xt776h4cp19p https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt776h4cp19p/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1992027 minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1992-02-apr7. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1992-02-apr7. 1992 2011 true xt776h4cp19p section xt776h4cp19p 

       Minutes of the Meeting of the Board of Trustees of the University
of Kentucky, Tuesday, April 7, 1992.

       The Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky met at 1:00
p.m. (Lexington time) on Tuesday, April 7, 1992 in the Board Room on the
18th floor of Patterson Office Tower on the Lexington Campus.

       A.    Meeting Opened and Roll Call

       In the absence of Mr. Foster Ockerman, Mr. William E. Burnett,
Vice Chairman, called the meeting to order at 1:00 p.m., and the
invocation was pronounced by Professor Raymond F. Betts.

       The following members of the Board of Trustees answered the call
of the roll: Mrs. Kay Shropshire Bell, Professor Raymond F. Betts,
Professor Carolyn S. Bratt, Mr. William E. Burnett, Jr., Mr. Scott A.
Crosbie, Mrs. Edythe Jones Hayes, Mr. Asa L. Hord, Dr. Robert P.
Meriwether, Professor Judith Rhoads, Mr. James L. Rose, Mr. C. Frank
Shoop, Mrs. Marian Moore Sims, Chief Justice Robert F. Stephens, Mr.
William B. Sturgill, Mr. Daniel C. Ulmer, Jr. Mr. Billy B. Wilcoxson,
and Former Governor Wallace G. Wilkinson. Absent from the meeting were
Dr. Jack D. Foster, Mr. Foster Ockerman and Judge Henry R. Wilhoit, Jr.
The University administration was represented by President Charles T.
Wethington, Jr.; Chancellors Peter P. Bosomworth and Ben Carr, Jr.; Vice
Presidents Joseph T. Burch, Edward A. Carter, Donald B. Clapp, Linda J.
Magid and Eugene R. Williams; Dr. Juanita Fleming, Special Assistant to
the President for Academic Affairs; Mr. C. M. Newton, Athletics
Director, and Mr. John Darsie, Legal Counsel.

       Members of the News media were also in attendance. A quorum
being present, Mr. Burnett declared the meeting officially open for the
conduct of business at 1:04 p.m.

       B.    Minutes Approved

       On motion made by Mrs. Sims, seconded by Mr. Shoop and passed,
the Minutes of the March 3, 1992 meeting of the Board of Trustees were
approved as written.

       C.    President's Report to the Trustees (PR 1)

       In reviewing his "Report to the Trustees, President Wethington
said there were many good, positive things to report. He called
particular attention to the following items:

       1.    The University has set another record for private giving.
             Donations from all sources in the 1991 calendar year were
             $27,899,319, a 4 1/2 percent increase over 1990's $26.7

       2.    The Commonwealth Library Campaign has exceeded $14.4
             million. By mid-March, more than 66 percent of the
             faculty, staff and retirees of the University had
             contributed to the campaign. President Wethington said
             that he was delighted with the response from the University
             community to this campaign.


- 2 -

      3.    The College of Medicine was ranked seventh among
            comprehensive medical schools in the United States in an
            annual survey released by U.S. News and World Report

      4.    The University's debate team was runner-up in the novice
            debaters national championship in March at Northwestern

      5.    The College of Medicine has received a $2.5 million grant
            from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation to institute
            changes in physician education. This grant will fund
            efforts to produce physicians who are closely attuned to
            patient care and capable of managing the ethical and
            financial decisions created by the rapid advances in
            medical care technology.

      6.    The Art Museum has received one of the most remarkable
             private art collections in the United States, the Proskauer
             Collection. The collection is a major gift to the
             University from the estate of the late George and Susan

       7.   The University will dedicate a new College of Business and
             Economics building addition and major renovation effort on
             April 10. This ceremony marks the end of a major project
             that included construction of a three-story annex and
             remodeling of the existing structure.

      8.    Pulitzer Prize-winning historian Arthur M. Schlesinger, Jr.
            will deliver the 11th Annual Prichard Lecture on April 8 at
            the Singletary Center Recital Hall.

       9.    Carolyn S. Bratt, a law professor and member of the Board
             of Trustees, has been selected for an American Council on
             Education fellowship. She will spend a year working
             closely with the University administration.

      10.   Ashland and Hazard community colleges are now part of the
             University's interactive video system that allows students
             to take graduate-level courses in such areas as
             engineering, mining engineering, education and medicine
             taught from the University's campus.

