xt776h4cp03m https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt776h4cp03m/data/mets.xml Clarke, firm, booksellers (Cincinnati) 18761893  books b92-261-31827007v3 English Robert Clarke & Co., : Cincinnati, Ohio : Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. America Bibliography Catalogs. Catalogs, Booksellers'. Bibliotheca Americana  : catalogue of a valuable collection of books and pamphlets relating to America ; with a descriptive list of Robert Clarke & Co's historical publications. (vol. 3) text Bibliotheca Americana  : catalogue of a valuable collection of books and pamphlets relating to America ; with a descriptive list of Robert Clarke & Co's historical publications. (vol. 3) 1876 2002 true xt776h4cp03m section xt776h4cp03m 

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THIS monthly periodical, the official journal of the Library Associations
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It is edited with the co-operation of twelve of the leading libraries of
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having charge of the full and valuable department of Bibliography, and
Mr. J. L. Whitney, of the Boston Public Library, of that of Pseudonyms
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   Every keeper of books ought.to have it.

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" A Yournal for the Scholar, the Antiquarian, and the Collector."

                       WITH NOTES AND QUERIES.

     HE confident anticipations expressed by us a year since, in our proposal
 T    to estabIish a Magazine of American Historv on a broad And natjoi ti
 basis, to fill a want long felt in the United States, have been fully realize .
 From the outset the enterprise has received a more hearty welcome than our
 most sanguine expectations had led us to hope for, and our list of subscribers
 has since steadily increased.
    Our contributors have been drawn from every walk and profession of life.
Their articles have covered a wide field of investigation, and the first volume
brings together, in permanent form, a large and exceedingly interesting amount
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students and scholars of the country. is shown by the fact that the numbers is-
suetld do not now appear in the market, and when found, command a liberal
premium on the cost.
    Under this substantial encouragement we have been able not only to fulfill
our promise to subscribers of twelve numbers of sixty-four pages each, but
have added a number of choice engravings illustrative of the text. The pub-
lishers. in looking forward to the second volume, can but point to the contents
of the volume just closed. as an indication of their purpose, and while they be-
lieve in the old adage that " performance is better than promise," they will say,
that they have a high ideal of what such a periodical should be, and with
proper encouragements they will spare no effort to realize that ideal. The
paper and press work will be of the first quality.

                      OPINIONS OF THE PRESS.
                         From the New- roXr World.
   The Magazine of American History felicitates itself very warraintahl v upon a succes-
fula vear just closed. The first volume, which the December number cornpletes, is a valu
able repositorv of interesting matter relative to the history of the United States. fromn the
pens of contributors admirably qualified to treat of the subjects upon whicl they have
                       From the Commercial Adm-rtiser.
   This most admirable publication has completed its first year, and starts out on its
second with the most brilliant prospects.    X
Among those who have contributed to its pages in the year past are some of the m-'t
eminent writers in the country, and the result is a large and exceedingly interesting amount
of valuable historical material.
                      Fron the Wilmisgtox Commercial.
   The disquisition on Verrazano (in the February No.) is of the kind to go straight to
the heart of an antiquarian.

    All communications relating to the editorial management should be a-d-
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  JANUARY. 1878.


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Old Rare Worl-s, such AlMdern Worlks as are "out of print," \vorks on Speciid
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otiler periodical p/ublic./ions supplied titi' pr-omnphess ncad reularit.
    Books, etc . for Public Institutions imported fi-cc ofJety.

    The Priced Catalogues of the Foreign second-hand Booksellers afford all
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    We receive these Catalogues regulailv, and will take pleasu;-e in setldin-
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from them. As, however, our orders can not reach the bookseller till about a
month after the catalogue was issued, some of the books selectedr man be sold,
as in most cases they h..ve only single copies, but we usually obtain about
three-fourths of all we order.
                               ROBERT CLARKE & CO.,
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                                           6t, 63. 65 West foE-th Sre-t,
                                                           CINCINNATI, 0.






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America in General, including
  History, Travels, Biography,
  Genealogy, Bibliography, etc.,
The Rebellion,
Confederate Publications,
District of Columbia,
Mississippi, .

