xt773n20g85d https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt773n20g85d/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1972-09-25 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, September 25, 1972 text The Kentucky Kernel, September 25, 1972 1972 1972-09-25 2020 true xt773n20g85d section xt773n20g85d l 9 '5' (‘5 an 1495 o from conce lion."
students. the ‘pZZLpElesaBut now he has awaywithit.heislikelvtodoitagain. Fetus has "9'!“ p William A. Mewes .
simply created his own right. including l’t'l‘hapS “'5 ”“9 nature was revealed In your editorial “Candidates should Ist year Graduate Student ‘
who “the people“ are. When h“ dt‘ll"(‘r0d ”the PCP talk" at a revise abortion views." you spoke of a Social Professions

 9 o 'I'Ill'l Kl-TVI'l (‘KV KI‘IICXEL \lmidin. So it . .- 9' (")_~
Discusses Common Market, NA 70, race relations ‘ ' ”"’“ ""' "
A O O O h 0 O I , O O O

n mierwew Wfl' Britain 5 next (.) prime minister

t‘s no small event when one 0 recent plebiscite in Rhodesia showing the
Britain’s leading statesmen drops by disaffection of the Africans in that nation
the University of Kentucky on his way with Ian Smith‘s government. what do you
to high-level talks in Australia. think will be the resolution of the

Denis Healey, chancellor of the ex- .1 '. Rhodesian question. and where doesLabor
chequer in the British Labor party’s j? stand”.

“shadow” cabinet, was in Lexington .5 @;§‘\ HEALEY: Well. we were against the

13“ weekend for a round 0f speeches - f/Iir/o’gz—EZe’L-"Z‘x Government‘s proposals, which were
and seminars and “a look at the q " / "((5331: - “ 3- rejected by the African people in Rhodesia
country” as guest of Dr Vincent Davis, 4 . - -:‘ \:\\\\\\\\ too because we didn‘t believe that they met
director of the Patterson School of /’ fixkfihi the five principles (of early progress
Diplomacy. ,/ ;\'p~\_\ ‘\ \ toward majority rule) on which we our-

Healey, one of Europe’s leading . I fili\\ '\ -;- selves had insisted.
political figures and a top choice for “\ '~ \ ,L ,l“ But I believe myself now that one has to
prime minister when the Labor Party . fl, _ \ lt‘i Mini} go beyond those so-called “five principles"
next assumes power, spent Friday 7' "5‘ ~‘\’ 'j Z_ 'hi ,' and take the vew thatwe would not support
afternoon talking to political science ' ' ." \’ 2" ' 3.; any resolution of the Rhodesian question in
students. - .kh; , a . V( k which the Africans in Rhodesia did not

Kernel correspondent and British ‘ ;':: I \‘L, f." 1.11 participate. In other words, we think the
history student John R. Collings in- \22'1’ {123- ', I" ‘ only possibility of a moral or an acceptable
terviewed Healey after the seminar. r i, solution now would be a conference in

Collings, a senior majoring in _ . \ _' ' _ . g) which the Africans were directly
political science, spent the summer in -;:‘ ‘ - ' f ~ , . :- 53/ represented.

Great Brtain as an exchange student . . ' L ‘ '. . _ '.j -_ ’ KERNEL: What are those five prin-

‘th the English Speaking Union. , I: . ,' . ciples, Mr. Healey?

