xt776h4crj7t https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt776h4crj7t/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1989-01-23 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, January 23, 1989 text The Kentucky Kernel, January 23, 1989 1989 1989-01-23 2020 true xt776h4crj7t section xt776h4crj7t  


Kentucky Kernel

_ JANE 3 1989

Vol. XCtt, No. 93 Establtshed 1894 Universtty of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky Independent since 1971 Monday, January 20, 1989

DATE RAPE: Our Hidden Problem LaSt'nglnPte TD,
pal-II hands Nmers wm

\ - i “ _ over Cincinnati

”\ “\Vl‘wi‘” ””FR“ lLIIl fllrmt‘gnu I'M» ‘I’IY'IHJ ' Iv
I'\5»"""litl"'ll"““ " Me I'Ww“ "w rah-rte.” III-








‘3'1"-' "v-‘M I“ I» “f“
.\ll:'\.\ll luv .‘rIIItdIII ~I' I : »;,. “r :_ H
wrth a Iotard ‘oIIehdouv cm“ ."‘I 1 III .IIL: IIJ
UlltlS lett g» \m FIXII‘I'IM'II "AFN? I l t"“ IaIIgIII
as the Team II! the ‘tuox Ind "’2IlI"
H'I \II-tor}. oxm' I‘IIIeIIIII I: . I..I .,
Inatie Super l'IoIIII
’l‘llt‘ \H‘lttl". .‘,Z;‘\ II'EIIIHI-rl ’ ' 'r
lll‘lllmnt‘t' III oxIatr-I'lI II-L, 31mm“.
l't't‘t‘lH'lHlt‘I'V" ll‘IH- \ilw Em! T'II- .j‘omx I ., I .' ‘WHINWI
'l'he \x'IrInIrItt wore ’Jillil‘ It 'lo- ‘ I III,,III,,,I . I ,II ”II”.
92-yard vll'lU‘ I‘llL’HH‘t'l‘Hl ‘IlorrtanI .III IIIt.-_.I
whox'r- IIIIIelIdouII :I;I\\ ,gaw 'III ‘Illtt‘? IN” I
Howl l't'4'lll‘ll .* I't' 'I‘.‘ :Irrfx 1.I~~"1‘ ‘IVI
l‘wehe mt 3‘1I~~ -III‘I‘IIIt'l'Hl‘ In I i; I .-
Wlll) vautiht ._' ;'l1\\(‘\ ‘III‘ III'IH IIIHI
ll -‘-Zi\ Tlvr‘ ""I'I "l"'\Il't‘l]"'.“

\l‘t' 't'itllt. I'IrIt .‘ ‘-" .. ' _ r. I ‘,I

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.4, r "1,“. I

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‘th .t\ ’fn" I‘k‘h » lt't‘llLl‘t.’I‘tl
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Jill) I! ‘lIt Irnau I‘I. \
\eI'Ied _:\ It Innet. Iva - I“
.l Irantzt IIII- Ila} I'IIma-IIIC
‘IHIIle Elam \II!\l3‘;-;I¢I‘
omen. "7p .Iltll‘\ .Izpt-azw
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\ett'lrII .‘ll.llit'l> ‘II "no“
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:‘II lill‘ll r.llt‘t lt'I’l IIIIII IIv.--.
‘tIet t‘ll;"l't‘tl 'tn I‘IItlIoII'

