xt77d7957g1r https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt77d7957g1r/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 19190817 minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1919-08-jun17. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1919-08-jun17. 1919 2011 true xt77d7957g1r section xt77d7957g1r Irregularities -8- Index of Minutes of the Regular Quarterly Meeting of the Board of Trustees, June 17, 1919. 1. Adoption of Minutes. 2. Execution of Agreement with the Trustee of the George Peabody Fund. 3. Granting of Degrees. 4. Farm Boy's Encampment. 5. Doctor Patterson's Claim. 6. The Annual Budget for 1919-1920. 7. Election of Officers df the Board. 8. Red Cross Work. 9. Annual Report of President. Introductory. Student Discipline. Housing of Students. Chapter Houses for Fraternities. Feeding of Student Body. The University and the War. Finances of the University. The Building Program. Organization of University Business, Additions to the University Staff. Organization of University Business. Organization of Engineering College. Department of Education. Model High School. Smith-Hughes Work. Psychology. Extension Work. Agricultural Extension. University Extension. Agricultural College and Axperiment Station. Memorial Building. Salaries. The Library. Loan Funds. Cooperation. -9- 10. University Book Store. 11. Committee for Purchase of Coal. 12. Bond for Quartermaster itores. 13. Dr. Dimock's Salary. 14. Appointments, Changes in Status, Transfers. 15. Report of Business Agent. Addenda. Record kept of Budget. Minutes of the regular quarterly meeting of the Board of Trustees, University of Kentucky, for June 17, 1919. - The Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky met in regular quarterly session in the President's office at the University at 11:00 o'clock a. m., Tuesday, June 17, 1919. On roll call, the following members were present: Richard C. Stoll, R. P. Ernst, P. P. Johnston, Jr., Sena- tor H. M. Froman, V. 0. Gilbert, Mat S. Cohen, Rainey T. Wells, J. M. Zlliston, J. R. Rash, Frank McKee and W. H. Grady. President Frank L. MoVey, and Wellington Patriok, Secretary of the Board, were also present. (1) Adoption of Minutes. The minutes of the meeting of the Board of Trustees for April 1, 1919, were read and the following resolution passed with respeot thereto: Whereas a meeting of the Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky was held on April 1, 1919, at which there was not a quorum present, now therefore be it resolved that the actions taken by that meeting of the Board are adopted as the actions of this meeting. A motion was made, seconded, and carried adopting the minutes of the Executive Committee as published since last meeting. (2) Agreement with Trustee of the George Peabody Fund Executed - Mr.-Stoll stated to the Board that the agree- ment between the University and the Trustee of the George Pembody Fund, (the Phoenix and Third Trust Company), had been executed in the form prescribed by the Board of Trustees at a previous meeting. (3) Granting of Degrees. President McVey presented to the Board the following list of candidates for degrees accompanied by letters from tho Secretary of the Senate. On motion the list of candidates was approved as presented. The letters from the Secretary of the Senate and list of candidates are as follows: University of Kentucky Lexington Junle 11, 1919 To the Students of the University: Students who desire to be- come candidates for Rhodes Scholar- ship will please hand to me an appli- cation, asking that their names be considered for this scholarship. The details can be ascertained by application to the President's office. The statement of the application should show age, courses of study pursued, gen- eral activities and interests while at college, and four testimonials from persons well acquanited with the appli- cant. Frank L. McVey, President. June !7, 1919 To the 'Members of the Board of Trustees, University of Kcntucky. Gentlemen: The Senate of the University of Kentucky recommendo the following persons as being worthy of the honorary degree of Doctor of Laws: William Dixon Ileaver, Charlottesville, Virginia. Edwtard ..arren Hines, Louisville, Kentucky. Rcspeotfully submitted, Ezra L. Gillis, Secretary to the Senate. 3. June 17, 1919 To the Mcmbers of the Board of Trustecs, University of Kentucky. Gcntlemen: The Senate of the University of Kentucky certifies to you that the following persons have completed the courses of study required for the degrees indicated and recommends that the same be granted. Respectfully submitted Ezra L. Gillis Secretary to the Senate. CANDIDATES FOR DEGREES qopLege of Arts and Scienoe Candidates for the Degree of B.