xt776h4cp32p https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt776h4cp32p/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 19260319 newspapers sn89058402 English Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, March 19, 1926 text The Kentucky Kernel, March 19, 1926 1926 2012 true xt776h4cp32p section xt776h4cp32p FRATERNITIES, BEWARE ! SOMEONE HAS TAKEN A LIKING TO SHIELDS OP VARIOUS FRATS. THE KENTUCKY KERNEL f I i i DON'T ORIPE BECAUSE THE LE(J. ISLATURE KILLED OUR RILL UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY VOL. XVI TAKE YOUR MEDICINE I LEXINGTON, KY., MARCH 19, 1920 NO. 22 LEGISLATURE KILLS UNIVERSITY BILL ELECTS Nine Fraternities and Sororities JENKINS CHOSEN OFFICERS FOR Have Shields Stolen Off Houses CAPTAIN OF U. K. YEAR KERNEL ENSUING John Bullock, Niel Plummer and named James Shropshire 1926-2- 7 Executives of n Student Paper Delta Tau Delta and Tri Delt Are First To Miss Emblems Wednesday Morning; Several Do Not Know of Loss Until Informed by Kernel; Seven More Report Thefts by Thursday Noon Mystery, intrigue, dire threats, and What will be the final outcome? Who can solve the enigma? Youthful correspondence detec tives, would-b- e Sherlock Holmes, and university cadets, here is the opportunity to cover your name with everlasting fame. In addition the Kentucky Kernel will award one (1) 99 per cent pure castor oil lollypop to the sucessful detective. Here, Watson, are the detail in brief. Up to press time late Thursday a total of six sorority and three fraternity house shields had mysteriously disappeared from their usual abiding place on the front of the domiciles. Sometime in the weird darkness of the dead of night Wednesday and Thursday the lurking blackhand reached out and snatched away the emblems of the orders. First Shield Missed Wednesday Twas early Wednesday morning! TAKE OFFICE ON APRIL 17 the climax? All Are Chosen by Acclamation Succeed J. A. Estes, A. H. Morris and Jack Warren ; long-await- At the annual election of officers Kernel, weekly Student publication of the University ' of Kentucky, held in rroi. unocn ' Grehan's recitation room at 12 o'clock last Monday, John R. Bullock, Jr., of Covington, Ky., a sophomore in the College of Arts and Sciences, Niel was named Plnmmer, of Lexington, also a sopho more in the College of Arts and Sciences, managing editor, and James snropsnire, aiso oi iexingion, iresn- man in the College of Arts and " Sciences, business manager. These men will take charge of the paper on April 17, the present staff retiring on that date. Mr. Bullock will succeed J. A. Estes, present and also city ,editsr of the Lexington Herald; Mr, Plummer will fill the office now being held by A. H. Morris as managing editor and Mr. Shropshire will succeed Jack Warren as business manager. Rest of Staff Appointed All other members of the staff for House at 280 South Limestone next year, including those of the adBought Fiom J. T. Jackson vertising department, will be appointFor $&),000; Will Acman-- , ed by the new commodate 30 Men aging editor and business manager. F$- - vfor The Kentucky 44-1- editor-in-chie- f: that the first theft became known. At that time respective members of the Tri Delt sorority and the Delta Tau fraternity, rising early and thrusting out their cephalic appendages to greet the spring morning dis covered to their dismay that their bo loved Greek-lettplates had vanish ed. A hasty consultation producing no evidence, special meetings were called by both chapters. Alas, to no avail for it was ascertained that no good sister or brother had removed them and taken them to bed with them. That was bad enough but Thursday morning the returns were even more dismal. At that time five more sororities and two fraternities discovered to their dismay that their shields had disappeared. And strange to relate, most of the losers were ignorant of their loss until informed of it by an absent-minded- 1927 "K" CERTIFICATES GIVEN Carey, Retiring Captain, Presented Silver Trophy by Mayor Yancey Paul Jenkins, former Louisville Manual flash and now a member of Kentucky's athletic teams, was elect ed captain of the Wildcat basketball team for next year, at the annual Lexington alumni club luncheon held last Saturday at the Lafayette hotel in honor of Kentucky's net players, coach, athletic directors and friends. persons were presAbout thirty-fiv- e ent for th luncheon, which was presided over by Miss Marguerite McLaughlin, president of the alumni club. "Daddy" Awards "Ks" S. A. "Daddy" Boles, presented "K" Attention, n, dressed-for-ac'tio- editor-in-chie- f, A. D. S. PLEDGES EIGHT NEW MEN ROMANY ACTORS TO GIVE