  1 Nevada,
103 New Hampshire,
126 New Jersey,
130 NVew Mexico,
130 New York,
131 North Carolina,
131 Ohio,
1311 Oreqon,
135 Pennsylvania,
136 Rhode Island,
138: South Carolina,
139 Tennessee,
139: Texas,.
140 Utah and the Mormons,
141 Vermont,
143 Virginia,
143 Washington Territory,
146 West Virginia,
148 Wisconsin,
149  Wydoming Territory,
1.50. British America,
153' Arctic,
155 JMexico,.
156 C- ('entral America,
158 IMest Indies,
169 South America,
170 Indians and Archaeology,
1731 Addenda. (New Books.)

2 . 215
  .  218
    . 218
    , 222
    . 235
  ,  237



ALABAMA: 3299-3304, 3865, 6208.
ALASKA: 341, 586, 3305-11U 6168, 6235.
AMERICA, PRE-COLLMBIAN: 2, 88, 179, 256, 290, 656, 997, 1398, 2092, 2511-3, 3903, 6149.
AmERICANISMS: 159, 1817.
ARCTIC: 5722-69, 6456.
ARIZONA: 176, 1828, 3312-18, 3390, 4375, 6158, 6437.
ARKANSAS: 3219-27, 4357-8, 6540.
BIBLIOGRAPHY: 38, 50, 58, 111, 155, 414-6, 500, 571, 601, 703, 723, 726, 808, 814,844, 948,988.
    1094-5, 1099, 1158, 11f66, 1209-10, 1475, 1561, 1580, 1624, 1647. 1708, 1716, 1764, 1799,
    1878, 1941-6, 1967, 1971, 1990, 2090-1, 2110, 2116, 2139-41, 2170, 2229, 2261-2, 2275,2294,
    2498, 2500, 2547, 2557, 2592, 3523, 4737-8, 5140, 6289, 6586.

BRITISH AMERICA: 4315, 439, 448, 620, 719, 805, 882, 928, 1006. 1015. 1048, 1162, 1282, 1297,
    1350, 1381, 1577, 1658-60, 1702, 1749, 1766, 1905, 1968, 2053, 2062, 2122, 2125, 2470, 3906,
    4328, 5533-5721, 6235, 6311, 6334, 6344, 6518, 6556, 6574.
CALIFORNIA: 161, 168, 510, 521, 588. 632,872, 882, 1113, 1829, 1900, 1947, 2066, 2209, 2539,
    3328-3428, 3434, 4458, 4462, 4938, 4942, 4956, 5291, 5977, 6080, 6083, 6433.
CENTRAL AMERtcA: 885, 3424, 5846-6903, 6083, 6108, 6112-14, 6117, 6119, 6142, 6179, 6240,
    6271, 6427, 6431, 6137, 6449, 6459.
COLORADO: 510, 1627, 1046, 1828, 2239, 3429-3443, 6586.
CONNECTICUT: 441, 1814, 3444-3506.
DAKOTA: 5307-12, 4268, 4327, 6203, 6272, 6430.
DELAWARE: 3513-7.
DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA: 13518-34, 3951, 5293.
FLORIDA: 135, 166, 581, 602, 1149, 1228, 1972a!, 2306, 3535-71, 3762. 3871-4, 3881, 3892, 3894,
    4336, 6067, 6241, 6397, 6448, 6568.
GEORGIA: 441, 1643, 1716-7, 2008-9. 2488, 2490, 2582, 3302, 3572-3604, 5191, 6067, 6321-5.
GENEALOGY: 14, 37, 80, 118, 200, 208, 211, 219, 221, 2263, 274, 286, 299, 305, 322, 369, 429,442.
   453-5, 469, 471, 576, 612, 62-5, 650, 656, 707, 723, 715, 743, 758, 780, 821, 823, 834, 888, 890,
   1139, 1151, 1163, 1165, 1192, 1206, 1213, 1216, 1222. 1224, 1266, 1298, 1358, 1375-81, 1394,
   1403, 1449, 1455, 1473, 1484, 15-18, 1]514, 1565, 1582, 1644-5, 1648, 1720, 1723, 1730, 1733,
   1789, 1798, 1839, 1841, 1860, 1868, 1926, 1973, 200-i, 2049, 2100, 2117, 2131, 2134, 2138,
   2151-2, 2160-1, 2171, 2191, 2196, 2281;, 2300, 2441, 2491-3, 2495, 2497, 2507, 3492, 3501,
   3897, 3899, 3904, 3909, 95;9, 4081, 4086, 4101, 4121, 4186, 420-i, 4240, 4387, 4427, 4978.
IDAHO: 510, 882, 1646, 2802-8, :3605-6, 6575.