‘.1;sI‘Il_\:I ‘5! II tIoIII: pen

Date rape a common occurrence,

\‘nntnttuurt ill \[lll IIIIII'.‘

. g g It igIII‘IoIIaIIInIx "l(‘ll"tl\|\ I - _ 3.‘ . I -
b tlt’s not re orted b Vlctlms '
u y 'rle IIIIl :It' I'IIIth 'I-I \t mt , .Il>lillll dean ot students. We ktttm It happens, \M- know It
It \ ealled IquuaIntant-e. or date rape. and It has I , , ,
t In 11! h it II II M In WWW“l“""~“”‘“hi“Umu‘tH-‘lb ‘W \ our. III.
l' 'l) l’ l! l ( ' W) U .
“ ' U l , ldoprogramsonaequaIIItant-I-z'apvnnd I haw-not had ‘II ':~ 'I:. I‘pll‘itt'lw
lll(l\'l('ll‘ lIet'auM- \'eI'\ ten people understand or \Hll I V . ‘ , . . . ‘
kn l l’ H t l t 1- I h I ’ I H u Inn H‘pt)llL‘(l,l)Ul(lllt'rlllt‘pltILflluIIIxIllt'M‘tllllsttllllt‘llpdlltl
'Ie' (m ‘( e Ia Ia e 1: wt" eI .I ))(‘ montu ea I ) Max A .. . ,
‘ n l I [(1 f: l l l H l It‘ll Ine Tllt’ht't'lltll‘lt). ~\aldstephante llamrrl l\ \t'l'lmt’
' (IHH one. I .
d \ , ., , ‘ pI'uentIoneoordInator '“ekrrmt tr: tIappt-Innutntd not
llIdden. heeause were! . \I‘lll rwllfl‘ltldll/It‘s I'apeasan art 2h.“ h ”Ill H WV“ d -» II
{. . .
Is not .1 ('l‘lllll‘. hut \oIIIetlIIIIp, «I «omen Mums oII herselt ‘ |.rnI-~I kI-Iid , -I "r: .‘mpt
llIdden. lI(‘('(lll.\(' theemotmnal sears that date ra e leaw> \ Kentuekx lawa Ierson I> ILIIIlH oI ra Ie III the lll‘sl .l\ um I Ihedon I‘vnmtn .IIHJ \wnu. : III I I; I ‘rII
. . l . I
keepInarn (I! ll.\ \lt'llllh trorn reportrng It degree-“hen he has ~\exual Intertourst \IltlI.IIIotlIer' - . 3 .IWUIIIH; -I m A. , .I II I
Date.oraeqtunntanee. rape Md towed \exual erIeounteroI person by toreeor mthout that perwn \t'tlllst‘lll ‘ II I IIIIII In II: t“: :I.“ ,I..:III..\
Inlt‘l't'tnll‘st‘\Hlllxtllht'llllt‘ll11‘\|('l|lll knoxu Barr) Hurkhart. an aswelate pl‘ult‘ssur ot psy'holog} IIt ll.‘ 5‘ ” '_l “-\m’
\ulIurn ('rm‘ersIt} \Iho has done wwral ~\tuoIes on kernelt ”“lrlh'll‘” \I-an on; em. ”I.“ my. lo] "ll- 21 I.II.
IquuaIntant-e rape.saIdaequaIntant e l'il}K‘IIt‘t‘Ul‘> most '.III LIIIItI-I II.“ III, 'III I-I.II.-.. ‘II men ':I
il‘l‘qut'llll}tlUl‘IHL’,ll‘lt'V‘lt'lllll‘Nll‘t‘sllltlun)It‘ltl'UI('Ullt‘ut', WASHIMI'I‘IW \tn-I nun‘ M» I...» III;. E guemed ink 'III touz. :Ion; ‘m



' I . .I ., I ,
uvl\t.'l[t’41r I . v 4' I. H AH," ._

II I983 alone. one III eIght \UHllt’l‘I on college earnpuses were
raped. aeeordmg toa stud) ot nearly T.tNKIc.\.'ltl(l Hurkhart recently hawnorkedtogethernand ”1‘” ”WWW" “NH“ Hm“ “”l‘ l" "H
At t I\. there has heenonlyone rape reported In the last therrresults havebeensnmlar 50;“de oath H, ”m“. JIM mum“. \mm ! Hm ”Hm: “I .m “My 3.. II M“ “
lIve yearx hut ottIeIalsaeknrmledge there have been others ea's 4N pl‘t‘altlt'ltl .lIIIIIm lluttett \ «In
that havegoneunrerxrrted \ee HAIL l’agch the best Idea I had heard 'hI- »\lltblt' rt.._\

perhaps \lllt't‘ long hetore ther. .III-l l \t'tfllulorkmwt

Kn» termed It “lIIdden rape” heeause :t Ls wulel)‘

\IIIIIII; out. \Ipptlll.‘ Hlt .III mm In lt‘l'tl III‘I l:







Funeral arrangements - a
matter of life and death.

See Page A




Cats sneak past first—place


Today' Sunny
Tomorrow Partly Cloudy















2 — Kentucky Kernel. Monday. January 23,1989






Information on this calendar of events is collected and coordinated through the
Student Center Activities Office. 203/204 Student Center, University of Kentucky. The

intormation is published as supplied by the on-campus sponsor. with editorial privi-
lege allowed for the sake of clarity of expression. For student organizations or Uni~
VOTSITV departments to make entries on the calendar, 0 Campus Calendar form
must be filled out and returned to the Student Activities Office.

DEADLINE: Forms will be accepted no later than the Monday preceding the

publication date.