COMEDY co-e- mid-wa- y Prize of Omega Kir-wa- Hig-gin- s, The Lost Dou-thit- Junior Prom Tonight Attendance Records Are Broken at Eighth Annual High School Tourney; Overturned Meet Dope Bucket semi-final- s, Graduates' Theses Are Due Before April Lecture semi-fina- m.7 - - Today and Tomorrow Seniors will have an opportunity to order invitations for the Election Held Last Saturday at Luncheon Given by Alumni Association in Honor of 1926 Team editor-in-chi- ' Invitations May Bo Obtained NET TEAM (CONTINUED ON PAGE EIGHT) certificates to the following players, who will receive the regulation "K" sweaters: Charles Alberts, of Winchester; Burgess Carey, of Lexington; Paul Jenkins, of Lousville; Gayle Co-ed- s! Mohney, of Lexington; Henry Besu-deof Winchester; Lovell UnderProcure Your Tickets for the wood, of Lexington; and James Girls Banquet at Once of Lexington. Mayor Hogan Yancey addressed the Tickets for the girls banquet, to assembly and presented a silver tro be given at the Phoenix hotel, n phy of a basketball March 25, must be procured at player to Burgess Carey, captain of once. The plates will be $1 and all the 1926 five, which startled the South girls are cordially invited and urged to be present. Tickets may (CONTINUED ON PAGE EIGHT) DECORATE INTERIOR ON PAGE EIGHT) T O (CONTINUED be obtained from any of the folIn a transaction completed Wednes-- 1 lowing: Miss Franke, Willy King, Pearl Martin, Georgia Rouse, or day afternoon, Sigma Beta Xi, a local fraternity on the campus, purchased the following class secretaries: Grace Davis, Mary Lyle, Dorothy a home at 280 South Limestone street estimated to cost $30,000, from J. T. Chapman, or Maud VanBuskirk. Jackson, biiijder and contractor. Thq This is the first time that such an affair has been held for the "M r s. Gorringe's Honorary Journalistic Fratern-it- y house is now, undergonig improve Necklace," ments to the approximate extent of girls of the university and it is Holds Services in Ken- Sparkling Success by Henry A hoped that every $3,400. One of the outstanding im who can tuccian Office ; History Herbert Davies, is Selection provements will be a tiled terrace and find it possible, will attend as of Society Is Given For Production The handsome colonial entrance. elaborate plans are being arranged "house contains 15 large rooms which for the occasion. INITIATION TO BE SOON are. floored with hardwood and finished TO BE GIVEN NEXT WEEK with mahogany and cherry. This will Pledging services of the Henry make comfortable accomodations for "Mrs. Gorringe's Necklace," tho Watterson chapter of Alpha Delta from twenty-fiv- e to thirty men. The Economics $25 sparkling comedy success by Henry Davit's, which is to be presented by Sigma, national honorary, journalistic location is between the uni- Offered By Chi fraternity, were held in the Kentuck-ia- n the Romany players the entire week Monday afternoon at (CONTINUED ON PAGE EIGHT) office of March 22, includes several univerAward Given To Girl Making sity students in the cast. "Ab" 3 o'clock, and eight men were given U. K. football star, has become Best Grade in Principles the pledge ribbons of the fraternity. Hope Those pledged were: Edgar a star of the footlights. He takes the Of Economics t, Sladen part of an English colonel, and it Lawton Stokley, The Ch iOmega sorority offers an- seems that he is to have as great Paul Porter, LaLwrence Mar- College Greeks Must Pay Taxes on Their Houses Stanley Royse, Frank Brown, nually a prize of $25 to any girl mak- success on the stage as he did on the shall, r ing the highest grade for the entire football field. and Joseph Palmer. Requirements All hopes of the college Greeks for year, in principles membership into Alpha Delta for of economiqs. Addison teaman, university freshSigma are based on reasonable knowl- a chance to save a few sheckels It is for the purpose of promoting man from Henderson, will take the edge of the newspaper profession and through the magnamity of the Ken- interest among women students in a part of David. He will be rememberin a special inclination toward thoso tucky legislaturetaxes exempting them subject which they are taking a more ed for the remarkably good work he on fraternity and qualities which make for the highest from paying more prominent part. did in "Candida" at the 'Romany Jast houses, were dashed into obscurity respect of truth and fairness of the The prize is to be awarded in fall. While this play is entirely difwhen the lower house of the legisla-- , printed word. June by a committee composed of the ferent from Candida, it offers even Short talks were made by War- ture killed the Howard