xt773n20g56b https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt773n20g56b/data/mets.xml Lexington, Ky. University of Kentucky 1990 1991 1992 The University of Kentucky Gradute Schools course catalogs contain bound volumes dating from 1926 through 2005. After 2005, the course catalogs ceased to be printed and became available online only. course catalogs English University of Kentucky Copyright retained by the University of Kentucky. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. University of Kentucky Graduate School course catalogs University of Kentucky: The Graduate School Bulletin, 1990-1992 text University of Kentucky: The Graduate School Bulletin, 1990-1992 1990 1990 1991 1992 2020 true xt773n20g56b section xt773n20g56b      


Graduate School











1990-92 ,
~ + The Graduate School








University Archives




it I ‘ UniverSit} of Kentucky Bulletin

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Fall Ii




_ The University of Kentucky Bulletin (USPS 3844510) is published six times 0 year, once in the Spring, three times in the '
Summer (Summer i, Summer ii, Summer Ill) and twice in the Fall (Fall i, Foli ii) by the University of Kentucky, Lex—
ington, KY 110506. Second Class postage paid at the PosiOl‘fice, Lexington, KY 405i i. Postmaster: Send address changes
to The Graduate School. Aim: Mailing Center, University of Kentucky, Lexington, Ky 40506. A cooperative publication of The

‘ Graduate Schooi, UK Pubiicotions Bureau/Public Relations, and UK Photographic Services.




Calendar....... ........ . ....... . .......... ......... .. ...... ....... 2
The Graduate School. ....... ....... ........
Admissions.. ..... ........ .. ......... . ......... .. ........... . ....... 10
General Regulations. ...... . ........... . ....... ....... ....... 15
Advanced Degrees ..... .. ...... .. ....... ...... ........ .. ...... 19

........ .7

Academic Resources..... ....... ....... .. ..... .. ...28
General Information. ........ .. ....... . ...... . ........ ........ .36
Degree Requirements ..... .. ...... .. ...... ....... . ........ ...41

Programs and Directors of Graduate Studies... ......... .....46
The Graduate School Programs...... ..... .. ...... ......... ...49
Council on Higher Education Residency

Classification Policy ..... .. ....... .. ....... .. ...... .. ...... .....113

Index... ...... . ..... .. ...... ...... .. ....... . .......


..... 117


Students should check the Schedule of Classes each semester for any calendar changes which may have been
approved after publication of this Bulletin.

The approved Calendar for the academic year 1991—1992 will be published in the Schedule of Classes each





February l—Thursday— Deadline for International
Applications to be submitted to the Graduate
School for the 1990 Fall Semester

February 15—Thursday—Priority deadline for
Freshman applicants: Applicants for the 1990 Fall
Semester by this date who meet automatic admis-
sion criteria will be guaranteed general admission;
applicants after this date whether meeting
automatic admission or delayed admission will be
considered on a space»available basis only.

February 15—Thursday—Deadline for submission of i

all application materials, College of Medicine, for
Fall, 1990

April 15—Sunday—Deadline for applying with college
deans for reinstatement after a second academic
suspension for the 1990 Fall Semester

May l—Tuesday—Deadline for undergraduate inter-
national applicants to submit 1990 Fall Semester

june l—Friday—Deadline for submission of application
and all required documents to the Office of Ad-
missions for undergraduate applicants planning to
attend Summer Advising Conferences (including
registration for fall classes)

June 15—Friday—Deadline for International applica-
tions to be submitted to The Graduate School for
the 1991 Spring Semester

June 15—Friday—Earliest date to submit application
for regular and Early Decision Program admis-
sion, College of Medicine, for Fall 1991

July 20—Friday—Deadline for applying for admission
to a program in The Graduate School for the 1990
Fall Semester. Applications for readmission, post-
baccalaureate status, and visiting student status
will be accepted after the deadline