'EXthltS (thrOugh 127): Forgotten Pi»
oneers in a Southern Community; Free;
UK Medical Center. 9 a.m.-9 pm; Call 3-

-Exhibits (through 1 31): John Tuska: a
25 Year Retrospective. Free; UK Art Mu-
seum. Noon-5 pm. Call 75716

'EXthITS (through i 31): The Art of the
Fan Free UK Art Museum; Noon-5 pm;
Call 7 5716


cAcademlcs (Tuesdays through 3/7):
The Backbones of English: A Practical Re-
view; $35; 251 Anderson Hall; 6-8 pm;
Call 7-3383

~Concerts: Faculty Brass Quintet; Free;
SCFA Recital Hall: 8 pm; Call 7-4900



~Academics. Last day for payment of
registration fees and or housing and din-
ing tees in order to avoid cancelation of
registration and or meal card

- Sports. Wildcat Basketball vs. Auburn:
Free with UKiD. Rupp Arena: Call 7-3838

-Sports Lady Kai Basketball vs. West-
ern Kentucky University Free with UKID;

Memorial Coliseum 7-30 pm; Call 7-

oMovres Magnum Force; $1.95;
Worsham Theatre 7-30 pm. 10 pm;

00ther (srgn~up deadline 1 24): Begin—
ner's Weight Training Clinic: $1: Seaton
Center 7 30 p m; Caii 7-3928

-Meetings; Food tor Thought: Kickoff —
Adult Student Support Group: “Financial
Aid". Free New Student Center Room
231 Noon Call7—3383


oMovies: Decline of Western Civiliza-
tion: The Metal Years; $1.95; Worsham
Theatre; 7:30 pm; call 7-8867

0 Movies: Blade Runner; $1.95; Worsham
Theatre; 10 pm; Call 7-8867



oSports (through 128)- UK indoor Track
Florida invitational: Away; Cali 7—3838

oSports: UK Cool Cats ice Hockey vs.
Washington University; 53; Lexington Ice
Center; Midnight: Call 269—4873

- Concerts: The Montreal Symphony Or-
chestra: 59 students. $18/pubiic; SCFA
Concert Hall: 8 pm; Call 74900

'EXhlbiTS‘ The Library of the 2151 Cen-
tury; Free: Peal gallery; Noon; Call 7-8611

- Seminars Energetic Constraints in the
Photoiysis of Acetic Acid - Joyce Guest,
Unrversrty of Cincinnati; Free; Chemistry-
Physrcs room 137. 4p m



-Intramurals (through 1/29; sign-up
deadline 1/24); Racquetball Doubles:
Free; Seaton Center; Call 7-3928

oSports: Wildcat Basketball vs. Ole

Miss; Away; Cali 7-3838

OSports: UK Rifle Kentucky Murray State
Invitational; Murray. KY; Call 7-3838

OSpon‘s: UK Men's and Women's Swim
Teams vs. University of Alabama; Away:
Call 7-3838

oSports: Lady Kat Basketball vs. Missis-
sippi; Away; Cali 7-3838

oSports: UK Cool Cats ice Hockey vs.
Washington University; S3; Lexington Ice
Center; Midnight; Call 269-4873

oLectures: Dominick LaCapra — Paul
De Man in History: The Temporality of
Rhetoric; Free: New Student Center room
228; 11 am; Call 7-1316




“Concerts tOCuity guest. two
piano and percussion. Dr 8i Mrs. Hersh 8i
3 Campbell. Free. SCFA Recital Hall; 3
p m . Cali 7-4900

- Concerts Patricra Montgomery.
piano; Free, Center for the Arts. 3 p.m..
Call 74729

-Concerts Faculty Trombone Recital:
Daie E. Warren. Free; SCFA Recital Hall: 8
p m . Call 74929

-Mowes. Decline of Western Civiliza—
iron The Metal Years; $195; Worsham


\4.) —

Theatre 7 p m . Cali 7-8867



°Exhibits (through 1/31): Forgotten Pi-
oneers in a Southern Community; Free;
UK Medical Center: 9 a.m.-9 pm: Call 3-









special events




°Academics — 1r24 (Tuesdays through 3/7): The
Backbones of English- A Practical Review; 535; 251
Anderson Hall: 6-8 pm: Call 73383

- Academics — 1 25: Last day for payment of reg-
istration tees and-or housing .and dining fees in
order to avoid cancelation oI registration and/or

~0ther - i 25 (sign-up deadline lr24): Beginner‘s
Weight Training Ciinic. $1: Seaton Center; 7:30 pm:
Call 73928







0Concerts — 124 Faculty Brass Quintet; Free:
SCFA Recital Hall. 8 p m . Cali 7-4900

oConcerts — 127. The Montreal Symphony Or-
chestra. S9 students. 518 public. SCFA Concert Hall.
8 pm . Call 74900

~Concerts A I 29- CS — taculty'guest. two piano
and percussion. Dr. & Mrs. Hersh Br J. Campbell;
Free. SCFA Recital Hall; 3 pm. Call 7—49OO

~Concerts - 129. Patricra Montgomery. piano;
Free. Center for the Arts: 3 pm . Call 74929

rConcerts - i 29 Faculty Trombone Recital: Dale
E. Warren, Free SCFA Recital Hall; 8 pm; Call 7—

oExhibits — 123-127 Forgotten Honeers in a
Southern Community. Free UK Medical Center: 9
am .9 pm . Cali 3 6363

