xt779c6s1r33 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt779c6s1r33/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1984-08-28 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, August 28, 1984 text The Kentucky Kernel, August 28, 1984 1984 1984-08-28 2020 true xt779c6s1r33 section xt779c6s1r33  

Vol. lXXXVII, No. H



er nel

University of Kentucky. Lexington, Kentucky

New vice chancellor focuses
teaching on minority students


A desire to teach minority stu-
dents has brought William C. Parker
to the climax of his career and to

Parker has been named vrce chan-
cellor for minority affairs succeed-
ing John T. Smith who retired in
June. Parker had been a program
administrator for 14 years with the
Educational Testing Service in
Princeton. NJ

“We conducted a national search
and Bill Parker emerged as the
strongest candidate." said Art Gala
laher. chancellor for the Lexington
campus. “He has an excellent grasp
of minority issues We expect that
he will serve University and minori-
ty interests well.“

“I consider myself to be right on
schedule and I consider this appomtv
merit as the climax of my career."
Parker said.

A life—long interest in the minority

educational process — specifically
black education e is one of the
strong points he will bring to the
job.he said.

“I do know how people can suc
ceed and I'm good at teaching that
Therefore l‘m more interested in
what causes people to achieve ratli
er than tofail."hesaid.

"Working at ETS allowed me an
opportunity to research and estab-
lish different kinds of educational
programs. but the most important
thing I learned is how to function
and work mstde organisations and
institutions within our society. and
I'd like to teach that to young people
because that's where success modal
ities are." Parker said

Parker hopes to "put into action"
what he has learned at ETS about
the retention of students "('ollege
success is 90 percent attitude." he
said. "and in a few years t’lx' can be
a model on how to develop stir
dents H

President Otis A Slnglt‘tdl‘} \liltl.

On the move

As students return to the residence halls, administrators search for a new atmosphere

Senior Staff Writer

All students who have requested to
live in a residence hall can expect to
get a room, according to Rosemary
Pond. associate dean of students for

residence hall life

The waiting list is qurte small

compared to years before.
said. “We will be able to ultimately
house everyone. "

Tomorrow. the residence hall staff
will send to the homing office a list
On Fri-
day. the housrng office will attempt
to contact those students before the

of students who have not

checked into their rooms

room is reassrgned

Food services
preparing for
new semester

Staff Writer

You‘ve scheduled classes. bought
books. and found a place to live
You've seen Purple Rain twice and
made a note of happy hour loca-

The familiar rumble of hunger
suddenly begins in your stomach
and you're looking around for food
Don't worry — the L'ni'versity dining
system is ready for you

“We're ready to go full swing."
said Allen Rieman. director of food

Cafeterias and grills in the Com-
mons. K-Lair. Donovan and Blazer
Halls. and the Student Center are
prepared to serve a variety of meals
at many different timis.

For students who have already re-
quested a meal plan. the deadline
for making contract changes was
Aug.4. However. a new meal plan
can be ordered until Sept. 7. Rieman
said. Students will be charged noth-
ing extra to obtain the new plan. but
there will be a $25 ”processing fee"

\cc HM“). pacc ‘4



The Kentucky Commission on
Human Rights says UK should hire
more women to tenured faculty posi-
tions. Sec pace 7.

University artist series brings pro-
gramming closer to home. See [A‘-
FARE. page 3

Scrimmage reveals a troubled offen-
sive line. Claiborne is seeking an»
swers before the season opener. Sec
SPORTS. paged



Today will be cloudy with a to per-
cent chance of thunderstorms. The
high will be in the mid 805. Tonight
will be partly cloudy with a 20 per-
cent chance of thunderstorms. The
low will be 65 to 70.




