xt773n20gh6v https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt773n20gh6v/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1951-07-20 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, July 20, 1951 text The Kentucky Kernel, July 20, 1951 1951 1951-07-20 2023 true xt773n20gh6v section xt773n20gh6v flu-7'






To Be Held Here

The annual High School String
Orchestra Week. sponsored by the
Music Department. begins Monday.
and will continue through Friday.
July 27. inclusively.

Over 60 selected string players
from the state. of high school age
rehearse together at the campus.
receive individual help on their iii-
struments. and present scycral pro-

Kenneth Wright. an instruct-1r of
the violin in the Music Dfll‘li‘lll'if‘lll.
is the general chairman. He will be
assisted by Marvin Rabin. iiistrut-
tor of the viola. and Gordon J.
Kinney. instructor of the cello. in
the music department.

sent a concert at 8 pm. F‘nday.
July 27. in Memorial Hall Amphi-

Mr. Wright will conduct the or-
chestra in the “Overture to ‘The
Rival Sisters‘ " by Purcell: "Suite

foi String Orchestra“ by De Lamar-
lPl" and "Trepak. Russian Dance"
by Moi-and. A feature of the Friday
evening program will be the first
X‘ll‘lfll’llliiliCt‘ of "Plazicato Caprice."
\Vi'lllt‘l‘. by Mr. VVl‘l‘flll especially for
thc lS'J‘i string orchestra.


thc Elementary String Orchestra
st-‘oists. accompanied by the High
School String Orchestra in “The
‘fl'ooti (‘uttci" by Brown and "Eve-
min. Calm" by Mignin.

M" Kinney will conduct the
String Orchestra in ‘Ballad" by
(iricg and “Allegro \‘ivave. Octet in

P. Opus 166“ by Schubert. It will be
the first performance of Mr. Kin-
ncy's transcription of the Schubert
"Oi-'et for Strings and Winds."

Mr William Scutt. string instruc-
tor in chmgton city schools. and
.‘vliss Janc Rubin. string instructor
at Lafayette High School. will as-
sist iii the rehearsals and various



at. vupy HvallaDle


JULY 20, 1951

Donovan Invites Faculty

To View Gift TV Set

Describing the gift as “a symbol
of your appreciation of what has
happened at the University and not
of my activities."
L. Donovan on July 12 accepted a
television set from the Lexington
Chamber of Commerce.

“When you give me this television
set I feel you are giving .itfto the
faculty and they can come over
and see what's going on whenever
they wish." the man who has been
directing UK‘s destinies since July
1. 1941 declared.

Referring specifically to the facul-
ty. staff and board of trustees, Dr.
Donovan said. “I think we've had
a great team while I've been here.
The board has supported me gen-
erously, giving advice and copera-

however. to point out that the fall-
ing GI enrollment is leaving UK

facing the most serious crisis in its


Latvian Art School, Nazi DP Camp
Prefaccd Sternbcrgs Work At UK

By Bill Boughey

From Latvian art academy to
Nazi DP camp to UK—fhai has
been the course followed the past
decade by Prof. Janis Sternbergs of
the Department of Art.

The former Latvian artist. who
has been on the staff here for two
years. was teaching in the art school
he established in the camp when UK
President Dr. H. L Donovan ran
across him while on a tour of
Europe in 1948. The UK president
was impressed with Sternbergs and
said he would like to hive him teach
at UK.

Stembergs brought along his wife.
mm. and their son. Edward. Mrs.
Sternbergs taught painting in the
Art Department and their son be-
came a student in the University.
Edward is now a sophomore in the
College of Engineering.

WORLD WAR II Stembergs was an
art instructor at Latinas University
of Riga. the alma mater of the
artist. After being graduated from
Riga Art Academy in 1927. Stern-
bergs attended Vienna Academy in
Austria where he studied etching

At Faroulc

By Bert McKenna

W students call the “grill?
a “canteen." and a “college." the
“Faculty." but Prof. R. B. Knight
found them very Similar to his UK
charges in the College of Engi-

Prof. Knight has just returned
from Ill-weeks of duty as a mem-
ber of the Faculty of Engineering
of Farouk I University in Alexan-
dria. Egypt. Under a grant from the
Pullbright Exchange Program. he
taught Mechanical Engineering sub—
jects in the Land of the Nile.