^chelor of Arts Mary Elizabeth Beoll Edna King Berkele Isaac Anderson Bowles Emmit Evart Bratoher Ruth Howard Cardwell Marie Collins Bessie Taul Conkwright Eleqnor Flora Eaker Elizabeth Featherston Ola Logan. ?igg Edward Earl Gotherman Mildred Hazen Graham Virginia Taylor Graham Ada Louise Hardesty Lillian Ella HIaydon Riohard Earl Henry Vaneta Thomas Horlaoher Everett Edward Kelley llamie MoCann Lee 1-\foClain Elizabeth McGowan Bernard Ivoosniok George Eliatt Park 'ialter Clay Piper Mary Gray Riley Ila See Margaret Sexton Louise Singer Stevenson Eliza Xa.ye Spurrier Perry Elmo Thomas Cardwell Douglas Triplett Dillard Hazelrigg Turner Margaret Helmsing Tuttle Dorothy Caldwell *;alker Sudie .loris a4hittinghill Lucy Aloysia Young Candidate for the Degree of Bachelor of Soienoe Lillian Frmoes MoConnell 4. Candidates for the Degree of Bachelor of Arts in Journalism John Thornton Connell Frederiok Marion Jackson Eliza MoLean Piggott Charles IEvans Planok Candidates for the Degree of Haohelor of Science in Industrial Chemistry Frank Homer Bell Eli Baerlo Friedman Louis Goldberg Jacob Liebschutz Arthur VIalton Petrey College of Agriculture Candidates for the Degree of Bachelor of Science in Agriculture George Ivan Barnes Ruth Montgomery Duokwall Richard Lindsey Dunoan Poster Floyd Elliott Carsie Hammonds Ben Gordon Marsh Louis Reusoh, Jr. Wilbur Preston Rhoads Samuel Headley Shouse Edward Terrill Tapsoott Candidates for the Degree of Bchzlor of Soienoe in Home Economios Lois Real Brown Julia Yeomans Burbank Laura Cassidy Sarah Mildred Collins Effie Lee Gentry Sarah Caliwell Harbison Austin Page Lilly Eliza Clay Maeon Sarah Katherine Parrish Elizabeth Danforth Piokett Elsie Gertrude Potter Louise Turner College of Engineering Candidates for the Degree of Bachelor of Soience in Civil Engineering Ruby Karl Diamond Raymond Wesley Banson Charles Franklin Johnson Moss Smith Candidates for the Degree of Barchelor of Soience in Mechanical Engineering Frederlkic Paul Anderson, Jr. Louis Henry Bauer Trice Morton Bell Charles Frederic deMey, Jr. Eugene Allen Edmonds Gilbert Frmnkel Alvin Kobn Eugene Allen Lillard Harry Edward Maddox Hoomer G. Proctor Charles Lranden Templin James Stuart Wallingford Robert Samuel Arnold nalter Scott Baugh .iilliam Russell David David Russell Dudley Joseph Michael Eyl Alexander Daniel Hall John Julian Leman James Ellyson McClellan Hugh Meglone Milton, Jr. John Felix Shouse Carl Albert Timmer Candidates for the Degree of Bachelor of Science in Mining Engineering Ceoil TormaL Batbel Candidates for the Degree of Bachelor of Laws Carl Henry Denker William Joseph Kallbrier Herbert Horton Grecne Charles Spurgeon Ramsey CANDIDATES FOR ADVANCED DEGREES Master of Arts William Whitfield Elliott Simeon Elbridge Leland Harvey Pierson Pettit Shelby Smith Elam Civil Engineer George Atwell Scott James Rufus ,tatkins (4) Farm Boys' Encampment. The matter of the contri- bution of the University to the Farm Boys' Encampment, considered at the meeting of the Executive Committee on June 6, 1919, was taken up and discussed. A motion wvs made, seconded, and adopted providing for reconsideration of the previous action of the Board with respect thereto. After discussion a motion was made, seconded, and adopted authorizing the University to pay $600 to the State Fair Board for the year 1919, the same as-as paid in the year 1918. A motion was made, seconded, and adopted requesting the President of the University to report at the meeting of the Board in September whether in his opinion it would be advis- able to continue the contribution by the University, also whether it would be desirable to hold the encampment on the campus of the University. (5) Dr. Patterson's Claim. The letter from Dr. Patterson dated May 27, 1919j to Mr. Stoll, recorded in the minutes of the Executive Committee for June 6, 1919, and referred to the Board of Trustees for further action, was read and discussed. On motion, made, seconded, and unanimously adopted, the Seore- tary of the Board was directed to convey to Dootor Patterson the following. that the Board of Trustees has no desire or intention to humiliate or embarrass him; that it has the high- est regard and respect for him; but that it does feel that the matter in question should be brought to a settlement in the customary and usual business form. The Board, therefore, has instructed the Business Agent of the University to pay to Doctor Patterson $2,700, upon the tender of a receipt for all claims he may have against the University. 