xt776h4crk8z https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt776h4crk8z/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1999-11-17 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, November 17, 1999 text The Kentucky Kernel, November 17, 1999 1999 1999-11-17 2020 true xt776h4crk8z section xt776h4crk8z Recent


l have realized a

recently and
thought l would
relay them in a

complexes have
never had name
until now!

Complex: Perla

of many dance

Symptoms: Funky

mustache and a

never used.

who thinks they


in River Dance.
your crotch or

- period.

drawn to a
microphone and


an acceptable
volume level.
Symptoms: Opera-

of tone.

they are blue in

and blue in the

Symptoms: Initial

very muscular.

and day-out to
become “built."

the size of


is really good.

smoke, blue tux
and a car daddy

who are usually

stepped on

under false

shop at
Abercrombie 8

- Ron Norton


Cool and clear


VOL. #105



News tips?




couple of things


that may make you
laugh. People have
complexes. These


Anal Hotel Security
to low~paid security
guys whose sole job
is to ruin the nights

walkie talkie that's

I Can Dance Complex:
Pertains to anyone


dance like Michael
Jackson or the kids

Symptoms: Grabbing
dancing like a freak
I Can Sing Complex:

Pertains to those
who are inexplicably

know nothing about


voice with no sense

I Can Play Complex:
Pertains to those
who talk trash until


face, then get black


clean designer garb.
Usually small or not

Short Man's Complex:
Pertains to those
who work out day-in

Symptoms: Walking
tire plugs or guys
who look up to Pat
Day but have biceps

I Got Class Complex:
Pertains to those
who act like they
know what a good
cigar tastes like, or
claim that escarqot

Symptoms: A pungent
odor of cheap cigar


I Am Cool Complex:
Pertains to those

(it there is
such a thing) but

countless people
just to be there.
Many times they
join certain clubs

pretenses, or only





Call: 257-1915 or write:


...,y.. ,




to the




A month of remembrance: LCC hosts several events
in honor of Native American Heritage Month


In honor of November as Native
American Heritage Month. boxing»
ton Community College is hosting a
number of events.

“It is important that students.
faculty. staff and everyone else learn
more about the values of our cul-

tures." said Anthony llartsfield. die
rector of Multicultural Affairs at

That's why Hartsfield and l.(‘(‘
are bringing Native American speak~







A typical Cherokee home (above) on the Oualla
Reservation in 1888. A Cherokee woman named Wali-

ni (right) poses for a picture


ers to speak about their firsthand ev
periences with the negative stereo-
types associated with Native :\lllel'l

“The Native American is always
brought down." he said.

Understanding Native American
culture is the key to erasing existing
stereotypes of these people. llarts»
field said.

So he hopes the events will in
crease student appreciation of other
cultures. "Students need to be ex
posed so that they can be educated.









informed and enlightened." llarts
field said. “so that they can begin to
dismiss and avoid stereotypical

Rachel \'aiiderford. an linglisli
freshman. said the event will help
many students understand
they came from. "It will help lllr
crease our native heritage." \'aiider
ford said. "It helps us gaiti more per-
spective on the world
manity ‘s history impacts our lives,“


and how Illl'



Upcoming events

Gordon Cloud, an Ojibwa Indian, and
Dorothy Dukepoo, of the Hopi Laguna
tribe, will discuss ”American Indian
Legend Keeping." 7 pm. at the Oswald
Building Auditorium,

Monday, Nov. 29
Jerry McClure, a Choctaw and Cherokee
Indian, will discuss ”Teachings of the Old
Ways." 2 pm. in the lobby of the
Academic and Technical Building.

Jesse Jackson arrested in Illinois

Reverend fights the
power: Jackson protests
suspension of 6 students


DECATUR. ILL. Police led the
Rev. Jesse Jackson away in hand»
cuffs yesterday after be. parents and
ministers tried to force a confronta-
tion over the treatment of six stit-
dents expelled for a brawl.

Jackson and his followers fought
their way through a mob of reporters
and cameramen to the edge of the
grounds of Eisenhower High School.

An officer cuffed the hands of an
unresistiiig Jackson behind his back.

“We want the youth to stand still
knowing that their parents and their
ministers would cross the line for
them." Jackson said shortly before
his arrest. At least four others were
arrested with him.

Jackson and representatives
from the Rainbow/PUSH (‘oalition
had met with school officials this
morning to discuss the expulsions in
an effort to prevent a confrontation.

The meeting ended shortly after
noon with no agreement reached.

