— er (1 ath 1ts joys will be, In the light, in the light, Last-111g
” I Be the liV- ingGod my 1116116., In the light, in the light, Then my







A 7* 2* 20;. 7* 2* ~* 2* ** 2* 2* 2* A 2*

, 727;»;74 7- m7:’¢77‘77‘*—7i7 777+" 1*: 3,57‘e—2k7 4172—-

‘ i’fi'h—“i Pi F i F___i"‘—l‘—_' ::*i7*:: "ii—‘“iL—' f—“—‘H"—'

l 7 74: 77777717 7/7w7r7 7, 77, 177-7777777717
v v





pleasure while we live In the lifiht of God. } , - . .

coxn- fort when we die In the light 01' God. Let us “ “11‘ 111 the llght’

as e - ter - ni - ty, In the light of God. I,

.i bliss shall nev- er end, In the light of God. 1






















iii __2# 4-4 H, :;':~ 3;» 7° _:_r:_p, -' 11$-—
§§~I @f:*:,£: :Lt:,§;¢_ E, L, t,P 7‘ 1119* 1"" [IA ' f‘fitkrl !
ff } 5 v 77 r v—7w7r’ E- -7E7E 7 7t- : 7i 7‘ I 7 7‘ b E
4 I V V '3
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1 77v—v7'77 797!- ‘7 1 14 1-717 1: _—+— J»,
g e 4; 17 . ¢ 9: ‘
U I l _i :J‘
In the light, in the light, Let us walk in the light, In thelight of God. ’
.* ~* 2* t 2* 2* 2* -* * -,* 2* -* 2* 7* 2* n A ' '
@7777:l—777I752k77‘2k7 ‘7] 3:73:71‘: 715:7 3‘7 in- [7 71—:i—:_:: Liljgésl
FE:E:E F77 7 L E? 77‘ ‘17 iv 717E7- 7E—E-E:E
l I I 'l V



No. 6. Blood of the Lamb!













l' L h I i uh iii l I l I
5‘129L3“‘§.‘7‘ Q‘fio— K— “:N % I! Oi . 1' 9| l .n 5 {1| .4. g
" V 1 ~——I A 2 51 1’ ‘ i 4'
—o ,— : q—‘Lfi———oe~— 'Jfia 0— ' o—L—a—J
§— 3 ' ‘ 9— ' —

1. I am sin - ful and to thee, Lord, in an - guish I would flee,
2. Blind and lost, I call for aid, Let thy hand on me be laid—-
3. Cleanse me in thy pre-cious blood, Love’spure,cri1ns0n streaming flood;























n I . __4
A . . . A: A:
Elim- ‘3; If]: I k I; '1 T‘F—E_'§q‘9 l
7V“? oA‘IAi- LILAIK -x|i-A*A.J‘l‘l— I
I I II I | I V 'I
N \I i ‘W I 1‘ J' ‘1‘ Q; 4‘
. 9A. A? 4‘ El A g1 $35141
fi‘ _. _.._. :f 5r — Avefi A ”~97:

To the fount - ain let me go, Make me whit - er than the snow,
Thou a - lone canst, Lord,I know,Make me whit - er than the snow.
Robes of bright-ness,Lord, bestow, Make me whit - er than the snow.
















I ,, . A?— 5— e ;-:—‘I.I II
E? 5:? 1 "19:7: fig—I ta 2 7 4D . i L. W“!
V :II; ‘ :uI‘: .A-‘AIF ‘2' Al? I
‘ I, 5 I V v I
n . I h A I
Elf—+2::‘ 7‘3 NAimf4¥ch 4A ‘ 3AI i—Ah— 5; ]
I. _ _IA' ' “I ‘_ 1 IA ' IIIII I0—
~_{i_—+:i_' "l ..-._.I._._::.:;::* _:i.:‘._._._.::_-
x ' x ‘I ‘I ’I 'I V 'I ’I I l

Bloodofthe Lambl. . . . in thy wonderful flow.
Blood of the Lamb! in thy wonderful flow ,thy wonderful flow,
,.. Ao- -« o—
i——‘ III—*I‘I #_ Pp: ImImI!_! ,!I_
I II:I: I I: I_ II:I




I“ ———-— w
‘i— :A




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D l l n
29_ _i¥—i I . I. . "l u ,__
I III—II___ '_ fi-_ fi_‘, Q_ 0— __§ .
§Eb I}: A: A 37.73%; 1113—} A_: nix: A_A A A :3
'\ l

! l‘k‘ AIL ,I_I_



: . D 7 v i 7 ‘I I ‘I V ‘I 1? l
Cleanse me and make. . . . . me whit- er than snow, . .
Cleanse me and make me whit- -er than snow ,,yes whiter than snow







$51"?— It i: 3.5 4.1 1'" 33A 4?"? Eff-:3

5::x . _ .‘ _f ' :III I”; ' IEII'I_I:I:_ I: :

E’znltEA AA —| A‘AE‘ All A?AF': P— 5:3 IAAv— A—v vAI—rA—
W Ll 'I I F I 'I LI 'I I



Copyright, 1890, by J. H. Rosecrans.