August l—Wednesday—Final deadline for submission
of application and all required documents to the
Office ofAdmissions for undergraduate admission
for the 1990 Fall Semester. Non-degree students
who enroll through the Evening/Weekend Pro-
gram before the beginning of classes for eight (8)
hours or less are exempt from this deadline

August l—Wednesday—Deadline for application for
Early Decision Program, College of Medicine, for
Fall 1991

August 8—Wednesday—Deadline for applying to The
Graduate School for readmission, post-
baccalaureate status, and visiting student status for
the 1990 Fall Semester in order to register August
20 and avoid $40 late fee

September 1—Saturday—Deadline for undergraduate
international applicants to submit 1991 Spring
Semester application

September 15—Saturday—Deadline for applying with
college deans for reinstatement after a second
academic suspension for the 1991 Spring Semester

October 15—Monday—Deadline for submission of ap-
plications and all required documents to the Of-
fice of Admissions for undergraduates planning to
attend November Advising Conference (including
registration for spring classes)

October 31—Wednesday—Deadline for International
applications to be submitted to the Graduate
School for 1991 Summer School

November 1—Thursday—Deadline for completed AM-
CAS application, College of Medicine, for Fall

December l—Saturday—Deadline for submission ofap-
plication and receipt of all materials for admission,
readmission or transfer to the College of Law for
the 1991 Spring Semester

December l—Saturday—Final deadline for submission
of application and all required documents to the
Office of Admissions for undergraduate admission


for the 1991 Spring Semester. Non-degree students
who enroll through the Evening/Weekend Pro—
gram before the beginning of classes for eight (8)
hours or less are exempt from this deadline

December 7—Friday—Deadline for applying for admis-
sion to a program in The Graduate School for the
1991 Spring Semester. Applications for readmis-
sion, post-baccalaureate status, and visiting stu-
dent status will be accepted after the deadline

December 12—Wednesday—Deadline for applying to
The Graduate School for readmission, post-
baccalaureate status, and visiting student status for
the 1991 Spring Semester in order to register
January 7 and avoid 154-0 late fee


June 18-July 20—Summer Advising Conferences for
new freshmen, Community College transfers, ad—
vanced standing (transfer) students, auditors,
nondegree and readmitted students enrolling for
the 1990 Fall Semester

August 20—Monday—Registration for new students
who have been cleared for admission but did not
advance register

August 22-28—Wednesday through Tuesday—Late
registration for returning students who did not ad-
vance register and new applicants cleared late for
admission. A $40 late fee is assessed students who
register late

September l2—Wednesday—Last day to change
grading option (pass/fail to letter grade or letter
grade to pass/fail; credit to audit or audit to credit)
in college dean’s office

September 12—Wednesday—Last day to file for repeat
option in college dean’s office if student is retak-
ing a course in the 1990 Fall Semester

October 30-November 13—Tuesday through
Tuesday—Advance Registration for the 1991
Spring Semester



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November 5—M0nday—1991 Spring Semester Advis-
ing Conference for new and readmitted
undergraduate students


August 21—Tuesday—First day of add/drop for Ad-
vance Registered students

August 21—Tuesday—Last day a student may official-
ly drop a course or cancel registration with the
University Registrar for a full refund of fees

August 28—Tuesday—Last day to enter an organized
class for the 1990 Fall Semester

August 28—Tuesday—Last day to officially withdraw
from the University or reduce course load and
receive an 80 percent refund

September lZ—Wednesday—Last day to drop a course
without it appearing on the student‘s transcript

October 15—Monday—Last day to withdraw from a

October 15—Monday—Last day to withdraw from the

University or reduce course load and receive any ‘

refund. Students can withdraw or reduce course
load after this date only for “urgent non-academic
reasons,” -
November 28-30—Wednesday through Friday—Spring
1991 Advance Registration Early Add/Drop
December 10-14—Monday through Friday—Final Ex-
amination Week Add/Drop


August 21—Tuesday—Last day a student may official-
ly drop a course or cancel registration with the
University Registrar for a full refund of fees

August 28—Tuesday—Last day to officially withdraw




June 15, 1990—Friday—Deadline for International ap-
plications to be submitted to The Graduate School
for the 1991 Spring Semester.