bill Monday president, secretary, and treasurer of greater scope for Mr. Yeaman's talren A. Price, president of the fratern- night, March 15. The Howard bill, the fraternity. This committee will ent. ity, and Kenneth H. Gregory, secre- incidentally, provided for the exempt- inquire of the several instructors Contains Much Humor tary, the latter giving the history of ing of college fraternities from tax- teaching economics concerning the While the centers of culture welation. the fraternity since its organization quality of work done by women v his come any opportunity to laugh over at the University of Missouri in 1913. Representative Keller, of Christian subject. chapter is county, is said to have brought defeat The Henry Watterson It is one of the national policies of (CONTINUED ON PAGE EIGHT) the second oldest of 1G other chapters to the hopes of the Greeks when he the fraternity to award a prize in Initiation serv- - made a violent attack on the fra- economics in in the United States. order to stimulate an internities in general, and especially terest for it in women. For the past (CONTINUED ON PAGE EIGHT) those located at the university. ten years Chi Omega has fostered the Brilliant Social Affair Will Be study of economics. In Men's Gymnasium Doctor Wiest, Dean of the College One ofi the most brilliant social of Economics, said, "Women are not usually inclined to elect economics, affairs of the season will be the yet they 'are more and more called Junior Prom which will be given toupon to tako action in matters of cit- night, from 9 until 1 o'clock, in the Is in izenship, and as much as they have men's gymnasium. the right to vote they ought to unThe Hotel Alms orchestra, from state tournament for the first time derstand economic questions. There- Cincinnati, Ohio, is to furnish the (By KYLE WHITEHEAD) with doubts at to their ability to last fore, I think it very splendid that Chi music for the event and the favors The eighth annual high school bas- until the handed the Lex- Omega stimulate interest in this sub- are to be leather date books. The Prom is to be chaperoned by ketball tournament sponsored by the ington Blue Devils their first defeat ject." the deans of the various colleges, athletic association of the university in 25 games and only one of the Coach and Mrs. Fred J. Murphy, and assisted by the SuKy circle, was season. This victory for tho CathMiss Margie McLaughlin. brought to a triumphant close last olic team came as a blow to Lexington 1 Saturdav night when .the St. Xavier fans, for they considered tho local team won the state laurel over the boys as state champions in every way Today Sax Admirals of Danville, after both but name. Those Expecting To Graduate V strong contendteams had defeated In June Urged To Get "Wonder Team" Meets Defeat Dr. Durton Speaks in Patt Hall ers and favoru,es in the previous two Records 0. K.d the old gymnasium the same bit at 3:30 O'clock play, The girls' champion- of Inhistory was days of when two enacted ship was claimed by the Maysville "dark hores" in the girls' division won A meeting of the Graduate club was Under the auspices of the J. B. quintet after a decisive victory over their way to tho finals. The "wonder called by Dean Funkhouser on Satur- Sax lecture fund, Dr. Richard Burton, Henderson. team" from Georgetown failed to per- day, March 13, at 12 o'clock in tho of Englewood, N. J., is giving the last All Dupe Upset form and gave way to the Henderson Little theatre. of a series of two lectures at PatterThe outcome of the 1920 tourna- girls, while Maysville flouted West Dean Funhouser asked that all son hall at 3:30 o'clock today. The ment brought many surprises to bas- Louisville. The finals of the girls' thoso who are expecting to graduate first one' was given yesterday and ketball fans who were following the games was played in the men's gym- in June call at his office and tho reg. ' was on the subject of "Mark Twain, progress of the contest. The dope nasium Saturday afternoon. istrar'a to make sure that all records as a Neighbor Saw Him." The secDuring tho progress of th tourn- are O. K. Commencement will take, ond and last of the series, to be given bucket ws not only upset but was e down in the ament, officials who hud cli irgo of place on May 31. Therefore tho ten- this afternoon is "Joseph Conrud, Inturned completely op Friday night, The lit- tho procedure, commended at times tative thesis should be in the hand's' terpreter of Seas and Souls." Danville, considered the sportsmanship und cleanliness of of the major professor not later than tle Admirals of Dr. Burton is a lecturer of national opening of tho