ILLINOIS: 186, 230, 261, 608, 788, 791, 928, 1011, 1015, 1155, 1219, 1228, 1753, 1790, 2086,
    2274, 2279, 2791-7, 3607-99, 5116, 5264, 5293, 5381, 6141, 6189, 6244, 6445, 6576.
INDIANA: 186, 261, 928, 1011, 1718, 1790, 2086, 2274, 2279, 2798-9, 3700-37, 3825, 5116, 6189.
INDIANS: 44, 75. 144, 165, 180, 237, 248, 398, 531, 567, 580, 614, 679, 683, 685, 695, 770, 808,
    885, 940, 949, 1044, 1100, 1227, 1299, 1342, 1350, 1497-8, 1537, 1656, 1766, 1831, 1971,
    1972a, 2050, 2102, 2237, 2523. 2564, 3214, 3341, 3366, 3416, 3658. 3809, 3840, 3868-9, 3874,
    4715, 4794, 4913, 4930, 4951, 5026, 5046, 5049, 5155, 5216, 5265, 5360, 5600, 5616-7, 5623,
    5639, 5663, 5686-7, 5729, 5772, 5775, 5838, 5889, 5895-6, 5901, 5961, 5963, 5972, 5977-80,
    5982, 5990, 5998, 6004, 6019, 6039, 8047, 6032, 6057, 6062-6570, 6575.
IOWA: 608, 1015, 2274, 3738-64.
KANSAS: 1015, 1478. 2239, 2274, 576-5-89.
KENTUCKY: 242, 247, 261, 602, 630, 928, 1227, 1585, 1681, 1718, 2279, 3790-3856, 5224, 6408,
    6082, 6189, 6386.
LOuISIANA: 250-261, 439, ;583, 928, 1046, 1228, 1282, 1753, 1825, 3555, 3857-95, 4336, 5255,
MAINE: 1708, ;,896-3927, 6086, 6236.
MARYLAND: 441, 1228, 1844, 1885, 3513, 3928-75, 5370, 5381, 6277.
MASSACHIUSETTS: 433, 441, 650, 1565, 1839, 2121, 2263, 2482, 3903, 3976-4242, 6076, 6558.
MExIrCO: 85, 161, 632, 885, 937,-996, 1056, 1131, 1717. 1808-9. 1972a, 1987, 2026, 2106, 2209,
    2214, 2270, 2539, 2956, 3426, 3962, 5238, 5246, 5271, 5770-5845, 6031, 6074, 6083, 6087,
    6112-4, 6142, 6150, 6178, 6358, 6409, 6537.
MiCHIrGAN: 627, 1219, 17.53, 1790, 1972, 2086, 2218, 2274, 3678, 4243-76, 5116, 5264, 6214,
Mi-NrEsoTA: 608, 792, 1015, 2274, 4268, 4332, 6123, 6249, 6542.
MISISs;ssIPpI: 928, 3299, 3302, 4333-42, 5255.
MISSISSIPPI RivvR: 23, 195-8, 225, 602. 662-3, 745, 781, 1228, 1454, 1602-3, 1670, 1814, 1825,
    1836, 1981, 2013-8, 2052, 3872, 3881, 4470, 4794, 518:3, 5381, 6466.
MISSI"SIPPI VALLEY: 142, 230, 273, .306, 608, 626, 829, 831, 840, 981, 1335,1589, 1614, 1766,
    17,78, 20.51, 2250, 2303, 3834.
MIssoURI: 230, 740-756, 1681, 1753, 2086, 3684, 4343-61, 5116, 6257, 6389, 6528.
MONTANA: 882, 1646, 4r,63-5, 6099.
NAVY: 29, 39, 254. 358, 515,559-61, 563. 56-,. 661. 786, 790. 878, 943, 1029, 1264. 1.302, 1379,
    1397, 1485, 1619, 1671, 1677, 1808, 1856-7, 1979, 2057, 2473, 2504, 2593, 2669, 2760, 2766.
NEBRASKA: 882, 2274, 376.5, 3772, 3780, 4366-73.