Pond did say", however. that lie
cause of selective admissions. the
"no~show" list should not be as
large as it has been in the past

The l'niversity discussed offering
single rooms this semester. but
Pond said it is not possible became
the space is needed

Pond said students riiay be attic to
request a Single room next scmes
ter. when there are usually many

fine change which has taken effec'
this semester. is the combination or
freshmen with upperclasstnen 'll
Holmes Hall and Kirwan 'l‘owei'
This semester. 60 upperclassnyei:
will live in Holmes Hall and iii:
freshmen will ll\f' in Kirwan 'l' me:

"I share the enthusiasm for the ap-
pointment of Hill Parker to our ml'
nority office position

“He is an t‘XlX’l‘lt‘llt‘t‘t’l administrar
tor and is widely known for his work
with minorin \llitlt'lils. Singletary‘
said 'I expect him to do a really sue
pert: ltil) for its lll this important

”The tiasic premisi- of what this
program is all about will stay intact
because I was fortunate enough to
walk into an i-tfectite program
that s had good leadership. Parker

’I have some ideas and changes I
want to maki- and my hardest task
herc at (R will l~- learning how I
can t'liH'llVl'lK implement some of
the things 'ria' .vill affect change as
soonastwssihli ht'\.llfi

Parker \lx'lll Jl years In public ed
tictition as a tun-tier. and
principal ll‘i 'he hansas "ity (‘hl'
«ago atztf i li-yi-laiat my schools be
fore wrung l‘ll'fé lli .flstt worked as
amt .ieftr=:it:sti'.i'or‘ at


ti 't‘tit'ltt‘i‘

\\ liii’ .~ v

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arr- fining to accuttipl

the atmosphere to

:sf: 1\ 'l‘
lt‘llt't' halls.”
Jim-pf: 1 lion in ilf‘.il.t|l sttidt'lits

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Scott \losclcy of Ithaca \.\
friend move into a residence hall

tillli‘atls .t t..t1‘ \l.' tlti'v .i'


oberlin (‘ollegeintihi’o

A native of Cairo. lll . Parker has
a bachelor's and master's degree
from lllmors State L'niverstty Par-
ker and his wife. Emily have seven
children. all college graduates

Parker has a doctorate in psychol-
ogy from (‘olumbia Pactfic blilVPrSlr
ty. Mill Valley Calif He has done
graduate work at Rutgers l'nrversr
ty'. the t'niversity of Guana. the l’nir
yersity of Kansas. Western Reserve
l‘niversity' and New York l'nrversr»

dents have a right to apply for any
hall and this will improve their
choices '

Pond said all resrdence halls will
be integrated "ultimately iii five or
sixyears "

Hob ('lay. assrstant dean of stu
dents. said Kirwan Tower has been
integrated for at least five years "It
is not new to us. we have had no
problems The benefits will far out
weigh the negative. especially for
students "

Last year Kirwan III also had a
mixture of upperclassmen and

Pond said she has not pushed for

the integration of women s halls be
\ , \1“‘I’.,‘f'\‘


l\lh~ll\lR\ A

l\‘3\\.lll ”landing complex He was helping a

Extra Operators prepare for
onslaught of telephone calls

Staff Writer

L'niversity switchboard operators
are expecting about 28.000 calls dur-
ing the first two weeks of school.
according to Bonnie Johnson. man-
ager of Communications Operations

“Everyone's calling." she said.
and students may find themselves
waiting for a short time before an
operator answers the call.

However. new equipment installed
within the last year enables opera-
tors to deal more quickly with the
overflow of calls which usually
occur at the beginning of each se-
mester. A computerized directory
increases the speed at which the op-
erator can handle calls. Johnson

“(The operaterst don't have to
leaf through (directoryi pages." she

Seven titll time operators will be
at switchboards during the initial
flow of calls After two weeks. the
operators expect to handle about 8.-
ooo calls less than the original esti-

After the rush subsides. five or Six
operators can adequately handle all
calls. Johnson said There are l2
full-time and nine part-lime L'niver-
sity operators who work in shifts

Valerie Estes. editor of the Stu-
dent Government Association phone
directory. said new books would be
available in early tk‘tober. “proba-
bly inthe first week "

"tine of the most frequently asked
questions is ‘How do I get in the
phone book’“ " she said "If your
number was in last year‘s (phone
book. it should be included" this

Any address and telephone
changes made within the last year
by offcampus students can be re-

ported at an information table estab-
lished this week at the Student Cen—
ter Tim Freudenberg. SGA
president. said the process. which
only requires filling out a form.
would continue until Friday

Students who wish to make correc-
tions after Friday may do so at the
SGA office. Estes said students
should make the corrections soon.

because Commumcation SeTVlCeS
needs the information two weeks be-
fore the publication deadline. which
is Sept. 15.