“They' re so locked into imposing
a one-year punishment. no matter
how well they (the students) do in
school." Jackson said after the

He had vowed to stage an act of


civil disobedience if officials did not
agree to review the expelled stit-
dents’ punishments on a case-by-case

He wants the students to have
the chance to return to school by
January if they do well in an alterna-
tive program.

Decatur Superintendent Kenr
neth Arndt said yesterday that talks
had been continuing behind the
scenes through an intermediary.

An emergency school board
meeting was scheduled for this
evening to discuss the situation.

At a meeting Monday. Alberta
Brown. 46. said she. was willing to

Jessie Jackson
speaking at Tran-
sylvania Univer-
sity last fall.

KfRNEt sort

risk jail to make a statement on be
half of her l2~year-old daughter and
other public school students

”Ive never been (to jail) but I
feel like it s a good time to find out
what its all about." she said.

School officials had sounded just
as obstinate.

‘(io home Y'ou re definitely not
WWW ‘0 get through our doors
Arndt said to protesters

They were given two year e\pul
sions after allegedly taking part in a
brawl in the stands at a football
game Sept. 17.

A seventh withdrew front school
during expulsion hearings.




The Student Newspaper at the University of Kentucky,








"5'! "V‘fiW'fitihzsmW .3 1..» i

.. ,<.. .



Lots of hugs
the NBA
Things gets
physical in

Alternative clinic

Uninsured? No problem: New clinic
offers healthcare for those in need

By Amanda York

'l'lie I'K
Nursing arid the Hood
Samaritan l~‘ouiidation.
Inc. have joined together
at Virginia Place on Red
Mile Road to provide
health care. affordable
housing and child care to
full-time students who
.‘tl'l' siliflie pdl'elils.

“The hours are per
fect with going to school

and working.” said
Michelle liliiie. a nursing
sophomore “'l‘hey're

opeit iii the evenings and
it is [lv‘l'Ii'i'l bin in: a
nurse practitioner that
can pi'esci'iln. medicine ”

Kline has a .>‘. year old
daughter. Sabrina t‘oiiibs,
She and her daughter iise

.\l.:iici.r \‘ianhope. as
sociate dean of the (‘ol
leue ofNursiiig. said pro
viding health care to the
uninsured was the prima
r_\ goal of the clinic. "We
are trying to provide a
safety net for individuals
who may have healthcare
needs that are not being
met." Stanhope said.

The clinic would not
duplicate services. she
said “It a family has a
primary care prov ider.


(‘tillege of

Virginia l’lace l~ here for
t‘llll‘l'LZt‘lll'li'\ and will re
fer them to their priinar\
care proi. iiler.‘ Stanhope

Arch ti Mainous .Ir..
president of the (iood
Samaritan l-‘oundation.
said the clinic shows how
health servicm

in need.

He also said the clinic
wants to keep
healthy "We want to sci
thetii in a health mode so
that they don‘t hav- prob
Ienis elsewhere.“ .\l;iiii
tilts \ztid.

Nurse pi";utiiioiiei'-
and interns stall the rim
It. l-Illeii lieinos. .l nurse
practitioner at Virginia
l’lace. said the l liiiic will
provide primary care ser
vices to children and par
t‘llI\ with acute illnesses
such as ear Illil‘t‘lltills.
sore throats and fe\ers

Nikki tiehriiig. an in
tern at the clinic. helps
educate parents and chil
dren. (iehi'ing said it is
important to eiiiphasi/e
the importance of health
Iii kids. "We feel health
education is important at
a young age in order to es
tablish healthy lifestyles
for children." iiehriiig

Film series targets
human rights

Cinema for everyone: Amnesty
International tackles tough issues

By Andrea Noe


.-\ new tiliii series on
campus can help stu
dents educate them
selves about human
rights abuses that. says
Amnesty International.
also happen in the [hit
ed States.

The series is the first
the Amnesty Interna-
tional chapter on caiit
pus has held and each
film is on an issue the
group is working on.

l'l\"s (h: iptei piesi~
de in \my Shelton. aid
by \lt‘\\lltl_’, the films.
people may take the tiiiie
to stop and think more
about human rights.

“I think that people
will learn about some is-
sues tlitt the v probably
iii\ie ietli/ed e\isted
she s iid.

"’l‘hey're issues that
society doesn‘t talk

Several IVK students.
like llaviland Argo. an
architecture junior.
thought the series was .I
new and innovative way
to bring important mat
tei‘s to life.