NEVADA: 510, 3313. 3376, 3383, 3390, 4374-9.

NEW ENGLAND: 10, 11, 12, 112, 144. 163, 266, 269, 282, 292, 327, 427, 475, 557, 669, 702,
    ,04-5, 716, 727, 730, 1103, 1108, 1193. 1306-8, 1380, 1479, 1551-4, 1630, 1672,1682-7,1690,
    1704,1748,1797,1876,1961, 2007 2080 2082-3, 2112, 2122, 2489, 2515, 2540-1, 2544,6172,
    6199, 6200, 6232, 6234, 626.5-6, 63553. 6385. 6423 6480, 6548-62, 6571, 6577.

NEW HA.mPSHIRE: 1137, 4082, 4380-4407.

NEw JERSEY: 144, 1449, 4408-5.5, 5123, 6063-4, 6277, 6444.

NrEw  Mxxxco: 85, 161, 996. 1329, 1681, 1828, 3.14. 3314, 4456-74. 6084, 6158, 6437.




Nzw YORK: 144, 164, 607, 727, 730, 1011, 1688, 1703-4, 1753, 4476-4680, 5264, 5362, 6129,
    6162, 6315, 6461, 6503-4, 6516.
NORTH CAROLINA: 166, 583, 1585, 1643, 2503, 2522, 2582, 3870, 3872, 4681-95, 6223, 5363-4,
    6370, 65381, 6067.
NORTH WESTERN TERRITORY: 66, 97-101, 115, 142, 186, 230, 301, 306, 340, 361, 523, 622-3,
    1135-6, 1225-8, 1230, 1707, 1996, 3708, 4822, 4828, 6420.
OHIo: 186, 230, 261, 323, 602, 928, 1011, 1:585, 1718-9, 1722,1782, 1790, 1807, 2086, 2201,2279,
    4427, 4696-4927, 5116, 6071, 6101, 6106, 6175, 6189, 6218, 6224, 6246, 6264, 6326, 6345,
    6371, 6418, 6526.
OHIO RIVER: 123, 195-8, 225, 602-3, 745, 1454, 1670, 1863, 2250, 21,75, 4794, 5381, 6166.
OREGON: 510, 521, 580, 781, 784, 848, 872. 882, 940, 995, 1149, 1476, 1558, 1646, 1759, 1766.
    1847, 1960, 2247, 2301, 2559, 33556, 3361, 3376, 3380, 3390, 3394, 3425, 4928-57, 6091, 6334,
    6432, 6513, 6575.
PENNSYLVANIA: 144, 180, 441, 1228, 1395, 1704, 1722, 1880, 2523,4958-5136,5381, 6122,6185,
    6250, 6277, 6559.

