xt776h4crh9f https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt776h4crh9f/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1982-09-13 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, September 13, 1982 text The Kentucky Kernel, September 13, 1982 1982 1982-09-13 2020 true xt776h4crh9f section xt776h4crh9f KKENTUCKY gc ......
w Thursday's Fleetwood Mac concert
er Q 2 ‘ghi’d was a combination of energetic solos
by Christie McVie, Mick Fleetwood
. and Lindsey Buckingham and a blase
performance by Stevie Nicks. See
page 7 for a rewew of the groups

Vi performance.

V°l- LXXXV' No. 2‘ M°nd°Yl September la, '98? An Independent SHIJOHI newspaper University of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky
MONDAY ' - ‘~ ' 1- ’ . -

Truck caravan to protest new law i " .. , “I I,“ A 4‘s ' ,

PIKEVILLE — Organizers of a coal-truck caravan, scheduled II .I ’ a? I ' . g I . .

to roll early today out of the eastern Kentucky mountains to . 333$. - ”QTI \ \ ' - ' . . w . * ». II,

the state capital, say they want Gov. John Y. Brown to hear $6? ‘ ..A. . . g A ' _ I ‘W' I ‘ ._ ,..-:

’ their protests of a new tax. I.» ' ». l, I I. ' f V V. ‘ fl " -V l
The governor. however, is not scheduled to be in Frank- , r’ ‘ ' ,_ ’ I " '?I .. l " }w j
I j fort when the truckers arrive, his office said. He'll be cam- ' , 1‘ ' - ‘ ’ ' ..« > I t} 32% M I, - .
' paigning in Arkansas for Democratic candidates. . ' I ' ‘ A ‘ or , , , g3“ 2 j
Dwayne Thomas, the caravan's organizer, said 500 to l,- ,' ' ~ . _ X A . .. , , V
000 trucks are expected to participate in the caravan. ‘3. . V” .. > I
The truckers are protesting a new law that allows coal 3“ , ”l ~ ~:~.. I’
operators to get permits to haul more than the legal weight A. II A ’I‘ III ' ‘ I: IM . .
limit. The permits give coal haulers and operators an option i. I . IIW ‘ .': III . _ . .- I
from paying the weight-distance tax, which was adopted A ’ . i . i .
under separate legislation also passed by the i982 legis- t- '7 . I ' - ‘5. I t
At least two lawmakers — Reps. John Doug Hoys, D-Pi- TZI W“ 9‘ ,A.I___I_I.: '
keville, and Clayton Little, D-Virgie — have said they would ,» ‘ r .. _s
accompany the truckers. :.I ‘I II . . III.I~' fig "‘ . I
Thomas said he talked to Brown by telephone Thursday ; 5 . .' g . git Mi
night and the governor indicated he would try to meet with hf- " .. l ‘e A ’
association representatives today. i , . -,.. I If II I . ' "‘ s y '

45 believed dead In chopper crash -. “ 3'3 'A i .. .’ is»: l
MANNHEIM. West Germany — Authorities said yesterday , . , , ' _ , ’ “ I j
they now believe 45 people died in the fiery crash of a U.S. . " ‘ ~ 1“» 9.1: i a r I so
Army helicopter carrying an international parachute team, ' I W M . ~ JIDIV‘Nm!/Keme,5m"
but it may take days to complete the grisly task of sorting
the victims. James P. Noble helps his 1-year-old son Benjamin clap to the dium. The two were listening to Jim Richardson and Purebred,

West German and American invesfiga'orsI meanwhile, music at the Fall Festival Saturday in front of Commonwealth Sta- one of four bands participating in the event.
began probing the cause of Saturday's disaster, one of the
worst chopper crashes on record. .

Witnesses said the Chinook helicopter lost a rotor before MerChant sam les abound at festlvall
it plummeted from a height of about 1,050 feet during the p I
Mannheim Air Show and slammed into a nearby highway,
where it exploded and burned. . I .

~ .. attendance estimates differ Widel
aboard the giant helicopter — five American crew members y
and 39 skydivers from several countries. . . . . .