Under the sponsorship of UNESCO
he also lectured on Air Conditioning
principles to interested groups in
Beirut. Lebannon. Aleppo and Da-
mascus. Syria; and Bagdad. Iraq.

KNIGHT EXPLAINS. is still a very
young institution (established some
14 years ago. but the size of his
classes there and at UK compare
favorably. The language of instruc-
tion in the Faculty is English. he
said. but students there have no text
books of their own. Reference texts
are available in the library. how-
ever. and the majority are in the
English language.

“An Egyptian boy of eight or llllif

years." he said. “learns to speak
three languages. English. Arabic.
and French or Greek." Professor

Knight had no difficulty in lectur»
ing except at Aleppo. where an iii-
terpreter was necesary for his A1
bio-speaking audience.

quired to have a PhD degrcc Ar
Farouk I the grading system is
somewhat similar to UK Raiinu
are excellent. very good. good. ltlifl
weak. Falling into the latter (-lassi»
fication can cause a student to fail
an entire year‘s work. but a ('(iliillll’.~
tee of faculty members studios his
scholastic record yery carefully l)(‘-
fore requiring him to repeat a full

"More attention is given lllf llilllllL’
student". Prof. Knight ('oinmt-iiH-(i

Upon his arrival in Alexandria.
Prof. Knight was invited to a ll"i('l—
tional affair in the Facul'y of Luci.
neering. The American pr-ifessril‘ n! -
tended a "razz party" duriiit wh:rli
the teachers are subject 1:. Illl' Man.
of the graduating seniors. Hi: tax:
was fairly simple. however. as lit
was required to imitate a luul'lsi
upon seeing the Pyramids and

PLANT is the subject of iii‘m‘l; iii-
terest to Egyptians. who hl't not


“1 .

customed to iiit-cliainzaiioii. A‘~
though in tiln‘l'nllnll for tlw pic
year. the native ‘llll ‘.‘.‘.’:lv‘l‘i fin

and engraving. Returning to Riga.
he worked on his masters and
teacher's certificate.

Then in 1939 the German armed
forces smashed Poland and the
Russian Reds surged forward to
meet them. splitting Poland in two.
One year later. in order to con-
solidate their position .along the
Baltic coast. the Russians occupied
Latvia. The Russian government
blacklisted such intellectuals as
Sternbergs. The University of Riga
became defunct.

RUSSIA the occupation of Latvia
changed hands. but life was not any
better under the Germans.

In 1940 the tide of the war
changed. and the Russians began
their long trek to Berlin. When the
Germans retreated they razed Stern-
bergs‘ country and took him and
thousands of his countrymen along
for slave labor. The Sternbergs
were picked to do farm work in
eastern Germany.

As the Russians advanced. the
Sternbergs were moved again and
again. First they went to Tiringen
near Vienna where they resumed
farm labor. There they remained


amazing process through a plate
glass window—24 hours a day. A
natural liking for sweet things may
explain their excessive fondness for
cola drinks. Prof. Knight says.

He was accompanied by his Wife
and two children. aged six and three.
on the seven months tour-duty.
Prof. Knight holds the rank of as-
sociate professor in the Mechanical
Engineering Department and has
been with the University for the
past five years.

Professor Knight recalls that news
lll Egypt must be carefully selected
and is principally of an intema-
tional nature. since newspapers are
limited by law to six pages daily. be-
cause of the newsprint shortage. In
Damascus. however. he was able to
learn the winner of the Kentucky

SFudents Are

until the American forces liberated
them and other DPs on April 19.!
1945. They were moved to Nurm-
berg. Germany.

STILLING something of the demo-

cratic way of life. American occupa- i

tion authorities allowed the 1700
DP‘s to set up a tiny republic and

President Herman-

history. “unless we can persuade the
governor and state legislature to
take up the slack in our revenue."

During his administration the fed-
eral government has paid UK more
money than the state government.
largely because of the Veterans Ad-
ministration program. Dr. Donovan
said. He added his belief that if the
people of Kentucky are informed
of the plight of UK. they‘ll come to
its rescue.

