xt776h4crn9n https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt776h4crn9n/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky. University Senate University of Kentucky. Faculty Senate Kentucky University of Kentucky. University Senate University of Kentucky. Faculty Senate 1911-10-23  minutes 2004ua061 English   Property rights reside with the University of Kentucky. The University of Kentucky holds the copyright for materials created in the course of business by University of Kentucky employees. Copyright for all other materials has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky. For information about permission to reproduce or publish, please contact the Special Collections Research Center. University of Kentucky. University Senate (Faculty Senate) records Minutes (Records) Universities and colleges -- Faculty University of Kentucky University Senate (Faculty Senate) meeting minutes, October 23, 1911 text University of Kentucky University Senate (Faculty Senate) meeting minutes, October 23, 1911 1911 1911-10-23 2021 true xt776h4crn9n section xt776h4crn9n mm... -.l.,

State University of Kentucky.
October twenty~third,1911.

The faculty met in tie usual place at 3:30 P.¥. those
present being President Parker, President Emeritus Patterson
VicenPresident White, Professors Rcovell, Anderson Miller ’
Laffcrty, Mathews, Pence, Zembrod, Tuttle, Rowe, Frankel, ,
Mustaine, Kelly, Maxson, Terrell, Gillie, Roberts, Peter,
Turner, Davis, Noe, Carrel, Tigert, Phoades, Kastle, Tuthill,
Freeman and Fasten.

The minutes of the meeting of hay 86th,lgll, were read
and after a slight emcndation were approved.

The standing committees were then called upon for reports.
The only report offered was that of the Gommittee upon
Entertainments NoneAthletic, which was read by Professor Zemhrod
as follows:

"First meeting of the Committee on Entertainments
NonnAthletic of the State University, Transylvania
University, and the Women's Club of State University,
was called to meet in Patterson Hall by Mrs.Lafferty,
President of the Women's Club of State University.

The following committees we e present: Dr.lrvin
Myers, Professors Henry Lloyd and Clarence Freeman of
Transylvania University; Mrs,Lafferty, Mrs.Zembrod and
Miss Chinn, the committee appointed by the President of
the Women's Club of State University; Miss Hamilton and
A.C.Zembrod, members of the Committee for Entertainments
NoneAthletic, Professor Frankel being the absent member.
Professor Lloyd acted as chairman, A.C.Zembrod as secretary.

The object of this meeting was to discuss ways and
reans leading to a regulation of student functions, formal
and informal.

The first meeting makes the following recommendations:

(1) Formal social functions to be held on Friday, to
close not later than one o'clock in the morning.

(2) Informal social functions to be held on Saturday,
to close not later than half~past eleven o'clock at night.

(3) Social functions to be held on nights pre~
ceding a legal holiday, if said holiday does not fall on
Sunday, to close not later than one o'clock a.m.

(i) That informal functions should not close later than
1? p.m. on Friday.

) That formal functions should close not later than
on Fridays. *

) That formal or informal functions or other enter—
ts held on Saturdays should close at 11:30 p.m.

) That afternoon functions should close not later

(8) That a list of chaperones be submitted for
approval at least three days previous to any function to
the Dean of Women and to the Faculty Committee on Fnterw
tainments Nonenthletic, and that this list include in
all cases a member ovp the faculty and his wife.

A.C.iembrod, SeCfEtaTY- "





 «mm-m... ‘ 7..-. ._.M .

Minutes of Faculty, october 83

On motion it was ordered that the matters presented
. .. _ p . . ,
in this report ior consideration by the faculty be referred
’aCK to tie committee with power to act.

Lieut.Kelly submitted the following resolution
relative to excuses from military drill:

"Resolved: That the President of the University
shall have the power.when he deems it props to
exercise it, to excuse from military work those students
who are working their way through the university, and
who are dependent upon their labor to enable them to
attend the university: Provided that the student
desiring the above exemption shall certify upon honor
that he is dependent upon his labor to enable him to
attend the university, and that he will report for
military work when he is no longer dependent, and will
make up his two years of military work or such part of
it as he is able to make up before he quits the univer~
sity by graduation or otherwise: Provided further that
in case the student is unable to make up his military
work or any part of it before graduation, that the
President may remove such delinquency in military work
and allow the said student to graduate: Provided further
that students in a department using the credit system
must make up the credits lost through absence from
military work in some other manner."