.3 ' - '. . ' {-23:33 HEALEY: Well,very quickly,the first is
By JOHN R. COLLINGS ' , “unimpeded progress toward majority
Kernel Correspondent ‘ -..'.._-.. .}=" .21.: ‘ rule." The second is “immediate im-

KERNEL: Mr. Healey, you are ‘ 5” ‘* provement in the area of racial
currently Shadow Minister of the Ex- - .tgiaiif-V discrimination."Thethird (and this is the
chequer for the Labor Party in Britain. "2-25.15. one on which the settlement broke down)
What are the functional implications of ¥ was “that whatever was agreed would
this post? ' have the approval of the Rhodesian people

HEALEY: Well, your primary ' as a whole."
responsibility as Shadow Minister is to The other two were less important and I
fight the real minister of the Government ‘ regret to say that I haven‘t got them on the
party in Parliament. You are your Party’s tip of my tongue!
spokesman in Parliament, essentially, and . I ‘ KERN EL: Mr. Healey. do you think that
of course that involves not only criticizing . .- Britain is fated to perform an eternal
what the Government is doing, but also 3.}?- :-",-"-" police action in U15“??? That is, d0 YOU
saying what you would do instead. ,_;_.' think that England can hope to perform 3

However, I am also a member of the f1. ' more productive role in Northern Ireland

’ National Executive of the Labor Party, " " " ' '5 i ' - ' than merely maintaining the status quo
and that gives me the opportunity to (which to us here in the United States
participate in the making of party policy in seems to fall just short of an escalated civil
the party itself, as distinct from war)?

Parliament. Steve Ford HEALEY: Well. of course, politically.

KhRNEL: Mr. “9.319)“ 35 an expert .0" will mean economic salvation for Britain? role in the resolution of all these problems. we have completely altered the status 'quo
Commonwealth affairs, what do you think HEALEY No. I don‘t think that it will. I because we have abolished the PreVIOUS
wfilléietthe impact on tiie Commonwealtth think, essentially. it will give us more R068 record 900d consaitth‘i/(ri‘ntwhighatrh:(tirai;il:]()glict:dtijs)lilit:dg:o
o n ain’s imminen entr into t e - - - - . . , muc . a w
Common Market? Will this neyw direction difficulties. in the short run. .Whether we KERNEL: Mr. Healey, the Labor. Party representatives of all the communities and .
. , , _ gain from it in the long run Will depend on has been charged With vaCIllation in litical grou s in Northern Ireland
m economic policy irreparably damage how we conduct our affairs inside Britain securing an answer to Britain's “race“ po p - -
Britain’s “speCial arrangement” With the rather than u . , , , 0 around a table to discuss something to

, , pon entry in itself. problem. Is this a fair assessment. 1 the Id 5 t
commonwealth nations? Or, '5 the Further. what is labor’s stand on the race reg ace 0 k ys em. h . g g t
economic value of the Commonwealth a - - . U i 35 you "OW, we are 3V1“ rea
myth in the twentieth century? NATO SUCCESSfUI (erbigntociggy 1.152;“ itfdgicengggg difficulty in getting them even to agree to

HEALEY: Well, joining the Common KERNEL: Mr. Healey, would you say passports from Ugganda? g l I talk at the moment: Mean while, “(6 have
Market does mean, or course, abolishing that the current arrangement for HEALEY: Well, I think that you have to the duty 0f preventing cm] war m Nor-
the. 1?“ Spec'al ec‘mom'c ““5 hem?” European defense. (that is, NATO without draw a sharp distinction between two them "e'tmxaf‘d “FMS" we have had
Britain and the Commonwealth countries. France) is adequate? If not, what are issues; the first is how we behave toward some-tragic kllhhgs In Northern Ireland.
The “Commonwealth preference” goes, Europe‘s defense needs? colored l I d . B . . the difference between that and a cml