‘I think it's been a
great way to educate peo
ple oii I'K‘s campus on
human rights issues."
Argo said.

Some said it's impor~
taut to \t‘t‘ films about is
\llt‘s many people don't
want to think about.
such as the School of the
Americas. a facility
Amnesty International
s.’l_\\ trained terrorists.

"I believe that this is
a matter of national im»
portance and such atrocr
ities supported by otir
government have, to
stop.“ said ()rion Weill. a
psychology senior.

Shelton. iiii- pi'csl
dent of l'K‘s t'htiiilt't‘.
said she hopes the
ter expands the

year The chapter
hopes to purchase l2
videos on human rights



issues that could be
shown throughout next

litit it would need to
get other sponsors to
help pay for the videos.
which would cost around
Slooti. The films are so
evpensiye dtie to copy»
right laws. Shelton .\.ll(i.

Even if they don‘t
join the chapter. Shelton
said. viewers can learn
about othe ‘ ways to take
action against human
rights abuses

“The films show
what the individual can
do." she said. ”and what
we can pressure the gov
ernment to do."


.moa. 'e

The Human
Rights Film

All shows begin at 7 pm.
in 122 White Hall
Classroom Building.

School of the Americas,
School a! the Assassin:
and Crossing the Line.

Doc. 2
Through the Wire




can be
made available to people



. first














l r
John Dobson
sportSDally Asst. SportsDaily Editor 1
Phone: 2511915 | (mail:trueblueadammyahootom ‘
_§:[Wipiishir NOVEMiBEVtti999_7|__‘I(E!1’_uch KERNEL "’ j“ —* M E III—””7 _::fl “:1“ --_ _ i i
CAIS itsoumns hummus
Penn brings UK ‘real De th a key to Cats' success
test' for NIT opener ”WWW
Barkl d led it
' . Wajda a testament to entreecyenl'ly,
Quakers' experience, range make Cats wary of atypical Ivy FECFUItmO staff {:;’{',f;.,".':::§;,
_ ' til I INBA 1
League team Coach Smith plans to wear them down Must. um “3:15...." 'i
h B o w ‘1 David Stern's "
By_ Matt Ellison notes: Christmas card 9i
swoé 51m WRIlER UK‘s victo- “St- :l
1.11“”... ry over 2
, V .. % Ruop Arena Vanderbilt ASSOCIATED PRESS
.l.l’. Blevins. l h s sophomore reserve ,» last Satur— .
guard. was speaking the minds of UK Maggi” . " day was l
illeiid)“ and coaches when he said oi ”£3" ”.733.“ M Ma}! huge. The i