       President Wethington asked that the members review the other
items in his report at their leisure.

       As a part of the "President's Report," President Wethington
briefed the Board on the status of the University's budget. He reminded
the Board of the state government budget cuts in 1991 and reviewed steps
taken by the University for handling its portion of the budget cut. He
reported that each chancellor and vice president developed plans for his
review for managing these cash problems and several measures had been
put into place to assure these plans are carried out.


- 3 -

       President Wethington reported that Governor Brereton Jones had
proposed another reduction for 1992-93, noting that the University
System's budget would have an $11.5 million reduction. He said that
this is an extremely difficult budget cut, particularly on top of the
1991 reduction.  It will have a significant negative impact on the
University. Cuts of this magnitude can be devastating, but it does give
the University an opportunity to re-examine itself. Through a series of
slides, he reviewed the budget cut figures and explained the
University's problems that would be dealt with in 1992-93.

       He informed the Board that he had released a statement to the
University's employees indicating the objective to implement the second
round of cuts in the least damaging manner. He said that top priority
would continue to be placed on protecting the instruction, research and
service programs, employees' jobs and salaries. He noted that the
reduction plan would be developed with the full participation of the
chancellors, vice presidents, deans, department chairs, university
administrators, faculty and staff.

       In conclusion, President Wethington said that the purpose of the
presentation was to show the Board that the budget cuts are real, they
are severe budget cuts, they are recurring, and the budget base of the
institution will be significantly lower on July 1, 1992. A part of the
plan and strategy during 1992-93 is to do a major review of the
Strategic Plan. Administrators, faculty and staff across the
institution will be involved in the process. He noted that his staff
would be preparing a budget to submit to the Board for consideration and
approval at its June meeting.

       D.    Personnel Actions (PR 2)

       With President Wethington so recommending, on motion made by Mr.
Crosbie, seconded by Mr. Shoop and passed, the routine personnel actions
in PR 2 were approved. (See PR 2 at the end of the Minutes.)

       E.    University Research Professorships (PR 3A)

       President Wethington stated he was pleased to recommend that the
Board approve the naming of Professors Brian J. Dendle, Department of
Spanish and Italian; Don A. Howard, Department of Philosophy; Keh-Fei
Liu, Department of Physics and Astronomy; and Steven W. Yates,
Department of Chemistry, as University Research Professors for 1992-93.
Mr. Ulmer moved approval. The motion was seconded by Professor Betts
and carried. Professors Dendle and Liu were in attendance. They were
asked to stand and be recognized following which they received a round
of applause. (See PR 3A at the end of the Minutes.)

       F.    Honorary Degree Recipients (PR 3B)

       President Wethington indicated his pleasure in recommending that
approval be granted to awarding the honorary degree of Doctcr of Science
to Claire Louise Caudill and the Doctor of Letters to Guy M. Davenport,
Jr. The motion, which was made by Mr. Sturgill and seconded by Mrs.
Sims, was voted on and carried unanimously. (See PR 3B at the end of
the Minutes.)


- 4 -

       G.    Associate Degree Program in the Community College System -
Somerset Community College (PR 4A)

       On recommendation of President Wethington, Professor Rhoads moved
that the Board authorize for submission to the Council on Higher
Education a new degree program, Associate Degree in Applied Science, Law
Enforcement Technology, for the Somerset Community College. The motion
was seconded by Dr. Meriwether and passed. (See PR 4A at the end of the

       H.    Associate Degree Program in the Community College System -
Southeast Community College (PR 4B)

       President Wethington recommended that the Board authorize for
submission to the Council on Higher Education a new degree program,
Associate Degree in Applied Science, Respiratory Care, for the Southeast
Community College. Mr. Crosbie moved approval. His motion, seconded by
Dr. Meriwether, passed. (See PR 4B at the end of the Minutes.)

       I.   Naming of University Building (PR 4C)

       President Wethington recommended that the Board approve the name
Henry A. Campbell, Jr. Science Building for the new Prestonsburg
Community College Science Building. He noted that Dr. Campbell served
as President of Prestonsburg Community College for 27 years and was
committed to making Prestonsburg Community College an excellent
institution of higher education in the eastern Kentucky area. The
motion, which was made by Mr. Shoop and seconded by Mrs. Sims, carried.
(See PR 4C at the end of the Minutes.)