Mannheim chief prosecutor Frank-Peter Gletter said at a By EVERli'l'i‘J. MITCHELL ll affix? i: 222130132? Signwsgeig fifimrghcgixgmgmxfg “$581!: the festival's sponsors
“9W5 C°nlerehce that OfflClOls "0W belleVe the chopper Senior Staff Writer David Knapp, a spokesman for the WKQQ after a dispute over the bil- certainly have nothing to complain
crew had only four members but that a two-man television pizza maker. lingSGA wouldreceive. about. Bradford said SGA received
crew from the UHS Armed Forces Network may have been -hfi‘ I “By time it reac'hed the consumer Mike McM-imm' an elxtncal engi' $194“) from this year’s {eStlvalv com-
on board, raising the death tall ,0 45. I'I‘he Student Government Assoua- it was not of the quality (the compa- nIeering Ijumor who attended the fes- paredWithwoolast year. .

tion and WFMI-FM welcomed au- ny) would like. We deeded to make tival, said he thought sponsorship by Each of the seven merchants paid
tumn Saturday with it: :fond an- gestrong showintg inmsupport off stu- Vlt/FQENwould have ensured a larger $200 to pIarticiailiate. SiXteegd swan;

' ' ‘ ' nual merchant fair an cam n overnmen Wi cou ns or a a en ce. or amza ons so 5 nsor
BUS, train crash In SwrtzerlandkrIIIs 39 party, better lmown as Fall Fests: substgntial discount on ping?" “ ‘Double Q' is a big name around was each. with ma0 exceptions of
’82. The company also gave away 400 campus." he said. “Jim having SGA and UK Student Agencies. The

PFAEFFIKON. Switzerland — A train ripped through a bus wlthclmpesrkaitmndm theet 805f Frisbees aifigtpafideduidzg-car cara- ItIhembhelegiiIionsor the festin would lager drfeceIived :18 proceeds
- es a a vari y 0 van across iv gro . ave ro on more 9." ra or sai t earni were
3;;ngfdvfsj: ifilgsggffcxefigs £:?:nze::::h 2:ng gig: fromyfour bands filling the According to David Bradford, SGA Bradford said “8220‘: involve~ given to UKSA, a non-profllgsservice
. . '. . . air. students and others walked Vice presment, and Larry 'I‘nmmer, ment With the festival ended when intended to match students’ skills
'"ClUde'he dr'Veri 0""5'0'5 I"9P0“9d- around Commonwealth Field sam- vice president and general manger the station declined to co-sponsor with demands, became it “goes

They said among the nine people injured was the signal- pling wares. of the Winchester radio station. at- this year‘s festival. He said SGA back to employee UK students. They
woman. whose duties included lowering the railroad cross- The companies displaying at the tendance at the festival was 6.000. found WFMI, a station “trying hard needed some funds to operate on
ing barriers when a train approached. She was badjy festival were prohibited from selling double last year’s. . to get into the Leiungton market. thissemester.”I I
burned when flames from the blazing wreckage engulfed but were encouraged to distribute A reporters estimate, however, They were glad to meet is on any Bradford said Student IAgencies

, , promotional items. The number of put attendance at about 300. A larg- terms. employed students to aid in setup,
the Signal house bes'de'he'kas- booths this year increased from four er crowd at a nearby rugby game “I think the festival was a total promotionand cleanup.

The others injured were listed as one woman who was toseven. may have been included in Brad- success." he said. “People were He said it took 45 minutes to clean
the only survivor from the bus, the locomotive engineer and A soft drink distributor gave sain- ford‘s and Trimmer-’5 estimates. very skeptical at first when I chose up the festival grounds mm the help
six "gin passengers. ples from 20 five-gallon tanks. Chris “It was a deceptive crowd in num- WFMI. but (station employees) of a [IIKSA-employedI pledge class

Zurich police Maj. Eugen Thomann said the crossing bar- Moore, a represeitative of the dis- bers. became you never saw that were very cooperative. They pulled from Sigma Alpha Epsdon.

, tnbutor, said 100 gallons were con- many (6,000) people (at one time), offa very successt FallFestival. The $800 raised last year was do-

rIers were not down when the bus passed through 0 level sumed. Bradford said. “The people were Trimmer said that the festival nated to the Library Modernization

crossing about 12 miles south of Zurich in the early ot- A pizza company that gave away constantlycomingandleaving.” was good exposure fortheradio sta- Md, which paid for the security

ternoon. He said the bus and the first car of the electric hunmd mmpifdziats‘liast: year 1513‘ 33:1); “saw was ah‘h: tion tahd thatf he consideredt the :ystenIi installed in M-l- King Ll‘
- ' ~ 0 sn u cou- . on i . miner sai. even asuccess romev as . rar as s .

"m" bum '”'°“°mes°" 'm'mc" . pgtns. year He di‘deonot say if the site included “We worked very will wiptlficSGA 'l‘riymma'p‘slarlfi it cost WFMI be-

A“ the bus p°ssengers were behaved l° be we“ Ge" “The main reason we didn’t serve therugby field. and are absolutely interested in tween $3,000 and $4,000 to under-
mans from the Stuttgart area in southwestern Germany. pizza this year is because sanitary One student thought a change in working with them next year," writethefestival.

The first two cars of the three-car train derailed, plow-
ing into afield some distance past the rail crossing.