- Exhibits — l 231 31 John Tuska a 25-Year Retro-
spective- Free. UK Art Museum. Noon-5 pm. Call 7—

0Exhibits ._ 1 2371 31 The Art of the Fan. Free. UK
Art Museum Noonrs p m. Call 76716

~Exhibits «» 1 27 The Library of the 215t Century.
Free; Peal gallery. Noon. Call 7-8611

~Exhibits ~ 130.131: Forgotten Honeers in a
Southern Community. Free UK Medical Center: 9
a m-9 p m. Call 3-6363

oMovies - 1 25 Magnum Force; 5195; Worsham
Theatre 7 30 pm. 10 p m . Call 7-8867

oMovies - 126 Decline of Western Civilization:
The Metal Years. $1 95. Worsham Theatre; 7:30 pm;
call 7-8867

oMovies - 126- Blade Runner; 5195: Worsham
Theatre 10pm.Cail 7-8867

oMovies — 1‘29 Decline of Western Civilization-
The Metal Years; $1.95: Worsham Theatre; 7 pm.
Call 7-8867










-Lectures » 128 Dominick LaCapra — Paul De
Man in History The Temporality oi Rhetoric; Free;
New Student Center room 228; 11 am: Cali 7-1316

. Meetings ~ 1 25 Food ior Thought: Kickoti -Aduit
Student Support Group “Financial Aid": Free; New
Student Center Room 231: Noon; Call 7-3383

OSeminars 127 Energetic Constraints in the
Photoiysis or ACeTlC Acrd , Joyce Guest. University
of Cincinnati Free Chemistry-Physics room 137. 4



r A//’ T" \HT
4 j



looking ahead




- Academics - 1/31: Last day to drop a
course without it appearing on the stu-
dents transcript

oAcademics - 1/31: Last day to
change grading option in dean's ol‘fice

- Seminars - 2/1: Stress Management -
presented by Dr. Mike Nichols. psycholo-
gist; Free; Student Center Room 230; 6-8

oAcademics - 2/2: Last day for re-
instatement of students canceled tor
nonpayment of regular tees





weekly events






-Other Warhammer 40.000 Roiepiaying. Free. Student Center
Room 205. 7 p m . Call 76636

oOther Aerobics. Free. Newman Center Rooms 1 and 2. 5.507
p m . Call 266-6920

cother Judo Club Meeting. Free. Alumni Gym. 56 30 pm. Call

- Other UK Parents Networking (babysitting co-op). Call 271~5191

- Other Aikido — Japanese Martial Art Free. Alumni Gym Lott. 8 30
p m . Call 2723369

ORellgious Cornerstone Music Practice - no talent required — lust
energy: Free. 508 Columbia Avenue. 7 30 pm Call 2544714

0 Religious Worship Service — a casual time at singing and worship
Free. 508 Columbia Avenue. 9 p m . Cali 25473714


-Other Aerobics Free. Newman Center Rooms 1 8i 2 5 50 7 pm.
Call 2666920

- other Game Night. Free. Student Center Game Room 7 30 pm
Call 7-6636

-Otner UK FenCing Club - beginners welcome. equipment pro-
vided. Free Alumni Gym. 7 30 pm .Call 8-5564

-Other Twilight 2000 Roleplavlng Free Student Center Room
205. 7 30 p m : Call 76636

nother Chess Club. Free Student Center Game Room 7 30 p m
Call 7-6636

-Meetings SAB Indoor Recreation Committee Meeting. Free Stu
dent Center Game Room. 7 p m. Call 76636

-Reiigious Tuesday Night Together ~ iniormal worship Free 429
Columbia Avenue. 7 30 pm, Call 7-3989

-Rellgious Genesis li Free Newman Center Room 8 7 9 pm Call

oRellgious Rite at Christian initiation oi Adults iRClA) Free. New
man Center Rooms 3 and 4 7 30 p m Call 255-8566


00ther Aerobics Free. Newman Center Rooms 1 and 2 550 7
D m . Cali 2666920

-Otner Judo Club Meeting Free Alumni Gym 56 30 pm Call

-Other ADSD Variant Roieplaying Free Student Center Room
205. 7 p m. Call 76636

-Other Table Tennis Meeting Seaton Squash Room 7 3O 10 30
p m ,Call 7-6636

00ther Call at Ctnuihu Free Student Center Room 205 9 pm
Call 76636

-Otner Aikido ~ Japanese Martial Art Free Alumni Gym Lott 8 30

IRellgious Student Faith Sharing Free Newman Center Room 8 9
p m.Cal1255-8566

~Religious Hoiy Eucharist Free 51 Augustines Chapei 530 pm


-Other UK Fencing Club - beginners welcome equipment pro
vided. Free. Alumni Gym. 7 3079 30pm Call 8 5564