. H peop ea rea y in ritain or people
and is replaced by European preferen- who come to settle in the future and war. . .for anyone that can remember, for
ce," which is damaging to the Com- HEALEY: To answer it very briefly, second our policy on allowing unresti'icted example, the Spanish CM] War Mt so long
monwealth countries and also to Britain's NATO has been the most successful immigration of colored peopleinto Britain 380- ~ .is enormous.
tr:de With the Comi‘nonwealth. " . military organization in history. It has Now on the first question I think Britain AbOHiOflS available
nd secondly,the Sterling Area which prevented a war in Europe for twenty has a very good record. There are many
has covered most of the Commonwealth years when the political tensions in Europe cities in Britain now where you have very KERNEL: One final question. MT.
countries except Canada, will be were probably greater than at any large colored communities and in some Healey, concerns the nature 0‘ the abor-
dismantled. Mr. Barber, the Conservative previous time. So, it has certainly been whole districts are in the majority colored tion laws in Great Britain. 1 read that, at
Chancellor, took the opportunity during adequate for its purpose. as in some of your cities. least in London. a woman 00““ freely
the recent decision to float the pound to We have managed to avoid the sort of exercise her right to abort a pregnancy
deliver the “coup de grace" to the I think the big problems concern how race riots and tensions, by and large, that regardless 0f nationality, and I wondered
“Sterling Area” too. NATO adjusts to two or three completely have happened in some other countries. if this service falls under the ausoices of
. new factors developing over the next ten We passed when we were in power our- the National Health Service—as far as
log Ill entry OffOCfS? years. selves as aLabor Government legislation funding and supervision?

KERNEL: WOUId you say there is some against various forms of racial HEALEY: Yes, itdoes. It is a part of the
sort of “lag” in time between the entry into First, the growing cooperation between discrimination. National Health Service. It is not literally
the Common Market by Britain, and the America and the Soviet Union in various But we felt that the only way of having ”on demand.“ however, and doctors who
subsequent ill effects for the Com- areas of arms control; second, the desire adequate public support for total non- haveaconscientious objection to carrying
monwealth nations? of the United States that she should no discrimination inside Britain was to out abortions are "0‘ compelled to do 50'

HEALEY: Well, no, actually what 1 longer carry an unfair weight of the control the rate at which the colored Idon't think that. apart from those like
would say is that the Commonwealth burden of defending Europe; and thirdly, population increased through im- Roinan Catholics who have a deep con-
countries have been adjusting to the the question of how far it is possible (if migration. And I think the fact that you scientious objection to abortion, there is
prospect of British entry ever since 1962, there are troop reductions in Europe— had such a very alarming reaction to the any large body of opinion in Britain which
when Mr. MacMillan first applied. So, a whether by agreement with Russia or prospect of quite a small number of would like to go back to the days when
very large number of the consequences of unilaterally) to maintain the existing Ugandan asians coming, shows that we abortion was illegal. carried out in back

' our entry have already taken place. strategy for the defense of Central were politically wise to have attempted to streets. by unqualified persons in 3P'

I KERNEL: Further, Mr. Healey, do you Europe. control the rate. palling conditions. and for large sums of
think that entry into the Common Market BUL i think Britain Will play a central KERNEL: Mr. Healey. in light of the money.