. l a l l
Hammer“... mi... 5...... Democrats pushing [Ob bl” In House
BEIRUT. Lebanon —- Lebanese soldiers and police, coming W “Now seemed like a good time to “I can no longerIaccept in good OUtWGiSh the @StIOfIPUthhS people
to the aid of an ambushed convoy of Sunni Moslems, traded AssociatedPressWriter try 1° get thls thing movmg. h we CODISCIGHCG the president’s plea for back t° work, 0 Nell] said yester-
mochine-gun and artillery fire with leftist militiamen in can get two-thirds to override a patience. The American people need (by ~
. , veto, we should be able to get the to see action now before it is too Today we are paying out more
West Beirut yesterday in a four-hour bottle that drove “fi— votesneeded for a jobs bill," said a late." said House Speaker Thomas than :20 billion in unemployment
French peacekeepers from the area. WASHINGTON _ Congressional DemWatic leaderhip aide who P. O'Neill, D-Mass. compensation alone. This says "Oth'
The army later announced it had quelled the first major Democrats. trying to ride the mo- askednottobeidentified. "The costs of unemployment now "18 0f the 10“ Will“. the 103} reve-
flareup since government forces deployed in Moslem West mentum of their veto override victo- nues. that rain}! from today 5 high
Beirut. and the state-run television quoted on official as W. plan ‘0 seek quick hell“) in the mgfiym'thm funding for the
saying the government would strike with an "iron fist" House "“5 week 0: emit—billion 3°: program would equal 5 percent of
against future attacks. guonfigtw y Reagan a the cost of the country's unempjoy.
In eastern Lebanon's volatile Bekaa Valley. meanwhile, ' . . _ . ~ - um I 1.’- ; mentcompensation bill.
Israeli warplanes raided Syrian positions for the third time The Democratic initiative, Wh'ch .1 Th "“115"ST-‘THS'"Whlhlm-‘ 1“? m5 mltsgcnflobep‘shdpeforfi
in five days and destroyed a sixth SAM-9 anti-aircraft mis- backers said could put 200‘“ m- - flu ”'/ \‘T L -“ .2, a SC eary r a journ
- . . . . . ployed to work on budge and high- , . . , I . . 1V merit.
snle battery, according to the lsraeli military command in way repair ".059ch around the na- . , I .i h) The announcement last week by
Tel Aviv. tion by the end of the year, seems 3/ \I \ . I; V, ‘ I‘A congressional leaders that .. they
The Israelis reiterated their demand that Syria keep the certain to touch off a week of height- ,5) f _ ‘ ‘s ' III- W001?! 00‘ 98" a postdectlon lame
missiles out of Lebanon, and a senior official warned: "ls- enedpartisanbickering. *0 AL ~ ‘; - 4-. |\. lldlcthe $35233: 31:50:32:
rael will not tolerate a war of attrition, because we will not With congrusional elections less L Aims! l immune. m that all the remainingywork of the
allow one '0 develOP-" than two months away. the remain- 9 session mist be done in the next
ing battles of the almost-expired threeweeks.
97th 00087933 are expected to be ’ Since the new fiscal year begins
dominated by “on“: , Oct. 1. the priority for Congress is to
Democrats. who have won few . \ \ provide the money needed to run the
. ' skirmishes since the 1900 elections. " 523%?lo 2:); iédéfaiaggml:
mm” remained exhilarated from the 00-30 .. onl _ 'l‘ t t'on _‘
Senate and 301-117 Home votes last y one mi itary cons me 1
week overriding President Reagan‘s "‘5 been amved by “um Cham'
veto of ii sin-union spending bill beromem- .
hedeemedtoocoetly. And while a second funding mea-
-. - - . . to finance the Department of
. Today will be cloudy with a co percent chance of rain Hopm‘ to strike again while :lm' d U ba Devel t
and a high around co. Tonight will be mostly cloudy ahead, Dunoa'ctic leaders decided wul’lnbueubefgre th; ”2‘“ on $325:
with a law In the middle 60:. Tomorrow will be partly late M week to '1'! ‘0 bring W ‘ da it seems unlike] that Con 88
jobebill totthome floor.outof .y' Y_ 81‘
cloudy withlhlgh In ”I. low ”I. schedule bymmm Will enact many funding measures
' ‘ before the end of the session.