“'l‘hey‘re not your typical lvy League

Serbs loco“: UK leads, 3-0


19-17 game
lived up to




. its billing
l K agrees that l’enn. the (‘ats' sea as a Titanic 'I‘ilt.
sotropening opponent tonight iii the [Wills He 15 11180 P911115 career leader in But the win that tnade the Cats
(‘hase l’re-Season Nl’l‘. has more than hlockedshots. And hisG-foot 11 frame will bowl-eligible wasn‘t the most im~ I
enough talent to cause headaches for the match Ul) W9” against UKS St‘thF SWat- pressive or last memory from I
“it“? . . ter. , .. . . yet another UK-Vandy classic. The
"It Will lit‘ a real test tor us," l'K head “He 5 a great player. Magloire 531d triumph was a tremendous accom- I t
coach Tubby Smith said. "()lfensively. 0f ()wens. “He's dEfihlle not t0 be taken plishment {hr a team some maga- i
they push the hall and look for the first lightly " zines predicted would finish no bet-
good shot. They really press you on (le- ”Llhe Cats hope to wear down the terthan 2-9this year .3
fetise. on the ball orotlthe ball." (Junkers with a Iotation that will use all ' Yet then. has. 5 mm) telling . . , . . H
'l‘hat lll't‘SS is led hi Michael Jordan. ll PIMP”. coach Smith said. “Hopefully story ' ‘ jUI‘K‘S would have destroyed lllx be. against Vanderbilt that much more 5
Penn‘s senior poitit guard who has what W't‘ Cilll use our depth t0 W011? them A former mummy player was cause ol'little or no depth at W“ ”1 amazmg. E
Smith called the total package. down," he said. key to the win An interception A Its-POSIUUhS- The play 0f Witllllt and Congrats to the men‘s soccer it
”He's very athletic.“ Smith said of Desmond Allison. UK‘S starting two- goalline stop and a game-saving Wiggins '5 a testament I0 Iht‘ r... team for winning its first confer~
Jordan. a tworyear allrlyy League 501“. guard. said the Cats have experimented forced fumble later Patrick Wig- cruitmg prowess of( laude tassdt lance title and earning its first
tion who (lytit‘ugtid 1.1;; [)(iif115 and :-;.8 re with different looks in practice to try to mm is now a household name with and his staff. anti the coach“ alnli NCAA Tournament berth. It’s 3 fl)‘
hounds [we game last gmmn "He can put create match-up problems for opponents. (lie:liar(l UK fansiaround the court W 10 SIGWIOD young players: h fht" shame they get Indiana in the first ,
the ball on the floor." smith stud. “We'veiust been moving guys around try ‘ ' leal‘mng “We W ”‘9 .“““” '7‘ W“ Found gi‘
Jordan and his hackeourt partner. 21 lot.“ he said. “It creates a 10$ ofdepth f0? ’ ‘ Subbing for the injured Willie as great as n has been 1"“ ”1"” m" While we are at it, kudos to V;
Matt Langel. hare started .38 straight us. Hopefllhy~ We won‘t wear guys down Gary Wigging made gp‘rpn tackles all)“. UK should “Kim" 1"”‘4‘1 the women‘s swimming and diving 1 (l
games together. I'K point guard Saul on ourown team while we wear the other gm}, of mm“, for losses picked off things soon. team for upsetting Tennessee over t‘
Sillllh Said ”it“ illl'lll ”()lli‘ 0f ill“ lH‘ItL‘r guys dow'n'" a first.quarter (‘1ng Zolrn-an pagg 8f. HO“. Strange is ll >“t' [\Vl' Hi~ lhe W'eekend. especially to those a
backeourts m the mummy" Jordan. Penn‘s star, said he is look ter it was deflected off of a Vander— the National Football lezrtur-K most divers who swept the three-meter
l'K center Jamaal Magloire said ing forward to playing in Rupp Arena in bilt receiver and broke up a pass. successful franchises ~~tru-;~|in:.: competition to ensure the win. 1 m
Penn‘s experience (eight juniors and se- front Oi‘a nationwide audience. But no play ‘was bigger than ng- like San Francisco and (il- . it My Take 250 aspirin and call me i in
niors; only four for l'Ki "gives them the "he the whole mystique 9f KGh- gins' forced fumhh, on Jimlny are this year? in the morning. That‘s what Dallas at
upper hand" in tonight‘s game Illt'kil Jordan. 531d. “and ”HS 1‘8 little 01d Williams late in the fourth quarter. Shaquille (i‘N~-..i and Mavericks rookie Leon Smith did
"'l‘ht‘i'i'l‘ much [WW t‘Xlitr’i‘lent‘t‘li Penn. 50,1”th DaV'd and (’Ohf'ith all Both of UK‘s starting safeties (‘harles Barkley. F()llllll‘lt'1lt’ll .nlr late Sunday night, earning him a b
than we are at this point." Magloire said. (ii/(‘1‘ again. if, you want t0 play With the have gone down with injuries this er hard. Throwing liasltetlmlls :n trip to a psychiatric ward. Smith, . f
“We're going to have to come out and exe- hlg DUNS. ;V0U V8 Elm 10 travel. YOU V9 got season. Sophomore David Johnson each other's heads. l‘ lamina 19. had green army paint on his i ;)
cute.“ to gonto Kentucky. That s why we came was done afterjust two plays. Gary Wrestling. Getting *-ll.~[twliait '5 and rice and claimed he was an lndian 3 i
As a whole. l’enn shoots the outside hm! _ , _ during the Mississippi State gamé, fined. It‘s good to see than. ."Cil, 1. lighting Columbus. This is not a E‘
shot well. Langel shot 12 percent from . lilll Jill‘iifln 15h t the only 9h? aching Instead of the secondary falling players taking that ‘11:: . tiimlel' tunny story. It‘s sad. Real sad. B:
long range. and st'lillll‘ swmgman Frank tor :1 contest. "We re tired‘hf'hlitlntl GBCh apart. Wiggins and Anthony Wajda thing seriously. Finally. you have to wonder W
WNW“ (‘Uhhl‘i‘lt‘ll Uh 1‘3 l’l‘i‘i‘t‘m ”1 his ””1““ [7h 5 A1150“ 5339 We want “’ 1‘4” have stepped in and been amazing. Patrick Wiga'ir -. «t , v1 : » .1 il‘ opponents have figured out Hal di
il‘t’VS 121" ht‘ilat’hh . out “”1 play the “mid Wajda has played well enough to quarterback. ['ntil ti. :2 T:' Klumme's offense. UK has gained ba
hm l’enn 15” l ”H “m!“- hmlml' ”‘ll' earn consideration for All-South» of the Mississippi rt» out. . at . itl‘i >328 yards in its last tWO games. as
“T “W” ()Wt‘h‘ ““1 ”l“ “““l‘ ”1 “'I’WMN University Vlire contributed to this report. eastern (‘onference honors. had played lliaylie . . ; . . n «.v icetnemher when that was bad for ‘
“”1 WW” l“‘l‘ game. ”W1 ”‘""'”54“‘1 9-” Just two years ago. such in- fense. Mak. . lt' ‘ wtiliregame‘.’ bu
i sh
“a A "MW w—N——— - 7~—~~~— — ~- ~77 — ' Sh
i La