00the' Chess Club Free Student Center Game Room 7 30 p m
Call 76636

oReligIOus Decision Point , Bible Study Free 508 Columbia Ave
nue. 8p m Call 254 3714

oRellgious Dani Grill — Devotion and Lunch 51 429 Columbia Ave
nue.1215 p m . Call 73989

~Reiigious Cornerstone Drama Practice , no talent reaurred lust
energy Free 508 Columbia Avenue 6 30 p m Call 254 3714


No listings


-Other Star Trek Roiepiaying Free Student Center Room 205 7
p m . Cali 7 6636

oOther ADAD 211 Roiepiayrng Free Student Center Room 205
10 ct m , Call 7-6636

0 Religious Sunday Obligation Mass Free Newman Center 6 p m
Call 255-8566


oOther Warhammer 40 000 Rolepiaylng Free Student Center
Room 205. 3 p m Call 76636

. Other Aikido , Japanese Martial Art Free Alumni Gym Lott. 8 30
cm Cail272r3369

'Religious Sunday Obligation Masses Free Newman Center 8
to 11 30 Sand 9 30. Call 255-8566

- Religious Hoty Eucharist Free St Augustine‘s Chapel 10 30 a m
5 30 p m Call 254-3726


'Other Warhamme: 40.000 Roieplaying Free Student Center
Room 205. 7 p m . Call 7-6636

-0ther Judo Club Meeting Free. Alumni Gym 56 30 pm Call

- Other UK Parents Networking (babysitting co-op). Call 2716191

'0ther Aikido 7 Japanese Martial Art Free Alumni Gym lott, 8 30

~Religlous Cornerstone Musrc Practice ~ no talent recurred v lust
energy. Free 508 Columbia Avenue 7 Job rn Call 254 3714

- Religious Worship Service - a casual time 01 Singing and worship
Free 508 Columbia Avenue 9 p m Cal1254 3714




sports J



-intramurais - 1/28-1/29 i'sigr-up deadline 1/24).
Racquetball Doubles. Free; Seaton Center: Call 7-

. Sports — 1/25: Wildcat Basketball vs. Auburn: Free
with UKID; Rupp Arena; Call 7-3838

'Sports — 1/25; Lady Kat Basketball vs. Western
Kentucky U...versity; Free with UKID; Memorial Col-
iseum; 7:30 pm; Call 73838

0 Sports — li27-1/28: UK Indoor Track Florida invita<
tional; Away; Call 7-3836

. Sports — 1/27: UK Cool Cats Ice Hockey vs. Wash-
ington University; 53: Lexington ice Center: Midnight;
Call 2694873

oSports - 1/28: Wildcat Basketball vs. Ole Miss;
Away; Call 73838

. Sports — 1/28: UK Rifle Kentucky Murray State In-
vitational; Murray, KY; Cali 7-3838

Osborts — 1/28: UK Men's and Women's Swim
Teams vs. University ot Alabama; Away: Cali 7-3838

°Sports - 1/28: Lady Kat Basketball vs. Mississippi;
Away; Call 7-3838

0 Sports - 1/28: UK Cool Cats ice Hockey vs. Wash-
ington University: 53; Lexington ice Center; Mdnlght;
Call 269-4873










Cats break
Vols, jinx
for victory

Staff Writer

KNUXV'ILlil‘L 'l‘enn , UK coach
Eddie Sutton made a promise ear—
lier in the week that he would use
his bench more. Against the Uni-
versity of 'I‘ennessee, he did not lie.

Reserve tiK forward Deron Feld—
haus. who had reservations about
his euaeh‘s promise, not only
played 2.; minutes in the game, but
sank two free throws vrith 12 seo
'inds remaining in the game to give
[K a foui'rpoint lead.

"I didn‘t really think he was se-
rious about it «more playing
tiiiiel." l“eldhaus said after the
[1.211110 "1 was pretty iieri'ous when
i first went into the game. but it's
a good thing), I got over it.”

it \Hls good for [K that Feldl’iaus
gut tt\(‘l‘ his nermusness because
his two free throws turned out to be
the difference. as 'l'eiinessee‘s Greg
Bell hit a three-pointer at the tin/.1.—
er to make the filial senre tutti?)