A “frequently called numbers"
list is available at information desks
in the Student Center and in the Pat»
terson Tower information office

Also included on the sheet are dial-
ing instructions. some of which have
been changed.

Tuesday, August 28. 1984

Ombudsman mediates
academic discrepancies

Senior Staff Writer

Students. faculty and admimstra»
tors have someone within the [hi
versrty to turn to if they have an
academic problem

The ombudsman. (‘harles W El»
linger. is available to hear griev»
ances and to give advtce and infor~
mation about academic problems

Ellinger said one of his main duv
ties is to investigate accusations of
cheating and to inform students of
the appeal process

"Our office is responsrble to ”WES
tigate the accusation and to advise
students of their student rights." he
said Ellinger then reports to the ap-
peals board

if the board determines that the
student is gurlty'. he or she may re»
ceive an "E" in the course or a one
semester suspension

The ombudsman also can be use
ful for students who are dissatisfied
with a particular grade. however
there are several steps that Ellinger

V. .e

ady'ises before he can take actioi.

A conference with their real rt-r _.
the first step Then. if the; .m- t
dissatisfied. students shotnif tnaiw
an appointment with the tippl‘lipt'ai'i
department chairman

Ellinger said that if the prtilrlt‘it. t,»
then not solved. he will thei. been
investigating the discrepancy Stu
dents must explain their reasons 'ni'
deserving a better grade. he salt:

"I will then call the professor aw:
ask for his side of the story lili rig
er said “My office is a tug litt‘ffl:
tron process "

Ellinger said there are many run-s
that students should he ril'tlil‘h or 7n
fore beginning classes 'l‘i- ln‘kltl:
professor must give a wrt‘N-t. ‘_»l.‘r‘.
bus on the first or second ria'. c
class The syllabus must :Iilz'Liil.
reasonable explanation
content of the course

Ellinger also said students \ll'til.l
be aware of the policy tha' pronau's
tests to be administered the
before final exams 'l'his pul'i“. ~

1mm iisxi \\

«illflrll '!.i

»\ f‘e‘h'


luk‘lullh »

\\ith their belongings in hand. residents of Haggin flail. a mc"
freshman hall. climb the sltlll’s Sunday as they prepare 7o lll\‘\k 1: 7t

their rooms.

Program gives students
alternative curriculum

autism s‘i.

Staff Writer

A small neighborhood in a large

That is how Raymond Betts views
the Honors Program. Betts. director
of the program. said students in the
program get the best of both worlds.
"Students get the benefits of a large
school with all its opportunitia as
well as the personal attention of a
small college." he said

Students have spectal academic
opportunities because the program
offers an alternate approach to sat-
isfying l‘niversity requirements.
Betts said

The program is composed of four
lecture sessrons it is destgned to ac.
quaint students with Western Civili<
zation culture. Betts said. “it allows
for methodology and concepts of hu-
manities as a whole. This offers a
wider perspective, "

Besides fulfilling the colloquia.
students must do an independent
study which involves posing and
solving an academic research prob-
lem. “We urge students to march
an area in which they are inter-

There are currently
dents enrolled in the honors pri-
gram The classes are small ant:
conducted as seminars. Betts said
"The students learn to think on their
feet "

The Honors Program began more
than 20 years ago with lnfi'tl‘mdi
weekly lectures "The present form
occured in the fourth or fifth year it!
existence under the previous direc
tor. Robert Evans. ' he said Though
expanded. the curriculum is not
very different now

He plays an active role through ll‘.
formal advismg and curricular de

The Honors Program provides a
“heightened sense of excitement in
the matters of the mind." Betts
said. “Students gain an appreciation
of human nature in external reali

The experiences gained are "in
valuable." he said "The extent will
be measured throughout the stu-
dent‘s life and experiences

“Our program Will never suffer in
obeolesence like other courses not
frequently updated.“ he said "The
program is for all seasons and all