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-MiiSic mitts

Robert Ouan
Scene Editor
Phone. 257 1915 j [ mail: kernel ipopuhyedu

A little rhythm for weekly blues

A little of everything: From a little country
to a little Nirvana wannabe, this week's
reviews cover a full spectrum of music.


Music From and Inspired
by the TV-Series "King of
the Hill"

The "King of‘ the Hill"
soundtrack takes the intriguing
idea of‘ country and rock
singers covering music from
each other‘s genres and ruins it
by picking the wrong artists for
the songs.

Among the worst on tracks
on this debacle are Travis
Ti'itt and George 'l‘horoiigh
good's self-indulgent Sittlltllle
version rrf"‘1\1ove H On Over"
(1 think it's a Nashville law
that every country singer must
cover at least one Hank
Williams song) and Faith Hill
making Janis Joplin roll over
in her grave again with a sec
ond cover of‘ “Piece of‘ My

Deanna (Tarter f‘airs a little
better with a country version
of‘ "Free Fallin‘”. but ’l‘om l’etr
ty songs just shouldn’t have
steel guitar in them. Only

Brooks and Dunn's cover of‘

Bob Seger’s “Against the
Wind" and Old 97‘s punk ren
dition of‘ the Marty Robbins
ballad “1&1 Paso” even quality
as decent.

To fill the additional ale
bum space. the cast of‘ the
Show sings a couple songs and
Sheryl (‘row and Barenaked
Ladies contribute unreleased

Register Today!

tracks iha
that \\:t_\.
Grade: D

shoiilrl‘te stayed

Matt Muclahey

ASSrS'AN' AR'S Eilr'rjk


Where I Wanna Be

it you haven‘t heard him
before. you need to hear him
now. He dropped his first (‘1) in
19.91%. l am talking about lionell

11‘ you don‘t remember. he
has returned to hit Us with some
tight beats and smooth lyrics.

The music and lyrics are
definitely on point. His first siti-
gle. “1' know what‘s up" is laid
back with a twist something
you can ride to.

Other tracks such as.
“Shorty got her eyes on me"
and "have you seen her" are
songs about seeing someone
you want to get with. This hap~
pens to meat least once a week.

.\1 least half‘of‘the songs on
the (‘1) are laced with acoustic
guitar. 1 love acoustic guitar
and it adds flavor that other
hip hop Rt'x'vli acts just do not
incorporate into their music
it. itli a l'ew exceptions like Lari
ryii Hill.

The melodic beats laced
with sexy "vocals make this (‘1)
a must have.

Rating: A+
By Shulesia Stewart


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Get it on Tonite

In his own words. this (‘1)
is for “those who like it fast and
for those who need it slow."

Montell Jordan has
dropped another one. lli.s
fourth (‘1) is iii stores now. He
has come a long way from
“This is how we do it." l am not
ashamed to say that this song
still pumps me up.

When you listen to the (‘1).
you know it is Montell because
of. the hip hop beats and nasty

His first sitigle and title
track. “(let it on. . . 'l‘onite is
sure to make you get your
groove on. 1)ance beats
smoothed oitt with sexy lyrics
is his MO.

This (‘1) will take you on a
long date. start out clubbing
and end up loving.

This (‘1) will be a hit for
young listeners however it
leaves a lot to he desired for
those who like old school

His second and third (‘lts
ol‘f'ered a gospel f‘eel. But this
(‘1)offers us some Latin flavor.
He sings a song in Spanish anrl
it sounds good.