It“ tastes— mm mm M w. m uni s. nod-a- a... Venue... Imam
MOM-Mom News Editor fins “00' Spam Editor Spoclal Planets Editor Photo Educ! Graphic: Edito'
P B RSUASION “IMO-Uh MD... WE” “Gym Hmlomlllon ”V's-Nod MAI.
Wiener sdlrortotidibv III-Mb. Ares-ionisoomwtov Spociol'rolocfs Assistant Chlof'hotoqrophor if... Moln-
Ammhmw Copy Duh
I I 3
BtO overturn y ongress IS a 900 Slgn

A skirmish won does not a victory make. One ray of light shines through, however. ‘ O , _-
But when you’ve spent two-and-a-half years Among the programs benefitting from the GEE! I DUNNO’ RON! HE 0K5 K‘ND ‘ \
in the shadow of defeat, it helps to have your overturn was student financial aid, to the DISGRU/VfLED” - MAYBE WE SH OUADN ' T
morale boosted occasionally. tune of $217 million. While it won’t mean the CMM ANYMQRE OF TH‘S STUF F DOWN ‘l M....

Such was the situation Friday, as Senate restoration of the full Guaranteed Student
Republicans and Democrats joined to defy Loan program, which until this year offered if ‘7'}
President Reagan’s veto of a $14.2 billion low-interest loans to college students regard— $13., ,1 . , 5 ‘ .
supplemental appropriations bill. The Senate less of need, at least there will be a few ' a , '- 4 ,2 , ,, ,.y ’77—: 7',
followed the lead of the House, which over- more recipients of need-based grants than i, 3:; :5 ,/ M // .1 ;_‘ 3',
whelmingly overturnedtheveto Thursday. there might have been otherwise. " I W, /’ > 3 "

Although the vote in the Senate was nar- 7 , i :t '1, , ,,, _ _
row -— the numbers came to exactly the min- F b I, I id 1 7 _
imum two-thirds needed to overturn a veto m r 4 ,
— it was the first time since Reagan took of- oat a ya a I OSt, 1“ /,/f y ' l ,
fice that he has been defeated on a budget . ,/ L , . -, , .
mm but not the season 314,-, 5 .4 ,_,

More importantly, the bill indicated a . ~, \ Q) ,;
move toward more logical priority-setting by ' . , -7, 3
reallocating more money to social programs On the other hand, a lost skinmsh does not 1‘ /| .p \ . if:
and less to defense. Perhaps the trend of a lost cause make. Although Jerry Claiborne 5 .g. r 3 '
taking increasing amounts away from vital and his Cats suffered an atrocious loss to I& ‘ . _,"'
services and reallocating it for defense has Kansas State. losms 23-9 on SIX greagy-fin- - »
finally hit the wall. And maybe the nation is gered fumblfi. UK wasn’t the only univerSi- , 3
ready to wake up and realize that Reagan is ty to be embarassed Saturday. Oklahoma J 3 3 I . ,- / d .4 O , r 1
simply taking the extra money and spending (whom UK plays Saturday at Common- h. - I, , a' i». g. ) , ‘
it in different places, not cutting back as he .wealth Stadium) lost to West Virginia 41-27, ( on . , . . J :5,
promised. and Western Kentucky didn’t even get on the ‘ -: 2.1% .

But, although encouraging, the narrowness scoreboard 11881“St Delaware, 801118 down m "Ow . ,,
of the margin overturning the veto does not 31‘0- , _ am ' g:
justify such hopes All that can be assumed SO’lt can be assumed that opening games 3. WWW 7 5 is
is the once-unbeatable coalition of Republi- arent always representative. And we hone Wait, / ‘, gm“; e
cans and “boll weevil” Democrats is feeling Clalhome Will have the boys out working on 5 _ potato?“ ‘izv' i
the pressure of upcoming elections, and holding the ball for .the rest of the week..Per- ”iii-13y it \~_____3 , ,é
needs to throws its constituencies a few haps the 05310091 W111 help Wt by donating a :3 , ‘% ,"’" ~_;‘ . 3'. ,,
scraps in order to keep its seats, although yolfitof filialit towtelettss. Ma be Oklah . , 5 ~ 3 .,_ 5 . ~:-- ~_ ‘7 *7 2 k
signs are the change in voting patterns may ' er uc nex time. y oma is (Matt '
have deeper meaning. ripe for another embarassment. W ©’°‘”‘ KY KEN“ E