'l lust \H’llt up there and shut
the free tltl‘t)\\\ like l div everyday
in piattieef' lt‘eldhaiis explained

'l)eruii is a bltie eullar \\tit'l-'.('l'. a
llLllltt'l' and tonight he gau- us a big;
hit \ilien he hit some lllLI tiiiie tree
tlirmisf' Sutton said

['K controlled the ti‘lllptl of the
.game b} being patient offensively
and .sttllL’} defensiieh The Wild
eats hit ill 7. pei'eent of their .slltlts
from the field in the game t'tilil
pared to l‘eiiiiess‘ee's enld ‘11! per

'\\e told our squad mining in
that the lllL‘ ke_\ iii the hgill game
would in llfl\\ \iell \\e etiiiti'olled
the tetiipn,‘ Sutton said "We felt
llkt that would .lllll\\ iis to take the
(Triad Hill of the L‘aine‘

‘\\'e ‘Htlk guild shuts
_lll>t didiit tall, said 'l‘eiiiiessee
tuaeh l)tll! l)e\'ue ltilllt\\ltlL’ his
tennis loss ”\riti tltlllt expeet to
wit \\lll’ll you shoot as poorly as \xe
’llft illillt‘lll ‘

but the}

[Rs htipe to \Hll limki'tt diin
nheil sophomore (‘t‘lltt'l' Lelton
Ellis who finished \Htll 12 points in
on!) ‘_’l iiiiitiites. \kas ‘.\hl.\'ll(‘tl for
his third foul “till 1241‘» i‘eiiiaininu

Little did l)e\'oe and his team
knrw. that uhen senior lumard
l)_\‘l"tt1 \H hit t\\‘t> tree tht‘ims til


UK sophomore center LeRon Ellis performs ar arias-w
score two on UTs Douo Roth UK upset the Vols 9" 4‘s


L‘it'e i 'l a In if» lead xkith ll .ii let? The i\'. in:
in thr- lii's‘ hall it \wuld be lll,\ p, ; flux;
teaiiis tits’ lead lit the name \if\ 3-. up;

‘\\.i_s infill tn mix It littllll.~ in the A”trill i,.

ijaiiie rim-smut








Ptlycr min lg lg. lt ltn vb n pl tp
Mills «4 it - f n I t ni'
Hansm , i' ‘ . i‘ 4 ti ’2 4 t
Ellis 4’7 ‘ 't J l I ‘1‘
Miller m i 1
Sutton it _ it ‘ t
Feldhaus . ’ , t .' it .3
Farmer t '
Davts ,
Soon ' 4 i .. z z 4 ( t A
Tidal“ I < i' ‘* i ,
Playoi min lg lg. lt ltn it) n pl tp
Nix Z l ‘ ‘ i ' ’ ~
Roth 4 : ' l i d
-’;'l(rli1l' 'i ' ‘r i K i‘ ‘ 4 4
I ”it
. m. E a t ,
n‘mv < t
i" r l 'w , 1
i v tttttt '
, l
t ,l l
. v w 0 ' r i
, . l


a ht'llhtlli'lllgll 2.3 times Lillllllls' til»

“lt‘ ‘y‘tt‘ hadn‘t turned the trail
UH'l' so iiiaii_\ times. it iiiieht hale
been an easier “in. the t K t oat-l.
said You time [it pin a lot «if the
r'redit to their iiian to man deli-risi-

Hut the )tltlflLl t'ats held their
Hull down the sti'etelz thanks to tilt
leadership of 'ltlllttll undid llei‘i‘uk
\liiiet who \t'ttlt‘tt l3 'it his .Jatw


l "l: E t iiiiiiit~ iii the set-viral limit

i’wiivle though' I ‘.\;is viii/j. :ie
lltl-(s‘.‘ll: ., l."

all)» tlt‘d' ltldftiiic ii: ti'v-i" :‘ Heme

".st i itltlkl‘tl

:‘Iit' ill tilltllL' ‘itl’l l

.‘v t i“i.'.lts»


(iii l'l\'s ne\t possesinn Feld
li.iiis int n liltmit Juniper in the ' ini real proud of nui‘ hall ., in!
lane to Line the flit-s the lead till When 'lt'tite' _ * tt“'illl‘t‘ ‘be; played Eel} tiari: .iiid
utliiil the Hill-'13.: ‘llr.r‘i\\I1 >‘ itltl theft lttllsl‘ late in the Lillttlii
‘ I” V ' ,, i a rattled and ready tr- 1.7““ uf‘r" altr- lite; mule 'lw l'lttl ill‘l '.
\vt‘ l.l .t-l ;ll.lt at) tilt ltd»; Iliitkllli’ 'lil'l‘tt‘ y,. r Hut! 41“ {‘Hi 'tn _j‘i!‘ i~ s‘;“ii'
i‘ 1' l' x "‘1: it ‘rlitLZi ’ti \Htl l i , .4
t “k ‘ , y , ‘ ,3 WV“ ltd ptissestiitis k l
tilli' at tile‘ iii-Hi. . ‘xi \ \‘
You tile in like theizi lK .i lnt
id i't‘ 4'
th "err-med t's lead i'l etulit
pmn‘: "l 'le tirs’ half before 1101th '
l., lin- Mela" l’tltt'll unit}, .i 3133!
t!.llll‘7‘i‘ii ‘eiiri 'l'lre \iils had shot i) SESSIONS
\ u
only 1.3" ttt‘ll‘t‘ilt to ill the field ltl


l‘hi' 1' l.‘\ picked till 1!: 'he sl't'tlll‘l
hut? \hei‘i- 't‘.ex Left rift lietut‘e ill
‘ei‘iiiiss-w ,173'l pulled out to a

'ii'tl t3 tit remain
borne .‘earn «leeided
tun», .Ill't""“ till-tis:t\ ileti'ttsneh

nine rum" univ‘

tXlL’ hetez‘i it.»


