xt776h4cp16x https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt776h4cp16x/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1901014 minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1901-01-jun4. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1901-01-jun4. 1901 2011 true xt776h4cp16x section xt776h4cp16x 

M.iIN1UTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES, June 4, 1901 - page 33

      The Board of Trustees of the Agricultural and Mechanical
College of Kentucky met in the President' s room in the coll ege
building at 2 P. M. June 4, 1901.

      Present:                    Henry S. Barker
                                   B. W. Bradburn
                                   McD. Ferguson
                                   W. T. Fowler
                                   D. F. Frazee
                                   J. F. Hager
                                   J. B. Kennedy
                                   G. B. Kinkead
                                   J. B. Mviarcum
                                   R. W. Nelson
                                   Jas. K. Patterson
                                   R. C. Stoll
                                   Thomas Todd.

      On motion Col. R. W. Nelson was made temporary chairman
 and called the Board to order.

      In the absence of the Governor of the Commonwealth
Mr. Frazee, the last elected chairman, presided.

      Ordered that the members of all standing coiamittees
appointed at the meeting in December 1900 shall continue
-until Dec. 1901.

      The minutes of 'the last meeting of the Board were
then read and approved.

      The chairman then announced that the standing committees
would be as follows:

                Committee on the President's Report

      Hager, Fowler, Ferguson.

                Committee on Finance

Kinkead, Ferguson, Frazee.


MINTTES OF THE BOAiRD OF TRUST EES,June 4, 1901 - page 33-34

                  Committee on Appropriations.

     Nelson, Frazee, Stoll.

                 Committee on Buildings and Grounds.

     Bradburn, Fowler, Marcum.

                    Committee on Experiment Station

     Stoll, Kennedy, Hager.

                     Committee on Salaries.

      Pa-tterson, Hager, Kennedy.

                     Comnmittee on Internal Expansion.

      Kennedy, Kinkead, Nelson.

           Committee on Military Instruction & College Dis.

      Fowler, Todd, Barker.

            - - Committee on Minutes of Executive Com.

      Marcum, Ramsey, Todd.

             Committee on Minutes of the Faculty.

      Todd, Feguson, Hager.

      The minutes of the Execultive Committee since the
last meeting of the Board were read and referred to the
Committee on the Minutes of the Executive Committee.


MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES,June 4, 1901 - page 34-35

      The minutes of the Board of Control were referred,
without reading, to the Committee on the Experiment

      The minutes of the Building Comm.ittee were read and
referred to a special Cornmittbee comrpsed of Jvdge Eradburn,
fager, and Parker.

      Mr. Stoll read his letter of resignation as a merber
of the Building.

      The minutes of the 1'aculty were referred to the
coimnittee o0a t'he tminutes onf the 'aolty.

      The President's report was read and referred to the
Committee on the Presidents report.

      The reports of the Treasurer and of the Business
Agent were referred, to the Committee on Finance, without

      After expressions of opirion by various members of
the Board of Trustees relative to the proposed dormitory
for young women, the following was offered with the request
that it be allowed to lay over until june 5th;

      " It is the sense of this Board that the Building
committee proceed to advertise for plans for the erection
of a building or dormitory for girls which shall provide
the maxium accommodation within the limits of the funds
at our disposal; viz $20000.Oo due regard being had
to comfort and security.

The Board then adjourned to meet at 9 A. M. June



Missing report(s)