. . Z:
5—— ' W sh t h h f h
. on. Football fans. or lp a a c urc 0 your i: nice
' '33 I 'l . . ' '53“:
' .. A . a ' ' , T9“ Ah, yes,themiddleofSeptember. salspeople take the alto line and di- with the swooning laments of many church for football fans came to
/ ‘ , § L 1‘. - t, The noes been to shed their vorcelawymfillinthesopramsec- apestorinmanyachurch,yes.. Slade and three friends ‘inavision,
7&7?!" ‘ , ;~ '2, gm} —. green summer tags for the warm. “on The National Football league is really. . .television,’says Slade. . . _—'
/ ... . ~\, Mr? , I” ‘ comfy golds and reds of autumn. Accompanied by the crack of back. “Me and the three Wise Guys (his .
, ‘ Fl - " The maintains overflow with hikers, shoulder pads and the thud of leath- It’s always a beautiful time of the church co-founders) had been meet- ‘
‘1 , ~ their fanny packs filled with ched- er-clad feet against RIP-filled year around my house, almost re- ing regularly to watch ‘Monday
/ ‘ -- ,6 dar and wine sacs filled with bur- 5w55, _5,__ sembling a 22-week long Christmas. Night Football’ when we realized , ,
“-7 guildy. Young lovers (tossed in flan- ka after week, I sit in my living that football watching has all the el-
( r /- ‘ . &‘ nels and corduroys escape the a room, in my overstuffed chair, with ements of church: worship, devo- .
. " r; _,5 :5;_ _~ _ ‘1 I, , .. a ,_ concrete confinesd: “’11: city and _ a; Jfin ltlaiede'i;\roildef-ful sounds of onion dip- tion,congregation." , 2,
FRI-g ‘ il- w.'=-=...:- 7' 5 -,’~,’. 1:" ° " 5 ' ' 3 3198de grassy 813 ‘0 'ein. ’ ‘ " HARRIS potato chips crackling in my Now this Slade fellow is my kind
, P T ‘“ F Wm And across America, the song of ,3 mouth and pop tops springing off of guy. He realizes there exists in
9,333,633 gfigfigfng‘fggfggggafiw ms gamm prosperity, in four-part harmony, _,,, frosty cold cans filled with my fa- America a substantial group of peo-
H: rut snitch WOMEN‘S t‘uowatcmixi Culmorsulp's " 3 reaches the 11181!!! “593“” 3°” , , , vorite amber concoction. ple whose lives are dedicated to of- :3
' distnbum sins bass, television Plath“. With the roar of the WW fcnse, defense and the pursuit of a -
technicians sins tenor, “WM" and the glitter °f the cheerleaders, quarterback on third and long. ,
C 2: replace Mom, apple pie, the nuclear
"""" ‘ \_ family or religion. Slade says the
E E S '3 f . i j (3:. .‘_ a congregation supports religion and «w
/- ~ the Sunday family dinner. “We feel ,
C- - people shouldn’t be watching foot-
-—-————-—-——-—-—————————————— :2 i " ball when the sun. is. out and the .,
0t 52 pcrccm, why should it not be ry, then what incaitive wouid they discontinuation of the Student . t 3,... , J L—H mffesbens "e “"g‘m' he em’ M
. - 9 s I e . . . it» '1 - ‘3?
Health fee unfair gainful: if the mnmzifngta d2 we” 3mm“ ' mt reformu'fiymwt I?“ ' t. "we flelflpeogletbilfnd ‘3” (Emil 3,
partment on campus reduces, it is Name witheldbyrequest Government Association in the last # 3’1 1:31:33: “'I‘lnlgt’gowhy 3: hzce :ur t“
I m concerned about the W, cut-back: We 1:; not ask that sti- folIn-years. a” ti and ‘ i: . church on Monday nights. It‘s the 3 *
actions of the SGA regardins the 5““ mm m mummy ""51. F ‘ - your mm a m perfect ending to what’s normally is."
proposed mm health fee. JOI'S to make sure that departmalt ls ee unreasonable input. Since the Senate defeated my . thelolsiest day oftheweek.” ;
While I am opposed to the health notreduced. ~-.- . request for ' campus-wide referen- f v \ _ The church’s 4,000 parishoners, -