September 1, 1990—Saturday—Deadline for under—
graduate International applicants to submit 1991
Spring Semester application

September 15, 1990—Saturday—Deadline for apply-
ing with college deans for reinstatement after a
second academic suspension for the 1991 Spring

October 15, l990—Monday—Deadline for submission
of application and all required documents to the
Office of Admissions for undergraduate applicants
planning to attend November Advising Con-
ference (including registration for spring classes)

October 31, 1990—Wednesday—Deadline for Interna-
tional applications to be submitted to The
Graduate School for 1991 Summer School

December 1, 1990—Saturday—Final deadline for sub-
mission of application and all required documents
to the Office of Admissions for undergraduate ad-
mission for the 1991 Spring Semester, Non-degree
students who enroll through the Evening/Weekend
Program before the beginning of classes for eight
(8) hours or less are exempt from this deadline.

December 7, l990—Friday—Deadline for applying for
admission to a program in The Graduate School
for the 1991 Spring Semester. Applications for
readmission, post-baccalaureate status, and
visiting students status will be accepted after the

December 12, 1990—Wednesday—Deadline for apply-
ing to The Graduate School for readmission, post-
baccalaureate status, and visiting student status for
the 1991 Spring Semester in order to register
January 7 and avoid 540 late fee

from the University or reduce course load and
receive an 80 percent refund

October 15—Monday—Last day to withdraw from the
University or reduce course load and receive any
refund Students can withdraw or reduce course
load after this date only for ”urgent non-academic


August l—Wednesday—Last day Advance Registered
students may pay $50 to confirm their 1990 Fall
Semester registration

August 21—Tuesday—Last day a student may official-
ly drop a course or cancel registration with the
University Registrar for a full refund of fees

August 28—Tuesday—Last day to officially withdraw
from the University or reduce course load and
receive an 80 percent refund

September 5—Wednesday—Last day for payment of
registration fees and/or housing and dining fees in
order to avoid cancellation of registration and/or
meal card

September I4—Friday—Last day for reinstatement of
students cancelled for nonpayment of registration
fees and/0r housing and dining fees. Requires pay-
ment of fees and may require payment of $50
reinstatement fee

October 15—Monday—Last day to withdraw from the
University or reduce course load and receive any
refund. Students can withdraw or reduce course
load after this date only for “urgent non-academic
reasons. ”

December lZ—Wednesday—Last day Advance
Registered students may pay $50 to confirm their
1991 Spring Semester registration

February l—Friday—Deadline for International ap-
plications to be submitted to the Graduate School
for the 1991 Fall Semester

February l—Friday—Deadline for undergraduate In-
ternational applicants to submit 1991 Eight-Week
Summer Session application

February 15—Friday—-Priority deadline for Freshman
applicants: Applicants for the 1991 Fall Semester
by this date who meet automatic admission criteria
will be guaranteed general admission; applicants
after this date whether meeting automatic admis-
sion or delayed admission criteria will be con-
sidered on a space available basis only.

February lS—Friday—Last day for submission of ap-
plication for admission to the College of Law for
the 1991 Fall Semester

February l5—Friday—Deadline for submission of all
application materials, College of Medicine, for Fall

March 1—Friday—Deadline for submission of applica-
tion and all required documents to the Office of
Admissions for undergraduate applicants planning
to attend April Advising Conference (including
registration for classes)

April I-Monday—Preferred deadline for submitting
application for admission to the College of Den-
tistry for Fall 1991

April 5—Friday—Deadline for applying for admission
to a program in The Graduate School for the 1991
Summer Sessions. Applicants for readmission,
post-baccalaureate status, and visiting student
status will be accepted after the deadline

April 15—Monday—Final deadline for submission of
application and all required documents to the Of-
fice of Admissions for undergraduate admission for
the 1991 Four-Week Intersession