       J.    Appointments/Reappointments to University of Kentucky
Equine Research Foundation (PR 5A)

       With President Wethington so recommending, Mr. Shoop moved that
the Board approve the appointments of Mr. Duncan Alexander and Mr. John
Williams and the reappointments of Mrs. Margaret Brady Glass and Sheikh
Maktoum Bin Rashid Al Maktoum as members to the Board of Directors of
the University of Kentucky Equine Research Foundation for four-year
terms. The motion, seconded by Mr. Wilcoxson, passed. (See PR 5A at
the end of the Minutes.)

       K.    Change in Degree and Major Title (PR 5B) and Change in
Degree in Major Title (PR 5C)

       President Wethington asked that PR 5B and PR 5C be considered
together. He recommended that the Board approve the following changes
in degrees and titles in the College of Human Environmental Sciences:

       Designs and Textiles from B.A. in Housing and Interior Design,
       major Housing and Design, to B.A. in Interior Design, major
       Interior Design, and

       Design and Textiles from Master of Arts in Textiles to Master of
       Science in Merchandising, Apparel and Textiles.


- 5 -

       On motion made by Mrs. Sims and seconded by Mr. Wilcoxson, the
changes in degrees and major titles passed. (See PR 5B and 5C at the
end of the Minutes.)

       L.   Acceptance of Interim Financial Report for the University
of Kentucky for the Eight Months Ended February 29, 1992 (FCR 1)

       Mr. Burnett, Vice Chairman of the Finance Committee, recommended
that the Board accept the University of Kentucky consolidated financial
report for the eight months ended February 29, 1992. Dr. Meriwether
moved approval of FCR 1. The motion, seconded by Mrs. Hayes, carried.
(See FCR 1 at the end of the Minutes.)

       M.    Appointment of External Auditor (FOR 2)

       Mr. Burnett recommended that the Board engage the firm of Coopers
& Lybrand, Certified Public Accountants, to perform the annual
independent audits of the University of Kentucky and Affiliated
Corporations for the fiscal years ending June 30, 1992-95, for an
initial fee, including expenses, of not more that $94,400. Mrs. Hayes
moved approval. Her motion was seconded by Mr. Wilcoxson and passed.
(See FCR 2 at the end of the Minutes.)

       N.    Designation of Banks (FCR 3)

       With the concurrence of the Finance Committee, Mr. Burnett
recommended and Mr. Shoop moved that the Board designate
CommerceNational Bank, Lexington, Kentucky, as a depository bank and
First National Bank of Ashland, Ashland, Ohio as a disbursement bank for
the University of Kentucky and its affiliated corporations. The motion,
seconded by Mrs. Sims, carried. (See FCR 3 at the end of the Minutes.)

       0.    1991-92 Budget Revisions (FCR 4)

       On motion made by Mr. Rose, seconded by Mr. Hord and carried, the
routine revisions in the 1991-92 budget were authorized and approved.
(See FCR 4 at the end of the Minutes.)

       P.    Patent Assignment (FCR 5)

       On motion made by Mr. Wilcoxson, seconded by Mr. Sturgill and
passed, the Board authorized the President to execute an assignment on
behalf of the Board of Trustees to the University of Kentucky Research
Foundation of the following Letters of Patent of the United States and
the invention represented thereby: John M. Stencel and Francis J.
Derbyshire, Serial No. (to be assigned), filed February 28, 1992. (See
FCR 5 at the end of the Minutes.)

       Q.    Establishment of a Quasi-Endowment for the Mining
Engineering Foundation Professorship (FQR 6)

       Mr. Burnett entertained a motion .by Mr. Rose that the Board
approve the establishment of a quasi-endowment fund for the Mining
Engineering Foundation Professorship in the College of Engineering,
Department of Mining Engineering, at a sum of no less than $100,000


- 6 -

which shall be funded from income generated through the University of
Kentucky Mining Engineering Foundation and its Mining Engineering
Foundation Development Fund. The motion, seconded by Mr. Sturgill,
carried. (See FCR 6 at the end of the Minutes.)

       R.    Robinson Forest Income Policy  (FCR 7)

       On the recommendation of the Finance Committee, Mr. Burnett
recommended that the policy statement, areas of emphasis, and
expenditure plan contained in FCR 7 be adopted to guide the University
administration in the use of funds received from the leasing of coal
reserves and logging of timber in the outlying tracts of Robinson
Forest. Dr. Meriwether moved approval of the recommendation. The
motion, seconded by Mr. Sturgill, carried. (See FCR 7 at the end of the

       S.    Report on Investment Manager Selection

       Mr. Wilcoxson, Chairman of the Investment Committee, reported
that the Committee had engaged in a comprehensive review of objectives,
policies and management of endowment investments during the past year.