 THE KENWYKHNEL-H 1", TUESDA V, August2‘, nu - 2






1‘ udemu‘st‘entralized add drop for advance registered Registrar's Office 7-Jlol

students Memorial Coliseum

lt'udemwvlast day a student may officially drop a course Registrar's Office 7-3l6l

or cancel registration for a full refund

255- 29.“


( ouncil of Arts
School of Music

('l A Recital Hall

I- rec

( uncerIAMicliael I'ogler. classical guitar
Rx TIM/r“ ai-(‘hin Yuan. (‘hinese ('heng






Registrar's Otiicc 7-3lol


t. Jm’nm'x-(lass work begins
\It-moriaH ”list-um Registrar's Office

\ uur dt'un‘s office
\\nl’\h‘.lfil liicatrc 7:}tlp.m. Information Desk

$20 late fee
$2“ Ialt' It't‘

t. .mvmnilate Registration Arts 5. Sciences
1, ammo-late Registration All other colleges

\1 w m \I‘III‘IIII House 7-l2ll7





$1.75 74287

\Imu’ Animal House
lt .szwmt i Late Registration for all colleges

\h-rsham Iht-atrc
\ our dean's office

7:30 p.m. Inlormulion I)('\k


1 t udwnm-labor day -Academic holiday





\Im w- Animal House SL'IS Worsbant Theatre 7:30 p.m. Information Desk 7428"
Rn Hal-Stephen Jones. Trumpet Free Recital Hall 8 p.m. School of Music 7-4900
S/HUIVSIudflII ticket distribution for Kent State game Memorial Coliseum 8 am. to 6 p.m.

-lwdmmrs-Application for field experiences ( I“ TEB — Ruth Fitlpatrick) Joyce Hatton 7-3347



‘epl. 5

It udemm-Last day to enter an organiled class for the ‘34 tall wmcslcr chi~trar\ Office 7-3lol

it mlrmm last day to officially withdraw from thcl niu-mti anti rccctw an 80 percent refund Registrar‘s Office
Sept. 6

In Hum-The Judge ‘minford lecture u
\andra I). O‘t'onnor


irec ( l-\( unu-rl Hall 7 pm. Paul \ an Ilomen 7-lUZI

Sept. 7

()Ilmr-Baclt-to-School flash it Outdoor Band lrt-i- ‘Illdl'nl( enter 8 p.m. \AB Office

Sept. ll

Spur/cl K Football \. Kent State at home Stadium I230 p.m. Sports Info 7-4702

Sept. l2

Alcademm-Iast day to pay registration fee. housing and dining tee in amid cancellation R'll"""‘ Office 74""


Campus Calendar


Information on this calendar of events is collected and
coordinated through the Student Center Activities Office.
203/204 Student Center, University of Kentucky. The in-
formation is published as supplied by the on-campus
sponsor, with editorial privilege allowed for the sake of
clarity of expression. For student organizations or Uni-
versity departments to make entries on the calendar, a
Campus Calendar form must be filled out and returned
to the Student Activities Office.








3 - "IE KENTUCKY KENNEL-M 1m, TUESDA Y, AugustZ‘, 1m



Concert classics

Julian Bream headlines Artist Series

Arts Editor

Once upon a time. Lexington
music lovers had to travel far and
wide to catch performances by their
favorite classical and jazz perform-
ers. The University Artist Series
seeks to redress that grievance.

Coordinated by the UK Center for
the Arts. the 194/85 University Art-
ist Series is “bringing the world to

Spanish pianist Alicia de Larrocha
and British guitarist Julian Bream
are probably the best-known per-
formers in this season‘s Artist Se-
ries. It is fitting that they should
also give the series' first two con-
certs during the fall semester. de
Larrocha on Wednesday. Oct. 17 and
Bream on Wednesday. Nov. 7.

Bream is equally masterful with
both traditional and contemporary
works for guitar. and has spent half
of his 50 years performing world-
wide. Many composers have written
music specifically for Bream. in-


.Il'l.IA\ BRFA“



All Sizes Io Fit
Apartment in
Dorm Room

SIO New Circle Rd NE
253 0004
















cluding Benjamin Britten and Rich-
ard Rodney Bennett

De Larrocha has won two Grame
my awards for ”Best Classical Per-
formance." and is the 1982 recipient
of Spain's Gold Medal of Merit in
the Fine Arts and the city of Barce-
lona‘s Gold Medal for Artistic Merit.