"Surely the citizens won‘t let us
down now.“ Dr. Donovan said. point—
ing out how the University has ad-
vanced to the place “where it is
on the verge of greatness."

he pleaded. “and we‘ll rank with the
top universities in the United

Presenting the television set for

the Chamber of Commerce. Attor-
ney William H. Townsend told Dr.
Donovan. “When you assumed the
,office of president. you found a
!plant designed to aecomodate not
more than 4000 students. In June.
:1951 the University had an enroll-
ment in excess of 10000 who came
I from 23 different countries."

A sliver punch bowl was presented
‘to Mrs. Donovan. on which was en-
l graved “To Mrs. Herman Lee Dono-

van whose great contribution t(
the University of Kentucky is best
known by Dr. Donovan. . .

IUK May Get

aThrcc Halls

establish self-rule. The first thing-

the new organization of refugees :
did was to provide schools for their .

Planned In ’46

children. This is when Sternbergs,

established his art school. He taught
printing and engraving but had
meager facilities to work with until
the American authorities furnished
the school with a printing press and
other essential equipment.

In addition to teaching in his
school Sternbergs taught evenings
at the Army Education Center in
Nurnberg. This close association
with American soldiers
Sternbergs a great deal in learning
the English language. After the en-
couraging encounter with President
Donovan. Stembergs was anxious to
learn English for he anticipated mi-
gration to America.

Now. after two years in this
country. he speaks the language
amazingly well.

one does who comes here.

helped ‘

He says he likes 1
Kentucky and the people “as every-

The University is requesting
‘ authority to construct a men‘s resi-
dence hall. a women‘s residence hall.
and a science building from the
State Property and Building Com—
lmission and the National Produc-
tion Authority. President H. L
Donovan has announced. The NPA
.has control over critical building

About five years ago the Uni-
versity Board of Trustees authorized
preparation of architects‘ plans and

ispecifications for the three new
buildings. but the state has not had
Eavailable funds to meet the con-
struction costs of these projects.

Dr. Donovan stated that at a
meeting of the Frankhn County

Alumni Association on Tuesday

(Continued on Page 3)



didn‘t make the trip this way. b

opportunity to try out the native mode of travel.

ut while there he didn't miss the
Shown with Dr.

Knight are his wife. Sara; daughter. Barbara Ann; son, Richard 3.,

Jr. . and a mDragoman. or guide.

Propaganda, Ideologies Are Subject
Of Talks To Institute By Shannon

Although his trip to Washington

testify before a Congressional
committee delayed the Institute of
Politics schedule by 48 hours. Dr.
J B. Shannon of the Department
of Political Science made up for
lost time last Friday morning by
diliyeriiig two lectures to the In-
stitute in Guignol Theatre. His
topzis were "What is Propaganda?“
.:li(l “The War on Ideologies.“

Dr Shannon in the 8 am. lecture
~.id there is a subtle assumption
that propaganda is something evil.
This. he said. dates back to our ex-
};t‘l‘lt‘lit't with propaganda during
\‘i'oild War I.

"This was because after the war
we learned that so many of the al-
lied \'.ai‘ stories which played upon
Hill‘ (motions were gross exaggera-
Dl‘. Shannon stated.

GANDA did not have a bad name.
In ‘ltlll. adding that Henry Clay
listfl i- tcrin frequently. never as-
soi l......‘_’ .1 with anything undesir-
ahlv or t‘l'll.

Explaining that propaganda is
\tl) difficult to define. Dr. Shannon
mild inai "the art of persuasion"
st‘t‘ilh like a reasonable definition.

“But the trouble is that such a
”('Iillllii‘ll makes. too many things
.. .ida." he added. "To me. a
no.” (ltffl dt-pi-iids upon the effect
.: l.i.s upon thc individual."

Di: Shannon declared that we
inn f lu- cniw-fnl no: to attribute foo
iizurli to propaganda.





“Hitler's propaganda campaigns
against his enemies would not have
been effective without the Panzer
divisions to back them up." the UK
political scientist expounded. “Psy—
chological warfare. which we hear
so much about nowadays. will not
win by itself."

SAY that there is nothing inherent-
ly bad in propaganda.