7’” _> k m , H A, - a“ _,‘ , _. k y "’“"“W" 2.17:. -7 v--~—- -»-...— “.14.;- g-ehéi ,
._ _ .- r. .. ‘ N- 7, »

\...‘ _ . . . , ,

g, —


Blood of the Lamb! Concluded.



Whit-er than snow, . . . . . the beau- ti- ful snow, . . . .
Whiter than snow the beautiful snow, the beautiful snow,






/ ix?!

‘ Cleanse me and make. . . . . me whit- -er than snow,
‘ Cleanse me and make me whiter than snow y es, whiter than snow.

































3» —¢— ¢—'
73-. n __ _ j""’*—“*"__’“11
E51531- —“ 'xaFIIEEEIZFIL L I! I I I
, v v v '1 y I y I, I #4 -, A - I
No. '7. Arllngton.
Mu ] A l I l i I m:
‘ :13 v: ' 4 4 TI 1 ' l \ a: j _-—{——o§—fl—l_.——LWJA —
3 :7¥:¢;l:z:;-t:fil——~g;17£I—f——_CtH-tl—agifilkl— 2:8—
1.] —_
1. How sweet,howheav’nly is the sight,\Vhen those that love the Lord,
2. When each can feel his broth-er’s sigh, And with him bear a part;
3. \Vhen,free from en - vy, scorn and pride, Our wish-es all a - bove,
4. \Vhen love in one de- light —ful stream Thro’ ev’ry b0 - som flows;
5. Love is the gold - e11 chain that binds The hap- py souls a - bove;

. " g4. I: 2;;1: EA ‘0 . . '0 a. If QLJSV 1: I51— I
@540 t; _. 51; a; 11 II? I
l a I I ' ' I I I 7 L . I I I I I

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3&4W_ #44:};3—3 I .. . +1 gfiniizg: fir_g_l:?__”
Id /

In one an-oth — er’ S peace de-light, And so ful - fill the word.
When sor- row flows from eye to eye And joy from heart to heart.
Each can his broth- er’ s fail — ings hide, And show a broth - er’ s love.
When un— ion sweet and dear es teem In ev - ’ry ac - tion glows!
And he’s an heir of henv’n who finds, H13 b0 - som glow with love.

‘. a. To. . -2- en:—


Am—A, -_ e;




Q )1




No.8. Lead Me to the Rock.















I—I"r. I; A 3 IA; _I I, :N|———I——I\— Al—I——j\— M
Li? :zA—Az: .A :rAzfl. :I.~—AA:A_:AI:zA—A:A::;
1 In sea- sons of grief to my God I’ll re - pair, \Vhen my
2. When Sa - tan, the tempt - er, comes in like a flood, And would
3. And when I have end - ed my pil - grim-age here, And the
4. And when the last trum - pet shall sound thro’ the skies, When the
. of .—e—.¢——e-.—:——~e—a~—e 9—4— 4—4
-@:—_ 12:“__A_ _j_ _IA 'A_A_ ' _.A'A ’A__.IA_.___IA 'A,| 1A 'A A5
| 11 / I I I | I . I I_ P g I
IVIf‘E'JII I, I'll} yile; y VI; y ,1;
I I “3—4" 1‘ I“
‘9‘. I I — ~—-f——--——I
QEI’I I7“S,:“::“1I: I“ S““—VL— L:S:“::“E““I V,.I__._l 1,; _3:“3:§

. U —'——A:'I———— AI——A:I——L—A-I—-—~AI— —,~—AI——3 A;— A+——

. heart iso ’erwhelmed with sor - row and care; From the ends of the
drive my poor soul a - way from my God; I will pray to the
an - gel of death for me shall ap- pear: In the swell— ings of

dead from the dust of earth shall a- rise, I Willjoin the re-
: A— A~ —A:— A—













“-' '-‘ 1-“ I“ 1-“ o o o a o 1— I— I“ ‘—
m I I I i I I I_ I I ‘I | I I I I I I I _I
[ELM I I I I ' I I F r I “A A IA. I IA IA A 3
3.45! «f I g I_ I I- I. 3‘ I ‘ I l I I I I J