April lS—Monday—Deadline for applying with college
deans for reinstatement after a second academic
suspension for the 1991 Fall Semester

April 24—Wednesday—Deadline for applying to The


September 20—Thursday—Last day for filing an ap-
plication for a December degree in college dean’s

November 1——Thursday—-Last day for doctoral can-
didates for a December degree to submit a NOIlll‘
cation of Intent to schedule a final examination in
The Graduate School

November 15—Thursday—Last day for candidates for
a December degree to schedule a final examina»
tion in The Graduate School

November 29—Thursday—Last day for candidates for
a December graduate degree to sit for a final

December 14—Friday—Last day for candidates for a
December degree to submit a thesis/dissertation
to The Graduate School


August 18-20—Saturday through Monday—Fall Orien-
tation for all new undergraduate students.

August 22—Wednesday—Class work begins.

September 3—Monday—Labor Day—Academic

November 22-24—Thursday through Satur-
day—Thanksgiving Holiday—Academic Holiday

December 7—Friday—End of class work

December 10-14—Monday through Friday—Final

December 14—Friday—End of 1990 Fall Semester

December 17—Monday—Final deadline for submission
of grades to the Registrar’s office by 4 pm.

Graduate School for readmission, post-
baccalaureate status, and visiting student status for
the 1991 Four-Week Intersession in order to
register May 6 and avoid $40 late fee

May l—Wednesday—Deadline for undergraduate In-
ternational applicants to submit 1991 Fall
Semester application

May l5—Wednesday—Final deadline for submission of
application and all required documents to the Of—
fice of Admissions for undergraduate admission for
the 1991 Eight-Week Summer Session. Non-
degree students who enroll through the Even-
ing/Weekend Program before the beginning of
classes are exempt from this deadline

May 22—Wednesday—Deadline for applying to The
Graduate School for readmission, post-baccalau-
reate status, and visiting student status for the 1991
Eight-Week Summer Session in order to register
June 5 and avoid $40 late fee

June l—Saturday—Deadline for submission of applica-
tion and all required documents to the Office of
Admissions for undergraduate applicants planning
to attend Summer Advising Conferences (includ-
ing registration for fall classes)

July 26—Friday—Deadline for applying for admission
to a program in The Graduate School for the 1991
Fall Semester. Applications for readmission, post-
baccalaureate status, and visiting student status
will be accepted after the deadline


January 7—Monday—Registration for new students
who have been cleared for admission but did not
advance register

January 9-15—Wednesday through Tuesday—Late
registration for returning students who did not ad-
vance register and new applicants cleared late for
admission. A $40 late fee is assessed students who
register late


 January 30—Wednesday—Last day to change grading
option (pass/fail to letter grade or letter grade to
pass/fail; credit to audit or audit to credit) in col-
lege dean’s office

January 30—Wednesday—Last day to file for repeat op-
tion in college dean’s office, if student is retaking
a course in the 1991 Spring Semester

March 26-April 9—Tuesday through Tuesday—
Advance Registration for the 1991 Fall Semester
and both 1991 Summer Sessions

April 1—Monday—1991 Summer Session Advising
Conference for new freshmen, new advanced
standing (transfer) students, auditors, readmitted
and nondegree students, Community College
transfer students and Community College ap-
plicants cleared for the 1991 Fall Semester


January 8—Tuesday—First day of add/drop for Ad-
vance Registered students

January 8—Tucsday—Last day a student may official-
ly drop a course or cancel registration with the
University Registrar for a full refund of fees

January 15—Tuesday—Last day to enter an organized
class for the 1991 Spring Semester

January 16—Wednesday—Last day to officially
withdraw from the University or reduce course
load and receive an 80 percent refund

January 30—Wednesday—Last day to drop a course
without it appearing on the student’s transcript

March 1—Friday—Last day to withdraw from a course

March l—Friday—Last day to withdraw from the
University or reduce course load and receive any
refund. Students can withdraw or reduce course
load after this date only for “urgent non-academic