tournament as tho entrants. That fair play was a April 1, and the thesis completed by reputation, and his appearance here at the only another entry, fought tho favored dominant characteristic feature of the April 20, Oral examinations for under the auspices of tho Sax lecture Ashlund boys to a standstill and nosed teams was evidenced when considera- thoso graduate students graduating in fund is an unusual opportunity for them out of the finals by u close ble difficulty was experienced in se- - June will bo held during the week of university students and Lexingtonians score. The heralded team from St. to hear a wonderful group of lectures. .Xavier, of Louisville, coming to the (CONTINUED ON PAGE EIGHT) (CONTINUED ON PAGE EIGHT) Everybody ia cordially invited. SIGMA BETA XI PURCHASE HOME Last Chance, Seniors! ddhJ VOTE 36 TO 40 TO DEFEAT BOND ISSUE FOR U. OF K. 1026 commencement exercises this afternoon or tomorrow morning in tho business office of the university. According to Joe Walter, chairman of the invitation committee of the senior class, this is positively the last chance seniors will have to se- cure invitations. This year there arc two kinds of invitations, one with leather and the other with cardboard back3. The booklets will be handsomely engraved and embossed. No limit is placed on the number any senior may secure, but all members of the graduating class are avdised to place their orders this afternoon or tomorrow morning. Otherwise it will be impossible for them to secure any invitation. Had Previously Been Passed by House; Measure, Amended by Senate, Does Not Carry on Second Balloting McVEV MAKES COMMENT Says He Does Not Condemn Any Alumnus Who Voted "No" On Proposition The $5,000,000 educational bond issue bill, $4,600,000 of which was to be given to the University of Kentucky, was killed by the lower house of the legislature Wednesday night by a 36 to 40 vote. The bill had previously been passed by the house but tho senate had stricken out certain BANQUET TO BE MARCH 25 CO-ED- 'S parts before Ever er U. K. SENIOR to come. The Women's Administrative Council is sponsoring the banquet and the president, Miss Eleanor Chen-au- lt Smith, will act as- - toastmistress. Girls, don't miss this party! You'll be sorry if you do! Come and sit with your class and show some spirit. (CONTINUED ON PAGE 1926-2- 7 EIGHT) To Elect A. Officers Soon Men's Organization Will Take Vote by Ballot First Part of April. The Y.M.C.A. of the University of Kentucky will hold its annual election of officers during the first part of April. The nominating committee, composed of James W. Russell, president; Prof. T. R. Bryant, J. A. Wein-gartne- r, John Owen, and Tom Whayne have submitted the following names for office: President Frank Melton, of Kevil. M. H. Crowderof Select. BEST IS SPEAKER Martha Reed Wins First Wo- men's Oratorical Contest Georgetown, Berea Tie for Second Place ; GETS UNANIMOUS VOTE Miss Martha Reed, of Marion, a senior in the College of Arts and Science, was the winner of the first women's oratorical contest ever held in the state at Dicker hall, Monday night when she contested against representatives from Georgetown and Berea. This gives to the university the distinction of having won both of the state oratorical contests, the one for men and the other for women. Miss Reed's oration was entitled, "Woman, the Enigma of the Ages," and she was unanimously chosen winner. There was a tie for second place between Miss Dorothy Hall, of Georgetown College, whose subject was "Prohibition and Law Enforcement," and. Miss Bertella Lee, of Berea, who spoke on "This Battle Must Be Won" a speech also pertaining to the prohibition question. Other colleges which could have entered the contest forfeited their rights, either because they had no representative to send, or because of illness, as the case of Transylvania J. R. Bullock Forrest Mercer. Secretary James W. May. Roy E. Proctor. College. Treasurer G. Titus Fenn. Judges for the contest were Dr. v George Fisher, of Georgetown; Prof. P. B. Turner. At the same election five men will W. II. Walker, of Berea, and' Prof. W. R. Southerland, of the University (CONTINUED ON PAGE EIGHT) of Kentucky. Chi Omega Fraternity Possesses Rare Antique in e Saloon Mirror; All They Lack Now Is a Brass Rail , 4, sending it back to the house. The changed bill did not meet the approval of the house members and the first ballot was sufficient to defeat it. The vote came up quickly after Speaker Drury had spent a moment figuring out how the senate had amended the bill. The house then Tickets Are Now On Sale for quietly concurred in the amendments First and