I I w
b —I __+; I it I\ ' I‘ A I 4:
~— — ~— - I . _#fi Iv J. — a

0A —oI~ ‘F — A. —o I———D— — m—ANW -

_I2 9 gh‘ .7 ‘T ' 3 ‘ :__,._ ~o——I——k ~—‘—

iA AI; AL.

earth un - to thee will I cry, Lead me to the Rock that is
Lord, who for sin - ners did die, Lead me to the Rock that is
J or - dan on thee I’ll re- 1y, And look to the Rock that is

deemed far a - bove yon— der sky, To praise the dear Rock that is
—A- -A:— A— :A:~ —_A_— ":35 -A ' —A—





@I— ——“—I:—I“—IH— F:_:“ 3 LI I. :o I. I ‘O 3—15“
VIAAA__A__AA A_,A_“_ _A_;_AJA_ _A_.A_j A_. “:





er than High - er than I, l high-er than I.
-‘I‘ l

Lead me to the Rock that high- er than I; High- erthan I,
g: :23:



Copyright, 1889, by R. M. McIntosh. Used by per.











 1 ‘ t"
‘1' 1w
[1 3:.»







,- “an”, ,, ,‘_ ~ «Pun _~ flux- .1 ’ .~ "f‘f"‘-:‘._u7-'~j‘vz'_'f‘"*'.;V”r >1" .-—"'*"'--"' ' ‘ k» ;z;_._ ,1 ,




I, Lead me to the Rock that is high - er than I.
I _*_

high - er than


No. 9. Zerah. C. M.



To us aChild of hope is how, To us a Son is giv‘n:















2. His name shall be the Prince of peace For ev - er- more a— dored

3. His pow’1,in—creasing, still shallspread His reign no end shall know;
‘ 4. To us aChild of hope is born, To us a Son is (riv ’n;
i l J‘ , , 'A\' air. h h l‘
@,3__g_l_g p g 0’! o - 0‘4! o‘l‘l‘ifl’g‘Q— I- Qfll

:11—1i—1—w—ut-4A—A1—4—— 5— 1 +1 *1 e ,1 v .1 1 4 1

l V 7‘71 ’/ 1/ ' I

In,,__1___1\,,:1"§,,_i J I 1\. Q J1 1 I 1 ’1‘ i‘ RI 1 l
1 ,_ 7- 1-- 1,,,A__ 1~_ “ E A'_ ‘...1"__A__‘__ '
:1 —i— _= 13-4—2 ga—ggfig 3!: —‘ Jaw};—

Him shall the tribes of earth 0- hey; Him, all the hosts of heav’n;
The \Von- der- fill the Coun- sel — or The (rreat andmightvy Lord!
Jus - ti(e shall wuard his throne a bove And peace a— bound be - low

The VVon— (ler— f,ul the Coun- sel- or The 111i07 ' av
King of 8111- va- tion, Shout ho - san- na! J e-sus has come to reign!
_ L'I'.‘ ' A ZTA———A— -|—~Ik~-~—A:-—~ A-T!—~Ar—~—Ar—
-’iZ5::::I:iI i f: I . 1 I La -.;.;,_ -1ZIZTIQ-‘ ¥I___I_:‘§E"
-—I7—+—fir+-l:*—+z. 'm . .’-'!IF I I; I, 1, :5 :1 “135——

! I l I ,

Copyright, 1891, 1893 and 1894, by Geo. F. Roschc, Chicago, Ill. All rights reserved. By per.






No. 12. Calling for You.






%1_$_‘Zf_i~§ I“*"-" 1*: Z;
A‘ A' A‘
Broth - er, look out 0 er the fields white and wav- ing The harx est is
“ Work 1n my Vineyard!” the Mas- ter is cry - ing; The harvest is
. Hea1k— en the voice of the hun- ory and weep ing; The honest is
. Bold-1y, my broth- er pro- ~claim the glad sto - ry—'lhe ham est is

