My favorite track is song
11. "Time to say goodbye."
(‘heck it out. 1ts not what you

lie made one mistake. He
sang his version of "Against all
odds" by Phil Collins. it sounds

Is it me or are songs itt‘(‘(llllr
ing the best t‘oreplay‘.’ When we
have people like Montell .Jor


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rlan snrng list-(111 instructions
on how to do it.
Rating: B

By Shulesia Stewart

SYAH M11. .lt'


In Moderation

What an album. ()h boy.
I‘m really excited about this
new slab of‘ crunch f‘roin
ttStopsT. 1 think this cotild be
the baiid that piris rock back on
the map. ()li wait \\ hats that
you say‘.’ It‘s tsrsrtr. Nirvana did
all that to years ago Shit. 1
must be conl'tiseil.

So IN .l/or/errtrron is a really
limp album of protogrunge.
There's more or less a balance
between the soft. httl‘t semi lrgtl
lads and the loiirl. chunka
chunk “rockers.” There's no
sign of' an original idea any
where on this album's ll
tracks. My personal highlight is
the song "l'nrnspired." not be
cause it's good or anything r'it
isn‘t). but simply because it
sums up the whole of' this id
bum. There's another song beg
ging the listener to "(Question
literything" that ina\ cause
Matchbox "Jo raiiother example
ol' rock gone wrong) to question

where ttStopsT ::ot a hold of

their songbook

Regiirgitation‘s a illlt‘il and
this band coughs it tip oier the
course of'lri ,l/tII/i'l‘tlllrlll. I guess
they‘re ready for the radio. .-\f1
ter all. (‘reed sells millions of
records. Shows what 1 know.
Rating: F

By Joe Marrett



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Hit) f,;t""l{t‘1-.1H"

2043 Oxford Circle






' .4.
V‘Kw‘h wr

»- (Lt-.5»



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"”1 wif'oaJW We " I



Senior Challenge Giveaway!

November 16th 11:30-1pm @ B & E

November 17th 11:30-1pm @ Classroom Bldg.


Free icescrapers & gifts for underclassmen
Drawing for 1 semester’s free books!
sponsored by the Student Development Councrl




the (amtius (atendar is prottuwtt weekly by the Office of Student Activities
Postings in the calendar are free to all registered student organizations and UK
departments. information (an be submitted in Rm 203 Student (enter or by
tompletitig a request form onrltne (1' http:, .‘wwwuky edu/Student(enter.
Postings requests are due 0N£ WEEK PRIOR to the Monday inlormdtion is to
appear in the uilentfdr For more information “111257-8866

Wednesday 11/17


Hes tile liittrr'ittu [nu IOK, 6 Jo 9, Holmes Utisyoo it and Lorriiiioiis 3088

ties Lite 1tlltit!l\q trierrriytry. ‘1 r' JOpni. (ominous 1118A

Res Lite littui'tiiq lienr tr 1‘ 10pm. kt-t-iielmitl

“1‘? Lily lutot mu >|)(|II.\II. 3 l0piti at (ornmons, 100

New Lite littoi llltj Math 6 10pm, Noggin Lotiirgt

Res, llH‘ liituiriiq Mist-try rue, lti9,t’) 9 309m Mrstrrr, IcH, 'USJLJO (sworn. holnies >tutiy trrttlltit'
Orientation tut Siidtil‘wlllll riiitt ll‘ll'ltl)'llps 2 thr Pin '1 1 Student (enter



>Ablllt1mit Arturtle-.tonrrnrittektceiinq 5pm ‘Lrl )totieiit (enter
Y(“'Il"'|.l‘||.l‘ll“A’l‘"4"(1‘l‘h‘V§I‘[|U”‘J'11llv J bum Kitiqlt fieniis come to. South Hill stature
(SA \H‘t‘ltth‘ ‘prrr Vu'tllllllt) Ronni rtl bit tidri Butt.

Ant) Nitmtt »
Ktltt'lllthr ope (K Pratt r stunt or» rIlItl l." on, at rr \rrlt‘ll‘ldi'y Ht-r ital Hun


idt' Uturrrq, i-yan ‘Stllllr'ri slotlvtit briiutr

Utt tempo )t-Il Lit-ream (1110.3 JOtiiiiAlurnittt-yn Luil_1HlL‘
Slit-r oe t writs

\Mritr tor a: 5mm it .tlullllq hands (a 991" 51nd. at tcnter (mun-room
tom 5. i. ror turn. Aiirtr'tttiy_5tllrlulultllt; huts-m Uttl“>1$U"'iI“1 W ”are "comm-tr LUUt‘! ‘r,rm c8