the roll call followed immediately without debate, as follows: Held for University VOTING FOR THE BILL Women Berry, Berryman, Bowman, Lee TO BE AT PHOENIX HOTEL ClaYk, Cruse, Cushing, Daly, Dorman, Fowler, Gartin, Glen, Gnau, Harmon, Tickets are now on sale for the Hayse, S. K. Holland, E. M. Johnson, first annual woman's banquet of the Leslie, Lewis, Manning, Shelby MarUniversity of Kentucky, to be given tin, Meyers, Miller, JVIiliken, Moore, Thursday evening, March 25, in the Morris, Murphy, Park, Potter, Ryan; ballroom of the Phoenix hotel at fi o'clock. (CONTINUED ON PAGE EIGHT) This banquet is the first to be held at the university to which all women are invited, and this one is expected to set a precedent which will be followed enthusiastically in all the years Y.M.-Y.W.C.- a Old-Tim- (By LeROY SMITH) Bein' as I was so fortunate as to sneak into the office and catch our only physically fit typewriter in a state of repose, I sat down to cogitate and meditate and waited for an inspiration to come trippin' in. After so long a time, one arrived five foot two, eyes of blue, flat feet, and a lot of paint. Guess who? Well, I didn't know her, either, and sho didn't know me because she ast mo if I knew where I was or could be found. I explained that I was mo and if she hud any blackmail or scandal to contribute, we'd split tho commission. Seemed like she'd been down to the Chi Omega house and seen somethia' which was a cross between an outrage and an atrocity but die was so darn enthusiastic tell in me about how it affected her that I didn't get a chnnre to find out what it was. After kickin' the gas stove over and knockin' the telephone oil" the desk, she jumped up and said she had to make a class, ran around the room a couple of times, und neighed a farewell, leavin' me go down to the Kio house and see what was wrong. About the first thing I come across in the hall was a saloon mirror which was originally intended to hang behind a bar so the customer could look at himself an' if he was seein' double, he'd buy a drink for the fellow with him. Betty Reggenstein says to mo that this here mirror had come in and parked itself on the wall while the sisters was all uway and give me to understand that it hadn't got no ovation when they discovered it. A lot of frat men came courtin' the afternoon they got it and that night every frat house on tho campiu called up and jjuvo the Kios orders for everything from champagne down to plain moonshine. Everybody that came in wrote another item on the free lunch menu and inquired when the bar and the brass rail was expected. Betty says that the worst thing about It, outside of tho way it looked, wus that anybody could glunce into it and keep tub on all the sisters on the wonderin' what it was all about. first floor, and nobody wants some? I figured that maybe I hud ought to body cheekin' up on 'em all the time. .a f 'i, * KENTUCKY KERNEL PAKE TWO YEA CAREY! ALUMNI PAGE Editor W. C. Wilson, Alumni Secretary Assistant Editor, Helen J. Osborne Buffalo, April 10 (Second day r- - Regular luncheon nt 1:15 corner of Louisville, April 3 (First Sntur- - Chamber of Commerce, vbgkqj day Regular) luncheon nt 1:15, Main nnd Seneca st cr t.e Main and Senccn street. Elk's Club. Chicago', April 19 (Third Monday Philadelphia, April 3 (First Sat- -' Regular) luncheon at 12:15 urday Regular) luncheon nt 1:15, shall Field Men's Store. (Grill Room). Club, 1317 Spruce street. THE STATE SENATE AND THE UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY When the budget bills came up for passage in the senate last week that part of those bills which provided for funds with which the first and second payments might be made for land much needed by the experiment station, Ivy., representing the counties of Senator F. M. White, Tompkinsville, Clinton, Cumberland, Monroe, Russell, and Wayne made a very strong fight against this particular part of the appropriation bills and offered an amendment which would have stricken it from the bills had said amend ment passed. Itufailod, but the senator made some rather strong state ments regarding the University which wc doubt if he could prove. We wonder just how much longer that the legislature will be infested with such men who do not seem to care to take the time to learn the truth about Kentucky's greatest needs and especially those that tend to make our grand old state move forward. Below wenre publishing in full an editorial which appeared in The Lexington Herald on Saturday, March 13, 192G, which is n gentle reproof to this gentleman and which should be considered by all who arc in his class. AN ATTACK IS ANSWERED