6. (6) The Annual -Budget The annual budget of the Uni- versity for the fiscal year 1919-1920, recommended to the Board at Trustees by the Executive Committee at its meet- ing on June 6, 1919, Was taken up, read, discussed, and with a few correotions adopted. (A complete copy of the budget as adopted, certified to by the Chairman of the Executive Com- mittee and Secretary of the Board is filed with the record copy of the minutes of the meeting. Copies of suoh por- tions of the budget as pertain to the various departments are furnished to the heads of departments by the President thru the deans.) (7) Election of Officers. The following officers of the Board of Trustees were elected for the ensuing year: Richard C. Stoll, Vice-chpirman; John R. Downing, Treasurer; Wellington Patrick, SecretAry. Executive Committee: R. C. Stoll, R. G. Gordon, R. P. Ernst, P. P. Johnston, Jr., and Rainey T. Wells. (8) Courses in Red Cross Work Introduced. President McVey read to the Board the following communication from R. J. Colbert, Assistant Divisional Director, Lake Division, American Red Cross: The American Red Cross Lake Division Headquarters Cleveland, Ohio Juno 12, 1919 President Frank L. Molley, University of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky. My dear President MoVev: Complying with your suggestion, I am submitting in the following lines a brief statement of proposition the Red Cross extends to the University of Kentucky and also a brief state- ment of the budget -- minimum and maximum - which I think will be necessary for the development of the proposed courses in training for social service: 1. During the past two years the American Red Cross has organized and developed its Home Service program in each county of the State of Kentucky -- and thruoug the United States. The peace time program of the Red Cross aims to establish this social service permanently in each community -- to meet what- ever sooial problems and needs the community presents, whether affecting soldiers' families or not. 2. The permanent establishment of such work rests upon the securing for each community a trained, full-time, paid 7- executive who .'5 oapable of organizing and developing the work and keeping the community interest and supporting it. 3. The permanent program of social service calls for pernanent training facilities, not merely for short courses, but professional courses of a semester, a year, two years and possibly even longer. Just as there is a constant demand in law, medicine and other professions, there is also a constant demand for high grade social workers -- right now the demand cannot be supplied. 4. In order to conserve the gains made during the war and in recognition of the field and facilities of state uni- versities, the Red Cross makes the following proposition: (a) To assist the University in organizing and devel- oping courses in training for social -ork -- especially courses which train for work in rural and small town commnunities. (b) For each course offered -- whether six Teeks, a semester, a year in length -- the Lake Division office of the Red Cross will advnnce the Sum of $100.00 to meet the expenses and provide the equipment for such courses. (c) An accounting of the fees collected from the stu- dents -- it is recommended that a special fee of $3.00 be charged - is to be made; but this may adso be refunded to meet the expenses and provide equipment for the course. This; then, gives to each course for expenses and equipment $100.00 plus the speoial fees, usually amounting to $54.00 (eighteen students at $3.00) or $154.00. (d) The Red Cross will pay the salary and necessary traveling expenses of a full-time instructor (or assist- ant professor) who will have charge of the field work of the students and the organizing and development of sociological laboratory facilities. This instructor (or assistant professor) will be chosen only with the approval of the President of the University and the Head of the Department of Sociology. His salary will be paid by the Red Cross until the University budget can be arranged to assume the obligation. The salary of such a person will be paid on a twelve months basis by the Red Cross and will range from $1,800 to $2,400 (more if absolutely necessary to get the right man). (e) The Director of the courses should be the Read of the Department of Sociology, and he would have all the administrative responsibilities in regard to the course. 8. While the-l-ri is associated with the Red Cross, he is considered a staff member of the Lake Division of the Red Cross, Bureau of Researah and Eduoation and will be given frequent opDortunitic:s to attend staff conferences, social science conferences, cto.,. suchi a3s will tend to further the devclonment on the fror* in the University and increase the standards of training. (f) For the most part the recruiting of students Ifill be done by the Division Representatives of the Red Cross, and the properly qualified students of the University will be most weloome. All training classes should be limited to eighteen or even less. The Red Cross has drawn heavily from other social agencies, and therefore in recognition of this fact, places no exception on persons who desire to enter some other field of social work -- other things being equal -- a worker from any other agency will be admitted on the same footing as an exeoutive secretary of a Red Cross Homo Service Section. (g) The granting of credit for such courses and the rating given the students is a matter wholly to be decided by the Department of Sociology and the University officials. A certificate will be granted to those students who suocess- fully complete the courses and are recommended by the director for certificates. 