Thursda 11/18

' 691791ur liillf» into





fit-e vain zoo and Ill ratomrth nu rig >1|Illt‘lii(l‘llit'llSlql‘upiti‘gtjyvittt‘ .d.
New tilt lot-.rrotl titeitnstry 3 7 109m, Noggin lounge

Re) Ltlt- 1|ll’il r111] iron: it i built, (rriiriitun; 306

Res titc ttrlr, ti Svtiiiisr l 5 inpir at Holmes shitty l turiqt' a 5 font at “auqe computer (at)


Ht": tit: Home». \mttr it Hypo» Noirncs (layymrrm
ties in. tar ,rr-r, Nrslrrry art it): it it) It stiprrt,(orrrntrrn, ton

line you, art“ 1 .m Hog (iill)1lt|l' >lutIt-ni hilluwfltip titiittiiiigtbo,‘ Luiwtitriti Sue :

n tilltl tom r- M'ptti Brlzllltt stout-oi (enter 5‘

trusnmtur lo a, optn [iriytilsl stint n! (eittt-i

UK Lambda. [be (my unit it than 5'1““ Iii Urg Mcctrnti, ' 109m, Rm :31 student Lt trier
lliurstltsy Niuiit Dinner with Lit Wesley ‘tlUnud‘lU'L out". 308 Columbia Aye , 54‘ First trme l't‘t
Dinner 11".“ Do: ltts yyi‘rlistitttl try Millet, Jewish Stunt ot 01L) , 6 159m. Uta/rt DlllllH|NtI|1
National Amt: lttlllit. rrl him I ‘e t trttrtltiiits Met-twig r' 15pm Rttr :1’1 (idttrrn (out tp .,v iltt‘olr-
ck SI‘IYW\h1‘3'“1wil'l-tit‘1ihii‘x‘tvilltt] 'it‘rprrr Hot :45 Student (enter

mm Nit/yin.
liqlit Up the My Vlt'»llt1|"|’tyl’ ’tr- .etrt apiii bull‘ltlil r'h‘ din 571m slilllll'tl‘r 3‘) tor s. rrerr trim rr- are.) it
t'll'tllyt'i‘s y r r .r y. it. rat utilt‘r- ran 25‘ 49:9 rm tut. is.

lllfttflltll r115 “AW '1‘“ tr"
Lillllld’t'ilifllt'l (Jul) 1"
lurkt-y it tr: 3 ‘, w. in,


tar : Japan lltt-‘ltl t wlit
(r-t. »- y it.“ liittl 1.“ Axiom row on ‘\i|lllllll ortyt

7th noun“, 1 10pm tltiplryt stun. or r rlrr rr
tit Hitriby Prat llll‘ o rtprn (Ititr Sprrrl~ treirl

but-r tal Lyerttu
the name Show ’ 9pm. ‘yttrtierrr tr elr r bullit't'uofl‘r

Juvenile Itisltu l'aiiel Wily Hus in wire my but it up on ll) kitty r 9pm. bl. tow 5: boot totilti ootii l>t trout



All» Mriy‘t's
(rt Opera theatre lire lr ntlei (mitt liy Am on (.opliintl Bum, Ml"i‘lllltill malty tit tee. 3‘: 8. S" rail 1919! r "r bets
Light Up itu Sky Pll‘xl ”It'll by LK theatri hum, (utttjtllll in. dire 5‘ltii student, 59 tor u'iit‘rl r: rem mil to
mount-ts 31 r ‘rir q. norm parrot .ulr 153 4939 tor octets

UK Summer Study P’hll'tllll r r Lat-rt built, 1111 llt‘lttlltl titilt irast irit lil‘ r111 DI Ioutiir §1It|wiulilllvldf ' ‘i '1')

uh tr c No: key \\ l‘ur tlot trirttrrrqirt. retiriqtori llt (1 liter, 5 I at [tit ttuot

ter titres
bcriertit Henry 5m ltorr‘ (nail rirarr )rrrot (hit t, of 51a". (pm. Student (enter biotin, 8d”! 0011'

WSaturda 1 1 /20

tatntuo 5m». in tin '1h‘wlihjl‘(4l'rt 61”"
Lkr .- Nitrite; i'uttltH ‘lltil‘itflil lt‘Kiflt]