stinging rebuke was' dealt by the state senate Thursday to Senator Frank White, of Monroe county, for his unwarranted attack upon the University of Kentucky wheu the upper house of the state assembly passed by a vote of 33 to 2 the measure against which he protested. Senator White in his arraingment of the university said, as quoted by The Herald correspondent in the senate: "I have been told that the only thing free1 there is tuition, and that in name, only." The source of the heai'say eyidence upon which Mr. White bases his dictment is not given. With very little investigation he might easily have ascertained the facts in regard to the university, to its work and to its stu dents. Citizens of Lexington are familiar with the character of the stu dent body of the University of Kentucky. They know that many 6f the students work their way through school, either entirelyl or in part. They know that many of the boys wait on tables for their board. They know that e many of them are employed by Lexington companies in full or A part-tim- jobs. The University of Kentucky qffers the opportunity for education to many boys and girls who would not have the chance to go to distant states It is furnishing Kentucky with engineers, with men trained in farming and others trained for county agent work, with lawyers and with teachers. If the University of Kentucky is not "what it used to be" it is not the fault of Kentuckians like Senator White. They have done all in their powei to retai-- its growth and progress and to keep it a nineteenth century relic. If the state has not made sufficient appropriations for caring for many of the students at small cost the blame for this certainly can not be placed at the door of the administration. Those who can see at close view the workings of the university know that it was never doing more to serve the state and to fulfill the purposes for which it was created. They know that it is opening the door to learning to many to whom the door would be closed were it not for this institution. The overwhelming defeat of Senator AVhite's effort reveals the con fidence of themembership of the Kentucky senate in the university. OUR LEGISLATIVE PROGRAM The budget bills which have passed both houses provide a special ap period of 7 and propriation of about $185,000.,00 for the .1927-'2This sum is to be used in the payment of $150,000.00 for the women's dormitory and a part in making first and second payment of 103 acres of land for the experiment station farm and which connects two tracts now owned by the University. $10,000.00 of the above sum is appropriated for each of the summer school sessions to be held in 192G and 1927. We asked for about $700,000.00 expecting to be able to erect two large recitation buildings but these buildings will have to be forgotten for the present duo to lack of funds. The house passed a bond issue bill which if passed by the people will give to the University $3,000,000.00 for its extension program. This sum is to be used over a period of five years. It is expected that by the time that this goes to press that this bond measure will have passed the senate and that the Governor will have signed the same. As soon as it becomes a law we will discuss it in detail in order that our friends may know its pro visions and assist in securing its passage by the voters of the common wealth. Other measures of iulerest to the University are pending and it is expected that they will have passed by the time you read this. We shall give you a full and complete summary of what the 1920 session of the Ken tucky legislature did for our University ia the next issue of the Kernel. 192G-'2- 8. THE HIGH SCHOOL BASKETBALL TOURNAMENT 74 All alumni owe their most sincere congratulations to Captain Burgess Wildcnt basketball team to so Carey who so successfully led the 1025-2ninny victories. His team was not made up of the largest men thnt we have seen on the floor the past season, but every man was n fighter and hia team displayed the best that it has over boon our pleasure to see in action. His team may not have been the best team that the University, has ever produced but wc are not willing to place It second to nny that has gone out to represent our Alma Mater. We appreciate his eirorts nnd the cooperation which he seemed to have from all members of his squn'l nnd from the students nt the University nnd their friends In Lex-- , ington. The newly elected Captain, Paul Jenkins, earned this position by renl Team. merits. We congratulate him on being able to make the Paul displayed at all times the things thnt go to make n real bnskctbnll player. It Is up to him