“,9 '1 fr; no»

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Next to llomino'v




Need a

l ind one in the




lsernel Classifieds








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The Kentucky Kernel



Dominating Lady Vols
demolish UK 101-57

B) TU.“ SP \l I)l\l .
~Sports l‘lditiir

KNUXVIILH 'lt-iiii ’l'he lh
Lady Kats taine in to 'l'lioiitpsuii
lluling Arena Saturday night \I-llll a
six-gaiiie Alllllill‘d streak and worrie-
thlilg til pitne that 1K is int
longer a ilunriiia' ii. 'iae smitiim '

Spurting .i and in
league llliflh. the Lad. i\'.its eii'ei'

tut. t'eeiiid


taiiied thoughts Ut illlrxt‘liilll' in.
\u Ji‘aiiked l‘iiixei’sit; -ii '1» rim-s
~ee traits Mil: ii silllu‘t air as ,z'.
raisin},t ii lliiii‘ illit . ' i

tilt :1 ll\ is h".t‘I l.. .ain' '- liit'
ranks ill \lut tt/Ei"'.itt‘l .i im-
wont be tins pea: Il‘ll trite! ”in
ilpnnit lll"l' 't ‘ ‘li 2,.1'1,

'l‘he Lad: 7. 'l :..:l; :i. it i.
ttt‘li'tli til i l' i l t it i '
it, putt.“ iiti“ 'v'! ll
Zillitll 'aiii.’ i.' "i‘w »-
'Iltlit' ‘tnzf. J ...... l?-
"tiltli t. igilu ‘ 'l'


ilit'intiifnr A i:~ it 3'. .' ."
wlf‘K lilti‘u’ii i h in.

,,'lll('l'il‘_ t' r _i" h" u;

l,t.,.. ., _ .
‘M tiltin'.‘

H i i


Kentucky Kernel, Monday. January 23,1989 -— 3


l‘at tleadfiuiiiiin‘l ‘Jl‘lli..tvi -~_;
lllL’. it .\as Mei m iit 'i. llt'i i-'
'1 ll“\ sltil led l.‘ Lia? tuiilfil.’

lltl\\ unis i'it- putrid ~i : i.’
:llllttuld't‘l '.lll.t‘-t 7!: l‘lsl. ei
gilllie lleavii - - inn ,
'I‘tllt‘ti ii lititiil: 'l. :.I
1’.’ minutes iii? ' 'tii

“ll." 9i.-

lltiA '11:: i ii: (1
ti, .. .‘~l"l Hirer «i .

itruu} iii: ‘itf 1t
’lkllllli’lit ii '1‘
i» Yiiai. Eiiizn

r'i' 'l‘t

t l .m,

rm .- 1 ii
”; t"'}rl;“i't“

‘lt u- i. all

, ',.

i -i ,

. ,,.

and use
lead early ill the i or Hut ' l i r.


Tom Spalding
Sports Editor
Brian Jent
Assrstant Sports Editor


ii :iisl liar: i'll‘rm"!

d a tan inn 7.. in. I: .r i






The Kentucky Kernel


Two inoks with the same r ii! on "me i {our local 1?




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January 25, 1989
6-7 p.m.







Room 205 Student Center




















 4 — Kentucky Kernel. Monday. January 23.1989



New DUI program
offered on campus

Julio Esoolman
Special Projects Writer

Jlm White
Managing Editor

C.A. Dunno Bonitor
Editorial Editor

Michael Brennan

Joy Blonton
Editor in Chief

Brad Cooper
Copy Desk Chief


is a positive sign

las‘ ac -:. i. :- .. ‘ a: .itiili'l‘rl‘ killed than


.‘tyoiio poopi- . -.-. : am ‘irtii .i good nuitiher of

the won...


.::'t lit-t .'\t't‘ll tlic ;iL‘.(‘ of

it» -t

i t

" .l‘iliT.

l; . .. v ' . .‘ .> .z;:.‘ experts agree

iii‘iiitte must

ltt‘cilll this
tfci‘s or stit
l.;l\"l \ll'i'y'lllL; (ll'

.xltil litt‘ffl til

i' i-
.v |‘


program for

‘.?'.' yrmcc' between
.trii: ’l‘cstittu
its? time in
tire 'hcit‘ opct'
t.‘ ".i‘ iluVN fry
u‘tti 'll!“l' pro
i.‘t‘i'1’!’ Keri
ll'ty tilts \t‘

l l

"K... ,_. _ _ . ~ , .~ utieeiv

_ ‘il‘i'ti‘iil
it 'i'ikt-zi ili‘;\'ill;
~‘w‘i- it i‘ i'iittt

l“l"i'li?' 'i.

future lti lira;

y'ersiti-w xii-tin".