According to Nanci Unger, the Di-
rector of Public Arts Programs for
the Center for the Arts. the season's
other shows will be no less interest-
The final concert of the season. for
example. will be an April 21 perfor-
mance by the Bach Aria Group, an
instrumental and vocal ensemble
whose performance will help Lex-
ington classical music buffs cele-
brate the 300th anniversary of the
birth of Johann Sebastian Bach.
This observance of the Bach ”I‘ricen—
tennial will “in essence be Bach‘s
birthday party." Unger said. She
also said that the lineup for the
1985/86 Artist Series should be an
nounced at that show.

The series is rounded out with per-
formances by the Prague Symphony
Orchestra on Feb. 5. and operatic
baritone Sherrill Milnes on March 1
The Prague Symphony has com
pleted more than 40 international
tours and is considered one of the
world's foremost orchestras Milnes
is the leading baritone at the Metro-
politan Opera. Covent Garden and
other great opera houses worldwide.

“We‘re trying to offer students
and the general public the highest
standards of musical excellence."
l‘nger said "The series is sponsored
and handled by the (‘enter for the
Arts. but made possible by the [hi
verSity "

According to l'nger. “Ticket
prices can never equal the artist‘s
fees, so the series is basically l'K's
gift to the community "

Season ticket prices have been fro-
zen at their 19% PA cust. $53 for the
general public and $31 for Ni stu
dents. and are on sale now

Harvey's Foreign 8. Domestic

Car Service

Located off Versailles Rd. - Pinchbock Bldg

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Lexington Ky, 40504

10% Discount w l.D.
Harvey Harris Owner
Phone (606) 253-l7l7

Pilot. ,
The Better

you won

The exciting Pilot
ballpoint. It's got every-
thing going for it. Sinoother
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ribbing for continual writing coni-
fort. Stainless steel point. Tnngstcn
carbide ball. Perfectly balanced. A
choice of medinnl or fine points.
And best of all...yon'll never
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Just slip in a 39c refill and
you're ready to write again. So
next tine your old acrdchy
pen rnna oat, rnn oat andgetthc
beat. The.“ Pilot ballpoint pen.







University Book Store
Student Center
University at Kentucky

Lenin - ton, Kentuck 40506

The Surf Is Up



is having a
we come ack party
tomorrow night for underclaaamen.

No LB. or Transportation Necessary

For more details see
tomorrow's Kernel.

Don't forget our Thursday night
Beer Blast!




individual tickets are $14 for the
general public and $8 for students
for the first four shows Tickets for
the Bach Aria Group performance
are $11 for the general public and $7
for students individual tickets go on
sale Sept 10 Visa and MasterCard
are accepted For more information.
call 257 4929

\I I( I»\ III I ~\RR()( II-\

(.nn Pierce

\l" I \ll‘l"



Roberts bares talents in ‘Sheena’

When actress Tanya Roberts
was still bouncing around in an
ABC'TV jiggleftst called "Charr
lie's Angels." she jokingly told
the casting directors of the film
“Sheena." “If you don't let me
try out for this part. I'll kill my-
self E“

Now that "Sheena" has flopped
its way onto the big screen. Rob»
erts may well wish she had made
good on that threat

Here's the story. for what it's
worth. A small American girl is
orphaned in the depths of Africa
when her screams touch off a
landslide that buries her vaguely
scientific parents in a cave A tri-
bal Shaman adopts her and
raises her to fulfill an ancient
prophecy that says a white child
will be born of the earth and
grow to be Sheena. queen of the

And grow she does. becoming
the living embodiment of every
American boy‘s erotic dreams.
Oh yeah. she can communicate
with the animals. as well. but no
doubt you already guessed that,