"It is not propaganda." he pro-
pounded. "but the monopoly of
propaganda which is dangerous.
Our theory is to let all propaganda
flow freely. following which we will
choose between the good and the

“As far as my part is concerned
I‘m a propagandist," Dr. Shannon
concluded. "I've been propagandiz-
ing you this morning and I don‘t
believe that I'm a bad fellow for so

Speaking again at 10 am. Dr.
Shannon stated that the very es-
sence of democracy is the belief that
in his mind and spirit man is free
from authority. He said that this
conclusion led to the downfall of
the Middle Ages system.

in America the doctrine of tolerance
came to the fore mainly because
there were so many religions and
creeds existing that no particular
one could ever have been agreed

varcssinn. his belief in the sound-
ness of the (lciiiocratic system. Dr.

Shannon declared that public affairs
concern everyone. and everyone
knows that they concern him.

“Thus. the truth can be arrived at
only by consulting the people. who
are the best judges.“ Dr. Shannon

Pointing out that in a totalitarian
state the leaders make all the de—
cisions for the people. Dr. Shannon
stated that “the cook is not the
best judge of his preparations."

LOGIES is putting this theory to
the acid test." he declared. “The
totalitarians believe that the state
has the final truth. We democrats
operate on the theory that we are
still searching for truth. and there-
fore everyone should be consulted.“

Dr. Shannon pointed out that our
freedom of expression actually helps
us to combat false ideologies.

“For instance." he stated. "how
can we successfully combat Com-
munist propaganda if we don‘t per—
mit it to be heard. and therefori
learn of its strengths and weak-

The democratic ideology of free-
dom of expression. however. Dr.
Shannon added. finds itself on the
defensive in the war of ideologies.

“Since the democratic system of-

fers no final answers. there is al—;

ways a temptation to accept those
ideologies which pretend
final answers," he said.

to give

Friedman Speaks
About Formulation
01’ Foreign Policy

In an 8 am. address yesterday the
UK. Institute of Politics heard a
lescription of foreign policy formu-
‘ation by Richard Friedman of the
State Department’s division of pub-
lic liaison.

A successful foreign policy can be
formulated. Friedman said. only
through a two—way flow of informa-
‘ion between Washington and the
people. The State Department is
constantly engaged in making pub-
lic opinion analyses in an effort to
determine what the people want and
the extent to which they are sup-
porting policies already formulated.
he said.

A basic reason why State Depart-
ment policy sometimes appears to
"ramble." Friedman reminded. is
that it tries to follow the “rambling"
desires of the American people.

In a question-and—answer period
following his talk. Friedman said he
knew of no recent change in U. S.
policy toward the Chinese National-
ists nor in the State Department's
views on admission of Red China
to the United Nations.

He said that the so-called change
in U. S. policy toward the Chinese
Nationalists was actually only a
shift in emphasis. When asked if
the U. S. would block Communist
China‘s entry into the United Na-
tions. Friedman said that the State
Department was not in favor of
seating the Communist government.
but that he did not think it was
possible for one nation alone to veto
such a move.

“Often it's just a matter of wet-
ting your finger and holding it up to
see which way the wind is blowing."
was his jesting answer when he as
questioned as to how the State De-
partment was able to determine
public opinion on important issues.
He went on to say. however. that
the department made use of every
possible means of determining “how
the public stood" on major questions.
Editorials. polls. and letters to offi-
cials are all studied by the State
Department. he said. in an effort
to find out what the public wants.

The only remaining speaker in the
Institute of Politics program is for-
mer Kentucky Senator John Sher—
man Cooper. who is scheduled to
give the closing address on July 27.
. The Institute of Politics was spon-
l sored by the Department of Political
.Science and was made possible by
'1 a donation from the Lexington Her-
}ald-Leader. It has been held in
iconjunction with the summer pro-
..gram. Perspectives On Contempor.
. ary Life.


Says Settlement
Should Be Made
At Korean ‘Neck’

“I do not believe that we should
accept the 38th parallel as the basis
of an armistice in Korea if at all
possible we can do better." Sen.
Paul H. Douglas. Democrat of
Illinois. declared in the second
Blazer Lecture of the summer ses-
sion Friday night in Memorial Hall.

These were the same views ex-
pressed earlier iii the week by the
senator in a highly—publicized let-
ter to Secretary of Defense Marshall.

"In the first place." Sen. Douglas
expounded, “such an agreement
would give the Communists ample
depth to organize their forces north
of the parallel."