to take what Captain Carey has passed on to him nnd produce the champion team of the South in 1927. We know that the alumni nnd friends of the Institution will give their solid support in every mnnncr that it Is possible for them to do. We'll look to the next season with great interest and nnticipation and wntch Captain Jenkins march forward in the basketball world. Their more permanent leader, the coach will also go forward with the new Captain and his men. Through his guidance, the boys were victorious so many times last season. Unless something unforseen comes up our team will certainly have the material next year, and under Coach Eklund's directions, the Champions of the South should bo the Wildcats of Kentucky. 0 comc-bno- CALENDAR t FORWARD JENKINS! One of the most successful high school basketball tournaments that has ever been held at the University' of Kentucky, or anywhere else in the state closed last Saturday night with the St. Xavier Boys and Mays- ville Girls carrying off the championships of their respective classes in the state. We wish to congratulate all teams taking part in these contests for their fine sportsmanship manner and to say that we wish that more teams could have taken part in them. Great credit is due the athletic department of the University for the excellent manner in which it handled thet.e contests and we want this department to know that the alumni appreciate the great work that it is doing for the University in bringing these young men and women to the University for these games. These yount: people are brought into contact with real university life and if they have not already hud a desire to come to the University they certainly cannot leave one of these tournaments without having some thought of securing u higher education. We want these young people to enter our University for we believe that they are of the class that will make the lett tti.dents and after they have finished their university course will be leaders in whatever vocation they may choose and will be valuable alumni of the institution. We trust that the athletic department will continue to have greut success with these contests and to Interest young men and women in the University of Kentucky. k Many Students Work- Lexington Alumni Club ing Through University Entertains 5G Basketeers Girls and 60 Per Cent of Boys Mayor Hogan Yancey Brings Message of City of LexingAt University of Kentucky ton to Basketball Boys Earn Most of Expenses girls earning a part of their way through the University of Kentucky, and from GO to 75 per cent of the boys cam a part or the whole of their tuition and board, according to statements from the offices of the dean of women and the dean of men, issued this semester. Estimates show that $500 will carry a boy through the school year, and $C00 will be sufficient for the girl. These statistics have been presented as a refutation of the statement recently made by a member of the general assembly that the University of Kentucky has become too expensive for the poor boy to gain his education There are or the whole 5G A most enjoyable meeting was held by the Lexington Alumni club last Saturday, March 13, at the Lafayette hotel, at which time the Varsity basketball boys elected Paul Jenkins as their Captain, and members of both teams were awarded letters and num erals. The meeting was called to order by Miss McLaughlin '03, president, who introduced Hogan Yancey, mayor of the city of Lexington. He made a short address and presented a most beautiful trophy from the city of Lexington to the boys. This trophy was the silver figure of a basketball player, who might easily have been named as a man at center, standing there. the left hand behind him, The dean of women declares that on tip-toe- s, there are more positions at the begin- and holding the ball in his right hand ning of the year for girls than there which was raised high above his head. Burgess Carey, their captain ac are girls who apply for them and the dean of men and the student cepted the trophy in a few words of Young Men's Christian Association appreciation. securing positions each Other speakers were D. A. Boles, in aid year for scores of boys who who. awarded the "K's"; Ray Eklund, ire teaming a lai'ge part of basketball coach, and Paul Jenkins, Hours of new captain of the Wildcats. their own schooling. work put in by the girls range from 1 to 39 hours per week, and the types '01 of work include mother's helpers in William S. Webb is head of the dethe city, office work on the campus, cafe-,eri- a, partment of physics, University of assisting in the dining room and and work in the libra