The resolution resulted in some discussion. Professor
Miller suggested that ememption from military drill would
not afford much relief to students desiring to work their
way through the University unless they also received exemption
from physical education. President Emeritus Pattersoh thought
that it would not be lawful for the President to grant excuses
to able~bodied students in View of his obligations to the
Federal Government, which had been instrumental in establishing
the land grant colleges, with Egelgongition that such military
service should be required of ailksth ents in such colleges.
President Patterson stated that experiments in the past had
been tried in giving partial exemption to students and that
the plan worked badly and was finally abolished.


President Barker expressed his feeling that the whole
matter should be ca.efully considered, and stated that he
would, without objection, appoint a committee of the faculty
to whom should be referred all questions regarding the
legality and expediency of this proposed resolution. He
appointed upon this committee Judge La“ferty, as chairwan,
with President Emeritus Patterson and Lieut.Kelly.


President Barker than referred to the fact that some
interest had been aroused during the spring and fall terms
relative to the idea of adopting the honor system among
students of this University. He stated that the matter had
been taken up anew this September by the students and that
he favored the appointment of a special committee from the
Faculty to act jointly with a body of students and report
back to the faculty. On motion of Dr.Terrell, seconded by
VicemPresident White, it was ordered that such a committee
be appointed. President Barker then named on this committee
Vice~President White, as chairman, with Professors Tigert,
Terrell, Freeman, Scovell and Hamilton.

President Parker also called attention to the fact that,
owing to the large numbers of both men and women required to
take work in physical training, difficulty had been found in
securing both time and space for the work of Mrs.Stout
and Professor Mustaine. He thought it would is adVisable




Minutes of Faculty. October 83,1911.


to have a committee appointed to make a study of the
situation and adjust the relations between the two depart~
ments as far as possible. It was ordered upon motion

of Professor Mustaine, seconded by Dr.Tereell, that such a
committee be arpointed, and the Eresident named as the
committee, Professor Anderson, chairman; Lieut.¥elly,

Wusteine, ?tout, Norwood and ?hosdes.

that this committee should
The lists
June 19 3 were tnen presenter:
the degrees named:

For the degree Bachelor 0

Walter H.Ammerman

Thomas E.Beatty

James W.Cary

James F.3uncan

James L.Fdelen

Jack H.Gaiser

Howard C.Gelloway
Llewellyn C.Hardesty
Orie W.Hollar

William Henry Jaegle
Robt.Leslie Jones

Fred S.Ksrn

Jos.Fmanuel Kohn

Harry Geo.Korphage

James Thomas Lowe

Gilcin F.Meadors

Vincent Bartlett Milligan
AleX.Timber1ake Ramsey
Shirley Dean Saunders
Yervy P.8hoemaker

lerman F.Vogliott'

of respective candidates for degrees 1
Anderson submitted the following lists for

Mechanical anineerinL:

For the degree of Mechanical Engineer:

Ernest E.Horine

John Keith Browning
Alphon Penrod

Milton Sears Smith
Charles Jablow

Roy Cald ell Hopgood
Hubert LeGrand Cornelison
Ulysses A.Garred

John Joel Yager

Daniel Morris Case

Edward Campbell McDowell
William Henry Collier
Paul Sterling Ward

Frank Daugherty
Henry Bewlay
Chester Martin
Orville Kirk Dyer
William Ed.Freeman
Henry Skillman Pry

Shni th

Alex.Lewis Jenkins
Frank Y.Johnson
William H.Grady
John S.Horine
Thomas F.Hudgins
John Jas.Curtis

‘ Arza L.Wilhoite

Howard M.West
Daniel Boone Bryan
Philip Riefkin
Perrin Pule
Murray Pansy

Victor F.Muncy
Clarence S.Rennett
Robert Bruce Hunt
John Jas.Tigcrt
Daniel Morris Case

It was further agrée
power to act.








 Minutes of the Faculty, Oct.?3,1911. 40

Professor Fasten presented the following from the
College 0: mines and Metallurgy for the degree of
Bachelor of Mining Engineering:

Giltner, James Bristow
Hager, William Rruce
Thiesing, William Skinner

Professor Fasten also named Mr.W.B.Johnson as a
possible candidate, stating that he had work in progress
which, though somewhat irregular, would, if completed,
enable him to graduate in 191?.

Professor Rowe submitted the following for the degree
Bachelor of Civil Engineering:
For Degree Civil Engineer.