fee I am further appalled by the t) The people who use the Health Your editorial on Sept 9 was elo dum. Iask you to write to me at the , 5 -. 3.; 1" . who live as far away as Saskatche-
usurpation of rights the SGA com- Set-Vice are the people who should quent in demomtratlng a need for SGA office, 1% Student Center, UK, - ’s : i . 3 wan and Guam have one divine
mitted by denying the students a pay. It makes little sense for me to the student health service tocontin- 40506-0030, and _let me have your 1"” 3“? to; ‘13» '53 mission one real utilitarian pur- 3-5:;
W vote in what will affect their pay my neighbor’s doctor because ue existing. However,_ makilg fee opinion. I promise your new will u." - __ . x...” (:3 pose ,, i'iccording to Slade: to move 3;
pocketbooks. he Will go out of business unless ev- payinait mandatory is unreason- beexpressedtotheSenate. _ _ ‘ ”rt-13., *3..." fi :5; #5. the Super Bowl from Sunday to M on- 3,;
it was my understanding the sen- W 9‘3" him Yet, m‘.‘ m to ‘ble'mmm' . . I “I” M” y?“ M“ mm "It. ‘3'” fi 5 § ‘5“ '13 day night. The congregation is cur-
stars were going to vote on a stu- be what theSaiateis ”W the stu- If, '3 3°“ “"9 reported 1“ the “'8 ‘0 "‘9 editor. It Md be 3 .‘.. \‘a -. 1"“ "M rently Petitioning the NFL to move
dent referendum. This would give dentstodo. past, only 52 percent of the student shame if a decision affecting every Super Sunday to Super Monday __ at ’1.
. Iurgeallstudentswhofeeltheman- bodypaysthefee,lsthlsnotsdem- full-time student was made with ‘—"- ’. """"_"‘
the students against the health fee a . . . , least by 1985. when Frank, Howard 5.
. _ datwyhealtbfeelslmfairtogoto onstrationthatdspercentofudont most ofthecmpus unawareofits . . . a
chance to organize a concerted cf . . , . , , ....—..— ‘. -—..__. and Dandy Don Will get them first ,
fort to defeat this action. However, theSenatemeetlng taught at’Lmin want it or cant afford it. Why implications. crack at calling the biggest 0‘ the 5,-1.3
in less than a week from their first zoesuidentOenta. should the 48 percent be required to Please take a few minute to let .-.—-....... .- _.___ biggames. "
meeting on the subject, the Senate Philli G 'l‘ subsidiretheneedsofszpercent? me know your views m this subject. “If we accomplish that, we," have
will decide for themselves what is P. - ”l". mm ‘” WIN“ ““‘d I“ “"8 to. W.“ "“1 “mm“ t° Needle-8 to “if. my wife is 80m- fulfilled all our commandments and
bestfortherestofthestudents. Game'lm“ “‘1’ “‘9’” "'e ”w" “W“ mm‘wm‘m- "he“ a“ in the home,» “Bins we’ll bow out gracefully," Slade
I am sure the Senate realizes that '.“"‘"“P ‘3“ students who don t want ”“7 9°“ pattern, Wm every said.
four days. not includinfl the week- N - . 't‘ “M ‘1” be “M." to um 0‘ Vincent Yd. linebacker mm! mm George But not before I convert. After ’ '
mg, 3 My mush mm to orga- o Incentive us who inter other mavens!“ Grad-Ichmtor Halas hadlcft the meat packers to reading about Rev, Slade and his . y-
nize a credible effort to inform the for ”mo? “d accident ““3: SC" theirworklnGreenBay. _ congregation, I saw the light — I’m
students and form an opposition.lt ance. ill erefimfim‘ ts’ . .And “0‘” it comes 3° my “Wm“ ready to join the Church of Monday
would seem the senators have no Could someone please tell me m" 91;” b3; Fag “" 10"” Poll-c V“ 5”“ Kn“ 0' the Associated Night Football. I’m going to send