QUAKERS: 84, 146-8. 170, 204, 214, 253, 258, 276, 308, 410, 524, 803, 998, 1138, 1169, 1791-6,
    1893, 1917, 2044, 2104, 2272, 2518, 3970, 6085, 6517.
REBELLION: 2567-3201, 6583.
PRHODE ISLAND: 441, 5137-69, 6573, 6577.
SLAVERY AND THE NEGRO: 27, 45, 51, 72, 93, 107, 130, 201, 205, 215, 229, 283, 318, 362, 368,
    374-5, 388, 410, 428, 433, 444, 458, 465-8, 481-2, 503, 508-9, 514, 529, 569, 636, 690, 710-1,
    750, 811, 826, 914, 945, 987, 1050, 1107, 1116, 1170, 1217, 1231, 1240, 1269, 1290,1305, 1325,
    1369-70, 1399, 1416, 1442, 1450, 1160, 1471-2, 1533, 1601, 1605, 1622,1678-9, 1701. 1705-6,
    1709, 1726-7, 1756, 1763, 1777. 1814, 1881, 1894, 1909, 1918, 1911, 2024, 2047, 2068-72,
    2076, 2107, 2113, 2130, 2172, 2177, 2183, 2185, 2211, 2231, 2308, 2314, 2316, 2479, 2481,
    2484, 2486, 2509-10, 2523-4, 2583. 2825, 3615, 4442, 5051, 5098, 6167, 5708, 6904, 5908,
    5911, 5933, 5935, 5955, 5957, 5997.
SONORA: 161, 3313, 3318, 3353, 3391, 43175.
SOUTH AMERICA: 250, 1282, 201)3, 2539, 3426, 5958-6061, 6098, 611:5, 6136, 6184, 6358, 6377,
    6438, 6452, 6457.
SOUTH CAROLINA: 166, 431, 583, 1643, 2-582. 3870, 3872, 4681, 4689, 5170-5211, 5361, 6370,
SOUTHERN STATES: 4, 87, 318, 792, 1014, 1153, 1219, 1337, 1420, 1533, 1566, 1724, 1726-7,
    1734, 1784, 1838, 2105, 2107-8, 2155, 2277, 2721, 2730, 3100, 3222, 6589.
TENNESSEiE: 123, 261, 1228, 158.5, 2279, 5212-27, 5228, 5284, 6330.
TEXAS: 161, 679, 877, 981, 1046, 1329, 1753, 1932, 2559, 2956, 3391, 4931, 5228-84, 6031.
TRIALS: 177-8, 185, 349, 446, 572, 779, 889, 953, 956, 1220, 1286. 1388, 1493, 1629, 1609, 1638,
    1G53, 1728-9, 1742, 1755, 1805, 1846, 1937, 2059, 2074, 2096, 2104, 2162, 2187, 2230, 2255,
    2284, 2314, 2478, 2531, 2666, 2598, 3800, 4066, 4334, 4725, 4815.

UTAH AND THE MIORMONS: 257, 403, 510, 679, 882, 1476, 1900, 3345, 3367, 3377, 3390, 3416,
    3434, 4374, 5285-5333, 6099.

VERMONT: 1708, 1814, 4386, 5334-56.

VIRGINIA: 131, 171, 232, 441, 979, 1228,1880, 1961, 1972a, 2326, 3825, 3870, 53657-6434, 6067,
    6071, 6206, 6277, 6569.




viii                            PARTIAL INDEX.

WAR op 1812: 39, 109, 259, 328, 505, 615, 643, 752, 1100, 1198-1205, 1212, 1229, 1238, 1238,
    1241, 1257, 1264, 1467, 1470, 1526, 1531, 1718, 1779, 1801, 1809, 1979, 1986, 2232, 2291,
    2312, 2320-3, 2514, 6582.
W AS INOTON TzRRITORY: 882, 940, 1646, 3356, 3376, 4930, 4950, 5435-40, 6432, 6513, 6519,
WEST INDIES: 31, 370, 384, 621, 633, 885, 1126, 1147, 1658-9, 1714, 2270, 3545, 3557, 8568,
   3892, 5904-57, 6381.
WEST VIRGINIA: 5441-50, 6144, 6177, 6185, 6564.
WIwCoifIN: 608, 792, 1015, 2274, 3759, 4327, 6451-5543, 6126, 6350-1.
WYOMING TERRITORY: 1646, 1950, 5644-52.




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ci tovlonnics.  Illu-trated.  12mo. pp. 12 Adams (lenry). Documentrelating to
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 paper. Londonn,.1766.                12mo. pp. 392-. Phnilandelpshia, 1846. 1 25
 1 Adams (Amos). A Co'teise historical     l
 \V  (If the Diflicultis. Ilardships, and 18 Adams(.Jolnn)ani Cunningham(Winn).
 Pelils whici attennd,-1 thes Platntinig and  Cornesponn-ldenne lietwenn; beginninng in
 Progressive Improvetn-nt. of' ,New Enng-  180:;, nd ending iii 1812, pp. 219. Also,
 land. With a particilnin Account ot its  Lette(rs add r.sed to the People of tine
 long annd destruitive Wars. expennsive  United States by a Native of Vingitnia.
 Expeditions, etc. Sco.        Spp p8, hnmlf botntnnl  o pp. 5P)', half houid. Balto., 182  1 25
 Lonndon, 1770. Title page patched. 3 25 19 Adams (J. Q.) Memoirs of the Life of.