5. The budget necessary for this ooming year beginning with this summer session -- minimum and maximum estimate -- is as follows: Item 1\iinimdm Maximum 1. Instructor (or assistant . professor)........ .. $1,800 $2,750 2, Fivo six-week courses .v..., 500 770 3; Tr.o semester courses ...... 50 200 4. Traveling expenses of Direotor and training supervisor ............... 200 .300 2,550 4D020 - This includes libraryand laboratory equipment, the ini- tial expense of which makes the first yearl's budget higher than the subsequent Shears. This does not include the cost of providing a class room and heat and light. Nor does it include any part of the salary of the Director or head of the department who is already a member of the University staff. All the items mentioned above will be assumed by the Red Cross for at least the coming school year, beginning if -oossible with the summer session, or until such time as the University budget can be arranged to assume full ro'sponsibility.'' It is recognized as a. Uni- vers.ty responsibility and the Red Cross does not desire to do any more than assist in getting the work under wmy. Respectfully submitted, R, 3. Colbert, Assistant Divisional Dircotcr. On recommendation by President McVey, it was moved, seconded, and unanimously adopted that the proposal con- tained in the foregoing communication be accepted by the Board of Trustees. (9) President's Annual Report. President MelVey then made the following report to the Board of Trustees. 10. (10) University Book Store. President McVey read a report from the Committee appointed to investigate the matter of a University book store, the report being as follows: Your committee on the establishment of a University book store desires to make the following report: It recommends that such a store be established and that the contract entered into by the University with the party to manage the store includes the following points: (1) That the University provide a suitable room and equipment, including heat, light, etc., for the management of such a store; (2) That the manager selected shall furnish sufficient capital to conduct the business, and he will be allowed a profit of ten per cent on all books and other articles of- whatever kind handled; (3) That the manager shall give bond to the amount of $2500 for the faithful performance of his contract; (4) That new books only shall be sold; (5) ThetA the details of the manner of conducting the bin iliss, the frtioleg, aside from books, to be handled, etc., be left to the committee oh the University book store; (6) That all the acdounts and other business matters of the store be Open to the committee and audited at stated times by the Business Agent of the University; (7) That all books ordered by University instructors for classes be ordered thru this medium; (8) That a manner of terminating this dontradt, shoild a ore unsatisfactory to either party, be inserted, approved by President McVey. Your committee further' suggests, that as Hr. J. 4 Bbattilo has had experience in this line, he be given the first oppor- tunity to contract under the above terms with the University for the management of the proposed store. C. R. Melcher, Chairman of Committee on Univerbity Book Store. On motion, duly made and seconded, the Executive Committee was authorized to enter into a contract for the operation of suoh a store. 11. (i1i) Committee for Purchase of Coal. President MoVey reported to the Board that specifications for the purchase of coal had been prepared and sent to dealers, but that so far only one firm had submitted a bid. After discussion, the chair appointed Mr. Grady and Senator Peak as a committee to make arrangements for the purchase of cor-l iuer the ooming year. (12) Business AqenL Authorized to Execute Bond. On motion, duly made and seconded, the following resolu- tion was adopted. Be it resolved by the Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky that the Business Agent of the University, D. H. Peak, be and is hereby directed to execute for and in the name of the University of Kentucky, a bond conditioned in the sum of twenty-eight thousand dollars ($28,000), to be satisfactory to the W1ar Department of the United States, said bond to be