faith in the students' judgment on whether or not I've got this :nurance. °° ‘ w” their y Whig: °'.' “MST“; $3.10“ my $14 donationso that I too can be- 3
this mus. It seems ironic the sen- str' t? “‘3' . m 3 P8»
stars have no faith in the same stu- A‘gi‘rdirg to the figme- attributed mm ‘°°. ”mm ‘° W W' W “WW" :3: .2 Cant, tavern. Rev. Richard Slade of $135.3“ 3,213? Spread the “rd
dents that puttheminofflce. to Jean Cox in the Sept. 7 Kernel ar- “an 231““ '91:.“ " m‘bfif‘” ”" "mfl' "°"'" m the Chm 0‘ My Nisht Foot- l can’t wait to get my T—shirt and
Several reasons for opposing the ticle on a possible health services "eh“ m ,, gt "° °’ "" ' "m”w'jfl, , “L W “I" We“ to order- Over “sacred schedule," my official
mandatoryhealthfeeinclude: cutback, 52 percem of the Univeni- "a ' "“2 Wit, m, W‘m WW '° "n mm mm of MI and bowls of beer nuts. newsletter from “the Rev" (with his .
1) Many students cannot me the ty’s studentspsidtheheslth fee last who (’iid “'7 If; 'm" 114mm? " m 69W parishoners gather divine wisdom on the season’s sure
Student Health Carter due to specif- year. This seems to indicate that 48 PW" . mm? atheism UKJult-monJv- M“. '3“ every Monday nisht to hear the bets). my official church beer cooler
ic medical problems that only a percent of the stlldents dd not pay Wmum t a t:- md’ mm" M ' m m by Frank, Howard and aMthescl-ollofcommandmentg .
physican acquainted with their spe~ theheslthfee. 3°“ ' “"7 e“ 1“" “m mi ”2':- ”m Dewy 1300- Their creed is I Simple My wife can’t wait, either. After .
cial case histories can treat. 'l‘hese' Now the Health Service. want to 9‘39"”."3’ ‘ { do“ w "" ' "”3; 0" one: ‘11»th keep Mtglday nism all,she didbuythetelevision set.
Itmts M” Mr own m, m thefull-time Mm d “I m ”a, & ‘- f “u".- U mm 0‘ ' ho'szndtuneinearly. Jim ”an“ a a Jain-"alum .enior
they tnlt them. and would not be 0 percent (who did mt pay $25) to Mt ‘ we I ll .ny .' "'“MM'” '1"th ' _ "it“: “The 1d“ for a and Kernel managing editor. '
trestedproperlygoingtosnother." paymsothesapercaluwhodid vors. -
seems unfair for these students to pay $25) will not have to pay $10. BobEas ATM m AcrutionofGenoHoddonberry 3y Padralc Shigetani
apyanextrafeeforaservicethey Canlconcludefromthisthstthe ton ~
cannotlne. policy of the Health services is an Bus. Admin. Sophomore ADMIRAL, me ATTACKERS AMI/”~61, AN77#/W—- 45 m5 F/RST Army MAIfR/AL/Zfs, ADM/RAL
2) Many mu are on no: ru- we «in mince mu to buy 3.5323 JSUC‘C’SE 534%: tflfl‘itc‘fimr‘ififé is”: aflfléfiéafia‘c’és 0PM” "’5 00°”
alts’ health maintciance organiza- our prodtict on its own merits, then Health fee input THEIR sum Tus’mmsvoma , '
tion health plan, such as Hunter we will seek the adoption of a regu- V, ROOM,“ 7”! 004/515! ‘ .
Foundation. more «mu receive lation telllm students they must buy l have a man for full—time stu- l ‘ .
thesamehealthcsressthesuidsnt mnoduct?” dents2Canyousffof-dtoigiiofes g . .,r‘." .M .
HealthServicep'ovidsswithoutthe 'l‘heHeslthServlceshsssaidthst pouibletsopayurincmuin ,‘ ‘ .
sddsdespenseJtismfairtothese raisintheamotmtofttht youstudaltfess? , _ F u: .. .
suldslltstopsyforasavicethey healthfeewillpohablyrsducepsr- MthilflmethMtSmIteil a.“ V ’, ‘ .. .
csmotl-e. ticipstioninthemsm.souiey mmsmndatoryhesluifee. , f ,; . ”WV _
3)SincetheHealthsa-vicehssex- areprobsblytryingveryhardto NdWfiWBIWlefid —. j i“ ' ‘
paiqlcsdsbaeauintlienumbet keepthslreotpuisssdown.3utifthe meyear,ommledwlflla fun“! muff“ . um ' . .mv , wile
ofpeoplewhol-eitJi-om‘lspercalt studsnthsalthfseismdemandsto- d'uticcutbsckinsa-vicuorems ‘4 [‘1' [55 5 ,