{___._.__., .... . .


Shoiiirt it. . Nit-v r stow inn

”l s and llt'ii‘


ttic ;.-~oiii.--~- >‘ " .. .~ : -. ‘_ ,.


Kernel Checklist

A weekly public scrvcc the Viewpoint Page to help
keep its readers abreast of :lte hi; ilL'ltls in the universe.

w A Breath of fresh Air. {icorce Herhcr/ Walker
Bush. The man who wat (.lk’\L"'ti".‘Ll so ,i "walking political
corpse" by many i‘ttllllu’tl pillltliis two years ago became
the nation’s 41st president l'riJay Although Bush‘s inau-
guration speech was far from restore it established a spirit
of community and bipartisatiship tins. nation needs to get
out ofthe mess eight years of Ronald Reagan got it into.

/ Where “as James? .\(i.~l Presrdcnr James Rose.
Since the [1K athle'ic departmen: decided to :akc away 400
student Ilech in the men‘s n;.«.ketball games. not even an
official peep heard the office of James
Rose. While the action may tiaic been warranted. it would
be nice for a student leader to voice some concern. rather
than acting like a high school student council president and
concentrate on a dance

has been from

L’ Slam Dunk. John [lionsmmr Georgetown L inversi-
ty men's basketball coach loan 'lhompson walked off the
floor of a game last is eel to protest of the NC A -\‘s stiffer
requirements tc-r stiiuctit--atf.iett-s. Although asking a high
school student to ‘tiaxt “it the Sr\l or i.‘ on the ACT
and grade point at etaii» of 1 it is a reasonable expectation.
Thompson charged it \l‘v».f mimics against triiiiorities. The
NCAA. cvet worried about its image and not its mission.
eapitulated list. lac.
be reversed


5 "iii!

tycc’i. by avrig the raw. "tile likely will

i/ And lhcy‘rc ()f'f. Sl'flfit'nf (iiriiunmiwzi 4.t.u,ictali()n
Elections. A: Minx e\:i:liil\(" branch
have been slated and as many as foot i'illL‘l students are
expected to )til’llt" into the race soon. \\ iiii \(iA having one
of its more disappoint-rig lL‘lltls. t:i \ year's crop of candi-
dates need to start the eattipmgii off till a positive note by
forgetting about their lc‘slilll’cN and remembering who they
are running to represent.

I i .t ‘
icas’ two tickets tor

/ A City Divided. .tliirmi Race riots raged through
parts of~ Miami last week. leaving at least two dead and
hundreds iniurcd. The incident. which was ignited when a
white police officer shot a black man on a motorcycle. was
just another grim reminder of how far this nation has to
go before there is racial equality

Letters Policy

“2' , ' '
:: it. kcr’i'i ii. iv "
Ky Jit‘tili out?

ii‘ii‘ xix-diff

llwllk‘Ll illilt‘
Allctrttw .1."



SUBS Qflg PROPOSAL Fats NEW ‘é'D'lpRoégmy/i






The final decision

Meeting about the afterlife makes the future more secure

\\t'll. we barf ptit it off as long as
pow «M.- tll‘l.l we figured there was
no !traffic nor reason to delay any

l’o-cliiie both healthy and opti—
ulttllll the future we sat
«iii-tut with our funeral director to

‘Ae had dreaded it its much as
most folks do. httt we kept coming
back to ttic idea that dying and
what to do about mortal remains is
the responsibility of the person who
u the main participant

keratin: the grim business to
loved otiw or total strangers
swimwf to us 'ii llt‘ t'otisltlt'ralily tr



Loved ones will lie spared much
unnecessary agoii'. and total
\ll'itllflf‘l\ \k'tllll 21‘.“ it “lifltlp Ullt'
wiiy or lllt‘itllli'l

.\~ for myself Id giycti some
thought to crematior hit? l finally
ruled it out after considering scvc
t‘.il if.\[)t'(‘i.\ til I!

kin-r since i was .i child. and
tirst tneniori/ed thc ‘ ('rcmatioti of
\llll .\lct‘.ei " Then I made
a iiikt for l didn't lllv‘ to hear him
sil/lt' .\i|. and the heavens scowled
the httskics howled and thc
\\ii.il began to blow that
made it lasting and net;
,itiy c impression on me



l‘jyeti ”it last line-- ii: ltohi-rt
N-t'yice‘s poeti: "And there s;i‘
mini. looking cool and calm in the
heat of the