April 22-24—Monday through Wednesday—Summer
and Fall 1991 Advance Registration Early

April 29-May 3—Monday through Friday—Final Ex-
amination Week Add/Drop


January 8—Tuesday—Last day a student may official-
ly drop a course or cancel registration with the
University Registrar for a full refund of fees

January l5—Tuesday—Last day to officially withdraw
from the University or reduce course load and
receive an 80 percent refund

March l—Friday—Last day to withdraw from the
University or reduce course load and receive any
refund. Students can withdraw or reduce course
load after this date only for “urgent non-academic


January 8—Tuesday—Last day a student may official-
ly drop a course or cancel registration with the
University Registrar for a full refund of fees

January 15—Tuesday—Last day to officially withdraw
from the University or reduce course load and
receive an 80 percent refund

January 23—Wednesday—Last day for payment of
registration fees and/or housing and dining fees in
order to avoid cancellation of registration and/or
meal card

February l—Friday—Last day for reinstatement of
students cancelled for nonpayment of registration
fees and/or housing and dining fees. Requires pay
ment of fees and may require payment of 1550 re-
instatement fee.

March 1—Friday—Last day to withdraw from the
University or reduce course load and receive any
refund. Students can withdraw or reduce course
load after this date only for “urgent non-academic




October 31, 1990—Wednesday—Deadline for Interna-
tional applications to be submitted to The
Graduate School for 1991 Summer School

February l—Friday—Deadline for International ap-
plications to be submitted to The Graduate School
for the 1991 Fall Semester

March l—Friday—Deadline for submission of applica-
tion and all required documents to the Office of
Admissions for undergraduate applicants planing
to attend April Advising Conference (including
registration for classes)

April 5—Friday—Deadline for applying for admission
to a program in The Graduate School for the 1991
Summer Sessions. Applications for readmission,
post-baccalaureate status, and visiting student
status will be accepted after the deadline

April 15—Monday—Final deadline for submission of
application and all required documents to the Of-
fice of Admissions for undergraduate admission for
the 1991 Four-Week Intersession

April 24—Wednesday—Deadline for applying to The
Graduate School for readmission, post-
baccalaureate status, and visiting students status
for the 1991 Four-Week Intersession in order to
register May 6 and avoid 340 late fee

May 15—Wednesday—Final deadline for submission of
application and all required documents to the Of-
fice ofAdmissions for undergraduate admission for
the 1991 Eight-Week Summer Session. Non-
degree students who enroll through the Even-
ing/Weekend Program before the beginning of
classes are exempt from this deadline

May 22—Wednesday—'Deadline for applying to The
Graduate School for readmission, post baccalau-
reate status, and visiting student status for the 1991
Eight-Week Summer Session in order to register
June 5 and avoid $40 late fee

June 1—Saturday—Deadline for submission of applica-
tion and all required documents to the Office of
Admissions for undergraduate applicants plann-
ing to attend Summer Advising Conferences (in-
cluding registration for fall classes)

June l5—Saturday—Deadline for International applica-
tions to be submitted to The Graduate School for
the 1992 Spring Semester

July 26—Friday—Deadline for applying for admission
to a program in The Graduate School for the 1991
Fall Semester. Applications for readmission, post»
baccalaureate status, and visiting student status
will be accepted after the deadline.


April 1—Monday—1991 Summer Session Advising
Conference for new freshmen, new advanced stan-
ding (transfer) students, auditors, readmitted and
nondegree students, Community College transfer
students and Community College applicants
cleared for 1991 Fall Semester

May 6—Monday—Registration for new students who
have been cleared for admission but did not ad-
vance register

May 7-IQ—Tuesday through Friday—Late registration
for-returning students who did not advance register
and new applicants cleared late for admission. A
54-0 late fee is assessed students who register late.