       He said that the policy formulation phase of the investment
planning review was completed last December with the assistance of a
consultant, Cambridge Associates, and University staff. As a result of
the review, the Investment Committee adopted policies intended to
achieve the primary objective of preserving the purchasing power of
endowment assets and related revenue stream over time (that is, to
preserve the real, or inflation-adjusted value of assets so as to evenly
allocate support between future and current beneficiaries of the

       Mr. Wilcoxson said that in order to support the primary objective
of preserving endowment value over time, the Committee decided upon the
following changes:

    - to consolidate endowment assets into a single investment pool
       with equities (common stocks) the dominant asset class,

    - establish a long-term asset allocation range of 60-70% equities
       and 30-40% fixed income securities (to be reviewed quarterly by
       the Investment Committee),

    - establish a spending policy of 5% of average market value
       (previous 36 months), and

    - employ multiple investment managers to gain specialization and
       diversification of investment philosophies.

       He said that these changes will focus on long-term growth of
assets and maintenance of endowment value.

       He reported that the University requested proposals from a large
list of prospective investment managers and 26 firms responded by
submitting proposals. The proposals were screened using evaluation


- 7 -

criteria established by the Committee and nine firms were selected as
finalists. The finalists were invited to make presentations to the Committee,
which took place on March 24 and 25. The following firms were selected to
serve the University as investment managers for a three-year period beginning
July 1, 1992:

       National Asset Management       -Fixed Income Manager
       Hilliard and Lyons              -Equity Growth Manager
       National Asset Management       -Equity Value Manager

       Mr. Wilcoxson concluded his remarks by saying that the hiring of
investment managers will complete the Investment Planning review. The
objectives and policies adopted by the Investment Committee are intended to
protect the real value of the endowment and maintain the purchasing power of
the annual income distributions.

       T.    Wallace G. Wilkinson's Comments

       Governor Wilkinson presented a document outlining issues and
recommendations that, in his opinion, need to be addressed by the Board. He
welcomed any suggestions in terms of items for discussion and items related to
issues that might be added to the document. He said that he hoped the Board
would begin a comprehensive look at the need for reform in higher education.
He reviewed the issues that he felt the Board needs to deal with: rising
costs, high drop out rates, the need to better account for the use of both the
human and financial resources and the lack of emphasis on the importance of
teaching. He said that the Board has the responsibility for determining
whether or nct the institution is prepared to meet the challenges of the
future. The Board can ignore the issues, set them aside and hope that they
will go away, or begin to find ways that the University can meet the immediate

       Governor Wilkinson said that, in his opinion, the Board would never see
in the immediate future another time like the biennium of 1990 where higher
education was afforded an additional $220 million and the community colleges
were funded on somewhat a parity level with the four-year institutions in the
state. He asked the members of the Board to read and comment on his document
and deem whether or not the issues are worthy of consideration, debate, and
further study. If the Board thinks the issues are worthy, he asked that they
be put on the agenda for the May meeting for consideration, and further debate.

       Mr. Burnett thanked Governor Wilkinson for his comments. He said that
he agreed wholeheartedly with the Governor in that the problems cannot be
ignored. The Board must address the problems. He pointed out that it is
important for the Board to understand that a lot of the things in Governor
Wilkinson's document are already underway in the University. He then
recognized President Wethington for his comments on Governor Wilkinson's

       U.    President Wethington's Comments

       President Wethington said that it is entirely appropriate that the
matter be referred to the administration for review of the plans already in
place and any plans for revising those plans. He noted that a good bit of the
recommendations in Governor Wilkinson's document are addressed in the
University's Strategic Plan which the Board approved in 1989 and again in 1991


- 8 -

with revisions. He said that the administration is already pursuing the goals
in the Plan, and the Board has looked to the administration to define and
implement the plans. President Wethington said that he hoped Governor
Wilkinson would continue to support these planning efforts to set the
direction for the University.

       President Wethington reported that increased emphasis on teaching and
the total undergraduate experience are high priorities in the Strategic Plan.
The faculty have supported these efforts to provide increased emphasis and
rewards for teaching and are supporting the efforts to become an even more
student-centered institution.