Along comes a smart-assed
television sports producer and his
bumbling cameraman covering a
story on a hot-shot football star
who just happens to be the broth-
er of the king who reigns over
Sheena‘s territory Meanwhile
this dastardly gridiron brother
plots to murder his royal sibling
and rake in a fortune by extract-
ing crude Oil from beneath the

kingdom. environmental con-
TV' producer meets Jungle

queen. ('ivilized courtship meets
jungle passion halfway. and
there's a whole lot of bullets vs
arrows during the battle for jun-
gle control between the evil
king’s armed forces and Sheena's
tribal buddies Guess w ho wins
The openiiigt-redit sequence
sums up this lllll‘.‘ pccpshow

philosophy As the credits roll by.
the barely lomclothed Sheena
sits regally atop a galloping
zebra. jiggling her merry way
along the seashore. l-‘or latecom~
ers stuck in long lines at the pop
corn stand. this sequence is re-
peated at the film‘s concluSion
Roberts is royally wretched in
the title role. which should come
as no surprise to anyone who
used to watch "(‘harlie's Anr
gels " Unfortunately. in the

movie theater you lose the option
of watching with the sound off

Ted Wass isn't much better as
Vic Casey. the TV producer who
falls for Sheena. He does deliver
an occasional funny line, most

lama Rt‘l‘t‘ll\ models tlic l.llt'\l lll clii. music 1 ‘ (

I’ictiii’cx‘ “\lzccim.”

notably when trying to introduce
the Jungle queen in American

dating rites
Donovan Scott. as the inept and
lovable cameraman provides

most of the corn) laughs with his
slapstick tear of the ever present
Jungle animals in fact he threat
ens to steal the show which iii
this case would be no more than
a misdemeanor
KI‘LHNI‘ZthA'l‘lM. 4

”Shawn .\ outing Lil .\m
and Fun/tie ,Nlril
PG tnr ’}( (‘tlsl'l'lfL width
otthe bathing :tirwt;

viriwmis rated


(..-\Ii I I’II'JI(( I'I




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 THE KENTUCKY K ERNEL-Fall 1984, TUESDA Km 2'. 1.984 - 4


A\nd) ltumsiorl

Srtwh l‘dtttw






W, , s, V._ ~- JACK STIVEIS/Kcrncl Stall J Ark ST“ ”1‘ kernel Sis"

Freshman Mark Higgs sprints l‘or yardage during one of his 12 carries during Saturday‘s scrimmage. The

Sophomore quarterback Bill Ransdell fires a pass out to freshman Mark Higgs during Saturday‘s scrim-
freshman sensation sprinted for 48 total yards.

mage. Ransdell connected on four of seven passes for 45 yards.

Wildcats return

C /(1i/?()I'II(’ concerned aboutfi/ling gaps on Offensive line left open I) graduated seniors 05 opening date approaches

totisistctic} titti‘. tiiztig the gut»
iezt try graduaim seiziors \H‘l‘t‘ the
math things I K coach .lerry t'lai
tiorne stressed titter saturday s
scrinin‘itige tit t‘onxziziitiytealth Mad:


And yyithout titt
block points xiiii tie hard to cottie try
this year torthet ais

N'titot iett tackle Bot
the only I‘t‘fdl‘11111‘fi star'et‘ ‘he ma
iorify ot 'he ii‘oti' tine is gone The
tiutck and night) 'outed hacktieii:
ted ti; senior tieot‘ge Adams
migh' naye trouhie 21ndtng openings
toda 1". through

Right Him
shape it: the

ottetis.\e iLtic

\‘hut'tlet! is


.\(‘ H .I.


pt‘e! I}



lunch - brunch . dinner

557 S. Limestone



said. "but we need somebody to
make holes: for them and our ol‘len
s'\ e itne needs to be consisteh'

‘ our line is going to hate to come
through tor us thisyear "

ks ot no“, or until Sept it. which
is opening day tor the Cats. the word
is out that Shurtlett’ should he mined
tit sophomore Joe Prince and Junior
.lanies R81Ch\\911 at guards yunior
Ken Peirouiak or treshman 1)err
niontti Dawson at center and either
juniors \ernon Johnson or Tom
lttchey at the other tackle

And on ('lailmrnes line. injuries



its. .

are a no-no in preseason. as some
one once said

Apparently no one told Prince and

Neither of the hopetul starters
paid need to this yyarning Both \yere
out of action during Saturday's
scrimmage hecause o1 pulled ham-

And as ot yesterday. according to
t‘laiborne. both are not ahle to pracr

tlne thing pleasing to t‘laihorne
troni Saturday's scrimmage \\ as the
progress his tailbacks haye tiiade
since practice started

Adams. who rushed for 763 yards
in 19% and also was t'K's MVP iii
the Hall of Fame Bowl “llh 19 runs
tor 69 yards. led all players Satur-

t—The Baptist Student Union—
429 Columbia Ave.