. (t rilur 54.” Hit tlttrit

in. it ‘(1t_11.H‘tlily a.» t" piano. spur. Mcniurdo Hail. 7100555 & SJ. will I 49.910! (IUUJI)
r will, or tresira in l ( til it 50pm Srnqletaiy (on: ert Hall. free‘

we» '1'! (I try I or t . ,pril otrruner yn. .It‘t 5: tor students $9101sl'lltotrlli/eris and LI

5 ‘ r. ' tjl‘l‘tr1iu|li,"‘,gtlli.”. i‘i.‘)1rll|tklf\




Rm irte tutorrnt, 1'rq 111‘ r; in i to nor Stuuy louirtit- dint (ominous 300

New Lllt tutoring Spanish. 3 p r~ tirrtli‘i'ylidSSHItll"

"1") [iii 'otuiiou Mall: 5 'rJu'V (.utiirnons IDEA

Restre ittl‘ll'llh] Hotel, or u o 9|tmdtkutiiuioti) 10588: Hotury 1011051 fipnidttommom 306
lit-s Lttr lulullltq Uicrirrstry ; Eton: 1‘U\[1§l|1(ly Loonue





Writt Water Ltity Roll Sesytui. ‘r Airri Ltitit fisltl
Auuatu (enter 5} learn to rotr your kayak.
it‘strl’yriltuns r I‘lll‘i yten tall [ma M ."Jr‘ 590‘]



Sunday Morntray Vernon), Haw tltr tstmn :
Student 'ellowslirp (501 t tr'ttt' I'm Ave; y
(1""0111 Mds~tt1 Mi Newman ’r ritet 9am I
11 30am, Sprrr ti eriir

Art), Muytt \
[Kitibil UN 1N1 [35(le Hr: \itllt‘nrtlrlt Vt't‘l». l I
Art Mint-inn '2 3pm

(x 1m olty Bra,» Uittnttt rpm Sltlult'ldly
(elitt-rt Hull

yroior Piano «m rttri, spur, birrulttttl , in ( 11m

Us (out wit timidv thrr t1.“ 1‘.) V [JLrl lot 101‘:

litilit up tin Sky Picsuitett try L! theatre.

gym, wrunoi lned'ic. Sr lot stout-no. 39 let
semi-i r itiii-rts and UK i'tIiplytrt-s. Sll lur ut n
l'ldl pilbiit rtIIl 15F 39.7010! flt Arts

... .- .








IthlVl It ,.‘\i ‘1111‘Itl“




















































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_____ undergone”? "was. ,1. "4--.“... . i... .' . . .-
Lists; is: 53mm ti Kimb | GI t d' | d't i _s
. . . . er Y enn, ass . I3 0906 e l 0!
Christopher Emmickl dialogue editor Matt Ellison, copy desk chief __
Mark Vanderhoff, editor in chief Candice Jackson, at-larqe member
Gary McCollum, senior staff writer Scott Marchand, at-larqe member
Natalie Johnson, at-larqe member Lance Pearson, at-Iarqe member l P
4 l WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 1?, i999 l KENTUCKY KERNEL http://www.kykernel.com i 33"
E; ; i w
1 i if i 3L"!
”w MIT StIIdellt ' Wynne; vague ’ ‘ i .2971!-
creates l ”°" ; ’l 3;;
Leno AT-AT g :33;
t f, ros:
lts official - you can : i " 25,l
create anything with j x ress l , 6 mo
ieoos. : : sin
A student at MIT has . t -—
successfully created > 52::
an AT-AT walking ): : m1
vehicle from the Star . iii 1': UM;
Wars series. . m ‘: (TR-E]
The AT-ATs debuted in i » g; up“
The Empire Strikes l ~ rarity
Back during the 1 § if:
famous Hoth battle ? i a": PEN!
O O O L]. ‘
lieffiiniiT‘i‘ii‘i'smq sit a Subszdzzmg student fees to fund 3 333.“
. sh §§ - - ;: mortt
Sli'f£§"§oi§2%mes \‘ iii student organizations promotes . 333g
.' . . : R2§ \ E . o . i 3'
espec'alv mama . _. -. __ . , . 1“:sz y independent thoughts and ideas ‘ ' 3:3,:
to create the desned \, ‘ ‘ * . - _; i ' UTE—l
'00“ 0' We“ :' “TH'NGS JUST DON'T m SENSE ANYMu-MY 1'0chqu This past Tuesday. the. U.S.‘Supreme Court heard argu Intei'l
DUMP TH ll ments on whether public universities and colleges should be al to rite
. E BEAN‘ES, BUY POKEMON - towed to use mandatory student fees to finance