 . . . ._ _.._ . , . , . . - "mm "mm mm . 1:, "W
University announces selection _ { _ ‘ .3 in .
. .. 2 .- ...3. 9‘1. . . 2' . 2 ., it. '2. . 2,2 all". .22“
of student publications adviser " " 2 ',
Wesley Calvert, student publica- tions fulltime for nearly a years. in were very good, but the next 10 or 12 3.5 2' 2
tions manager and associate poles- a telephone interview yesterday. he canbeeven better." ‘. ’I ‘ '3‘“ . w
’0' 0‘ Wm 8‘ WWW said he is ease!“ to besin his new du2 Calvert graduated in 1950 from the . . .. .. j- . '1. .2. M is . v 2 .~ .
State 3311me “OK the ”tit”: ties at UK. Universiaygdfiilssouridég'Commbia, ' . -2 g ' ' «a; L: . 2
years, me studen .. , . M ., wi or’s see in po- ' 2. '2 .. '. 3
,2 “cations adviser Nov. 1. Robert “1' ”it P” W litical science and join-halism. lie ,. . .1. 2. 3. 2 ~. :
i253 Zurnwinlde, vice president for stu- ““92 he wd- The economy 1" earned a master’s degree in jouma- ' .3 ' . _ ‘
if dent ariairs, announced Friday. WTmah ml 2:330:22 lismfrom Missouri in 1962. ' ___ 1 ' '1: j. 2
amiai'u ”dam us to a: this orsamuum. I'm loom ior- In “4mm t° ““3"! the My " [. - . ' 2 l
i~ come genem manger of student ward to hitting a little love and Eversreen was; and $31M“ 1/ ~ ’ .. “a. " . l
37' publications at the University of some professional tntesrity into ywm 3‘. . . “‘3 .Vi‘ed. :2 ,g .. 2 .‘ fr,
{“7 Texas at Austin. something else." student publications at'the UmverSl- ‘. _«i _ - ' ‘2
I“ h" "9‘" Wm", cam“ "in Calvert'was ninnervup to Green in ty flifiififlwfififinfi I ' .-'. '3' i
P 3%“ fwmfigtsc‘ky"? “In“: the competition for the Texas job. mile is active in Sigma Delta on. . .. 7 “if i
monthly 'nempaper for framti“ mimp‘i'i'ilufiuml'i’a hues: F"; ”as!“ may at W' I I l
and sororities; and the Communica- tion ‘9 - -2; 5..-
tor, a monthly newspaper produced ' Calvert, 55. and his wife, Beverly. 2:2; .
'_.- by black students. “I’ve known Nancy for a long a real estate agent, have three chil- '
'- Calvert, a native of LaJolla, time,” he said. “I think the last 12 dren: Janet, 29, Donald, 27. and «2, 2
' Caiif., has advised student publica- years (at UK) under her guidance Karen, 22. _ ‘
- BI . . ...
- ack UK fra termty gets house '- , ., .;..:: x .
2 "_ W Ozell Sutton, national Alpha Phi Thefirst black fraternity at UK to .. 22.21:... " h
, . Reporter Alpha president, presided at the get its own house was Kappa Alpha _ . W .2
.» house’s dedication Saturday. The Psi, which began renting a house 2 ‘ “r“ 3
_. ___-___— ceremony was timed to coincide from the University at 443 Pennsyl- 2.22“?!” 3' 1 '- é
. .2 with the fraternity’s regional meet- mi. Aveinisoo. 2 ti 2 I It l’ 2. ' . 2
’. After 17 years of meeting in the ing, held this weekend at the Ileidng- Phi Beta Sigma, a fraternity with 14 .2 '_,
Student Center, Alpha Phi Alpha, tonililtoninn. members, was the second to obtain Lg ' W5" .3
.27.. .' UK’s first black fraternity, now has “It was a day-long process," said a home. It moved into 370 Ayiesford 5%. ' . ’ - ‘2 232 f‘
2.. a chapter house at 571 Woodland Jason Tyler, a chapter member. AveinJune. . .-.-. . " girl-’48
2"? Ave. "There were members from allover The dedication of the Alpha Phi ’ 2 'f‘ .32": fl . _‘j "
522,? - The fraternity gained a home be- thestate and other states." Alpha home leaves one black frater- 2 1} ,2. g. 2' , " .2.“ ' ,
,5- ; cause ofan increase in membership Although the official Opening was nity on campus without a home — F: 22.22% WI. -2 - . -~ ‘ I
:22 :2 and strength, said Michael Palm. Saturday, some members had lived Omega Psi Phi. The chapter cur- - . '2...% \fltg. 5 -
i331. fraternity adviser and dean of stu- inthehomeduringthemmmer. rently holds its meetings in the Stu- .2 "Int“ . _ j
g. dents. The group has approximately The gimp is renting the house dent Center and has about five 5 . ’ ~. 2.222M l
i; mmembers. frolntheUniversity. members. Palm said. 2‘5 2 i ' i
2f I g I I l
E: Hinckley against move to alter Insanity plea
. new YORK (AP) - John w. tense alone and accept the fact that sions," and added that the insanity ~1.-.2
a . Hinckley Jr. says abolishiiu the in- every once in a while, someone is defense has been “much misinter-
‘5" sanity defense would be “a travesty going mt}: use tintsi ‘defense of last re- pretedandabused.” ‘
f; f ust' ” a vindictive America 8011' winwi it.” . . . , .
.315 :0 first: tit: shooting of President In a national radio address last .21"??me S‘I- E‘w‘fl’r‘i‘h}; “h:
5 Reagan. week, Reagan indicated his adminis- sleep confined since the trig] Hinck
1 “I can only respond with a shake trstion was considering proposals to 1 charged that the move to’abolisli .-
of my head and the wish that society amend the defense, which sparked a 5: Mm momma “the vim
; _. will someday show some compas- public outcry after l-linckley’s ac- dictivenature ofmany Americans n m V‘um,xerne.s,a,,,
71 sion for its disturbed outcasts," quittallastJimeofshooting Reagan . _ - Heat re" ‘f .. f
illncldey wrote in a letter printed in omega? others «aside a Washlng- {any are Jealgfus and Just dlooge: e
2‘». the .20' of N eek. . a though me spending .
limboufiueme imty defame Reagan, who has not commented rest of my life in some wretched Linda Wright of Lexington found her own way to cool off Saturday at the Fall Festival in front of l
would be a travesty of jmtice,” he on the Hinckle'y verdict, said he will prison in the backwootb of North Commonwealth Stadium. Student Government Association and WFMl-FM sponsored what was billed
"'” said. “Let’s leave the insanity de-