  By Josiah Quiney. Portrait. 8vo. pp.
  429. Boton, P0i1t1.               3 W0
20 Adams (.J. Q() Life and Public Serv-
  ices of' Bv William 11. Seward.  Por-
  trait. ]2mo. pp. 404. Auburn. 1853. 1 00
21 Adams (.J. Q.) An Oration on the Life
  anid Character of .John Q. Adams; de-
  livered before the Citizeins of Cincinnati,
  March 22, 1S48. By Timothy Walker.
  svo. Ip. 24, paper. Cincinnati, 1848. 2.5
2 Adams (J. Q.) Dermot MacMorrogh;
  or. the ConqDuest of Ireland. An Histori-
  cal 'ale of the Twelfth Century. In four
  cantos. IS1no. pp. 108.  Columbus, 0..
  1849.                               50
23 Adams (.J. Q ) The' Duplicate Letter-,,
  Tbe F          nisheries aid thfe 3tisissippi. Docu-
  merits relating to Transactions at the -Ne-
  gotiation of ilhent. Svo. 'p. 259, boards.
  Washington, 1S22.                 1 25
24 Adams (.J. Q.) T[le Jubilee o.f the C.on-
  stituiti o-.  A Di-coii-e.  8vo. pp. 136,
  paper. N    N Y',k. 1Js9.           540
25 Adams (.J. Q.) The 4)rations of.  Ad-
  dress to the 4CitiZe.ii f Quincy, pp. 40.
  tOration on Lafayiette. pp, 94. E'ulogv on
  .lames Malison, pp. 90; and the .Jubilee
  of tIre (Cuii titution PP p.'1,i. 4 pieces in
  one vu.t 8vo. v. p. 1831-:9.     2 00
26 Adams (J- Q ) A l.etter to the Hon.
  Hlarrisorj Gras Otis. on the Present State
  of our Natioinil Atfrirs. With Remarks
  upon M1r. Pickerig' a Letter to the Gov-
  errior of fas-i'hu-etts.  12nmo. pp. 24,
  boards  WXalpole. N. ff., ]8O8.    75
27 Adams (Nehemiah). A Southside View
  of Slavery; or, '[hree M1onths at the
  Soith in T154. 12mo. pp. 224. Boston,
  1855.1.                             75
28 Adams (Samuel). The Life and Public
  Services of  Being a Narrative of hiis ctsI
  and opinions, and of his agency in pro-
  dlucirig and forwarding the American
  Revolution. By William V. Wells. Por-
  trait. -3 vols. 8vo. Boston, 18i65. 9 0(0
29 Address (An) to the People of the
  Uniite-d States, on the Policy of Maintain-
  iring a Permanent Navy. By air Ame-ricari
  tiitin. 8vo. pp. 51, paper. Philadel-
  phiaj, 18M:)2.                     .'4)
30 Address (An) to the Roman Catholics of'
  tire United Stites of' America.  Bv a
  Catholi Clergvman. ]2mo. pp. 116. An-
  napolis1. 17'4,                     .5
31 Alcedo (Colt Don Antonio (le). Geo-
  graplihi( l arid Ilistorical Dictionary of'
  Amer-icaird thre W eat Indies. With large
  Additisn vild C ompilations from Modern
  Voyage.s and Travels, by G. A. Thomp-