Barrows, W.D. Bell, Duncan B.
Claggett, Harry Northcott ‘ Coleman, 9am B.
Earle, Thomas Evans Cook, Holton

Lewis, Joe. Millett Downing, H.H.
NcMurtrey, John Dallas Denham, E.M.

Nagle, Herbert Lincoln Earle, Irbie Benjamin
Penny, William S. Haff, Robt.Schuyler
Robertson, John Edw. Kelley, 0.0.
Robinson, Fobb Ambrose Rankin, Harry Lee
Robinson, Fdfi. . Shankland, M.W.
Echimpeler, Ernest Francis Wendt, Wylie B.
Skiff, Palph Yankey, Andrew George

Thomas, John Parret
Watson, John Rudolph
Wallace, William
Wadsworth, John Henry

Professor Miller submitted the name of Miss Eloise
Ginn as a candidate for the degree of A.P., either in
December 1911 or June 1913; if in December 1911 to be
considered a member of the class of 1911. He also sub«
mitted the following list:

Battaile, Dolly Taylor .9. Major Math.
Creekmore, Cora T. .3. Major Latin
Dean, Addie Lee . . Major English

0 {I} ".0 ’1) "D '11.}

iajor Math.
Major Education

Dean, Annie Louise
Gillie, Cleo
Gnadinger, Chas.Ryron
Golden, Jas.Stephen
Harrison, Marion M.
Humble, Jos.M.

Irvin, Oscar W. Physics

Jones, Jessie Milton .R. Latin

Kelly, Hugh .9. English
McClure, Virginia C. .3. Education
McKenny, Henry Fields .8. Latin

Marcum, Fuby Leon .8. Anat. and Phys.
Miller, Jesse Isidore .3. English


Noland, Hattie
Tinsley, Raymer W.




An additional list was submitted by Professor Miller
of those who had some conditions to remove, and concerning
whom it was not yet determined whether they would accomplish
this, the delay in determining their status in some cases
not being due to the student's fault but to his inability to
secure exmainations.






 WA”. A

Minutes of the Faculty October 23,1911. 41~


fessor Miller then read the following resolution
wt :1 o . We 9

and Scienc,


meeting of the Faculty of the College of

Arts and science on October 20,1911, it was resolved that
with the consent of the general faculty the present

rule in regard to maximum credits any student might
obtain in any year be so modified as to permit in

special cases a greater number than 21.5 in each of the
Freshman and Sophomore Years and 18 in each of the Junior
and Seniors Years. The applicant for such privilege

to present his request in writing to a committee of the
Arts and Science faculty to be known as the “Somm‘ttee

on Extra Studies“: "


Dr.Scovell for tne College of Agriculture presented
the following names:

For the degree hachelcr of Science in Agriculture:
William Collins
William Coleman Harrison
Johannes duplessis Ocsthuizen
Henry Means Walker
William Septimus Taylor

For the degree Master of Science in Agriculture:
Grover Cleveland Routt. ‘

On motion of Professor Anderson it was ordered that
the Secretary be requested to have a list prepared of the
candidates for the bachelor degrees so that the list might
be sent to each member of the faculty.

Tt was ordered upon motion of Professor Rowe that
Ernest Louis Becker and Floyd Reed Naylor be presented
for the degree of Bachelor of Civil Engineering in December
1911, these men not having fully completed their work last
June, and that they be considered as members of the class
of 1911. After a brief discussion of the status of these
men, a vote to re—consider the motion was carried and it
was then ordered that the case of these men lie over
until the next meeting, like those of the other candidates
for degrees.

Professor Miller called the attention of the faculty
to a communication he had received from Superintendent
Cassidy of the City Schools in which complaint was made
that the High School was being deprived of undergraduate _
students whowere coming to the University, and it was claimed






minutes of t e Faculty, October 83,1911. 48.

were being admitted to the Freshman Class. Attention

of the faculty was called to several cases of this sort,
and Professor Rhoades explained that these complaints

in many cases arogse from the feet that students had
entered the Model School but had been given one or more
studies in the Freshman Class, which resulted in their
claiming,in their home communities, standing in the Fresh»
man Class of the University. Professor Rhoades stated
that it was the desire and purpose of his committee to
investigate these complaints and to correct any errors that
may have been made/as rapidly as possible.

On motion the meeting adjourned.


Secretary of the Faculty,