executed in duplicate, one copy of which is to be forwarded to the Quartermaster General of the Army and the other to be filed in the office of the Business Agent for future reference. (13) Salary of Dr. W. W. Dimook. President McVey reported to the Board that subsequent to the recent appoint- ment of Dr. W. Wl. Dimock, he had received offers of larger salaries at several other places, but that Dr. Dimock had declined them owing to his engagement with the University. The President recommended that on and after July 1, 1920, Dr. Dimocl s salary be increased from $3,000 to $3,300. On motion, the recommendation was approved. (14) Aupointments reappointments chances in status. transfers. President MoVey then presented to the Board- recommendations for the following list of appointments, re- appointments and changes in status and transfers, whioh on motion was approved. Appointment of Dr. k. J. Steiner as assistant vete- rinarian and instructor in veterinary science in the de- partment of veterinary science, at a salary of $1,800 a year, effective July 1, 1919, or at such date thereafter as he can arrange to report. Be is a graduate of Iowa Agricultural College and now employed at the Oklahoma Agricultural College. Appointment of Miss Mary F. Sweeny as head of the Department of Home Eoonomios and in charge of home econom- ics work in extension, at a salary of $2,500 a year, ef- fective August 15, 1919, or at such earlier date as she can assume work. 12. Changes in Title 1. J. Kinney, associate professor in agronomy to be professor of larm crops. George Robc-ri.a, in addition to his other duties to be made asizis?anL Tcan. D. J. ii.ly, . adciticu to bacteriologist in the Department of ChcT!isiry, experiment Station, to be professor of Agricultural Bacteriology in the teaching division. Miss Linda Purnell, instructor in Hoie Economics, to be assistant professor of Home Economics. J. R. Martin, instructor in poultry, to be assista t professor in poultry husbandry. Transfers N. R. Elliott, acting head of Department of Horti- oulture; transferred to extension department-and put.in charge of work of specialists. N. 1M. Cregor, laboratory assistant in the Publio Service Laboratories to the position of extension special- ist in agronomy, effective June 16, 1919. His salary is to be $1,800 a year, effective July 1, 1919. Reappointments The following reappointments are made for the periods indicated: Cogge of Arts and Science G. R. Bancroft, Assistant Professor of Chemistry, for three years Florence i1. Barrett, Instructor in Romance Languages, for one year Minna IMioLeod Beck, Assistant Professor of Art and Design, for one year W. E. Butt, Assistant Professor of Hittory and Politioal Science, for three years H. H. Downing, Assistant Professor of Mathematics, for three years A& Gill, Assistant Professor of Athletics, 7ield Conoh, for three years Frances Jewell, Instructor in English, for one year F. T. Mc'arland, Assistant Professor of Botany, for three years Marguerite McLaughlin, Instructor in Journalism, for one year E. C. Mabie, Assistant Professor of English, for three years G. W. Smith, Instruotor in Mathematics, for one year G. if. Whiting, Instructor in English, for one year 13 Engineering Colleoe P. M. Arkle, Mechanical Enginecr, for one year C. S. Crouse, Assistant Professor, for one year L. B. Crowder, Instructor, for one year J. B. Dicker, Instructor in wFood Shops, for one year R. D. Hawkins, Instructor, for one year J. S. Horino, Assistant Professor, for three years George L. Jackson, Instructor, for one year HJ. A. Newmnr, Assistant Professor, for three years S. T. Sa.unior, Instructor, for one year D. N. Singer, Instructor, for one year (F C. Tucker, Instructor, for one year $. G. Watkins, Instructor, for one year Louise G. *Jebb, Instructor, for one year Resignations Resignation of Fred C. Jalters, Superintendent of Model High School, effective at the end of the present scholastic year. Resignation of Dr. A, W. Calhoun, assistant professor of sociology, effective at the end of the present scholas- tic year. (15) Report of the Business APcnt. The financial statement of the Business Agent whioh was prepared for presentation to the Board was as follows: 14 Trial Balance -- General Ledger May 31, 1919 Debit : Credit _____________________________________._____________________________________- 1. Real Estatc, Building, Equipmcnt, etc... 5. Additions and Betterments............... ,l5. Cash ................................... 21. Pctty Cash ............................ 24. Trca.surer ol the University ............ 90. Outstanding Warrants ................... 36. Accounts Receivable .................... 41, Students' Ledger ............ ........... 44. Supplies, Michanical and Electrical .... 50. Departmcnt Material and Supplies........ 