February 7—Thursday—Last day for filing an applica-
tion for a May degree in college dean’s office

March 2I—Thursday—Last day for doctoral candidates
for a May degree to submit a Notification of In-
tent to schedule a final examination in The
Graduate School

April 4—Thursday—Last day for candidates for a May
degree to schedule a final examination in The
Graduate School

April lB—Thursday—Last day for candidates for a May
graduate degree to sit for a final examination

April 26—Friday—Last day for doctoral candidates for
a May degree who wish to receive a diploma at
Commencement to submit dissertation to The
Graduate School

May 3—Friday—Last day for candidates for a May
degree to submit a thesis/dissertation to The
Graduate School

May 5—Sunday—Commencement Day




January 9—Wednesday—Class work begins

January 21—Monday—Martin Luther King Birth-
day—Academic Holiday

March ll—lG—Monday through Saturday—Spring
Vacation—Academic Holidays

April 26—Friday—End of class work

April 29-May 3—Monday through Friday—Final

May 3—Friday—End of 1991 Spring Semester

May 6—Monday—Final deadline for submission of
grades to the Registrar’s Office by 4 p.m.

May 6-August l7—College of Pharmacy 15-Week Sum-

mer Term

May 13—Monday—Last day to change grading option
(pass/fail to letter grade or letter grade to pass/fail;
credit to audit or audit to credit) in college dean’s
office .

May 13—Monday—Last day to file for repeat option
in college dean’s office, if student is retaking a
course in the 1991 Four-Week Intersession


May 7—Tuesday—Last day a student may officially
drop a course or cancel registration with the
University Registrar for a full refund of fees

May 10—Friday—Last day to enter an organized class
for the Four-Week Intersession

May 10—Friday—Last day to officially withdraw from
the University or reduce course load and receive
an 80 percent refund

May 13—Monday—Last day to drop a course without
it appearing on the student‘s transcript

May 20—Monday—Last day to withdraw from a course

May 20—Monday—Last day to withdraw from the
University or reduce course load and receive any
refund. Students can withdraw or reduce course
load after this date only for “urgent non-academic


May 7—Tuesday—Last day a student may officially
drop a course or cancel registration with the
University Registrar for a full refund of fees

May 10—Friday—Last day to officially withdraw from
the University or reduce course load and receive
an 80 percent refund




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May 20—Monday—Last day to withdraw from the
University or reduce course load and receive any
refund Students can withdraw or reduce course
load after this date only for “urgent non-academic


May 7—Tuesday—Last day a student may officially
drop a course or cancel registration with the
University Registrar for a full refund of fees

May lO—Friday—Last day to officially withdraw from
the University or reduce course load and receive
an 80 percent refund

May 20—Monday—Last day to withdraw from the
University or reduce course load and receive any
refund Students can withdraw or reduce course

load after this date only for “urgent non-academic

May 20—Monday—Last day to pay registration fees
and/or housing and dining fees in order to avoid
cancellation of registration and/or meal card

May 30—Thursday—Last day for reinstatement of
students cancelled for nonpayment of registration
fees and/or housing and dining fees. Requires pay-
ment of fees and may require payment of $50
reinstatement fee,

June 26—Wednesday—Last day for doctoral candidates
for an August degree to submit a Notification of

Intent to schedule a final examination in The
Graduate School




October 31, 1990—Wednesday—Deadline for Interna-
tional applications to be submitted to The
Graduate School for 1991 Summer School

February l—Friday—Deadline for undergraduate In-
ternational applicants to submit 1991 Eight-Week
Summer Session application

February l—Friday—Deadline for International ap-
plications to be submitted to The Graduate School
for the 1991 Fall Semester

March l—Friday—Deadline for submission of applica-
tion and all required documents to the Office of
Admissions for undergraduate applicants planning
to attend April Advisory Conference (including
registration for classes)

April 5—Friday—Deadline for applying for admission
to a program in The Graduate School for the 1991
Summer Sessions. Applications for readmission,
post-baccalaureate status, and visiting student
status will be accepted after the deadline

May 15—Wednesday—Final deadline for submission of
application and all required documents to the Of-
fice of Admissions for undergraduate admission for
the 199] Eight-Week Summer Session. Non-
degree students who enroll through the Even-
ing/Weekend Program before the beginning of
classes are exempt from this deadline