great and the la'bo1ers are few, Come thrust in your sick-1e, th

git}; fijm—k—fifi— ‘V' 1" 22" E151 fli“ '1“ jf‘l*$i:§:;:€

A' A A' A' A‘ A' 147 A 'A‘ftzizi‘

j—p—o—o—o—o—o—I—l—F~—-— —-~—o—o o~—o—-—o-
,1 , . 1 g e 1 . 1 r 1 1 ——1— +~e~~1—~
1&1? "—A—‘mirr _-:‘:——'uk—‘ak——=k‘I—l:k~—lzk——ak—~t——fak——A— ZZ;ZZZ
1 — —3+ 1— +1 1 1. 111 1‘ 1 «1 . ‘e—Is—g—
‘ 7’ LI‘ r‘ I I 'I I I 7‘ I—‘IH‘I* 1' *“I ”I “
Q 1 1“ 1“ s 3—m—
——1 a 1 1 —1 . "1‘ —1~
"1 ’ l 1‘; L9; i*—§—§:;“§1
1 ._. . 54', o i o 3 '~_A‘
,9- A -Q- ' A


great and the laborers are few; Go strengthen the fee - ble and
great and the laborers are few; No lonw- er stand i- dle, but

Great and the laborers are feW—- Till Christ shall i1 -lu-111i11e th


-A- ,A- 1A ,A .As A.


1 1 1

@§*o—o—o—ro—o—o—o~—o I I 1 1 1 Z





[ 1 l 1 '

g 1 —1L* 1 l t—‘*—* F‘h‘“ii‘h‘fi~—“l‘ r A
ZL"I‘:: ZFZEEEEZ—bZ—‘E 11 l 1 1‘ T 1. F
'r /








AN? _: IA‘
ripened grain sav-ing, The Lord of the ham est is] call-ing for you.
comfort the dy- mg The LOId of the harvest )8 calling for you.
on - ter the reap- ing ,The Lord of the harvest is call—ing for you.
earth with his glo - ry, The Lord of the harvest is call-ing for you.
_A. .A- .A— A A _A—



Call - ing for you, Call - - ing for
Call—ing, Call-ing for you, Call—ing,
.A_ _A_ . o
















L: :31? T 1‘ 1‘ 7 M 1‘1 a 1' 5,?
o—— e 1' .‘\ 1 | i 5 7 ‘ 4Z1
:3..;Z; “:jjii‘ I Ofl l; o; _' ‘1.
1 1 I A A A .3- A
I II I y

you,............ The Lord of the bar-vest is call-ing for you;
Call- -ing for you,







_A‘ -A- .A- _A_ -A. -A- _A_ _A_
'r .1 1 1 = - P 1.; s = ‘ —1
3:: :& ZL—Z“ ZlI '.|1.1."1. 1'7 x 1.11 1 i . «‘1
.- -fl- 1- .- 1- 1- 1- 1' ' ' . _ _7_:I
1 1. 11‘ u 1. :Z 1-. 1. I :Lh_i—
II, I I 7 I I V V 7 [I I I

By permission of The R. M. McIntosh 00., owners of the copyright.


























I ing for you,. . . Call - - ing for
l Call-mg, Call- ing for you, Call-ing7
‘ A- _A, 7A7 -A- _A- -A,
‘ “Ii I— I i" L L L ? § ,,,,, a 1
Iggy—$77,417:: v I g I; I, g ‘/ l—+:t;¥—;K:~4——v 7:3
u l I L k A m
f j——I A I I" J.‘ 43‘ I‘ I‘ I — ~777 7
f a . _0‘ ¢_iAO§_.“_‘_TQ:?i:T-;j, :fiL—EE :i::7:.
.TLQ—77727iip:° 0 0 0 ° ‘Ifia ‘1' :1. xvi—I-—
I I I I A A R . —'-
I l / I V I
you, The Lord of the har- vest is call—ing for you.
Call-mg for you,
_A. A_ ,A .A- -AV -A- -A- ,A- -A,
EQ—t—i—t—m 5H— ;:*7~I-77—+7-—;7I-—;z7 ::+~-~+—:I-:_ j]
——v——r—~r—-¢——‘1— —3:F—' 75— I“-
I w -

N0. 13.


Boylston. S. M.
















i “we—4 - I I I . Ajr ,I I t I - -,
———~—-—~I-—-—I 7~ ~——7 7 74‘ w— 33— —————I~
~2— ‘ —-I——~‘-64—-A~9~—7~7 7 ——9777—6
§—‘°—£§I 6-”9 “*0 3:“ M? ““U‘ — —o~*°‘
1. Did Christ o’er sin - 11ers weep, And shall our cheeks be dry! Let
‘2. The Son of }0d in tears The wond’ring an - gels see; Be
3. He wept that we might weep, Each sin de-mands a tear; In
:Asl—fi fi‘ 727.— . I .. FAIL 9
le.:__¢_ _ I I , o f a; I a 1
Ig—q A A /_\ I I A I» I = I '3 331‘ I I; :I
. . I I , I '. ' . i I ,1 . 1
I I I I l l I " I
n . I I ALI I .
‘1 fl 4. I ' I I 1 4 I I 41 'l
7—7 .~7— —~—I —oI—‘A—~——9I—— A—~; -——+—~—- —
2% “*4: ‘__,9__23:Ij:_‘_2 *6— '4fg—_3: :g:”
Id 5:; —§~ -£:I- v v U
I tears of pen - i - ten ~ tial grief Flow forth from ev — ’ry eye.
thou as - ton - ished, O my soul: He shed those tears for thee.
heav’ n a, - lone no sin is found, And there’s no weep - ing there.
I -A— *- I i- -A- jer— .. 1&-