 , Iv'l‘llli Kl-IN'I'l't‘KY KI‘IIlNl-IIH Honda). September 25. lit?!
0 O
UKRF gets $15.2 million
Fo d r'o ' cord amount for research
It) “”1 “(NULU and lll\'(‘Sllllt_{ research grants It and also to continue financing (licappcd. Wllt‘lht‘l‘ ‘0 grant the funds.
Kernel Staff Writer Is a private. nonprofit cor- approximately 1.000 research l'Kltl“ helps to secure the , . . _
()HJF SIS 2 million rotted into poration projects funding for these projects. It a grant is given, the loun—
the ['K Research Foundation a i i l’ t , [g I . t"b t ‘rs release dation sets up an account for the
it an ~ ,. I . ()(llld (Olill ut _ _ . I .
iUKRFi in the 1971-72 fiscal \ )o‘ut p‘ ”u," 0‘ ”5 mom) Everything from the effects of ~ ~ . - .1 .,. .. uh th , , director of the pl‘OJE‘Ct- Prom thIS
, comes from the federal govern- . . mtoimation d )out ”5th Q
year, according to Theodore ment 'ind 't ”_I II .4 d W- ld tobacco smoke to the effects of would in. interested in financing “9 PHYS the (‘XPCDSCS {0" the
Waldo. assistant director ‘\ r ) ,imflffiis (153‘ 5d: ., d 9“ space flight is under research at research. SUCh as salaries and
ixsiiiid ‘thi‘o‘u h ll: :u‘ltlet tlb the l'niversit); Descripth'e proposal equipment costs.
Waldo said it was the largest P“ ,. . _ , g V . ( 5 d e‘ .. _ ‘ , i , , e , i ‘
amount the foundation had inau companies and other There seems to be a trend ”(mg then helps those m- lekltl‘ also helps to secure
received m anv previous \‘ear. contributors make up the running away from technological [01.05.th in doing mp research to funds for original proposals for
They were granted a littlehover 50W“ Pt‘N'Onf- researchTI said Waldo He said draw up a proposal describing a i‘esearch,I “We. do a certain
$13 .million the previous “I" Finances projects research interests are turning plan for l-(ismrch and the funds amount of peddling," said Waldo.
, . i . i‘ f ‘ '. more toward sociological areas. . , But he said their main function is
lle‘ .‘ if); g , ,, H i i, n, H _ iitussaiy .
I . f h I]; , iewidministratiu . ”r mom} "8 E‘s‘d t0 “”fm“ such as ways to improve to direct already available funds
aim o t ( til\(lSlt} in soliciting appioXimately 4m new pt‘OJCCIS education or help the han- The contributor then decides to l'K.
:_*_“:Wi ‘Q/ {I
ANAClN Wm r ’ '
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I 1ll I l" K ‘-'e.lv'h'-~' M I I ‘ H“ l '
ultra brit e i if” 3‘ "N“ * _ -
, if HIE! s] 49 V Alka Seltzer
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g , = V @ $1," of ”Wu, ,0” ”m," rum
5 _1— 7 01. 75‘ " v 7 H
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49< BIC Pen—Free s] 93 i INTENSIVE ”T“ m l '7 ‘
ofll II II . it CARE CREME nmsE /l W i l i
WI eac PU": use 2; UNION Cf \"”"" “ Ji
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, _, 21%. j N'vullv e (in. min J
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 'Illl l\l- V“ ('k\ Kl~iI{\l~il.. \lolulay. September 33, mix—7,
lttook threeelectionsanda ruling by the and the Supreme (‘ourt had ruled his
Supreme Court before he could take his constitutionalrightshad been violated was
seat in the Georgia legislature, he allowed to take his seat.
Because he was seven years under the ,-
0 minimum age. he had to withdraw his He went on to become the first black ”'fl’ 1.
Jolla n 80 nd name from the Democratic nomination for man in history to be nominated for the vice m
I vice president in 1958‘ presidency of the l'nited States ~
0" Tuesday night civil rights leader. But he had to turn this down because he 2'
‘ I . . . politican and poet Julian Bond Will be was only 28 years old and the VS (‘on-
new POIItICIan speaking at the Student Center. At age 32- stitution states a person has to be at least ‘ -
[Bond has had more political experience 35 years of age to be eligible for the office. 4/ 2 ~.
than most people get in a lifetime Bond speaks for what is now called the I / /
In 1960 he helped to form the Student “New politics". He describes the con- /
to speak at Nonviolent Coordinating Committee stituents to the “new politics" as urban ? ‘ ,