2 57-3989






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day With locart‘ies tor iiiyai‘iis

Returning sophomore Mark lJtL’ttlt
rushed to times ter ’11 yards and
treshman .\1ark lliggs t'.t1‘t‘.ut 'lic
hall 12 times tor 4H)ill'tl>

tin the other hand t lttllntl‘tlt‘
a hit disappointed mm the tiuiiiliet
ot yards his hacks poked iii» 1.
hleak .BS yards rushing oi, ti» at
tempts. a little under tour yards per

Not any mayor pl‘illilt'lt. it ioiit oi
more yards cati he gained oii e\ei‘_\
run But this brings us hack to the
line and it.s itiahility to make open
ings' during Saturday s st'l‘lIIlttltttlt'
when they were going 1111 against
lesser advanced detensii t‘ pia\ ct‘s

"We didn't haw any long runs
(‘laihorne said ”l“,\erytliing


'\\ tL‘

nickel and di me

The [K coach also noted his dis
satisfaction With the perlormatice ot
his quarterbacks .

"\Ve ye got a lot ol work to do and
tit-still hayesonietime." he said

Sophomore Bill Ransdell. “hit is
itsted as the \o 1 replacement lot'
the graduated Randy Jenkins. coti
tiected oti tour of se\ en passes 101‘ 4.3

'ltight no“. it \It’ played a teatii
iotiiorrtm. Billy Ransdell \iould tie
our starter," ('laihorne said. but ' 1
did not feel he threyy the hall as y\ ell
today as he needs to ‘

Freshman Kevin Dooley. ytho is
iust \taiting in the \iings to get a
iump on his college career. com
pleted tour of live attempts and a ski

yard touchdoyxn strike to t‘isco Bry

"\one ol our passers threyt the
hall ytell ('laihorne said "They
did throu some nice passes. but they
were not :onsistent enough We had
the receiyers open "

tine .naior change ('laihorne and
his statt decided on during the oil
seasot. has a sytiicn iii the detensiye
secon iary

none is John (irimsley. the teams
leading tackler tor the last three
seasons. and Kevin .\lc(‘lelland. “ho
\\ as right behind (irimsley'

Replacing the two are senior ('am
.iacohs, an undersized defensive
lineman 6-3 228 and Larry Smith.
\\ ho has seen limited action for the
(‘ats at the lullhaek slot

“11 IN \|\. . ti”

We don ’t



llic ( .iitipiis lclcplioi'ic l)iiecioiy is going: to
picss iii cat ly \cpiciiihci. Do we lune _l our
correct address tL' telephone number?

\(Idress K I elcplltmc ( ‘llungc ( 'ards tit c
.i\.ti|tthlc at the Illlt‘llllilllilll lithlc iii the
(deal ll.tllo1llic\iudciii( ctiict.

August 27-3181
9 AM - 3:30 PM

l_'l( ('ampus Directory
\\ publication

- ‘ pl‘oy idcd
hy the





Hagan announces distribution


UK Athletic Director Cliff Hagan
announced yesterday that the stu-
dent distribution plan for the 1%4
football season will begin Sept. 4 for
the Kent State game on Sept, 8.

The distribution will start at 8
am. and run until 6 pm. at the tick-
et windows in front of Memorial Col~

For the remaining home games.
the tickets will go on sale to students
on the Monday preceding the game.
It was changed for this game to ac-
commodate students who plan to go
home for the Labor Day weekend.

Students must bring a validated
ID. and activities card to receive a
ticket. Students can bring two l.D.‘s
and activities cards to receive a
maximum of two tickets

If st