  son.  5 vols. 4to. half calf.  London,
  1812-15.                         10 0(
32 Alden (.J.) The Science of Government
in C'onnection with American In.stitutior,-.
  ]2mo. pp. 30)4. New York, lt;74.  1 2cm
S3 Alden   (Timothy).   A  Collection of
  American   Epitap hs  arid I.nscriptions.
  with occasional Notes.   Portraits and
  plates. 5 vols. 16mo. Full bound. Neew
  York, 1814.                       7 50
134 Alexander (Archibald)   The Life of.
  First Prfe-.or in the Theological Semi-
  nary. at Princ"ton. Ne Jsr.,-v. I'v.Jarmes
  IW. Al-xand(ler. Portrait. I2mo. pp. 56:'.
  Newv York, 1857.                  1 50
:3'5 Allen (Ethari). Memoir of ('ol. Ethan
  Allen; containing tile mno.t interesting
  Incidents cnnrected wvith his Private and
  Public Career. By lHugh IMoore. 12mo.
  pp. 252. Plattsburgh, N. Y., 1834. 1 50
36 Allen ( Henry Watkins). Recollections
  of. Brig -Gen. of the C . S. A rmv, Ex-Gov-
  ernor of Louisiana. By Sarah A. Dr sev.
  Portrait.  l2mo. Pp. 4 '.  New York.
  18 r16.                           1 4)0
37 Allen (-'ol. .John).  Memoir of, an 0)fli-
  cer of th 1Revolution. With a .Geneadogy.
  By (Geo rge I1. Allen. 8vo. pp. 32, paler.
  Albany, I.67.                       ,.
38 Allen (John). Catalogue of the Book-.
  Aritographs, Erigravirngs, and Miscellar-
  crus.Articles belonging to. Sold in New
  York, 1.i64. With printed list of price-
  and psur(camer.' names.  Ilalf morocco,
  gilt top, uncut, 5.278 lots.     3 5(
.9 Allen (.Joseph).  The Battles of the
  British Navy. (Including the War of
  1512.) Portraits. 2 vols. I2mo. Lan-
  don, 1878.                        3 00
40 Allen (William). American Biographi-
cal aInd historical Dictionary. Svo. pp.
  800, half calf. neat.  Boston, 1832. 2 .5;)
41 Another edition.  Imp. 8vo. pp. 905,
sheep. Boston, IS57.              3 50
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  Vale of Hoosatunnuk. A Poem with
  Notes. Portrait. 12mo. pp. 237. Bosto-,
  185f.                             1 2;5
44 Allen and Witter Families: Geneakngv
  of. Among the Early Settlers of thi'
  Continent arid their Descendants. ]'v
  Asa W. Allen. Portrait. 12mo. pp. 251
  ISalen, Ohio, 1s.2.               2 0')
4;5 Alveraz (Alonz.o). Progress and In-
  telligence of Arot-ricans-  Founded uapon'
  the Normal and Absolute Servitude of
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  8vo. pp. 613, n. p., 1865.        1 50

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pbies. Edited  by  Lawrence Hutton.
  16vo. Boston, 1.832. Each,     1 25
  1 Edwin Forrest. By Lawrence Barrett.
  2 The Jeffersons. By William Winter.
  3 The Elder and Younger Booths. By
    Mrs. A. Booth Clarke.
 4 Charlotte Cushman. By 'Mrs. Clara E.
   5 Charles Fechter. By Miiss Kate Field.
   6 Mrs. Duff. By Joseph -N. Ireland.
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  Sea.  Being  remarkable instances of
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  cans, Shipwrecks, I ndian Captivities, etc.
  2 vols. l6mo. New York, ]SJ)5.   1 5o
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  tory of Useful Knowledge, for the years
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  Information, Mlis.cellaneous Directions.
  Hints and lRemark,, and Statistical and
  other particulars respecting F,,reign
  Countr-ies and the lUnited States. 32 vols.
  ]2mo. paper, uncut. Boston, 1830-4il.
  A complete set.                 10 00
   Some odd volumes can be supplied
  to comlplete sets.
4'J America and the Americans. By a
  Citizean of the World. 8v. PP    430,
  boards. London, 18:3.            1 25
5J1 American Antiquarian Society. Cat-
  altue tf Books iii the Library of.  Svo.
  hf. toor., uncut. Worce.ster, is:,7. 2 25
51 American Anti-Slavery Almanac for
  1s30 an.I 1 40.  12mo. I''i'''Nett
  York. Each.                        20
5' American   Archives.   ('Consisting of
  Authentic lt-cords, State- P'aper.e, etc.,
  the whole formiitg a Docmwnieitary Ilis-
  tory of the Origin and Progress of the
  North American (tilonies. 4th and 5t h
  series. All ptiblislied. 9 vols. folio, half
  russia. Washington, 187,-53:.    0 0)
53 American Atlas (The). [Contaitting
  20 maps of the United Stats s.    est
  I tlits. the States sepaately, etc.] Folio.
  hlalfboun4. New York, 179t.     5 to
54 American Atlas (The); or. a Geograph-
  ical Description of the w hole ( 'oltinelnt
  of Imerica. Containing 29 laiige mants
  of -North and South America, en'raved
  by Thomas Jeffr-evs. Elepthant folio,
  half bound. Lo,,don,               00.1 t)
55 American Biography. The Libh arv of.
  Contiticted by Jlreld Spalrks  ' ontain-
  lag the Lives of John Sta k, Ch i-e, B.
  Blrown, Richard  Montgomery, Ethan
  Allen, Alexander Wilson, Capt. John