Calling the idea of UN inspection
of armaments in North Korea a
"fancy." the senator warned that if
the Communists renewed their ag-
gression after an armistice it might
be difficult to again rally the UN to

second reason for not accepting a
peace along the parallel is that it
is militarily impractical to defend,

The third and most important
reason for rejecting such an arm-
istice. however. according to Sen.
Douglas. is that such a decision
would be turned into a great propa-
ganda device by the Communists.

"The Chinese Reds would say that
they had entered the war when we
were 100 miles north of the parallel
and had driven us back to that
line." Sen. Douglas declared.

"I do not say that an armistice i.t
the 38m parallel Would be a sur-
render." the Illinois Democrat
stated. “but it would be interpreted

as such in many parts of the


EIHS BELIEF that a decision mak-
HIL’ the line of separation between
North and South Korea some 100
‘miles north of Parallel 38. at what
is called the "neck" of the penin-

l fContinucd on Page 3!


Discuss Policy Aims, Problems


( nitcrvily of Ktnlul Icy

I The Stolt'


.\Il 0111‘

US Government Aide


Politics yesterday.

. preparing speech delivered to Institute of

Hillings Says Minority
Has Duty To Oppose

“The minority party must offer a
vigorous opposition to the dangers
and weaknesses existing in the
program advanced by the political
party in power." Rep. Patrick Hill-
ings of California declared at the
UK Institute of Politics July 12 in
the Student Union Building.

Expoundlng the belief that our
constitutional system of government
will disappear unless an active
minority party. aware of its respon-
sibilities is maintained. the Con-
gressman said. "It is the minority's
duty and responsibility to advance
an alternate program to meet the
problems confronting the country
in fields where criticism of the
majority is warranted. This is nec-
essary in order to give the people
an alternate to follow as the weak-
ness and failing of the majority
program become evident."

ITY in Congress has been “more
right" in recent years regarding its
stand on communism than the
majority party. Rep. Hillings main-
tained, “The minority must advance

the idea that our only chance for
world peace is to convince the Rus-
sians that if they provoke further
Communist aggression it will bring
on World War III."

“Too often the State Department
is guided by fear of what our allies
or Russia will think or do." the
California Republican added.

Rep. Hillings also propounded that
there is a great need for effective
opposition within the executive and
judicial branches of the government
as well as the legislative branch.

day where the political spoils sys-
and corruption have been appalling."
the freshman Congressman said.

He added it is a “great tragedy"
that there is practically no repre-
sentation of the minority in the
judicial branch of the United States

Rep. Hillings declared that the
Republicans have a real challenge
to provide inspirational leadership
at a time when the presidential
popularity is at a low ebb.


Kraehe Outlines Rules
To View Foreign Affairs

Speaking before the Institute of
Politics July 12 in Guignol Theatre.
Dr. Enno E. Kraehe of the History
Department declared that the Amer-
ican public today needs some point-
ers in the art of viewing foreign

“If we‘re going to intelligently
participate in the Great Debate it
is essential that we are acquainted
with the rules governing it." Dr.
Kraehe said.

The first of seven rules outlined
by Dr. Kraehe for viewing foreign
affairs was to beware of "catch
battle. Dr. Kraehe continued.
tag upon an opponent is very great.

“We cannot accurately judge a

man‘s arguments if we are to be
psychologically swayed by such
names as ‘isolationist' and ‘ap-
peaser'." Dr. Kraehe said.

Rl'LE OF THl’MB NO. ‘3. accord-
ing to the UK historian. is to dis-
tinguish between the ends of for-
eign policy and the means to those

"Basically. all Americans agree
that the supreme end of our foreign
policy is the security of the United
States" Dr. Kraehe expounded. "But
it is about the means to these ends
that we disagree."

In conjunction with this prin—
ciplc. Dr. Kraehe pointed out that
our means are often times limited
by our resources.

"It may be well to tell our children
to shoot for the stars. but in for-
eign affairs we had first better
('llt‘Cl'i with the techiiiCians as in
the range of our artilliery." Dr.
Kraehe stated.

LINED by Dr. Kl'at'llf‘ was that in
Viewing foreign affairs the whole
picture must be considered.

"For instance." Dr. Ki‘aehe ex—
plained." Ihosv who (‘i’llltlt'illll our
entrance into the Korean war. :1

In the heat of emotional
temptation to pin an unfavorable

irect challenge to the UN. ignore
the possibility that failure to re-
sist aggression there might have
led to the collapse of the UN and
the North Atlantic Treaty."