52. Store Room Cash ........................ 54. Store Room ............................ 6o. Insurance Paid in Advance ............. 63. Students Uniform Fund .................. 65. Land Grant Endowment Funds ............. 66* Peabody Endowvment Fund ................. 67. Crum Bequest .......... ......... 68. Bennett Bequest ........................ 69. Southern R. R. Student Loan Fund. 70. Class 1917 Chemistry Library Fund. 71. Fleischman Fund ........................ 75. Cafeterias ............................. 81. Miscellaneous .......................... 85. Notes Payable ......................... 88. Returned Chocks. 92. Accounts Payable. 200. Real Zstate, Buildings, Equipment, etc. 205. Additions and Betterments ............. 222. Treasurer of the University ........... 230. Outstanding Wtarrants ................... 236. Dairy Accounts Receivable. 245. Department M1aterial and Supplies ...... 250. Store Room ....... 260. Insuranoc Paid in advanoce ............ 308. Treasurer of the University ........... 318. Outstanding Warrants. 375'. Capital a-nd Surplus ........... 395. Income - Trust Fund ................... 400. Income - Gcneral Fund ................. 410t Income - Experiment Station. 415. Income - Extension Division . . 420, Instruction ........................... 425. Administration Expense ............... 430. Patterson Hall Expense .... 435. General Expenditures ................. 440. Expcriment Station Expense * ...... 445* Extension Division Expense ... $831,340.37 135,441.09 : 1. 00 1,000.00 ..... ....... .......... 19,800.82 1,075.99 : 1,805.22 8,853.46 14.15 : 2,699.07 9,262.03 133.00mu 144,075.00 40,000.00 : 578.32 448.36 : 1,000.00 100.00 958.33 2.41 :.......... 95-78 :.......... 372,983.41 11,867.51 91,679.21 3,008.74 10,498.53 894.48 1,747.48 29,800,96 1lR7,288"01 86,858.84 1.9,823;30 : 26,776.80 : 201,110.93 : 8,585.64 $74-52-2-509,60 : ........... : ........... :........... 97,162.81 4,586.57 : ........... : ........... : ........... : ........... : ........... : ........... : ........... :........... :........... ........... ........... ........... ........... ........... 13.50 44,500.00 2,894.64 ...... ..... * .-.... -..-.. 1,059*38 :........... : .......... : 259;95 1,368,137.69 458-33 632,260.62 256,870.50 113,304.61 :........... : ...0.... :2,522.509X.60 15 Statement of Cash Rcoe'pts and Disbursements Mei 3!.. 1919 : Previously : Currcnt : Fisoal Year : Rcportcd : ionth tc Date _____________________________- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ____ -._ -.________________________ Ca.sh ia Bank and on hand, April 30, 1919.. Rcoeipts General Fund Income ......... Experiment Station Income Extcnsion Division Income .. Accounts Receivable. Old Material, eto., Sold Trust Fund Income ........... Studenta Uniform Account Notes Payable ...... Refund on Insurance. Prcmum . Total Receipts Total ............. Expenditures Accounts Payable ............. Notes Payable ............... Returned Clhocks ............. Total Expenditures. :$ 47. OD-4q : 630,z73.51 : 216,705.38 : 10%9492.89 18,111.83 283.75 :1 416.66 342.65 90,000.00 : ' 10.03 : o;6s5. 632.70 $1,112,733.19 : : 940,007.28 : : 65,ooo.oo : :10506.4618 : :1,005,Q64.46 : $42 .96$ 78 : $ ,0. o .2E $A, 6.. . . 2,782.92 633;056.43 26,963.32: 243;,67170 3,-811.72: 113,304.61 2,-983.97: 21,095.80 196.00 479.75 41.67 458.33 ., ..... . . : 342.65 ..........: 90,000.00 :10.03 36.779.60 :1.102.419.30 79,746.38 :1,192,479.57 61,280.32 :1,001,2%7;60 .......... : 65,000.00 6 3.69 :1669.38- 61,333.92 :i,o66,398.38 Cash in Bank and on Hand, May 31, 1919 ................ Total ............ : -.66873 : 18.412.46 126.:81.19 :1,112,733.19 : 79,746.38 :1,192,479.57 University of Kcntucky Balance Sheet as at May 31, 1919 Assets General Fund Current and Working Assets Cash in Bank ............................................ Cash on Hand ...................- Petty Cash Account ................................ .. Accounts Receivable ................... , ._., Matorial and Supplies. Total and Currcnt Jorking Assets ................. Insurance Paid in Advance ............................ Total General Fund Assets ........................ Zniowmcnts, Bequests, etc. Land Grant Endowment ............ . $144,075.00 Peabody Endowment . ..........40,000.00 Crum B@euest . ........... 578.32 Bennett Bequest .................. 448.36 Southern R. R. Loan Fund . . 1,000.00 Class of 1917 Chemistry Library Fund . 100.00 Fleischman Fund . ........... Total Enaowments, Bequests, Etc.................................... $ 17,411.46 1.00 1, 000. 00 24, 103-24 24,764.91 67,280.6]. $78,290.12 ..... 187,160o.01 Real Estate, Buildings, Equipment, Eto. Property Accounts as at Juno 30, 1918,. . 1,204,323.78 Additions Since . Total Real Estate, Buildings, Equipment, Etc. ........................