Smith, Benedict Arnold. Anthony Wayne.
Henry Vane, John Eliot, William P ink-
ney, William  Ellery, Cotton  Mather,
William Pihips, Israel Putnam, Lucretia
M. Davidson, David Rittenhouse, Jona-
than Edwards, David Brainerd, Baron
Steuben. Sebbastian, Cabot. William Eaton,
Robert Fulton, Joseph Warren, Henryv
Hudson. Father Marquette, La Satle,
Patrick Ilemiry, James Otis, James Ogle-
thorpe, .Johin Sullivan, Jacob Lei-ler,
  Nathaniel Bacon, .John Mason, Roger
  Williams, Timothy Dwight, Count Pu-
  laski, Count I-tniford, Zebulon 31. Pike,
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  Anne Hlutehinson. John Rebault, Sebas-
  tian Rall, William palfrey, Charles Lee,
  Jo.seph Reed, Leonard Calvert, Samuel
  Ward, Thomas Posey, Nathaniel Greene.
  Stephen Decattir, Edward Preble, Will-
  ilam  Penny, Daniel Boone, Benjamin
  Lincoln. .I.hn  Ledlvard, William  R.
  D       tavi. :tl Samuel Kirkland. Portrait.
  25 vol,. 12,no. -New York, IS48. 25 00
56 The  same.  First  series. 10  vols.
  12mo.                           10 00
57 The ' same. Second series. 15 vols.
  12mo. half calf, red edges, neat. Boston,
  1,84.                           18 50
     A number of odd volumes of both
  series can be furnished at 1.00 per
58 American Catalogue (The) of Books;
r. Englishl Guide to American Litera-
ture. 8vo. pp 190. Loiidon, 18.56. 1 7.5
59 American Historical Record aRd
  RIpertory of Notes and Qlueries. Ed-
  ited  bv Benson  ,l. Lossing. Vol 1.
  Svo.  half  calf, neat.  Philadelphia,
  1872                             3 50
60 American Memoranda, by a Mercan-
  tile Man, during a Short Tour in the
  800imer of 1843. For private circulation,.
  8vo. pp. 60. Glasgow , 1844.     1 2.5
61 American Xen of Letters. A Series
of Biographiesof distiniguishevd American
  Authors. Edited  by  Chrl.-s Dudley
  Warner. lfimo. Boston. IS72. Each, 1 25
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 2 Webster (Noilhl. By I1. E. Scudder.
 3 'rhoreau (I letn y D.) By F. B. Sanborn.
 4 Cooper (.Jame, F enimore). By 'r. 1R.
    Loundsbu v.
 5 Hlawthorne (Nathaniel).  By James
   Russell L onell. I l)Ipelparationi.
 6 Willis (N. P.) By Ihomas B. Aldrich.
   In preno itio-
   I Simms V iWn. (;ilmore). By George W.
   Cable. I n preparation.


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   worth Iliggins.on. In preparation.    Naal AttAirs, 4 vols.; Post Office, I vol.;