       He emphasized, however, that by statute the University of Kentucky is
the principal graduate and research university in the Commonwealth. The
current Plan addresses the need to continue to enhance the graduate,
professional and research programs. It also addresses the statewide service
role of the University. Kentuckians expect the University of Kentucky to
serve the entire state.

       He said that the Board had approved the University's plans to support
the implementation of the Kentucky Education Reform Act and to support
economic public service and rural health initiatives which respond to the
needs of the Commonwealth and which are critical elements in the University's
Plan. He noted that the administration has already begun to make progress
toward its goals.

       President Wethington said that he could think of no valid reason for
the Board to change the process or schedule for addressing the goals in the
Strategic Plan. The schedule already calls for a major effort to review and
revise, where necessary, that Plan during the 1992-93 academic year. He said
that suggestions by Governor Wilkinson or any other Board member would be
carefully considered as the Plan is reviewed during 1992-93. He said that he
would be pleased to make a report in May to the Board on the progress in
implementing the Strategic Plan and would comment on how Governor Wilkinson's
issues fit into the Strategic Plan for the University.

       Mr. Burnett thanked President Wethington for his comments and said that
the Board would look forward to his report in May.

       V.    Meeting Adjourned

       There being no further business to come before the Board, the meeting
adjourned at 1:52 p.m.

                                        Respectfully submitted,

                                        Edythe Jones Hayes
                                        Board of Trustees

(PR's 2, 3A, 3B, 4A, 4B, 4C, 5A, 5B, and 5C; and FCR's 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7
which follow are official parts of the Minutes of the meeting.)



                                               Office of the President
                                               April 7, 1992


Members, Board of Trustees:

                          PERSONNEL ACTIONS

Recommendation: that approval be given to the attached appointments,
actions and/or other staff changes which require Board action; and
that the report relative to appointments and/or changes already
approved by the administration be accepted.

Background: The attached recommended appointments and/or other staff
changes require approval by the Board of Trustees in accordance with
Part VIII-B of the Governing Regulations of the University. These
recommendations are transmitted to the Board by the appropriate
chancellor through the President and have the President's concurrence.

Under the Governing Regulations, the authority to make certain
appointments and/or other staff changes is delegated to the President
or other administrators who are required to report their actions to
the Board. These items of report follow the recommendations requiring
Board approval.

Action taken:  Approved

Disapproved          Other

Date: April 7, 1992




                          CENTRAL ADMINISTRATION



                  Graduate School

                  Bruce, Eugene N., Professor (with tenure), Center for
                      Biomedical Engineering, effective 8/16/91.

                  St. Clair, Daret, Assistant Professor (without tenure),
                      Graduate Center for Toxicology, 12/1/91 through


                  University Computing Services

                  Tannenbaum, Robert S., appointed Director of Academic
                      Computing Services, effective 8/21/91.


                  University Libraries

                  Linneman, Mark A., reappointment to Librarian II
                      (without tenure), Law Library, and Associate
                      Professor, College of Law, effective 7/1/92 through

          D. RETIREMENTS

                  Employee Benefits and Risk Management

                  Cottle, Mexie M., Disabled Staff, Employee Benefits
                      and Risk Management, after 13.5 years of
                      service, under AR II-1.6-1 Section III.B,
                      effective 7/31/92.

                  Cottrell, Robert, Disabled Staff, Employee Benefits
                      and Risk Management, after 26.5 years
                      of service, under AR II-1.6-1 Section III.B,
                      effective 3/31/92.

                  Farmer, William O., Disabled Staff, Employee Benefits
                      and Risk Management, after 22.5 years
                      of service, under AR II-1.6-1 Section III.B,
                      effective 3/31/92.



                 Lovin, James A., Disabled Staff, Employee Benefits
                     and Risk Management, after 25.0 years of
                     service, under AR II-1.6-1 Section III.B,
                     effective 6/30/92.

                 Pavia, Rose A., Disabled Staff, Employee Benefits
                     and Risk Management, after 19.75 years of
                     service, under AR II-1.6-1 Section III.B,
                     effective 5/31/92.

                 Travis, Howard, Disabled Staff, Employee Benefits
                     and Risk Management, after 28.5 years
                     of service, under AR II-1.6-1 Section III.B,
                     effective 3/31/92.