‘SNCC’ at a time when ”Sit "‘5” at the militants.campus rebels. housewives who '
neighborhood lunch counter were con are tired of rising prices and “high school /’ ,,
s d sidered radical politics. students who want to wear their hair more ’
t“ ent center However, it wasn‘t until 1965 he gained than one-inch long.”
nationalattention by being prevented from Selma and the Mm," ,
taking his seat in the Georgia legislature He has stated. ”this nation. for these
for speaking 0Ut against the Vietnam W3F~ people is likely to fail as long as Saigon _
Finally. in January 1967‘ after he had holds priority over Selma and men on the
been elected to the legislature three times Moon over men on the earth.” ‘ 5‘4“. -3 —
claims delo in ret rn {WOQOOOOOOOOOOOOO
c overn wants 3 POW 5 ac ome : We .
2 233-5823 3
(‘ontinued from page 1 return. . .We have had no com- these prisoners of war as he had not other issues~- but that 2 Counseling and Testing 3 -
u1 call on Secretary of Defense munication from the Hanoi propaganda tools. . .in violation McGovern had failed. 3 253,370] 3
Melvin R. Laird and I call on the government about any conditions of the Geneva conventions." o 0
President Of the United States to relating to the release Of these Laird spoke on the NBC . . _ 3%
let these three men come home men. . program “Meet the Press." () Brien. however. noting the
just as quickly as possible“ Nixon cabled O'Brien and Dole on ABC‘s house. Banking an." (WW-V
MCGOVQI‘U said. The official North Vietnamese “Issues and Answers." (Olllhllttee IS investigating. Sald STER EO
He said the Geneva con- news agency said two of the Excite electorate aCt‘V't-V t)" 9391“” “1“ “(mm COMPONENT
ventions do not require they be prisoners had cabled Nixon they Dole said McGovern had tried 599p the Issue ahw' even though R E PA' R
delayed for briefings and thought they should be allowed t0 to get the electorate excited the ‘Jusflsie [)£)partmf)nt' and \H t'niiiputii'llls .\l‘(- -
questionings, come home With the antiwar about the break—in and alleged other}; ht“: (agine‘ 9Y0r)thmg Nilllil) lit‘pitll’t‘ti lit‘l'ti
Laird retorted in a statement delegation. bugging of the Democratic pos51 e [0 50“ mm MODERN SOUND
that McGovern “knows very well Earlier Laird said North National headquarters in
just who it is who has delayed the Vietnam is “using the families of Washington‘s Watergate because Dole meanwhile disclosed he EQU | PMENT CO.
has complained of what he called 3.:3 l'mlH .‘ll‘
2 A M "misleading fund raising 3 [Hot-ks l’mm (limlnis
gnew accuses c over" procedures involving more than l’l.w.. 1‘; N,“
8250000 in hidden and secret
f d .n Amer.c n I McGovern campaign funds."
0 “magl 9 I a morn 9 %~ The a” 7
WASHINGTON (APl—Vice go to the aid of people who have "There is nothing immoral ‘ T ‘ . ) rr . ' . (
President Spiro T. Agnew's first been victimized by aggression.“ about helping a nation that has I'Pdhll I'( I 0‘ t "
week of campaigning for the He repeated his contention that “Wmum”.\ ( NHL (mm I" and WWW 9
Nov. 7 election has been the principles that led the United been callously and ruthlessly
displaying a little old. a little States to intervene remained invaded." he said. “And the Wide Choice of Gifts, cards,
newfiand an increasingly tough valid and rejected McGovern‘s Vietnam war is no more un— _ _
line on the US. role in Vietnam. contention that the war is im- popular than other wars fought Posters, S‘NINOIIOI'Y, Candles ’
ThOUgh Agnew talked earlier moral and unpopular. by the United States". he said" ‘ ; :51Ninthlimestone-l HI'IH'I'UI \I'.i\\\c|l Nti'ccl — 7
last week about ”a new Style” 0 0 0 J Hm...» ::.i.im.-.s \
that would concentrate on issues, vater reQIStrat'on dr've r H...“ l Vi” _», m. l’.\l % _
rather than on personalities, a \ . ‘
series of speeches to Republican 0 o 7
rallies later on were ““9" “'1‘“ to beg," thls WGGk .l
tou h rhetoric reminiscent to
sonse extent of his controversial A non partisian voter residency requirement for voting ‘ MINI-Pop CONCERT
1970 campaign efforts. re mention drive will be laun- and anyone over 18 years old can t .