Dr. Kraehe‘s fourth point was
that it is necessary for us to see
problems in the light of the other
fellow‘s point of view.

"We become irriated at French
and German bickering. but we for—
get that France has been invaded
three times within the memory of
livnig Frenchmen." Dr. Kraehe said.

“We may regarded such fears as
foolish. but if we Wish to have allies
we must sympathize With their

Rule No. 5 forwarded by Dr.
Kraehe was that we must dis-
tinguish between the interest and

the ideologies of states

NOT LOOK at one pawn and say
that it is a fascist pawn. and there-
fore we'll have nothing to do Wlill
it." Dr. Kraehe said. "Lofty ideals
are legitimate. but they must be
evaluated in the light of our end
of United States security.“

That we must not expect per-
fection in foreign affairs was Dr.
Kraehe‘s sixth point

"A good many students make B's.
and that isn't perfect." Dr Kraehe
ponited out. "Yet in foreign affairs
we expect perfection."

"And in line with this." Dr
Krat-he L’tiilillltit'il. "we end to judge
foreign policy by the results. For
instance. does the fall of Nationalist
China. admittedly an unfortunate
result. mean that the policy there
was bad? Had we supported Chian;
Kai-slick all-out could we have
halted the tide of communism lll
Europe by means of the Marshall

Although iioi elaborating on the
point. Dr. Ki'achc said that .1 seven-
th lll'lllt mic is that we should know
our history.

Political Scientist
Says Unity Needed
Between Parties

“Can the United States with its
check and balance Constitution con-
duct foreign policy successfully in a
world of power politics?"

Speaking before the Institute of
Politics yesterday morning in Outg-
nol Theatre. Dr. Quincy Wright.
University of Chicago political SCI-
entist. posed this question.

"The hostilities. incorporated in
the Constitution. between the White
House and the Hill. and the hostil-
ities between the parties which have
tended to develop. have made 1'. in-
creasingly difficult for the PreSident
and the Department of State to
pursue an effective foreign policy.“
Dr. Wright said.

PROFESSOR pointed out that such
differences sabatogod President Wil-
son‘s policy and the League of Na-
tions following World War I. and
thus prevented an effective United
States policy against the dictator-
ships in 1935.

“They have seriously interfered
with effective policy in the conduct
of the United Nations operations in
Korea during the last year." Dr.
Wright said. "At a time when the
Kremlin dictatorship is united and
prepared to use its resources in an
aggressive policy in all sections of
the world. can the United States
give leadership in the cause of peace
and democracy when its foreign
policy is continually at the mercy
of a struggle between the President
and the Congress. and between the
political parties? This issue is per-
haps the most momentous of any in
the world."

ALTERNATIVES to combat this

The first alternative. according to
the political scientist. is that of
strengthening the Executive by more
effective appeals to public opinion
and the full utilization of diplo-
matic. military. and other powers of
the Executive in spite of Congres-
sional opposition.

“Executive agreements have in
many instances been used instead
of treaties requiring the support
of the Senate." Dr. Wright ex-
plained. "But the difficulty of this
policy lies in the threat to demo-
cracy. Experience has shown that
overpowerful executives may be-
come negligent of the protection of
human rights and of democratic

“The second alternative.‘ Dr.
Wright. continued. “is strengthening

«Continued on Page 3i

Douglas, Like Sherman, Will Not Run;
Dislikes 38th Parallel As Truce Linc

Democrat Believes
Truman Nomination
Is ‘Quite Possible’

"If nominated I will not run and
if elected I will not serve.“ Tha'
was the answer—quoted directly
from the words of Gen. William
Tecumseh Sherman—0f Sen. Paul
H. Douglas soon after his arrival
at Blue Grass Field Friday when
queried as to the poss1bility of his
being the Democratic standard-
bearer in the 1952 presidential race.

"Of course." laughed the scilaltil‘
from Illinois. "there are no im-
mediate prospects of either hap-

Speaking of the 1952 Democratic
preSidential nomination. Sen. Doug-
las exprexsed his belief list: it is
'quite possible that President Tru-
man will run for re—electior..