                 Office of the President

                 Royster, Wimberly C., Professor/Special Assistant
                     to the President, after 36 consecutive years of
                     service, under AR II-1.6-1 Section III.B,
                     effective 6/30/92.



                 Graduate Center for Biomedical Engineering

                 Brown, David R., Assistant Research Professor, Center for
                     Biomedical Engineering, 1/1/92 through 6/30/92.

                 University Libraries

                 Bowling, Lewis P., reappointment to Librarian III
                      (without tenure), Music Library, effective 7/1/92
                      through 6/30/93.

                 Brown, Judith M., reappointment to Librarian III
                      (without tenure), Circulation Department, effective
                      7/1/92 through 6/30/93.

                 Burch, Susan G., reappointment to Librarian III (without
                      tenure), Law Library, effective 7/1/92 through

                 Hecker, Thomas E., reappointment to Librarian III
                      (without tenure), Reference Department, effective
                      7/1/92 through 6/30/93.

                 Hodge, Daniel H., reappointment to Librarian III
                      (without tenure), Architecture Library, effective
                      7/1/92 through 6/30/93.



       Hogg, Gordon E., reappointment to Librarian III (without
            tenure), Cataloging Department, effective 7/1/92
            through 6/30/93.

       Jenkins, Vincel K., reappointment to Librarian III
            (without tenure), Cataloging Department, effective
            7/1/92 through 6/30/93.

       Jones, Reinette F., reappointment to Librarian III
            (without tenure), Communications Reading Room,
            effective 7/1/92 through 6/30/93.

       Razeeq, Michael A., reappointment to Librarian III
            (without tenure), Engineering Library, effective
            7/1/92 through 6/30/93.

        Savage, Stephen M., reapppointment to Librarian III
            (without tenure), Periodicals/Newspapers/Microtexts
            Department, effective 7/1/92 through 6/30/93.

       Vaughn, Sarah C., reappointment to Librarian III
            (without tenure), Extension, effective 7/1/92 through

        Byars, Susan A., reappointment to Librarian IV (without
            tenure), Equine Center Library, effective 7/1/92
            through 6/30/93.

        Ford, Harriet L., reappointment to Librarian IV (without
            tenure), Social Work Reading Room, effective 7/1/92
            through 6/30/93.

        Hatfield, Deborah S., reapppointment to Librarian IV
            (without tenure), LexMark Technical Library,
            effective 7/1/92 through 6/30/93.

        House, Thomas M., reappointment to Librarian IV (without
            tenure), Special Collections Department, effective
            7/1/92 through 6/30/93.

        Moseley, Julia C., reappointment to Librarian IV
            (without tenure), Mathematical Sciences Library,
            effective 7/1/92 through 6/30/93.


        TJniversity Libraries

        Buckland, Gillian M., from Librarian IV to Librarian III,
            King Library, Reference Department, 7/1/92 through



Cantagallo, Carla A., from Librarian IV to Librarian III,
    King Library, Reference Department, 7/1/92 through

Johnson, Margaret D., from Librarian IV to Librarian III,
     Chemistry/Physics Library, 7/1/92 through 6/30/93.

Molinaro, Mary H., from Librarian IV to Librarian III,
    Computing Labs, 7/1/92 through 6/30/93.

Whayne, Laura L., from Librarian IV to Librarian III,
    Kentucky Transportation Center, 7/1/92 through

Wilson, Patricia S., from Librarian IV to Librarian III,
    Agriculture Library, 7/1/92 through 6/30/93.





                           COMMUNITY COLLEGE SYSTEM



                  Hazard Community College

                  Reed, Ronald S., Assistant Professor in the Community
                        College System, Chairman, Division of Humanities,
                        Social Sciences & Related Technologies, 7/1/92 through


                  Ashland Community College

                  Conley, Opal S., Professor in the Community College System
                        (with tenure), following 33 consecutive years of
                        service, (under AR II-1.6-1 Section III.C.3),
                        effective 5/31/92.
                  Goodale, Jane M., Associate Professor in the Community
                        College System (with tenure), following 5 consecutive
                        years of service, (under AR II-1.6-1 Section III.C.3),
                        effective 6/30/92.


                  Jefferson Community College

                  Moore, James T., CC Academic/Placement Officer, following 22
                        consecutive years of service, (under AR II-1.6-1
                        Section III.A.2), effective 6/30/92.


                  Owensboro Community College

                  Lacefield, Arch S., CC Evening and Weekend Coordinator,