.~__.._-._.t «A l *7 ,_.- n._.. -M‘v

,.-,.__.. . ..... WA.._;__--WW,

No. 14. Gathered Home.

A. J. S. D A. J. SIIOWALTER. By per.
4 l l
-—:l————l———l\——I‘~«—{\—_;_ _——l——fi::l—I——l‘—-———i---—:l\— ——L\——:l\—_J_

0; IL.
:4——A§I——£—~:Ij— .—AI—'—! —A'——A::Izi~—}-AI——A'I—— —Al7—Q;A¥:~


i ‘o‘ 0' or . O o - a
I 1. We are trav’ling to a bet — ter land, One by one we’llall be


2. We are draw- ing near- er . ev - ’ry day, One by one we’ll all be
3. There we’ll meet our loved ones gone be- fore, One by one we’ll all be
4. Come, my broth-er, join the hap - py throng, One by one we’ll all be






















.. 9 9 . 9k. “5— 1’ TL 9 o co —§.P_:+E;
-7§«‘4__A A A- AA-IAIA A p I;A A 'A-VAA-A‘l
'__ I L | I l J I IA I I I L I' I .1 ' II J
a r I '1 '1 r 7 I L I l— I I I u 9 J 7 7
. q . , , , r I . . . I . , r v r , I
“9“" —%‘i i Jl i I _l N l ’
"|’»' H i j I I i “‘ .___.l ‘“ ‘-—‘——"—~ —
r -~—o~——-0 ——I— —I—-———I —:5<‘_—-4 5 ,_A ———75—
‘ ——A:l-—-~—-*l-—~—~- #—:r———kl*~—Al-—~—* :IJ _ dI—~A ——£_~.!~—
U 0‘ 0 0‘ '
gath — ered home, And we’ll trust the Sav - iour’ s guid - ing hand,
gath — ered home: To that joy that fad - eth not a - way,
gath - ered home, And we’ll dwell with Je — sus ev - er» more,
gath - ered home, Sing - ing now Re- demp-tion’s ho - ly song,
u ‘3‘ 11‘ .g. o o 9.3 _ O . ”I" 1' g ”2‘
TAT-H A -A I" I A A A . VA 1 - EA I_A A_,,",K_
In» , ; In I n . a A a I I
3-4 ' t l I’ l . V L1 II V I! l i I j]




One by one we’ll all be gathered home. Gath - ’,ring Gath - ’ring
“ Gath’ring tovether, ” “ gath ring together ”

by one we’llall be


gath - ered home; Gath - ’ring,
“Gath-’ring to- geth - er,”
4“ n



Gath - - ’ring, One by one we’ll all be gath - ered home.
“Gath-‘ring to - geth - er,”
4- . A









No.15. Standing by the Cross.

REF. by A.

.114; .1; I ' . JI".

-k4_ —— :‘fi_ _
\ E r25 74:;1L_v; , .1. 1* I , -.-‘. fildj—ajixie
" o— ' «5 i

A. _"_._~.O_L -





Sweet the moments, rich in bless- -1ng, \\ hich before the cross I spend,
Here I’ll sit for- ev - er view- in”, Mer- cystreaming 111 his blood;
Tru — ly bless- ed is this sta—tioi1,Low he- fore his cross to lie,
Here it is I find my heav- en, While up- on the cross I gaze,
Lord in cease- less con- tem- pla—tion, Fix my trusting heart on tlge,

, _ 1 ‘L,
ffitfir—“L *1":*—*—**“**I AL—jfiti’ E: :ET::E:I



1 I r+:“”"I!——;—“i

. kl
. 1".“


A1 __.1_
12h.i L. 3*

Life and health and peace pos- sess—ing, F10111 the sin- -ner’ s dy- ing Friend.
Precious drops! my soul be - dew i11g,Plead they now my peace with God.
While I see di - Vine com- pas- sion, Beam— —in11 in his