May 22—Wednesday—Deadline for applying to The
Graduate School for readmission, post-
baccalaureate status, and visiting student status for
the 1991 Eight—Week Summer Session in order to
register June 5 and avoid 540 late fee

June l—Saturday—Deadline for submission of applica-
tion and all required documents to the Office of
Admissions for undergraduate applicants planning
to attend Summer Advising Conferences (includ-
ing registration for fall classes)

June l5—Saturday—Deadline for International applica-
tions to be submitted to The Graduate School for
the 1992 Spring Semester

July 26—Friday—Deadline for applying for admission
to a program in The Graduate School for the 1991
Fall Semester. Applications for readmission, post-
baccalaureate status, and visiting student status
will be accepted after the deadline.

August 1—Thursday—Final deadline for submission of
application and all required documents to the Of-
fice of Admissions for undergraduate admission for
the 1991 Fall Semester, Non-degree students who
enroll through the Evening/Weekend Program
before the beginning of classes for eight (8) hours
or less are exempt from this deadline

August 14—Wednesday—Deadline for applying to The
Graduate School for readmission, post—
baccalaureate status, and visiting student status for
the 1991 Fall Semester in order to register August
26 and avoid 1540 late fee


April l—Monday—1991 Summer Session Advising
Conference for new freshmen, new advanced
standing (transfer) students, auditors, readmitted
and nondegree students, Community College
transfer students and Community College ap-
plicants cleared for 1991 Fall Semester

June 5—Wednesday—Registration for new students
who have been cleared for admission but did not
advance register

June 6-lO—Thursday through Monday—Late registra-
tion for returning students who did not advance
register and new applicants cleared late for admis-
sion, A $40 late fee is assessed students who
register late,

June 17—Monday—Last day to change grading option
(pass/fail to letter grade or letter grade to pass/fail;
credit to audit or audit to credit) in college dean’s

June 17—Monday—Last day to file for repeat option
in college dean‘s office if student is retaking a
course in the 1991 Eight-Week Summer Session

June 17-July 19—Summer Advising Conferences for
new freshmen, Community College transfers, ad-
vanced standing (transfer) students, auditors,
nondegree and readmitted students enrolling for
the 1991 Fall Semester


June 6—Thursday—Last day a student may officially
drop a course or cancel registration with the
University Registrar for a full refund of fees

June 10—Monday—Last day to enter an organized class
for the 1991 Eight-Week Summer Session

June 10—Monday—Last day to officially withdraw from
the University or reduce course load and receive
an 80 percent refund

June 17—Monday—Last day to drop a course without
it appearing on the student’s transcript

July 5—Friday—Last day to withdraw from a course

July 5—Friday—Last day to withdraw from the Univer-
sity or reduce course load and receive any refund.
Students can withdraw or reduce course load after
this date only for “urgent non-academic reasons,”


June 6—Thursday—Last day a student may officially
drop a course or cancel registration with the
University Registrar for a full refund of fees

June lO—Monday—Last day to officially withdraw from
the University or reduce course load and receive
an 80 percent refund

July 5—Friday—Last day to withdraw from the Univer-
sity or reduce course load and receive any refund,
Students can withdraw or reduce course load after
this date only for ”urgent non-academic reasons,”



May G—Monday—Beginning of College of Pharmacy
15-Week Summer Term

May 7——Tuesday—Class work begins.

May 27—Monday—Memorial Day—Academic

June 4-—Tuesday—Final Examinations

June 4—Tuesday—End of the 1991 Four-Week

June 7—Friday—Final deadline for submission of grades
to the Registrar’s Office by 12 noon


June 6—Thursday—Last day a student may officially
drop a course or cancel registration with the
University Registrar for a full refund of fees

June 10—Monday—Last day to officially withdraw from
the University or reduce course load and receive
an 80 percent refund

June 19—Wednesday—Last day to