"I saw him a couple of days ago.
and he was looking very well. es-
pecrally in View of the strain he
has been working under." Sen.
Douglas said.

admiration for Gen. Dwight Eisen-
hower. and added that if President
Truman chose not to run. he would
support the General for the Demo-
cratic nomination.

The IllinOis Democrat declari-d
that after five minutes in the Blil('<
grass he could well understand why
Kentuckians were so proud of it

"But I can't figure out what hap-
pened to all the Unionists, in Ken-
tucky after the Civil War.‘ he said
with a grin. "The people of 'he
state were more than 3—2 pro--L'nion
during the war. but now ncarlv
everyone in Kentucky claims :o be
a Confederate. My only conclusion
is that all the Unionists were

PRAISE for Kentucky‘s new sen-
ator. Tom Underwood of Lexing—
ton Describing Sen. Underwood it)
a popular and genial figure. Mr.
Douglas said that it seems as
though Kentucky has developed .1

tContinucd on Page 3)

 l‘nae ‘2. THE KENNEL. Friday. July 20. 1951

The Kentucky Kernel

l u- ~ed rt the Post Office at Lexington.
m ..x-.i. as second class matter under
- . .\II o‘ \lnrch 3. lRTQ.

$1.00 per semester

In! LIT .................................... Fditor

llul \In’srrrl I" ............ \Igr. liduor

Bur. Dos Gnorr, .......... Business Mgr.
Tonx \"llJ‘Z .................... News Editor

. Sports I7di'ur Um I \ Si‘uivicxr ...... Feature Editor

Editorial Staff

'11 \l \\ n nous Assistant \I paging Editor; BILL Bovcmtv, Assistant New:
1 Mn. liui IIrxluucx. l'u \rusoue. BF\THICF. VAN llonx. and Bill,
\kl. Luis Illl\lill\
(‘II ”J I s \\ nu Ill. (Ilrtouiust.

Lind Now Thefiluke Box

The mounting cost of living has hit the juke box. \Vord comes
from his tngeles. Portland. Fresno. and San DiegnJhat it takes
a dime now to hear Dur Bingo warble.

lohn llawley oi the National .\Iusic Association says most of
the nations cities will hike the prices within 90 days. It‘s the same
old story. he says. Ilecords used to cost about 18 cents each.
against 9] cents now. Tulle boxes used to cost $150 to $200. com—
pu-ed with $1000 to $1200. Needles used to cost 7 cents. Now
th: yre :33 cents.




The good old nickel that used to be such an all-around coin‘

psi isn't worth a song and dance any more.

Government On Our Side

The Government apparently recognizes UK. as the Sports

(nu/u] of fire World. It continues to nod this way for top-notch

llarry Lancaster. assistant basketball coach. has departed on a
mission to Greece where he will expound on basketball. Coach
‘ Bear“ Bryant will return shortly from Gennany where he is par—
ticipating in a series of gridiron clinics. Baron Rupp has been
called on before to conduct such clinics.

\\'ith a big fan like the government on our side. can the sports
world be far behind.

The Greatness 0f Trying

A pioneer effort to promote the study of human relations is
underway at UK. Twenty-three students from seven Southern
statesare attending this summer the first intemational Seminar on
Intergroup Relations ever held at a Southern university.

The problem of human relations is as old as life itself; the‘

seminar approach to the study of the problem is something com-
p iratively new. The students participating are Teaming that there
is now single technique which is a royal road to understanding.

However. perhaps more significant at the moment than under-
standing is the fact that an attempt at understanding is being made.
The class study is emphasizing practicability rather than Utopia.
which may be a long way oil.

University In Platforms

It is gratifying to note that Kentucky's legislators and wouldf

be legislators are very aware of the importance of the University
to the state.

Practically all announced platforms for the forthcoming elec»
tiou have mentioned strong support of UK. This indicates that
there is an evergrowing realization in the Commonwealth that we
cant have a great state without a great state University.

(31.... Talks It
To Rotary

Speaking before the Rotary Club
at the Lafayette Hotel July 12. Dr.
Thomas D. Clark. head of the De-

partment of History. stated that the
American educational system has
ihllt‘d because the average person.
'ltrough indifference and ignorance,
axis to understand the ramifications
of freedom.

“In the rush of our materialistic

age, American people have little
time for penetrative thinking," the
UK educator said. “The major fault
lies with our educational system. for
universities have be